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The Brussels Post, 1898-2-4, Page 8
8 A, Bee -keeper Trouble. BRUSSELS POST He was going to California for his health and that of hie family, and for a dietanoe of 100 miles lie travelled in his sorry. From exposure his baby boy took a severe cold, resulting ill croup, whtah name near a serious termination while at Capistrano, the firot night out, He writes, ''Never in the history of my life did I spend such a night." Imagine be• ins awakened from your slumbers near midnight, in a strange laud, and among entire strangers, with that dread disease croup fastened on your baby boy and no remedies at band to check it I After unsuccessful efforts to got some remedy, he tried goal oil, which produced vomit. ing, and the child recovered. How much better it would have been if he had baleen with him a bottle of Deadman'e Cough Balm for such an emergency. You need not fear ooughs, colds, croup or bronchi• tie if you keep dough Balm in your house and give it when a oold first shows itself. Leave it out of the sick roots. You need not be afraid of it spoiling if not all used. We are the only manufacturers of this famous Cough Remedy, in 25o, and 50c. bottles. G. A. Deadman, Druggist, Opbiaten & Bookseller. GRAN© TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. G. & E. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows; GOING SOLITE. GOrNG NORTH. express 1:10 a.m. I Mail 0.10 p.m trued . 9:45 a.m,;Express 10:01 p,m Arg Ettuse1Tt , A (Miel's amang ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. FERMIUM ESMERALDA. TRAMPS are a good orop. ICE harvest o0mee next. Bmxool agents are think. Fenian Division Court next Tneaday. Is your subscription to THE Pose paid ? Moxnex developed into a genuine bile. zard. Dn. SNIDell is putting s telephone in his residence. MESSRS. BAERER & ViESTONE shipped a ear of hogs on Tuesday. Beessees School Board will meet on Friday evening of next week. A ewe dressmaker shop is among the business probabilities in Brussels. Bauessxs market is a hammer on the hog business, as well as cattle and grain. A gee of hoge was shipped by &Legere. Clegg & Dames on Monday of this week. Two initiations in the Oddfellowe' Lodge Thursday evening of last week and more to follow. TEE Maooabee Order is having a boom. Organizer Townshead is here and ten candidates are expected to "ride the goat" on Friday evening. MELVILLE chetah abair, G. F, Blair and W. H. Kerr are on the program for the postponed Presbyterian tea -meeting in Duff's oharoh, Walton, next Tuesday evening. COoNomion LEATHERnALE has a Jersey cow for sale that has a rather notable history, She is 54 years old and hos mothered five calves, none of them twins. Who oan beat this ? OWING to Mr. Cline missing the train at Wingham on Thursday of this week, the practice for the cantata, "Queen Esther" was withdrawn. Rehearsals will be held on Thursday and _Friday of next week. Hoene Mate—Last ast week P. Scott trad• ed his trim pacing horse, "Naber," from Sidney, coming 4 years of age, with a record of 1.21 for s half mile, to George Cline, of Wingham, for a 6 year old mare and a horse colt. The mare is a full sis- ter to " Wileon" who bas a record of 2.12i, and the feel is from "Costumer," owned by Messrs. Scott & Warwick, Mr. Scott disposed of the colt to Doc. Warwick. APPLICATIONS will be received np to next Monday evening's Oonnoil meeting for the position of general utility man for Brussels for the Doming year. The duties comprise caretaking of the Town Hall and Fire Engine ; ringing town bell ; repairing sidewals and streets ; Constable ; Inspector Board of Health ; Fire Inspector ; and any other work the Council may appoint. The salary offer- ed is $25 for the Summer months and $20 during Winter, wages payable month- ly. onth•Iy A. WORD os WARNING.—I wish to notify all partiee iusnred with me, or who may insure with me, 111511 can put them in Mutual Companies—flrst•olass ones at that—at Mutual rates, should you so wish, but as a rule I have plated you in Stook Companies as I consider them the beet. I give this notice on amount of a party, who has a few Risks in town in a second class Mutual, quoting rates to clients of mine that he oan put them in firet•olass Oompaniee at lower rates than me. As for Stook Companies, the ones that are considered flret-olase, there are no two rates as we are all bound by same tariff. Thanking my many clients for past Insurance and trusting that you may not be led astray by snob nonsense. I am, yours. F. 8. SCOTT, Bennie. SonooL Seeerwroos,—From the report' of the Minister of Ednoation for 1897 we learn that the school population of Huron, exclusive of towns, was 16,8781 this is not equalled by any single oonnty in the Province. Out of this number only 12,- 789 