HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-1-28, Page 5J1 a, 28, 1898 T1r1 E L /; .ing Mills. All kinds o 'os( 1 loge w tilted. A good men in the y: t , 1 measure loge, Custom ea% ng will begin on Marall lob or before if o' a 'anther, Good Mapl 11 oeing ("neap. Aeh V Joint front 11' e :14, 13i le ant to order, Shingles to .a +. , S. COLE. 00B \1AN'.kj. D 1 a -ge Quantity, The E ce prise salt Works, Brussels, )repay d to pay $1.25 per so el for best 4 -foot soft wood 1 act $2 25 for hard wood doliv, sc. at the Uloek. Cash , 11 1)e paid on deliv- ery. Estate T T. C'oleman, R JSSELS. Mc .L+'tO D'S Sy stet , Rei ovator AN" 0rnma — TEST D REMEDIES SPECIFIC .1ND 'JNTIDOTE For Impure, oV+alt. and Impoveriohed Blood, Dyepe in Steeple, mesa, Palpita- tion of the H rt. Liver 0, mplaiub, Neur. algia, Lose of [emery, 0 nnohttis, Con. sumption, Go Seines, Jae ndioe, Kidney and Urinary is sees, Su Vitus' Danoe, Female Irrag er'ties an,' General De- oility. LABORAT( 11`, GODi,RiCH, ONT. M AIoLI OD, Prop. and Manufacturer. Sold by das,1 x, "/rnggtst, Brussels. BR Jssa Ls PUY WORKS. I wish to 1 ern the people of Brussels and enrronn' ,g iietriot 'bat I have pur- chased the al p Business of JAMES. BELL and v 1'a found ready to attend to all wants , ei her new work or repairs at moderate ice s. No better m) in the market. Order left my shop 0r resident% or at P. SCOTT i chop will be promptly looked after, fa'Ordere sal en for the Digging of Wella and Ci eres. Goa la amen MILL STR:i :7:, BRUSSELS. SHIF LLS B it .sh C.1uI tbia ii 1 Cedar' Shingles 110- — N lath 'sore tine ilnd Cedar FOR SAL ', .iT TI•IE Bruss .s Flaring hills Also Doors t terns on ban at Short No' Bet lsinr ehil i vaelr of a Il Pat or made trorder e. etas Fur tiehed for all of Buildin: e. Workman. theMaterial Guaranteed. 3 . AMENT ace°''°• rifle' ' "cod°s iehoephodilne, S. Great :72krylisit Itanudy. Id and rr commended by aI ru ;gists in tianada, Only reli ^ 01, medioin° discover( Sts as xpea pant (Inked to cure all forms of Sows weakness, -.111 effects of abuse or tureen, sten 1 Worry, E - oessive use of To, bn000, Opium 8t,mulants Mailed on reoetpl of price, one p Iwo 91, six, 00. One WO Venni rfx lUllf cure, 1 nr olete free to any address. The 5 003 Company, Windsor, Ont. "Sold in Btu ole ey G.A. :MADt1'Al , Pr el' i, Booked)ler a Optician, 11'' 1x1'tt a` ew s, lgo;nJorl le. Srexun,sa,—Some -meek Thieves broke into the Comnlareial helot on Monday evening and stole 33 bottle° of ale and half a lout of bread. --Aire, Colbert, of llgmondville, entertained the ladies of the Woman's Auxiliary in oonnoation with the St. Thomas ohurah at her home, ---Some tlrievee broke into the Grip haute mud kook 6 boxes of cigars and a sem of money from the drawer,. --The Canadian Order or Foresters entertained ire m(3111• here on Teeedae o! last week to an oyster a09per in :Tomos Stewart's oyster parlor. -- The 'Ifor0ioultural society intend hold- ing it teethed in the Odd 1 ollocv's hall on Wednesday evening, Feb. 2nd.--Bloy• effete were quite numerous the first part of last week.—The bend gave an open D4 concert in front of the town hall on Saturday night. They played some very nee eeleotione, which were much appreai• aced by the large number of people, who wore out that avenin;.—Major Anderson has issued it oballeuge to any rink in town for a game of surae': for the oyeters, The Major has selected (,leo. E. Hensler. eon, W. G. Willie and Robt. Winter es bis team. The outorme i0 awaited with in te'ee t. it3xete Eicturxas.—Harry Browning has left for Markbam to resume his medical studies.—A valuable dot belonging to Samuel Sweet died from the effects of a dose of poison given by soma unknown person,—One day recenbly while Eli Snell was sharpening a saw in the bosh the saw accidentally slipped in some way a'd in attempting to catch it be sustained a 0119110 cut 0n the bask of the hand. The wound was apparently tr:11ing, bat in a few days it swelled enormously and tarn• leg to blood poisoning threatened serious reenits and the probable lose of the hand. Medical ale was ut once sought and al. though the wound ie very painful the in• jurod member will be saved.