The Brussels Post, 1898-2-4, Page 3/FEB. 4, 1908,
interesting Reins About Our Own Comely,
Oreat erealn, the United Stater, and
AS Parts of the Mole, condensed and
Assorted for Easy Rename.
Manitoba farmers are shipping large
Iluantities at stink to the Yukon,
Tee Crane Trunk Runway Company
will enlarge Its wheel foundry at Ham-
Welland now has natural etaa for
heating, lighting and manufacturing
An agent of tbe Dominion Govern -
meet ie at C'openbaeren scouring Lap -
teethes and reindeer for the Yukon.
The Marquis of Lorne has areeptedi
the position or Honorary Colonel of the
15th Battalion, Argyle Light infantry.
The Department of inland Revenue
effected 215 seizures during the past
year, a largs number being illicit whis-
key steals.
Mr. George Couneell, Clerk of the
County of eVente orth, died suddenly
ot. tile family residence, Hamilton, on
The Spring Dill Coal Cosnipany, ef
Nova Scotia will operate the Souris
coal -fields, where they bay° secured
tracts of land.
Messrs. Siegel, Cooper & Company of
New York and Chicago say that they
pave no intention of opening a depart:
menthe store in Toronto.
Her Majesty's ship Pbeston, and Lor -
p0410 destroyer Sparrowhawk are irt.
1,1 lesquentrlt, 13.0. There are now seven
v't warships In that harbor.
An order in Council has been passed
designating Port Stanley as a port Lo
eS 'wheel the barbers act shall apply, and
"., declaring the limits of the port.
se Owing to the heavy drafts twee: on
the Mounted. P1 -ice for service in the
yukon, the remaining force find it flit-
fiente to attend to the calls made on
1 t hem.
The City Hall at London, tbe scene
of the reeent accident, is being repair-
. ed, but there is an -agitation in the
1,1 city for the erection of a new hall far-
e.' ther uorth.
000,000 whitefish in Laires Ontario,
Erie, Huron, end St. Clair next sum-
mer. Tee eggs are now being hatched
in the eaudwich hatchery.
,• The investigating governors oE the
Royal Canadian Humane Association
el mos awarded the silver medal to
'1 lbert J. Climate'. of Hamilton for saving
Miss Amelia Hall from drawuing.
SieugglIng in a largo way is strongly
suspected by the Customs Department
to be carried on over the frontier at
Niagara laps, but Liso exeeres at the
business are able to nonelus the MIN
A fortnightly mail servioe between
Auckland, New Zealand, and San Fran-
. eisco and. Vancouver will be inangur-
uted on April 1. The Oceanic and Cana-
dian -Australian fines will suit every
fourteen days alternately.
Since the beginning of the year thir-
ty-nine fannies from the United States
have taken tip their abode in Toronto,
being of the uoinion that the future
af that city is brighter than the out-
look en the Milted States cities.
Countess Ituseell, widow of Lord John
Russell, is (lead at London.
Great Britain has even declined to
reopen the sealing question in answer
to a request of the United States.
It is said In London that the Govern-
ment. will ask Parliament to satiation
lin increase of the army by 15,030 men.
Alarming rumors regarding Mr.
Gladstone's health are again ourrent
in London, but reports from Cannes
state that there is little foundation
for them.
The very Rev, Henry George Lid-
dell, the former dean of Christ church,
Oxfor•d, is dead. He was born in 1811,
end was at One time chaplain to the
Prince Consort.
Events en LIM far east are forcing
agate into prominence the Pacific treble
question. The ineluential journals all
point out: the urgent need of an all-
Bril ieh 0111118.
The suit agkinst Lady Sykes in Len -
1100. by Jay, a money -lender, bas fail-
, ad, the jury finding that the signatures
to the notes were forged. This puts
her Ladyship in a rather worse posi-
tion than before.
The Government will piaci some 05,-
•Et is rumoured in .Lo.nclun that Em-
peror Frames Joseph et Auetria ell],
‘ shortly ennounce the betrothal of the
Archcluelieu Elizabeth, daughter of
11:ip late Crown Priam Ructolpb, to the
Ming ef Spain,
Henry Irving has }teen selected as the
Rede lecturer at Cambridge University
kir 1855, The lectureship was establish-
, in Henry Wiles time In be devoted
"Humanity, Logic, and Philosophy
Mr. I:hinter Plunkett Barton, Q.O.,
member of Parl.iament for the Middle
• Division of Arnsegle has been returned
to the Houee of Commons without op-
, Position on his appointment as Solici-
tor -Geneva for Ireland.
