The Brussels Post, 1898-2-4, Page 2. r - -_ . .. ..
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" "i ^v mY usual stroll through the woods and 7� yT ry y slightly above the other, on Swill side LIFE,
h T D p ��jl ON UI
llyt g g p��tlR l.,
� + dowg 6t' Clio elver, ATy heart and9Dv dy�E HOUSE. of LJza window, it is a to obtain a 1!1111''11{11 til 1�klirl,UlY v 1 ! fllCi
lhau kis w•ers full of IM. It was -- graneful .treat of a vordars-frame,{
III a aurPrian -hen I saw him CARE OF 1'I.ANNELS, window, `" " ^^ `^^
- — - crassing the little rustle bridge that Such boxes and brackets do not ch- FOOD MAY 13E SHORT BUT TlilaRE IS le0liT;l(IN ljOolll:4 IN 'I'13La; wIN11pI ,,,
CHAPTER I, "It is too b hl• 8pagned Clio river Way, to join me, I A pliant garment• Is Moro comfort- the light and air, or the view; PLENTY OF WHISKL,Y. ;A haost alarming necident, and one,
lg ymt cannot Feaolt g
It, Lot me get, it for you." was sitting in n nest of violets and able than a stiff one, and the garmoiats, lboy make the wiudow a hit of corner- which is oftt+n ttw s„rlaus as 1L looks
at Gracedlou was the I heti heitttd no footsteps and had eorget-me-:tots that grew down to the Climb came in contact with the skin 'vatory that is am attractive without ,
nt of Nimes• In no other Place did r of the water, uenncc 011,11 alt Alri"w nad the 1••aec ttl,t; is the racking t
seyn no ahactaw on the grass. Turn- as within, Remember, however, to n•l- g nto thO windJ•Ip. of .r
I All Me, it all comes back to ma -the should be pliant and most soft, Por H.iaw ?leaf:. H»viy--5;very 6'rare+."Illa In
61rop grove in such luxuriant Prolusion fag, my oyes' fell one bright, hand- I low lila+ral quantities of ohareoat and prepr°seated I,t the tins, Jun of food, a3' soma other suhatsau,e.
People came to, sea the lilacs at Grace- some, fan I, with .yes claz`k and song of the birds, the sound of the wind example, birds ma(I animals are Imme-I broken Pole ter drainage whila till!,, I Till,, IS noC it ver • rar:s a.r de
lustrous and m mouth, sweet and en i'lre great trees, the orlon of, tho I diately covered wMi Softest dawn, or in Che sail. Tire Yukon Is ,,lowed, lint over Lhen ) I ni• eaperi-
diea as tlry go to look at theboochas' firm lilacs, ami My lover's dark liandsome; A ,lent tnlile made b SavvIu off here la \vi,Jp a)r+Jt, Itr'lt6a a Da•tyan�;ally with altildrarb w'1pis° 1tald-ttll, afi:
hair, easily and gradually ventilated, 1 y g )
11 at Durnllam and the chestnuts at "Let me get: it for yen,” repeated the, Lace bending aver me, his warm m(roug' (t}ie logs oP an aid atttard, or table, bas- , ; Or Che pocketa Oro crammed, is usmii y
Hampton Court, Thee wore Clio greatIStran Stranger; and I stood aide whiles he and clasping Mine It would have ode'trued, and dried; City oorrespondeut, Ierhaps there'
y g (ng in tiro tap, and Winn tilling It with Cha mouth•
attraction for many ,,seeks, and all the! gathered the beautiful ilium. I want- been 1AW1, I Sometimes tbiak, limit I died To make flannels soft they must first S011 in which plants grow, or which ; isialt Cts much food as there might lit, '.Phe na'L!cles w
ed. "I ought to apologize," to ynu; , then and there with that Pall sun- be clean, and to cleanse them water, holds the pot to vvJhiclr Lilly rely, on- but there is pionty or whiskey to keep hlth 11ava beear drmwn
country round was sweet with their ed cohttnued "1, light of happiness upon mo, 1±or, when ablcs on to into the larynx through Clio Sudden
u4 I \vas cars my should he sort and. warm enough to. a miss bar house planks or- Overybady ingood burnor. Rumis the 6 a
odor. In wail laid out grounds, in cot- \\'ay to the, wood. I saw ),our I realized what was i'biring, whaLt, I namentally and to caro for them with- - t kisrg or e, deme br'+yt•th are or defy most'
t ,,boss !.Iia music of the birds mit i the lease,, the dart or oil, or perspiration, staff of life; mrLd why should anybody
age gardens, !a the long green lanes, trouble, and could not resist the wind and f.lie rush at the river, I heard or all three. I
out mush elect away
The lathe may be fret 1111AWlf mWut Such paltry oars, nibles, nm marbles,
as jackutton,
at every corner of the pretty streets, i temptation of coming to your aid," Quickly wheeled away from the \vin ovy [ )' Llrimgs' nuts, ,obblea, mantles, coins, buttons
ever word, Atar•k Upton was tolling The fibres of cotton and linen and; on a cold night, or to the kitchen for as tinned beef and breadf 'There Is l
I As he spoke,. he broke oft the bough, Y g
