The Brussels Post, 1898-2-4, Page 1Vol ?G, No. 80.
New 1 dvertisements,
Locale -A `.lousloy.
',Vendors- . K. Ross,
Notieo--1) D1oIColvey-
Local ,-Jn: 1ia llmntyha.
L000l-Re ' Hour M'll.
Toilet arta' ',s --Jae. F .x,
Local -Sts al' & Peellos,
Local -Bet ter di Yansiono.
Cow for sit • -R. Leathordale.
Cough Bal i -G. A. Deadman.
Reliable go lo-MoKierton ct Go.
M. r;' :NOLAIIi,
7 1' • 8olto •ir, Uonvoya goer ,Notary Pub•
lio, &o. Olt' -V anstoec' s Bleak, 1 door
north of (Inn' .,i Rotel, Solicitor for too
8 tandord liar:
fur • G. �.:;.n Itolr,
(No ..oily of Cameron, 1i01t &
Cameron,) die liter and 6odottor, Nodule),
Out. Whoa- moisten 86, Opposite Ool
borne Hotel,
• Bolton and Conveyancer. Collin -
tions made. t deo-Vanetrn cee1look, Bruer
sols. 21.3111
'iter, &a. (Talo of Darrow &
Aco, ode.m11.) (Mae over
auk, Brussels.
oats. 17
Proadfoo sot
Gillies & 801)
Money to
N. 3 IU ETT,
• ]'ons, .al Artist.. 01iop-Next door
eolith of A. rd. :shay & Cris hardware store,
Ladio sand oL :.10, 110 hair 'hitting a elmolaity
I8sue1 of l!larria:;e Licenses,
011810: AT JEWELnY 5T0110.
t 'No Witn sa Require';.
T. FLETUEER, Brussels
Olork o the Fourth, 010161en Cour
00. Huron. :aievoyanor ', Notary Publio
Land,Loan til Tnsurauro Agent. 'Funds
invesed and to loan. collections made
0010o in Grant m's Block, I:ruseel0
Will giV
piano or orgq,u
the 1106 011101
given, Ton
2.rerma mode'
leaenns to pupils either on
a, hie Mu' ie Room, opposite
Brussels. Vocal lessons also
was expel- 3000 in teaching.
• EEn, vitt son fo" bettor prlaos,to
better mow, n. en thea and less elanes
than any o1' •r Auetiouonr in Dust Huron
or Iso won't cargo any :ling. Dates and
orders 0041 'a '.vis be ai'rrugod at Nilo ofiioe
or by parson, applioatior..
The undoes, .1od will tkeep for service 011
T,ot 20, 000., n dolls, the thorn' -bred Im-
proved Yorlcs 'ro Boar, "Oat Lodge Long-
fellow," No. E. 1, bred by ,l Ie. Brethous, Bur-
ford, to whlal )imlted u.unber of soave will
bo taken. 7 "m', 81.00, to le paid at time
of sorvloo wit :n vlloge of returning 10neo-
A number o :)tole° young sows for sale for
,. brooding pun mos 11111oh will be sold at
primes to slit 'le times.
21- 10(3T. NI01001, Proprietor.
FOR,_. �•r>
E10114 UUe A HDJ t
10' (1LAea Sam OLArie
WRANGEI 5 87 20 $70 20
JUNEAU 05 20 74 20
SITKA 103 20 70 20
SKAGWAY 108 20 82 20
DYBA (Tai a) 108 20 82 20
Nor tickets. ;tea and furl information -ap-
ply to
J. N ' ENDALL, Agent, Brussels.
IBYD, " Bthol.
or GED.
your d
bogod. Taken,
Imitationso t dt
to ,mail
phoning, The
f'Nos, 1 as
responsible Dv :mins in Confide.
t Cotton root Compound
eessfully need monthly by over
dies. Safe, effectual. Ladles ask
ugggist for Ceok'e Colton Root Com -
other, as all Mixtures, pills and
langeron0. Price, No, 1, $1 per
Wine stronger, $e per box. No,
1 receipt of prico and two &emit
Coale Oons7lany(Wlndeor, Ont,
2 sold and recommended by all
Nos. 1 and;
sold in Byes wile by
G. A..f°T11ADMAN,
00102, li0olcaol1ov Jr Op2i0Jmn
, p
is tit , Shortest, °hsapset
and Sa£0st
� io��D��� �oL
MAPS stn tan application to the
Seminal Prince .tt.lbert Board of
Trade, P1 ileo .&1b('1't, Saskatche-
wan, Can An.
East Huron Oandidaltest for Honors,
Mr. Hislop first saw the light on the
14111 con. of Grey Township, in which
township he has continuously resided.
