HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-2-11, Page 51+'r 11, 1301+
- pip
, d'it
1'1 .. ing Milo.
MI Mode on tel loge watltetl, A good
mets its the yo tc measure logs, •
Custom eau g will begin en Meroh 1eb
or before if o1 ` weather,
Good hinpl' flooring cheap. Aeh V
Johns from 99 1811. Bills out to order.
Shingles tot .tie.
rd+i'ulFatdrd+66,:3a,g ANr�
$ 87 20 $70 20
95 20 74 20
103 20 79 20
103 20 82 20
103 20 82 20
-s and is iutormatlon np-
-WALL, l geut, Brussels.
YD, Ethel.
DYEA (Taiyt
For tiokete, r.
ply to
J. N. K:
or GEO. H
/ND o'rnntt--
For Impure,
Blood, Dyepo;
tion of the He
algia, Loss of
sumption, Ge
and Urinary
Female Irregt
"leek and Impoverished
a, Sleep:el-mesa, Pel pita -
t, Liver Complain b,Neur-
emery, Br000hitie, Con-
-Moneta, Jaundice, Kidney
..easee, St. Vitus' Dance,
rides and Genera! De-
Prop. and Mantifaoturer.
bold by .Jae, it c, Druggist, isruseC3S.
.waGar.w-vr '
Q.st 1'1'7/•.
(.1 nue Itn'"o Fair le Gordo 00
Oalnrilay. the 5th. --\V, J. (freer we in
Toronto last week, attending
THE i3R1TS`8EI0.S POSTmerAimerenoelt
e trustee for
1 tC
ort a
L'aulij,lb; i t,•utionu, ,, Li lov.,d ; J. A vanes emoted .v, Repealed nn tela •ion• W. 14.Manning was app
palsied, banker, 'Mayor et Mt. Thrust .+rid b >u v l + ,t obj t 1, The report the Collegiate beard, W. R. Longit was
J. W, hl yere, 01111 t 1 t r, 1 ; lir. A . f tit • t bI 1113 silted w ei presumed by a,.poi It 1 Jemmied 1 Public 'shoot
11, Nichol, l.i8towo1, 1 t'. Ilay, pn•.v. 1 \l.rlt., 1 n:etteett. limit tit..y scythe ls•avin„ 0.»d R. Welch, ruantdete11
f l I I l l t' 1' I leetrie ell
he•ier st ,it. 1 ...re, remelted w's 3111,
dente the .Iowa .n+,. ,
Listowel, 0.03113. 1'.L'ruok, W080UII m leu• A deer is a fleet runner, but not fast
f lnrtr I iatowel The eharehulderi nl+t •+. 113 lav ti d enough for a train on a elect trash.
Throe of these animate tried a sprint 00
tate railway. near Medewaeka, Parry
Sound distrust. Two of them wore run
down and killed, the other jumped the
which deee not luchtd0 the paelor'e Bible
0.0 The eh'lt r§ atteIl 0.1700 was'220.
•e tundiu' 11>u tcuil•
meeting thee adjourned and to Med ill, ••197 wore received and expended by rho
ding of hie brother, bemucl J. Greets- of tlw dircntere was 1 11 in the Com. eol1agl, The report of tho Y. P, S. U. le.
John White and h'Iiss Proud1000, butt of 1(803'0 aloe, et whiub J. Scott tuns 0n, WAS reed by Miss 11101111e St men:tie The
Howlett, joined hearts and hands in wed. ( olooted proaideut, t), D. Campbell, vita- membership of thi9 [gaiety is at present
look and will leave for 21031110130.-Nesl1 President, lord Ill 0, Mulenvell, eery.• 81. 1leooipts, 513. Mise Belle Wittier'
treasurer, The Board of Di.uctore turd 1(Torte,' ooneerning the work of the NV.
