HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-2-11, Page 7... T Hyy�, ,py,7t y+yp ,�y+�:r� T� POST. r,�� r•��r�^ 7 arts-- lata 1110,andwnJuan tdav ar ---,- -•�"--- - -I R - rali RIVALS, !DON'T BF PUT OFF- ­ r,.., I . _. ,s . - _.,- .." .�_..-_ r�-.. __-_ mad CATCHING A SHARK. forth ane b]a,aotzL. 60 1 havo re¢tllq Y (' Troubled Sleep. n, iMiss H Whah a y +rPsoG aolnPlex �p p� « j ION y r � ^^RR muga udmixatan wLnn 1 sou tea dally I,.v1,Lnitry b,C Ihcaaven sical'1 „R,aCrunt the -- i<rn Miss Beauty ha,? MFg3Pt nC I l�O�U 'J��illi��! Lpnz;1 in the biuo cyos of t.eo violetH,,batllenrakle ybu tvlill llwvlj to give rho T1n•nllug tttde *r 'I'hrae ifoz'x Ina Rival Jlelle Yes, A ilio dtLy, she is no pin : for they Come evexy sNrrng, My quark caurrnandl, "Forward! Uhargol" uanr, -- 5rith her bz'uthox tan'ight. Do yea INDO,CI,XI,UN 'f1dA1 Chtdstiun friulilt$ time r.: going by sn� All, krly afriR,ldis tithe^' is nverrk fon Nightmares a,nd Dreams Filled the know him? Ifo's a very Prominent im+, s.9 that we cannot uifurrl to Ile yyou to do and for mte to do ling enaep sUack}7tooJs7lr acralin bit harbor of `J3py porter of drugs, cllumlaaL,, anal ,:flet ' Is rho beet ill the world it 70101"i more 'Phe Present Is a 'rime ,chat Deman xnpi Ily to Igai:n Led- lfrunti at o'nl Nights With Terror. artloliee,• than ethor�,-sr ISO.40, da gopar the quit{itY• I Idle. West, Florida, last; WeAt and clone very ,-•-„•, _ _ pain . 11 Qxoeers koap it. A rncr'71t atnlistiran, sayH that: hu' biilet.aie 1pi.t. I IiiYaul•ipulpll. is lltn r - -_ roan lil'i, no:v hall ,in avers;;e of only lr Ile, Daanvil/e, Que•, 111114" `cells Sonde Cold Ylae peon, 1 y�yy1 �S YSn�Zt� Z/ ��t(YCt� aood t ;i:l years. From Lbe.% tit years yuul pi re, Your lull!,),,, Castluylwnvll,lit uuD edar a'esul,l.ing fatally far those augu6 �inR pF fila xperiena*o. In the disccxvery ref sit wcmdr,rful' a ream l ,('�k+l'A f E o J, bb ,,:mead. TII AGGPt�'SSIV, CItIGISTIANS,to �Si nlu4t, But !.feet ill Like, time .YOU Aral i pailip A Is Ithe. bolls, guwffoldialrg• Sour- The shark wits fast, nnt,.n xwitnming i l - fa' sir? 7 an(1 the taking of ,e uutdc'a elan,, i may^ „lt. is with anuab pleasure teal Ices- city as ilot flit- ru nerve pain lis oh � tlmttep z C about! pmip"C is ld, a wt .b t l in aballoty wui.pr, and Hir'a+ I:oys start^ iii Lo rho value of tile mo:licine -bialy I remieily im like ntarkut affzrrds such TI10 tlEtiMS01i COiYIVriI43I011 erOx, (loll and Iva r:u•mtg br the Lard :YeCd*d I'vereatioll ; that will ]wtvu YuLt nhttru., h vuw- Y g 'nor, of West Market and Oolaorno Bt.. TOROHTO, of like sixteen an mills,'; areal,!. dja lily pduua, and, lr ad out fu a Towboat t.o cuaAare it, TbOy has ca+tsed a remarlla`,le change in r -y ' I,ram,,i ti lief far tuobhache, neuralgia,, r In L:ad 1hp I°roplN o! 1a01t 'ant lli yaurd, 1`ruln theF4) Nl L Y jjaetion. in It that v[rn arta' II.rJsirf+ {,1' 'tihrrralgh l'/'�If H'Olin,trl' lnaiy armed Carl' S5"1'tll a Rnlail harpnan. Condttlan: U was tt'oublud with sleep- i ❑I7•'fl rill-lilt;:lt.'H(n. ,ll 1. mnI'Vela(ti7,rrnanps, Iftrn,atirratianai' like I'nattatollto Llgl HVlit. ant :Ill I:ll�n ,iota t Rii t17I ICA�Pf®(($ 'I usual ect in tie ecirnin„ of. kuryr beak lh+ word I rnaghA, to utter. were x Y IA NP Nawu ,i �p�lpt�a aI l'ovp'llarou' It talc Hi,il "l 15411. nee4tLYi11•ily etll itg !'R'.h71t5 •f>U'. wilt 11 dl• (rVn rolled. 'I,II, Arlt,' 'Chewy aua.nagpd to got eloap to the shark li!7+dRneH earl Jirnaiuut4ali at. Ill ui horf C[rl l+c, �:( •, 15 simply Q in Y.noonnr•rn1,n 1, ar livelih«xl.. 'drat wfLl. leave you lLhnut 1 deal, not alepp Y Y9'. I°• l%• 8®5• =,,1. w glroou h 7i oaa^ I • 7r1vx11 tl:eda et;Sbt yelled!hl`atY 7('C3t54•alt"rl t5'i ill !cell!! n1aY ll ttlil; withallt attrtait.intf attention, an(J Xihle Illgiltmarex and rtr0al11H. il•Y N1PPP' p•��..�..��vaawu uaanva,vmrs,rcrmmma,/na''aam�um,�.t311 'oiled1 oltl pate A� u iNaxhdelgtdn, dun. 3t1. llev. 