HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-1-21, Page 8DON'T WEAR Stag/Melee uniess you wear those suited to ywlr node, Wearing other peoples' Spectacles or the kind not suited for your eyes will do more alarm than good. 1?o3- slbly one of your eyes is worse than the other and requires a affloreut glass. Yon goal only correct Um by having our eyes properly tas tae. We do tltH loamy g made this a study and can supply you with glasses to suit any sight. SYo have SPECTACLES from 85o, to 111.00 if yon prefer choosing for yourself. We are selling these away below the usual price because we find so many who require epeatially made glasses or.glaesoe different for eaoh eye, or re- gain a different frame from any kept, that we will sell at a bargain all we have this way. No matter what your eye trouble may be come and I will test your eyes and tell you free of charge whether Spectaoles will help you. Remember we are here to be consulted at auy time—not like pedlars and fakirs who are here to- day and away to -morrow. G A. Deadman, Druggist, Optician & Bookseller. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SODTIMAN EXTENSION W. 2. & 0. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows; Goole Solna. GOINe NOR7a. Oxpross 7:10 a.m. 1 Mail Map= tftsed......... 0:00 a.m. Express 10:010,m not ffetus.exns, A chiefs amang ye Lakin' notes, An' faith he'll pront it. SrTatum sleighing. Go. Council next week. BaoeaELs market leads. ATTioN» the Farmers' Institute. C, 0. F. meet next Tuesday evening. MONTHLY Horse Fair on Thursday, Feb, 8rd. AuoTI000 sale bills printed at Tae Poer while yon wait. A0ENT's heading factory will be hum- ming next week. Trip Grand Trank is booming their route to the Rlondylse. House of Refuge Committee will meet at Clinton next Monday. Homo:Mutual Insurance Co, anneal meeting on Friday of this week, at Got, rie. Lear Saturday evening a load of yonng people drove over to Seaforth and enjoy- ed a skate on the rink. JAs. DUNsoRD, formerly of Boatels, is now running a dray business in Clinton. We wish him success. EAST Huron Conservative Convention this (Friday) afternoon. Messrs. Dickin- son and Cargill are expected. TSIs week Watson Ainley and family removed to their new reeidenee located on what was formerly Knox church prop- erty. J05EPa alum was awarded the position of Caretaker of the Public School for the next year at 490 per annum. There were eleven applications, running from 9990 to 9175. Ir is not often that a bicycle is of use in thio Northern climate in the month of January, but Miss Alice Sage, of Walton, broke the record on Wednesday of this week by wheeling from the aforemen- tioned village to Brossela and back. Nina Tuesday evening the Sons of Scotland will commemorate Burns' Anni- versary by giving a concert in the Town Hall. In addition to a good program of music, vooal and instrumental, recita- tions, eta., Rey. John Ross,B. A., will de- liver an address on "Robert Burns." ABanned.=N subscriber, in remitting for 1898, writes 1—"We are very much pleaeed to congratulate you on the mark- ed improvement in Tin Posr. I consider the District news alone west worth the money. Its arrival is looked forward to ettall week with the greatest pleasure. May you still advance, is the wish of D. A. T." Tasioenar evening of last week a mare belonging to Mr. Barber, of Wilmot, broke not of Hugh Williams & Son's livery barn, Brussels, end although dili- gentsearch has been made sbe bas not been found yet. The beast bad a blanket on and a tie around her neok. She is about 7 years old ; 15 hands, 3 inches in Height ; banged tail and has a slight scar on left front leg, STILT. THEY Go.