HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-2-11, Page 61
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RC1ISI,ANL'S GOOD R C�i D tt=rma Pram 64 ropertm bggregated* •-�---.-�
{ PY_ f@ seas and advancame �, and that nna��T�TS OF aLEBRITIS� May Lho Lord bleas Brother Jon
1 80,076 ft'e.t, alvitied iu,to 0,757 in, shafts, YOUNG I '19 3 t motharl Suagl 'his ja not � wl' 1pavaa ua on the ton o"01001) tra
_ imcldmes, wilizes and uprralses, and .8,909 ,.,,....A, r, ,,, _� , - the girl "lid deems herself noble.' this ntornlug.0
itn tunnels, crosscuts and drifts. Add- hoartk,d, whO weeps over Lhn wads Of
LRE OUTPUT FOR 1897 EXCEEDS hmg 51>gr cen4•. for laaa,ml properties, it TiEI,PING OTHERS. mankind In general, and 1a attentive SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS AS AN EN- -----
THREE MILLION DOLLARS. would be 7,105 feet icn shafts and 25,10•), When Mary value home from school to Outside friends, ovoln iv othergirls'I TERTAINING HOST, Il`INT1 R 51rItIN1(Lb:S,
feet. im tuatnels. Adding ]to that mother's Watchful eyes nottued a she- mothers•
street tnerenae Over Lite Y1uld or Must Year agaial the prospectors' work„ already i dew on bar usually happy face, Trust- ITOW glatily LVO LUI.11 to l.he. contrast -I -- "Speaking of the somnambulist
- 1,nrgo.►ntanator lleseio patent IYork ra l' tied as Ihang lvorth $'250,000, and ing I.jetllre, where the daughter Is a The tienlaL ,Yoretlxt rhaalcmvtr °nil 1t1µ )said the Cheerful Idiot, "lie at lea
1 the figures woulal st,a,nd alxntt as fol_ iuig in the aonlidqurw that was nut yet uaughter, intieed• 7)eni. VI•xior-'Meicens'roix to Atorr io snxtittit is no idle dreamor."
noOo llnrt:.t u/o Yr'tr -Iso etre Pont- JOYA:-Sbaftn, 11,605 feet !tuatatels, unbroken between them, shy welted girl, as yon lux Point ere 1'tew,
I , Privy your otvtn happin.:ss and l:eautY The Poet-" Whirb of MY poome c
pteye4l, ,8::,104 feet; total, 40,709 feet, ,for Wary to tAl11 )a her own way and of rltarartAr, love, oherlsll, pet your
The Rossland Miner publlsbes a do -i The cus6 of thew a rations, count- tiw motile • I Sir ,ioshua Reynolds appears tollave you think is the
lxst?" Shq-"Ihaven
PA e, what had troubled her, After t, slaw deference (,a hot, opinion
:tailed article out the output of title hose- iinaugrl excluding the legitimate mininge is nucl! Y g up the consult with her, take bar Into your been us ,poor a manager as Ile was de- read that one yet,"
supPDX while the were doing Isola emmp during )tis past year. Tb,a g ea 1 t work and girl life; and she will grew d beaandI lightful a host. Uttgn was his din- She -"12r. 1'oatgiightly doom"t loc
6 g 800 dinrnt Improvements, s, was $1,101,- d getting y, theyl l in res- beautiful, u. strong and r I)ui- i mer, propared for six or seven, requir_ like an motor does ho?" Ho-s'N0; ail
figures are put a ^en, showing :800, Oxclud as r press ctShafts, 1,105" loess for breakfast, they had many fol for you. Mm1iy It your husi- ed to accommodate fiftee 1 i- t he doesn't a„t like ony eith
!)hint the Output reached the sum oP $3,- Pe :C, esclusivA Of j>rospegtors' shaLLs, wt a quiet chat, that not only helped the mesa to open Lhe windows n¢d lot in L or s c sono sr."
525,518, whlch is 150 per cent. greater ;8-40 Per foot, $284,200. Tunnels, 35,104 daughter but loss also a source of the sunshine into bar soul, Let her to very often Sir Joshua would tempt llo-"E2y heart is on, Lira mit Lm
than Im 1890 and 330 per cent. greater Ifret, exelua(,ye of prospectors, tunnels, strength and culufort to the mother?" see that bar daugutar is thou *lltfult afternoon callers WIt1 intimations fur y-,' ell, as del
(, youl" Sbo, coldl V
g at $25 per fart, $127,000. Cost of pros--ni for liar, and enjoys liar voml,anionship. i that Johnson, or Garrick, or Cold- is no tnzuranee you bat potter pc
tbu,n In 1805. '.Che total ore shipments •pe,,tors' operations, $550,000. Grand ,gbt when the dishes began Urge hor to go out with you; and if, smith was to ding with him. Nor was dot fico ous,t:'
were 72,340 tools; the output by montha total, $1,101,80U. tet clatter gently in tbu slink, Mary she is too preoccupied with household I tJla wont of seats it oil
was as follows;-Jawnuary, 4,877 tons; ___ said, said, looking earnestly at her mother: duties to pay, much attention to tile' y difficulty; JI§dgo-"ll'hy did you steal the con
Februar , 4,286; March, 4,640; April, 4, "Do you think that it is cite Lair for ProUlliess of dress, you look out for knives, fOrks, plates :Lad glasses were i plalmant's Lackeys?" Colored Prisone
Y p SYDNEY'S BIG SCENT BOTTLE. q her; sea that, bar volt is gracefully ar ofLem sadly missing, In the game -"Ile had no chickens, you) Honor,
881; May, 5,811; June, 5,804; July, lb,- ,�-" Miss Green to tell Mts that I must help ranged; her gloves, in order; liar dress style was the service in the ]citchrn; Miss Ethol-"I hander If )bat gentie
882; August, 7,337; September, 6,915; On- unutne menam ent in, rile Oapitui or Now the No. I aritllatetie class to get their neat and attractive, not letting her, sad U was easy to know the guests
lobar, 5,558; November, 5, 15, Docemb scuta svatex. exawples and Chat iS I dant have lime g to up everything "for I:he ebildrrn, best acquainted with the ways of Lha MILLI can hear me When I aing?" Miti
er, 5,845, The, shipments for the six The strangest lmmnument in the world' to work my own examples it doe line Make much of her at homeand abroad, house, by their never fatling to call - 1. Of course he can, He is olosLtg th
months ending June 80th were 30,008 exists In Sydney, Australia, The abaft - matter?" and you will have double reason to for bread or wine In order to got them Window already."