'Dx, 1a1- eight )ears. 1 planted the harpoon seo(arely in its ,,aero, coanyon: naw IT you must: taksall Cha nays 'Inc, woeka' �7lnlCayce7thwttllJtlbvLs)xvu,tfrnftla 6aeu.L P ing hours wero to rno tames of ,.error. idex.] hentruotu,to un 190 irttrtr;a', arr'Daan Id:li» ntarning was toll c. olths-all tltalrnHth of time Wlal t. LI Jrei hank. I clecidod to Lakn Iir,o:ls 'nran;-arilla, �DYOBI.O ,�+�•���D +vh0��0��(nerdnotrimmtug�nm:ntt�r.naenczOgYtu t�iol ,`}t e anLm l - leitving you V,;rrtoi 0,91, thntt we wirgiet. a u: an, wa wi11n1a1 Boarho faux, ou, ite oY cti •a ,•meat l0 bho.,n who Cebu. I Is. ,assn!!. in d`uiltnass rurtti,l upon Tba l>1 fish 1•umged forward when 1t The use of f.ttis rraurrrdous prelurntion eri os. $ 1 g p OUNGM70N,LearnIa1 oL Nobottcrtl'Adr and sand asth�mo a andtva,alll t�a�lya t i t a nvtel an inil'e- ai.:aut one Year in IvIltoll to wade for the the bell, Aldn},gd�l;ut�ilro,n I i txibl d ri a nlamenl'. rho haat Scott produced tile, very I•sst results. Y or profession, Write for parlinniIire, e'rea ou>inllee$ Lv'O:.7ieltail.Geawrurooz, 00 duty before p'lensur felt the, leen, an I 119 1•onge St" Toronto. rultivat.iun of rho Lrruic God. U, lay soul; Wako at) I TIO- Barest us ilia lrrl.nda lyf or ' l7 In through lrou h the water lilts nn Aly health is improved in wary rr•aI arm �_-_- et t tfq men, to t.her I'io nfi ill harvest; time and wlt 11 so ,You„ evmry one ego furbh aruJ. paeac)J 1.hiH was spit i B 1 K I am stronger and sleep better. i itIIl ONTARIO BUSINESS OOLu EGI in. Contra dist inatJim) to i. ha'gruvelting' few hours wltlelY to reap? So that jL+uspr,L, You ba.vir as mu,t:,l:t right tO i "'U''snl R. SPRoLILE, B.A., (graduate of Dublin THH e ho tr lease,! to recommend hood's I FAMOUB Ckuut lLIL irrrileih us L bn.ve ur lolly runt, bivill6• express train. SeveTttl attempts were 'axilla l.a al! slCk pe�Nls tis it is the hest ®ilnivn,'•,ttr. Ireland,1• Specialist abma,ix, Most -!dory Attended to 6marlon. Firs Tits text we.. Esther iv, 14, ,,Who know-+ I ,tarp, it US It slaiple fact mule to loosen the xaPe, bat in vain• Diraaaee or tike vrrvea nt.w i,l un A u't art CA, to the the, time that thel vast nta�urily of You) Hedl, tVirars was a w•il iku('ar aLrGo1) medicine in the wurJrl•" -. �p131NSON Be: JgFIN80N, t'•Q+,�.t rebLi 'w.l1a•t}aer lh t lVLaanavhile they hes rated to out til: Iolpnired V14a1 J,narqp•, Lrteora a'nlldan4iaUyunnwurn,i, Illustrate datalogne(806hyearl, D F.0,A Ivingdom for sucL a time as this." Dr'. K'III 13aYC for Llle CxL'inglVn service oC rameC to fili Ul� 'bedtime aril, earne.Ct Tope, for felt,, th y might lose tbeshark, AL[.x. Nlt•xau, Tlum ills, (�tue. 58 Cnrnon Ht- �raront Till Swid : 1 Coll 'will lie less than' one year. pg BELLEVILLID. GALT. "Bit," days Goma man, L literally and enldrrrait Glrr;iaiian, fhlsY"r like. lint, was t.orveo, 7m this fashion 0���� Fsl;her the 170iLnalfilI wu, the trirs of suPjxrrt Llte gospel, and tbo church Ls Led at Jri.m anal said: You tree mare than an how,,. At tldnes lbs a any a a 0 t 6 m G -)AVE YOU - Adtatsuoxus 171e to}n,itwiivahlo. The time' o,en, and the gospel is preached; all a •hyprrcrite. You err ns hail. Ls ervar would ,iota so suddenly as to greatly I �IYt��ai =, 6 ;, y gerP�ttv6 ap A Lhas iritnal advanliiga,�radE,'i•ea,! be- Yau weer;' BCC III din, awls{lioIi �I[indiny endanger th'e LcnLl, Lhyugh keeping all La('anad' nOreulestMedlcinn. tioldbynrug•ffi plIa NYiTYI TWO yplb6t7 had collate for her 1.e, IrreSnat ti peliticxl t lbs tiara im ,comparatively Shallow wet- a•11 ii fnan;uus ImsJxlu•+l, In behalf oL r fore 1110x1, and IC they want to ba iii Chriet, rouit not turn him aside by ¢lata. l?rlao, $1; atz for 86. Cet only Flaod�, t rteLi„ LI Y 4 to hex n ' saved hal; them come and be saved- I Y er. --- G. In Bo, WRITE - t7Lo Jowinh na'ti�•n, to which she Lad. lans[hitity." calling him a hp'PauriLe, they said to '.Cho boys began to ahault Lor help, and , -aro the only pills t.o Salto Iwina, Mala $ wnloo W. IA. NARPIS Mr!TAL ltava discharged all my' coal a yacht wan sem, to them. Just as the HOOCH 3 FItIS lylGb HoodsSarsapatillu• LAWaarrintore,ote.,removod HARRIS, .11 L xT, pence bokrlu ed. silo was afraid to un- I Ah, is that InY hook oliictvltgirla ierat that dirr•.ti" This diirent disturb him. Ile -tent YacLt comas allyngAl de the shark made a to Wooley Hid Rlah• - Por tali the -work lest she should loss there, nal: an old o g Y dive for the boat and tore a htlg bola in mond et, W^, Roroam, William St., IZ113. TO, Ont. her mvn lila, but 'herr cousin, Nlordscni, commanris wa to go out into the high- rtll Performing al C hrivLhi.n du t. Itntil rho eidnl. As the boat tilled the do( LYE FOR I.F.A]) PIPES. �°�� a�t[sacaxaa- n.' r, ',•aacourn. lid ways and the hedge, and compel the !,Chad formed all ItL, troops lute a cams lip and tool, off the.