H0 was a Christmas box, from the foot
that 110 Was born on December 261h, 1861,
he being the third son of the late John
Hislop. After a course at the Publio
school, Mr, Hislop spent 1882 at Code.
rich High School. Following in the
footsteps of his father, who °coupled a
seat at the Council Board for years,
Archie, as ho is familiarly called, was
elected Councillor in 1888, held office 8
years aucl then stepped up to the chair of
101 Deputy•Reeve, which office he 000u -
pied until ho wee chosen County Coun-
cillor nodes the new Act. With the ox.
ception of bis first venture, Mr. Hislop
secured all his honors by animation
On the removal of Wm. Bishop to Beech.
villa, Mr. Hislop took his place as Secrs-
tary of East Huron Farmers' Institute,
which position he filled for 7 years. Last
year Mr. Hislop was Chairman of the
Hunse of Refuge Committee, in co11nec•
tion with the Go. Connell. He is a mem •
bey of the Presbyterian church, being on
the Board of Malingers of Melville
church, Brussels. Mr. Hislop is a good
public speaker and well versed in the
political questions of the day. Although
30 years have passed over his head, Mr.
H. is still a bachelor, but it is hinted that
if successful on March 1st he will peal •
ably bring to Lie comfortable homo, on
the 10211 con., a housekeeper of his 0w51, his real age.
Mr. Mooney is of Irish parentage and
was born in the Co. of Leeds on March
17211, 1811, Ho in the 2nd 0011 of the late
Win. Mooney. When 10 years of ago
Mr. Mooney's father moved to the 6111
lino of Morris, whore he took up 400 acres
of land, and for the past 42 years Henry
has lived in the same locality, lot 26
being the portion allotted to him. Thirty
years ago ho joined hand and heart with
Miss Alice Sheridan and eight children
aro on the family register, the oldest son
living at Indian Head, IN. W. T. Mr.
Mooney has had considerable experience
in municipal work, serving 10 years as
township Tax Collector ; 10 years as
Cou110illor and 9 years as Reeve. A
peculiar thing in connection with these
years of service is that all his elections
went by acclamation. In December,
1806, he was chosen, along with Mr.
Hislop, to represent this Co. Council
District, and more recently accepted the
nomination of East Huron Conservatives.
For about 35 years Mr. Mooney has been
connected with Brussels Methodist
011110011 and is now a member of the Ofd•
oial Board. With a little more experi-
ence on the platform, he will blossom out
into quite a pnblio speaker. Mr. Mooney
has mado a success of farming and has a
No. 1 100 acres in commotion with his
home. He is a well preserved man and
would pass for considerably younger than
Tho following is the report of the
standing of the pupils of Brussels Public
School for the month of January
nom 1.
PRIMARY, -Examined in .Aral., Lit.,
Met., Alg. Total, 500 :
H. Dowaing....285 A. Mninprizo . .203
M. Deadman „260 E. Bryan 192
L. Pringle ...,288 A. McKelvey ,153
E. Straohan..,,220 X. Crooks 105
J. MoLauohlin 210
Highest marks :-Arith., J, MaLauoh-
lin, 49 ; Lit., A. Maiuprize, 82 ; IIist.,
II. Dowsing, 80 ; Alg., II. Downing, L.
Pringle, E. Straohan, 72.
P. S. L. -Examined in Alg., B.•K.,
Arith„ IIisb„ Draw„ Read. Total, 500 :
W. Grieve ... -814 11I. McGuire 240
E. Kendall ,,..825 N. Smith;..,, -280
0. Allin 305 K. Smith 280
11. Frieudship..278 P. Watt 200
A. Kendall . .274 D1. Haycroft
M. MoKenzie ..267 0. Milloy 108
J. Peebles .. , .250 0. Vanetone 154
G. Baokor ....210 3. Kelly 145
Highest marks :-Alg., W. Grieve, E.
Kendall, 98 ; B. K., E. Kendall, W.
Grieve, 01 ; Arith„ A. Kendall, J.
Peebles, 58 ; Hist., W. Grieve, '70.
1NOoANOE.-Examined in Lit., Arith„
Gram., Writ., Draw., Diet. Total, 500 :
L. Sinclair ...,371 D. Watt 258
R. Taylor 860 0. Zihies 251
°lark Attie, ...880 N, Vanstone -241
J. ()Mosley ....814 3, Forbes 220
A. Alliu 280 DI. Sootb 225
W. Good 285 F. Armstrong ..218
G. Ross 277 111. Forbes ..,.181
I. Zilliex 280 el, MoArter ..122
Highest marks :-Lit„ R. Taylor, 91;
Arith,, Cam
. Allin, 85 ; Gr„ Jno. Oous-
ley, 77.
3. II. °10108.022, Priuoipal.
Roo11 2. •
hen. --Examined in Goog„ Lit.,
Comp., Aribh., Dict, Total, 500 1
F. Tbomson818 .0, Richards.. ,.228
E. MoArter'. 290 N. MOGiiire , ...225
I. Williams' 204 E. Kerr....,.•.221
M..Skene 285 A.. Richardson 220
3, Peebles 270 B. MoKolvey ..202
D. Moore 270 W, Peebles ..,.202
L. Kerr 269 W. Rooke 17'7
08. Avery 267 A..'Taylor..„..160
0. Baokor 250 M. Wilson .. •.180
B. Scott 288
Highest marks :-Geog., Ida Williams,
55 ; Litera„ May Skoue, 75 ; 00mp., Ida
Williams, 74 Arith„ John Peebles, 60;
Diot„ John Peebles, 100.
