HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-2-11, Page 8arses ! Chile 1 We make up two Condition Powders, one for Horses and the other for Cattle. Both those powders contain a special ingredient not fatted in any Condition Powder receipt. It will pay you to use it. Your horse will do better on acme feed and retain the benefit long after yon atop giving, not like some powders which when ono.) given you meet keep on or your animal goes back. He will feel better, he will look better and he will sell better after tieing this powder. Yon oan depend on this as X will stake my repute, tion on it. AS for Cattle they will fatten better and quicker and keep their appetite better when using our Powder made speoially for cattle, It is equally good whether you are fattening or to bring in. to condition. If your animate have lice we have that whiob will rid them of this enemy of thrift, II you have any witb ringworm I oan give yon a mixture guar. anteed to cure. It comae obeep and easily applied. Do not neglect ringworm on your stock as it quiokly spreads not only =onset themselves, but to those attending to them. If you want blisters or liniments we make them, G. A. Deadman, Druggist, Optioian d Bookseller. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 40ATEEHN axTENarON W. G. it n. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows; Gogo Sowon, Come News, 0spresa 7:10 man. stall .....,.....2:10m Sired.,0:45 a.m. Express 10:01 p,m ears NtIts Pins. A ohiel's amang ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. LA mann. VALeNTrnn'e day next Monday. FOIIRT Hiv" D Ision Court on Tuesday, , Y GET the snow off your share of the sidewalk. Seneca, Board on Friday evening of this week. Hoe. A. S. astute is expected to peg Bruseele a visit in the near future, Twsave applioatfons were reoeived by the town Counofl for the position of gen- eral utility man in Brueaels. A suoscenme renewing for Tan Poo from Peoria, Illinois, says :—Lt is a weekly visitor that is always welcome. Two cars of feed euro have been receiv- ed by the National Roller milts this week. There were 1,300 basbels in the two care. Two or three weddings were celebrated on Wednesday of this week, in wbioh the people of this community were more or less interested, POST2IASTEB FARROW has been re- appointed 0. P. R, ticket agent ab Brae. eels in oonneobion with the re -opening of the company's office in town. Wet. JzwyTT has let the wetted for a large addition to his residence, 91111 street, to Thos. Newsome, The work will be pushed ahead as soon as the Spring opens, AT the K. 0. T. M. last Friday even- ing 16 oandidates were initiated, making the total present membership 69. It was on to the we' meta' hours before the company separated. TEE Jersey cow advt. in THE POST last week sold the animal in short order, Mr, Leatherdals bad a number of appli- cations after she was parted with, An advt. in Tnn Pose counts every time. AT the Division Court, held on Tues. day the only cage of importance was that of McLeod ve, Little, action on account, G. F. Blair represented the plaintiff and H. B. Morphy the defendant. Verdiet was given the latter. APrL1(7,1TI=11 has been made by W. H, Kerr, Senretary for Grey Branch Agri. cultural Society, for en exeorsion on the 14th of June to run to the Experimental Farm at Guelph. Negotiations are now being made for trains. TEE Grand Orange Lodge of Ontario Wast, which was to have begun its an• nual session in Palmereton on the let of March, bee postponed its opening until the 16th of that month, owing to the Provincial eleotfons taking place on the 1st. STEwenT-11oVoex.—A pretty wedding took place at 4 o'clock Wednesday after- noon, at the residence of Thos. Stewart, Elizabeth Street, Stratford, when Mise Kate MaVean, of Scotland, late of New York, was married to Alex. F. Stewart, of Langdon, North Dakota, son of Alex. Stewart, Queen street, Brussels. Rev. R. F. Cameron, of North Easthope, form. erly of Cranbrook, tied the nuptial knot in the presence of the immediate friends and relatives of the contraoting partiee. Miss Tena Orerar, Sbretford, supported the bride, wbilst Peter Stewart, also of Langdon, North Dakota, and brother of the groom, was beet man. After the ceremony a tasty luncheon was served. The newly wedded pair will remain is Stratford for some days, after which they will visit in Brussels, leaving for their future home in Langdon in three or four weeks. 