The Brussels Post, 1898-2-4, Page 5F .11. 4, 1898
, 'IF
Saw, 3hirwle
P aning Mike.
All hinds good loge wanted. A good
man iu the ,rd to measure logs.
acetone SP viug will begin on Mania lot
or before if ,en weather.
Good Mai .1 flooring cheap. Ash V
Joint from .1 to $14. Iille ut to order,
Shingles f r sale.
3. S. COLE.
001, WANED !
Large Quantity.
The linterpriSe Salt Works,
Brussels, is prepared to pay
$1.25 poi cord for beat 4 -foot
Soft wood ; and $2 25 for hard
wood deliorecl at the block.
Cash will be pad on deliv-
Este,: T. T. Coleman,
Syste 11( novator
For Impute , Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyer via, Bleep essness, Palpita-
tion of the I eart, Liver Complaint, Nem.
algia, Lose c 'Memory, dronehitis, Con-
sumption, C tll Stones, ..aundioe, Kidney
and Urinary Diseases, tit. Vitus' Dance,
Female Irre ularities and General De-
Prop. and Manufamtnrer.
Sold by .las, ''ox, Druggist, Brussels.
I wish to item the people of Brnesels
and surreal, ,ing distria, that I have por-
chased the Pump Business of JAMES
BELL and 111 be found ready to attend
to all wants n either naw work or repairs
at moderate rices.
No better Amp in the market.
Order left at my shop or residence or
at P. SCOT shop will be promptly
looked after
ta'Order taken fot. the Digging of
Wells and -C eterns.
Go mer Cireenq
arm- -
ritish Columbia
ed Cedar Shingles
North Shore
Pine and Cedar
BPUSE 818 Planing Mills
Also Doors tnd Sash of all Pat
term on ha d or made to order
at Short N. iiee.
TIs imates Furnished for all
id do of Buildings. Workman.
oh; p and Material Guaranteed.
AfkW00'9 Phositodlne,
Vie Great Bngliet Remedy.
liv‘ Sold and recommended by al
' druggists 1.1 Canada. Only reli
able medicine discovered. ,0f
hpaekages guaranteed to cure all
forme of sex, 1 Weaknet,,, all effects of alum
or excese, T,X ital Worry, Excessive use of To.
baeoo, Opium or Stimulants, Mailed on receipt
of price, one iaciltage $1, 0 c, 55. One WI please,
l004wUl euro, ?abiphlets ne to any addrese.
Tho Wood Company, Windsor, Ont,
Sold in Br 10010 by o DEADMAS,
ugglat, Bookseller & Optician.
Votrict Nam
The anotion sale hold ab Stephen Co0.
ape', on Wednesday, jell, 15th, was
grand sweep ; the day was fine and evety.
thing sold well. Wo are very sorry to
hoar that Mr. Onions has sold his boauti.
ful home on tha 2nd eon, of Grey and is
about to leave this neighborhood. Mr.
Omens wee rained here and lived hero all
his dye, He is generally respected end
Will be greatly missed not only by the
young people, but by all. Stephen ham
olwaye been ready bo not hat part in
(Mouth work as leader, looal preaoher,
steward and trustee ; always could and
did make himself useful and both he and
bin sister will be greatly mined. Our
loss will be, we trust, gain to the neigh-
borhood of Parkhill, where Mr. Cessna
has bought a fine farm of 100 warm
Mole sevor Ch.
Noros.-Mise Maggie Graham, of At.
wood, is visiting friends in this vicinity.
-Mr. Thotnpson, of Atwood, spent Sun -
cloy with his friend, .0.. R. Terry. Ow•
ing to the storm he was unable to return
home until Monday rnorning.-On Fri•
day evening, San. 21st, n, sleigliload of
our residents paid a visit to their "auld
friend," Jas. Ritchie, of Howiek. Long
before they arrived their genial host was
notified of their approach by the "skirl"
of Sandy's pipes, and ho welcomed his
guests with the hearty enthusiasm which
characterizes the true Soot. After Bat-
tering attention had been paid to Mr.
