The Brussels Post, 1898-2-4, Page 4THE BR SSELS POST
it�il> C1z" tm
I'.RIDit Y, FEB. 4, 1898,
Hon, W, E. GLADSTONE, Britain's Grand
Old Man, is in very poor health and it
will not be n matter of very much sur.
Sin t0 hear of his very eventful life
owning to a n1o9e.
IT is ofiioielly announoed that March 1
has been definitely fixed for the opening
of the Drummond County Railway, and
the mu 1h•ta I
o I csd•of ertranoe of the Inter•
oolonial Railway to Montreal. All details
of the opening are prepared for that date.
Tam Winter Ministry in Newfoundland
is making itself solid with the peopie,
The revenue is inoreesiug, and the Gov.
eminent proposes to ask for a British
oommission to visit the oolony, and if
possible to enure a grant for the settlers
on the French Treaty Coast, after the
precedent in West India.
TUESDAY, February 22nd, will be Pro.
vinoial Nomination Day and March lst
the date of election. Sh eriff Reynolds
will be Returning Officer for East Huron ;
Registrar Gibson for West Enron ; and
F. Kibler, of Zurich, for South Huron.
The campaign will be short and decisive.
Hardy will be the next Premier we ven-
ture to predict and with a bigger major-
ity than at present.
WARDEN a-ACUSON, of Lincoln county,
adds his testimonial to that of those who
speak in favor of the Co, Councils Aot
He says that with 21 members in '96,
Lincoln spent 91,548, while in 1897, with
8 members, the cum spent was 9612, or
less than half. Wellington 000uty staved
91,600. Middlesex county is also a good
deal in pocket by the ohaoge, while Huron
county has a similar score, with near
92,000 on the right side of the books.
Tao first session of the new Perlia.
meat of Nova Scotia was opened Thurs-
day of last week by Lieutenant -Governor
Daly. The epeeah from the throne spoke
of the year's general prosperity, and re-
ferred to the Not that the ont.put of ooal
WAS the largest in the history of the
province. A. bill for consolidating the
unfunded debt of Nova Scotia is among
the measures promised. Hon. F. A.
Lawrence, Colchester, has been re elected
speaker of the assembly.
TEE traffic arrangements between the
G. T. R. and 0. P. R. in the transferrenoe
of passengers and freight from Toronto
to North Bay iu connection with the
Western trade is at emend and the 0.P.R.
is sending their passengers round by
Smith's Falls. To keep up their end the
Grand Trunk will do business via Chicago
and will open up offices in Winnipeg and
other centres. Hot times are expected
and the travelling publio may share in
the reduced fares that many think will
be offered.
Tux Clinton New Era last week, re-
marks, editorially :-"Thos, Gibson, the
veteran member for East Huron, who
has retired from the political arena, after
twenty-six years of continuous service as
representative for that con5titnenoy, bas
a pablio and personal reoord of whioh
any mac may feel proud. He is known
as "Honest Tom Gibson," and even his
political opponents concede that he was
never guilty of any oorrupt act. His life
bas been a practical refutation of the
charge sometimes made that a man oan-
uot go into politics without being con•
taminated, and he retires with the ee•
teem and good -will of both friend and
foe." Mr. Gibson baa had rather a
unique position in the House,' Of those
who were elected in 1871 and present in
the House on the defeat of the Saudfleld
Macdonald Government only Mr. Gibson
and Dr. Baxter, of Haldimand, remain ;
and of those who were then elected 40 or
41 have gone over to the great majority.
The Premier, Hon. A. S. Hardy, and the
two gentlemen above mentioned are the
trio left of the 1875 election. In election
of 1879 Messrs. Blezard, Ilona. Jno.
Dryden, Hon, J. M. Gibson, Hon. Har.
court and Mr. Carpenter remain making
8 in all. From 1888 election Hon. G. W.