& Sanderson have lend the Victoria lark
ad a
r � S
eluding ltult utenlarged and lengthened 6then
distance of 70 feet, width now inhkee the
rink 140 feet longe -T. II. Wolkor, of
Walker Bros., liverymen, Ingersoll, 00•
compenied by his wife, 10111'» tlhegn0ets of
hie brother, G. W., in town last week. --
Mien Eine ltntherford, of Kincardine,
paid a visit to her cousin, 3, 3, Rector•
ford, of Wellington street, Gorrio,-Sou•
clay was 80o',onent Sunday in 1130 Metho.
Official B
The U
' n
dist o rUuu] hero.
met on Monday, -Tito Publio Library of
Corrie had 1s'dieon's Vitasoopo, or picture
moving ma3hiu0, lhore on Weduoeday and
Thursday evouiuge, Feb. Rh and 10117,-
A gentleman from Wallace township
came into town to get Jae. Armstrong,
V. S., to inspect a gunner of beef, which
hlr. A. found infected with mellinosis.
Tho gentleman was of the opinion that
the disease, which affeoted the lungs,
kidnap and spinel cord, might be tuber-
91..1 i 1WORKS.
I wish to It
and enrround
chased the '
BELL and w
to all wants 11
at moderate T
No bettor 2
Order left a
looked after.
tatti eti i>a•t
&mod ls,- Geo. Trott hos purchased a
photograph gallery in Ilcneall.-Mies
Sadie Franks, of Boissovain, Manitoba,
is spending a few weeks at G. E. hulk.
son's, Egmondville-J. Devereaux, of
Chicago, has purchased the wagon and
blacksmith ehops from L. McDonald, 01
I'Valton, and. oe possession on the first
of February. toMe. McDonald finds that
he demob loop after both rho sawmill iu
Walton and the blacksmith shop in Sete
forth. -Two of one most popular young
bankers, W. G. Blealellau and 'leery
Bamford, of the Dominion Bank, left
town last week to take positions else-
where. Mr. MoClollan goes to Torooto,
while Mr. Ransferd has been moved to
Uxbridge. -A union meeting of tlto
Olnriatian Eu01100or0118, Epworth League
and Sunday school workers of the Eg•
mondville, Methodist and Prosbytorian
churches of this town, will be held on
Tuesday evening, Feb. 15111. The meet•
ing will be addressed by the County
Christiau Endeavor President. -Wm.
Somerville has been appointed uptown
tient agent for the Grand Trunk Rail.
way. -Geo, Fitzgerald, who has had
charge of the fiuiehing doperbment fu tho
Broadfoob & Box furniture faotory for a
umber of years, loaves about the end of
this month for Liverpool, Euglaud, whore
he has boon engaged with Fawke & do.,
wholesale furniture dealers, of that city,
to loop after the finishing dopnrtinent of
their business. Mr. Fitzgerald will take
0, number of mon with mini. While in
Euglnnd he will also introduce hie cele-
brated hard stone finish. --Tho officers, in
connection with the Prosbyteriau Sab-
bath school, with n few exceptions, wore
re »looted as follows :-Superintendent,
D. D. Wilson ; aseistaute, Meesre, Lums-
den and J. Robb ; seoretary, J. Rankin ;
assistant, Mies A. McDonald ; treasurer,
Miss Elder ; assistant, Miss J. Thomp-
son; superintendent ofhomodepartmoub,
Mies Simpeon ; librarian, Jas. Robb ; as-
sistance; W. Hoffman, M. Patterson,
J. McTavish and J. Crozier. During the
evening's program several musical selec-
tions were given and topics pertaining to
the welfare of bhp school were discussed.
-Our poultry 10001010 made au excellent
showing al the poultry show in Godorioh,
s000riug it large number of prizes. Out
of 15 birds ehown John Ward secured 13
prizes ; Harold Johnson, 8 outs of 9
entries ; Frank Willis, 4 out of 7 ; Josiah
Tyremau, 6 out of 0 ; Sas. Dick, 1 out of
3 ; W. Carter, of near Loldosboro', 38
out of 34; Dr. Scott took prizes on all
the birds ho exhibited. W. Irwin emir.
ed about 920 in prizes. -Rev. Dr. Mo.