Sn. 8nn nen INT. thin. --Examined in
A.rith., GOog„ Hist., Liters., Dict. To-
tal, 5001
A. Roes 818 N. Kendall ....183
G. Thomson „207 E. MoOraoken..180
5, MoMi)lan „297 A. Smith .•,,.,185
B. Howe 296 X7. Donbow ....184
J. Good ,,,205 0, Muir 181
S, Scott , .. „200 W. llaye0ofb 177
L, Koenig 280 E, Booker , , ..171
W. Zilliax ,,,283 Its Ainley ,..,171
H, Gooding , ,, 209 11. Wilboe 110
111111elzi0 „260 P. Birt .. .,..1113
1''. Oliver „,LOB M. MoX,uuohlin 1hL
J. Peebles 242 E. Fannon ..,,1i1
W. Ament .,,244 M. Howe .. 183
II, Watt .,,.„288 M. Hunter ,,.,125
G. Meloout ....236 R. Ru(tan , , ..117
L. Ross 281 A. Crozier ,,,,111
H. Maley 222 V. Cooper 98
N. Blashill ,-,.219 V. Danford ..,, 94
H. Johnston .208 11'I. Colvin 72
0. M01050)ze .,2055 11. MoLauoblin • '72
P. Rioliards....200
Highest marks :-Arith„ Pearl Ala -
Millan, 49 ; Geog., Joey Good, 68 ; Hist„
Pearl McMillan, 90 • Litera., Harry
Gooding, 59 ; Diet„ Goo. Thomson, 94.
LEON F. JAcicsoo, Teacher.
nose 8.
JR, San. -Examined in Arith., Geog.,
Spell., Litera., Writ.. Draw. Total, 500;
Al. Grower .,,,402 S. Maxwell .,315
A, Currie 378 J. Welker 290
0. McOraokon803 E. Forsyth ,.,.284
10, Wilton 821 el. Scott 262
11. Plum 821 L. Colvin 150
0. Ein,eton.,..817 B. 33la.hil1 ,,.,122
G. McKay ....316
Highest marks :-Arith., G. McKay,
78 ; Gong., M. Grewar, 87 ; Spell., R.
Pluto, lit. (hewer, M. Scott, 00 ; Liters.,
11. Scott, 05.
Se. 2220. -Examined in same subjects
as Jr. 3rd. Total, 500 :
3.Thomson, ,,.448 0. Mooney .,,,297
MoArter....425 G. McLennan 2$5
B. 1Ieodoreon..421 E, Pugh 281
A, M,cMlillan .,418 L. Colvin 280
K. MoDougail..402 II. Baeker ,,275
M. Roes 897 S. Lindsay ....Mt
I. Johnston'.. , 502 I. Platt 240
A. Lott 870 R. Pugh 280
G. Ross, , , . , , „874 Ih Richards -2111
A. Forsyth ..,.802 0. Wilboe 230
L, Cooper 358 A, MOQuareie .,200
J. Burgoett , „343 T. Meadows ,.,.208
P, Leatherdale 842 W. MnGuiro ,.200
M. Kerr 840 I,, Edwarils .,,.190
M.Amen t ,.,889 A. Lawson ..,.1136
13, 0ing0to0..,,820 0. 13104100 .,,.170
R. Sinclair .,318 J. Miller ,,.,140
B. Riohardoou BOB E. Oulvin 159
Highest maths :-Arith„ L. Colvin, A,
*Millen, B. Henderson, J. Thomson,
L. Cooper, el, Ross, 100 ; Liters,, Dl.
MoArtor, 77 ; Spell., J. Thomson, M.
McArte', 08 ; Geog„ M. Kerr, 04,
Jo, 2en —Examined in Arith., Spell.,
Mem„ Litera, Draw„ Writ. Total, 500 :
. Armstrong .,390 R. K1021111 276
,, Good' 468 J. Bert' 256
N. Forbes 3.7 A. Oakley 259
F. Thomsen ..841 22, Lowry 251
A, Scott .•,.827 L. Dunford 240
J..blooney .,,,815 L, 131as11111 225
G. Zillinx, , , , . , 309 I,. Ileatherdale 101
A. Walker ....801
Highest mitres :-Arith„ J, Armstrong,
06 ; Spell., G. Zilliax, A. Oakley, 08 ;
Kee„ le. Thomson, 70 ; L)6sra„ J.
Attnstrong, 50,
Miss DOWNEY, ]Teaches.
noon 4.
(Imes IV. Total, 225 ;
Eva Cameron "210 210 Mamie Moliay 158
HegelDeadman200 Fred, Lindsay 141.
Willie Roche .101 J. Bloomfield 126
Leslie Turnbull 193 Gen. hoes,.., 125
Argo Boss , , „191 Annie Seeger 72
Fergie Allin ,.188 3'0910'1)011 68
Elsie Currie. ,..18i1 Levis° 6C,
Bertha Ilona , .173 (Aut'lic Ewan 47
Cleves III.-- Bee •llont-Gertia (3tt0101,
Vera Barrett, Nellie Peebles, 1:11'.