attended school. In Clinton the school population is returned as 673 ; Goderiah, 1,025 I Seafortb, 758, and Wingham as 691. The number of rural 'teachers in Huron was 216, of which 122 were males and 94 females. In number of teachers employed there are six eon. Hee that employ more than Huron. The highest rural salary paid in Huron it $700 ; the average for males, $874 ; for females 9270. In Welland and York as high as $800 is paid, Tho total receipts for tohool purposes in Huron were $125, 271, and the tote( expenditure $100,624 ; this includes salaries, school buildings, rents, eta. There are 6 Separate schools in Huron, with a total attendanle of 401, one-fifth Of those being in Goderiah, Oileton, Seafortb and Goderiah aro the only pleoes in Huron having Collegiate Inetitufees Comm meeting next Monday evening, people We Talk About. A. 0. 0, W. Friday 'evening of Hue weals. Mies Avery has been on the slots list. Sone of Our altizene have the Klou0yke Robb. McAlpine is in town ou a boli. fever, dny visit, Idolise Fair on ThursiRy at this week Ieaao Fitzpatrick 18 in town. Ito ntr.y in liruseele. remain here. 0. P. 11. emote agency will be reopen- James Turnbull is still in Toronto 013'1 ed in Brussels. is making favorable progrees. DoN'T mention the Klondy.ke. We W. A. °riola wife and son spent Sus' have it quite cool enough in Ibis twenty. day with friends in Seafortb. TENDERS are asked for kalsomitiing, Mise Minnie Henlilten, Of Atwood, ,s varnishing, painting, plastering, &a, at visiting at Gomer Green's, Mill street, the Pubiio sobool building. Lnoknow Sentinel says of a forst or A. Oonem held an motion e1Lle of Brueselite :—John Soli is still vary lose, hate, apps, clothing, shirts, eto., on Lawyer Binalair and R, Woolsey were Thursday afternoon of elle week, to oleter in Goderiah last Friday on legal businese,, out his bankrupt stock. F. S. Soot') was George Liollie and Jack Brawn, Of the auctioneer. Wroxoter, were visiting in town last Bn o• THE windstorm of Monday morning day brought down the old electric, lamp and Harry Rattan has been on the siok list rope atteahment on the corner of Turn- but we hope he will soon be as hearty ..s berry and Thorne etreete. All the old ever, lamps and fixtures should be removed. T. 9. Smith, optician, of Elora, wag et OWrs° to the storm and drifted up oou• Fox's drug store last week on a busine,ts attire' of the streets Bev. R. J. Tre- trip, leaven's lecture on "Say So, " announced Leou Jackson was able to resume his for Monday evening, was Galled off. The duties in tite Public, school on Thursd-.y reverend gentleman returned to Brant- of this week, ford on Tuesday forenoon. George and Arthur Curry, of Wc•od• AT the annual meeting of Brussels stook, nephews of Thoe. Curry, are visit. Driving Park Assooiation, held last .Fri• fug in Brussels. day evening, at the American Hotel, the Miss Marion Moors, of Trowbridge, is old Board of Directors was re•eleobed, visiting Miss Bilin Ranter and el, 11. with the exception of Wm. Blashfll who Moore and family, is succeeded by Richard Williams, Mr. Rattan, of Messrs. Rattan & FItz- Lraneen Cotluteerounos.—The following patriak, was in Toronto this week on a license commissioners for the county of Spring purchasing trip. Huron for 1898, have been appointed :— Mrs. (Rev,) Abey left on Monday for West Huron—Samuel Sloan, James oil Springs where her sister, Mies Seat - Stevens, Hugh MoQuarrie ; East Huron lug, resides and is quite ill. —Thomas Gibson, Geo. Fortune, Geo. Wm. Morrie, formerly a tailor in Bi us- Mardie. sale, has opened a shop in Waterfor•a, Tan Goderiah Signet says :—To see Ont. He has been in the employ of H. Archie ]Hyslop and henry Mooney cheek- R. Smile, also a former Bruseelite, for a by.jowl at the County Council meeting, number of years. one would hardly believe that inside of a Bertha, daughter of Res'. John ROSS, few short weeks one will be a member of B. A., has been on the sick list this week the Legislature, and the other will be a from an attack of inflammation of the remnant of the Legislative fight, lungs. She is improving nfoely now we Amur $4,000 have been paid oat for are pleased to hear. cordwood this Winter by Bruesela Salt The Daily American, published at Works, over 2,800 cords being delivered. Owosso, Mich., contains the followieg The demand is supplied in the meantime which has reference to two forclar ae far ae the Enterprise Works are eon- well known people of this locality : "Rev. corned and as a consequence the rush of E. W. Hunt at the armory last Thursdoy wood hauling has somewhat abated. evening was presented with a five dollar Tan following is clipped from a Toron• gold p1005 by his Sunday eahool ohm. to paper and refers to former residents of Mrs. Hent at the same time was given a Brussels :—At a