Donald and D. D. Wilson attended a
meeting of the Knox College alumni, iu
Toronto, last week.
em the people of Brussels
district that I have per•
imp Bnsin000 of JAMES
be found ready to attend
-iMUoe new work or repairs
rip in the market.
my shop or resideno0 or
shop will be promptly
,ken for the Digging of
Wells and Cie 'ns,
hA oi' ,ems : fde,l�'q
Management will therefore continue the 1'. 11. S. l he memborrblp
` 'cul{ trill
the 'elcr W0.[
cane as daring the previews year. The nutmtnt tat cloying b )
01' Jseet Hi rrl.En.-After a lit elite, and elathin14 to the value of 330 wits
to over a week's Mimeo, Jacob Ideppler, (rent to the Northwest Indian rni88ion.
nolleot00 of oedema at tliia outpor't, died The 311tegillivrny Diisniott Baud reported
anent 1 o'clock Thursday morning, Jan. thro04h its preeidenc, Mies Pulley. This
band le mill at the hoed of alto juvenile
rn1001011 bands in the Presbyterian church
in Clenada, hating the largest member-
ship, the la'go,nt average attendance, and
reising the money..
118 wore
m -t lbuta in money
3 worth or Ws -
millenaries arbiOles for India and the
Northwest. hire. Captain Gibson re•
peered nn behalf of the Relief and Ladles'
Aid Societies. The latter eooiety did
good work in raising 9378, which enabled
tram to present the church with abeau ti.
fel Brussels carpet and other furnishinge.
Cling. A, Nairn, treasurer of the building
committee, and 3. Elgin Tom, treasurer
of the congregation, each presented his
stele hent, which showed that duriug the
year 911,978 were raised by the emigre,
within. Of this amount 910,000 were
raleed by mortgage for the enlarging and
remodeling of the ohuroh. The amount
paid for etriotly oougregationel purposes,
913,010 ; for the echemes of the ohuroh,
or ntieeionary purposes, 99.48, and for
other benevolent and religious purpoeee,
;3950• Over 9000 werepaid on the build`
itg fund debt, and 9165 are carried to the
next year, as a balance with which to be.
gin the ordinary work of the congregation.
Messrs. Rhynes, Allan and McLean, the
members retiring from the Board of
Mauagere, were re-elected.
27th, in hie 69111 year. 11111=tmmation
the bowole is understood to haw been the
inimodittte 0013533 of hie dentin, although
he had not been enjoying hie neem health
• 1
UP hale. D
Ca BOII watt 0E German nntio
ality, and lx
ncl been n
rureddent of Listowel
for about thirty years, during the greater
part of which he careied on husiness 139 a
cooper. He was a member of the town
Council f.,r eevernl year0, n8 Conooillor
for Victoria ward and also al Deputy•
Reeve. In politica he was a Liberal, and
previous to Mr. Griovo'e entry into puli-
tioal lila was Welted as the Liberal
candidate far t1i0 riding, bat oonsegnent-
ly retired. Being in comfortable circum.
stances, he had taken life comparatively
easy until a fete months ago, when he
was appointed to the vacancy in the CM/
CUM office hero,"created by the Liberal
Government. He leaven a wife and fent-
1:y, the latter nearly all grown up, to
neaten their lose, and who have the eym-
patby of the community in their bereave•
merit. Decease:1 was an active member
of the Masonic oriel', and was a path
ma"tor of Bummed lodge. The funeral
to'k pilule from the family reeidence,
Dodd street, at 8 O'olouk Saterday alter -
noon, and was conducted by the MnsoniO
Bi fish Columbia
Rt - Cedar Shingles
iurth �iliore
'tile and Cedar
:Crosse a Planinglr
Also Doors se Sash of all Pat
terns on hang r made to order
at Short Noti •
Both ,tee Furnished foe all
kind .1 Buildings. Workman-
ship ad Material Guaranteed.