—During the past week R. Graham shipped 2 cars of wheat and a similar quantity of oats ; Baeker & Vaostone a oar of bay and two ears each of pens and wheat ; Clegg& Dames, a car of hogs ; Fire engine oiler to Port- age-ia-Prairie, Mane from Ronald Engine Works ; batter, by R. Thomson, to the East. Messrs. Baeker & Vanstone received a ear of bran. BLYTa Standard says ' —"A Blythite was in Brussels last week, and one thing he noticed was that the sidewalks on the Main street were Olean and dry, in mark• ed contrast to the walks in Blyth. This citizen says he thinks when they can have such good walks in a little, unim- portant plane like Brussels that we should have the same in the best grain market in the county." If somebody would tall the Standard man that these ' jalree about the unimportance of Brussels are finny he would likely quit, How would it be to publish the total shipment ot grain from Blyth for 1897 7 The WELL,—During the past week Postmaster Farrow and J. J. Gilpin call- od upon a good many people in Brussels relative to aiding Meg, Edward Grimold- by, whose husband died last week, The gentlemen were very suooessfol and eo far have about 9195 in cash in addition to promises of p,rooaries, proviefone, &a., and the °anaeliing of amounts dlte ab a few stores. This is a deserving ogee and if people are willingto believe that when they are aiding the needy they are lend. ing to the Lord they have a good oppor• tunny' offered in contributing to this hind and thereby placing Mrs, Gritnold• by end be four little ones in compare, tiveiy easy Oiroumetanooe in the meat - Etna. We nederstand a number of peo• pie in the eoentry bare also offered to deal generously in supplying flour, meat, potatoes and apples. It ie a good enure and those who cheerfully assisted will be none the poOrer for evening their purse. A. 0. U. VI, meet Friday availing of tide week. Lase Saturday was a splendid day for beslnees in Brussels. Dozer forgot the Parlor sooial at W. F. Stewart's en Friday evening of this week Imenit vero0 will probably ' be laid Rgaiuet invent' parties for furious driving on Taroberry street. It will not bo P f er b m t ed. P801011 Dial B at the o 0 e� r edenoe of W. 1. Stewart on Friday evening of this week. Good program and admission only 10 gents, A. LOAD of Brussels Odd Feilows a000m- paniod D. D. G. A2, MaKay to Wroxeter on Monday evening to the installation of officers. Mr. McKay does hie work well. Dosaa forget the Farmers' Institute meeting in the Brnseele Town hall on Saturday afternoon and evening of this week. An interesting program. All are welcome. RIOHARD Rocmi, the well known here• man, left last week for London, Eng. land, in olinrge of two ors of borses. It is stated that he may accept an offer to train and drive some of the fast Eng- lish race horses, as his experience and recommendations world open the way if he sees what sulfa him. :Ura. Roche and family will °matinee to reside herein the mean trine. I. 0. 0. F.—•Tburaday eveaiug of last weep the following officers were installed in connection with Western Star Lodge, No. 140, I. 0. 0. F., by D. D. G. M. Mo• Kay for the current term :-- A. MaGnire—N. G. ; W. H. %err—P. G, ; Jno. Smith—V. G. ; A. Koenig—Sao. •, S. Wilton—Per, Sea. ; F. S. Scott—Treas. ; Wm. Grewar—Warden ; W. C. Smith—Con, 11. Leatberdale—Chap. ; W. Thomson—R. S. N. G. ; A. Sample—L. S. N. G. ; S. Plum—R. S. V. G. ; W. Sample—L. S. V. G.; P. Amens—B. S. S. ; G. Mooney—L. S. S. ; R. Jobaeton—I. G.; W. Martin—O. G. ; J. A. MaNaughtoa ! Pb •i • 05 F. H. Kaibileieob j yaOn Western Stat. is not waning by any means but is in good bealth and vigor having fifty-five members and hopes during this Winter to add largely to the member. ship roll. Lodge meets .every Thursday in their fine Hall in the Graham block, BnussuLs CHEESE FACTORY,—The annual meeting of Brussels Cheese Factory was held in the Town Hali on Saturday after• noon of last week. From the annual re- port the following satisfactory partioolars are taken :— RECEIPTS. Cash from last audit 0 9 80 Moy Cheec , J. W. Cook, 10,041 lbs, o June cheese. J. W, Cook, 23,402 lbs, 0.0 08 at S o July cheese ,J, W Cook, 24,000 lbs,, 1080 17 at tic Aug. h 0 