meeting of the creditors gold fountain pen and paper knife from of the Cooper Machine Company, this the choir boys. She also received a Ave city, a committee was appointed to in• dollar gold piece from her Sunday school vestigate the affairs of the company, after class. Such little tokens display the which the meeting adjourned till Mon- high esteem in which Mr. and Mrs. Hutt day. are held by those who associate more ie. George Watt, son of Foreman Watt, of timately with them." the Ronald Fire Engine Works, left on Thursday morning to take a position, tie CIIURUII UIIIJIES. assistant draftsman, in the Polson Iron Works, Toronto. He will be missed in Melville church Sabbath school annual St. John's church where he was a sides- entertainment will be held next Mond: y man and he 000.8 also Librarian in the evening. Sabbath school. George is a bright boy Rev. R. Paul will take 11 v. D. 13. with good prospects ahead of him. THE MaRee's work next Sabbath ab Oranbreek POST wishes him 5100500. and Ethel. TgNDnns.—Tenders will be received up Rev. D. Perrie, of Wingham, will use to Friday, 8111 inst., for kalsomitiing two onpy the pulpit of Melville church net West rooms, halls, cloak rooms, &o., in Sabbath, Rev. Mr. Roes will be at Wing. Public school building ; varnishing and ham. painting in above same two mentioned Interesting and inebruotive sermors rooms ; lathing and plastering ceiling in were preached by Rev. Mr. Lowe, *f furnace room. The lowest of any tender Wingham, in St. John's church last Bab• not necessarily accepted. Separate or bath. Missions was the theme. Rev. or joint tenders received. For other par• Mr. Abey was at Wingham. Haulers see members of Board or R. K. Next Sabbath the quarterly cons - Ross, Secretary munion servioes will be held in the Blue. GET Tan Besr.—Parties intending par• eels Methodist ohuroh, Sacrament after chasing a monument or headstone should the morning sermon and fellowship mar,. Gall on Coohraue & Johnston, at their ing at the close of the regular service in works, or wait until they call on you, be. the evening. fore buying, as they keep a large assort. "There they unified him,' was the mens of Scotch, English, Swede, Amer. appropriate text chosen by Rev. D. Noe. Leen and New Bruuswiok granites on rest, of Walton, when be preached in hand, also Vermont, New York and Melville ohnroh, Brussels, last Saturdey Italian marble. Don't buy from agents afternoon. There was a good aongregt - tramping the country selling the stuff on tion and Mr, Forrest's discourse was full commission, as we o00 sell it to you for of good things. half their prices. We keep the largest Emperor William of Germany, it and beet assorted stook in the county of seems, salute the texts from wbich his Huron and we can give you as nice a chaplain must preach. For the speoiel choice as you oan get in any town West sermon for his birthday be chose the of Toronto. COCHRANE & Jona:fam , text "Be still and know that I am Gol. HEAR "Esmeralda," in the Town Hall, I will be exalted among the heathen,' this(Friday)evening. Itis well spoken It has been suggested that the word of. Entertainment under auspices of "Ohinese" added would have improved Brussels Public Library. The char. it, eaten in the play will be represented by It was Missionary Sunday at ,ho the following ladies and gentlemen :— Methodist Sabbath school last Sabbath "Mrs. Rogers," Miss Lottie McKenzie ; afternoon. In addition to the regular "Eemeraldn," Mies Margaret Vanetoue ; leason short addresses were made by ''Nora Desmond," Mies Nellie Maadon• Revde, Messrs. Allis and Treleaven ; re. old ; "Kate Desmond," Miss Norma aitations by Mies Norah Maunders, aid Dinley ; "01d Man Rogers," W. T. the Primary class ; and a quartette ty Sullivan ; "Dave Hardy," John Bell ; Messrs, Treleaven, Fletcher, Gerry, Reid "lir. Esbarbrook," A. G. Bastedo ; "Geo. and Kerr. The collection amounted $15,• Drew" and "Jack Desmond," H. 0. 62. Last year's collection was $11.74, Bell ; "Margie Montessor," Ralph Attendance was 289. Hodgson. Mrsen:infr.—Large congregations as. Tee following partioulare are taken sembled in the Methodist Cberah last from the Government report of birth, Sabbath to listen to the anniversary marriage and death :—For Huron :—No. missionary sermons by Bev. R. J. of births, 1,824, increase 110; Marriages, Treleaven, of Brantford. In the morn - 861 ; Deaths, 587, increase45. Principal ing, after Rev. Mr. Allis had read a few causes of death.