in every nook where there was room [n doing so the tree shook, and the MO that he loved Me, 8,1211, asking me wool differ grestl It is interesting a bath• one good tbing about most of Clio whla- "(1 flats' not to mention burs, corks,
for a tree to grow on the path byl great daw.dropa fell on big face and to be his wife who one short week be- to note the difference under a micro- I If you are going to raise house Plants key which comas to tbia Land, of snow, I tial whistles, leeches, shawl-pina, ha}r-
on mine, fore was only a child I Ob, happy time Y
the river, one the road to the ere t, fn of the lilac bloom, which had scope, but as eve laundress is not try to do a [rend job at p Don't with anti. that IS tbai it doles not riveze en I Pins, false teeth, acrd even a real tooth;
fife meadows and oroharda where they "Ilow careless I ami' Ira said. "Do every I a row of unsightly .lap Pets each with I
Y forgive me, Miss' Cheaterl" mo a lover so good an,l so true I I elated expected to be a Microscopist, a rave a little green twig peering out of it transit. Of course, you cannot got s which slipped from the forceps just as it
had no right! to be, by the brook side, I "Now do you know my name?" I ask- flat look at him. I glancod at the riv- .neat{pal amts may las made alone b (n a diacourag.d sort of way, ranged sheer ill without chi )rad been extracted. I'Loees of food are
t A Y y, • Y P ggiag the out
nodding over the iron rallin.g of the ed, "I do not remember boxing seen er mad the troea—anything rather than B little common ssha. and observation,
in a rove in our windows. .Chat's the sometimes inbaled through heart
old churchyard, were the beautiful tall You before•" meet his dark loving eyes. Y of the oan, for all eggs come here brok- 6 Y
1 style of house. plant calLuro that gives lmu lrlm,
plumed lilacs. It would Era difficult „I know most of the inhabitants of Will ,vas say that you are not ung- Pass abot iron over the dry surface of the beholder "that u,figued feeling." ea into Crus, hermetically settled, and g g or exalted talking while eat-.
Gaaeedien," he replied. You do not rY, Miss Chester? ' Nallfe,' your moth-�cotton mad Linen and wool., and note the If your provision for winter plants duly frozen, ling.,
to say wbotber• they wera Sweeter in recognize me, hub my father is often or calls you, and it is the pratticat differeat results, Silk and wool may means a lot of newly -set cuttings at There is Somethingexhilarat{n g {n I The entra•nee of the, foreign substance
the evening, in the aun1ght wet with at your house," name in the whole world—Nellie, will this Season of this year, it might save 6 even it it is onlywater, causos violent
•lew; or bLatvni by the whid; from the MY mind quickly rovietved the few, you try to love me?" I to similarly Created with similar re- I time mad trouble to toss them tat out the air of Dawson City these days,tilI
I I Pathe^ed out that I had known him sults, These arra animal produ'ts nad' of doors, Wait till next Summer, and There >s 1;v,1d iw .leafy, wiaim ay in coughing and a spasmodic closing of the
'asstthey began r Cud until he friends, who wera in the heap of vis-' only one week. He cried, " Vint does are closet akin. i start afresh, then, with the intention abu'admace, and Ilfe is full of in larynx larynx which almost amounts to suffoc-
est leaf deo iting tis, and I could thinln of no y
peed from the trees, they one ![kelt' to be the father of the •that matter ?" A week in such a naso Under a warm iron, skill and erre- of having large, thrifty, well shaped The emanon stoves in the saloons send aeon, If the body has passed through
made Gracedieu a garden at 'Erten, handsome dark young man by my' ryas like an ago, There teas Lo such rihnce must Ascertain the degree of and abundantly foliaged Plants for next forth a cheerful low, anri the dance tbh larynx into Clio windpipe, or hits
O land of delight. The children called aid. I thing as lima in love. autumn. It depeads a g
1), au know there is not, Nellie," he heat, waoland silk will soften and yet good deal on Cho Liat1Ls cin with rrnarriunant all night teen thrown out,, tile, suPPoeative at -
"The Prince of ',rales' feathers•" ,I am Dr., Upton's son," b°contfnu-: I may stretch' it. Herefa lies the secret management whether house plantsare g' ght'
lid—"Mark Upton, at your service. Aly sap Lh" at tall
ave,, simplo'cloce truth the mora •,,= oC success, Wool -and slJk should be a pleasure or a nuisance, long, tack passed oft, and Ch.\ mufferer inay.