Ribahie's hospitality, given and partaken
of in bilne-110E10113a. Scotian style, a very
merry evening was spent, when care was
laid aside and good old songs and "amus-
ing stories, well told," made the time
peas swiftly by, Mr. Ritchie'e contd.
billions to the evening's entertainment
were hailed wish enthusiasm and vindi.
anted his reputation as a prince of en-
tertainers. And at length in the "we
erne' hours" the guests bade farewell to
their kind host and returned home, feel
ing themselves benefibted, both socially
and intellectually, by enjoying their
host's congenial society and pleasant, r9.
fined conversation. -J. Doig bas disposed
of his farm to Albert Armatrong,-Wm.
Woods has purchased two fine Ayrshire
newer BRIEPS.-Geo. O'Neil suaceeded
in capturing two first prizes at a oarnival
in Hensel], one in the two mile raoe and
the other in the mile raoe.-A petition,
addressed to the Hon. Wm. Mulook,
Postmaster General, is in oironlation in
Stephen, asking that a postoffiee be estab-
lished in the store conducted by Wesley
Mitchell, at Oreditou, opposite the grist
mill. -One day while Geo. Cladmore was
carrying some hot water to the stable he
amaidentally spilt a quantity of it on kis
foot, and, having only a pair of slippers
on, it was badly melded. Ife hae been
able to do but very little sinoe,-The
Clinton News.Reoord says :-Hamilton
Folliak, an employee at J. Tedford's, be-
oame mentally unbalanoed Friday and
possessed of the hallucination that the
town bell was being rung fully half an
hour out of time and that the olnonom•
eters along Albert street also needed
regulating. Saturday night his vagaries
took a religious burn and at four o'clock
next morning he ran up and down the
streets, rapping at doors, rattling win-
dows and awaking aitizens, only to greet
them with his demented ory. Early in
the forenoon the poor fellow started to
walk to hie home in Exeter. Ile is sub-
ject to epileptio fits, which have impaired
his mind. -The annual meeting of the
Hay Branch Agricultural Society was
held in the Town Hall, Zurich, recently.
The annual report was rend by the Seore-
tary and proved very satisfaotory, as
there is a balance on bend of $122.59 and
with a membership of about 80 to start
with. The following offioers were eleat-
ed :-President, Siegner, Zurich ; first
Vioe-President, W. F. Caldwell, Heneall;
second Vice -President, Ernest Gies,
Znrioh ; Directors, Wm. Comfit, 101113
Green ; 0. Oswald, H. Lippert, W. B.
Battler, John Deoker, Ezra Karcher,
Zarieh ; Louie Walper, Dashwood ; J.
H. Schnell, Blake ; Willert,
wood ; Auditors, J. A. Williams, Sol.
G. ode rich..
DISTEI01` MEETING, -The District Meet-
ing of the Huron County Royal Tempters
of Temperance was held in the Temper-
anee Hall here on Thursday, January 27,
about 50 delegates beingpresent. There
are 401 Royal Tempters in this Distriet,
with Councils at Holmeeville, Goderiab,
Kippen, Exeter, Sodom, Chisellinrst,
Bayfield, Varna, Heneall, Crediton,
Blyth, Seaforth and Centralia.
The reports of the variane committees
were read, and other tontine business
transaoted. The nation of The Templar
on the Plebiscite question was eommend-
ed, and the members urged to impport it
as far as possible. It was advised to have
thie paper planed on file in all the Me-
thank:is' Institutes. The following offi.
oars were sleeted : District counoillor,
John lite, Exeter ; vice, Mrs. D. A.
Oatnpbell, Goderioh ; ehaplahn, Bev. Mr.
Henderson, Heneall ; see., D. Jaques,
Exeter; trees, D. A. Wanless, Varna ;
herald, Geo. NfoTaggart, Chishelhurst ;
guard, 5.-
Stanlake, jr., Sodom ; deputy
guard, Miss Maggie MoMnrohy, Kippen ;
entitle', Mr. Rutledge; Holmosville •, rep.
to Grand Council to he held in St. Thom.
as on Feb, 16, J. E. Tont, Gocierieb. The
next District Meeting will be held at
Heneall in June.
Nnwsratre.-The blue book on the De-
partment of Inland Revenue for the year
ending June 80, 1897, is just to hand.