be Proud of the mother whom yau before the first course was over, and '"Those neva neighbors seem to b
tons, and for the sx months ending &: Itself is not of ion unusual sort, lint I bTary attends school in a country have helped to keep young, as in the 11he worst confusion begun. great, borrowers." "Borrawrs? On
camber 31st were 42,832 tons. In addL- While It Is a unique ornament to the , district school where all the scholars sunshine of a daughter's love she "But tliesy trifling embarrassments," night when they gave a droner the
cammunik im the midst of which it ; from first to last rade, study and blossoms with the beauty of the fall said Mr. Courtenay, "only served to borrowed our family allium."
Lim to these figures must lis consider- Y g rose and blooms and flourishes for'
ad the 2,703 toms treated during the stands, it is also the most precious and t recite in the same room with one tea- you. Pl asure enhance the
the reniertainmentinguL,� 1'atfance-"VF'hat is the uheapast
fila) half of the year at the 0. K: imill, iha tenet understood or all structureschar. Miss (aeon, their teacher, of- - - wits not the wine, dishes, or. fish that looking thing you ever saw ai:out I
.pis ore smelted from the various to the great southern city. tell asks Glary, vrluo is is arithmetic SELF-RELIANCE, I was tallied of. Those social hours -that bargain eounteor?" Patrice -"A )ins
mines was as follows I -Le Rol, 57,487 This add spina has no inscription up- i No, 2, to help those in No. 1 With their Fight eonviviall afforded
tons; War Eagle, 7,023 tons; Cvltlaxlbim an it. It is as plain as a monolith with' lesson. She is usually g Your own battles, my young ;and warefarmore eagerlyterenjoyed.
I%aWouidnot his wife.,,
Y glad to do this, friends; for in flits way will you rise ; And., amid all they bustle and confusion "Wouldn't you like to have me sit heti
¢" Iliootemny, 2,079 tans; Iron Mask, 8; a plinth and a slightly elevated pedes) bit' today her Own Lesson was espe- to the grand conviction that honor is to Lhe host sat Perfectly composed, al -
059 tons; Jumtbo, 91 tons; Josie, 385 at. Facetious people, who are noL verse! � etally attractive, and sbe did not like be preferred to life. The craven heart- ways attentive to what was said, nev- and shoot at the posts Wham they com,
toms; Cliff, 917 tons; Centre Star, 1,334 Ln aewerag,.+ and sewer gas, call it the I to leave it. Her interest in bar own ed never understand this, Their tim- er paying attention to w•bat was eat- in?" Edltor--"N'o. You are too poo
tons; Reel Mountmim, 50 tons; O.K., 172 "S tent Bottle." Stranpors iscan it, l exaanPles made it seem to her to F.e Alit causes )hem to shrink from ys- . alt or left, and leaving avow one a shot."
r stradrtl 'It its unlett.•red fares, carr Y at perfectIlL'erty to scramble Corbfm- Willie --"Mamma, can people leave
tone; Evening Star, 7J tons; I,X.L., IZ y, unjust that she should have to leave posture to pain, and to them the most sole," parts o1 themselves in diffet'oni
tons; Velvet, 10 tons; Little Joe, 15 tons; their vision up its plain sides to the ; them to help others, sacrad of all dol os is to take Care of
piunaAle, Which stands about 180 feet I "And then, the teacher said that it l?lacos?" "No; don't be rwas ousi'
total smelted,
to lana; Lily May, BU tons; ' did not matter if I did not then Precious persons. If they run be- T$AGKERAI'S OYSTER. Well, Uncle Tom said he Inas goinb
total smelted, 7,840 toms, allose the street level, and wonder what gilt my hind their mother's a i to SoAth Africa for his lungs."
notable examples done, I must help them," alirons whenever Thaakera
The ore m Ilea /yes as follows;-O,K„ person, or event. it com.mamo- This mother was wise euaugh to look there is danger, or whenever it js Lm- Y regards
a oysters, Brawn -"Do you know that the ma.