Anent, Josie "Wilton, Bessie Straohan,
Finley Seen. Good -Letitia McArtsr,
Hardy Avery, Willie Henderson, Willie
J1eQnnrrie, Alice 'Thomism, Willie
Mon II.--Excellent--Vera Wilboe,
0'011 A)•n,ot •c ne, Eddie Oakley, Harold
11'ilhee, Fred. ('ampbell, W)nuio Tarn.
bun, Elsner Ileatn, Willi„ lt,hhardson.
s;ou•l-..Oruu,. Gory, Earl. Kienig, Aliio
1o1lillan, Hca t Amont, Feed. DI1Kay,
Cline Sentt, Meilen Jaokoon. Fair--
prank Stietton, b'lorenuo 73020nzie,
Violet 111 tKenzio.
CLAM I,--Excellent-Katie Deadman,
Arthur Jaalseon, Willie Straohan, John•
in Wilboe, (trade Gabbed, Tetuan Straoh-
an, May Uhl Alin. Good-llaghio
Crozier, Edwin DI01S0y, Stanley Catnp-
belt, Johnnie Amont, Cleveland Denbnw.
erns Racine, Teacher.
Presbytery of Maitland.
The Proobytery of Maitland mot
at Wingham January 1861,, Itev, W'1'.
llttll, Moderator. The makers' report
was presented. It was agreed that con-
gregations bo asked to ooutribute at the
rate of sloven cents per family for the
Presbytery feud for the ensuing year.
Re50111(olns of condolence with the
widow and family of the late Rev. Alex.
and05 Sutherland and with the widow aud
family of the Late Rev. William Burns, of
Toronto, were adopted.
Ilornit of Assembly reappointment of
Committee on Estimates was disapproved
The Presbytery 'will apply to the
General Assembly for leave to 10001011 in-
to the ministry of Lho Presbyterian
church in Canada the Rev. Colin Sin•
Glair, minister of the Free Church of
Tho annual report on Young Peoples'
Societies was read and adopted.
The Presbyterial Young Peoples' As.
soeiatioo reported : Tho Annual Con•
00011010 was held at Wingham, 17th host.
The association recommended the Y. P.
Societies to devote their funds this year
to the Klondike Mission. Ministers were
askod-to bring this to the notice of their
young people and impress upon them the
A committee consisting of Messrs. Mo -
Kay, Mltrray, West and Henderson was
appointed to submit a deliverance on the
question of Prohibition.
Deputations were appointed bo visit
aid•reeeiving congregations and report at
next meeting ; Pine River -Mr. Miller
and his Elder ; Walton -Mr. Ross and his
Elder ; North Kinloss, Riveredale and
Enniskillen -Me. MacLennan 2 and his
representative Elder.
Mr. MacLennan gave notice that he
will move at next meeting that the regn•
latione regarding the order of business bo
revised and printed.
It was agreed to ask the cougregations
for a oontribation for the Assembly's
Sabbath school publications.
A doeumeut regarding the method of
conducting congregational meetings and
the management of church temporalities
was referred to a committee consisting of
Messrs. Rose, McRae and Ballantyne,
with their Elders, to consider whether it
might be advisable that the Presbytery
recommend to congregations and office -
bearers within the bounds to adopt a
similar method, and to report at next
A letter from the superintendent of
Missions in the N, W. T. and B. 0. wa0
received. The Presbytery expresses full
sympathy with vigorous efforts to supply
new fields opening out with Gospel or.
diatoms and appreciation of the vigilance
and aotivity shown by the officials °barged
with the duty of extending Home Mission
operations, It engages to use its utmost
endeavors to secure large contributions
from bhe valions congregations within its
The Presbytery adjourned, to moot at
Brussels on the first day in March, at ten
o'olook a, nn,, and within the Methodist
olhuroh there.
The following resolution of condolence
was adopted by the Presbytery of Mali.
land on January 18211,1808 :-This Pr00-
bytery has learned with sorrow of the
suddeu death of Rev. W. Buns, of
Toronto, on Jan. 2nd, 1898, and desires to
Convey au expression of its earnest sym•
ppatliy and condolence to his widow and
family in their sore bereavement and
further desires to plane on record its high
appreoiabion of his kindly nature, oblig-
ing disposition and of his many excellent
qualities as apreacher of the Gospel, as
agent of Knox College Endowment fund
and the Aged aud Lhrel Ministers' fund,
To these schemes ho had clirooted his
energies and untiring efforts satisfactorily
and auccossfolly and In connection with
6110111 his name will bo long re•
membered for his invaluable services.
J'mms 11[An3Arnn, Olork,
Luckuow, Tau, 22ud, 1898,
LITTLE WRIN,croo.-Mille Bettie Kent
10211(ned home last week [roe IIellinuth
oolloge, London. -Mies Flo. Slleppaed, of
Toronto, is the guest of Mrs, L. W. Han-
oon.-Thos. Johnston, general agent for
the Massey, 1lttrrie Go„ of Toronto, viait-
00 Winghtm last week and planed their
well known lino of high grade bieyel00
tvi2h Alex. Bass, o1atiouer, and 0. P. R.
telegraph a00ut,-Dir. and Mee. J..0.