The statement showing amount of exoise
and revenue collected at Goderioh is as
follows : In licenses, $207.50 ; on spirita,
$8,807.99 ; malt, $1,600.45 ; tobacam, $20;
oigare, $425.40 ; petroleum, 20o ; total,
$6,081.54. -The boot and shoe firm of L.
A. filoltlesteel & Son, Stratford, have sold
their brininess to E. Downing, of Gado.
rioh.-The choir of St. George's ohuroh
after practice, "dropped in" on their lead-
er, Mr. Oltiff, and announced their inten-
Mon today a while, As a guarantee of their
friendly intentions, J. S. Oatnoron read a
neat address, and presented al handsome
and comfortable frieze overooat,-The
second annual poultry shotv of the Huron
County 'immolation closed in the Town
Hall on Wednesday noon. In most re.
speota it weo a most gratifying enthese,
the only drawbacks being the ennill
tenclanoe of town poople, and the inability
of Mr. Jarvis, thj
e udge, to Muriplete the
Work by scoring, owing to the necessity
for taking the afternoon train to Coburg
to judge there, that sooiety having post.
patted their exhibition one clay to allow
Mr. Jarvis to reach there from hare.
There were fully 5110 entrion,-The
annual meeting of the West Huron
Agtionitnral Sooiety was held in the town
hall, the attendance not being over largo.
The report as adopted was read, and
Motion of officers proceeded with as fol.
lowe :-Preeident, Dr. Olark, re.elootcal
let Vim., I. Ralkeld, jr,, melantad and
Vioe.,Jos. Beek 1 re.eleeted ; Direetora,
Goderioh Township, 0. J. Nobel, David
Lindsey, Jas, Qonnolly ; Colborne, J. A.
Varaoe, Angus McKinnon, W. W. Plaber ;
Goderioh town, J. 0, Martin, Thee.
Gnndry, W. T. Attorney ; Honorary
directors, Mayor Thompson, Sheriff
Reynolds and Robb, McLean. A.uditors,
S. P. Halls and W. R. Robertson. -
Cycles were in use ou Jan, 241h, -Our
hookeyitea drove to Kinoardine and beat
club of that town by 7 to 5. -An exoel-
lent program is being prepared for the
North street Methodist Sunday eobool
anniversary. It will take place in about
a week. -The reoently made addition,
and the improvements macle in the
machine room at the knitting factory add
considerably to the Meditation's capacity
for turning out work.-Doring 1807, 03
births, 14 marriages and 27 deaths were
registered at the °Dios of the Clerk for
Goderich township,
311` r eh
"ATTU) Fooripito. - Brown & Powell
shipped a car load of maple bloke to the
old ciountry.-Roberb Hooey is at present
laid up with rhnematism in the neck. -
The 0. Y. B.'s of this place are making
arrangements for a grand lecture to be
delivered here about the 22nd of Feb. -
Amos Danny has again been laid tip with
a severe attaok of inflammation of the
lungs, but we bear he is improving and
will soon be able to be around again. -On
Tuesday evening of last week Red Cross
Temple R. B. P. No. 835 held a special
meeting in the Orange Hall here, for the
oonferring of degrees and initiated a couple
of candidates from near Mitohell. They
intend holding another meeting on the
8th of Feb., when the Grand Master, Col.
Seott, of Kincardine, is expeoted to be
Lings.-W. N. Finlay, B. A., of Brand-
on, has secured the Prinoipalship of the
Collegiate Institute of that spirited and
eduaational town, Mr. Finlay will be
remembered as an Ashfield boy. -3. C.
Lyons, of this village, was in Goderioh
attending the Huron Poultry and Pet
Stook Exhibition. Jack had a number
of birds at the show. -The Juvenile
Band purpose serenading the citizens of
the village during the next two weeks, -
There was Ens skating on the river here
and large numbers enjoyed the sport. -
W. H. Cash has rented a photograph
gallery in Ripley and will visit that vil-
lage every Tueeday.-A couple of gentle.
men from Cleveland, Ohio, were in the
village looking at the Central Furniture
faotory, with a view of buying the works.
Mollmr.or. Ixaranuot 00IPANY.-The
annual meeting of the IdoKillop Mutual
Fire Inenranoe Company was held in the
Seaforth Town Halt on Friday, Jan. 21.