+ boys, and the To clear lead pipes pour a strong • 7� j �. who had brought In.t Iii g peoplo to come in? What tvuuld be_ HLl,le clans anti Cha whore encampment shark was kldlell with a rifle, It meas- �(���e Supplies �TfC Liar with the su gentian that probably . Condo of ou and ane If Christ had not t,'as shaken w'il,h the presence of (COrI• solution of concentrated lye down Isla e I1 ,$ s Lad bees rluisad ulr uC Gard for thl>fl coma ,mvn Oft the, hills oC hertven,anfl o Havelock -went into the heathen used. 15 feet Ira length, them. This will cut grease, eta. Iii, WAIT Ar UIC�: she if a had not come ills Of 1 the doors temple in Cndia wlale the I✓,nglist7 army _- -- Never Pour greasy fluid doit'n a pipe- SLm$ptl.a BAGS S,ro,,M BOOL, MOSQUITO pedal ar pnissiwr. "Whla knattl3t19 of the 13:,tl,alaiiem ruiavansary, and if was there salt pat it. can 1;c into the �N IMPORTANT p913E• it naliects on the Iron and clogs. AT,xgr sxowsnOFg Erans, Booms Mo[(A,xxa' „ piece ]1gT thea art ,lame to Lbs lai+An"dorir TA r 'F1s,, G 1' , xLa, kITO. Solid for I for ikC lieu. Intelligent, ladies and gentlemen Comm be a he had not with the crashed hand of ban' of sun of tlta healhan goals alar - The Wightman Sp'ortinz Goods plied with ente*1 and very PRO,ETA HI,ry far Buell a Lim's as tth� ?" the sruellixion )t,lorked aux dile iron aai�l Lq tharllglrt of thoseAandlesilielil A Pedlar Sent to Prison for Reiyre- Canada's Colder! Heritage emytoyman Ittdust d ty-gEjf-L, ER EoLber ]tact h'ar. Gud-tt}rpt.4i iitt1d work,; RIi t:C of the seliulcbre oL a P b the idols ,General f•Iavelouk CO., deal Ss•. PAUL ST., MONTREAL, QUID E99 A1tY to secure GOOD RICbf UNI71RS _ ;death, crying, "Lazarus, Como forth ?fi uC y Does not consist in mines alar. 1i -^ w oN Can give the addroas otropreaentsttve Yon avid. I have ton,. It is my bus , Oh, my Mai friend, theca is n preached TiFhtt+uusaess, temperance. senting Imitation Plllto be the who hnajusb:!Hared $I4I is S1D iY9 86 can Ines, to Wil you -'batt aryls uL men and.' Lime for indrl.in when all the forces and judgment: to come. And wbowill Same as Dr, Williams' Pink Pills Ham's U"aimless Corn Extractor is a be made rlghb AT rear o,vn - A Far -Reaching IJoeisioa• }mon• 'It goes xilgdlt to the roar of tie � �-r�.� � E ® � a, L. N1c1IOLs n Coa a tvamien' 3•uu atlghlL lu lea in order that aC darkness seam to lie in full blast- say epi earkh or Cn heaven that Have- tronthle, and. asts quickly and painlessly. G. 88Rlohmoad tBoc, Torant0. n !L of Cee age ill when St.rnln PrinLLng Pratsns err• pule the m1IIlaLCrlook`a tllalla0g\V11L'TP. ht to preach? Montreal, Jan. 24, lB,Jg.-A case of ,yeavnre oC substitutes. alai:, a7,ent•Matai, Tllor and Gravel noofore, you nteit tdlb cls m du b lialting Caddell tracts, when express Lafontaine --- � lIl^ll Gad has cu.Ht your tat. Su i.his trains aro carr ing messengers oC sin, for college there worked aman by the more than ordinary inUare 11: to t Sheat -Metal f oilinga, Tegqrra Cotta Tile,, Iced, ASK YOUR DEALER FOR IITEPING TIIE DYI. toes, NaIC, Tnr, nnorgPatch.Etc- Guttare, disralrso will war Baal with the tnnhni-i -rain #est clippers era laden with natio of pvritel i Cray. Iao wasHe ua(trnantltof er barn to-amy thea factsbeiiteagas f llovUownnlN0 tea, a nrltid the trade. or- �a pda ralitios, butt only wiCb tine pra,at.icabili-1 opium and strong drink, tvlicn tl:e roe at For soUna time past ono 1X.1 . Migner A little cream rubbed into ))lack Telephone ,936• Adeleldo&Widmer Sta. Royal �tl ��� ties. ZV ii two, armies have rushed! n1i air of aur .cities is polluted with Goal. Often but would stop about lF, TORONTO. g Lite laughter that breaks up front the in the house --gravy theologians -and w 6chahe represents eats a,beieng thesame omingvoff}vxItfalsosgives themoafnico into battle, the officers of either army 10,1100 Sallxrns of dissipation and ab at family pxager Peter Croy would be US