Tlie elder folk dated from them; they father often talks of Mrs, and Miss b Y pressed antl stretched and turned and 7lterros fes not mur,Li demand for ate think lits trouble is over
would say, "Before tea limes were out," Cheater." in^ of the tenths of May I was heart- 71 eared and stretched, and turned and CHEERFULNESS, slntlLo fattl,pa anti chnmpaguo an ice. Sotrr°timea it Is, if tiro coughing has
"'When the lilacs were to bloom," or I am much obliged to you," I , whole and fancy-free; I hmt never I pressed andira until d, fs .Strachey dry Every sunshiny Menai,, ought t
"Attar the lilacs had Ended." Theweekks I said, "Tt is my birthday, and I had Set thought of levo or mnrria e; and it Lm mal Pliant audever fibre itOs felt the • g g R The average Dawson City saloon needsI expelled the intruder; but it this hal
tnv heart on that one ,articular spray equally true that by ten o'clock T had I Y tesnh ua something about cheerfulness nes ice box, The refrigerating • alanL'fallen lx lass tire. larynx the condition
they were In, flower vtrore m time of of lilao. IIa1tK beautiful it isl" j aworn to myself that Nellie Cl,ester' mart handling. Iro At length the gar- g 1
Pleasure to all. should be my wife or no one else Nellie, Ment may be ironed in shape, and then, —ifs value and its influence. IL is so is all arotmtd you, in the sky above and is very serious, The body may he ex-
"Tlrep aro my favorite flowers," he it the Proness-has been skilful; Clio waters beneath. A man wbo eve-Ipelled rluriaig another violent fit of
This pretty town of Gracedieu, where mid, you da not know what you leaked like ', a Y Sian-, much easier for Cts all to begin our
"Flow sten when I sate you first. Your hair was.1' the garment will aimostlika' �aoughfirg, but often it can to removed
I lived my' Peppy young lire, is in the W3•1 I frefam them to [surest gold ,as the sunlight Pell fill, new and it may be worn for yearsand; daily labors, when, as we have drawn deenllY was a relic of an effete eivili- only by the operation or opening the
env others," I remarked, glancing up bevame threadbare without thickening: our shades for our first look on the zmtlom, cams Into one of the leaching windpipe, known as traehotomy.
find i part of nd fer fertile,
the mt him. upon it, your taee vias leash and leer; or shrinking. ; world, the sun has made us a cheerful Placas where iatoxicaLing drink is oz. The danger of the accident depends
:tad is green and fertile, althaugls it "I ;Iirtyou Many Sold
sa returns of as m Plower; your sleets had fallenI utiful arm was Reins. of different nature—different much upon the size and nature of the
' orders on the sea—where the green I/uu 1lrvthdaY," he said smiiint;, "and Back, madhalt
ftsiBd toour reachthe lilac fibra—cObton and wool aro notso easy saluCation. A°s•d for sale, cru! demanded a a:name eul,stunu,.a ineatlad if it !S n limrdsinoot)2
maybarn, as It Is so' much easier for all to meet dee menChe, HO spoke lerench with a au(i rounded lady, such a a melon
:;Lain are like gardens, and the badge- ra ext' wish of yours Lo -day en" and could not. I can only say that, el anwad. their Absenting qualtLias
I's grit{find as easily as this has been" are dissimilar. Moisture does notpaes our daily perplexities whoa the races Connecticut accent, seed, a small marble or pouhl., or tbtl
revs full of bloom. bfy father, the touc•I.iag the trench of lila° as he Lhat moment you rade your way to, through them equally; mad they dry about the breakfast table are uncloutl- "Put in lots or Shaved ice!" he like, Chem is a vary goad eJsmnio that
Reverend John Chester, was Raptor of Spoke. ( my heart, and that ,you will never i unequally, so that tLie shin is in den_
Gracedleu, for more than forty years, And so, by that one incident, my leavemy
again. You have 1•crame 9 art I ger from draughts under cotton cloth- ed, and fife friend who passes us in said. it inay l e exp.11ed in the same '°syr
Of rn life. Now tat mo look into our : It hain't nes bmrbar ahoia," res [L entered.
fate was sealed an the bright May d • tag whore it would weather a storm the street does so with a cheerful nod To favor this expulsion the pati urt
IIIc church, an old Norman Luilding• our ing, when Mark Upton passed °Ye$ I eau read ray answer there." I under woollen stuff. Sometimes after and a smile. Indeed, so potent are the joined the attendant behind the tar, IshouLtl 1 i,e clown, with Che head lowest
was very clear to him. He d.ed not our house oa his way to the Ile raised mq face in iiia lien ?s and perspiring you may observe that the "You take whdslea
woods i looked into it as though he would read influences of others upon us at this. y or you doa% take than the feet, or lie may le held alto for
marry until lata !n life, and f was side of the garment next the skin is filo. that ane !s sometimes inrlinecl to You y h° heals, in order
Lis only child. I remember but lit- It vets not a cry great surpri-e m9 very soul. I warm and dry where the moisture has anything at all. Do I a mi3ruto ur Cvva b t
to me, when, three days afterward, on' You do care for me," Nellie," believe that on. of the un atrdonablo The Princ..ipal midvvi„tar amtraoments; to got the aaH'mtmUM of the fare. Of
rte of lam, His name was hold in rent y he cried; "the love -light is in your Passed through, and the outside of the 1 gravity, This, however, should only bef
g returning from znd favorite haunt k -,by � eyes l say you love me. What does garment Is damp. Witness this in a sins In life is being cross in the morn- are gambling matt attending Che dative done it the doator is at band to per -r
honor , the townspeople.IloAft' dear Che river, T found Mr. darUptk
talk-, it matter that we have known each horse blanket, mail goo that the blank- ing i halts. form Lracheotomy as a last resort, be^
mother, whom I lost when I w•as ing to my mother. Itis dark fachflush- ets for valuable horses are of
eigl.trun ears aid, was m ed when lie save me and he rose from: other only one week? Why, my darling, pure 'We sometimes imagine Chat virtues, 7.'Iihl FARO IiIATG coffee tiles for i n hod mit become fix.