There was a large turnout and all evinced
great interest in the workings and wel-
fare of the company. The principal
business before the meeting was the elec-
tion of three DM directors and the re.
calving of the direotors' report of the
business for the past year, and judging
from it the company is in a most pro-
gressive and prosperous state, while its
finanoial standing is excellent. The re-
port showed that during the year 081
policies were issued oovering property to
the amount of §020,825 ; the premium
notes received during the year amounted
to $82,510.55. At the olose of the year
1,913 poliaiee were in foroe, covering
property to the amount of $2,789,255.
The gross amount of premium notes at
that date was 097,180.53, and the avail -
Able balance of said notes after deducting
all aesessments made and levied thereon
was $85,661.63, All losses that occurred
during the past year, which have been
exceedingly heavy up to the end of the
year, have been adjusted and paid, leav-
ing a balance ou hand of $2,310.49. Since
then two losses have been reported, but
have not yet been settled by the Board of
Directors ; the amount of said lessee is
about 0700 ; this will most likely have to
be paid. J. B. McLean, of Kippen, wee
elected Vioomresident ; T. E. Hays, Sea.
forth, inspeotor of losses, and J. 13. Grieve
and Jas. Evane, MeKillop, were elected
directors. The Mallillop Insurance
Company is one of the most earefully and
effioiently managed companies of the
kind in existenoe, and to this no doubt is
due the large amount of business which
the company yearly transacts.
Limn Sanms.-Mayor Scott la flail
confined to his residenoe, although he is
improving. -At the County Connell last
week Dr. McGinnis was appointed a taus -
tee of the Seaforth Collegiate Institute it
plaoe of Thos. Kidd. -D. D. Wilson, Sea -
forth ; Peter Douglaa, Stanley ; Henry
Doyle, Stephen, have been appointed
license oommissionere for South Huron
by the Ontario Government. -The three
lower rooms in the public school have
been closed on aoeount of some oases of
diphtheria in town. -Workman are busily
engaged making the internal improve•
menta in the post office, and judging by
present appearamsea, it ie going to be both
convenient and commodious. -Two rinks
of enders went to Stratford to compete
it group 15 for the Ontario tankard.
They were pitted against Fergus in the
first round and came out seoond beet by
seven ahots.-The woollen mills are very
busy at present, having orders on hand
for over 50,000 yarde, whioh will keep
them going for about six months, and Mr.
VanDgmond says be hae bad to refuse
several orders. -James Gardner, of lotva,
shipped two carloads of young cattle from
this station to bie home in Iowa On Mon.
day of last week. This makes 160 head
that Mr. Gardner has purchased in thie
vicinity ditrtng the past couple of weeks.
He was accompanied on the journey by
Peter Gerdnet, of Moitill op, and Arabi.
bald Gardner, of Hibbert, who are going
to me the country.-Jarnes Smith, of the
11th cenceseion, MoKillop, brought to
Seeforth, a distance of 10 milee, a load of
green wood, which weighed on the mar.
of the John Nfol.row Machine Worka, In.
gerecli, brother to Wm. Morrow and
brother-imlaw of Mrs. Coulter and Miss
Horgan, of this town. The doceaued woe
born on a form near Milton, but for a
number of years followed the moupation
of ohoeueanaker in this county. When
moving from here, be engaged in the
agrioultural business in Dondou, but in
1887, receiving a bonus from Ingersoll he
removed bie bueiness there, conducting it
under the name of the John Morrow
Machine Screw Co, Kr. Morrow wee
thoroughly honorable and upright in his
dealings, and tommanded the respect and
confidence of all, Ile was on the; board
of Eduoation for two yeare, but owing to
poor health was forced to resign, The
past two Winters he spent in Florida and
Texas, in the hope of regaining his so-
oustorned vigor, but was not strong
enough for the journey this Winter.
About twenty yenta ago, Mr. Morrow
married Niles Rebecca Horgan, of this
town, who with a family of four, two
boys and two girls, survive him. The
interment took place in Ingeraoll.