Dr. lVill{amr, Pink Pills. li'he Dr. gloss. ----"-'"-`- do not ,vent a Pe6lczHnph{cal discussi�nl nndonnien- when the L1res of the sec- called! upon to lead, and all those wise 4Vi11iaans NiadirineCo, placed the mat- t -n' Dir. GooDE'S yy BURNING OIL. abnwt t'be Cheynical jnapartits of hu -i and death are, already kindled in the men sat around!, -:Adler struck at his tar in rho hands of Detective Haynes, CATARRH CANNOT BE C17RCD PAINLESS P11�'NVItAYAI, 1Iiails j"�g 6�5� CANADIAN ®�9,i Wla:m lrlOOd Ox' tlkd 71:1 LntYa of $nnj70tyllaT. I ulleek9 Of dallle who, only a little wh{la religious Cffiriencly. �Vben hs prayed of tills Canadian secret service, who ago, ',cern fneorruptl Oh, never since of reached each d up. and reef d to take hold sooty !lad Collected sufficient evi- with LCOAL APPLICATIONS, a- they can, Tlisy wan'. sumins one .to iiia,, the last the dorsa Leal npan' the earth has there Y donee towarrm. t the arrest of bligner not revolt the coat of the dt.eaao. Cats i rh A SPBOi$0 for Female complaints, And ,-.lien {tl was such an un- ant lie talked with God until the very om a charge of Obtaining money Is a bloc auor raaltayoutinupGdtokimoe'fr,tndrnol anmofastuidageloe7 Thal toncamsethe f,-10ooaa MANUFACTURED ONLY BY b t^lea and .take out the gum -4. A d Irene a time t 1r• m tvi snob a cruel, such an atv#ull thing heavens were bowed clown into the under false pretenes. Meantime ramodioa. HnlPe Catarrh Cnra ie ink• tees. For 7 miaianded vel ailing tbay ercat k1 p� W w•'hlsn all the far.er, of light ants. de, Ch to dlnal l 'f bo great: nu- sitting room. Oh, if :[ were Y g ioyromedywhiohean be used, TloWw"Cmnpouaded �.� P'9e brsaven Imd hall have i for the church t las of ,could rather have Plain Peter Croy NLigner hadlaft Montreal, going iofit. an Internally and acts directly on 9 V darkness of dirniks gra gathsred in temp Jahnr, N,B., On his arrival in that city the blood and museum surfa to . Haifa Catarrh solely from the :wttva prin:iplee lit ve6at:bieauhetuno r,', fi'9il fC is no time aLle "vee their knirel by mY bed�4ide and command my' Cure, t. not a quack medicine: it wan prep• and Aro peraid featly if eats mud reliable. Auk Lourkharain !clan,;ad late- tL dial -tears Of Unl3LLCT bb was ,it ow,,e placed under arrest Carer! by ono of the Leet ph8aiotmta in this tar them, Aad if ba does not keen them in stook he oaa fi i 'a a'n<l b10Ur1 Of Px'ndhCd helTt.g immortal spirit to, Gort than the great_ earl a'n a#fi+ial.. lit to bring him hack coil ntr.v for )'ear,,, deed is aregular•pre-drip• rooure them Lor os.. Prroe;1.00 Dor BotEyle'Onta fail ®�®1t0 6{Jy ®,ETM So g'i to aur alve.l to the tie n to n baptism, the - l� L if i•2s and aant•en- tl•e awful wine. of their sanrament, est arulabiehop c rahtxytehig n Daps 1y u Mere• go vt•ad I)xatl:g"IL7•t bCLOrO Judge cion,bin,cis wibuoaihe f beat ablood puri8 ra, Tne i( ionto Pharmuoa] 00•• Limited, o �^ _- i Larmulns and txr•h'ni ul _ eller tee onictLls. Go p B Lafan{nine this tntrrning nn two 1'ir'nalilied of iuligien, What, we want blasphemies L•L•elr lit(tny, noting diteotly on rho mucous eurfaues. the _ groans of the lust world the organ sayty u ard.nAlmigl Almighty I license nyoue ctargas, sold pleaded guilt ,to bort, pet -foot, combination of the two ingredilnto is 1s practical, earnest, concentrated, en- ,dirge of Llteix worship. 1' lad of Go preach this gospel, Pr'Daali it intllo It was Poan'ted out that hes Often.:ewhatprodnocasuchwonderfulresults to our 1 iLuninstic aocL triumpl7anC kelp. Again, it you want to be eluu it was agt•avn ono and left Lien lint,!: to ing('atnrl•h, lidforteat.minis,, free y' Sabbath schools, itn the prayer tenet- F. J• ('HlrNEY .C' CO.. Ytotx, Toledo, 0. l Te ties fir -it Placa, in order to Mort to meet the elutes witch Lh[s age de- iligs, Ili the highways, in the hedges. a lengthy term of imprisonment. Sold b)•Lruq ielS. pries 760. the ,pedis! ,corn, of this ago, you ,mends OL you, you mast on the one \Vet; be ufttr> you if you preach it nut! Phe counsel Cor the Dr. Wi.11iam,' Hall's Frtmily Pins aro the beat. Land avoid reeklesr Lranoo[a,4m and oil I lee litsmarlik agnea, that in order i:o ba Medicine Co. stated that his clients did )aced to be