}y0n,, alt. Lit a narrow part of Thar larynx,{ and
9 quiet, gen- Iris chair• if you had been my clearest friend for Flannels should never be s rinkled. not require cheerfulness,,ithat they are has in lits tattiu marry valiant man at
tie, unoltrusive woman; sire lead a twenty years, I could not love you P q y sit cause suffocation,
tthe Chester,” he sa{d, " T hathese", mare 1 You know me as well now ns In this climate they seldom are too too big for such little considerations• arms• ]'ha soft Shortly of p istobuards __
small life annuity. Afq father had 'eat en the lilyrty of brtu„ing you these". dry to grass, but sometimes \vhen the BuL ars the
—and ho held out a ,,news of ke¢utitue You will in fifty years' time. Ido not y, in reality, of much value marl rte gritting of gold nuggets over THINGS VOIITII SNOWING. '
flee,, able to leave her anything; he hide,, one thought of m heart morn air is singularly dry and hot, it may without it? To resign a pleasure, for tables of rough,
;tad insured his life for a triflingsum flowers, chiefly white lilacs of a rare g Y be found necessary, to moisten them be-, the sake or another is a commendable boards are heard at all 1t this season of the year a few'
kind with very Sweet perfume. "I was You fore pre=sing, mad this can be done L met; but the power of our saarifice haus of the day anti night. Poker
which teas invented far my benefit; at Oakton Ball, this morning," he con -I what could I say—I, who loved him; ringing Leavy towels out of the hof is lost when we makb it with a si b. and faro divide the time about• a hints in regard to the care of the feet
and which bi•ougbt me in a mod- United, "and I thought of you as 1; with all. my girl's heart, and to whom I test water possible to bear the hands Even a child unconsciously resents the lY. Thouaaa(ls of dollarm clangs }ands may not be amiss Chilblains aro a
eat income or twenty pounds per an. rade through the, park. The lslacs are' to theig ywas as flo flowers Insaidtsomethin Sas La and '•rapping the flannels in the act. A crying baby can never be Still- every twouty-four lwuri, slight frostbite and when the system,
{i fall blohave,om; those white ones are the g , )lot clotbs, thus rolling them smooth eel by an irritable nurse, or a mother Aroue.(d the tablas nearly every pro- is not in good condition and Clio ciroa-
n I resist I ngin ever seems. f could not to (x:eng very young. and close mad lying in a warm place wbo is in a burr to fessian is nes
In flies. days the gold of the tate- resist bringing them to you. The park! ' AiY hmir is not gray, Nellie,” he read for Y ga• presented esrePt that latian is ,aur tba •
Urania and the buttercup ,vas More is beautiful naw. Not only are the amid' laughing, "You are seventeen, T t Y pressing. Ir the garment. Cheerfulness is a po\ver in itself, and of setting gold bri..}cs. Alen who 1 y are Eial,lo La ,,.[sear
Should become too damp, the process of does the work of a hundred virtues, filled teeth, kept books, hung waif pit on Lha hands as well as the feet, after.
to me than the glitter of coin. yIy' lilacs out„ blit the laburnums are also, I am twenty. I know ' my love is but a pressing and stretching and turning since it includes them all. Cheerful- per anal served time In the aitgt 'lie's expnsure to the cold. When they have
and the hawthorn trees are ma lassie Yet;' 'tis for that I love her."
mother and T the ht but little of g I should he equally prolonged. congregated In this out of the wa
menet'. Our expenditure was
quite them,'t You would enjoy Booing takiing me in histarmsiand kissing me, ' ever -smiling. nNor yetistitian obtrusive,
corner of the earth, Most of Chem felt I Once began they are likely to return
within our income—thei true secret of! I said Something about the Grace as he Said: ROW TO MAIZE OLD GARMENTS ute of the careless and the ttnintalli- that they headed greater Itherty, and every winter, The remedy for Choir re-
di(tu woods—I never remembered vvliat, "I love you, Nellie; and while I live I OOIi NEW. I g.nL. It is a quu.l{ty of character, horn they' have found it in Dawson City. turn is to keep the feet andhmndswarm
content. I remember no sordid caress, r shall love no other woman; if you of serenity, and of faith in some, of ['very man takes Bare of Lids ovva. ICs- roteetitn Chun with ltaac Wooton;
no "bills;" no uneasiness as He came nearer to me, an held out Y Y' P' g q,
quarter the white lilacs that I might inhale will be my wife I will live and die for A nnvv and practically sure way or temperament in' others, of unselfish- aClthes are part of the steak furniture stockings and ruLttens, Bud whenovar,
day came round; i remember no un-' their fragrance. Hong can I deseril;e; YOU; if You will not,. I will. call. no oLli- i renovating and restoring to their form ness in all. Excellence never wing a gambling tablo, and they ropose the feel, or hands I,ocome chilled, to
due extravagance. I the vague feeling Of happiness, of neW-' °r woman wife." er mppparaacp, spattecL aoeled or fad- following without it, and courage be- l�imL the bar to ,,company with the
ire had many friends and acquaint t E'Oia delight, of Pleasure that vvas al -I Oh, foolish, t:rusLiag, loving heart l I comes only m brutal attribute, Even tv1° kat ls.ttLes and the easonce of renLor•e tMbr circulation and w•artuth
g i ed cloth or Sorge gowns Las lately hyroiSm robbed of it
loses the Porro of ginger' by runhim them brisk; before going
most pain when, lie approached? I re-; did not remember Chat in the depths g y g g
once$ in the town, In the Summer: of the dark strong river la shifting (been discovered. Pick ¢boat twenty its own example. Chyertulness is an The faro king sits on his high stool near the fire. To relieve Cho burning