—Coneumption, 2,758 ; extracts from the annual report, the old age, 2,543 ; pneumonia, 1,688 ; valve. preacher said, before announcing his text, lar diseases, 980 ; diphtheria, 932 ; that the redemption of the world from cholera infantum, 905 ; paralysis, 847 ; sin was the loftiest mission of humanity. convulsions, 701 ; typhoid fever, 662,; The Saviour was positive on three pointe bronchitis, 626. Marriages by Denomin• along this line. He saw the world's ations in the Province '—Methodists, needs ; he knew the Gospel's power ; 10,535 ; Presbyterian, 6,056 ; Ohltrch df He knew the Ohnrob'e ability. Some. England, 4,576 ; Roman Catholic, 4,576 ; body has said that there are three Mos - Baptists, 1,776 ; Lutherans, 761; Uon• ses found in every oberth, (1) Mission' gregationalists, 260 ; Evangelioal Assoc. Christians ; (2) Anti•Mission Christians ; iation,202; Mennonite, 144; Quakers, 44; (3) Omission Christians. 2 Kings, 7111 other denominations, 732. chapter and 9111 verse was the Scripture HURON MEDICAL AesoocATroie..The chosen as the basis of a moat excellent quarserly meeting of the Hume County sermon. "Then they said one to en. Medical Association was held at the other ; We do not well ( Hite day is a day House of Refuge, Clinton, on Wednesday, of good things, and we bold our pence" Jan. 26th, Dr, Stanbary, Vioe•President, After referring to the inoidents recorded in the chair. Present, Dre, Shannon, the subject was divided under three Hunter and Taylor, Goderiah ; Bethune, beads :—(1) The blessedness of th•) Borrows and McGinnis, Seafortb ; Mc. Gospel ay ; (2) The responsibility M Kenzie, nnllton ; Agnew, Londesoro' ; growing out of our privileges ; (8) Why Kennedy, Wingham ; Armstrong, Bran- we do not well if we ars not interested in field ; Deacon, Stratford ; Gunu, Torn. missions. (a) We manifest a spirit of bull and Shaw, Olinton, This being the inhumanity ; (b) a spirit of disloyalty. annual meeting the election of odiaere Scipio boasted that be had not a man in took place, when Dr. Stanbury, of Bay bis army who would not die for hint ; field, was Omen President ; Dr. Mo- (a) a spirit of ingratitude ; (0) a falseKenzie, Monkton, Vioe.Presidenb ; Dr. eetimate of human life ; (e) we rob one- ' HunterGoderiah, Seo, Treas. An effort selves. The dilemma was powerful, was made to have the Association in• praatioal and pleasing and should show elude the County of Perth, and make a He fruits in increased missionary offer. conjoined aseooiation of medical men of Ings by the congregation. Mr. Tee the two Counties, but the majority of the leaven's text in the evening was Zee b. present members were in favor of leaving 3 and 17 :—"The Lord thy God in tun it ae purely a County Assooiation, at midst of thee is mighty : He will save. least until n further representation is He will rejoice over then with joy ; ha present from Perth Go. to dieenae the will teat in Hlilove ; He will joy over matter. Dr, Taylor, of Goderioh, road thee with singing." The main division en interesting and inebruotive paper on were ;—(1) The Divine presence ; (2) The "Thome of the stomach," which wee dia. Divine power ; (3) The Dfviuo purpose ; ouesed freely by the memltbre, and Dr. (4) The Divine pleasure. It is not oft.lu Shannon gave one on "Catarrh of the that anudienee will sit comfortably for stomach." Both papers were full of an hour sermon, bob they did it lost practl0al point's and were much enjoyed. Sabbath evening, as the beauty, majesty, Dr. Kennedy, Wingbam, gave an amount ability and blessedness of the Gospel ,vas Of and exhibited a specimen of contras- pre'empt'ed, The preacher had a geed tion of the stomach. Other oases were time ; so had the congregation, and Mr, shown to the members, Treleaven'e visit to Brussels will not soon be fin gotten by those who heard his, We aro sorry that we have not OROS at cur disposal this weal( to euhargs our report, Itev. Mr. Treleaven was the guest of l+is brother, A. L, Treleaven, while in Ilrnsoeln. At fileted e elineoli last Sabbath inolvl• ing Rev, Mr. hose tools tie hie text ;—"In this mounbein shall the Lord of hosts make nrto all people a feast of fat things, a feast et .'ince on tl4' is rs, er fat things fo'l of tu•r row, of wines of bh, Ieae, sent relined," Isaiah 25:8 The communion servioe in the House Beautiful, (I,) The assembled Guests. Teeeo were the in. mates of the house, or members of the bendy, The members of the oheroli emebttute scab a family bemuse of their sonsbip and brotherhood. This sonehip WAS promulgated by Christ, is realized by faith, and is raj lined in by believers, Brotherhood in the church manifests Buff in mutual affection, mutual for. bearenos and mutual b'elpftriness. It ie as a family that the members of the shuroh sib together at the Lord's table, (II.) The provided Feast. It is one of "fab things," the bread and wine repro. senting the rich and abundant blessings of Divert grace in Christ, (III.) The profitabl' Discourse. "All their talk at the table was about the Lord of the Hill," 1. The work bo bad a000mpliabed by shedding his blood for them, 2. The motive whish animated hint. He