—A ono valuable now belonging to John W. Tay- lor ayfor was killed. The animal has been in declining health for over n year and had almost wasted to a skeleton when the owner deemed it advisable to kill her. This was done and a peat mortem ex- amination waa made when it was dis- covered that her stomach contained up. wards of three dozeu nails, eorews, eto., ail in a bright polished condition. Ono of the nails had penetrated the etomaoh and paused a large abscess to form which was the means of causing her death.— Mrs. James Tom reoeived a telegram stating that her brother, James Kerniolc, had died suddenly at Bark's Falls. It seems Mr, Kerniak was in attendance at a fellowship meeting after the morning service in the Methodist ohuroh at that place Sunday when he dropped dead in his seat during the progress of the ser- vice. He was about 60 yeare of age end formerly conducted n blacksmith shop at Whalen's cornea He le a brother of Daniel Korniok, of Usborne. 1'Ioleswortit. Nome.—Meetings are being held at present in the Methodist church by Rev. Mr. Kenner. Ile is assisted by hie brother. —An At Home, consisting of the numerous friends of Geo. Callum, who purposes returning to his home in Iu- norkip, was given on Friday evening of lash week.. Sangster Bros. lost a valuable horse last week. The cause was paralysis. —Mrs. Wan. Walker and Mrs. W. T. Mc- Kee, who have been visiting friends in Strathroy, have returned home.—Mr. Crerar has returned to his studies iu the Agricultural College at Guelph, Ile was accompanied by Joseph Cumming and A- lt. Torry. --Richard Spilletb, lately re- turned from Prince Edward Ielaud, is at Present visiting friends iu our vicinity.— A social gathering was held at the reef• deuce of Wm, Brown, of the 2nd con. of Grey, on Mond .y evening, the occasion being a farewell party to Geo. Callan, who for the past two years has been in the, employ of A. M. Patterson, merchant, ab Molesworth, and who is leaving for the village of Innerkip, Oxford Co. During his residence in Molesworth Mr. Callan has made himself very popular and over forty of the young people of the neighbor- hood, both ladies and gentlemen, met to give him a good send off. A very merry evening was spent with music, songs, games and general eotersainmeub and a bountiful supper was served and enjoyed by the guests, Mr. Callao leaves the neighborhood of Aloleeworth with the hearty good wishes of hie many friends, who wish him the highest success and prosperity in his future careen—Mise E. Smith, of Palmerston, spent Sunday with her friend, Miss J. Coghlin. 131,v'tie . Monis AaniouLloam Soalsrs,—The annual meeting of the Morris Aerial. tural eoolety was held at the Queen's hotel, Blyth. On motion, A. W. Sloan, presided as( chairman. Minutee of last meeting were read and adopted, The auditor's report wee then presented, and on motion was received and adopted. Election of ofinoore for the ensuing year then followed, when the following officers and directors were Bleated :—President, 3. B. Tierney ; 1st Vier: -gree, C. laud• dell; 2nd Vioe•pres., Wm. Patterson; Direotore, Janne Tabb, Alfred B. Carr, Wm. Clark, T. W. Sloan, George Powell, John MaMillau, frank Metcalf, John Sberritb and John Shorbreed, jr ; Audi. tore, J. S. Moleinnoo and 3. M Hamil- ton. A vote of thanks from the meeting was tendered the auditors end the their. man, and the meeting then adjourned. The direatore of the soelety met immedi- ately after the o'ose of the annual meet- ing, The minutes of the last direetore meeting ,vera read. The adoption of the minutes was moved and carried. The appointment of a eearetary end a teeaeur- er was then called for. It was moved and carried that Hugh MoQuarrie be appoint• ed secretary and Frank Metcalf treasurer. The date for bolding the next annual e110W Wae then brought up for dibooseion, when Tumidity and Wedneeday, October 4th and 5th, wee settled upon. L1x4LID BLINIte.