B4". . 131'. m'ood's Phositioafile,
Eis Great English 110010031.
Sold and recommended by 0T
egglets in Oamda. Only reli
le medicine discovered. 31
shapes guaranteed to Dura al
forms of sexual 'lankness, all effects of abns0
or excess, Ment Worry, lilxeessive nee of To,
baeoo, Opium 0 'timulants, Mailed on rocelpi
ppf price, one ea Age 01, six, (6. Once will please,
Ws 40tt1 own. o 11 •ed lmonipaug, any Onto
Hold in BDOs 1(00, 33oo tsellller & Optician.
tb Ve011 mtsq
Of WIT 1
010003 0000110 00n 300010
11100310101 'it W1:118.
P00010 a, !inn Norvou0
0011 bait n01r torr, Ntently 1
tat( a001110
00(3 0n x P
to 1
011101 '001 t Men to >4>i
te11n 11' but 1n' C U,rfn 410
01' yyours. Un, lCL'HS nn 1'l+,
and!emo esu
3404 e0oa.o y
300 >30. (n t1> 00
for es.. Sona n
0,1u0 I0. Aa.
,OInOit l rt, 300.
Mlnfon dt.Cagn
ir o0.-ciwvle1o.
FLunnxne,-Richard Johnston, of
Neepa10a, than„ arrived here on Tuesday
of last week. Ile intends taking back
with him material for a 110W ho1100,-
Quito a number from here attended tete
Howiok Union S. S. Convention in
Wroxeter oo Tuoeday of last week. --
Wade Bros. have completed the pnrohaoo
of John Donaghy's stock. -J. J. Mc-
Laughlin, of the 9th con., has been laid
up with i0damenetion of the eyes for the
past week, but we are glad to hear is
again r000004ing.-Quito a number of
the R. T. of T. members from Jubilee
Council drove over to Harrieton to attend
the annual meeting of the Diet0i01 Corm.
oil of North Wallington, which was held
in the Temperance Hall in that town, -
Rev. Mr. Hanna, of Mount Forest, con.
ducted anniversary services in the Pres-
byterian church ]Here on Sunday. On the
following evening he delivered a lecture
in the same place. The rev. gentleman
is a fine speaker, and all who failed to
hear hien missed a treat. -Dr. R. Mor-
rison, of Victoria, B. 0., was visiting Dr.
Spence on Monday of last week. The
De. has been in Victoria 14 years, and
having made his pile, is preparing to
Po to the Klondike in April. He is organ•
{zine, a company to proceed by mule train
over the 110 miles of dithonlb passage to
tate Teeth). Freight charges ere now
91.00 per pound in some parts of the
route, and 25 cents per pound has boon
charged for etoroge.
ILA et fp o'N e l .
J. E, Carson has been appointed High
School Trustee for Listowel.
G. H. Draper, brother of Misses
Deeper, town, bat oroditably passed the
third year law examinations at Osgooda
II al 1,
Guy Buttner has returned to town from
Toronto, where he attended the Model
School and has subsequently been em-
ployed in the otficee of the MoOlary
Manufacturing Co. lie expects to secure
a permanent situation with the oompauy
Mayor Hacking and Oounoillore D. D.
Campbell and John Wutsou went to
Stretford as a deputation from the 'Lido. brought up in Dal midst. Mr, and Mrs.
wel Council with the object of seenriug a MoQanrrie left town about sixteen years
grant from the County Coattail towerd0 slues, and have resided in the neighbor -
the Wallace street bridge. Whetter hood of Rab Portage 01000 that time, -
their efforts will be suooeesful or not 0p- The town column held a spooled mooting
pears to be a doubtful question. for the eotsidoretion of the elevation
R. Woods lost a valuable driving horse stock bylaw, and for general business.
which died in a fete hours from a chseese After the opening of the meeting the
of the brain. Ito lose is the nomad on minutes were rend, and then the Cleric
0000dnt of it having been one of a match• reed the agreement with Blesses. Moen,
ed team of drivers. John Watson, of the of Kingston. Ib was to the effect Web
brewery, also lost a horse a fewldnys ago Moors ds 00., of Kingdom 08100 to emit
through having its leg broken while in 0 grain detester of not lase than 600,000
tho stall. The fracture was such that it bushels eapnoity, to oost in the neighbor.