England has taken a step torrent the
eleadonment of her unsuccesesrul free
negro colony of Sierra Leone, now abut
1.13 hy French territory. The Queen has
evoked the letters patent of 1.852 eon-
! • at ituting the bishopric of. Sterns 11,0011e.
Tho Lord O'Neill woe lost on Wed-
tweithy eight off Limerick, and the
crew ewe rescued by the British
Retainer Eineora, from Liverpool. The
rush 505.0 81) greet la getting away
from tee sinking ship that the crew
lost everything.
The Exeetttive Committee of the
Amalgamated Poreety of Engineers lure
recommended the strikers to arceett
thole elespboyeree Lerma, praeticallystve
leg the lattet solo control of their
thees, If thie missies is excepted work
Will probably he lessened. 041 Nanttery
The aanual commeinoradion of the
death of Prince Henry of Batienberg
look place Mt Wedneseay et Whipping
ham (simnel, whoosh's veinal ne aro 1851-
The ceremony wee attended by
• .; OW' Viola:ea Princess Henry Of
Baltenherg, Princess Christian, and the
Marchioness of Lorne,
The 'eity Meeker offiee and post -o15100
at Black, Vermont, have leen den roy-
ed by fire.
A wheel company Buffalo hue re-
ceived by (able tee order for 3,000 bi-
cycles to lee thieve 1 lo Hamburg, Ger.
The nominal in of Atiorney-elenerel
Mel<01111a 11`; justiee of tee Supreme
Court 11418 (5el) ratified by 1.10 130111011
Slates Senate.
.Eight men were Itilled 5.01 5031-0 seri-
ouely wounded Ett Sandy Forks:, Ky.,
ea tele All were colored.
Thera is a big strike among the cot-
eTton operatiors at New Bedford, Masse
and other New englana towns, over
the reduetion 111 wagee.
101. 1110 mutual inset ng t 1110.
Chamber of Commerce the renolutions
favoring reciprocity with Canada were
unanimously adollied,
The Cleveland. Musk, Hall, width was
110111 10 1885, at a cost of e00,000, 58110
destroyed by fire on Saturday night. it
had a seating capacity or sevoii thou-
Rev, T, Dewitt Talmage, the noted
divine of Washington, and Mrs. lieniera,
AirCutelicon Collier of Allegheny City
were married at Pittsburg, on Seller -
"Gray Gables," the summer home ot
ex -President Cleveland, at Buzzard's
has been visited, by burglars, who
=Necked the houee from at tic to cellar
and mad good their escape without
theving the slightest clue to their Wen-
t' ty
The proposilio a now before the New
York Stale Legislature to legalize Sun-
day theatricals In New Yogis cite, has
evoked a storm of protests from the
tbeatrieal profession, who dislike the
idea of losing their one (lay of rest.
They will ask the clergy to assist them
in a eritharte again :t Lhe propoeul.
In the United ebbs Senate on
Thursday, Fersator Caffrey, of Lou-
apeaking on the immigration
bill, said: "No immigrant not a pauper
or insane, or diseased or criminal,
should be turned_ away front our shores.
This bill is the cry of procrastination
and. selfielthess. It is another form of
the 101111111 of protection."
Yellow fever has disappeared from
J meat ea
Dr. Schweeimger says Prince
niarelcs contletion is not serious,
Disastrous floods are reported from
Peri iginan, on the Spanish frontier of
Duke Alfred 05 Saxe-Coburg-Slotha
has leen ordered to Egypt by the doc-
The 'Russian arany has sent a costly
sword as a present to King Menelik et
Successful &serrations of the Kerte
elipse were inane in India and other
parts of the globe.
LI110 Cateolie priest was shot and
three wounded during vespers in a
Catholic chaech, at Corfu, Island of
Corfu., Greece.
Tee Australian gold yield tor Lhe
month oft. Noventher was; Queensland,
78,024 ounces; West Australia, 75,040;
Victoria, 70,177.
Buehareet has been imitating Paris
Ly having a du.el. between journalists.
Being less skilful than their French
orginale, however, 0116 combatant un-
fortunately killed the othir.
A Cannes deseat.h,, speaking of Mr.
Gladstone's health says: -"Ile is ex-
tremely weak and so dejected as are.
sult of swung:see veins, that he has
expressed a, cleave that all were et er."
Messrs. Hickie oath Pointy, who es-
oaped the massacre of the British sur-
vey party which was attacked by na-
tives at Mekran, on January 12, have
remised Ormara, on the Arabian Sea.