did it out of pure love, which "put the glory of grace into all that he did." 3. Tho pur- pose he had in view—to bi it,. many pil- grims to dwell with him in on. In the evening the topic was 4'1 will both lay me down in peace and shop, for Thou, Lord, only makest me dwo'I in safety," Pe. 4:8, The communion Sabbath in the House Beautiful oame to a happy eine for its Mentes because of (T.) Their sense of Seourity ; (II,) Their possession of Peace ; (1tI.) Their enjoyment of Rest ; (IV.) The Gladness wbich followed when a uew morning broke upon them. Doherty Organ Works, Clinton, Destroyed by fire, FACTORY WILL BE RE -BUILT, The Doherty organ factory, which has been the boast of Clinton citizens for twenty years, was burned down Tuesday morning. The entire plant, wbich oo• copied half a block, is a total loss, nob even the lumber having been saved. The origin of the fire is a mystery, ex- cept that it originated in the hot blast fan which was used to heat the buildings. The night watchman was on duty and smelt fire and soon located it in the steel box which contained the fan. He ab once stopped the working of the fan and start- ed the pumps. By the time he returned to the fan with the hose, the heat and fire were so istenee that when he opened the door Ise was driven back and almost suf- focated. A general alarm was then sounded but owing to the very deep snow caused by Monday's storm, it was with difficulty that the steam engine arrived at the tanks near the factory. The temper- ature was considerably below zero and a very high wind blowing, so that it was with difficulty that the firemen undertook their work. The factory was the largest exclusively organ factory In attendee and yet not large enough to meet the demands of their trade, and Mr. Doherty was making se- rangemeute bo build another large ad- dition this year. Mr. Doherty has been remarkably suooessful in working op a worldwide reputation for his organs and deserves great oredib for his executive ability in managing his business so suo• oessfully. Through these last few years of so•oalleil hard times, the demand was so great that during October, November and December the men were all working over time. The building, stock and machinery were valued at $100,000, and there were nearly 1,000 organs on the way to com- pletion, whLle in the yard there was near- ly a million feet of valuable lumber. Against all thie there is bub a emall in. surauoe, from thirty to forty thousand dollars, hence Mr. Doherty's loss will be vory heavy. The following are the interested com- panies ; Lancashire' Guardian, Gore, Economical, Imperial, Phoenix, Water. loo, Mercantile, London, Liverpool and Globe, Northern and Caledonian. About 150 men were employed and for them to be turned out the coldest day in winter is to say the leash not pleasant. Mr. Doherty's residence, which was unfortunate enough to be situated right behind the faotory, was also totally des. troyed. His family are therefore with- out a home. Al a special meeting of the Town Connell held on Tuesday morning they deoided to offer W. Doherty & Co. the sum of $25,000 es a loan for thirty years without interest. The firm have accept- ed the offer and the by law will be sub. mitbed to the people at an early date. When re -building the faotory will bo placed near the G. T, R, to facilitate shipping. 117tnrrlr.. The munioipal auditors aro at work this week. The wind storm is putting n bad bloola ads on a good many of the roads. Political meeting at Jamestown on Dentine' evening of this week, commend, ing at 7 o'clock. Both aandidates will be there. Jno, B. Boll has moved from the Fra - Bak fan) to the lst cot, of Morris where he bas leased a farm for a term of years. Samuel Shine has taken the Fraliok farm. Will. Maunders late a close call while working in the bnsh last week by the glancing of an axe in the hands of n man hewing. The sharp blade reaabed Mr, Maunders' faro but no serious injury was Militated, Debate net Tuesday evening in the Totvnehfp hall. The speakers are W, 11,Cloalseyand G. F. Blair for the defence of the Hardy Government and Reeve Bowman find Will. Bryan, Her lelajesty's loyal Opp r•ition, On Tuesday of this week County Coun- cillor Mooney delivered 17 young hogs to 8iesen. Baeker & Vanstono, Brussels, that averaged 172 pounds, and at 5 cents pee pouted netted the owner $146.20, bis is certainly a good return, A suoastiful entertainment was held in Button'', ',chord ]louse on Friday evening of last week, W. Jackson °coupled the chair in fir.,t-olase style. A tong, varied and interesting program was (resented. The amnia work was done by Mr,. Dwane, Df Clinton. Many of the things said by Mr. Pierc'e's babies were very funny, . ST4 X.n,11 BD 13,11 NIC OF an. N44 D'1, mem" ,E.somam or 