'Tea PoeT expresses the good wih this locality fort the futu eaprosperitys of himself and bride. It will be the grooms- man's turn next and that before long, so it is said on the quiet. the C untyLit Orange a Lodge of of Heron war held in the Orange Hell. Winghot week. Owing to the bad tate oon f ot ] the roads and the inclemency of the weather there was not as Imrge an attendance as usual. The meeting was a very harmonious and enthusiastic one, however. Owing to the absence of county Neater Dane, Deputy Master Wilford occupied the chair. After the general buaigsee of the meeting wag oonciaded, the following ethers' were °looted for the °netting year; W. C. M•, John Wilford, 968, Blyth ; D. C. M., W. J. Greer, 707, Gerrie ; O. Obap,, Bre. Lowe, 704, Wingbam 0, R. 13., ethos. Nash, 767, Gerrie; (7, p`, S•, W. R. Mooney, 774, Brussels ; 0. Treed., Wm, Dryads, 409, Bei rave; 0. D. of 0., T. J. McLean, 704, Wing. ham ; 0, tests., Robb. Mobrea, 402, Iielgrevo, and M. Mains, 808, Londee• boyo. It was decided to hold the County celebration in the village of Blyth on the coming f8th of jail. The fleet annual AI .r1 .nJ B R !J SSL' L S POST F0141011 WATT and Chas. Sager were et Pardon ; (2) Because ()brief' is ore et Clinton tike week atbondiug to thele Sebotituto ; (3) Becalm' it epettke of the oe, 1 Log• Is, al tib 1 080085017 repairs to their Fire Beet Nolneet'Iot Meeting for the Loom ielatnre in the Town Hall, Brnsse Tuesday, 2linin incite oommoneing p, m. Mn. Wull'Nae will addrese a political meeting in Bruseele Town Hall oti Fri' deg afternoon of this week, Ile is oleo expected toe eak its the evening Bimseirs 1lriving Park Aesoo purpose holding a program of horse on the half mile traces on 11te Qt Birthday. Tien badly drifted reeds one storm interfered with t110 attendan the Horse Fair on Thursday of last Next Fair on Thursday, March 3rd, Two loads of Bruasolites attends political meeting at Jamestown last urday evening and another load of Ivere at Ur- Gorrow's meeting, iu grave, on Wedcesday eveuing, TILE dates of supplementary mss in conneotlon with Emit Huron Far Institute that were billed for Lead Cocstanoe, Ethel and B:uevate, been amtoelled owing to eleotion interfering. Announcement will made later of the sew dates, Wmrasr se Contlnr,.—:sir. Whit Leader of the Opposition, aeoompa by Col, Matheson, M, P. P., Thee, wood, M. 1'. 7,, and others are expe to arrive in Brueeels on the 9 p, m, t on Friday, The local Committees engaged the towu Band and are arran for a procession from the depot t Town Hall. Afternoon meeting is flounced for 2.30 and the evening gat ing at 8 o'clock. Dr, Chisholm, of W ham, has been delegated to read an dress to Mr. Whitney at the afteru meeting. Mee, Hninse, formerly of Brass writes froln White River, in renew her subscription to Ton Posy, ae follo —We appreoiate Tun PosT more t ever since coming up here. I like country very well and this Winter been exceptionally mild for these pa Tom holds a good positions as Loaomo Foreman. We have a nioe church (M diet), se0vioes being held two or th Imes each week, Ministers from Oh eau and Sehrieber take pert. Tire S ay school is also well attended for ize of the place. The girls assist in he young are trying to organize a 011 inn En e d aver cele S t. Y S. S. Eseari Aeouear,—Last Mond vening the annual entertainment onneotion with Melville church Sabb chord was held and was a most enj bee occasion, After a welt preps upper had been oared for the followi cried and interesting program w eeented ; —Par t 1.