an unmL4aka.hle, aggressive tile other haat not stick too much to qualified to meet your duty in thiS par- not wish t� press tar severe punish- �' CbriHltam, Of Latif Cal half CLristinns things because they are old. '.11ie air qualifi' age youwont nets, i :t ;i spar- meat at. this time; they only wished, to ANOTH,IM 11'IYHTEBY EXPLAINED. l were Bis an friend n:tin d his s nese itch an hal, i g Mr. L f t•ti I N Y b i9L the a : cC s naw este 1 n v aro e i List - n -t the d their • ,inns th and :Lir. es an aii -•,a dO not want Any mer:. The church � is full oC Asn 1 } in the triu,mP1: of the tau imiaation pill t•t l:e the sytmy est cussing family nam ot. Jesus Christ will be Letter w•tLhuut r theori-•s d' government, niow; thoologies overthrow of wiCke !npss, A`%v ('alp the `Villinns' fink Pitts was aerime which. ory. theta. :Ch:y ore ire chlor ofrstaule to I alt, 1 nm amazed to ape how so many Chr[st.iam churnli over get i:u ottrag- [eft the perpetrator liable to a leasthY '•may did your nature originate?" ask - Christians Witlit only novelly to re- e:l? have the out t:1e Lord Almighty imprisonment. On one charge the ed the friend. the church's advaWh4nept. I ala speak-' commend a thing to their confidence' Cal aur it!'e I.Iow long (lid it take God jndd a then imposed a sentence of ten Oh proliabiy one of my Ancestors was bug Of anAller kind of Clari�titut. .All � and so they van'i]]utci iLnci swing to and to slaythe hosts of Seurnacher{b or burn - of the grasping kind ,that you Lear Y I y ;.days, with the option of a fine e,0 ten too e,ppliati for your leeoming an for, unci the are useless and the are So loior shako down Jericho? IIow about so often. Somebody gave biro an fulrmast CLais.ittn aro at your bane!, and uuhnl'py. New plans -secular, ethtral, tellers, and in the other cess assn 'Yacli anel he took an 'L.' long will it take G•Od, -Len he oar -e philosophical, relig{otts, cisaLlautw, eri=-as zit Ilia saxengtL t.00verihrowall fence of t1Va Guys in jail without 'ta ,tern is a straight Lite J'ur you into 1 tranHLtlatnl.te-1•ang nangh'to make a option of a flue. lira far,! of 'Iniquity? Between this Ube broad daylight, Of God's fex•givG-; line reaching from tileGerman univer- time ani tbat there in* be long sea' reacthiing i icpit,las itis(ems to establisL eTATmoLvaee'rn TY To7.mDU,I... arcs. You may l9;ls moment to the;Siti?s do lefltSalttk,li a City' aAll' my sells of earkness, and the chariot the prineipin that substitutors and FRANrcJ crlrxgvmakes oaththatheisthe Iwmdriun of tlua world, and the next; wheels of GIA's gospel may Seem to those who sell imitations representing senior partner or the Ann of F, J. ("B"NEY & mere r, hecauso it is newt Try xt, drag Lr3tLvily, hu•t Lere is 'Like premise ,game as•° Dr. 'Wit - you may Imprin e>of till. 1iy the realiLiai oC the judptltent day on'1 ,yonder is the throne, and when thorn to ho "the Co., doing btateaf to the adtlty of idIldo• G Ai •i• hit •. Yuu r•rutambnr what: lint on the otter hand, de not ad rnllndsaience lilts 'Inst its eyesight and !lams' Pink Pills, are, liable under the County nth State nm of ONE HUNDRED 0I yn g y crtmintal cc'a, ,,which is in Lorca all LAFRs paythe each and *Tory cake of OATA3nB *Xs.{tCmen)A: L'boTe wits in this Country'' hero to anything merely because i. t. is omntpotonce file back [mpotent anal over the .Onmtrlton, and. it will no. that Cannot be cured by the use of HAWS years ago, Choir tw Pn this of u alas aid' Jehovah is driven Tram his throne, doubt•, to a ren14(il hie extent, put an DATAxxtll Curl a. F1tANIC J. CHENEY. There is not a single enleryntise of tie ll:en rho 'C97urch of Je.us Christ can an din this nefa.riaua business, as it Ls sworn to before me and subscribed in my caws bare -how the People rusho,l out ehurah or tile. Ivor ,l btuC lilts soma time mffori to Le despondent, but never un evident from the fact tbat the Dr, presence. this 6th day of December. A. D. 188& by eundrnds of Lawusands rte see ham. lc,an acatfeai. ltt. T:hsare wasati;ma wbnn ill than. 1Vill io.ms 1[s(ticinA Co. went to i:eo r, A, W. l3LF,Al30N, Why? Because May expecte,, that lllnm derided eves iiilhls drralotias, land Despots may plan and armies may expanse of br{ug{ng this man bnek {soar} NotaryPubl;c. slime daY Ls. wamld a'tt alkun lila thront.. t ial, 11 a [edv yOmuliai nnrm met 1n Nlassa• march an I the COngreeSas of the ns.