Ross and Mr, Kerne are added, and from
1886 Messrs. Conmee, Evantnrel, Field,
Ferguson, Marter, Meaham, MacKay,
(Oxford), Rabillard, Stratton, Whitney
and Willoughby, totalling 21. Those in
the House just diesoivsd eleoted in 1890
are : Ifteaers, Baxter, Blezard, Bronson,
Carpenter, Cleland, Ooumee, Charlton,
Dryden, Davie, Boonton], Field, Fergn•
son, Garrow, Gibson (Hamilton), Gibson
(Huron) Hardy, Harcourt, /Lieoott, Kerns,
Loughrim, Meaoham, Matter, Magwood,
MacKay (Oxford), MaoKay (Victoria)
Misoampbell, Moore, Paton, Reid, Rohl!.
lard, Rose, Stratton, Whitney and Wil•
lou hb.
g y, a total of 34-25 Liberals and 9
Conservatives. Since 1871 there has been
•somewhere about 380 members cleated to
the House of Assembly of whom over 80
are dead, the other Parliamentarians
have gone into Dominion politics, retired,
or been defeated, Among those who
promoted were Messro, Clancy, Clarke,
Ingram and McLeary, of Conservative
faith, and Messrs, Mowat, Scott, Living.
ston and Smeteinger who pinned their
belief to Liberalism. Hon. Mr. Baxter,
like the East Huron veteran, is not seek-
ing re.slootion at the ooming contest, both
retire to leave their laurels won in a long Burma° on Co, buildings was read and
campaign of abent 27 years. Few such ordered to be printed. Report of J. E.
records exist and with the increasing Tom, I. P. S„ was referred to Education
a the Committee. egStatement of Goderiob and
spirit of unrest and desire for change Clinton Collogiat6s wBiDplaaod before the
probabilities are that the opportunity of
recording such long periods of service) will
become rarer as the years roll by.
dlllroll Comity Council.
Tho County Couuoil of IIuron met fn
the council alt amber at 8 p. m., Tuesday
of last week, All the members were pres-
ted.Tho Work asked that it warden be oleo.
The following names were submitted :
B. S. Cook, of Howlett ; Dr, Rollius, of
Exeter ; and Goo. MaEwan, of Benson.
Mr. Cook, with the u n
0o so t of his mover
and seconder,
e a , and on a ballot
being taken, Mr. MoEwan secured 9 votes
and Dr. Rollins 7,
Mr. MoEwan was declared elected, and
subscribed to the oath of office before
Judge Masson.
The newly elcoted warden thanked the
oounoit for the honor that had been done
him• It had come to him in the way of a
surprise, but nevertheless he felt grateful
to the council for having elected him to
the position, and would endeavor to cou-
soisntiously disoharge the duties of the
The following shriking committee was
eleabed : Messrs. Cook, Holt, Miller, Tor-
rance and McLean.
Council then adjourned until Wednes-
day at 10 a. m.
Following are the standing committees
for the year 1.898 :
Executive Committee:- Holt (Chair-
man), Mooney, Hislop, Cox, Cook.
Speoial Committee. - Halt, Mooney,
Hislop, Cox, Cook (Chairman).
Finance Committee. -Rollins (Chair-
man), Miller, Torrance, Stuart, J. 13. MC -
Education Committee.- Rollins, Mil.
ler (Chairman), Torrance, Stuart, J. 13.
Road and Bridge Committee. -Patter-
son (Chairman), Hays, R. McLean, Mo.
Innes, Snell.
County Property Committee. -Putter•
son, Hays, R. MoLean, Moianes (Chair-
man), Snell.
Equalization Committee, -The whole
Warden's Committee. - Miller, Tor-
rance, J. B. McLean, Holt.
House Of Refuge Committee -Pater-
son, Stuart, McInnes,
The usual motion for a grant of 9300 to
the Agricultural Societies was sent to
Exeoutiva Com.
A motion to grant a sum of 910 for
flowers around court house, was sent to
Executive Com,
After several motions were made and
sent to committee, the oouuoil adjourned
to 10 a.(m , Wednesday.
Council met according to adjournment,
the Warden in the chair, all the mem.
hers present. Minutes of last meeting
read and adopted. The following nom•
manications were read and referred to
Committee :-From the Co. of Lanark
respecting the amendments to High
Sobool Act of 1896. Sent to Speoial Com.
mittee. From Co. of Bruce asking this
Connell to co-operate in petitioning the
Ontario Legislature to amend 'The
County Councils Act 1896," Sent to
Speoial Committee. A. M. Roseborough,
Secretary of the Prisoners' Aid Assoai•
ation of Canada, made application for
grant to the funds of such Association.
Sent to Executive Committee. Geo, A.
Aylesworth, Secretary of Trustees' As.
eooiation of Ontario asking the Council to
appoint a delegate to attend a meeting of
such Association in Toronto in April
next. Sent to Education Committee,
Letter from Jas. Scott, Treasurer of Olin•
ton Collegiate, calling attention to mis-
take in 1896, in amount received from the
County. Sent to Executive Committee.
Statement from Bank of Commerce and
Molson's Bank showing credit of County
funds of 94,867.60 and 966.42 respeotivly.