—Meeting of Blyth oounoil will be held next Monday even- Ing.—A carnival will be given in the rink en Friday evening.—Itev, A. McLean and Richard Somers attended the meeting of the Huron Presbyterial satiety in Knox ahueolr, Goderich, on Tueeday of last week.—Mex. Meldreigbt and 3. T. Carter were appointed leo and 2nd engineers for the Lire Brigade respectively at n eatery of 950 per annum for the two,—The next monthly Fair will be held on Tuesday, February lat.--A. W. Sloan and Joseph Combe attended the fdnerdl of the Tato John lnrnb1111 Dipkoon iu AfeKilloll on Tueedny of last weals, Mr. J.)tulveon wee nbrother-in•lavof cls, elem.- Monday, 17th, wee uontimttnou day to lilt the noway in the Blyth ionuail. George Powell was proposed by ler. Milne and J, G. Jmigh, end as there wee no other hominittion Alr, Powell was declared cleated by aaolanation,---801110 awnnro of doge in town have been misrepreeonting the gender of their pets to the tax aolloo, tor. The names of the guilty °nee were beeeghb before the canal board and unless settlement le made at once they will be proseouted.—Mr. :Ritchie, of Wiugham, was in town Met I.'ridity.-- Alie . Mills, of IInllett, wile the guest of Bir •• W. W. Sloan la.l work.—Mies Cut nj u, ,,r, Wingham, won vioitir t; frieues ie towel Met weelt.—W, W. Tamen, who bas been ill for a few days, is able to be about again.—llov. Mr. Rigsby !las corn- me'med a series of special serviaes.—Mies Birdie Carder is on the sink ifst at pre. sent, --Miss L. Ferguson, of Wingbam, is the guest of Miss Mabel Jameson. --W. W. end Mrs. Sloan spent Sunday in Wiegham with friends. --A eleiga load of young people went to Clinton on friday last,—The meeting for the purpose of or. gaoizing a Hockey team at rink buts can- ooll:'d on a000unt of the web weather.— Miss L. AtoRae, of Cranbrook, was in town last week.—G. 1?. Oakes, of Clinton, has organized a singing (lase with a meutberehip of about 40. L i1clznow. l'ssrneexer.—On Wednesday, the 12th ins , the residence of Mrs, Jae. 9IoQnoid, of 6 rewo, was the scene of a very pretty weeding, it being the marriage of her second daughter, Susie, to Alex. MoDoug• all, of Lndnlow. Tum ceremony was per - famed by inc, le. Fairborn, of Dungan- non. The bride looked charming in whi'e silk, trimmed with ]ace and pearls with bridal wreath and veil, Miss Date A'Iac!uoid, sister of the bride, anted no brit: iemaid, becomingly attired in cream casement with lace and pearls. The groom was assisted by his brother, Thos. McDougall. SMALL Llxxs.—Walkerton and Lualcnow play hockey on Friday night, 28th inst,— Miea Lillian Bower, of Drayton, is visit• ing her sister, Mre, Arthur McDonald.— Both Rincardine and Brussels clubs have defaulted their tankard matches to the Lncknow• ourlers,—Two rinks of the Luckuow Curling Club played with the Walkerton team on Wednesday of last week and were defeated by the County town men by 17 shots, --The Sisters of Rebekah had a social evening in their rooms on Thursday evening, Jan. 27th, ab which all the members, their husbands, wives and sweethearts were cordially en- bertainod.—Mae. McLean, mother of Mrs. (Rev.) I. B. Wallwin, who is visiting in Orangeville, had the misfortune to fall and break her leg at the ankle. She is improving and will be about again in a couple of weeks. Gerrie. Howiok Council decided that the Clerk's salary be 9175, and 925 allowed for post - ago and stationery ; that the Assessor's salary be 9125 ; the Treasurer's salary, 985 ; Caretaker's salary, 916 ' Auditors, 98 each ; Collector for Last Division, 950 ; Colieobor for West Division, 950 The appointment of officers is as follows : Lizzie Walker, Clerk • Jas. Perkins, Treasurer ; Geo. Padfield, Assessor ' R. Russel, caretaker of Tp. Hall ; Peter Hepinetall and Adam Graham, Auditors ; A. M. Spence, M. D., Medical Health Officer ; Arthur Spoaten, member of the Board of Health for three years. The appointment of Collators was left over until the September meeting. Dean.