> > rates. Throe-foarths of Lite residents for the silver linin to the cloud that curiosity as regards Amrrh h oysters, crit I y
2,471. tans; I,ZC,L., ` 3U lana; total mill- B agimad„ and if they put their big bre- j 3' of Irhysiciaus aro coin parativel
ad, 2,702 tons. The grand total of. ore of Sydney hare not the remotest idea abadoWed her little girl, She said., "You g as marvelous had stories, which he did not
g )hers perpetually lwttvean themselves poor men?' Jonesow o, I of them
p of what this modi£iud Cleo•,ntra's needle have told ma that you want to hit a P p Y believe, had been told him about Chair
treated was flims 75,54 urns. < school teacher." and assailants, they will prohably not I of that; but I know some of them are
iVOR;C$ OF MACHiN,ERY, represents. This "scent bottle" com-i "Yes," said Mary, "when r am old be too nice on the subject of integritygroat size. awfully poor doctors,"
mAmorates sewer gas, and it stands as' enough and know enough," 1 "Although," said Mr. Fields, "wo Author -"What (to you think of my
"The Trail Creek district," says The a monument to the eo .e who tore not "Well, dear, don't g LIi future years. Youth o£ today, a ,had taken
P P' you know that .pains to procure L•be largest new book?" Friend -"It certainly can.
i Miner, "is famous as having had More killed by that vile subtarrauean agan- when you are helping the Nu. I class new century will be ,yours tomorrow, specimens we could find, Nye apologtz tains muLh food -for thought." Author
with their examples you are learning In a few more years Its fight that shall ad for the astreme smallness of the -"Do you really think sol" Friend -
miming machinery installed in cy, haw to teach what you do know, find fall on our graves, will shoe on, your o sLers, "Yes; but a seams to haus been
it than any other mdming camp of the As it Las no Other name, "scent Lot -,c that it is just as important Lora tea- Y promising that Iva would do
cher to know hots to teach others as upward and onward path. But if you I better next time. Six bloated bivalves wrete,hodl.y cooked."
wane stagy of development in the world, tie" will. serve with which to designate it is to know how to do the work her- would be equal. to Its opportunities and I lay before him in their shells. I notic- `'Want a situation as errand -boy, de
The more importauti plants over tile aan
e it here, since the nickne somewhat self?" rewards, get rid of your timiiclity now, i ed that he gazed at them anxiously You? Well, can you tell me how far
camp -number $5, with a capacity of sycmbOliaas its business. This lonely I "Yes, I see it now. it does help ice Arm yourselves with courag° mud strike' with fork upraised, )Len wmisperad Ln the mono ix firma the earth, eb?" Boy
over 200 drills. Tlue: cost of the caul. column stands on Eli.ra.beth street, in to help them." down the evils and Lees that are 'tan- mo with an agonized look, 'How shall -"Well, guv'rtor, T he a know, a but T
tined apparatus, including the O. K. a small circle agai,ust Hyde Park. Ar- I ""You will find it so all through life;' hushed in, your souls. Spare not your- I do it?++
You will never reach' out a hand to selves See that treason lurks not in reckon h ain't. ileal• errand to ie got
;tamp mill is $358.500." ounci it art, a cordon of low round- help others but you will be helped and the citadel. Then array your r<•scurt•es I descriLea to him the simply pro- Erre with mo running errands." He got
The iol.lotiving shows the cost of the; headed posts at abort distances, and streA thenad case by which Americans accomplish the the job.
1 g youaself. When Jesus the strength of your intellect, Lhe vig- task. Ile seemed satisfied that the
no'lver plants of the larger nines: -Le ells ned to each otht•r by strong traces gave himself to help and save us, he or of your "rill, and the uafalturin"Ob., that
Prine n there are some apeo-
Roi, $1550,000; War Eagle, $30,000; O.1(., � gave us ill's example of helpfulness. He loyalty of an honest purpose a g l fact was dthan
feasible, owed his
the smallest
oyster and than lowed his Lead. All tacles that cue ngvrr forgets!" said a
6 upon Wh1{+h the Park Ixmaft•r and small gains) eyes were u n the great British
$1,,,000; Ceutre, Star, $5,000; Josie, $5;r boys lounge. Nrone of these thousands Lo minnister,o and
ministered s life
but corruption, he public
in, and the ail_ I y po g 3 loiption after giving a graphic had
bUD; Red -NIountain, $7,000, Cliff, $5,000; of people ever think that the tall spire ransom for many." 'Al nister'tmeans to e}verhma ing ober e test intellect_ of !in ;author to Watch the affect of the now criPtian of a terribly accident h had
plomte Cris LD, $7,000; Iran Burse, 5-,cUU; L serve or Lel Y he cost, vvhatavar o£ 'm-' sensation. Opening his mouth very witnessed. "I'd liho to know whrc+r
Columbia-Nootenay, $3o5,000; iron Cult, in the uniqux: circie is the safest friend"You have p others." mediate sacrifice or of suffering, do wide, he strugglAd a moment, hien
.5,000; Commamder, $5,000; Crown Point, i they and the city hare. Take it away, � it. I alwa s have m e to understand four duty, confident that God will de- !all was over. I shall never forget) in the audience who i al a old lady
y golden text bet- end the right. -Dr. George C, Lorimer.' the look of despair he aunt atthe other' • who is always mislay -
$15,U0; _ Palo Alto, 000; ll; It. E. Lre, clove the 18 -foot, square hole, and in , ter when I help sister get bars." ng her glasses,
I$7,000; ElayfiImver, v4I,000; Red Eag[y ,$3; less than 24 hours the, whole country! ='and not even a hint of a shadow five over -occupied shells. I broke A }}o holo asked to describe a
500; Illus Bird, $3,500; Nest. J gg, $10; y , the stillness by asking hint Low he y g
e, $1,.00; Deer Park, j3,_ ab int would be marred her bright fa, as she laid the
000; Boonestak I TRACKING THIEVES, felt. kttton said) "A Mitten is lemarknhle
Plates for breakfast. '" 'Profound]
$4, S: Mo Brit, 15'.',000;0;City of Spokane, STRE`1'N WITH �S'RECiiAGES, _ - y grateLul; he gasi.ed, for rushing tike mart at nothing what -
$4 000; 1-ima, $4,00; `i bite 13rur, $•1 Ren YVho Oake at Business fit Intllu of IF*,- "and as though I had swallowed asmalI ever, and stopping before iL gets
000; SL. Paull $l,d)UU; Georg,a, i,SUU; .and LLA air filled with foul, paisouaus THE GIRL MEN ADMIRE, rowing trimitugs. baby,"' there." It must have Leen the same
fiforn(.ng Star $3,0110; Cheat ',1';,stera, ! gases. Remove it and leave the whole I They admire the --- boy Who thus defined sca.ndalt "it is
$3.UOD; Rattle $•?,000; Sunset, \o, 2, open, then, in L;ss than a day, the lower girl who is her mo- In India the great enemy thieves is when nol,ndy ain't done nothing and
$8,000; Lily May, ,$7,0011; 'v elviA, $I,UObI; ther's r;ght hand in household mat- the khojj, Whose name signifies "search- DICKENS' POINT OF 'VIEW somebody goes and fella."