ee,J. W. Cook, 20,204 1bo , 2054 74 Sept, cheese, J. W. Cook, 18,818 lbs, 19530 at aye 18000 05 Oct, obsess, 3, W. Cook, 23,1(17 lbs,, at 8e 1779 82 May, Patrons 8 Grocers, 733 lbs„ at. Sia, Oc 07 80 June, Patrons & arca Ira, 1,0311bs., a t July, Patrons & Grocers, 787 lbs„ as 141. OO Sic. Si 00 81 Aug., OPtaat ions & Grocers, 4,5581b a., at Sapt.,Patrosi & Groees, 2,857 lbs9de 02 at 87c' 292 80 Interest from Bank 8 01 Total 3Ira 31 EXPENDITURE. May—Paid to Patrons $ 758 40 Juno, paid to patrons 6 1000 00 July, paid to patrons - 1570 08 Aug, paid to patrons 180009 Sept.4. Oct., paid to patrons 2745 50 afay,paid. for making 209 80 June, paid for making 501 23 July,patd for making 514 28 Ang., paid for making 500 28 Sept. dicot„ paid for making .....,802 80 Paid for Insuranoe - 88 80 Paid for Auditing 8 00 Clash to Balance 4 20 Total ill -260 Si R004010t1LATION. Lbs. of milk received 1,980,090 Lba. of cheese made 180,170 Avoragolbs. milk per lb. cheese 10.908 Average price per ib. chane Received per 1,000 lbs. .milk 8 7 7 Paid patron finer 1,0001ns milli 8 0 02. Cost of0 MakiInsurance per 01,0200 milk- $ 108 Cast of Sl u lard per 1,000 lbs. milk 025 Cash in 8taudard Hank S 4'yp The factory bee had a good ran and with the latest and most modern im- provements added, Mr. Harris hopes to see the season of 1898 a record breaker. Generous support should be accorded him. ANOTHER Lan Became—It was a mat ter of sad surprise when a telegram Dame to Brussels last Sabbath announcing the decease of a former well known resident, in the person of Harry Murray Cormack, 8rd son of the late John Cormack, He passed away at hie home in New York city on Saturday morning, aged 80 years and 4 months, after a brief Dinette of only two weeks. harry had been failing for months prior to this, consumption doing its deadly work, but ,with a redo• lutenees and energy characteristic of him he stuck to his post until compelled by lack of vigor t0 diecontinae his calling. He was an expert' telegraph operator in the Stook Brokers' office of Grenliob, Martin & Go„ and had few peers in his calling, having coupled the beet positions in New York, Chicago and other Ameri. ORD as well as Canadian cities. 1318 ap- prenticeship was served in the office of T. Fletcher, Brussels. Three years ago be was united in marriage to Mies Anna Enright, of Clioago, and the widow and sister of the doomed (Mrs, W. B, Dick- son, of Langdon, Dakota, who went to New York On reoeipt of the sad intelli- gence) accompanied the remains to Bras. sele, arriving here Wednesday night, The ng from thehomie of ace 1. Fletchee Rev, Jno, Rosa, 13. A., conducting the service 2nd the body finding its laet rest- ing plane in the family plot in the creme. tery here, Deceased was a general favorite wherever he was and we are not surprised to hear that many were the visite made him by friends during his brief illness, Mro, Cormack end other relatives are deeply sympathised with in their bereavement. Mare particularly is sympathy tendered to Aire. A. Reid, of Langdon, Dakota, mother of the subject of this notice, who has so patiently bow. ad to the Divine will as the bas followed eo many of her family to the grave. Mt'e, Dickson, mentioned before, and Mrs, J. 8. Black, of Romaine, Labrador,. are the only remaining children out of it family of nine or ten. Mrs. Cormack and Mrs, Dickson left for their reapeotiyo homes 011 Friday morning, Tm i3RiUSSg+LS POST Nile re organization of the town Band for 1098 le on the tapie. SEAron'nIi houkey players were In Bine' eels on Monday and Tuesday, going aid returning from Listowel, where they were beaten by the home team Monday evening. Tulcan.tr, 25th ]net„ ie the anniversary i of Robbie Burls. Ile wee born 1760 and died 1790. Hear the addrees by R•lv, Mr, Floss on this subject AG the concert on. Tuesday evening. Taitsooi al and musical m ed JroTuesday evening of thie week, by the Salvation Army, did not taste piece. It will be held at later d'ite, of whieln due notice will be given, Tun Queen Esther practices next week will be held on Thursday and Friday evenings, Good progress is being made, the ladles especially ]raving their parte very well for the time spent is rehearsale, DEPUTY INSPECT= OOoOnLIN was in town on Friday of last week and inspect. ed the town soles, and those belonging to the other virions institutions in the plane. The fees charged are all together too steep and the Government should attend to their modification. AN;ooroscorn.