- from so great a distance as St. Joltn HZ Catarrh' clnre is talion internally, and yi .halg'Y Hit trhttt was alt that chfu>etts and: orgFi lited the, first ,Alis- tions inuty social to think they are a't- that they intend sparing no expansC to pcts dlreWY on tike blood and mucous surfaces aari compared wntu, thud honor to c.rrnnry sOeinty' v:r orgytmized [n l:his lusting all the affairs of the tvorid,but' protect hath the Public and themselves pftilesystem. Send forIe,ttimonials froe. w'hi: L Gad calls you.- Ile suns and oull,try t,Lrr -' , it lauglb:tor and rid the mi lid,,y Hien of. the earth are only in such Cases. F. 7. CHICNIDY & CO., Toledo, O. daughters of the Lard Altuighty-ya , • g Sold hy Druggists, are colo all aroumid thee Cita•ist.iu,o church. the duet ot'. the chariot wheals of God's liall'a Fnmity Pills are the beak `o be que tris and. ]rings unto Go } ,p,bey said around d ' rtakimg way preplosi providence. And 1' think liefore the _ "They shall reigni n ith him Carevar ail -I mous And tl do also 'tb,a work of Jesus sun of rho next century shall set tits LEFT BEHIND IN LONDON CABS. COrarer!' Christ wits assailed. People cried! (null.: last tyranny will fa u, earl with a splen- �ytLrt�fNh�Ytil%rtMNYdlhN�eYdtlYda ftddd111ddJLhRh But you n0atl to be aggressive Chris- I" hris evRm ll and ,af s'm,h theories of dor of cawonstration that shall be Tile \Iguy Celli Things 1•onnd In T11011 'lie ,tarts, nn 1. not like these Persons who ethics and �oveT0[rn tl A1'1:k7 ever no• the astonisbment of the universe Gad .net ]'enc, tl ®�� PCO �e Spend pen tiutu2graues andwonderinghz ,!cert such a style of 17'reoahf,ng its Jesus will sett forth the brightness snit pomp No less t;Lat 98,02n artiulers ware fount! ' `/5� 1y has?" :Gzekilll held :talked of ,mYsteTL• all L glory and rerpetuity of his Mar- �iaYt to gatMakelpr would a ow ran halo I nus tviR anti wdlele'ls. 'Mre taume It net government. Out of Jobs starry Ln cabs, etc., in London last year, and � 9 r u Lid h{insalf itu a dark closet? A 1ma1L Scam Capernaam un'd C, nn:sarete flogs anJ the emblazoned insignia of as many as 2,055 people left their purses r I uaui lie drew MIS ld,tustrations from the this world Gpd will -lake a path for and money behind them eluting that Rheumatism, gro I deal of. the piety of Lo-daY is i lakes from tho sand, from this mowl" his own triumph and returning from par lb IIoty amy one could leave :his tu too exclusive. It Lidos itself, It needs r tailo, from the leliesa from tbb earn' universal conquest lie will sit ,down, � Neuraigla, morn fxeslr air, Aloe: outdoor exereIse' atulks, t[aly the L�Lar[sees Scuffed1 !tow rho granflest, the strongest highest ,,'etch behind bias in samswhat puzz- �9 Jb'ara ,uie rntaiq CLiiALians who emelt°ra(1 derided 1, tlmd ihlis Janus ,tray, throne of earth his footstool, I pre- 1tn•g, but 200 "GOPls nob{evod this feat. y; Lame Back, giving llta.r entire life toself exnntina- i ,lnlckad Try ixltn !rear,, awd they spwt lin pare this sermon because :[ want to Bags Cental -{ng valuables numbered 2,- - b ,inn•. les, are Leaning Abele Pulses I1i;s fI cgr, amd tip^.y CauAlnd hilm "this fel- rtnraurngb ,tall Cltm'icytia.n workers in 605, -hila among other ,,unconsidered , � Gotit, to Sea what is the w'adiLLon or their I lbw," All 'the Igateagt eattarprises int we'd every posdihia deparbmenl:. LCnsts of "i 'g sillritual health. How lo,ng tt'ould a i out of tlhe elluirch ham, ab t lines hcelu tike lnvtug Gad, mtLrah on, march on! tr,i.fles" wean HJS Opera and 'L101dglussed �� / Inan have robust physiwal hen nth if lie, M,.oiffed at, and. tibtere have been a great Ria spirit will bless you. Flt$ shield and 257 rugs. 7'.hore tE food for ouch ��� kept all idle day feeling !lis pulse Ln- I ln'uhtitude, who hatvle thOuli that the will defend you. His sword will strike tbOm it t0i the tact that one ,cants more ,lead of going out into active, earnest ,ulxtrr;ot of God's wilt!, ttOU114 fall to foryon. March on, march out Thedes- lie, to forget sill um'breitci than a y � � everyday world? ' 't les if it rani.