—Hymu, "Ho oly, Holy," congregation ; pre e hairman's address, Rev. Jno. Nosey chorus, "Little bands," by t llildren ; solo, "Nearer my God bee" Miss Jean Ritchie ; remtatio Dolly and I," Levice Sinclair ; char Ten Hale servants," children ; addre ev, G, J, Abey ; solo end quartt y request) "Moment by moment 18805 1Vilson and Stewart and Mes tracban and Rose ; chorus, "Let 1p mother," children ; recitation a ng, "Jesus tells me iu the Bible eery Moore. Part 2,—Anthe ehovah's praise," choir ; address, Re J. Antis ; recitation, "The great an od George Washington," Rona uolair ; male quartette, "Let the bfl rl vales resound," Messrs. Sioolai moban, Ross and Cameron ; Tipto ng, children ; solo, "Angel land," Mf to Wilson ; chorus, "God in Love ildreu ; address, Superiutenden air ; sole, "Guard us ; Guide us, es Lida Crooks ; Doxology, congrega n ; prayer. The school is in a pros tone condition and is well offioered, 'Essinewmn."—Thr Wingbam Dram o Company presented "Esmeraldit t Friday evening, in the Town Hal der the auspices of Brussels Pabdi beery. The various characters Wer resented as follows :--"Mrs. Rogers,' ss McKenzie ; "Esmeralda," Mts nstone ; "Nora Desmond,' Miss N ede aid ; "Kate Desmond," Miss W odonaid ; "Old Man Rogers," W. T divan • "Dave Hardy," J. Bell stabrook,' A. G. Bastedo ; "Joo emend" and the "Marquis," H, 0 1. The following is a brief synopsi he drama, which was given in fou e t—Tourists in North Carolina ale er ore on old man's farm. Tbis faa pleas in Mrs. Rogers an intense desire ravel. Sbe consequently sella the m and separates Esmeralda from her r°gather ave Hall"Che Donald b follws so"the ere to Paris, where he is discovered he Deamonds, who, through Estee k, announce to him that Esmeralda till tree, and t11at he has been made illionaire, The old man, worried by noticeable failing in Eemeralda'e th, decides to appeal to the Marquis ive up Esmeralda. The Marquie re. s to do eo and Esmeralda thee repndi• him. The old lady's plots and plans Eemeralda's adyancement hewing set at naught by the old man, meralda and Dave are once more eel and go back made happier to th Carolina," The various perform• id their parts very well for amateurs. noticeable defect was that some of ompany did not appear to be very acquainted with their parte, and the piing was too loud. A solo by Miss McDonald was very nicely rendered Mr. Sullivan was heartily received The Land of the Maple," cation 05005 154u'O anew oe at week. d the Sat. nine Bel - tinge mesa' bury, have dates be nay, flied Mag. eted rain (lave ging o the an. her. ing- ad- 000 els, ing 108 ban this has rts. Live eth- sea ap- un- the it. ri - a ay iu ath oy• red og as ly, r; B. he to n, ne, ss, tel 8r e. US nd m, a Id le r, BS • • • 1, a k t t 1 a T e a a pr R (b M he soJ S. go Si an St so Ka ob BI iSti tie pe ati las nn Li rep Mi va Ma Ma Su E De Bel of t act cav ins to t far love ed t Rog by t broo is s am the heel to g fuse aces for been Beunit Nor ere d One the c well prom Wa anin,. CHURCH Cif&1IEIi. G, F. Blair and W. H. Kerr were in. vited bo attend the local Sabbath school Convention at Auburn on Wednesday of next week, Rev, Jno, Boas' eubjeobe next Sabbath will be ns follows : Morning, "0lirietien'e oonSiot fb bhe valley of Humiliation," and in the evening, "Apolly°n," Tim Wiogham Advance of lest week says :—Rev, G. J. Abey, of Brussels, preaolted two very effeotive sermons in St, Paul's Merrell on Sunday on behalf of domestic missions.; Services at the usual hours on Sunday next in the Methodist thumb. The meter will preach morning and evening. Morning topic, "Mabtliew the Collector of Customs," Sunday school and Bible Wastes at 2.80 p. m. Evening topic, "bonfeeeion, what and why?" In connection with the quarterly cam. minion aerviose in the Methodist church, last Sabbath, appropriate dieooureee were preaol ed by the pristine "The biod of Jesse Christ speakoth bettor things than that of Abel" was the text in the morn, Ing. the following three pointe Muskat - reeding will be }sold in Wiogh am, ing the eubjoot 1—(1) Because it epeaks Value of Human Life. Romans 10 an l 10 was the ground work for the overlie' discourse, (1) Heart belief makes yaps God'e promisor of snlvation (2) It is a belief of man in his best moments ; (.1) Out of it grows 75050001 ospericncee. The subject wilt be continued nest Sal, - bath evening, Two excellent dieooureea were dative -- ed in Melville church Met Sabbath l y Rev. D. Petrie, of Wingbam. His te•:b in the morning wns ',They that kno,v the Lord shall be strong and doexploite" In the evening Isaiah 04bit chapter al d 82nd verse, "We all do fade as a leaf " were