There was a severe earthquake shock
on Monday at Argenta, Daly, eighteen
miles south-east of Ferrara. .A. church
ana ekveral buildings were wrecked,
and mime persona were injured.
During the past week the deaths
from the bubonie plague at Bombay
numbered 851. From all causes
there were 1,540 deaths. The exodus
is increa.shag, and business is stag-
The Vatican statistician announces
that laet year the Congregation of Cer-
dinals rereived 490 applications for tbe
an/velment of marriage, took Mout
half of them thin constderation, and
cut the bonds in only six ceses.
It es reported that Japan has pur-
ohased the Brazilian cruiser,
now building on the Tyne, for 0370,000,
and 11 0,3 11130 bought the Braeillan iron -
clads Theodora and iloriano, welch are
oonstructin.g in France.
Considerable surprise has been caus-
ed at Berlin, by a despatch from St,
Petersburg, to tbe Cologne Gamete
announcing that Russia, has forme(1
ct new army corps on the German
and Austrian frontier e at \line and.
Hinprees Augusta, Viotorites latest
birthday preesent froni her husband. is
a bracelet made oe the SeVera minia-
tures ceE her children painted on ivory'
and set in jevvets. From the middle
picture hangs the portrait of the 'Kai-
ser In a Iteerieshassed medallion.
A swordfish weighing 2070 pounds
wits lately brought to the otarket at
Tidying, in. the Straits Settlements, It
was 30 feet long, the flesh and bones
weighed 900 ealtiee or 1200 ponalle; the
f181 230 mates, the entrails 400,
int the sword 30 rattles.
According to a, :special deseatoll re-
ceived from Berlin, it is aenn-offielals
ly announeed in that city that Ger.
Many will not object to the appoint-
ment of Prince George of Greece ass
Governor of the island of Crete, "pee -
retied the ether powers unanimously
In, the nation Chanilser of Deputies
on Friday, the Premier, Marquis di
on )(settee, the Premier, Marquis di
'Winne exyleined that the recent 111.8-
0011003 in the Italian provinces were
due to the deerness of food and leek
oS nuiployinent, owing to the retrench -
remits in pablie exporaliturea.
A letter has heal reeeived. a.t Be -
eels, Crofts Arongai, dated November 18,
, Which reports that the Insurgents have
attacked and defeated a detachment
of the Congo State temps hones ell the
Lela kitting their commander, Baron
Ilellatlis personally undertook punitive
operaticms from Lekeleatt In the Many -
eine, diet:riots
' Our Vanter's Care." natl. a. 05.110. oeiden
leaf, 4 Peter 5, 7.
Veree 24. Na Mesa 01111 serve two
salieters. Thiel great 50(10 01(10 is one
0(7 "co?ninon mere," 11111. bee a very
special appliea, lin Lo sos eerie.
thin life. No 011100 0410111 be at ease
owned by tee neisehboring planters);
nu statesmen. (nuke be at 01100 Secree
eery or State for Aneerthe and Premier
of Jenglarel; no men or woman ean
verve Gad and at the Keine time eeree
bursiness,or politi ev, or pleasure. For
we completely Serve whomsoever Or
WIlata0eVer we supremely love. Ana
as serviette' of Goa it is our duty to
tura Iminess, and polities, and 130,••
eiely into tooth with, wheel to do Levee
work. A good illustration. of the O111H-
Wry of love IA 11.1 be founi in the story
MI Lee old hero who ,raid of his little
boy, elle rules mY connerY;" and when
asked Lo exphtin sal I, "f rule niy, coun-
try; that boy's =ether rules me; he
rules her." :Either . . or else.
Ithre are two poeeible results, depend-
ing cel diverse types 01 oineracter,116
will hate tee one, an.1 love the other.