1E72. HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO ASSISTS, (Bevan Million Dollars) • 97,000,009 CAPITAL (Authorized) • . $2,000,000 Agencies in all principal points in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, United States re Levtgianif. file o/r,9°.6°.rir"tg,a .6thitNe11• A General Banking I•;usineee Transacted, Farmers' Notes Discounted, Drafts leaned and Ooileotions made on all points, SAVINI3S BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on deposits of $1,00 and upwards Froin dal of depooib to date o withdrawal and compounded half yearly. SPsOIAL ATTENTION OIVEN !r0 THE COLLECTION OF 1•Alsornns' SALE NOTES. Every facility afforded Customers Beteg at a dietanoe. J. A. STEWART MANeenit. unhormairmalsconensantevaist A joint political meeting will be held at Gosman'a sohaol house, 8th line, on Sale urday evening of next week, 12111 insb., to commence at 7 o'clock. Both candidates will be in sbtendanoe, A sleeting will be hold at Morrie Tosvn Hall the night be. fore_ A good day's work was dotes last week on the farm of D. Meiltlejobn, Morris, when two lively young men, Wm. Stewart, of Bluevale, and Fred Bell, of Morris, out and piled ten cords of cord- wood in nine hours. This ie a good re- cord. Saaoon Rnronr,—The following gives the standing of S. S. No. 8 for the month of January—Total, 400 -5th oltess—Jno. Knox, 298. Sr. 4th—Arletba Farreud, 280 ; Geo. Garniss, 218 ; David Irving, 173. Jr. 4th -Lorna Knox, 348 ; Willie Thornton, 844 ; Gordon Embury, 823 ; Robb, Ferranti, 814. Sr, 3rd—Aline Paul, 858 ; Ettie Agar, 847 ; Pearl Em• bury, 818 ; Wesley Jermyn, 296 ; Vena Knox, 271 ; Ruby Forbes, 255 ; Mae.Garnies, 282 ; Martha Ingram, 216. Jr, 3rd—Eva M. Souob, 813 ; John Garnies, 244 ; learifa Fraser, 240. Sr. 2nd— Fred. Pugh, 816 ; Dora McAllister, 220 ; Milton Jermyn, 228 ; Alex. Rutledge. Jr. 2nd—Emma Jermyn, 825 ; Annie Garniss, 328 ; Olive Fitzsimmons, 822 ; May Thornton, 178 ; Geo Rutledge. Pt. 2nd—Hazel Embury, 350 ; Charlie Agar, 214. Sr. let—Harvie Knox, Willis Forbes, Wm. H. Jaaklin, Tommy Jer- myn. P1.lat—Vonnie Rutledge, Willie Fitzsimmons, Holdah Rutledge, Stanley Rutledge, D. L. BTnauHAN, Teaaber. Sel.grrav,'ve. The following are the of:oers for the E. Wawanosh Agricultural Society for 1808: Pres„ 0. Proctor, jr. ; Vice-Presi. dents, Welter Scott, John Goulter ; Seoye F. Anderson ; Treas., Obas. OfoOlel land 1 Directors, R. Currie, R. (belay, R. Scott, M. H. Harrison, Peter W. Scott, Chas. Proctor, jr., Robb. McMurray, Geo. Tay- lor ; Auditors, J. 8. Soots, Wm. Geddes, jr. This Society is in a very prosperous state. Business Locals, • Day wood for sale. I. 0. Rioharde, Foss fancy rockers go to Jno. Walker's. SEE some of the :any parlor tables at Jno, Walker's. Two oars of feed corn received, Backer & Vanotone. 500 CORDS of wood wanted. See Ross & Hallide:y's advt. ANY quantity of good feed corn at National Roller stills. A Paw cutters and sleighs left to be sold oheap. D. Ewan, Brussels. GOOD second band cutters and sleighs for sale of D. Ewan's, Brussels. Gogo, dry American corn, the best for feeding purposes, for sale at Ross' mill. Fon sale oheap, three set of second- hand single harness. I. 0. Riohrrde. Tunics and satohele. We have them of all kinds. I. 0. Richards. We repair harness, milers, boots and shoes neat and durably. I. 0. Riaharss. ROBES and blankets just to band ; a new stock which we are selling close to cost, I. C. Richards. TROUPING big bargains at Oousley's auction sale on Saturday afternoon and evening. MESSRS. ROSS & HALr,tDAY want 500 cords of cordwood, either hard or soft, in exchange for goods. Snug laaudkerobief found on sidewalk. Gall at Toe POST, prove property, pay for this notice and take it. Weonrn & SMITH oan sell more work in shorter time, for Mee money than any shop in town in our trade. Walker & Smith. HORSE clippers and snissors sharpened and repaired by Saw Filer McGregor, of Broseels, Queen et. East. TEE largest and beat selected stook of pictures and picture moulding will be seen at John Walker's, Was pay agents big prices for organs when you oan buy a 6 octave piano ease, oak or walnut from R. Leabherclale for $05.00, Tex a pair of our stair -faced Sootoh collars. We guarantee them to work safely, I. 0. Rioharde, Fon bedroom suttee, sideboards, exten• tion tables, loungee, parlor suites, parlor trebles, conning, and in foot anything to be found in a Drat -class furniture store, gall on John Walker. fine James Ballantyne before buying your biayole for 1808. He is handling The London," "Oapital," "Ohio" and "Alert," and ie preparedbo quote you Morse prices. HAVING purahnsed a large and well selected stook of window shades at a low rate on the 9, I will be prepaed to sell for the next 60 days at abeub half the tonal pride. Jno. Walker. BARGAIN OPPEoED.