the words chosen, Mr. ferric i a fine preacher, Business Locals, Fon fauoy rockers go to Jno. Walker's, Berne value in elegte harness for title month. I, 0. Riohards, SEE sons of the Ninety peeler tables .t Jno. Walker's, Tnuxxe sad satchels ; nioe aseor•tmer-0, low prioes. I. C. Richards. Two oars of feed corn received. Beeper 6 Vanstono. A row robes and blankets left which offer at cost. I. 0. Richerda, firer gaantity of good feed Dorn it National Roller mills. Tien balance of men's felt boots at crsot to clear them oat. I. C. Richards. WANTED in exchange far harness, 4 fob hardwood, green. I. 0. Richards. A Pew nutters and sleighs left to 'le sold cheap. D. Ewan, Bruseele. Goon second hand mutters and eleigl]a for sale of D. Ewan's, Brussels, Goon, dry American Coro, the beat far feeding purposes, for sale at Ross' mill, MEasne, Ross to HALLIDA0 want 0'.10 cords of cordwood, either hard or soft, 'n exchange for goods. SILK handkerchief found on sidewa'k, Call at THE Posr, prove property, po-y for this notice and take it. WALtwEn & SUITE oan sell more work in ehorter time, for less money than a,,y Shop in town in our trade. Walker & Smith. Bonen clippers and scissors eharpenad and repaired by Saw Filer McGregor, of Brussels, Queen et, East, Ton largest and beat eeleoted stook of let res p u and cetera moulding nld;n seen at John Walker's, g 1vt11 oe Tux our collars. They will give you eatisfeolion. They are made by one of the best collar makers in the country. We guarantee them. I. 0, Riohards. Pon bedroom suites, sideboards, extra. tion tables, lounges, parlor suites, parlor tables, couches, and its foot anything to be found in a first -close furniture sto:e, pall on John Walker. San James Ballantyne before buyiag your bicycle for 1808. He is bandli tg The London," eCapitel," "Ohio" and "Alert," and is prepared to quote yeu close prices. HAVING purchased a large and wail sainted stook of window shades at a Ivw rate on the $, I will be prepaed to sell far the next GO days at about half the usual price. Joo. Walker. BARGAIN OPiEttD.—That eligible half mare lot situate on the Southern portios of Turnberry streeb, Brussels, will be d.s• posed of below cost. Very easy terms. Write for particulars to Jame HAnonznrae, 174 Queen st. West, Toronto. WeerrED,—Batter, dried apples, and poultry. Highest prices, Largtet stook of dry goods, groceries, boots end shoes to select from. G. E. KING, Wing. ham. WALKER LS: SUITS intend getting in stook for buggies in oar loads. This will be good for our nustomors, as we will E et the best as cheap as small dealers will hove to pay for the oheapeet. Keep blowing. Walkes d] Smith, GnEAr Mucro Oaann,—Send us the name and addresses of three or more performers on the piano or organ togetl er with ten Dents in silver and we will mail you ten pieces full sheet music, ooneisti lg of popular songs, waltzes, marches, ell., arranged for the piano and organ. Ad- dreee, Porueen Music Pon. 00., Indian- apolis, Ind. PERSONAL PAItiteRAPIfS, Mise Mary Beatbie is visiting in Olin. ton, Miss Maggie MoKay is on the siok list this week. 4, 11. Sperling is et Nerystadt on a business trip, Misses Sample wore visiting at Sta- forth this week. Gus. McLaucblin, of Wiogham, was in town this weep. Mre. Holmes, sr., is sick with coups - tion of the lungs. M. Richardson was on the siok list for a few days last week. Miss E. E, Kerr has been -laid up with an attack of la grippe. Eph. Downing and Mies Treleaven Sundayed at Dungannon. Mies 0. Milloy left on Thursday t0 visit relatives in Toronto, Miss Thomson, of Gelb, was vialtlig Miss Bella Walker last week, C. LeRoy Kenney, of Toronto, event Sunday with friends in town. The captain of the Saivation Array has been laid up with measles. Lindy, daughter of Geo. Colvin, ie on the siok list with inilammation, Ira Gerry and Will. Leatherdale were home from Seefor&h over Sunday. Miss Herbert, of 131uevale, was visit• ing Mies Fannie Thomson this week. Mrs. Cameron, of Orembrook, was tae guest of Mrs. John Grieve last ween. Mrs. H. E, Illaddook and eon, Alan, of Newmarket, are visiting relatives in Brits. tele. ' Bev, J. L. and Dire. Kerr arrived home last Saturday from a visit to Hensen