at each
ice were boon e, stealing
in look' Y g attitude of the soul, conacioust at the door of this leading
afternoons; it was a pleasant walk to ; at each other; than one, stealing a' sands, flat the wind never told the ivy loaves, gotrulg ;and green, wash Y taken ng' gambling earl i:i,ph�Ln.g it the skim is not broken,
la same stet L I but unconsciously held. resort and keeps a wary eye upon the apply a lotion of conal Parts of Sweet
our house; and though we could not' g • nce, would meet the other's .qe, I y twice. To me my lover's them carefully Gard place them In a' operations of dealers and Players. Let oil and spirits of Lurpenline. '.;`lie ell -
afford to entertain grandly as some and dire confusion would result, T dark eyes were true mad t°n,ler ag the i u or basial Add about one int of I Ono
p man think that he can layer out B oiflol mill am itsa be rrri itin b
OX our wealthy neighbors did, taw in rememlar that while we Loth exam-; aotxall fixed wlastv�he stars were boiling water, cover up tie jug or baa TO SUCiARrOURIT PORK. Dawson; City faro ,'tank iiy Simply img ills °hdlbhuis with iodine i1,bivlt
our pretty garden with home-made ined the lilacs our hands met— and very young, very For 80 lbs of ;tam or shoulders, use "shooting
that first touch of big hand was anew loving, full of faith, but not very wise, Ili mad leave Wren to soak for two, or nS up" the lmndsoape. Revel- may be. procur°d, for Cho purpose, Of
cakes and ripe fruit, was lover of I So, while, the May sunshine shone three hours, when it will be read for 8 oz. of saltpeter, 7 oz. of brown sugar vole are in easy remobt and mou can any druggist, this leaves a stain on ire
enough. �Lq mother was a lover of revelation to me. Y y puill triggers as wall in the Choudiko skim, Itovvever, and will shot thestoak-
nature, and she Caught me all she i Presently', the f: unci of my gentle, I around us, he kisses me and claimed me �, The garment to be cleaned must' and one pint of salt. Mix well and as tbay can [n the Sierras. im vs or any article of clothing brought
knew. I was acquainted with the name' silent mother, who vvas knitting husily I the cottagfor him e the and weIwalked back to noir cut cut Sidra ar meat smme clay of you always 6 g g
of every bird; I knew their haunts at tine window, disappeared, and Nye gt ling Beauty" be thoroughly brushed, inside and out Y thank of afare king as far contact with it while it is moist,
and their habits. I was ramiliar v;ith v\'Ore aloe.—two young, love,, butchering. Lay the meat on an in- a persaa brilliant) arrayed. in a check but it is usual;
g Eras-; and the "Fairy Prince" walked from and all untidy braid or lining removed y Y , effectual. Do not uaq
the trees and the long grasses, the wild donate hearts, alone, with tine glamor I the old world to a now. from thea botLem. When ready spread, cline(1 surface, whore et cannot freeze, mtu•L, creels-bnrrect shirt, gaudy tie rood any at Chase appliraliana if Clio Phil•+
flowers; the reads by the river, the of first love over us. (To Be Contlnusd,) it sea the table mod carefully sponge; and drain for 24 hours, The cellar is Patent heather loots, Dawson City's blaists are aloered or the skin broken,(
creases in tLe brook; ever secret of l I had ti•oaght of nothing but the ---"'•— - - with the ivy water. It mast then be manareh wears felt bouts, tur over- l it is best to consult n physician., who
y g perhaps the test plane. Then rut the coat and coonskin cap, There es no- will
the sweet country life vvas knave to . dmrk liandsame fact' since I lied Senn WOMGN IN GERMANY, hung up to dry, whian it wdil be found' 80 lbs, of ,,neat witLi 2 qhs, salt. Let thing rlawhy about him exo.,L when i1; fan gond aerha s Ointment for
folocal h�iplteR
and loved by me. Looking Sack, 1 seea it first Under the decry 1llmo loughs, Germany is supposed to by a laud to (rave recovered its former color mad it lie whore It cannot treezo for 14 oeuni:Ot o a matter of firearms. t perhaps L
simple-bearted, happy child, whew,, life t dreamed of it; wherever I 1001 ed look quite like mew. Black silk may; .rill health, A simply treatmentfopwhere women have small opportunity Tae cleaned in the same manner, but days, or, an Inclined surface, so the Tile spetet,V of the place is sammwhaL• ingrowing toe naeds and one that umu-
was apoem. thyro it was. I could see it in the mixed. S Let functions here are not all
As the opening, of a tragedy is aa- flowers, in the shadowy rival,, in the 1 to emrn• money in competition with men. it requires more oaro. If the silk is in brine can run off. Then hang {t t° affairs whore there mea "rare oxo i Y affords imnredial:e and testing re
most always quiet, so my life, that was blue of the sky, in the gold of the run- The idea of the German woman as man- bremdths it mast be slightly sponged; day ur smoke •lt If preferred. When banked with there a" The xotiel lie( dens fodtava: Cut a little V io the
to embody a tragedy, began calmly, light; glance where? a would, it vvas, trodden, helpless and oppressed bas be- and' them tightly rolled over a cloth thoroughly (try, lemders are found in the dance falls— middle of'L'hs Hall mL the top, trod' let
like the opening bas of some sweet there; always there, wound around h roller and left to g Y Y, Put each piece in a the nail severely atone at the aides
come so general that women suffragists IV S a g, flour Back and afore hay all around grimy, Smoky kind of Places, generally Than with a knife sera
Mtrsieal idyl. I was a romantlo girl, full of poetry : Y• A ng• black satin on the wron scraps the nail r.