had to b0 killed to end its sufferings. hood of 9100,000 if Godorioh takes stook
LxoTOWEL FLAX Mums. -The Listowel to the extent of 950,000, with the under-
lie' mills were idle lest year and the deeding that, if at the next session et
ehutting down of 111e industry wits sever- the Parliament of Ontario, m spatial act
aly felt nt Listowel. (Chore is eom01 talk of the said Legielabttre is obtained autllo-
of operating the Listowel mill this yoicr. tieing the town to guarantee first moil.
The Banner says that James Livingston, gage beide, forming a just charge on the
of Baden, was in town the other day and said elevator when completed to the
made a proposition looping to the for- amount of 960,000, the said subscription
oration of n joint stock company to whom for stook shall be oancelled, the said
the estate will sell all their properly in guarantee accepted AS in full thereof, and
town. The vette pithead upon the form all calls, or other menthe, which the timid
mud mills by Mr. Livingston is 90,000, perey of the second part may be oohed
and they tvill take 1n payment therefore upon to pay by meson of then! said sub.
93,750 in deb and 96,250 in stock in the sensation of stook, with interest thereon
0.o oeed company, Ib ie estimated that at live per aline
on11 bo Boated with a capital KNox 001>008-31)8 omngrogation of
of 912,000 elthongh the bnsinose ooutd be Knox ohuroh belch their ennead meeting
bettor handled with a capital of 915,000, on NVednesdhy evening, Jan, 26111. The
which would require a snbeaription of pastor proeidod and her. Strang anted 08
paid up stook, from tho Listowel neilrli- 00aro1ary. 1lopoete from the different
hothead, of about 98,000 00 99,000. The organizations were presented. The state
proposition i0 under consideration, meet frown the sesame was read by the
The past year has boon the Most pros' pastor, During the year 20 names were
porous one in the history of Lha Morris, added to the 4onmttn(on roll and 28 wore
Pellet, Room 00., Limited, of any slime removed, leaving upon the roll at (present
the organization hes begun, On motion 551. The report made kindly refeeen00
of D, D. Campbell, see:meal by Dr, Nio- to the removal by death of Airs. Uro; and
hol, J. M. Carthow was appointed auditor conveyed the sincere and 1l''ayeritxl Sym.
all the bereaved
for the tiomiug year. P. W. limy 0.111 pithy of 113'1 s0ea nn to
Robb. Young wore then appointed ;meth families of the n m:rogation, The oMfttt-
iners and a ballot was taken 201' the oleo' ary list of last year is a lona; one, there
tion of dirootors, 1014011 method in the being 28 burials retarded. 'Tito pastor's
ro.eleotiOn of the old Betted tto foliowet-- Bible elan (thawed an average attendarroo
J. W. Soh, banker, Listowel 1 D. D. c£ 65. The oolleetione amounted to 9800, nnittoeg were 11>1>30 Selected foe the year.
LITTLE: Ikaru Ln'fa,-Robert Milne has
beou confined to the house for over a
week with au attaok of inflammation of
the bowels. -Thomas Higley has order-
ed through Ed. Moser, agent, en 18 lb. E.
& D, racing wheel. -A meeting of those
interested. in the formation of a hookey
club was hold. It was decided to organ-
ize a Blab and the following officers were
clime :-Honorary president, Capt. H.
Torr. Rance ; president, J. G. Euiigh ;
viee.prosidont, Ed. Moser ; 2nd vice -pre.
efdent, Dr, Tait ; treasurer, John Bar-
rett ; secretary, Herbert Ashbury ; cap-
tain, Norman Roadhouse ; exeouhve eons -
mitten, D. Chamberlain, J. Barrett, A.