and Wingbam, Miss Florence Blashill ie home miter a visit of five weeks with relatives in Mrd• diesex county. Mise Gordon, who has been visiting Mrs. (Rev.) Paul for several menthe, has gone to Paisley. Will. Armstrong ;Ma home for a few tiaye from Clinton Oollegiate, He to. turned on Monday. Mi55 4. Damee, of Oranbtoek, was re. hewing old acquaintances in town on Tuesday of thie week. d, Bawtinheimer and Will. are beck to town from London where they Have made their home fee some time. Little Mies Freda Vanetone Inas been an the sick list with bronoh)iis, de hope she will soon be oonvalestenb, Jas. MoLaaohlin, of Wingham, r are holidaying b here for a low the °hang° will be prod et v a ofygood pc hie health. Alias Margaret Ceerar, of Stratford is l7l r2 dY l f,i /' n Isltfng •relaGfvos In Bru sots a 1 lalill, 1.1. 1898 and Gray, JV'I�" O, O4)y',4IJ,.4 :tulle Mary Sample, Who ilea been in Toronto for the past year, is home on a Ada, old. et daughter of Rev. dile. Il, A., hoe eeee ill with ntllnetme but Ie improving. Glyn, the of A, Coueley, )e nn t sick list this week, but we hope ho w s0au be n, ',, J .i.Luu:.ie Wilson, of Alexam in, was in town on Friday of last week. He 15 brother to Mrs, (Rav,) Ferguson. Robert Armstrong will go to Toronto next week as the delegate from Brits. set•• A. 0, II, IV. to the Grand Lodge wl. h mee'el there, (loorge .Lowry end family r movod to London where Mr. Lowry hue secured work at his trade civ a bricklayer. We wish them every 5000000. I. J, Tank, of Chicago, is I deiting his brother and eietet in Brussels. bliss Maud Teak, of Shelburne, is also here recuperating after n siok spell, Mrs. Stevenson, son Laurepoe and adopted d. nghter May, of Glencoe, were visiting at IVilliam Blea hill's durl:,g the past weals. They drove over and t,aclr, Tom Bloomfield will leave this week for Peaked where he will salt for Glee• shipped byow in rGeorge of lTurnbo ull,sof Seeforthof , Mies Maggie Miller, of Wroxeter, left for Toronto on Monday to tette a course at the Business College. bee will tette up type writing, stenograp) y, et,,. We with her success, 11.. 0. Wynn, son of on townsman, Jno. Wynn, who has bean .tot Sand Beach, Miche for some time, nosv holds a good ibuation in Detroit. Tim 1''s' is pleated '711171811r. hear of hie prosperity, WJII. Stewart, Mies Maggie Stewart, of It -easels, end Peter Stewart, of Lan gdon, Dakota, attended the marriage of their roster Alts. to Misr Ktte MaVean, at bratford, on Wednesday of this yr air, Rev. Dr. and Alm. Ferguson, who have eau here for the past 8 menthe, are now isitiug et John Mo0annell's Mliton. They go from there to Toronto and then o Alexandria, Ont, About May they ex - WS to return to Denver, Colorado. Prof, Penton, of the Ontario Agrion). ural College, Guelph, died on Wednesday f last weak. lIe wits 50 years of age, ancerous affection of the spine tees the anse loaf his decease. Prof. P o . Pau tont a vs man of etrioteet integrity, possessed of ore than ocdlnary ability and hie place ill be bard to fill. )'arX - fr :msrsceee.° x,xr<:[mLxi 5,0'7.0,1. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO ASSETS' • (Seven Million Dollars) 137,000,000 CAPITAL (Authorized) - - -• X2,000,000 bo Apettofea•in all principal points in Ontario, Qttebee, Manitoba, Urtlt"d Statro t8 Ratplaatd. 111 a b 13 b v p 0 0 a tot m W Brussels Council. The Monthly meeting of Brea Council wars held on 'Monday eveni 411 the members present. Mi. etas last meeting read and approved. The following aa0Dil0te were prose ed Geo. Howe, (boring at 'Ibwn Hall, $ 1.80 W. H. Kerr, inepeotiog town scales, 0.20 E. W. Melsom, Fire Dopartmeut, 1.00 Ed. McNaughton, " 1.00 J. D. Ronald, " 7, Scott J Ferguson, H. James, R. Henderson, " " 1 J. Wright, salary, 27. Wilton cb Turnbull, coal and wood, 25. Thos. Newsome, work at Town Hall, 2,00 Moved by Geo. Baeker, sroouded by Geo. Thomeon that the above accounts be paid.