IShe :servant in thie rase is a intense
stature, which every clai01 for service
uredo by tthe master he esisslikes 0111-
bilter3, Wilib every duty perform-
ed eor the 'wester ho loves draws
bl'i cloeer Joyally. Suob men
rapidly pursue one prevess or the oth-
er to the Haigh, and with' all their
hearts hate and with all their hearts
lore. But the mentat and moralmove-
meats of the majority are slower and
less decisive; there are many men who
can hardly be eharged with love or
hatred of anything or anybody. Such
are described in the next clause. He
will bold. to the one and desPise the
other. Por policy's sake, or for sen-
timent's seise or for the sake of some
dear friend, or froze listlessness or
balf-heartedness, a man will continue
through years, perhaps through a life-
time, avowedly to serve one moral
master while he loves another. But
in so far as he "holds to the one" he
despises the other, evea though he be
not strong enough to shake off that
ether's Maims. Some such weak and
contradictory lire Paul descril ed when
be sail, "With the mind I myself serve
the law of God, tut with the flesh ths
law of sin." 1301 such experiences are
etways steady "processes." Drifting,
though itimlese, may be as steady, and
sometimes as rapid, as steaming; 1111(1
even the slowest and. lend derisive soul
al; length comes out on one side or
the other. ln the hearts of some
worldlings a dietrust and disgust of
the; world bave arisen, and these lead
directly totvard renitence and on-
Verelen. Some formal servants of
Go.t who support 118 muse by their
earses, their lips. andi ley other activi-
ties, in their pearls hate his holiness;
cinch a process leads directly toward a
shipwreck of faith, Ye cennot serve God
and mammon. "Mammon" is a Serie
word for riches, end is here used as a
rersonification ofi money; Out it really
elands for anything a man confides in.
The lkat svOluld he as true if wo read
ambition Or luxury in the place of
trammen. But Cow can eve help, in
this bread sense, serving, matertion-we
1V110 live in matnmon's stronghold?
ThatquestionPaul asked. too. "0
wretched Meal that 7 am 1 who shall
deliver me from the Inly of this de.athe
Anct•tVe answer asdid he, "I I eank God
through Jesus Christ our Lord," We
are to Rine ire this wore& with our cit-
izenship in heaven.
25. Tberefore. Bemuse double service
is impossible. The come usions whieb are
navy reached Luke brings after the
story of the rich fool. Take no thought,
Not. Do not think; hut, HaVO no worri-
some anxiety. See 'Critical Notes. Sen-
sible foretbouget, prudence, is nowhere
forbidden. God has given11
as an instinct even to the
lower animals. But the man
who in 1.1101005 loses comfort in God's
West gifts, and that, as Dr. Clarke says,
its tie ace 221 an infidel, (For your life.
hat is, for your hiving; it applies to
all lite -your ethenesch, your musole,
your entellect, your spent, your bust --
nese your soeittl relations. 1Vhat yo
stall eat . what ye shall
what ye, seen put on. Jesus was talk-
ing to peasants whose wants were
simple end yet &amorous; 10110 could
not count far ahead for dinners or sup -
pore; who often, bract to tramp in quest
Of 1.1. "job." Hut the preneiplee here
stated bear just as strongly an those
whose Bees are newt in a elgher sweat
realm.. The lire more then meat, and
the body than raiment. The word
"merit," like "thought" has charged its
nwanieg since the "Aublearizetl" trans-
lation of. (.he Bible 100.3 'ruble. Teen it
meant all kinds of food, and it is so
used by the old ,Eingliteh writers; a.n.d
so the Revised Version, here reeds
"foods" God has glivein us the life and
the body; may he ,not he depended up-
on to give us also whet (they need.?
"The body is not our owa workshop,
but God's; windy we mete, trust lean to
keep it in gnod forme' 1111 even higher
argelment en the sane mold is that ef
Paul; "Ho who spared tint Me 051/11
8011. but freely gove ham, up for us all,
thew aleall he not vvitb hint also freely
give un all theme?"
• 28. Behold. C011ei der, observe. .The revels
of the air, 13i111e ; 11 18 a very nweern
usage which has minuted " fowls " to
dem birdie Turtledume and finthes
doubtleere flu( tared througb the ske as
he spoke. They sow hot, neithee Io
they eeati. Rentember, however, that
they show forethought, and many of
them not only eearela for food, hut
' store it. Tihe emu/neat all along is
against dependence on earthly re-
aolleeesi en.(1 against anxious 0)1110 31111)0
Ow, ; not against sensibly provid-
ing foe our recurring wants,
We. Which olf year by, taking thought
ean a111 One Valet Ante his Stature,
MCP 151 a. difference ofl 03 1311011 among
selloittere 4 to Whether the last event
01 this quesitien neatly refers to hea
then Or to ege ; Whether the thought) le
en either 1640 tale (W1)0 15 010 same.
Will enritiog 05101 Mai "Worry" help
yoa to grow?