Colmm�a, $3,OU6, G'irginia, $L,OOU; tptai y;ty would lit until) for naLitietion. The;tern, and Who s not above taking an or," or "tracker," 'Lod whose business Upon one oaomaion Charles Dinkens Among the Ile'lsuns.-"You ren.io
value $364,000. great s wrrs for the •:iy }ia,e their vont, Interest Ill the most trivial thins in is to traok criminals b their foot- upholding the theory that what- Y
g y was uph g y coaceh)n. you? I never could see
The ta}ks Of the Tra;l Creek �L'u- bale lh}y came down w.th thcirfi!tli g, do
ing Record- is offdoe shave tLat in 1697 nud deardly gas,s, threw the latter off, connection with home duties; 7'hayad- prints, These Crackers are trained to ever trials and difficulties mighbstand
where the fust comes in. One lookaso
tile, oartijjaat:�a of work filed numbered 1 through th:s sti:if1, johi tho main srvl- =Ire the girl who has a bright, their calling from youth, and become I in a man's path, )Leve eras always lilac a darned foot, sitting up an a
1,830, as aga:mst 1;311 in ie98. Each ; er, and earry the t, -Vualning sewage on cheerful disposition, who is an pxcoadi,ngly expert, They are an es- ! something to be thankful for, tha'eo-,}tory eoac•L and cavorting o-
certi£ieate represents a 'minimum of over the h:,gh b}uifs of H:lwkesbury entertaining companivu and who pecial terror to the cattle-steulers who, t "Let mil, in Proof, relate a tale; + tI highwayeit, to tht tooting ora Arne'
$100, so that the amuwnt aptut on the sanditioue to th> s•a. "I know it, but it Isn't Query darned
a,matter claims of the district is at least I The ••scent bottle" sits over this has ever a cheerful smile or a kind in the parts of the Punjab adjoining'; said the great story writer. "Taw tool that can afford it?"
.11113,000 as a6ai,ust $121,060 ill 1$90. In Ime'A;ng elf the waters, and draws off "yard for these around her, They ad- tbt, Indus and other large rjvors,where man were to be hanged at browgate A young colored ph,ilosoohe'• Waseca -
11 robability the expandit•ure was: t11•• foul gases froai the Wroisned pipes mire the girl Who is always neat in her much grardne is carried on, are very 1 for murder. Tile morning and hour I
heluw-. .It k hollow, of course, a.nd has played La one of our stores at a salary
shoo $250,Otl0. During 1897, 11iU vert- - approached, the prisoners were pinlon-
oates ai Improvemgn Warr obtained, an c,pemlig at thn top WhR-b is not per-; apparel, no matter if of inexpensive plentiful. They mtatch ,their cunning of $8.50 a week. He told h,Ls otnplvyor
I as against 88 In the previwts year. Ice;,t:id to ih" eye upon .the strreE.; materials, and vvh'o never dresses loud- agatnat that ox Lhe tracker, but they i ed, twid the soyas adjusted about the Guo morning that he Was about to
Through ;ts grate throat the under- ly or in questionable taste. They ad- have to be ver clovar to throw him' poor men's nooks. Thousands of mor- VALVE OF PRUACi('I°ION. I Y leave, Laving got a Lotter I1ltara. "el
The value of gold ore treated during ars otfd sit -v breath -s and all the sew -I mite the girl who can adapt herself off the scent. I bid]y curious aPeatators stood watch- better place?" echoed his employer;
th•, r;Lg ;Ire relieia.l. The "bot-! to any society, whro is not affected and One o£ thOCr tricks is to ateh a buf- Ing in front of the scaffold when at "what wa6es are you to get?" �'L'hrce
1897 was as follows: -57,437 tons Le Rob., ; tie" being neurly 300 Peet. high, rases i that instant, sit infuriaL•ed cow, pass- dollars a vtvek." "13ut that' is not so,
oras• smelted at $25, $3:45,075; 2,702 tons, above any Inhabited house in the city., who would scorn to do an action of falo, drive it into the river, and, ooing• lag in the street, broke iLs rope anti much as u
.aL $37, $2,135,189; 15, tO3 terns, other and the rushing sewers g1ling ilia gas whi, It the whole world might not know. ing to its tail., guide it in the Iva .they i charged the mob, scattering the peo y0 gat, here," "Nn," said the
milled at $30, 654,010; total, 8•, g Y Y bay; ,,but then it's bettor to do lass
A2,654,H 4 a, forced draft, shoot it tunny feet above! They admire the girl, who in an emer- desire to go, By this )octans the)' are PIs everywhere with its horns. Where- and not get so nturh than to do more
The valour of copper was as follows:- the. fol, of this great ga•y chimney genay can turn her hand at anything upon one of the condemned men turned and not get, enough'."