—Oarrisd, The following npplioations ware re- ceived for the vacant position of general caretaker of the town :—Jno, Scott, Wm. Riley, T. Snider, Walter Smith, A. Lindsay, Jae, Cooper, Alex. 1'orsythe, A. Somers, S. Carter, Jno. Causley, Alex. McLnnohlin and J. W. Pollook. Moved by R. Leatherdale, seoonded by J. D. Warwick that the selection of a men be 1810 over for a weak. Oarried, A letter was read from Lawyer Sfh- olair regarding a claim for damages to Mrs. Henry James ou account of break. ing a bone in her left wrist from a fall on the street a month ago. After 5 short discussion the matter was laid over for further consideration. W. Grewar and W. C. Smith addres- sed the Council relative to a grant to the town Band, It was moved by Geo. Thomson, Reminded by J. D. Warwick that $75 be granted ou condition of a Band of 14 being maintained ; a weekly concert given, and one day's playing planed at the disposal of the Council. -- Carried. It was ciao agreed that Band instruments requiring repairs bo attend. ed to. Wm. Smith was granted psrmiseion to plasm a painted drop curtain in the Town Hall, the disposed of 11 to be dealt with afterward, when the question of Hall renovating and imp0ov5menb comms ap, H. James, Engineer of tho Fire Brigade, had a siamese coupling with gate at the meeting and its workinge ex- plained. The price is $15.00. Counofl did not order, but is to make enquiries as to the most modern apparatus. A debenture was granted to collector Rose for $9,10, taxes remitted, on motion of Geo• Backer and R.Laatherdale, Geo, Howe asked that the taxes on $600 iuorease of assessment on his mill property stand in abeyance until the next Court of Revision, but the Board would not entertain the idea. ()pencil then adjourned. eels ng. n t• • 1,00 25 9,50 .00 00 22 'Bela -rave. Go, Clerk Lane, of Goderiob, was be Wale place on Wednesday posting up the election proolamatians for West Huron. Business i5 on the hum again after partial soepeusion of Inst week. There was uo abatement of work at the mill, however. Many cars of manufaotured timber aro being shipped. Ctimical NoTse.—Saoramental eorvioe in the Methodist church next Sunday evening, Feb, 18th. -4t a recent meeting of the of8oiale of bbie church an addition- al usher was appointed, that the large and growing oongregation may be more ootrrteon0ly seated.—Tia Preeb, teriane are talking new chetah, They have again started eight service. A political meeting was held here on Wedueeday evening fn the Foresters' Hall in the interests of J, T. Garrow, Liberal oandidato for West Rayon, Finlay An. demon was called to the ohair and per- formed the ditties vary aooepbabiy, Mr. Garrow gave a full, !tee and vary e0tis- faotory mount of his stewardship and dealt trenchantly with the question of tho flnauote of bite Province ; the timber policy 1 tint Ednoation Department ; and the Dumber Piggery, W. H. Herr, of l3ruasele, ridded a few ecutenooe, There was no opposition, A. vote of bhasks was reseed to the chairman and bile very orderly meeting was brought to a close by oheers for the Ogee%aarr0w and liiolop, A General .f3anlcing )lueinooe Traneated, Farmers' Notes Dl000unted, Drafts lesued and Collodions made on all pointe, SAVINGS RANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on 657oeite of $1.00 and upwards from Cat of depotlit to date 0 withdrawal and compounded half yearly. SrAOIAr. ATTENTION met; 00 TEE COLLECTION OF FAlrbiltna' SALE Homo, Every facility afforded Casbomors living ab a dietanee, J, A. STEWART Mermen. Mr, Garrow ie sure to win in West Hur. on, No more faithful 'r oonsutenbioue member site in the Boast. .61r. Beek, the Oppoeition candidate, is not holding any publio meetings, benne the general public are in the dark as to what hie views are or why he is in the field at ell. VISITons,—A nom bee of our Manitoba friends are visiting in this neighborhood. Why do so many of them leave their ideal (?) land every Winter to "paddle and wade in mud and water" in On. tario ? Truly their aotio'ts are a note. 1010. worthy oOm aroeotwitoh nlllthy faulte,Ilove urea still."—R, E. A. Leech, Seorebary of Manitoba Central Farmers' Institute, Brandon, Mrs. Leech and Vera Leech were guests at the Methodist Parsonage last week.—Mrs. Oarson, of Brandon, is here on a prolonged visit, enjoying the hospitality of Mrs. Tufts. Qo4ersnLr Sltnsoce.