28. Yr itsy lake 3,5 thought fur riti.
meet. '"Ilicuget" still has the 11181!11 -
log time it. has in esre's e5 aul 27
steel( tele. Tee 001(111 1114 three a 0.03' of
rockonimr their garments among their
newts ; their deeming 10 not changed
by yearly thebien, and garment
1'8111'034051 t0 often tie, ('(1) 0(11(11118 of
menthe of lalor. eat fesition, dem not
eosin. faith ; eel meaty (Three tans we(1)
to 1,a043 muell anxiety Lena
their elothiog. Consider the 111-
188. We are rotimerely to
glance at the flow--'e's, but to consider
111010, "lot me, a," a lit I s for the 1(101'-
0 (1 leveeing a 118111(1 011 the pro -
atheism of thee It is impossible to tell
when siert et lilyif, ineed, eny par -
tenter siert is here referred to, Dr.
I I umpt re glowingly :II,. r 11 r he
spring clothing of the hilleistee of Gni-
and s-arlet 1lik,s the erown
imperial., the golden amaryllis, CMOS.
041 11)111111, anernonee of every shale from
scarlet lo white, buthereues, da,nrielions,
and lia.tileil-ctud suoposee that all tie se
were "retuned roughly together under
tie, geroric name of lilies." They toil
the. Like men. Neltbe.r do they sidle
Like -women.
el. Even Solomon in all his glory
west uot arrayed eke one of these. This
is literally, "arrayed ,not himself,"
which gives a fresh meaning .to the
traehing. Solomon's royal robes were
the remelt of the skill of many design-
ee% and embroiderera but the lilies
trusted God for their roust cloths, and
God's work was more beautiful.
30. Tbo grass of the fiord, The her -
Woe, with it wealth of floral color
and form. Wheel to -day is, and in-
merrow 1.1 cast into the 0) 15 Grass
in the Ori'nl witeers quickly, and is
thee used for fuel, time the wild flow -
e0.% withered Leo, are out and burned
with it. "Let, man,, who 11 made for
Got and eternity, learn from the flow-
ers of the field .how low the care of
Providence stoops. All out disquie-
tude. and distrust proiseed Crane leek
of. faith." -Carr. 0 ye of little faith.
A. gentle rebuke ; but remember that
"little faith it, nevertheless, real faith,
and it may be developed into miserly
31. Therefore take no thought. Again
comes this comforting commune, Eat
. . drink . . isa elethed. Three of
the. chief subjects of humanity's tire -
:roma thought. This verse unci the
next present a semmary of the teach-
erless of the lesson.
32. .Alter MI these things do the
Gentiles e.eelc. `You count yourselves
to be God's people, but if you. are "wor-
ried," you have descended as low as
the heathen'. Your heavenly lathier
kneeveth that ye hare need. Trust
Jim, Even in your prayers daily dread
of a physical sort should have subordi-
nate place.
33. Seek ye time. By prayer and by,
effort. The kingdom of God. The realm
of goodness, wheteer in earth or hea-
ven; the dominion of the Messiah; the
higher spiritual 1115 1n its completeness.
Ills righteousness. In contrast with
the righteousness of the scribes and
the Pharthee,s, Matt 5. 50. All these
things shall les added onto you. "Add-
ed,'' how NIPPY, then, ist he who or
the foundation of the richest merit-
ual blessings is enabled to build tip
temporal prosperity!
31. Take no thought. Again noires
this wonderful refridn. morrow
Shall take thought for the things of
itself. It will bring Ile own 'pains
mid causefor anxiety; it will bring
its own comforts and eromerities; it
Will bring its own spiritual tempta-
tions; and it will vbring all the health,
and streegth, and mental and moral
vigor, and all the divine sapport, need-
ed. to enable you, to eoneueei The evil
thereof. Not, only tee eeekedness, Nut
the "ex:detente," the troubling elements
Prospects or a [lig War Over Inc Chinese
Pi !neatly.
The London Daly Standard ies an ed-
itorial on Saturday presents what is
presumably the official Conservative
view of the Chenese situation, ft
"A. calm 5001/53' of the situation as
it exists on the spot scarcele, encourages
the hope that by the mere lapse of time
everything 'will arrange itself. Russia
and Great 131e1a100 are now in a posi-
tion in whieth it is clea,r that 0110 or
the other will home to rive way. It
ought not to be Grout If our
Foreign Office on Irma occasion permits
tbe threats of the Czar's Charge-cli'Af-
frilaies to coerce the Tatting Li Yemen
into a rejection of our terms, there will
bo an ezid, to Oslo 151(108000 at tale 1:111-
perie,1 court. 11 is not the first,. but it
is oniimestionably the erucial trial of
atrengele St. Petersburg bas chosen
the ground and thrown down the <Ma-
The Standard, continuing, says that
there is no lark of means for assert-
ing in action the principle that has
teen so unequivocally expreesed in the
words: "If necessary, at the mist at
war," uttered by Sir Michael Rieke.-
ecaeh recentiy, and eoncludes:-."ja
pan is sleeted to be 1101015 10 concert
with the United States during the dip.