—This interesting 10th century wonder was in town 'for a few days last week and displayed their life like views to large and interested audiences. It is really tnarvelloos how naturally everything is reproduced, the "Blank Diamond" express being one or the hest views. The music by the pbono- graph was good and the entertainment throughout is worthy of public patronage, Tow Rear, Seminar EVENING.—In ad• dition to eddreaees,.by Messrs. Thomp• son, of St. Catharines, and Z'tvitz, of Ontario Agt. College, Guelph, at the Farmers' Inslitnte, vocal se- leolione will be rendered by Aliases Stewart, T. A. Hawking, A. Rosa, and D. Stewart. Mr. Hawkins will also give a recitation and G. F. Blair a short read. Mg. T. Rands will contribute instra• mental mesio. A11 will be welcome, Program begins at 7.30 o'clock. People We Talk About. Barrister Blair was in Goderich on Tuesday. D. Ewan was in Guelph on a bushiest; trip last Tuesday. Mr. Ilagyard, of Manitoba, is visiting llirs. S. Pearson. Aire, Robert Miller, of Wroxeter, is 01111104 old friends in Srussele. I. Kingswood wife and son, of St. Thomas, were visiting in Brussels. Bishop Ward, of London, was in town this week renewing old acquaintances, Harry Velar, of Morris, has taken a position in the store of 3. Ferguson & Co. Wm. Heritage, of Manitoba, was visit. ing his annt, Miss Blakeman, last week. Miss Amanda McCracken has gone to London where she has taken a situation. Rev. J. L. and Mrs, Kerr have gone to Beneait for a holiday visit at the Iietho• dist parsonage. Oaptaiu Sword, ofthe Salvation Arany, was away at Drenthe, attending the funeral of her lather. Mrs. W. A, Ross and daughter, of Fer- gus, are visiting at William Kneohtel's, Elizabeth street, Brussels, Miss Kate Allfn, of Bowmanville, is vieiting at the Methodist parsonage. She is a sister to Rev, Mr, Allita Mrs. 0. E Turnbull, abut!, who has been visiting in town for the past three weeks, returned to Guelph 011 Wednesday. Mrs, A. Hammond, of Portland, Ore• gon, was visiting at Mrs. Jno. Sinclair's Prinoees street, daring the past week, D. A. Lowry, of London, is renewing old friendships in Brussels this week. He has had a busy season in the Forest city, mise Blakeman slipped last week and fell on a pail ebe was parrying, serionely injuring be left side and Cracking some of her ribs. W. W. Harris and wife are at London this week. The former with Robb. Green, are attending the Dairymens' Aesuoiation. Mrs, R. Blair, of Goderich, is visiting G. F. and Mrs. Blair in Brussels. The former with her daughter will shortly remove to Hamilton. D. Stewart, eon of Alex. Stewart, Queen street, has taken a position in a Wingham drug store. He should make a competent hand; James Turnbull, of Wilton & Turnbull, is in Toronto thie week having his die. abled limb treated by a specialist. We hope he will soon be restored to health and vigor. Jas. V. Smith, of Buffalo, N. Y., is here on a holiday visit with relatives and friends. He is wall pleased with hie work in the Bicron pity and says they hustle business there, George Lowry, wife and son oontem plate removing to London in the near future, we understand, intending to make their borne there. We are sorry to lose good citizens. Jonathan Millar, of Goderiob, has par• chased the new Bedford betel from the Masers, Martin, Mr, Miller is a man of remarkable size, weighing about 400 pounds. Ho is a hoot in