Sent to Finance Committee. Circular
from the office of the Municipal World -
asking that members of the Council to
subscribe for the paper. Sent to Exe-
cutive Committee. Bylaw passed by the
Township of Goderich was presented and
this Council asked to pass a Bylaw to
confirm the same. Sent to Road and
Bridge Committee. A number of ac.
counts were sent to Finance Committee.
Report of John Ansley, Co. Commis.
sioner, was read and referred to Road and
Bridge Committee. Report of Co. Clerk
showing supplies sent out to Constables
and Division Court officers for 1807,
ordered to be filed. Treasurer's state•
meat was read and referred to Finance
Committee;Report of D. Robb, I. P. S.,
East Huron, was presented and referred
to Education Committee, Return of A.
L. Gibson, Registrar, for the year 1897
Council and sent to Executive Commit.
toe, Moved by Air. McInnis, ems:m(1 d ny
Dr. Rollins, that the Clerk procure a
copy of the Municipal World for oiwh
member of the Co. Council. ,Solt 10
Executive. Moved by Mr. Stewart, sea•
onded by Mr, Patterson, that the moll
grants be made to the Publie Libraries in
the Co, Sent to Executive, Moved by
Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr,Stewnrb, that
the usual grant be made to tie
Farmers' Institutes, sent to Exeoutite,
Moved by Mr. Bolt, seoouded by Mr,
MoLean, titat the sum of 910.00 be greet-
ed bo pureitnso [leavers for the Comet
House square, Sent toExeoutive, Mev'
ed by Mr. McLean IGcderioh), 'e000ndr.d
by Mr. Snell that this Council grant 95
to the Poultry Association. Sent to Excl.
entire. Moved by Mr, Cook, seoouded by
Mr. Miller, that all lock up keepers 'e
the Go. be paid $10 each on a oerti6'.ate
from a Co. Couooillor of their Divioi,.n
khat said look up is clean andproperly
ept. Sent to Executive. Moved by Mr.
MoLean,Goderiab, seoouded by Mr. Holt,
that Arthur Major be auditor for this
year. Laid on the table until next seer
siou. Moved by Mr. Torrance, seconded
by Mr. Miller, that the By-laws of tl'is
Csuuty bo consolidated by the clerk a al
submitted to the Exeoutiva at the Ju 18
meeting for approval. -Carried, Moved
by Dr. Rollins, seconded by Mr. Molnnis,
that Fred Page, of Grand Bend, Town•
ship of Stephen, be granted a pedlar's
license free of charge on amount of his in.
ability to make a living or pay for aH:h
license. Sent to Executive. Moved ay
Mr. Cooly, seconded by Mr. Miller, that a
Co. pedlar's license be granted to Js e.
McKinney, of Howicll, he having lost lis
arm, Sent to Executive. On motion Jr
Messrs. Holt and Hislop Council ad-
journed to meet on Thursday at 10 a. to,
Connell resumed. Application of Jo'•n
Burgess, Blnevale, for the position of
auditor was read and laid on the tab)e.
Registrar Gibson waited on the Council
respecting the difficulty in keeping in
proper repair office books. Report of
Education Committee was read and the
Council went into Committee on it, Air.
Cook'in the chair. Tho report was adop-
ted. Moved by Mr. Mooney, seconder( by
Mr. Torrance, that John 0. Morrison,
Clerk of Maaiillop, be auditor 'for this
year. Moved by Mr. Cooly, seconded spy
Mr. Miller, that Mr. Burgess be auditor.
Mr, Morrison was elcoted. Moved :ry
Mr. Patterson, seconded by Mr. Stew°, t,
that the Go. Commissioner be instructed
to examine Dyer's bridge, between Hut•
lett and Wawanosh, and have tenders
here next June for its rebuilding. Sent to
Road and Bridge Committee. Moved by
Mr. Cook, seconded by Mr. Miller, that
the Co. Clerk asoertaiu from the Provin•
sial auditor the probable expense of an
audit of the accounts of this Go. for 8
years by the Provincial Auditor, and lay
snob information before the Council at
next session,-Oarried. Moved by iur.
McLean, Goderich, eeaonded by Mr
Snell, that a railing be put at each cud of
Benrniller bridge in Colborne township,
-Carried. Moved by Mr. Holt, seoond•ed
by Mr. Hislop, that all neoessary repairs
be made to Port Albert bridge under the
direction of Co. Engineer.-Oarried. On
motion of Messrs. Mooney and Cox,
Council adjourned to meet in the after.
noon at 3 o'clock.