57.437 tans Le }to at {jh $3t4,ti ;; ]5,r lvlleuew thle dam�erovs ner)form fluid is . Y g quickly carried ctdw'n t t:, current, a>ta to ,his equally unfortunate aoail,an- pude -"Ta h
403 tans other ores, at $4, '851,812; tot- carried away, s that it never reaches from cooking the dinner to retrim- leave no telltale footpri.ats. But the I ion and observed quietly, 'I say, Jack, Y Ik about saving w•omenl
al $406,234. Addimg $75,000 as the esti- a bumau t,eing. 71'hia perpendicular' ming an odd hat. They admire the rust, is not always successful, for the i it's a good thing we ain't in that t suppasy my wife is the most eoono-
' mated sthver values, the result is oh- gns sew.:r was built before 1880. 1t girl whb Is unselfish, who can give reason that Lite tracker thinks noth-, orowd.' ' mival woman going." Duddy-'"1Vliat
k taiued of $3,025,518. In addition to feeds the oloments daily with enough up pleasures oL her own for cite t Lone- ing of distance and is likely to c ) has she been doing now?" buddy-1'Bhe
the ore actually treated theft, is On the faits stuff to fill a good-sized rit.y, Or to fit of others and in such a way that y )tins HCGAWJ1I1S ABSENCE OF MIND. has loran wanting a new cloak, end the
Juunps of the ramp 90,000 tons Of ore, blaw Gibraltar tmto atons. Hines Its the sarsrtffca Is never known. Theyad- upon the tracks farther OR,, when Lbu l other day rhe said, 'f Nish I had fifty
ameragimg perhaps $9 in, value, Tb is a,uslrueLlon at their 'unction there bas' thief is forced to leave the stream, The celebrated Hogarth was one of dollars to of that cloak WOW' Then
1 Imp the girl who can talk of more she thought. a irroment•. mutt added '
I'D not lie,
has a value of $81nt100, but not );ecu one explosion along the line important things than dress and the A gond tracker will follow a thief,' the most absent.mintiod of man. Soon g No
r cannot he properly (ndudrd in the nut ai rtnnified sewers which converge to-. latest opera or. craze, and who can I utter he had t carriage ,e hall l vvan'L to extravagaut. 15: bsh I had
put of the year, as bk 11us oat breu ra- w„rrl this point. :LLA "sre.nt bottle,- is listen intelligently whoa deeper sub- yard by yard, for. u hundred miles, and Ce d s�i up his air ge 1 a, rorty dollars. Perhaps I m ghl he nolo
duced, said a part of 6t tats .mined pre- no t an ey, sore. Its business is so, ,'acts are Introduced, To abort men ad- come up with him in the and. Occasion to pay a visit to the lord- to got, it roar that., NOW, that's L, t
ulcus tDtha bPgu:n,ninptuf Illy year. [low disguised that, it Is an o),j,Mt of beauty, I nave the irl who is kind enLlA In one Instance a burglar Was thus mayor. When he went, the weather I call eeotionty." a
ever, hsitdau1aug this with Lha other. the and 's remail • inistalcv g g yet tracked until I
rand total Would i,, S °"+ 3 n for a real withal firm and sensible and not the the searcher reached the was Line, but he was detadned by bust-
g .9 dp,u18. 'Cha+ 1, „uament,, Indeed, it is the biggest,' gicbly, " thoroughly up to date" girl, lockup of a. villagge eighty miles Erom!
pradurUan of old minerai.v in Lho> '11 nil ,i:c. oDnapicuous and picturesque of all as eo many seem to think, the atarting-polo), In' the building! near, and in the mea.ntimu it violent REVOLVING PALACE rain storm came tip, Being let out G C❑ POR PARTS.
Creek disfrird: Inv the pnad three ,years Ithr, uatahle monuments to Now South was the man h -e had set out to find• i of t i p
has boto as follows:-iBOG, •9703,(,7;i11'a(e8, of which colony Sydury is the --- The police of that place bad observed be int which
by n different entered, ciohe --
e )U .91,243,380: 1x97, 4t3,o15,n18; total, va)p;tal. The, tiydn,ey "sc:ent bottle" is KEEP YOUR MOTHER YOUNG. a snspic•lous-)ooking character walking) from that whwh ha toad ahhe Mxooxitiou Ar %# $ 1vi1i outdo obtengnx
97I.i;35. inot an axpensive structure, It is sug- Girls, do yoy, realize that the ha, i- about, carrying a smtall handle, and had may w ch, Lagan to calf torn hank- tdrr+t+ prrrrt, w'nroh.
,uring I.he year 1897 cillidends to the the;
to oLh•,r cities in other r ! PP may rtoaeit, but one could not im pig- r
nit,^ of 35425,1100 were r parts DPf nese, both resa¢h and future of P?'oTnPtly Inrkrrt him up, An exupnfna- li i • Paris la I;o nut -Ferris Peirls, The
lrelarecl by Lha' the World as vertical lungs for thw sat-' P your Lion tit the bundle brow ht to 1' ht ' v- cured. Ii a nd, determined res to brave
mothers is largely in d the storm and, actually roaches his ;,a th univ, res l ex is u be N. ,rte
h, Rni C<,m�g,any, The 'oral calces uP' „ty of sevv^res, a,nd tby nervous popu- I! your future,
elry vvortb s-vrrnl h�wndrad ropers, ho i Let stA fi i i' ion the u ivtr f
d: ririn,ods Imid tip to dat.v is as ,Pot- dace who trm,np theteen in the pursuit l Of course, you all acknowledge that One particularly good banker Was es- mo m ce. raid v thnut a h n t sit e.:,twsiliaA of 1000. 'Clw
I,p•.a:s:-Ln fruit 8075,000; IA'ar Rmigle, of Other thin s. peria.11y useful because of Gist laral thought of his carriage until. Mrs, apecind wonder of the Pronch fair will.