—That eligible half acre lot situate on the Southern portion of Turnberry street, Brussels, will be die- posed of below ant. Very seer terms. Write for partioulare to JOHN I ARGREAVES, 174 Queen et. West, Toronto. WANTED.—Butter, dried apples, and poultry. Highest pekoe. Largest Meek of dry goods, groceries, boots and shoes to seleot Eeoin, G. E. RING, Wing - ham. If you are thinking of buying an organ it will pay you to gall ou 1t, Leatberdale before you buy. He Can save you 25 per cent. Agent for the Heil and Goderiah. Always a big stook on hand. Tee "itlenttfaotursra" Aooident Insnr• anoe Co. are veering tbinge in Town Policy of $1,000 in naso of death or $5.00 a week if laid np from aaoident, and for 26 weeks if requited, It only scats $4 to 9$10 a year according to 000upation. No Medioal i11xamination required. J. A. OreightOn le the agent for Brussels. AooTION sale of hate, cape, shirts, clothing, neckties, underware, &o., at A. Oousley's on Saturday afternoon Rud evening. Everything must go, Big bargains. Weeenn & SMITH intend getting in stook for buggies in oar loads, This will be good for our customers, as the will gob the best as cheap Ramat' dealers will have to pay for the cheapest. Keep blowing. Walkes & Smith. AocIDaoet.—Before you start to travel on train just oall on J. A. Creighton and get an aooident ticket, It only costa yon 25o end if you get injured on train you get $15,00 a weals sick allowance sod if yon get killed $8,000.00 for your heirs. GREAT Memo OYFRn.—Send us the names and addresses of three or more performers on the piano or organ together with ten ants in silver and we will !nail yon len pieces full street masio, consisting of popular songs, waltzer, marches, eta., arranged for tho piano and organ. Ad dress, POPULAR MUSIC Pon. Go., Indian• apolie, Ind. The land around Thamosville is to be tested for oil again. The Presbyterian Church of Ohesley is having a new $4,500 Sabbath school erected. Waterloo County Oouncil have tem pointed Geo. Martin, of Hespeler, man. ager of the House of Industry. There were 43 applicants. BOR.S7 - JARnran.—To Gerrie, on Friday, Jan. 21st, the wife of Mr. D. F, Jardine, , of a daughter. MDnRAY.—In Blake, on January 2Srd, the wife of Mr. P. 13. Murray, (nee Miss Ruth Jonea) of a daughter. x�.G.Rr x=n, MOKAY—Fonens. --At the residence of the bride's parents, 16tH con. Grey, on February ;ted, by Rev. D. Bl Mo. Rae, Mr. Wm. McKay to Mise Pena, eldest daughter of Mr. William Forbes, all of Grey. STEwART—MONIcrror,.—Ab the residence of the bride's parents, Elena, on Jan. 19th, by Rev. P. A. McLeod, Mr. Robert Fleeting Stewart, to Miss Sarah, youngest daughter of Mr. Ohas. MoNiebol. PHAIO—ROBINSON,—At the residence of Mr. Jae, Steven, Atwood, on Jan. 26th, by Rev. P. A. McLeod, Mt'. Foxer Phair, of Crosshill, to Mise Mary Jane Rnbineon, of Atwood. HORN—EuOlcs,—At the residence of the bride's parents, on Jan. 26th, by Rev. P. A. McLeod, Mr. Jos. Lewis Horn to Mise Martha Cora Minnettn, daughter of air. Samuel Hiles, Blma. WnnxgsDAY, Fob. gbh.—Parol Stook. Lot 28, Con, 13, 1laKillop. Sale at 2 o'- olook sharp. Wm. Pollard, Prop., F. S. Scott, Ano. MR V Smr7x,.^S 'i.x.Eir Si:MITS, - Pall Wheat 84 86 Barley 25 26 Peas 63 55 Oats 25 26 Butter, tubs and rolls .,18 14 Eggs per dozen 18 ...... 14 Flour per barrel.. ., 4 00 4 50 Potatoes (per bag) 48 50 Hay per ton 6 00 6 00 Hides trimmed.,.,,,.,,, 5 8 Hides rough ., 5 7 Salt per Male retail 1 00 00 Sheep skins,saob 40 40 Lamb akin eaob 26 25 Hoge, Live 4 60 4 60 Dressed Hogs 5 00 6 00 Apples (per bag) 50 50 THE PEOPLE'$ COLUMN. 1/f ONEY TO LOAN AT 5 PER .111 gout. 3',B.00 ' 8 TT, Bi•uasofe, I RAVE LOTS OF MONEY TO lend on mortgage at 5 per coot. yearly. A. BUNTER, Brussels, V(XING JERSEY OOW, NEW- LY calved, for solo, Apply to R. LEAT10ERD.ALE, Broseels. 00.9 ALL AOOOUNTS OWING TO Or, tial elvey hast be settled by Feb, 15th. Residonee, cottage on Eliaaboth street, rear of Smith & McLaren's store. OORN I have imported a ear load of fine, dry Anierlean Corn for feeding purposes, For solo at Grain Storehouse No, 1 Brussels, 90-2 it, 31(00 1AM, IOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE, The undersigned offers his comfo' - able house and i•sere of laud, more or less, situate Corner of Queen and Albert Street', Brnasole, for sale, Alt the coaveuionoes stem as good cellar, woodshed, well, fruit trope, Rio. for partioulare 0e to price and tonna imply to GE011GE LOWIRY, Proprietun, 234f B1utsele 1', 0, FOR SALE,—A GOOD, FRAME hound, in excellent repair, containing seven rooms, besides a good S011111101 and Whiter ldtcbon, with bald and soft water under novel. Tho house, which will be sola Just as it is, is handsomely tarnished throughout with nese furniture and 10511 heated by hob air, There aro largo grounds, well loot, and lin