Niohol, of Luoknow, Were in Wingham
011 Friday. --111y. Jeffreys, of London, is
the guest of 0. 10, King. -'Che newly en•
ntallod oilmen of the Independent Order
of Foresters entertained the brotiime to
an oyster supper at J. McKelvio's on Fri.
day evening last. -The Misses Resinous
entertained a number of their friends at
their home on Friday evening last. Muni°
and dancing was the ardor of the evening
and a very pleasant time was enjoyed. -
Rev. G. 3. Abey, or Brussels, p1100020d
tteo very effeotivo seeming in S6. Paul's
o11uroh, on Hnuday on behalf or demonic
missions, Rev. W01. Losvo did likewise
at Brussels and luso administered holy
communion. Next Sunday will be
quarterly 0olnmmnion Sunday in the
Methodist o11110h, --- Miss eloMath, of
Dungannon, le toachiug in Miss Robert•
son's department during the ab080oe of
the latter, who went homiest week to at.
tend the Miami of her sister.' -•'De. Mae.
donald Went, to Ottawa on Monday to at.
tend the session of the Dominion partly,
meet, -Tia hookeyites practice all Mon-
day evening and on Thursday eveninge
£rem seven o'clock till eight. Wo have
seine good players this ,Sear and with
a little practice they will wake a good
allowing in tiny matohee arranged. -'[he
Wit -wham Dramatic Co. will present l.s-
mol'aldahl the town hall, Bennie, Fri.
day evening of this weak. -Next Monday
evening the Young People's Guild of St,
Paul's ohneeh will bold their monthly
imolai in the Reboot morn. -The Masonic
"At Home” in the town hall on Friday
evening last was thoroughly enjoyed by
those present. The hall and a •tined
ahambor were decorated with red and
white bunting no1ieenbly am nig which
wan a large Nunn and compass on each
side made up of blue and erimeon, A
Ant program was interspersed through
the evening and refreshments were ser.
veil. At midnight the younger folks re
paired to the amnion chamber where they
danced to the 01011(0 of a epeeist toeing
orchestra moiler the leadership of J. A.
Morton, until the early hours, and all
were nniaulmoae that each events should
be more iregnent,
5•17 -
Township Counoil on Saturday of this
TUE Posy subscription liot oonti0000 to
grow. Give it a lir;.
Lagr)ppe, pneumonia and inflammation
appear to be taking their innings.
A meeting in the interests of the Bible
Society will be held here in the near
Ethel will have a visit from the East
Baron candidates on Wednesday evening,'
23rd inst, when the political questions of
the day will he discussed.
Rev. R. Paul, of Brussels, will preach
in the Presbyterian church here next
Sabbath afternoon. Rev. Mr. McRae
will be at Luoknow.
The Independent Order of Foresters
are to hold a oonoert here on Thursday
evening of this week. At the time of
writing this item it looks as if the storm
may prevent.
D. Riobardsou has purchased 60 aores
of land, being part of lot 2, eon. 4, Grey.
It belonged to the Huron & Erie Loan
Company, The prioe paid was 5900. F.
S. Scott, of Brussels, made the eale.
Cann os TIIAN1te.-To the officers and
members of Court Ethel, No. 261, Can-
nrlian Order or Foresters :-Gentlemen,-
Please accept my sincere thanks for the
very prompt payment of the policy of
insurance for 01,000 held by my late
husband in your Order, and for the siok
and funeral benefits so readily and
cheerfully paid. Also please accept my
grateful thanks for the kindness and at.
taction given my late husband by the
brethren of your Court daring his ill -
nese. Your Order le worbhy of the
highest praise and may it long oontiuue
to dispense its blessings to the widows
and orphans throughout the country as it
is now doing. Yours sincerely,
Election March 1st.
The Hardy Government is taking.
Township Council on Saturday of this
The recent storms have blockaded
traffic on the sideroads,
Miss Maggie Coatis is visiting at A. R.
McDonald's, Jamestown,
TBE Pon subsoription list continues
to grow. Lend us a hand.
Loftna Stark and wife, of Seaforth,
were visiting Mrs. Marsden Smith and
family last Sabbath.
Last Friday afternoon Jameo Elliott,
8111 oon., bad a large wood bee and got a
good share of wood out up.
Alex. R. Stewart, 14th eon,, left on
Wednesday for British Columbia, where
be goes on a prospecting tour. We wish
him 0000000.
Mies Luoy Lamont, of Wingbam, who
was visiting relatives on the 8th con., for
the past two weeks, returned to her home
last Saturday.
A joint polibioal meeting will be held
at Jamestown on Saturday evening of
this week. Both candidates will be
present. Meeting opens at 7 o'olook.
John Ritchie, 14th eon., bad the mitt.
fortune to have one or more of his toes
frozen recently, and he has been off work
this week owing to the trouble they were
giving him.
Mrs. Ri0lhard Mitchell, while visiting
Mrs. Marsden Smith, cue day last week,
woe taken violently ill and a phyeiofan
had to bo called. We are pleased to re.
port that she hes about fully recovered.
The 100 sore farm known as the Bar-
ker property, 5211 con., has been sold to
Henry Bateman, Who has had it leased,
for $2,200, Alex, Brilltnor, of Astoria,
Oregon, was the owner. The sale was
put through by 0', S. Soott, Brussels.