leanalee struggle with the Tsung Id
Yemen. Tee naval strength of. the
two States interested in maintaining
inviolate the :statue quo is overwhelen-
mg. If, unhappily, the question of
mastery lies to bo decided by force,
it is hard to see how the volley of com-
mercial liberty and equality men .be
Proposal to M41041141 41 Line Prom
Ottawa, Jan, lee -Special .)-J, It.
Povvell, of Nelson, TLC, representing
the Commonwealth Mining Corm any,
along with S. 0. Shorey, O. Holden,
Senator Thibaucleau, letr, 13eique, Mont-
real; Mr, Robert; Jettsmy, of Toronto,
and others, waited crelhet Government
at Ottawa, 'Wednesday forenoon, Mr,
Posvell's company has e scheme for (1.
siege line between Ea/Ironton and
Damson City in the Yulcon, width he
says call be travellea in about twelve
days. The &Mane() is (thou t 1,000 reline
The co:Keats asks for Urge powers in
regent to mining and tranaeortetion,
They saw the Premier and Mesers.Binir.
et,01 010113' or longtliTarte and Silts.
Japan Otos Poner She WIll
Cheek MI, Itli4411411 Polley - Merman
5111p11 51111 In 111014 Chau Bar 110(1 War
(01111111q LOOMA deepoleh from Yokohama, mays: -
A. fleet of nine warships will leave in
the eourse of a week fur Chemise ea.
tore, the ill ilcatik, pro% thusly luspeethe
the Yeehiena and the Feji. Keel liar -
tette ships, oil 1 2,1,1,, 1413, dispeement.
Decrees bar el eon entree apeinting
Lieut. -Oen. Viscounl leavrakand cbiol
of staff, and creating eispreeue mili-
tary advisory (simnel!, euneieting of
the Marquee Yamugata, ,elarquis Gyve.
alba, Marquis Saigon and Prthre Ko-
The London St. Junes' Gazette, com-
menting upon the despatch from Yo-
kohama saying that a fleet of nine
Japanese warabips will leave Japan in
the 00111318 Of a week for Chinese wa-
ters, says: -"Japan is prepared for
war, That., in a autebell, is the news
from Yokohama 40 -day, and it, is really
the first news from Japan since the
1 egenning of the Chinese twists. It
was obvious that, the Japanese Govern-
ment had stopped telegraph,: cement-
nication, -which it never Mee (them11
when mobilizing the army or navy.
The', 10 precisely what 11 bus Leen do-
ing. It is almost certain that the
destination of the fleet is Wel-Hed-
Wei., east there is no doubt thr move-
ment mearee that the status quo in
China so far as Man •huria and Cor88
are concerned, shall nut be altered by
Russia or any combination of
Russia's allies, in defiance of Great
Britain and Japan. 13.0 10015 as the de-
fender's policy is equality of opportun-
ity in. Chime they are in a positin
to enforce their claims."
The St. James' Gazette also gives
prominence, to a liet of the ships in
the Japanese navy, pointing out its
immense lighting strength, mad says;
-"Even with Great Britain a (mere
sympathetic onlooker, it is probable
Jamie could finish off all the Russian
and German warships mist of the Suez
canal 111 short; order. Great Britain,
even inducting the Powerful, has not
a vessel in the North Pacific; capable
of standing in battle line against three
battleships which Japaa poesesses."
It Is reported. that Japan bas pur-
chased the a3razitian eraser Abreu,
13020 building on the Tyne, for £370,-
1..00, and has also bought Lhe Brazilian
ironelade Deodora apart Florian», which
are constructing in France. Agents
of the Spanisb Government have been
is London trying to arrange for the
purchase of these vessels, but it is un-
derstood that they were unrible to
raise the necessary money.
A. special despatch from Paris says
orders have been received at Cherbourg
and Toulon, respectively, to immedi-
ately prepare the battleships Bruix
and Vauban to reinforce the French
squadron in the far blast.
The Bruix is a stee1 vessel of 4,754
tow displacement, and 9,019 indicated
horse -power. leer speed is estimated
at over 18 knots, and she carries a
crew of nearly 400 men.