4.:17,000; total, 68(12' 000. g no clearer relationship exists than that kit tyal, e.. lie was engaged ed 'u find a Flogarth, seeing him so wot and bur- he the revolvilt
AL prrs ,nP nl oah 750 neral are sin- between a loving mother and daughter, low g 6 g tiled, asked him where he tied loft g palace, designed by the
burglar who had carrieul off some jaw- it, Rmtnloyat• areliiterL, EJ. Charles Davie, It
I,'ny'ed im tnhitil ; •old de'vAlopment over GRAINS Or GOLD- but do all Of you believe it.? Alry. As soon ns the trucker saw Lha -r r
tits `Grail Crr'k d'striet, wltb Titcssla.nd + trai} he said, "It is So-and-so, Go to is e, hexagonal shaft, 350 Not in height,
Of two evils ire should n11vn A girl cannot afford to tat this
as their h-•nJquarters, Of these 1;t:0 era ya chose his Louse in, yOudgs vilhtgA and youvvill AN EX1'J?RT. iiURE, divided in Lo Lwquty-five stories, The
:uqu,.trd. it 38 of the most iii •or'a,nt the least,-Thonlas a-I(etipis. i blessedness slip sub of bar life. And
I got lnaaty clo, and by hasty word, itnd hi,m, The officers ,want, and Barthel the French dramatic author, entre palace will be coverer! with nick -
I l,i•opert',•s imnwddn4ely around the vitt', 1� rsl, find the ni41.n in yoursdr. if yau rams upnn'LhA i,h'iwf in the art of break- 1, for i rel plate, ahnniniwn, ornuanrnl.ul Klin
is f"Now:s:- Will ilmldrr maniinvss in OE hers- ;1 T- neglnrt, and even by continuous rods- im up the jeetblry, was romarka lis h selfishness, tic g
i.., i1.,• . , , , , , ;;3U cut' nest' to tbelii. mothers, east shadows ren one Instance Lbe trac•.krr's skill � tuns so compiDtely Ivrappsd up in ilia e.Dd glass,
; Iran 1fask, 30 ,f,, liven lids Wh1,ch is a almost. condemned tin innocent nian.Iaansciousnoss ofhfs own importance as Thin gorgeous stautitnre. will he It-
J',ttuba. wrDctmtl Where'. they could) so. easily bring sun- 'Cwo sheep belonging '
8lf"IWIJO"I Is to suffer unknown tor- shine. I f> g to it government' to lie often aLruugel Insensible of Litelunil,nated,by 1.0000 in.rundcstvnt and
)I"'`' c 13 tures.-1'ie ar Thigo, offio(al bad been stolen, and the Loot- I Y 2,000 nrcl I ghts of rariad. colors, so as '
f tiff c " b Some mothers, wire, mothers, assert prints were ,found to Im those of, o. man I wanks and woes of athssrs. Calling Ilk) brio•+' nut clearly all the tireornlive d
n'i5:.t I Nevar lr afraid of what is gDn'l; the themselves; 1, amt plc •e o 1 Upon a friend whose opinion lie wish-
Jlvvu t.. n Ci>� • ' ' ' 30 good is always lite roar( In wimL is Irmo, Ie " uL Loa often thetvrinklad 1 y Q C look after the Public. gard' ed to .have re arilin his new colo- lanes' hmlu,nieia, Lurrrl:s, pillars and stn- `
View, w 41 brow, Cite wear;g step, and the per- a" t" I g g Uvii. To the loft of. tb,a polars trill be c
tlaunertral• y, but not'. •Iv;•t, .3.3 � '1'ha man Inas arrested, I}ul. When tdho ad he found him dying, , I a rhi,nu+ of sixty-four hrl is and n. paver- ,
C..,ntt„ data r. . Trhie friu,nxlshi;o is lilies sntnd hcaltli mnnent lopk of seduces sit notirrahle track was followed tip it was found to 1 eytthel'"nding, Proposed to read lits fill nrgam, playeel upon Ips the aid f •
,,-ai, bh;„h•, 3O i--t.he vMao of it scldoin known until it. in ratan mothers, come from want of!ewl D osite lobe+ Collett barracks,wher' frlffY' cotu•iressed nir. I
lJ5'is lost. -Colton. Y I rip p "Consider," said thoutan, "[ have not d
VT reg. c'r.sio, 57. Ialirireriation in )holo sons and daogh- the skims r}P the sheep ware discovered. i Ilio eui:iavl structure vvi,l•1 tarn on' It .t
I1 \"'r�it:it. f , Those Who m:tko the tvotst rase of As dt aesanrd uml.ikely that a thief more then an haat to Jivq, pivot, the iuoLive power being b It - !
+,i„nna. i i , . 57 • their [role inomt errrnphlin of Its short, Gera, fie mmch: aP her earthly happi- Waula dapv4it ]tis booty under the ver I 'Ay, replied Bn.rthe, :'"but this will draul(r pressure. '(t• will ,lake nee v
V88. I), 1899;
1. 1`ION IN S'1', LOUIS,
it 1lr,Iternays r•orNrcued a Cent pltlte kX01llala.