*: VOL cut Of hike Did potism v,•ill fail and paganism will I was c7tnl:re nrnlid the wonderful, re, Put. tl,nGl sa'tlbern, arta tiltase wha have burn its .dols autrd Ajohammsdanism ivalkim'g-stick, for ;the walking -sticks wit.,himg cactus growths of North Caro- Ino atlenee wblh: plaything lame i:m- will give up, its false prophet and the only totted up a beggar{y $111, wh:i.le the :� ECxelnd> `� lima, 1. never was more lulsildesed with . rbwphimlenIt in ellurch arahetecture, or great -walls of superstition will come urebreltss reacrLscl the handsome total :t Salt Rheum, "' the buau.ty of flmvers, amd J'ot when Z ape"iAh an Bike good, L41arLy earn- down in tJlunder and wreek at the O.0 17,020. would take tip ams of Liresu Dant'( and est church wilag,tag, and they derldo any long, tonal blast of the goalie] trumpet. Skin Eruptions, w 111,11111 ull the leaves npadt the beauty was form of rediiglous discussianl which goes March. and The basioge:meut wit} soon 13ut inrourgius people Leaving, 'bab.ud ; ad1 great, You could `hardly Loll that! rnvn-,al'kiing aMlong arvsrydl4Y men bo elided. Oxtly a Lew more steps nn thong tlueia• false tel 1 !tied ,Ley, wish- '^ Lon StandingSores � it, had a✓au bor..0 a LLavex, And tkere d d;luex 'I:bA,II that wlii[ah makes tin ex" the long way; only a feu• more sturdy eel to dispose Of Lit( Or thrown Ti a uz,a a great many G.hrdstian people inlcit blows; only a few more brittle cries;Ileft Henn at the p � �-° "" t that at "Is' I Ls, oil' vn- •,: 'oto or s.4 xll b `id es • °tin ow the z P tS .rzs. of al one g , m triter r - o nn the • hr s 1 1 •ala u u C ,le tt he taut -d L rho vel r t t P al I could r wi I • 1 ]tit a 1- (aI w e t t r 'list ul P f Cra tllpn 1 oC rbcs R h s la g a i 1 none •a J 1 cit du Y 'thus ,Lis tlivingtd its td1"s.1 Y - Ill ' ll- ad, tlLCmi., ' to 1 ,LQ- LOU ' Ota .751 t t] (® I t1 "Yva nl fl•Um Cp�•i 7�''0.J � a who •kl and V�$ than Oxperion:•es t. He s eat adatptnbullity df ,yell yogi brow, them, and thew, is nlit.hing left in them, milt the simples fact' thai the ell'tuolies I:a[nL of hoaven will bathe off thesweal: thing's, one clan nn1Y marvel at this tor- Kootenay F `.!'his ,,'tyle of Noir examination is a I oil, Jcs'tta 011n'iL4t in this day do trot an I, the lica.1 alyd the dust of the oon- getfttluess ,shown [n !carving them in ,enrage instead aC lin' advantage to reaeU the, gr,wlt muussea. (.hero era 50;- filet. March Din, march orll !for you cabs. `LAIC Woods hotvover, cls not gl their Christian character. I renLember 000 pe ]la un i dllnd.uu•g:h who never Bear the time Cos' work will soon be Ilassscl, cease there. Tlaav an earth cont, any d $fig'ht's Disease, when I was at bay I used to have a ( idle rgoSPei. There tire 1,000,0011 .pool! a on.[ amici the oatflashtngs of Jobe,iudg- passenger target tLtaL• be hacl a bicycle I Kidney tom- a small piece in the garden that: C call- Irtaatt, ibrone and itbe trum,pet.ing' of re,- tinder Lid ahnrge? and tvltO he i:ba � �} lid: m)' awn, and i plants, corn t•'.ero, in I,cuicib- tv4tO never hear the Poal'" d. Saw tta, s C wool(, puri it n}, T'hn gr'.>n'b inalarllty aC the bullalrit-' SurrnCtiOn angels and, tie upheaving Leu. less creators tvino forgot: tllo Per- ,d an Ovexy y ants of. this axpitatl roma not uucler im' of a wnr0.d of graves and the hosanna am>1niluLor ? Alas I Cue cannot toll. 13ut plaints, pili U13 im see boles fast it WAS grow{ng. m:r.cliuLe minisinatian of Christ's truth and tine groaning of the saved mndthe those wa t -cart what asaplroto somentment ai° Stomach q Now, there itrre a great litany Chr{Stiwl] nthd the church of God Jim. this dale, iia lord: we shall be raw•arded for our ,hair loss must halve ion I to some C People {n this day ;whose self e�amiva- l - g faiibfnlnoss ar Ilia shod. fnr our stu- or t:ha yonUnlger gc.nern+tion I Aud the e * �, Trot4iylCs.iii il:enl Of boilaR it alttce: fall at li'vin Lion merely amounts to i:iul pulling up nl, {ile ltYlbhvn earl! u`eetl of, all anon, idity. Bllassod. 