From my infancy until 1 was Seven- and dreams. He was the first hand.'regard Lar usually as tin illustration of side with a, mixture of alcohol mad cold i it, so the sack cannot touch the meat, over a saloon, and illumiumtpd by odor- the aniddle from the neater to Lbe V,
teen I Led ipased a peaceful, calla, un- Baine young man I had seen, and fate all that is evil In masculine methods water, laying the satin on a smooth else some troublesome fly will spoil it ops kerosene lamps. .the genLlamen Tile 'tendency will be far the naff to
eventful existence. diad brought us together, Whom I of conducting government and. indus- lin.,, towel or sheet to absorb the dirtall. Or it preferred, the meat ma be Who attend seldom go to the trouble of
aVroke to the reality a removing their overcoats matt )rats. No grow Cogetb. and, im doing .this and
1vly mother, When'. her husl,nnd died, y of the present, my ti'Y , Yet the last industrial and Pro- and dust, Do not wet the satin much, Packed in a barrel in oats or hat; any making gaol L'ho thinned portion its
went to live at a prett, little \ ifla mother was saying: tnssronaJ. ceuaus oP. the Gorman Empire juat enough to remove the dust, clang-, thing to keep it .dry and secure from Iratchy(:lrs ansneeded, for Dawson OIL),, growth into the sides is suspended. Til
outside Graeedieu, mit<l built Shows that the number of self-su ort-
Ing Ilia clef)) as it becomessoeloci, Black Elies• where bacon sells for teeny dollmrs a
just on " Nellie, show Mr. Tipton our trees, AA I Sithe moat may pau3L(l, will nal submit Co extortion, s essential, of course, t:o wear a aboa
the borders of Gracediett woods. When I think they axe the fenesC in Grae•e- ung German women Is already in the lace may also be renovated when sell- y else be cured in the that is w•fds ouougii to remove Pressure
I was m child I used to lie for long deem." ind lines and is growing rapidly—so rap- Oct or brown; with age, by sponging; s me way, and is then equal to the -�° frour the toes. As the nal,] Iell'gthpns,
hours listening to the. wlndamong the Ireaontly WO were stn.liing in t.lie I Coily, indeed, as to provoke the question: with ivy water mad rolling over a. g -cured meat we buy and far so- RC1TTER 010P UNBIARRI.KI). trim at, the end only anti keep Lhe •VI
trees or the forest; and while J live .Tory of the gold,n sunshine, but I (fill " this continues, what can be done cloth wotwd around a roller, IC Porior to ordinary °alt or smoked meat. there, also contiatut to Scrape the nail:
with the men?" , should not he Ironed. — Tile woman who proadly declares ''].big im a sure reanedy II', taken iniliutel
no musio will he ao grand, or sosts,•et not see it. T slid not wce the ripple or, Uormany has 20,8$1,125 womea, or PRETTY A213NDING 13AGS, that she cannot• even hem a pocket
to me a that which f et thea manly, the Paliage, the dark woods, Cite hilae; \sham 1,818,051 are ion domestic service FOR PLANT LOVERS. Pretty mendi-rig bagos for silk stock- handkerchief, never made. up a boil in IF YOU BURN YOURS1;T,F,
Our liens were, well tilted, I remain- trees, or the garden, I saw Hath-' and 5,2d4,4UU support themselves by •
tier no vacant: hours. Those which ? ing but the force that was more beau- Iustead of putting a stand, -with the logs are made In the half -moan ahalxa her life, and adds with a sfml•ex that. The pain from slight burns is very,
spent in the woods and by the river tiful to me th;.n all the world Pie. Lndustrial mud professional Ishor. Since she's "Lima in society over since sh.