Watson and 3. Hamilton. -The following
comprise a Board of Trade for Blyth :-
crack Metcalf, Alex. Elder, J. S. Moltin•
non, 0. Hautilton, A. E. Bradwin, A, S.
Dickson, J H. Cllollow, S. Herrington,
II. Torr Ranco and Elam Livingston,
with power to add to their number. -The
county celebration will be held on next
1?th of jetty in Blyth. Winghem'O re-
presentatives made a strong bid for it,
but when it came to a vote Blyth carried
the day by a handsome majority, so that
it ie now £tally settled that North Huron's
big day will be hold in Blyth- this year. -
Tho following interesting item is taken
from the Bcissovaiu, Mauitoba, Globe :-
t#ode e'eix.
Ger:Am-Curling is 000 of the town's
attractions these cold days. -1'. I'. Law-
rence, expecte and telegraph agent, re.
oeivod the good news that he had been
appointed town ticket agent for the G. T.
R, Co. -John Morris has purolhaoed from
Joseph Goldthorpe the planing mill and
lotion which it etnucls.-Within24 hours
on Tuesday and Wednesday of last week
no loss than 11 oommeroial travellers left
the Goderioh depot. -Manager Saunders
of the Henderson Bioyole Co. was one of
a delegation that interviewed the Domi-
nion Government last week to the view to
obtain nn alteration in Ilia duty on bioy-
oles.-The committee rooms of the Liber-
al Association 0.'e now open every after-
noon and evening.- filen were emitting
sunken wheat through a hole in the hoe
just off the burnt elevator the past wet le.
-Mrs. Lateen while passing through the
court house hall slipped of a pieoe of
anew, and fell heavily to the floor. The
result was a rather tierious fracture of
the arm. - The Nortb•et. Methodist
ohuroh Sunday school people are preper-
iug what promises to be an excellent pro-
gram for their anuive0eary entertainment,
to bo held Sunday and Monday, Feb, 20th
and 21st, -Salome Headley, wife of Alex-
ander MaQnarrie, who died et Rat Port•
age, on the 16th ult., was well known in
town having, with her husbend, been
One of the most pleasantevents 100.0 the
ceremony 10hiol1 took place on) too even.
of December 80311, in the Methodist
ohuroh, Boissovafn, when Rena, the
daughter of Thomas Morrish, was united
in the holy bonds of matrimony to R.
Addison King, head miller for Messrs.
Il art & McKay, and eon of George King,
of 131yth: A pretty wedding took plane
in St. Michael's church, Blyth, ou Mon•
day forenoon of last week at 10 o'olook.
Tho eoutreating parties were Frauds Mo-
Ooughoy, of Hallett, bud Miss Teresa,
third daughter of Daniel Kelly, of Morrie.
Tho interesting ceremony, which made
ahem ono, was performed by Rev. Father
McKeon. John McConnell, of Hulled,
aesisted the groom, cud Miss Winnie
Kelly, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid.
Owing to the bride being a member of the
choir high 11150s was sung. Mendel[-
sltou's wedding march was played by
Miss Jewel Lynn, organist of the ohuroh.
At the oloso of the ceremony the happy
couple and iuvito3 guests drove to the
home of the bride's father where the
wedding breakfast was partaken of,
---Ur '3 111.--
Flo i➢le Yettl° 1S97.