Couuoil resumed at 3 p. m. Statement
of Ssaforth Collegiate was sent to Ess•
cutlers. Moved by Dr. Rollins, seconded
by Mr, Snell, that to admit inmates CO
the House of Refuge the card of admis-
sion be countersigned by one Co. Coun-
oillor of the District in addition to the
signature of the Reeve of the Munioipnl-
ity from which the proposed inmate
opines. Referred to Executive Commit-
ee. Moved by Dr. Rollins, seconded by
Mr. Snell that the Warden and House if
Refuge Committee be requested to take
Ceps to have Brindley, au inmate of the
House, admitted to the asylum for idiots
r to the Co. jail. -Carried. Moved by
Mr. McLean, Goderiob, seconded by kir.
ox, that the
Co. Property Ooromitt•
naming the House of Refuge once a year,
ame as all other Co. Property.-Lurt.
n motion of Messrs. Miller and Petite. -
on Council adjourned to meet on Friday
t 10 a. m.
Connell resumed as per adjournment.
HOUSE Or' 000008.
The House of Refuge oommittee report
ed that they had examined the Inepeo•
tom's report and foand it oorreot and
recommended that it be printed in tl,e
minntee. They had also examined the
physician's report and recommended tin ,t
it be printed ie the minutes.
The report was adopted.
Moved by Dr. Rollins, seconded by M:.
°Innis that the clerk be empowered to
istriinto oounty property, sub as hand•
offs, eta., only on the authority of a
ember of the oounty council and not en
s authority of reeves and deputy-reevee
municipalities, as heretofore. Carried.
Moved by Bir. MaLeau, Goderio
conded by Dr. Rollins that the count.)
ag be used for county purposes only,
Moved by Messrs. Torrance and Aft••
eon that the warden and clerk memo •-
ize the local legislature to so amend ohs
unicipal act that members of munioips.t
naafis should be elected for a term , f
o years, said elections to take plane to
e same time and plane as elections for
unty ooanoillors. Sent to exec:ilia,'
Moved by Mr, Snell, aeuonded by Dr.
ollins that a typewriter be bought for
e use of the clerk. Sent to exeoubivo
Bylaws oonflrming the appointmenl of
ditoro and the confirming of a by.Ia v
Goderich township and one amendirg
e by-laws of the House of Refuge ware
The warden nominated D. Urquhart
ditor of the oounty Recounts for W.0esent year.
On motion of Messrs. Snell and All-
an, (Goderiob) oouuoil adjourned, to
set again on the first Tuesday in June.
was referred to Finance Committee, The bb
Jailer's report was read and sent to Co. of
Property Committee. Moved by Mr.
Hislop, seconded by Mr. McLean (Tucker- ee
smith), that Philip Holt and W. Lane be fl
appointed Auditors of Criminal Juetioe
accounts. -Carried. Moved by Mr, Holt,
seconded by Mr. Snell, that J. Jordan be L
appointed Trustee of Goderich Collegiate. e l
-Carried. Moved by Mr. Hays, second- m
ed by Mr. Cox, that Dr. liIoGinnes be o0
Trustee of Ssaforth Collegiate, Moved tw
in amendment by Mr. Holt, seconded by th
Mr. Miller, that Thee, Kidd be Trustee. 00
-Motion carried. Moved by Mr. Snell, 00
seconded by Mr. Cox, that. Henry Plum-
steel be Trustee of Clinton Collegiate,- th
Carried. Moved by Mr. Torrance, sea -
ended by Mr. Cox, that George Baird, of o0
Stanley, be appointed on the Board of
Co. Examiners for current year. -Oar. afn
ried. Moved by Mr. Holt, seconded by t8h
Mr. Hislop, that A, J. Moore, 33, A.,
Goderich, be appointed to same Board.- pa
Carried. Moved bylkir. McInnis, second.