L GLIUMElte• T. Soli, of St.
litlerys, was in town last week. -James
Axmotrong, V. El., delivered a paper on
Tuberoulosie at the afternoon meeting of
the Farmers' Institute at Brossels.-A
horse fair in Gorrie on Saturday of this
week, February 5th. -The fifth anniver-
sary of the Methodist ohureh, Gerrie, was
held on An. 30th and 31st. Rev. Wm.
MoDonagh, of Stratford,preached on Sob.
bath at 10.80 and 7 o'clock. A grand tea
meeting was held on Monday, 81st. -The
annual meeting of the Howick Spring
Bank Cheese Company was held at the
factory on Tuesday, Feb. lat.-Mies Liz.
zie M. Wilson has returned from visiting
friends in Clinton and Wingham.-Skat-
ing on the pond was indulged in by quite
a number of our villagers. -The social
ogi:en at the residence of M. Glimmer,
under the auspices of the Independent
Order of Foresters, proved a grand suo-
131.v till.
BIIIEFLETS.Wate011 & Emigb shipped
a oar of dressed pork to Montreal. -The
electric light at the corner of Dinaley and
Morris streets fell and arnashed.-Blyth
°neon will meet on Monday evening. -
Rev. Dr, Shepherd, of Muncey,ia visiting
his daughter, Mrs. Tait. -E. Livingston
shipped two cars of rollers on Monday to
England. - While coming out of the
Methodiet ohuroh on Sunday morning
Andrew Combs found a scarf pin whish
had been made from an English sovereign.
-McKinnon & Co, are still troubled with
",enlargement." They have converted
two up-atair rooms into one, Mai* will
be used exclusively for ready.made (sloth.
ing and earpets.-The Ladies' Aid of the
Methodist church met and awarded the
oontraat for papering and painting the
basement of the oburoh to James Graves,
of Seaforth.-Dr. Wm. Sloan is one of
the party that will leave for the Klondike
inside of two weeks. The balanoe of the
party will come from Wingham and vi-
cinity. Tbey go via the Edmonton route.
-The oomtnittee who have charge of the
"birthday party" to be given under the
auspiees of Trinity ohuroh Guild, in Irt.
duotry hall on Friday evening, Feb. 4th,
are hard at work. Five hundred invite,
(loon have been issued.
Miss Kate Peebles, tith eon., is serious.
ly ill and under the Dr.'e ooze.
miss Idbtobobb, of Cronbrook, was the
guest of Miss Ada Wilson, 8th son.
Dr. D. A. Kidd, Atwood, hae been ap.
pointed an aosoeinte coroner of the coun-
ty of Perth,
J. Tyler has purobaried the 50 -tore
farm adjoining his own premises from
Jahn MoLean of the 0th line, Wollooe,
for $1,878.
Miss Edith Harris left Tuesday for
Toronto to attend the examinations in
tionneotion with the Conservatory of
Masi°. Miss Harris possesses mashie.'
talent of much promise.
Three physicians performed a laparo.
Wray elan the person of Bliss Boyne,
taking from the gall bladder a atone the
size of a walnut. Patient be fast recruit-
ing and expects to be about in a few days
as usual.
Bobt. Parker bee purchased a line
specimen of the Durham breed of oattle
with the milk strain in him from the
noted herd of Wm. Granger & Son, of
Londeeboro, paying a fancy figure for
the animal. He is 9 menthe old, with a
registered pedigree, and 0011308 from
probably the best herd of Durhams in
A. Gray, 10th con., is making prepar-
ations for an addition to his hoose.
Coming evente always oast a shadow.
Geo, Hargreaves and Thos. Jiakling havb
each material on the ground for new
residences and Josiah Thompson and
Wm. Porterfield, eon. 6, are laying
material for new residences also. David
Smith, 1Gth tion„ had a bee Tueeday
hauling brick for bie handsome new resi-
dence, which he oontemplates building
the coming summer. Singleton Wilson,
fith con., is preparing to erect a barn 58x
66 and Wm. Long hae also material for a
straw shed.