himself. This week Alfred J. Lowry leaves for St. Thomas where he enters into partnership with Morgan Hatch in botohering busi- ness. Mr. Lowry is an industrious, re- liable man who will do his share properly wherever he is. He has been a resident of Brunets for nearly 21 years and has proven himself a firet•alase citizen. Mrs. Lowry and children will remain in town for a time at tenet, Tint Pose wishes Mr. Lowry 800089s in his new undertaking. o11URC❑ VIIIJIE;'9. Rev. B, Paul will preaoh at Fordwioh next Sabbath. Rev, Mr. (Janette will be 6,1 Luoknow. Melville °heroh choir will sing at Walton Presbyterian tea meeting on the evening of Monday, 31st inst. A Sabbath school and,Epworth League convention will be held in the Methodist ohurob, Brasels, on a date, to be army,. ed in February. The Iligbee Religiose Instruction ex• amination itf OOsnootion with Melville churoli will be hold in tbe Ptinaipal'e room of the Public School on Saturday, Jan. 29111, beginning at 9.80 a, m. Cam didates should come a 799110d with writ. ing material. Mr. Cameron has been appointed presiding examiner. Miseionary anniversary se'mone will be preaobed in the Methodist thumb, Brunelle on Sabbath, 80th inst., by Bov, R. J. Treleevsn, of Brantford. Hs will deliver his papular Nature "Soy So," in the same obatchon the folloseing Morley evening, Me, Treleaven is an exaolleht preacher and his lectures are very highly 20mmended wherever given, JAN. 21, 1898 Communion 80rvia0 in Melville oburoh ou Sabbntb, 8021, that. Go Sueday evening post, ht the Motho. diet ubureh, the pastor will, by request, preach oil the question "Ie it Right to Danes or Pley Cards." 1tev, Il, Rogers, of Blnevele, preaohocl a very praotiaal and interesting disoouree in the Methodist church here last Sala bath morning n -n on Syetematio giving. Next Sabbath ltav, fir,rings' I anhjsots PTI Le, 1. ISS u1uo.,u,g 0,ll,leti/.fire 00,l - mission to the House Beautiful," and in the evening, "The four Beautiful Damson of tbs House:' P.ev. John walker diod in mount Brydgee on Jan, 14tb, in the 75th year of hie age, The deceased was formerly located at Luoknow. Mrs, T. W, II11- deed, of St. Thomas, is a daughter of the doomed. Bev, G. TI, Cobblediok, of the Glencoe Methodist aknroh, formerly of Brussels, has been invited to the Front street Methodist ohurob, Strathroy, et the oloae of the present conference year, He has also been asked to remain at Mimeos, . Last Wednesday evening there were as many mon as there were women at the prayer meeting in Melville cherub. This is worthy of noticing as it so rarely m- ore either fa this or any other chura1,,. Alen are always so busy, you )snow, Rev. Rabt, MCIntyre, of St. Thomas, delivered hie popular leoture, "An Hour with a Scelohman," before a large anthems in Chalmers ohe ob, London,. Monday evening. It was one of the 8elie8 of lectures being given under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid in aid of the organ fund. At the Epworth League last Monday evening Rev. Mr. Ailin gave an address on tilt Leading Doctrines of the Moho. dist church. He stated then as : Belief in the Trinity ; The Inspiration of the Bible ; The Atonement ; Original Sin ; Freedom of Human Wil ; Repentance ; Juetilioation ; Regeneration ; Witness of the Spirit ; Perfection, Lnet Sabbath morning Rev. Mr. Ross' test was Ps. 48;2:—"Beautiful for situ- ation, the joy of the whole earth is Monet Zion, on the aides of the North, the any of the great King," The leading divas. ions were :-1. '1'he Horse which Christ. Tan approached ; a house beautiful :—(1) In its Construction ; (2) In ate Purpose ; (8) In its Situation, 2, Christian's np• preach to the noose :—(1) He reached it by continuing in the Narrow Way ; (2) By resolutely paseiug the Lions. In tbe evening the reverend gentleman followed up the series, his sermon being based on Prov. 25:1$ :—"There is a lion iu the way." Timorous and Mistrust were spoken of with