ed by Dr, Rollins, that the usual grant of ant
9800 be made to the Agrioulturai and pr
Horticultural Societies: '
r s In this County
holding exhibitions in 1898. Sent to (Exo• Le
al gve Committee, Moved by Mr, Holt, nn
seoouded by Me. Hislop, that 50 cards
showing the names of the different Com-
mittees be printed for this Council, -Car. res
ried, On motion of Messrs. McInnis and ma
Rollins the Council adjourned till 8 0'- ref
clock, In
Council resumed at 8 p. m, Mr. MOD. 00
Allan waited on the Couuoil asking for for
grant for the Poultry and Pet Stock As. yea
sedation, Report of Mr, Coats, Inepeo- gra
tor of :House of Refuge, was read and re- al
hexed to House of Refuge Committee, exit
Report of Dr. Shaw, Physician of Re
House of Refuge, was read and sent to 925
same Committee, Clerk's report re ia. in
The Exeoative oommittee repported,
ommending that a grant of 910 he
de to the Prisoners' Aid Society. In
entice to the motion of Meagre, 1.2't•
ole and Rollins, reoommended that a
py of the Menioipal World be obtainrd
each member of the council for the
r 1898. Recommended that the usual
ut of $300 he made to the Agriouibur-
and Horticultural societies holding
ibibione during the present year.
commended that the usual grant of
be made to each Farmers' Institn's
the county. Reoominended that 11 e
of 910 be expended in panting
flowers around the Court House, Reoom.
mended that the usual grant of 915 be
made to Pablio Libraries, In reference
to the motion of Messrs. U. MoLean and
Snell, in regard to grant of 926 towards
Poultry Aesooiation, reoommended that
no notion be taken, As to the motion
that peddlers' Houses be granted to
Frederick Page, of Stephen, and J, Mo.
Kenn. of li•,u'fok,as these seem to be
desorun. ':o,,:v and that the parties are
unable to pay for lioonse, reoommended
that same be granted for 1898 without
charge. In reference to motion of Mee.
era, Conk and !millet' Ilett n11 1,eknn
lt.epers be paid 9L0 per year, re0omineud-
ed that no aobioh be taken. They ex-
amined tenders for groceries for jail and
recommended that tender of T. G. 'Tip-
pling be nucopted, it being the !meet ;
recommended that the tender of W. T.
i,t rno
u t God
Y, n 0 for or most for 'laid
o accepted, and the tender fur bread of
D. Oantelnn u 1
G cforla 1, Recommended
that the tender of F. G. Enlist, of Sea -
forth, for oounty printing, be accepted,
the work bo be done to the satisfaction of
the warden and clerk. In reference to
motion of Masers. Molweu and Cook, re.
ferred to in the December report of the
committee, recommended that the words
"two year,," be inserted in Hones of
Refuge los -laws in place of the words
"one yea'," regarding the admitting of
inmates to the /louse of Refuge and that
the by-laws be amended .accordingly.
In reference to motion of Messrs. Rollins
and Snell that all committals to the
House of Refuge bo countersigned by one
of the comity oonnoillors of the district
or municipality from which time inmate
is sent, recommend its adoption. In
reference to letter of Mr. i3-15., of Clin-
ton Oolloafate Institute lln'.1'd, regarding
mistake in remitting comity grant, re-
commen lad that the treasurer be em.
powered to pay the sum of 927 to said
institute. In reference to-iaionub to be
paid to nail Collegiabl Ineritube, they
submitted the following figures ' Sea.
forth, 92,327.88 ; Clinton, 92,698.08 ;
Goderioh, $1,805.8. In reference to the
motion of Messrs. T'orranoe and R. Mo.
Lean that the clerk and wardeu memoral-
ize the Ontario Legislature to so amend
'the Municipal Act that municipal coon.
cile be elcoted for two years in place of
one, reoommended that same be done.
In referee ce to motion of Messrs. Snell
and Rollins re poroliesieg a typewriter
for the clerk, recommended that the clerk
be instroo'ed to enquire into the prioee
of the different machines and lay the
same before the council at the Juue
The report was amended by making
grant to Agricultural Soaietiee 920 each,
iu place of dividing 9800 among them ;
by granting $25 to the Poultry Associa-
tion ; and by not granting peddlers' If.
oenses to JP. Page and J. Moltinney,
The report as amended was adopted.
The Finauoe oommittee reported, re.
commending the payment of a number
of accounts. They bad reoeived the
treasurer's letter and financial statement
and recommended that same be printed
in the minutes.
The report was adopted.
The statement of Dr. Holmes, ocnnty
treasurer, showed a balance on band
from last year 06 91,816.71 ; taxes oolleot-
ed on oounty rate, 968,106.28 ; non-resi-
denttaxae, $455.84; fees from registry
office, $185.05 ; auctioneers' licenses,
9348 ; peddlars' licenses, $476 ; receipts
from other sources, $43,888.24 ; total re•
ceipts, 999,369.89. Expenditures, -jail,
92,328.47 ; salaries, 94,075.45 ; Collegiate
Institute, $5,063.09; Mode! schools, $800;
Public school, $7,222 ; road and bridges,
$6,208.80 ; House of Refuge, 95,852.58,
whiob, with the administration of justioe,
stationery, etc., makes a total expendi-
ture of 995,841.41. Sent to Fhnaooe Com.