—We are indeed sorry to learn that the home of W. H. and Mrs. Clegg, of the Soo, formerly of this village, has been again visited by that grim monster, Death. This time their youngest daugh- ter, Ethel, was taken. This is the sec- ond severe affliction Mr. and Mre. Clegg have suffered since removing to the Soo. Abuat a year ago their eldest daughter, Amy, was taken home. The Soo Demo- erat, of Dec. 80011, thus record:3 the sad marrows : "Miss Ethel Clegg, daughter of W. H. Clegg, died after an extended illness at the reeidenoe of her parents, on Court street, yesterday morning, aged 16 yeire. Mise Clegg was a lovable young lady, the idol of, her parents, and her death ie a sad blow to herhoet offriencls." Gus( nve.—Nelson McLaughlin, jr., is clerking behind the counters of the Mont. real House.— G. W. Walker purchased a beautiful black -and -white spotted thoro'- brad coach dog from Jos. Golley, V. S., a dog fancier, of Wiugham.—The fifth an- niversary of the Methodist ehurah, Ger- rie, will be held (D. V.) on Jan. 8001 and 31.0. Rev. Wm. MoDonagh, of Stratford, will preach on Sabbath al 10110 and 7 o'. olcck. Tee.mesting Monday evening fol. lowing.—A Society called Parish Workers wanorgauized in St, Stephen's church, Got'rie. The officers elected aro as fol. lows : Rooter, Rev. A- 13. Faruey ; Free., A. E. Cummer ; Vica•Pree„ Jas. Elliott ; Sea-Treas., John Harding ; Ushers, F. Rush, R. Cunningham and Wm. Arden'; Organist, Miss A., Perkins,—A number of luvited guestsaeeombled ab the reed. de ice of M. le. Cummer, when the mem- ber) of Mrs. Armstrong's class in the Piesbyteriau Sabbath school presented their teacher with a beautiful New Boole of Praise and an address. Boer HURON FAnsinov' INsrIroxa•—•On Tuesday afternoon of last week the above Institute held a very eucoeesful mooting in the Town Hall here. Tho Prosidmlt, Thee. Streohan, °coupled the their. W. H. Fraser, of Blnevale, gave a thought- fully prepared address on the growing of clover, showing the many advantages to the farmer to grow more of it ; the chemical food it requires, and the merits and dennerite of the vaxione varieties. J. Hio ehloy followed with "Why every Fermin: should peep Bette," in which\, ho showed, nob only thab boos are a source of profit that the farmer should not neglect', but also showed how to manage them so as to make them profitable by leaving the eight kind of hives, Wintering them properly and bonding thom carefully, The next address was on "Tuberculosis," by Jae. Armstrong, V. S., in which was set forth the infectious ember( of the die. oath, being coummmnioated front men to animals and from animals to man, either by inhaling the germs or taping than ha. 00 the stomach with food, and In other \nays.. How to discover the disease in cattle by the tuberonline tseb. Iiow to got rid of it and keep clear of it was else refuted out, It. Thompson, of St. Oath - :trines, is "Swine Beetling end Feeding," showed that he was skilled in prochloing pigs that suit the market at the least poo. Bible cost to es to snake it profitable to grow hogs, I:Ie strongly tnrged 6000Or8 THE BRUSSELS POST to grow more and twat bettor this ,halt malignedi cul ul, U. A. tail i of the n / t t Ontario Agricultural Coilege, tlnelpll do ieeel "Potateal and !toe to ' giving 00115 vahntbla hrf,rn,alion 0egar•11ug the dillersub qualities and varioti,s of m lenge nlnberofexperiment0 within this de. pertinent 00 the (lullega new. The ovwningeosvion twos very largely attend. ed. Addrntnee were given by R. Thump - 000, ou "Care of small Fruits and Fruit Trees," and (1, A. 