The Vauban is a steel vessel of 0208,
tons, ant 4,509 indicated horse -power.
Her neminal speed is about 141-2 knots,
ant sew carries a (..TO)1/ of 440 men.
The Bruix and. Vauban sailed for
China en January 24. Admiral. de.
Beeumonit 111113 been appointed. Com-
ma•nsler-in-Chief of the French squad-
ron, in the fax East. He will hoist his
flag on board. the Vauban.
A. special despatch from Shanghai.,
dated Friday, says that Frame has
purchased three Chinese steamers, and
is trying to acquire others for conver-
sion into transports. According to the
501110 despatch the Japanese squadron
sailed from Yokobutra on Saturday for
Chinese waters. The morning papers
comment editorielly upon the menac-
ing aspect of affairs in Cbina. De-
spatches (ram. Paris say that the report
is current there that China is trying
by the offer of high interest, to obtain
a loan without assistance, and without
the guarantees that 11.ussia and Eng-
land demand.
A despatch from Benin, says :-The
Berliner Neuat Naehrichten announces
that the German warships are still
sounding Klao-Chau bay, adding that
the exact site of the port is not yet
fixed, and that th.e. Government intends
that the construction of the commercial
port shall be borne by private com-
pentee. It is further stated that 0410
company has already been formed to
construct, the docks.
.A. despatch from. Pekin eays:-The
prospects of the British loan are not
bright. The British and Japanese etin-
esters are acting 151 concert in the mat-
ter, The lean vill he (if arranged) at
8 per cent. and will he issued et par.
A despatch frees mayst-The
following Ee00i-ofti• 11 aunouncement
VMS Made 011 1V1011 lay :-"The stetemeut
regarding Gertnanyts intention to open'
the port of Kiao-Oheu 1.0 the conatierre
of the world. are practically comet,'
Germany desires Guth its pOliey in
China should, be of a liberal characeer.
not interfering with the commerce of
The London Times e on
Monday morning eays"-"We are glad
to learn from various; trustworthy and
mutuallyc independent amens nest the
rumours of Gertnanyth intention to
open Kino-Olutu to the, world's coin- ,
mem aro well founded. If this de-,
ceded is maintained, Mao -Chan ,
probably become a great, busy, 531111
flourishing entewpot of the world's'
trade, a, nori horn Hong Kong. The
wisdom ot the dee'. inn (menet In doubt -1
ed. it will Lead to impror c the tumor,
esearily 'strainer' relations between
England and Germany. I1 is to be;
hoped that otber nation; will follow,
Germany's example, an31 that the far
Etuitern may thereby he
greatly simplified."
'When the Nerve Centres Need Nutrition
Wonderful Recovery, Illustrating the
-nick Response a a Depleted Nerve
System to a Treatment Which
Replenishes Enhausted
Nerve Forces.
Perhaps you know him? In Water-
loo he is known as one of the most
popular and successfulbusiness men of
that enterprising town. As ,...anag-
ing executor of the Kuntz estate, he is
at the head of a vast business, repre-
senting an investment of many thous-
ands of dollars, and known to many
people throughout the Province.
Solid financially, Mr. Frank Bauer
also has the good fortune of enjoying
solid good health, and if appearances
indicate anything, it is safe to predict
that there' s full half century of
active life still ahead for him. But
it's only a few months since, while
nursed as an invalid at the Ma
Clemens sanitary resort, when his
friends in Waterloo were dismayed
with a report that he was at the point
of death
" There's no telling where I would
have been had I kept on the old treat-
ment," said Mr. Bauer, with. a merry
laugh, the other day, while recounting
his experiences as a very sick man.
"dtt. Clemens," he continued, " was
the last resort in my 'case. For
months previous I had been suffering
indescribable tortures. I began with
a loss of appetite and sleepless nights.
Then, as the trouble kept growing,
w .3s getting weaker, and began losing
fiesh and strength rapidly. 351Y
stomach refused to retaijt food of any
kind. During all this time I was
under medical treatment, and took
everything prescribed, but without
relief, Just abou 1 when my condition
seemed most hopeless, I heard of a
wonderful cure effected in a case
somewhat similar to mine, by the
Groat South AmericanNervine Tonic,
and I finally tried that. On thefirsb
day of its use I began to feel that it
was doing what no other medicine
had done. The first dose relieved the
distress completely. Before night I
actually felt hungry and ate with an
appetite such as I had not known for
months. I began to Fick up in
strength with surprising rapidity,
slept well nights, and before I knew
it I was eating three square meals
regularly every day, with as much
relish as ever. I have no hesitation
whatever in saying that the South
American Nervino Tonic oured me
when all other remedies failed. I
have recovered my old weight -over
200 pounds -and never felt better
in my life."