The jailer reported that at the present
time there are confined in the county jail
18 prisoners, 12 males and 1 female.
E!even of these aro vagrants ; Roland
Smith, Toronto, charged with forgery,
and Elizabeth Diebold, Zurioh, insane.
Sent to County Property Committee.
HOUSE 00 00040E PHYe10IAN.
Dr. Shaw, House of Refuge physician,
reported that be bad visited the house 81
times during the term, Most of the
worst casae have °once to the house suf.
faring with some acute disease and are
more snitable for a hospital. As soon as
recovery ,(ley want to go. They are gen.
orally robmst and aonld do considerable
manual labor if kept. The hoose has ol-
eo served as an asylum for the insane and
idiotic. They have been the direot cause
of some of the worst aooidenls in the in.
stibution, nob to say anybhiog of the de.
sbrnotion to property, There is no avail-
able means of isolating contagious die -
ease brought in from outside by visitors
and at prosect a general outbreak is fear-
ed. The air space for each sleeping in-
mate is loss than 826 cubic, feet, when 1,.
000 and 100 is required, Many, owing to
their aihnonbe, have to be confined to
their sleeping rooms, although nob to
bed, and there is much trouble in avoid.
ing pneumonia and other lung diseases,
owing to tare coldness of the rooms and
draughts, Referred to House of Refuge
RE0OnT 00 E0110ATION 001011071E.
GENTLEMEN,-1leor Committee bag leave
to report an follows: -•(1) The report of
school Inspectors Tom and Robb examined
and passed and regnant that the reports be
prMed in the minutes, as formerly, except
the visits to the several sobools in the CO.
121 oommittee recommend the examinations
for High Schools, Butt -come and Public
School Leaving for the township of atepken
be changed from Grand Bend to Orediton
and that the Co. Clerk notify the Education
Department of this change. (8) domnuoi•
cation from the Secretary of the Trustees'
Association. We recommend no action.
ROM . airman, Chairman,
n'•:PORT of 00, 00000se1ONEI.
Germrxtloo,-Iherewith submit my re-
pport, cent:: ming a000unb of business since
Nov.2882,1801, It contains tbo number and
amount of orders Sesnad
cosi specifications to your
inetruotloha I have sin gg
plans and two
of them for throe on m ceder bridges, near Grand
a than
hoar Walton and one near Gra 5 Bead. 1
have mooived tenders from several con-
t:motors for the emotion of those bridges.
Tenders taro herewith submitted. ggI have
and bettor the
Race mmodationnfowthe
bherdlf's ollloo and would recommend you to
build vault outside of present building, but
attached to blinding in similar manner to
that oeouoied by D, McDonald wlliou I be -
Hove is very satisfactory, Probable cost
would bo about $100, With regard to the use
of iron piping as bridge railing, I would
strong( recommend yon to halo ono or
more or the iron pipes put on each truss of
the following br dgesMaiblaod, Clinton,
i,uwer Wingkam, Piping one he bought
very cheap atpresent,about 71o, nor lineal
foot and putting them on will tot be torp
uxpouei"t. The exterior of the Court l onso
building , ',auld bo repainted next Summer
and I ant of opinion that while psstoblug the
w ,5cl-wnr„ it would be well to paint brick
Hien, It would bo ofonneiderable 055001 to
the lruildtu at, as it would preserve the brick
from the anion 0f the wet and frost and
acid torsidorably t0 the appearaneo 0i the
FEB, 4, 1898
building,Twoheavyeohts of paint on all
the brlc)wurk would post about $150, The
Manohestorstud 13ruecol, bet deist will likely
require now Ilsore next Stun user. Some
smaller bridges wilt renuire bo be ne'doot'ed,
I think 1t would bo beat not to undertake
tiny>, more work than is absolutely necessary
until you know the insults of the next
Sp 1109 h•Oshcte, I borewitii present orders
!mod and paid, TEC, ANerlt7,
CO, Commissioner,
150A0 AND 111500E C03111ITTIif 1lEI01181,
G11N'rlalutlN-Year Committee beg leave
10 rer, f. •-t') In reference to By-law of the
township vi Gudt,alob to close up and die -
pose of oorbaiu original road allowar es and
opom up another roadway iu lien th osoof,
The law being complied with, w0 recom-
mend that the said By law bo confirmed,
(2) Your Committee agree with the Go.