-I' 'be litotnit0h of Conrad 11arh, It h
a SUMPed n•ont Canter - Derk Atecove1,0
't front, file eperatlou, but Was 11100 lie.
billlated t0 I,b•e,
k Whitt tuns regarded at St. Louls, as
d the greatest surgical operation, of the
ago wits performed at. the Rebekah Hall-
e PICal last V[reluesday morning, and the
6 froot tbal: tt gave promisa at eomlpletb
t success was rAspomsihde for the dis-
closure of the details, It lues the ox-
- olstan of this entire stomach of Conrad
r Beek, a maehiciaL, 40 years chi, of St.
1a savoral ways the operation wqs
I more arduous and complicated than the
1 sirnilar mita successful undertaking a5
Zurich, Switzerland, on Sept, 6, 18W,
i of Dr. Carl Schlatter, who removed the
p whole stomach of Anna Landis, a work-
' ing woman, 85 years old, Each opera-
tion was impelled by taLoverons
growth ,that me,naoed the patiant,s
Beck was the first mann to the world
l:u culimil to such an undertaking, Dr,
A. C, Bernays, who performed the op-
eration. is one of the most ominent;iur.
iteoas )r' the West, Hq was assiste4
I,,y Dns. Robert; E. Wilson, Frank M.
Pioyd, and Spencer Graves. Dr. Ver -
clays gave out a carefully prepared
statoment of the Daze as follows:
"'1'be patient was sent me, for opera-
twa by Dr. Samma, who had diagnosed
the case as an I enrable
BY se.iere hemorrhages and pain, and
by Inadequate dibestioa, all caused by
the cacrerous tumors, the patient wax
Dillon reduced In strength, and had
lust about, 17 pounds in, weight. Dr,
Summa thought that as the tumor had
uA given rise to obstruction, a remov-
al of Lite growth could be attempted,
It was thought that only a portion at
Lhe stomach was involved.
"On 11raditasday morning I opened
the abdomon in the usual way, and up-
on examination of the stomach It was
fuuad that the major curvaLure was tot
involved at all, that the diseaso was to-
rvrterl aluag the minor curvature, and
than it, oxLeaded the whole length from
the esoPhagus to within an incl) of the
PYlorus. This Satter outlet of the
stomach was antirwy free from disuass.
It wits Lound that till of the orga.n.s e:i-
ceptdng this small portion of about one
tnolL would bave to be removed in order
to give elle patient a chance to get
well, ']'his opera(lou was done, and
the lower end of the esophagus was
united to the pytorte omdor outlet of
the stomach,
"I have three or four times is past
Years operated on cases [a whlell till)
reulovat of thin wat[re stumaob might
have resulted to a cure, but never have
haat the knowtecge aeuessary to war-
rant rue id the olera(Lun and have cillo
tasked ill courage. 'Cite recant r no.
coastal operation, by DI', ScbluLter La
Zurich gave na suma ancoura.goment
mud. furnished a precedent, hub the op-
eration, in my opinion, based upon the
exiiertieu,•'e of Wednesday morning, will
never I,e oma a common one. It is
xereodjngly diffir kilt. of parformanue
na<l rcquet•es grerti rescurcefniness and
eitduranro cit the part of tho surgeon
and his acsisLants.
1. The oparditioc IasLed two hours and
six minutes. It Was somowhat ajffe o
ant from Sohlatter's. The pacts+it s
in fact, the dn.ngor of shook and Item
orrhago is none Over, and if he does
act gat well it will be from the inlpas-
sil)Wty of property nourishing him•"
The difference between the St. Louis
operation slid, Dr. Schlatter'% is in the
fact that the SWIM physician removed
Lbe pyloris earl. effected a suture be-
Lweett the upper rend. of. t.11e jejullam
gaud the lower extremity of tie attOlih-
agus. 'Dr. Floyd eXplulue that Dr.
3chletter must have experieneed. Isss
Ldfflaclty lm concluding his opOta.tiou
Lham, (lid Dr Bernays m rini,h'ng his.
"It was tauxh cit Lal,"" he Vaye, "to
!(?I'll the earls of the lejunam feud asoph-
Igus because the orifices tit, then, fit.
led with roach more nivoty. hilt ilia
rppat oril'ie-3 of the pylorl4 bring of
greater dimoneiuns than the lower and
t11.5 esupliajncs, the juaoton in the
>Itsrabioal on Beale wars necessarily a
;alik of greater dlf.fi illy,"
T7loitgh tha,come(uuily o1' the puti-
uLP's naltmI l"',v canal wits rosLOrud by
.he suture i'etwooa the pyloris unit
osr>>thagus, Beck was sustains l with In-
at'ied nourbwhmeats, The ,urgeons
le:dare the ranrorotts 11 uwth hod al;
ulnr_cl such extent there wits not flue
41glnteaL 11ape of .13eok'., trc•overy he -
ore Llte oparaLiOUL,
:Che history of Beek's case is al}nosL
,lie same as that of Anna Landis. she,
ao, was nourished. by injections, AL-
er a while, 110WOrer, she resumed, caL•-
ng ill the vi'dinory maniter, amt on
Ict. 11 terh bed, l)r, Schlatter con-
umed two hours crud a hair in, his
pel'a tion,
Later. .fleck died late FridIty night,
Ile, surgeons say Lite operation was
lavelLhel.ess n sciADilric Ja•lamph, lite
titdeat's-40hildtnted condition alone
r¢strn-t.ing rwilm:uient success. .