Mr. Frank Bauer's experience is
that of all others who have used the
South American Nervine Tonic. Its
instantaneous notion in relieving die.
tress and pain is due to the direct
effect of this great remedy upon the
nerve centres, whose fagged vitality
is energized instantly by the very first
dose. It is a great, a wondrous cure
for all nervous diseases, ea well as
indigestion and dyspepsia. It goes
to the real source of trouble direct,
and the sick always feel its marvel-
lous sustaining and restorative power
at onoe, on the very first day of its
Sold by G. A. Deadman.
Tied anti Beaten to Death - lttlted Girl
lire Mae Iterused to 101ope.
A despatch from Buffalo says: -
Through a broken panelled door of a
room in the Yaleowitch block on Com-
mercial street, on Wednesday morning,
a passerby saw the blood-apattered
body oE Kate Clark, wife of Ecl. Clarke
a grain wormer. The pollee broke in
the looked door. Tile walls, bed, floor,
and furniturcr were splotched with
Tbe wonian had been beaten to
death with a chair. Neigbliors hen rd
the (*eerie quarreling the prey Imes
night. Clark could not be found by the
police, and they are certain he killed
Later it was learned that Clark tied
the hands of the woman and then
heat her to death with a snooper shov-
Following closely on the brute' mur-
der on Wednesday morning of Kate
Clark, by her (mintuon lax husband,
wares 31 donble tragedy. Murray 13en-
dy, thirty-five years of ago, warned,
and the father of two eltildren,
n05(15.3' night drove out lo a road -house
on Walden avenue, Jug over the city
tine, There ho met Mettle IS, Van
Sickle, a woman of ill -repute. with
whom he had been infetuated ((weenie
tirne. Bundy hael rerentedly askee the
woman to elope with hen, int she haa
I steadily refused. Wednesday night
1 he pressed her to leave the (ley, and
upon her refusing Lo have anything
Mere tO do will him, ho drew a re-
volver and fired two Shots at her. Both
bullets entered her body, end she
dropped to the, floor deed. There were
several eye -witnesses of the shooting,
but before anyone rotild 1119,151111 111070
311111,1y placed the revolver at his
head, and 30111 a 1101101 into his
HOW IT sirgucx 11113.
Trerwilligor -What is the worst fea-
ture about betting 13
Reports Prom The 01,1 Country Are Vet,
Bacon raging.
A report to the Dominion Agriculture
Department from London. Eng., r10
grading the butter trade, says :-'rhere
has been a fair demand for Australian
butter during the past week, especial-
ly for butter at a low price, so as to
17ri01g a good profit when retailed al
24 cents. Prices are sontheohat easier,
and while some agents are selling thole
choicest brands at 201-2 to 21 cents,
others are fighting hard for 211-2 cents,
but those who are selling lowest will
wen in the tug of sal, and succee11 in
knvering prices, as well as the pockets
of the Australian dairymen. There is
in the North of England a. very good
&mod for Comedian creamery but-
ter, and en Manchester choicest goal -
ties have brought from 211-2 to 523-4
cents, wholesale, thus exceeding the
pries for the Australian product."
Mr, Chatulaerlaln's nentarks on the Cesar
58),,» of tha isaar,ee.
A despatch from 1.on.lon gays :-Right
Hon, Jos, Chamberhen on Wednesday
night. at Liverpool raid a warm trib-
ute to the Imerial imeortahee of the.
Centeliau Inc:Mc, which he cello I a
magnificent enterprise. This is espe-
cially signifii ant in 1020 of events in
the ter Eerie ill 00 develomnent of
which as the Governmenl here fully
realize, the Canadian recifie route pros
vides Eine:aid for the first time with
a ([1 0011311 trump emel. tete Ceamherlaire
also nett thee 11. ss oul '1 -be foolish to
al ((met to predict feral whith the
fuluro closer unite] of the Empire
veould thke, He a. Idedee.' It irate he
in the shale of it eommerteal union, or
itnrerial zollverei n, Moll 1 don't think
absurd 5.4 mole political economists
believe, or it, may be in the shape Or
4410050 Imperial connell."
One cannot ahvays be a hero, but one
eon always be a man.-Gerthe.