Commissioner re piping ea 00161/19 011 Cer-
tain bridges and think it: Wn11 to put piping
l ,,
on the brill a
Oa m nttoucd in
g his rn
ox% via.
hialtla p
ud, Canton and Lower. that
(01 The Dommis9touer mentions bunt repairs
to the floors of certain bridges will have to
be made early next Summer. We advise
that the Commissioner attend to all re-
pairs, eo that the bridges in the Co. be
properly maintained,. (9) We examined?
tenders for erecting a small bridge on the
Boundary between Morris and McKillop
and we re000msnd that the tender of wm,
Walsh, for 8.100, be attempted. For the bridge
on the boundary of Hullett and Mo/Killop, 7
tenders were placed before 00, and we rec-
d mmend the tender of Bubb. Jamieson, for
$117, be accepted, 4 tenders for the erec-
tion of a bridge near Grand Bend were re-
ceived and we recommend that Joseph
Lawson's tender, for $117, be accepted. The
Go, Commissioner to require proper ssetn'ity
from each of the parties. We accepted the
lowest tender in each naso. (0) Re motion
of 005oms. Patterson and Stewart regarding
Dyer's bridge, wo reoommeud that Commis-
sioner boyo said bridge re -built, if nacos.
Bary. D. PAT'rnneoN,
n1ronT Or 00. 00000500 COIIIHTTEE,
GnxTLEnXEN,-Your Committee beg to r•o-
port(1) Thab we examined the jail and
found everything Moan and in good order
and the number of inmates agreeing with
the Jailer's report. We recommend that
Jailor Griffin be allowed to remove the two
closets Is the jail yard and fill up the ofd
cesspool and. that he be turnlshadwith the
00000501'yy material to beild a (eons on the
South side of the yard, to correspond with
that on the opposite aide, (2) Wo recom-
mend that a press be 1proenred for the pm -
Pow of holding maps lu the Registry O$los
and that the Registrar bo empowered to
employ a competent person to bind such
books as require re -binding. Wo moan -
mood that tender's be asked for painting
Court House, plain painbing for brick words
tuck:minting, painting woodwork outsider
The Engineer to define timeless of load to
be used, Tenders to be laid before Council,
in Tuns. We recommend that the walls of
Judge 11fasson's room be painted and that a
suitable desk for bis use be prOOnred • blot
a saltahle railing be placed in Judge Doyle's
otllce; that the furniture naked for by
Sheriff Reynolds be procured unci the(' old
furniture be sold ; that, the walla of the.
of leo be painted and no action be taken re-
garding vault at present. That a new
8x11 feet be procured forthe use oftrthe
Court Houser That ail the work recom-
mendedinthis report be performed under
the supervision of the 0o, Commissioner•,
the members of Go. Council District No. 1
and the Warden. We examined the differ.
eat rooms in the Court House and found
them clean and well kept, and would say
that Mr. McCreath, Caretaker, appears to
be avert' efiloienb man for the position.
That all proper cenuect(nne between the
possible, the sewers
eo 11 e cite made
the ai
rection of the Clerk ane Co. Commissioner.
D, MOINNE9, Chairman,.
nenon'r Or THE 185P800051 011 THE 001.190
OF 1100000.
The Inspector of the House of Industry
and Refuge for the Cotcuty of Huron, Wm,
Coats, presented the following as his report
to the County Connell for the year ending
Mat Dee., 1897 :-
Total No. of inmatoe admittedsince
opening the House 128
No. of inmates on let of January, 1897 61
No, admitted during the year .,, 35
No. of deaths during the year . 10
No, absconded during the year • 4
No. discharged during the year 5
No, of inmates on 1st of January, 1893 77
No. of males, 63 ; No, females, 24 77
No, admitted during year1897 from rural
municipalities r-
ToWnslripe- :Ashfield 9, Colborne 8, Code -
1.10h 2, Grey 1, Ray 1, Morris 4,
Stephan 8, Stanley 2, 4'vekerslnith 2,
Usborno 1, East Wawanosb 1 (iaolud-
ing 1 re -admission snob in Colborne
and tleborne) 23
Towns and Villages-Goderiob 8, Clinton
2, Sett(ortn 1, Wingham 1, Exeter_ 9.,10
Bora in House
Committed from County Jail 1
Causeof Pauperism -Intemperance ,o old
l, e ese5, injury 3, weakness 0l in -
tolled 4, blindness, whole or partial,
8, on -
ciente 2, mother 1n House 1, insane 1, idiocy
1, paying patient 1.