—The quarterly service in connection with the Belgrave Methodist oir0nit was bald in the Brick church, East Wawauosh, on Sunday last, The bad roads prevented many from at- tending, but a large company joined in the service. The official meeting held in the Methodist church, Betgrave, on Mon. day, was largely attended. Finances re- ported in a satisfactory condition. The noteworthy ewott] events of the c ntr ter in mat. tera financial,have been the paying offthe indebtedeas on the BGlgravo shed and the meeting of the personage repair accounts. James Medgett, of Weston, was fatally shot while cleaning his gun, Jae. H. Graham, of Trsfalgar town. ebip, was trilled by a falling straw stack at which bo bad been working. The Divisional Court at Osgoode Hall granted a new trial to W. J. Hammond, under sentence of death for wife murder. Lieut. March, who had the base of hie skull fractured by falling from his sleigh while tandem driving at Kingston, died from his injuries. A well made one -dollar American certificate was discovered in Montreal. There is reason to believe that a olever gang of counterfeiters is working in the district. Penn. -10 Eima, on Jan. 24th, the wife of Mr. Joseph Burke, of a son. Beemers.—Io Blyth, on Feb. 1st, the wife of Mr, A. E. Bradwio, of a daughter, Nnrnans.—In Morrie township, on Fri- day, Jau, 28th, the wife of Mr. John Netllery, of a eon. Orevan.—In Grey, on January 241b, the wife of Mr. Jno. Oliver of a son. 11¢87^.rR203a, M00emenee—KzLL0. —In St, Michael's ohnroh, Blyth, on January 31st, by Rev. Father Moison, Mr, Francis Mo0aughey, of Hullett, to Mies Ter, esa, third daughter of Mr. Daniel Kelly, of Morrie. STROTHEns--Lewosnn, At the residence of the bride's parents, Enna, on the 2nd inst., by Rev. P. A. McLeod, M, A., 13. D., Mr. John Struthers to Mise Mary Elizabeth Lambert. Senwent—MOVEAN.—At the residence of Mr. Thos. Stewart, Stratford, on February 9011, by Rev. R. F. Cam- eron, of North Eaetbope, Mr, Ales - ander Stewart, of Langdon, Dakota, to Mies Kate MoVoan, of Scotland, late of New York. Movttnr—Bnowee—On Feb. 96b, at "Springdale Farm," Howlett, the family residence of the bride, by Rev. Mr. Dobson, of Fordwioh, Miss Lizzie, daughter of Mr. Andrew Brown, to Mr. Peter Moffatt, of lrlorrisbank, STt1aa- HEPPLEo,--In Listowel, an Jan, 27th, Jacob Happier, aged 68 years, 4 months and 25 Gays. Duoxnow,—In Elma, on Feb. let, Gilbert, son of Peter Ducklow, aged 12 years, 6 menthe and 12 days, MaDoteme.-1n Grey, on February 8th, R. K. McDonald, aged 41 years and 2111011%s. Pall Wheat ..... Barley .... ... ...... . Peas ............. Oats Butter, tubs and rolls Eggs per dozen Flour per barrel Potatoes (per bag) Hay per ton. Hides trimmed Hides tough. .,... Salt per bbl., retail„,,. '1 00 Sheep skins, earth 40 Lamb skins each 25 Nogs, Live 4 60 DretsedHogs....,...„5 50 Apples (per bag) . 50 .. 84 .. 26 „ 69 20 , 18 ,. 18 4 00 60 , 5 00 5 27 64 25 14 14 4 50 00 6 00 8 7 60 40 26 4 50 5 75 60 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN viTO LOAN AT 13 PER Dent, 10,0. 80077, Brussels, 1TAVE LOTS OF MONEY TO lend on mortgage at 8 per vont, yearly. A. 071N4E211, Brussela, TjousE AND LOT FOR I4ALE. Tho underelgned offers his comfort- able hone° and .f sera of land, more or Rise, 8ltuato Corner of Queon and Albert Streets, Btiuteels, for satn.. A71 the oonv0nionees, euel0 as good Dolar, weather], wen. , f rdittrac,&, leer parniunlair 05 06 price and tome apply to T 10.11 0 bIflosan OWEY, Proprietor, tremolo P, 0. pi OTR SALE, -A. GOOD, FRAME house, In excellent "opal., containing novel; rooms, bestdet a Good Summer and Winter kitchen with hard and soft water pilaw, cover. Tiro house, wh151, will be role Just as lb is, is handsomely furnished throughout with new :mature atxl well heated by bot sir, Tilero are largo grounds well kept, and an excellent garden, DLcolted with choice apple pew', plum and cherry trees, together with all the smaller fruits, all in good hearing condition. This place offers n meet deliral.lo home for 0 farmer b'Melling 00 reasonable active omb , ItFor a71 pall titulars 0051 00 20.1.fG.F, ALAIIt, $alienee, Brussels, REAL ESTATE. C100D FARM FOR SALT; near Brussels, Groat bargain, Lot 7, orchaartl, voll watered, ennoble for tmixed of dairy farming, Possession giyon next March, Willi privilege of doing Fail plowing. Apply to W. 11. 