excellent gammastceltetl with aboloo apple, .oar, plumanis (Harty brsee, togetllt:r wit.. all he smaller fruits all in good heaving '0oaditlou. Pete place offers ameet &tell tble home for to farina' wishing to rain hem aablve life, and, will be sola on reef 005115 EOrms. .1ror all Pee - Mullen apply to G. P.BLAIR, 20+10 Bolielt01, Br,ssole, FEB, 4, 1898 Toilet Articles, All the Leading Perfumes. Soaps in creat variety, Powders for every purpose, Deutifiices, Combs a,ld Brushes, Seasonable 1 oinodios 4 Cough Syrups, Catarrh anufls, Licorice Pellets, Salves filr tills & IIan''g. Winter Specialties, Chest Protectors, Hot Water Bottles, Chamois all 81ze8, OE't3 I)i^ua' StoN. REAL ESTATE. C1OOD FARM FOR SALE i.A nom' Brussels, Great bargain, Loo 7, con, 0, Grey Iowoship, Good buildings end orchard, 'roll watered, suitable for misee or dairy inrunug, Possession given a ixt sfarob, with p r ivarge of doing Fall rlow:nr„ Apply to W. H, 13111RR, PORT Pu1/1isL ng I10uso,Rrnvlrlo,or to 'THOMAS 1110,itl1Ar= Iv, Loudon Woes. FARM FOR SALE OR 5'0 liENT,—Tho nnders(guod offers bis eligible 01 acre 'farm for solo or to rent, beingSouth part of bob 0, Oonne• Mon 12, Grey, All under cultivation, well watered and well fonood. Thele is a g.od stone horse, bank barn, orchard, wells, Sao„ on the promises. Also a Weald 51.110 quarry from whit% a good revenue is re) dy- ed. Only 21 miles from Prusseis. Tcr,ns reasonable. .For further particulars a. to Price, 00., apply to 301111 MIT014ELL,Praprietor, 30-tf Brussels P. 0. ,IAR•HI I'OR SALE. -150 AORiOS Consisting of the Routh 4 and 501111 of the North 4 of Lot 30. eon 2, Nast Wr. nosh. This is an excellent stock farm,beng well aupplted with good eprhlg water. 1 is situated abs-ut 3 miles from the thriving Til- lage of Myth.. A largo part of It is nu ler grass, Buildings and fences ars In a lir state of rep .h•. Eesv terms of payment; 5111 be given. Iror all information apply to 11-tf G. F. BLAIN, *Barrister, Brutoule. i 00D FARM'S FOR SALE.— The undersigned offer two 107 a ere farms for sale at reasonable prices. Tile 1 its are Nos. 10 and 11 Con, 0 (Sunshine), -d10 oideroad between (hem, Good brink ht. Ise and barn on lob 11, and 11o11se and 2 barns 011 lot 10. orchards and all necessary tali 'u- leuoos. Well waterer) end suitable for grin or glazlug, 100 acres now 111 grass. Will b0 sold either separate or together to suit y tr- shaser. Tolyls of payment reasonable, m - mediate possession. leer further 'maul al•s apply to JOS15PIi CLEGG, Brussels, P. U., on E, L. DI0(11NSOl., (Barrister, Wioghnr:. 21.1 MEDICAL CARDS. E. T. SNIDER, M.D., 0. M„ successor to Dr. 0. MoHol t or, Liaontiate of Roy"tl Oollege of Physic; .ne and Surgeons, Kingston ; Member of the ( W- iese of Physiolnna and Surgeons of Ontn Bio. Dseases of woman and children a epoch ty. Eight years' expollenee. Res-001ca and •es- ldenee that formerly occupied by Dr. ;.Ic- lielvey, Turnberry street, Brussels, J. A. M'NAUGHTON, M. D., 0'. 111, Trinity University, Fellow T,10- ity Medical College, Member Oollege of P,}y. sieiaue and Surgeons, Out. Licentiate of .he Royal College 01 Physicians and Licentiate of Midwifery Eciubnrgb. r�'TClen b,,oe No.14. Residence, 14111 t., Brussels. RR. F. H. KAL8FLEISI •I, PHYSICIAN, 5030Glt'ON ,L\D AC00DOHEBR, SUCCESSOR TO DR. W. GRAHAM, BRUSSELS, - ONTARIO. 151 Olnes honor Graduate of the Uuivoesi- tiee of Trinity (reroute), Queen's (Blue�st"n), and of Trinity Medius] Oullege; Fellow of Trinit. y Medical College and member of 'lie Dolle. a of Physicicua and Surgeons of Ontar- io, cost Graduate Ooursu in Detroit ;,ad Chicago 1800, Smola) attention paid to dis- eases of Eye, Ear, Nose and'P1ronb, and dle- easesof Women, r '0onsultation in. Beg- lishh and Germtuo. Telephone at resideucw, VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK, ei • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all diseases of dnmosbioabod animals In a cam• patent manner, Particular attention old to veterinary doubisbry� Oa11e promptly at- tended to. ethos and I111lrmary—Faux doors north of bridge 'rurnborry st., Brussels. POUT CAL d EETI NGS, Eat Riding of Mimi. Joint meetings for the disoussion of the Political issues of the dny, in connec- tion with the coming Ontario Provin- cial Elections, will be held as follow:{ FRIDAY, FEB. SATURDAY, " MONDAY, " TUESDAY, ' WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, " FRIDAY, ,t SATURDAY, 4, Soott's WPM House, Turnberry, 6, Jamestown, 7, (3obool Homo, Molesworth, 8, Newbridge Scheel House. 0, Lakelsb Temple eine Hall. 10, Wroxsber Town Hall, 11, Township ]fall, Harriss • 12, Gosmen's Soh, 01 House, Morris. Both Cal didatee will :ahead these meet. Inge and onoh will f..5 a'isisted by anOS'.er speaker, Meetings will commence at 7 o'clock p.m, "GOD SAVE 'THE QUEEN."