] ,xrraucin . b i ua•sarLa (truyere., . news is banker] upon her children, for, oyes of th° pcilira, a, Cu,rther tnvesLigal.
f Occupy om y half that tint(,,"
vnlu.ticrn an hour r, ae-.
wharn she would, yield. her life, that; tion wits'nade., and It was eventually
ar,ng `Corr, . , . 8 The high:st order that was over in. y
1 J.y bgLY• t 1 . , . , Ili stit'toI on r(trth in (1114, order or fattil. when this prop is knocked rrum un -;Proved thfcl the. sheep had been Laken
23,au' Ise ohunt, der her, by l:hfs
The green ants of eluatralis, alt
4 -lHe Fill setclns to o with it, And pollee„ tube, to )brow the truck -JI
I nay Ward Braclinr• i g ' era off the soanls, heal hrow nna wuru!
I Duubb. '+t,urdaed , . . . U I The ingratitud,t. the hoate without a competent band,
11"fllia.lu Dean lTowell s father, who
by bending leaves togathar and
. . of tla worid ran neo_'
Abic I ixwruI nod =-I need hand to guide amidst. the garde,.ners hoots.
5'or dopriv.• us of. the ronseious hrrpt,inrss
Deer '['irk. , 1.41 the viatasi odes Of. jay and sorrow, tg
Amigrated to Ohio half. a century, and
j nlnra o this Cannula Lo
A .motor�cmdle is this latest domes(le Uniting
I,nvfiud.itan: It. is said La 1x: a grr•,aL fill- glue,
iu lloaf'
g them. with a hind of natural
rlulndrds hnvA Baan neon wt one
v . , Or having ncbesrl widh Intutctnll,v our- - ..
Iran )!nit, selva•s. Ual'tsmityt
1U not the happy Roma that it rculrl 1e
Ctrxc,y DLIRATd1LfI'Y QIr TS'OTtY'
to ttsrad 1: ri
I g , ge d
of an intrusive, visitor, who had, wornequal
the hand -rocked
vanes, artirle, and
drawing it to the, ground whiitt an
number wattcfl, to recoi,ve, hold
, r 5 and should be,
lfurndnle, l Truth and f;deliay are+•- Lha• pillars rif. JTueh of Liteneglect of nlottora by The durability oU ivory Is proved by
1+ the tenLol
Santa Titxaa., their dttugLtrrs
I out: his Welnonte. Re would, he eallrcl
ani; an some ))its i ass and would say
an.n bo worltacT with eith'Or Alcetrieity and
are ietrnlurum. Tho rnoi.lou auav 'A r.
z a.
fasten it.
, . 4 1n
upnles Irony want of tile fact that I.illiard hails, which for
5 arrlirokwae LhaPa�hr �rfalls, ttudtc•rusrTtts
r TLillie , ; 5 Lhought, and many a girl would Iks ap- the sake of curiosity hail beat) mndts
La thu gtuesb;
i "I
celrrA•tvd. or slackened b Amply
I y Lorne
Lillie ;foe. t r r 4I all pi(•ras•-Otc:•u 1 nlltham• palled $It her awn portrait, could she of well pre..servad; innmmoth Ivor I -
Crown .Palma. . . . . 201 'ta(terY irlcilsv} very Pvm,rmlly. Tn sec "irorsalC as others neo liar"" and fir ub nal Y an-
Y. t y many tboussadq or yearn
sue pose you Ivlll not '
1 t Y cp loom
who) t return, so t Isiah you goon-
byel I
iv sOrOW and Oats -r ,ai,
i g 6 duRztwin -
is that) Lha i}cr<n•au )Foes not rcasoawiu
EasLerm Vu -inner, ronleurptuausly-
Great Republic. , g tbe, first place, the flatterer may l.hi,nk Wa,l)d le the first io conilelnn such old, Were playact with for several
- what ht, says to be true.; but, in the r..ondnA in snot o aY Yet clay by months by exir•rie¢rnd pinyera in 1.>aris
this was ' L l IA +v .
is INIA, e. cep) In nnmpar-
Lyon the
ding though (.lie baby may to ]left In Calash
kale roarti. alone. :I'.hrre aro, of. coursy ne¢hhAr
me going West, whore you 11ava
coal moa wood. E.L'igltty itlrmo-
aer'Utlel ,lala;e Whether he Illinita Ho are ria she nelit
r (100 i y goat; an arnei,tdug and. ngvrr tvibhart. it I:r(ng notdeOd 1:ha.(: t:hehihlls
not, he certainly thinks dose whim he returning, and ruthlvas(y trampling
wltl sUporl, stratagont uaorlb-
Oil to C,OrriLl: 5tnith in such ¢mor-
doctors who say that a child should i of vxymbent,
1 t
be roakAd. at a•11, but few mlotalef:y are Lh?
burning corn rot C ,
nOI, 1 li L
J)TV11IT,OVNtENr Lt'ORIi". I %vete. lint made or (rash Ivory. bTa.m-
Turning tD devvlopaieat works re- flatters consequence,caanenough to lie, urian Lho, heart of ono whose ovary rnott ivory ie, as A rule, 'nob as t )ugh
e¢ries--as tilt
g a hA used. Co say
In Ills famit i,a'ya.k.
O the srnna opinion, anti with thA ma-
�Vasttsi^rt 7 armor til aR, yes, it is
flattered.-Joh,ngdn. , thought Is r.Ontzred upon her• ltappi. Its rrestt ivory,
v prayer af(r.r,
alar, w:ra.dlO will no doubt rather•
Oars Is so blyr oo cart'H
bt,rclutha popular, g�tl
in Litetlstove.