At the annual meeting of the Newry
cheese factory held on Tueeday of last
week the following figures were read
from the annual report for the year 1807:
-Total receipts, $17,882.82 ; lbs. of
oheese manufactured, 203,474 ; paid
patrons, 615,087.86 ; milk received, 2.189,
064 lbs. ; average wholesale prioe for
season, 8.54o ; average cost of mann.
faoturing, except hauling milk, 1.150 ;
average per sent butter fat for season,
3.46. The business done was largely in
mem of the previoua season. The fol.
lowing gentlemen were appointed offioers
for the current year :-Managing Com-
mittee, Messrs. NVm. Blair, Wm. Sweet-
en and John Vallanoe, jr. ; salesman,
S. Bennett ; Treas., A. M. Sweeten ;
Seeretary, J. Morrison, jr. ; Auditors,
Messrs. A. Robb and 0. Vallanoe.
Crossley and Hunter claim to have
had over 200 converts at Galt.
Julius Seriver is heralded as the next
Lieutenant Governor of the Northwest.
Archibald Stewart, the Soulanges
Canal oontraotor, bas entered snit against
the Government for depriving him of his
Reliable Goods.
When We Bell goods we gnorantee them to be reliable, II oimply would not pay
no to let useless merehandise be distributed from tole store. People soon And out
the difference between a genuine arid an inferior artiele, and when enact we eon a
person goods we want them to know they are getting good value, to be etttiened with
their purchase in every reaped, and to return and buy again. If ib ebould happen
that you are not oatiofted with anything you buy here, bring it batik and your money
will be refunded.
New Prints, fast enters, in pink, blue and red designs, very Pretty So
New Prints, beautiful pattern, light or dark colorings, large or small patterns 10
New Prints, etylish dress Minato, some elegant patterns and perfectly fast colors 12i-
0 new style of Print is shown in stripes for wrappers -it is 88 in. wide (4 in
wider than ordinary) and usually sold at 15e, but we are running it this
season at
German Blue Print, fast oolore and good value.
We are making a speoialty bilis season of American Shirting, en extra heavy
weight, but we will be able to sell it the same as the lighter make -ib
oomee in stripes and checks, and price
Full assortment, prices rouge 100, 14o, 170,.200 and 25o per yard.
You will And our prices the lowest, not for one day in the week
only, but every day in the year.
Wilton &
You are well served and. gain money.
t eidraaknegse ooff .the Cook, Parlor and. Coal Stoves
That Cannot be Beaten.
Large Assortment of Lamps and ,Lamp Goods, Lanterns,
Cutlery and Graniteware.
We make a specialty of putting in Coal and Wood
Furnaces, and Warrant Satisfaction.
Stove Coal for Sale and.always on hand,
Special attention to Jobbing and Repairs,
..ti 's
4 1.
Wilton 85 Turnbull, Brussels.
0 Cords of Cordwoo
•----.-Either Hard or Soft, in Exchange for GOOdS..,400■000......
,)••••••••• OF
It was not an accident that the store was crowded for the last week.
The Bargains we offered brought the people.
Such Prices
as these are Sure to Draw us Trane®
Men's Frieze & Tweed Overcoats.
$4.00 Overcoats for $2.25
4.50 " 2.50
$5.00 Overcoats for $8.00
6.00 tt 4.00
If yon want a Suit for very little money come to this store.
Snits that were $5.50
Bankrupt price $8.50
it 4.00
et 4.65
it 5.25
it 7.00
$1 75 Suits for $1 25
2 25 " 1 50
2 75 ' 1 75
$3 10 Suits for $2 00
350 " 235
We can give you a Cap for 25c. that you'll pay 50c. for in any other
store in town. We have Caps from 15c. to 75c.
Underclothing for Men & Boys.
We have a well assorted stock in this line selling at less
than Wholesale .Prices.
25c. Ties for 15c. j 50c. Ties for 30c.
40c. " 25c.
2 Linen Collars for 25e
3 Linen Collars for 25c
25c Link Linen Cuff for 15c,
If you want to get New Goods Less than Wholesale
Prices, come to the Clothiers.
hot eoalott,8 tons, 000 polands. It was '"'"""""
hauled up bill and down by one team in 8 I Sweeping,
hours. Four years ago Ur, Smith I Bargains in
brought into town a load of logo whialt
weighed oitone.-T here died in Ingereell, I arts and
on Thursday, Jan. 2010, Jelin Nlorrow,
Gold Mine
Eats and Caps.