Fire broke out in the photograph
studio of W. H. Cash, Laoknow, former•
ly of Grey, on Saturday morning, but
was extinguished before mn011 damage
had been done. The fire is supposed to
have originated from a stove pipe in the
dark 10001.
Laot Saturday Milton, the 2i year old
eon or Juo. Lowe, 622 000., clambered up
on 1110 table and got hold of a bottle Don-
taiuing earbol)o aoid. It woe feared at
first that the little fellow had got quite a
dose of it but 0n the arrival of a pbysi-
oian it was ascertained that the worst
damage WEIS done to the little boy's
month and fade by the burning.
DIM) rN 11.1101110A2. - James Jenkins,
plasterer, formerly of Goderioh, and who
removed to Bellevue, Mi61,, about three
years ago, died suddenly at that plane on
ae buried on the 20611
Jan 24th,audw ,
aged 03 years. Dooessed was of a quiet
and retiring dispoeitlon and well lilted by
his aesooiates. Lie was a good baeband
and hither. Mrs, Jenkins and six child.
son ; four sons and two &tighten err.
vivo. The deooasod ryas the father of
Mre. N. 121. l3iohnrdeon, 8th eon., who at.
tended tiro Naomi.
lSiiver Corners Bettor faotory is doing
ail right. The quantity of batter mann•
faotnred from Dee. Otb to Jan, 1011s was
3,387 pounds, and was sold at 18,7'3. to
Hodgson Bros,, of Montreal, Average
lbs, of milk to lb. of butter Was 20.8.
The richest milk delivered netted the
patron 85 °ante per nwt• ; the p0or001,
000. per ow t , and the .average, 71kn„
after paying all expen300. i".iotrry clos-
ed'L'umeday of this week and will resume
on or about the 10 11 of Meath.
Next Slouchy evening a john: p.,litiaal
meeting will be held tit Mcileeworth
eeimol hone, to common at 7 o'clock.
The two cawdidates, Messrs, Ilislop and
Mooney, will be in 1ttteldel:0e. A series
will he held the week following in t11lls
township, Speiran's seho0l hawse, Cram
brook, Ethel and Duke's 001,001 hoose be.
1,18 the places at which they will be held.
SA0011011 Scuool. ENTERTAINMENT -The
annual sooial and entertainment, under
the auspices 0f the Sabbath school, was
bald in the s0h001 house, No. 1 Section,
Friday evening of last week. Notwith-
standing the inclemency of the weather,
there was a large attendance. The ladies
of the seotion prepared an 0xou110118 re-
past, which was enioye:l by the audience
between 7 and 8 o'olook, After refresh-
ments, a very good literary and musical
program wee given. Mr. Ritchie, Super.
intendent of the Sabbath wheel, occupied
the chair in his usual genial and efiioient
way. The program consisted of chorus•
es, solos, readings, reoitations, and in-
strumental music. The only jar in the
entertainment was the unruly nations of
some yo1101) men from a neighboring
section. Then 801050e didn't seem to
know enough to bshase, oven af'or being
spottou to by it number et 50000110. The
meeting was oloaed by singing the Dox-
ology, before which a hearty vote of
thanks was given to Mre. Walker, Randa
Bros. and Frank Lambie.
MATnitro2rw.-Tho residence of Wm.
Forbes, 16th eon„ was the scene of a
most interesting wedding on Wednesday
evening, Feb. 2nd, it being the marriage
of his daughter Mies Tena, to Wm. filo•
Kay, of Grey. At 5 o'olook the strains
of the Wedding March, played by Vias
Gardiner, of McKillop, ann0tineed the
ushering in of the happy event, and with
his usual alacrity Rev. D. B. McRae, of
Oranbrook, made the young couple man
and wife. The bride, beautifully attired
in Dream serge, was assisted by her sister,
Miss Minnie, while Jas. McKay, brother
of the groom, did duty as groomeinin.
After congratulations had been extended
to the young couple, all partook of an
elegant wedding sapper, after whioh the
time was whiled away in games and
dancing until the "we oma' hones” an-
nounood the time for parting, The bride
was the reoipisut of many handsome and
useful presents. The young couple Will
settle down to married bliss on their
farm on the 15th eon. May all the joys
of married life attend their future. TUE
Pon adds congratulations.
510000 CORNERS 0130E00 FACTORY: The
annual meeting of Silver Oornero Oheese
factory 11a0 11010 in the faotory on Satur-
day afternoon, Jan. 1511), with a very
large attendance. Everything was found
in satiofaotory order and Mr. MOLatich-
lin, the maker and owner of the faotory,
is to be congratulated on his su000eofa!
season, the amount of cheese made this
season being greater than that made in
any other year by thirteen tons, The
amount of money rooeived for cheese
\vas 514,504.73, 911,601.68 of that being
paid the patrons for milk ; average lbs.
of milk per Its. of phew, 10.09 ; average
prioe of cheese for season, 8,510, ; oast of
manufsaturiog one Ib. of obeese, 1,13o.
The effioers are Wm. Bell, Salesman, and
Geo. Richmond, Sea.-Treas., re•eleoted,
with a committee comprised of Geo. Mc-
Kay, Samuel Love and. Jae, Denman, and
Robt. Bowen and Arch. Oruden, Auditors.