11E1110, Pon Publishing Ho use,Rrueuel5,or to THOMAS 00l0'PAG1, London West. ' lARIt1 FOR SALE OR TO eligible 04 acre he firm aigf oft sale or lto rent, being South pert of Lot s, Canoes. Bien8 1 Grey. Ce. Al and All y er Cnit n 1 it Get 1, well watered and wen fenced. 1 . rn • owIs n, good u the70house, bank barn,bIos Milani,osplendid wells, thee ou flys premises, Also a venue s etone quarry from tvhioit a good revenue is rcaliz- 0be2btloaparilstrensonal, Irfrtherr tivaras o 70100, &o., apply 00 301114 MITCI717LL,Proprietor, 35-tf Broasola 1?. O. T'ABM FOR SALE. -100 ACRES aSouth Of the Na thtinj of L t ea, Oon 2,Um South}' 1 ast Wawa- nosh. This is an excellent stook farm ,being well supplied with good spring water. Itis Situated about 3 miles from ilio thriving Vil- lage Lf Blytb. A large part of it is under grass. Bu ldtb s and fences are in a fair stat of mar. Easy terms of payment will be given, For all Information apply to 11 -tot G.1P. BLAIlt, Barrister, Brussels. GOOD FARMS FOR SALE,_ The undersigned offer two 100 sore farms for 8015 at reasonable prince. The lots aro Noe, 10 and 1) Con. 0 (Sunshine), the sidoroad between them. Good brick house lot 7barn al Oroloarris and allot necessary 00120on en.. fences, Well watered and suitable for grain or grazing, 100 acres now in grass. Wilt be sold either separate or together to suit pur- chaser. Terms of pa Bub reasonable. hu- m ediatopoeeeesion, For further particulars applyto J081,P.11 CL]EGG, Brussels, P, 0„ or , L.1IICNlNSON, Barrister, Wiugham, 25-. Toilet Artie:as, Id! the Leadi ig 1'ol'fumell, k1019)114 in great variety, Powders for ( very purpose, 3lontijrices, Combs and I1i'uoh08. Seasonable F einedies i Cough lot. f y'rit ps, 0ata1'P!t tSv 11711, Licorice P. nets, - Salves for 'gips t& Hands. Winter Spec elides, Chet t Prot actors, Hot Water Bottles, Chamois fel ; sizes, li.., elAi2A1S FOR SitGE.—'i,'IHE UT . nan5mstm ttaa ss, ,'ai gone Farms 0.1. of orris and C rs ya I+t 3 1u800'sll't,A oeoie MEDICAL GARBS. E. T. u^1JIQcfr, 'AL D, 0. 1A., eunnoasor 1 , Dr. A. AtoIielvs, Licentiate of Royal 0 dingo of Phyeioia,. and Surgeons, Kingston 010ln,0r of the Col lege of Physiein us and S :mons of Ontario, Diseases of woo= and( hitdreu a epeolalty. Eight years' experience, r 0111ee and roe. Hance that formerly 'coupled byDr. Me. 1Co1vo3 ,Tnrnbotry atm Brussels, 20- J. A. M'NA :IQHT0N, 00,1). • . M, , 7 Triui ' t Dm Varsity, all • olio v Follow Trtr.• it',lre Y, 7 .ilei 1' ” 4 O leo • e Mr rubor uCollege o[1,15'.; Bial !4 . n andSu rgeo.s,11 Land Lioof tae ofnot cohere or Physlr sus and Lioeutiaze of •Miiwi laty, 1;:11111 rgh. 1 'TC10pbote No,14, ltceltlomeo, Mill 11;., Brueools, Dn. F. F. 6a AL UFLEISO , mirer0itre mentor AND .0ocosio0100n, SUOOESSOR 7.O 1'R. W. GRAHAa•. esus@LS, - ONTARIO. let Class If ()nor Grain .tte a f the Univor.,l ties of Trinity (Toronto , Queen's (Mugge) y and ofR'rluity Modica' College; Follow m Trinity Medical College and member of of College Pllye,elane al d Surgeons of Ont:! r- ich rest - Graduate O: orae in Detroit and Chicago,1000, Special eaten tion paid to di.. oases cf Eye, Nose and Throatdir- eases51 Womannl',sn'( ()imitation, In 110119. Ball ao1 German, Telephone at residence. VETERI GARY. y T D. WARWXCa, t . Ilouor Grader ,s of the Outar:o Veterinary College, is 1 mated to treat oil discos..., of domeatleatml animals In a cont. paten, manner, Part,Rfar attention pati: to vnt'rtuary dentistry Culls promiatiy3 at, toudefeto. O,noo and i_drinary--Fourttoo u, north of bridge 'l'urnbc fry 51„ Brueaels. c� arriving daily, in all the late, •t, and most Approved Styles. fghOes to 21,11 Peet and! Vistas.. We carry a Slee 31E of Shoes, unexcelled in th J County. Shoes that wear is our boast and that at LOW PRIDES, We Ask your Inspection of Hoene ri©wed, Pxoe ® Margo,. MHZ -RPM ENT is always to the front, Wo manufacture all our Farness out of the Best Stockone. din Procure CUrG and with our long experience we think we can please you. Our motto is, "Good Goods at a Small blargin," y b Repairs to Harness, Collars, Boots & Shoes, promptly attended p y to. Don't forget, the stand— Sign ign of Love Scotch, Colla,^, r. RJCF--r)'.dh