'Amite told of the good work being clone by the Ontario Agri. althea] Oollogo. Theeu wore interspore- ed with musical selections, vocal and in. strumontal, by local talent, whieh were well received by the audience, Thos. Gibson, Al. 1'. P., was present and gave a short ndclro :t, Analwv;rn m:. .Tl1e an0nal me, ting of the liowick Agrieelturel Satiety was held here, at which there was a very good et- tendance and considerable interest taken. The Society fa in first -Class shape at present, owumg a hall and grounds in Fordwioh, and having a claim for all fiitnre years, free from charge, on the Victoria Park and Hall in Ode village for exhibition ptrposee. Ninety-seven mem- bers worn returned to the Government, and the Treasurer's books allow a balance of 907 in hand and no liabilities. The officers for the year 1898 are as follows : Pros„ John II. Johnston ' Vico-Presi- dent, Robt. Harding ; Sec.-Treas., Peter Hepinetall ' Auditors, John Donaghy and Angus McCurdy ; Director', Wm. Evens, John Stewart, Samuel Johnston, Janos Ball, Edward Cousins, Jae. Perk- ins, Alex. Robinson, sr., Thos. Inglis and Jas. Spence ; Assistant Dirnotors, John Holland, Alai, Gibson, B. S. Cook, John Brown and John G. Lambkin. The next Fall Show will be held in Fordwich and the semi-annual mooting is fixed for Pordwich on the last Saturday in June, at 3 o'o'ocic p. m. Go.lat-iels. OLrumtns.—The steam derrick has been moved from the river into the liar• bor and is now eafe,—Several goal games at hockey were played oe the fee below the lighthouse.—Jno. 8, Platt is deliver• ing the atone he collected during the Summer, at the breakwater.—The annual meeting of the Ohildren'e Afd Sooiety of the County of Huron was held in Godo• rich on Friday, 14th inst.—The Goderich brewery Co. has put up a new str.ble and wagon house, besidethe brewery at the harbor.-1'lorida on wheels attracted a large number of visitors on Monday of last week, the attendance being variously estimated from 700 to 1000. The croco- diles and glass fruit were the attractions. —The Bedford barber shop has ^.hanged hands, and is now under the proprietor- ship of S. Carter,—The King's Daughters held their regular meeting in the Fores- ters' Hall. The following officers were elected : President, Mre, W. T. Hays ; vioe•president, Mre. McGillicuddy ; treasurer, Miss Davie ; seoroberp, Mies Ausebrook.—A. S. Cbryetal placed the boiler in position at Smeebh's new mill and the maaone have done their part of the work.—Jas. Williams is again at the old barber chop, next the British Ex- obalg hotel,—At the last regular meeting of Huron Encampment, No. 28, I, 0. 0. Ia., the follow .,g oflienrs vr:easeas:esceem,:e-.17, e ootafor 1kON : 4 1., ,.les Reatu 4kind s i ll. 1' , .1. !tab ill; 1. J.1uHint! n; 11. t., 0, A.Nairn, F. 0., If, W. He e ; 'Pre :a.,GOO. 11. Elliot 1. --Monday niug of Iaat Wen- 4plaaaant time was enjoyed a0 the "Three Friends," wht n n papular demonstration wee held t„ bid frond -bye to E. 11. Bird, who, fur the past eh: yoara has been the [popular oceountent iu the branch of the Bank of Commerce of the town, Alr. Bled left for Aellevilio on 'l'uesday fol- lewing, having beim ape einted to the bank at that city. -At the filet meeting of the Goderich Collegiate Institute Society held this +arm, the following oflioere were sleeted: President, Wm. Stoddard ; vioe•pree., flies Mamie Dick. P011 5 2nd vine•prea„ Mien Oliver ; treas., W. Rogers ; spay., Alis L. Afasecn ; editor, A, Jeekell ; eeoy. of committee, Alias Jessie Gibson ; couneillure, Miss Ethel Ithyncs, wrllwin Fisher, and Lorne I'Illiott.—ltegistrar 1rIitchell's half yearly return to the Registrar General, dated the 11511 inst., bows that 29 births, 26 marriages and 10 deatee, one of whieh antlered in Detroit, were register( I for the half year, ending on bite above date. The number of deaths( in town shelve that Goderich is still the healthiest town in Canada, the death rate for the period named being toes than 7e per thousand per annum.