Considerable improvements are noticed
around the faotory, Mr. McLaoohlin
having had a new building created and a
butter plant put in, with every oonveni-
enoe added and all is now in good work-
ing order, with good prospects for a suc-
cessful make in the coming season.
Sanaa, RErooT.—The following ie the
standing of the pupils of 5. S. No. 4,
Grey, for the month of January 1 -5th
class, total 000-0. eteQuarrie, 418 ; M.
MoAllioter, 407 ; P. Jackson, 893 ; F.
Bryan, 348 ; G. Melones, 815 ; *Je.
Robertson, 315 ; T, McKelvey, 238. So.
4111, toto1360-D. Lynn, 184 ; *J. Garr,
149 ; *W. MoDonald, 139 ; *R, McInnes,
126 ; *W. klnAllieter, 80, Jr. 4011, total
400-J. Frain, 290 ; 0. Snaith, 270 ; J.
Molnoes, 263 ; A. Mann, 261 ; J. Comb -
es, 245 ; T. Lynn, 231 ; J. Fraser, 190 ;
*M. Smith, 185 ; 3. Mullin, 112 ; *C.
Bryana, 65. Sr. 3rd, total 400-2. Sack.
lin, 260 ; R. McDonald, 236 ; F. Fraser,
241; J. Gutt, 240 ; *A. McDonald, 196;
M. McKelvey, 195 ; 1`. MOAllister, 182 ;
*0. Lake, 150 ; T. Robertson, 127 ; *F.
Rae, 128 ; *J. MoDenitd, 97. Jr. 8rd,
total 800-T. McAllister, 200 ; E. Bryana,
26.1 ; II, Jaoklin, 260 ; M. Smith, 212 ;
A. Jaelslin, 289 ; J. Jackeon, 189 ; J.
Lynn, 185 ; M. Johnston, 171 ; T. King,
187 ; If. Mullin, 128 ; *R, MODoeald,
118 ; *L. Oarr, 75, Jr. and, standing in
aloes -S. MaQlarric, ,1. Frain, F. pa.
Donald, G. Rite ; Sr, Pb, 2nd -A. Carr,
M. MCFarlau0, A. McKelvey, M. Lance,
W. Mullin ; Jr. Pt. 2nd -A, Johnston, E,
McAllister, L. Jackson, 11, Carr ; Part
le -I. Frain, N. eloCouald, R. King, G.
Fraser, A. Mullin. Average attendance
for Jan., 55. The 11&11308 marked * did
not write on all subjects.
A. 7110012012, 'Teacher.
Simeoniteroio.-'Tho following is the
report of the standing of the pnpfle of S,
S. No. 1, Grey, who have reached the 40
per atilt, standard. The names of those
who attained honor standing have * after
them, -Term II. Total 1045.-J. Blake,
819° ; M. 131011y, 723, DI 1)lelby, high-
est )n grammar, history alhd literature ;
J. Blake in enolid, algebra, and pbysicai
science.. Leaving class. Total 1045.-3.
Create, 724 ; J. Calder, 521; W. Arm.
etroug, 483, 3. Calder h)gheot iu draw-
ing and 3. Crew )it all the other sub-
jeote. Entrance ohms. Total 800•--A.
Calder, 288* ; A. Switzer. 211 ; V. Arm.
strong, 1.82 ; . Blake, 210 ; tit, Calder,
207 ; 0, Armstrong, 232* ; 13. Bedford,
240* ; 3, 1 argnhar'nn, 1117 ; E, Cardiff,
203 ; M. Cardiff, 166 ; 1). Glassier, 138 ;
J. Davidson, 110, E, Bedford highest in
drawing, writing, and ctiotaton; L.
Blake 21literatuee; E. Cardiff in arith-
nletio, aud 0. Armstrong in geography,
Jr, 4th, Total 200,-F, Blake, 140 1 R,
Ellis, 100 ; A.Bedford, 131 ; A. McKay,
W. H. KERR, Prop,
101". Sr. Third. Total 235.-0. Bialby,
187 1 3, 13iellly, 180* ; D. Davidson 115,;
M. O Iltlay,112l51.;
Jr, Tl 21 -18.
fiohint;er, 101;1&;. 3x), 13. Davidsonota1104; 13,
(halo", 1101 13, R'lande, 102 ; 0. Mahe,
2:51* ; W. 11311) .11', Inn* ; el. Bullard,
180. hr. 2nd, 'I'utal 275. -W. Farquhar.
ann, 220" ; L• Lieksen, 1.57 ; J. J.1oggard,
120 ; F, Davidson, 175. Jr. 2nd, Total
276.-W. Stevenoon, 182 ; T. Biolby,
242* ; W. Riley, 111 ; Alfred Manlier,
137. hirer oils*. Total lt'0.-A, Gor-
don, 40 ; Annie Glassier, 8e*,
'13', II. STEWART, teacher,
R. K. McDonald is mending slowly
again. Ile has been very seriously ill for
too past sve„k or 11V'0.
Mre, MoLauolilin, mother of R. K, Mo.
Donald, is ill with inflammation of the
howols. Wo Lapp the trouble will nob
prove very 001(0nn.