Balance from 1898 9
Jacob Kreuter, balanoe of
taxes for 1898 •
Samuel McGeorge, balanoe of
taxes for 1898
John Moore, taxes for lots 70
and 71, Ilanfryn, 1808
Wm. Spence, rent of Town-
ehip Hall
James Turnbull, rent of
Township liar
Treasurer of Ont. Land Im•
provoment Fund
J. R. Miller, 14. Lap., balance
Lie. ending April 80th
J, R. Miller, License collect•
ed from May let to 18th
Wm. Holmes, County Trete„
town line grant
Wm. Holmes, Government
school grant
Raobel Spence, for note 4
Wm. Brown, sale of old tim-
Thos. Strachan, overdrawn
inepeotinw gravelling
Rachel Spence for note '2
Thos. Strachan, overdrawn
.3.. Lamont'e expenses
Moses Harvey, annual 8. 0.
drain for 1897
Thee. Strachan, money over-
paid J. knight
Wm. Spence, ditches and
water 0. act
Thoe. Strachan, overdrawn
for Jas. Bishop
From Oolleotor Kreuter 1897
From Oolleetor Samuel Mo -
George, 1897
Roads and Bridges
Salaries of Officials
Selecting Jurors
Registering births, marriages
and deaths
Board of Health
Ooze of Tp. Hall
Expended on Tp. Hall, 1897
Wm. Speno0, attending D &
W. course Aot
Municipal election
J. Rodgers, Engineer's exp.
D & \V. course esob
Drains and ditobes
Bank of Hamilton, 1 deb., 2
coupons, tap drain 0. 15
Back of Oomtneree, for No. 5
deb. Silver Corners drain
Bank of Commerce, 16 0011 -
pons 100.00, Commies. 82
Taxes remitted
Cuumees,-Moet of tile inmatee of the
House of Refuge are enjoying good health
tbongll a few are on the ebok list. Mrs.
MoKeg, who broke her thigh a year ago,
hoe been bedfast ever since. She has
lest her power of speech, but otherwise
seems well for an aged person. The
house is so crowded now that eome of the
inmates have to sleep in the beamed, a
thing that was never intended ab first.
One night last week, Mrs. McGuire, who
is agecl 95 years and as lively as a (wicket,
got up in her sleep, dressed herself, open.
ea the basement window, and walked out
iut0 the keen night air, when she quickly
realized what she had done, and oalled
loudly to be let in ; Mrs. French got up
and attended to her, contending a gold in
so doing.-Ae previously intimated, a
change has just taken plane in the firm
of Taylor & Sone, Jacob Taylor retiring,
Ile will not leave town, but will look after
ineurano0 mabtere, being Dietriot Repro.
eontative for the Confederation Life. -It
lead been intended that the firm of Gilroy
& Wiseman would be dissolved by the re.
tiromeot 00 one of the nnembers. The
deoisiou was reached that Mr. Gilroy
would retire, rho 110010000 to bo continued
by Sir, W10eman. Mr, Gilroy expoote to
go west, with a view to locating iu some
of the growing towns; Mee. Dey, wife of
the late Do. Dey, a woll•known African
missionary, is visiting hor relatives, H.
Foster and wife. Mee. Doy will be better
known to Oliutouians as Miss Whitfield,
having visited 11000 betor hen last trip to
Africa, where oho too was engaged in
tniOOion0ry work. Dr. Dey and wife
started for America a short time ego, in
order thee he might undergo a delicate
err; ioal operation, but be died before
reaching Now York, -Tho Nem -Record
hoe enlarged to seven oolumne, and gives
ovideo.00 of inorensed life and energy,-
Goo, Sperling, of Portage In Prairie,
Mane brother et W. Sperling, of tows,
died a couple of weeks end. He was a
resident there eine) 1882. -Mise Anna
Holmes, St. Catharines, ie spending eome
time 1unou4 her old Clinton Monde -Al
the school
'u of t
' t replay
thtl 113.0g
board De. Agnew WAS appointed ehair-
mac ; John Oumtingbam, 0e0ret:try, et it