—At the annual meeting of Goderich District L. 0. L,, held in the ball of No. 1132, Galeria, there wee a large attendance, and enuoh satisfaction was shown at the prosperity of the die - Diet. The election of ofhoere for 1808, resulted as follows : Jae. Cox, W. M, ; Jae. Connolly, D. M. ; .John Woods, ohap. ; 1t. I-1. Mew, linaneial they. ; 11. Colwell, recording secy. ; A. Cantelon, trees. ; C. It, 'iichboornr, D, of 0, ; Robt. Cox, lecturer ; A. Alfllian, depy. lecturer.. —The anneal meeting of the Goderich Horticultural Society was held in the connly olerlt'a office. The minutes hav- ing been confirmed, the treasurer's re- port was easel as( follows : Receipts from members, 9217 ; Government grunt, 983 ; County grant, 920. Total, 9320. The diebursemente were the same. Win. Warnock was then reelected president, Thos. Naito!, vice prasidcnt, and Messrs. Wella, Riohards, MoD. Allan, Lane, Jor- dan, Geo. Stewart, Jas. Stewart, J. W. Salkeld, Geo. Andrews, it, Gibbons, Fox and Williams and Dr. J. R. Shannon di. rectors. Sheriff Reynolds and S. P. Halls were appointed auditors and Wm. Lane reappointed secretary. A vote of thanks to the auditors, Messrs. Reynolds and Halls, aonoluded the proceedings. Eleven dehorned reindeer arrived ab Montreal from Norway the other day, and were sent out to Bach nu Recollect. They are the property of Air. Saraggie, and are ultimately intende 1 for the Klon- dike. At the Winter assizes at Hamilton be- fore Justice Robertson, is b se erase of Mrs. Curran against the G. T. R. for 910,000 damages for the death of her husband, who was killed by an engine, the jury brought in a verdict for Ales. Curran, as - seeable damages at 95,500. The jury pub the entire blame on the railway company for not having the frog properly packed. AL APdiYNF:'SCiROGERY :browI Raisins, Currants, 9 Orange, Lemon and Citron Peels, c1i 'tLitem I Figs in Taps and Layers. rusrilvarromorwarreirrumrf New 1 Walnuts, Almonds, Shelled and Unshelled, NutS8I Filberts, Peanuts. Nice, Fresh Pure Lard. CROCKERY' Something well worth seeing in Dinner, Tea and Toilet Ware. Jas Ballantyne. MONEYSAVED is MONEY GAINED ilt HENCE BY DEALING ,VITA mm"'"e-- rnbull You are well served and gain money. fest lliakoaeoff talo Cook Parlor and, Coal stoves That Cannot be Beaten. Large Assortment of Lamps and Lamp Goods, Lanterns, Cutlery and Graniteware. We make a specialty of putting in Coal and Wood Furnaces, and Warrant Satisfaction. Stove Coal for Sale and always on hand, Special attention to Jobbing and Repairs. Wilton 85 Turnbull, Brussels. Nuggets in R ad made e y Clothing. use1so BidBargains for Little Money. STOCK READYMADE CLOTHING AND BENTS' FURNISHINGS. It was not an accident that the store was crowded for the last week. The Bargains we offered brought the people. Such Prices as these are Sure to Draw us Trade,. Men's Frieze & Tweed Overcoats. MFIINS' and BOYS' CAPS. $4.00 Overcoats for $2.25 4.50 2.50 $5.00 Overcoats for $3.00 6,00 " 4.00 MEN'S SUITS. If you want a Suit for very little money come to this Moro. Suits that were $5.50 II " 6.00 rd if 7.00 8.00 10.00 'I It Bankrupt price $8.50 to 4.00 4.65 5.25 7.00 BOYS' CLOTHING. $1 75 Suits for $1 25 2 25 " 1 50 2 75 t< 1 75 $3 10 Suits for ',2 00 3 50 " 2 35 We eau give you a Cap for 25o. that you'll pay 50c. for in any other store in town. We have Caps from 15c. to 75c. Underclothing for Men 8c Boys. We have a well assorted stock in this line selling at less than Wholesale Prices, MEN'S TIES. 25c. Ties for 15c. j 50c. Ties for 30c. 40c. °t 25c. LINEN COLLARS. 2 Linen Collars for 25c j 3 Linen Collars for 25o CUFFS. 25c Link Linen Cuff' for 15c, - - If you want to get New Goods Less than Wholesale Prices, come to the Clothiers. Sweeping Bargains in Shirts and Underclothing, Gold Mine in lets and Caped