were not Idle to me. I wag storing aide. 1882 Che number of salt-suppor•tLvg\vo- famCly Bible or photograph album, or. Familiar in cretonne as the general Y great. An oxcellant apl,luraLtou is a
my heart and mind with pieLur°s that There was a shady art=or under the, man in the empire has increased by a Imitation clotaorne vase on' darning bag, A soft -silk of an all- wrs flftae•n," Should not marry. And thick pante, of common haking outlet
lasted me fort many years when with great lilacs, and ws wore Sitting; there.! More than a million, To be sure, this it, in the bay window, w1ty don't ,you. aver PattOl'a is selected, and the usual there are othera, moistened will water,apread a:uapiece
human eyes could see them no long- Mr, ilptan wOH tellies ase of Ills )ere*, increase Ivauad not ha regarded make it beautiful will vines and' n•°die-cuss added in LLie center of ILS :Pits wcarsrn who would rather nurse of .linen of cation and bound on Che
Or. It wva on my seventeenth; I-erth- lite poaltion, and his future. universally as a sign at woman's pro -
day, and the date was tie tenth of "C Shall always thank ure. n" he gr'ess. For instanoe, in the last sixteen plants? Seeme like letting a golden or)- tdirale; the wholu bag is made up- iL pug dog thaFn m baby, part, writes ITIizmbeth Robinson Scovil
I ghtly red toad plan from that gon- The wilona-n who Lhtnks she can get iia the .Ljldoies' Elaine .Tournai, 'I.'eis can
tfiY, that a new ]ire waa opened to said, " {.feat I made my \say to years 218,245 women have replaced 1.62,- fortunety go to waste not to do so. I orally used. �5,(NIO worth of acyl. out: or a $1 roll bit kept waeC by squeezing Ivtrter on to
m0' Graced{au vcouds on the tont; of 0411 men as agricultural workers, ecce.- 1'iavo a lies marls a foot vvltte, six or
On that morning I was ()ne, of tie BILLY. Clog each low wages as to make the — — salar tram a sponge Or rlol.h until I;hy snurrt-
change profitable to the employers, ,That eight inches deep, mad as long as the y' ling im soothed. A Chink cont of starou
drew r brightest vt1est oc,re ih¢CSer I dared not l e why. I knew, central window it r'1to use, en who vvan. to r.furntsl
Y' I what the duties of Class women in a - your ba is wide. ALAS[{,1 tiVEDd1INGS. can ho used Lnatcud of the soda ar''Laat
drew breath, with no rcra or thought "`V'liat small evmnt rule our lies"" g Y her house, .cry spbuys flour IS notbl•ng hotter can be bad, but
save for the birds and flowers. With he went on. "If I bad, iean one hour I ricnaturn who
the s ,,sus does ur state. the uta de ,with
with tea lead, and cover Wooing and es ax ng to Alaska d The wOmran who bays for the mere ire r , h b,applied
a longing impatience to sea the dow later or sooner, I should not havemeen' A ,Mersa° /vho bus lived im rural Gar- the outside with hirah bar]: or iichsns, Meng ;lie natives sire interesting and platisrxre of toying, itlhet s ould I if the skin is
oa the grass, I watched the sunrise; YOU, anti then—" ma,uq mad soon women bitched heCore g lrokon„ ,fn title raese it is ItAter to, use
J'has Ivomrtta who docs not know hots
g the ploughs, Side by aide weth aolvs, m^ or pain(• it a dark wood brown, The peculiar rites, When a young man is vusefisle, Olive. of Itoseed. ail. 'rhe clot
when I watched the sem. sun set, I He mtappsd. many cents, halves, quarters, dimes incl
hall passed froml childhood to woman- 'Anel then?" I interrogated. bas observed their A.mazoniau itw ,,, lichens or this bark give Clio pr.LLfest I of a Bailable age to marry, his mother aickisls there are in a dollar, Car will apply scone 1weparriLlou call -
hood. Ilia aunt, ar Ills slater looks up a wife 'file wonutn who till that then are I'ataiinvg rarholir arid, :If rte Cllr ucttp
hood• My mother's pretty little !,cuss "There could he no ' iben,"' tie said . en the harvest fields cuss Imagine, how- effect 7'0 lfft tats box front Cho f]oar no alingLuaal lit. i(Ied fIf It v
pooped out from; m mass of lilae-treas, hastily, "'rile world would lie quite dif- I ever, that a composite picture of the Par hint. Iu seldom marries a woman gods, y burn Iho
q to the level of the glass have two out). ItalgAls and deme
I$,LIS at their tasks would not pleas. [ Tl'ie 'crnutn who would rather <lie P" "11 is relieved" f3lesters Bhaufit IrEr
earl there was a genu. of. LI,o snore tyrant It T Karl never seen you. I aba1T 13' Is or the W. 0. T. U. Porte made, a la saw -horse, with the younger (.!hall himself, She is much livirked and (he fluid alSorbed with a
fust outside the garden gate, i,order- love May; I ahmil love the Illaes as older, and sorwatimus is double, ills age than wear a bonnet two seasuns old., soft cloth before dressien If Llre rlo-
i len All in all, the number. of German bark on, The woman who thinks Clint the cook g'
ng the Pate that led to the using this
gas 1 live" + and even more Shp is salec(ed from
townsneopin had the right oP. uSin!rChis Tat. weight of i,a,ppinesS seamed ae-.,,rale workers Las increased $!).$ Per You can fill this hOx with 00 '11 and a family tvhvse 'iti,on a uais his e' Ansi, t:he huzse, can keep house. thing adheres C° Lhe skin kha loose Tutrt
most morn than I could bear. It SOSm- cent, m the last sixteen years, while i is even higher. \Ven est tab e i i should. he put away and. the patches
.nth, but they did not often avail them- that of the Garman female workers has grow your plants in it, or You can run g 1 wm- Tete w(nnran who tiiolrs LC ds cheaper of mntearial Soaked off. whin oil or• \v'arm
selves of it, ed if) me as it the Lirtls singing around a board len l:hwise through it. ,anti- •n is found, Cho y'outig man is awl ad to buy bread. 'than to maks it,
g g ! Iva ter. .