Get your statistic rea:iy, for the Asada
ear will be out in a fete daye but especielly
have your dog home to more fatly satisfy
the Aseeasor that you have one.
Cranbrook saw mill in saucing now.
Parties wanting salving done had better
come along as it will be shut down after
next week until the end of March.
Court Woodbine, No. 100, 0. 0. F., last
Saturday night installed the following
officers for the ensuing term :-John Mo-
Nabb, C. 12. ; Wm. MnNair, V. O. It. ; A.
0. Dames, R. S. ; A, Reymann, I'. S. ;
John Forrest, Treas. ; John Shiels,
Chap. ; Wm, Heather, S. W. ; Thos.
Ritchie, J. W, ; John Garnooban, S. B.;
A. MoNiool, 3. B. ; Jam00 Cameron, 0.
D. ; 3. A. McNaughton, M. D„ Court
Physician. This court had two initia-
tions on the above night. 0 I say are
you thinking of joining ? Now is your
time as the fee for initiation ie reduced
from 55 to 92 fur the next month. Don't
mise this chance to get into a good strong
court. We have 52 members who are
willing to help and ready to relieve its
members in distress and have $500 to
back as up. ONE 11010 RNows.
Oranbrook as a place of business is im-
proviog. We have two first-class stores
here now where you can get all that is
necessary for the wants of almost every
one ; our hotel is rue in dret•olasg style ;
one blaokemith shop where you can bo
as well supplied as the best city shop in
Ontario ; also a carriage shop second to
none. If you thinly not call and see.
but not least hr the pump shop
A hustling flax manufactory. Last
where you man get a new pump or your
old one repaired no good as new. The
genial proprietor who can repair any-
thing from a sewing machine to a Saw
mill or build a barn and no wind about
it. We nearly forgot we have a batchelor
Drover who is piling up the damn 9n
antioapation of settling down by and bye.
He has an eye to business as well as to
the fair sex.
WWV al toll.
Dr. Armstrong has moved into Ins com-
modious residence.
A. Young, of Cypress River, Mau., is
visiting at Joo. Berry's.
Mies A. MoDonald, of Brussels, spent
a few days visiting at the manse this
A number from here attended the
entertainment at Button's school on Fri-
day evening last.
Rev. Mr. Lowe, of Wingbam, 000u•
pied the pulpit of St. George's church
last Sabbath afternoon.
Sacrament of the Lord's supper will be
dispensed at the Walton Presbyterian
church (D. V.) on Sabbath, Feb. 13111.
Rev. Mr, McLean, of Blyth, will preach
on Friday, 11th, at 2 o'olook, and Rev.
Mr. Ross, B. A„ of Brussels, on Monday,
14th, at 2.80 o'olook.
The annual tea meeting of the Presby-
terian church has been postponed owing
to the stormy weather on Monday even-
ing last, and will be, held on Tuesday
evening, Feb. 8113, when the following
speakers are expected :-Revds. A. C.
Tiffin and P. Musgrove and Menus. G.
F. Blair and W. II. Kerr, of Brussels.
Melville ohnroh choir, of Brussels, as
formerly an1100need, will •supply the
music and a good time is anticipated.
Last Sabbath Rev. Mr. West, of Blue•
vale, preached in Duff's oharoh here in
oouue0tiou with the anniversary services.
In the morning he took as bis text part
of the 18th verse of the 15th chapter of
St. Luke, "Wataitc'nio subsumes,” deal.
lug with the snbjeob of eau's endow.
mut. (1) Unused ; (2) Well used ; (8)
Waned. In the evening the rev.
gentleman preached a powerful discourse,
taking as his subject "God is love," deal-
ing with God's love as revealed in the
works of Nature, and in the giving of His
Sou forgman.
THE LATE MRS. Ross. ---Mrs. William
Rose, who departed this life on Friday
morning or last week at her home in
Woodstock, was a enter of David Camp.
bell. She was born in Scotland in 1527.
Her maiden name was Flora Campbell.
In 1850 she married Wm. Ross, in Wood -
stook, who pre000051 her to the grave in
1878. Mrs. Ross was 71 years. of age,
but was possessed of strong vitality for
ono so aged. She had been confined to
her bed for only two weeks priorto her
death, whioll resulted from neuralgia of
the heart. Deceased leaves a family of
four sons. These are : Daniel, baggage -
man ; Duncan C., employed at the Kam
organ works ; Hugh, employed by the
Millers, government oontra0tore, St.
Atones, Qnebeo, and John, with ;the
Strandnrt Go., hardware dealers, Detroit.
Her only daughter, Elizabeth, died in the
month of January ten year0 ado. David
and Jame0 Campbell of this locality and
Mee. Sathedand, of Seaforth, attended
the funeral on Monday.
Provincial elections March 1st,
Dominion Parliament assembled on
Thursday of this week.
Dtay wo remind the Toronto Mail and
Empire, which is objooting' to the Ontario
Government asking tihat it be judged by
its record, that the Opposition in' the
Legislature is not asking to be judged by
' i 1 out ve
its record. If i2 did eo, t would ha
bring the 00otarian program of 1804 :into
rho open WWetoird of keeping it to bo• steed
for private canvass.