ca1100e of 950 a Vette ; W. J. Cooper, care
taker, at 9235 e1 year. The netted eons'
0. E. Sarney, bal, printing
contract, 1896
Wm. Spence, postage and
stationery 1897
A. McNair, postage and
Charity for 1897
Paid money borrowed
Standard Bank, inst. on note
Boanoamp creek
Gov't drain No. 1 & 2 annual
rental, 3i years to run
Int. on money borrowed
Treasurer Brussels, Hall rent
Division Court
Wire fence
Law expenses
Paid County Treasurer 1807
Commission on cheque of
one per cent
Paid 00. Treasurer, County
for 1896
Revising voters' list for 1897
Trustees, school taxes
Tp. school tax
Government school grant
Balance on hand
432 90
1745 50
1099 53
1 82
'2 60
16 02
181 68
10 03
70 00
181 25
446 00
1600 00
6 50
800 00
4 45
99 81
1 76
12 00
7230 00
5468 26
918948 11
1106 79
487 45
696 00
12 00
24 80
28 00
15 00
19 27
30 00
59 75
164 00
216 12
110 15
166 10
100 82
19 20
44 25
9 50
26 00
2 14
188 15
1900 00
202 95
507 97
38 60
12 00
44 26
1068 12
1621 64
2 00
2434 70
71 50
40 29
4049 08
2222 20
446 00
$18149 25
798 86
918948 11
798 86
1119 89
140 62
18 62
1497 16
1000 00
$4575 14
Balance on hand
Uncollected taxes
Bills receivable
Belem, in '0o. Treasurer's
halide for collection
Silver Oornere drain
Township Hall
OU I GP Hs'f�r�''` ray
i nu Ann , . LTi
Clearing S
S a1urilaJ
Morllill, Folfy 121V,
at 8 o'clock and continues for
3 A Y S.
McKinnon & Go., a Blyth.
Os • "' I(' GAI k' '°ED
You are well served and gain money.
A find range of Cook
the anal Stoves
Best Makes of . , Parlor ani
That Cannot be Beaten.
Large Assortment of Lamps and Lamp Goods, Lanterns,
Cutlery and Graniteware.
We make a specialty of putting in Coal and Wood
Furnaces, and Warrant Satisfaction.
Stove Coal for Sale and always on band.
Special attention to Jobbing and Repairs,
Amount to bo paid on Gov -
0r111110101 drain No. 1 & 2
from this date, Jan. 20,
1898, 8 payments at607,34 1522 02
Last payment only 9244,42 244 42
Total. , ... . ....
Silver Corners drain
Side drain
Due Co. Treasurer .
Duo Standard Bank, for
money borrowed on
Boeucamp deeps
0olle0110es Salaries ...
$1766 44
8091 40
105 00
1800 00
2576 80
80 00
Total 98919 64
Tilton & Turnbull, Brussels.
WE, the undeeeignod, Aubitore of the
Township of Grey, certify that wo have
examined tho Teeasnree's 0.00onnte for
„ ore belonging
they g f3
O and
the est n
P y
thereto and find the same correct for the
Sear 1807 end in 0711' Opinion the 1100001•
ties of the Treasurer is pettedly good.
ALttx. 80 210Anx, Auditare,
3,03188 1J1Y10083* T,
Ulsters Sold elsewhere at $11 and $12 00, here for $9 00.
Ulsters t1 9 10 00, "
Ulsters <1 8 8 50, " 6 50.
Ulsters 6 6 50, " 4 00.
Ulsters called a $5.00 bargain elsewhere, here for $8.50.
Fur Coats and Gaps.
Out of the largest and best selection of Fur Coats shown in
Brussels this season we have only two left which will be clear•
ed out at a bargain. Also a few Fur Caps loft which will be
sold at a good reduction.
Tailoring Department.
Our Tailoring Department, which needs no mention, is of
3 I established merit, which you will confirm by giving lis a call.
Tho Choicest stook of Neckwear evor shown in Brussels will
bo to hand this week, also a choice selection of Hats, Caps,
Shirts, Collars and Cuffs, Suspenders, handkerchiefs, Muff-
lers, Gloves and Underwear on hand.
Present of a "Watch.
All purchasers of $10.00 and upwards, at one time, will
receive a he,ndsomo Nickel Watch, stem-winder, valued at
The above bargains hold good for Cash only for the
Holiday 80(9011.
The Leading Tailor and Furnisher.