The first thing T thought of on m. US had gueaserl aux Ser.r.L, increased only
per cont.Ch As already in- how, many blank.ts and animal skins The vvamnn who buys linin -a brae for _. �, _ , _ _
TI: was eve•linti when I recovered my dtaatud, oily pard% or i:hese women work- Cloning off a si,are for slays to grow he is willing to ,•i for liar, When this the parlor and horrowskitahen utonm(Is
birthdayoth was the would
acs. I knotty just ers are self -sit if fitly Y HAD R.I ITD IT,
hots fife trees would ioolr, the, dew ft'- aoinyeosnre, Civ as sifting with snrna I self-supporting; Cho teat of them nncl droop over l;hn edge of the Cos fmporlant quaatfoit fps settled, a feast• from her ua'Agdi)aors.;
work in m'v hand. AI mother he an merely contribute to the EmmitYpurses On the room aide and set Clio pots in is Tie %Aged in lira borne of. Clio bride lho woman who wants things just ,I•Tolapk—.Flow did J,thal'Teas,otcome
Ing heavy on them, an(] the sixu shin- Y g
Ing an their )einem. t musty gather to talk mhout 3.ltl'k IJPLon, and I grew to which broLltors and fai,ho -a also give Lhe r.znainin a ace. T'radrrsnanf•ia and the friotuls Of both famfli.S arm in- be,rauSe 'Other womon" have tbezn, to marry Mr. Gllgai ?
alarmed at the tumult oP, happiness in hair share. .in the whole empire but g [ ve(ed- When LlIQ cOMIAnY is asseml.,_ 'chit woutan who thinks she Is an B.trs Hojack—She. Says she married
in -
Plenty for the, f.,rhouseholtable, for my Cvvo eictssea of em he Germ: have res. specs tai and exaltsdowelt w ltral Olers' ornAsnyht to leer Box It she wins a
birthday was, a household fate my Setter:, wandering what Chat Hmtna 1 es,ecial.l the first, which will Lltrtvo led, the woman:s People extol Cho pro- ehn to g.l; rid of Lim.
genl.Is mother vvonld say if She knew alasarl 14 the German woman, [ Y greatness of their family. Tile young grossie eaahrc prize, TIojaek--It would have been Shea al?
I wont crwt. On the of) at
night One Is the axtiman class front, which /viChauC much light, g' y y g p
I had. naticed an the (:os of 1:he Laid thmt all Lhe. wirrlilvvas change*1 Por me.l rmin's marriage gifts aro s,rmmd out; - • •a _ tot her to lute lent hint ten dollars.
t ausforn, not law, has.Larrorl. her. The Brackets ofr fire Sides af. the Window [
Bst'tree a Spray of lilacs that I wmnL- ATark 'as at, t•he ccttago again Lha other is Cho clan or i rna,y Ixt made to areomrnndaLts other where they Will Make a fine Show and RAT IT:PLR INCONSIS'pENC. —
sd to gstb0r. It wAm exantl the, sha ro next marmng, with the excuse of $ o s high rld. of nuan6 titan titin family sound their A DIS'1INCITION AND A :UT.FYBRLNf,'Itl
Y i offioials. UCher\viso the vvarld ar bas!- Plants, eSpe<sially mit ivy' or some vino Praises,
Of the Prince Of ;Wales' teathurs—t.hrue rnrmHagn from his fat her, T see him • The ceremony lasts from one to LNVO 113nown—Demean. Jones is Clio most in-
ness and industry !s o x,n to the Gor_ (o grow up hep side of the rating, ':t'h. r Y bang:stent nuan I Over Saw, But you sadtl slaw sang beautifully,
nodding, l�smutiful, graceful .plumes, eat• art 7 saw hit,, then, with the, AI'ay I ! brarlcots exp mise mit excellent elm's for days, fund finally the young br{degroouL
. Burreouitded h sunlight Fill ebaul; him, a smite light- man woman, takes Ills wifa to his own abode, Gree'm-Wily, •bony' is that? No, .0 dfdrt t.
y gree»; I Crit. P g calsus, Cho light ahlning t.lirough their __ ___ _ What did you sa,y'?
Ing ue irfs dark, face., stand., f3rmvn- Y.ou xamorulter how loudly he I smir
�, Once, tiwlre, thrive, T. tried to ranoh _.. „'''.` `
int; near the lilac hushes, crying out ANI) tldtt. CrASN'T l:oubl brilliant
foliage y, making !t IN I lit: ,SAME BOAT, sung tlo'it Old hymn, ],'Could Not I,ivy I abet wits a t eaut)ful Binger.
Cho hxa hu T wanted, but failed to {n .tis eheary voice, "Ala I come. in doubly brilliant fas gay, DO nOf: make Alavay," Int church last Sunda, ?
do aa. ,Plc still was Shilling !n my fare; nal sr.. limy au are t•h y Carni I,n-tau load( swa:cL ohauglt to kiss the ntisLako of fnstun atg the 1>rmvkets 1',ilCto Ciaxema-Pa, is thyro really Grotvnr-Yes, I member v STOCIZ.Twos, i
lira shaking af. th. lwughB Hcattcretl Y n ng, iii Lhmt tires. too high; Choy should be but a, fevv h'onur anion thfcvys? m per' fl,,
the d.w drrrpst all over m.o, 5addenlV n >Vlss. Chester? She --My dr,,Stonnt,or Cold mit silo (If,() irollow mbovo the tops of the pots on A'r. call ,ors- 1111,ovun lV.tI, ?Billy him to a drug- btt,etctaga were firs,, flood fh the ,+
I t m ip No; my son; hhioes mtorc ATonday morning buying a ]rattle event)) ca&llry; baforn LN0nloth band•
veine nitat nun extid; On Chat Ramo afternoon 1 wont for; not ttfztk I'd lxs dfsappofttted in it, Cilie table, articl by putting two, one era just as had as other people, of rough modlettle, ages were aged an tine,