y o1 inmates admitted during
1897 -England 1 land 11, Scotland 4 Ireland 0,
Wales 1 �uitod 6tatoe 2, Ouuatla 13,
No. of days board of inmates 25000
No. of days board Keeper's family
and help 1811
Average No. of Inmates during 1807 70.14
With /Keeper's Pamtly and Help
added 78.73
Total expenditure on House and
farm $ 4868 79
Add value of provisions and fuel on
hand let Jan., 1897 643 30
Total Expenditure 5 5502 00
Deduct expenditure on House, pig
Pen, &o„ on capital account., ,$ 007 41
Permanent improvements, oroliard
gr'ayol, &c 01 20
Expenditure for stook and imple-
ments 67 01
Unexpired insurance '21 00
Provisions, Medium, new olotbiug
anti fuel =hand Jan. 1, 1807,
as per inventory., 1001 42
Produce sold during 1897 and other
receipts - 02 02
Reoeived from paying patient 10 00
Amount expended for support of 52100 75
inmates $ 3303 25
Average expense per inmate per day 13
Average weakly expense per inmate O8k
The expenditure in the House and farm
Recounts Toro as follows :-
Hired help f or House and.Farm $ 20000
Stools, team and implements ,.. ,, 97 61
salaries, Inspector, Beeper. and
matxou 518 75
Pbysiolan'esalary, appliances, one.,201 09
Permanent improvements 91 00
Repairs to building, furniture ,,.,,,.,, 06 22
Provisions and clothing 1848 84
Fuel and 13 ht 536 25
B oohs, stationery and postage 18 07
Sending inmates to friends, eta 14 50
Supplies for stook and team 100 05
On eapitala000unt 907 41
Incidental expellees 224 28
Total - $ 4868 70
Wet, Ooars, Inspector,
. �. Rtohardsan
Is prepared to do all kinds of
work in his lino.
Good Workmaasli)p and
Good Fits Guaranteed.
Suits made for $4 and upwards,
*Mop in Garfield Mork.
Well Fere
We Are.
Again in the field with our Bret
shipment of
for the Spring trade. There is something
new in Prints this Spring. Coll and no
the Metal Effeots-yon would imagine
they were silk,
Also a full line of Teas, Cof-
fees, Spices and Canned Goods
all of the best quality at
Agent for Parker's Dye 'Works.
The flo La1bt
Fire Engine Works,
'Vr •Car •®• "er ^es.
We are prepared to do any kind of
Machine Repair Work
with dispatch and n
atC a 7 0 VOr Rea-
y o
sonable Terms.
When wanting anything in
the lino of Engines and Boilers,
stationary or portable, we would
bo glad to have you ask us for
quotations as we think we can
Save y011 /money.
We have also on hand all
kinds of Repairs for Engines,
Boilers, Steam Fittings, and can
also execute any orders for Brass
Niclsle Plating a Specially,
Ronald giro EnFina Worko,
Overcoats .nopt
Readymade Clothing
For children, Boys, You�hs and lent
Furs at and Below Coot
Men's Muffs, Ladies' Muffs, Storm
Collars, Ruffs, Scarfs and Boas.
We have had a good season's trade in the above lines
and are satisfied to let the balance go cheap.
Wishing all a very happy and prosperous New Year.
Ulsters Sold elsewhere at $11 and $12 00, here for $9 00.
Ulsters tit 9 10 00, " 7 00.
Ulsters c‘ 8 8 50, " 6 50.
Ulsters " 6 6 50, " 4 00. -
'Meters galled a $5.00 bargain elsewhere, here for $3.50.
Fur Coats and Cas.
Out of the largest and best selection of Fur Coats shown in
Brussels this season we have only two left which will be clear-
ed out at a bargain. Also a few Fur Caps left which will be
sold at a good reduction.
Tailoring Department.
e arty.
Our Tailoring Department, which needs no mention, is of
established merit, which you will confirm by giving us a call.
The Choicest stock of Neckwear ever shown in Brussels will
be to hand this week, also a choice selection of Rats,_ Caps,
Shirts, Collars and Cuffs, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, Muff-
ler toes
lers, (I and d Under
wear on hand.
Present of a Watch
All purchasers of $10.00 and upwards, at one time, will
receive a handsome Nickel Watch, stem-winder, valued at
The above bargains hold good for Cash only for the -
Holiday season,
The Leading Tailor and Furnisher.