1io the Lard God of snwialg nnnahanes-vvltat ran the otvnoid b iii that whfah they' only Yesterdaynda to Marc. llka a dead! letter est -office, p' � tlaa day ir1lGOro Plantncl, Oh, MY fr e s P Isriuul !.coni everlasting to everlaat•{ng Y1avo l cent doing to lose sight of !ahem? PRI ;i quirt teat like -!nate anrlit be C.tlocI -ith Seven caged containing birds ansa found Ql par boiila �+ Ir Z you weer to havo a stalwart Christ- "413ut say tAua PeoPltt, "'Like ivarid its atiotttex, t6,6n .F� fIf un you t Plant: Lt. right out of gufeli; tea becamv[,eled; you xnust be pa- its glory: Amen incl arnan, a home lin Sotlaud Yard during the Promyourd-, year, besides several dogs and even rnte, floors in o�e11� .great field it Christian tip'la ths, ki'nudlislue of title world are �� -� not to speak of one lriwe rabbit ! gist, or divan ;^, dousirs, in ,and tbau.gh St ma lin hl ralm,s .,bit I illpTh O of Christ!' .,,- •. }a 1110 S. S, Ry=1111 - wt's on' mare speed unld energly4 'In- Z,lIeL S LESSONS. 5CJPPLY LllvIITED. ,�" Red, Gi LIDO came upon it, ani thc,Ugh the hot srtn Never nnhtsa the nlunxrh Of Jesus CLrist of trial may try, to c+nndumc ii, it• will p Ig Practical biothen-My dmurghl now thrive i,mtRk it it becomes n itreat i.ren gvoxl,sli�ltdt8lp ttfx lclrtiur acaninII -11 this in whir; lithe fohvlayof. banyan okay have 'g7 LhaJ< You era ongageld, to be married, Mrs, IIa,blq-G•nntlemon, what part llnmtlten, Unt. +. YOU should edidearvor to become more of the 'turkey do you p'refar? Boolt of Sworn teen• :1• i'J:rir habilali.on i bli no paLianne ahMrrh.. IIe1'a ]5 A gl'Ca,t fortre n Iaad mmtiaha {r*e to any addrees. their these aticlflolVatpot Olir[at.inans, '1'hay stab! it ire Lakeiw? An army rxva familar wit. tike details of houdokeoP Two Board7- m chorus -Inti mom . i ing Mrs. Huskily-I'an sorry, IgA keep themselvod vender shellor, incl all silts amhhvil aJaautblw waits t� 11C'usl: wait s. _- j:heifi 4"litisl1a71 Cxperinndlo in a ,mall, ill ire agIA sayA, "N � Dauglitol-'MAX lust what I'm rlo- but this is not a cLoubla breaetacl bird. exclusive nlrolA, wlla.n they aught, to lL7tltal P1tIIln CkLIA:mat tin a.nd s'arvatmid ing ma. Z 7Darnod to -day that coed- -,,..�« ,Of, the tbny wild htbve i"I VIVO itip" Vr alto amid ling gum is e, srlLinrdid thing for mond- SATISFACTION IS A PRA�°srId'aExom A m-nonv wlmn lanl: it in the great garden jug old, tinware. Lord;•so that (Ile whole a6luusphgre praaiLhs allyl perhaps Lps a Yeas puss ngdore vould he aroltsitio with tie{r Christ- dart (till .ly iho fori:xeas tidexhdors . Sam ion usefuln'end, int h i. life want, ill lite WruuR'h that tn'r ,vitl �1the foxtresss m[ilPk Fl111-INCH WAY. L A huioh ref Gad. is more sl;Is nVo, of. L.f g Ylre AnyON he ������ TEA. fAe ` ha Century plant 3.s. wonder- of Sala t LbOl ri, llalcem fvualrG0i it 10111 oudt of $h storm X 'w i aldre�hothrao fail sugPesce: alit! wonderfully heal- way, I:C tit Y will ILnvo to brling Tremedu shores lm 11 ul, " l I'vo a Inn:,, at it without ha by star my slant Witt ra a I your monky. Load package& 95^ Ao, 60 and 00a Iv.,lri,lg of its ,:ar',ilnuu i 1:L lois top tbn greed, s:uge qualm r>ilt the gas�]e1 '-era for4rLal73 by rho aolttral matearn• Ifoubnyapaoknto, and itnat:entlafnotm'yyonrgro or w,laole. ge]ernfions e^ bybefure Ii. puts to ilia Very wall', awd 5vbtdOl tea flyttni(f lOginn•1 :file:. at O& �INE 9 �'i A'� / `tt AA R4 B E 1111 E 9 � Over ZOO filr.eRaffish bw il* 1K I?afBttta;g. eller 1000 ill rol.ont.o a4TI A.onpaiol;a - 'R,e over 'Ey'andruf f in ollc Week. Cures fitdrdrig, Of the Scalp. RrcV-11ts Breaking of, Hair. Stops Failing 014t. POS99T7ryryE3ppGROWS pplAg R l Ong- 9141DR11 TESTIV,011 1.3 SENT ME. �� as tr' �6 *71 tA24`0(+0 a`5;M2 j $11.011 Pcr litOtvle frolll Flrll�ff,iats �' rcrcilpt of )iriao toli", L60 . 0�+6� lob �d4 i $' 0�0., �,aBt ORI,0 �I 10 Milt° , 6 SURE a -'_` ii 1ef8 6 1640106-4 4144 � Ano 4RO s. sE3 r is none, bon giod. 1 TI4RES TO TIE TO�aTitoar GA'TALOOUm explains why the 4.,,�• Go®drich des -Flex single m ,von mare 7r;,eataprert,r i6nd d cable and .",To,i'E get oelto{V+ IND." ��� �ra1 baienond your ndUdrase for "T" alttnloguo. Dealers quoted, �,�� A".iERICAN TIRE CO., Litnitodrlti4 and lee Cling Sit. LW, Toronto. y 4 i. i fL i t x 4 �,. u i. al; ie I. 5i c:. 4 fi R , ' �. R try I. d t i �r L tr''U: '• r .rel L4 ,WILSON PUB. Co., Limited, 73 Adetalde bt..w Sk l ul pti at