resent to (1) Their Faults ; (2) Their Fears ; (3) Their Flight ; (4) Their Fate. TnE Monroe LIE,—This was the topic Rev. S. J, ,Allis dealt with in a very trenchant manner last Sabbath evening in the Methodist ohurob, His text wee Pray. 19 and 9, "He that speaketh lies shall perish." There are a thousand ways to tell a lie, and they may be divided into many Manes, (1) The society lie ; (2) The lie of habit ; (8) The lie of the perjurer ; (4) The sentimental lie ; (6) The business tie ; (6) The religions lie. Daring the discourse the reverend gentleman reverted to the rumors con- cerning hie ditt o:nee of a previous Sab- bath, and stated that although he had been asked to apologize to a °attain party he had no apology to make, but only held himself responsible for what he stated. He disapproved very s2oongly of sup. porting the city departmental stores, and advised all to make provision for thous dependent on them by lite insurance. It was a vigorous, clear -out sermon and 130 guessing was required as to the les- sons designed to be taught. Melville church annual meeting was held on Tbureday afternoon of this week. Thie congregation occupies a very desir- able position, mo matter from which standpoint you view it, as the following partiouiare, gleaned from the report, will show :—No. of families, 200 ; present membership, 421 ; oolleoted for mission- ary and other [uncle of the ohuroll, 9060,• 03 ; collected by Y. P. S. C. E., 946.88 re0eipts for S. S. work, 9107.38 ; total amount raised by congregation for ordin- ary purposes, 91912.88. They have a balanus in hand of 92206,89, and the only indebtedness is 91,272,16 remaining on the fine etoue manse. The business af- fairs of the congregation are well man- aged, and the pastor and oburoh are to be congratulated on the past year's suc- cess. Names of office bearers &o. ohosen for 1898 will be given in the next issue of TIM PoaT,. Business Locals, Day wood for sale. L 0, Rioharde, Fon fanny rockers go to Jno. \Valker's. Jen received a or of bran. SEE some of Use [B aeker & Vanetone, Jno, Walker's. Ban parlor tables at A saw cutters and sleighs left to be sold cheap, D. Ewan, Brussels. GOOD second hand cutters and sleighs for sale ot D. Ewan's, Brussels. Fon e, ni0e wedding or Christmas present try Walker's furniture store, Fon sale cheap, three set of second- hand single harness. I. 0. Bidlrrds, Taillike and satchels. We have them of all kbnde' I. 0. Richards, We sines nein and durair bly. , r0, ts and Richards, Soo must be rushed off, go bargain hunters should oall early. A, Cousley, Brussels. Matinons, straight roller, or mixed hour and all kinds of feed ea or mill. Terms cash. Tug largest and best selected stock of pietares and picture moulding will be seen at John Walker's, 0normilo at 4 cents per 100 lbs. and good work guaranteed at Roes' mill, Terme cash, Ross and blankets just to hand ; a new stock which we are selling close to cost. I, C. Richards, WALana & Saran oan sell mom work in shorter time, for less money than any shop in town in our trade. Nom ani Walker & Smith. ppers and scissors sharpened and reppaired by Saw Filer McGregor, of Bruceele, Queen st: East. Wily pay agente big prices for organs When you eau buy a 0 octave piano case, oak or walnut from R, Leatherdale for 905.00, Hare at less than bale their value, Underolothing ditto. Collars and ties, away down, A, Oousley, Leckie block, Brnseele. B.00wnulrr stook of Gents' Fueniehinge, Hate and Oafs, :ltealymade Clothing, &c., at your own price at Loolrle'e block, 1 Brussels, Call in. A. Cousley, 8T,N'D4rD I3.4XR' Oz' CANdiad. a..mx,a.a3x...zm same 3,0701. HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO ASSETS, (Seven Million Dollars)97,000,000 CAPITAL (Authorized) , • 92,000,000 Agencies in all principal pointe in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, United States c0 England. ffkrisaszs Rotuma. A General Banking Bueineoa Tranmoted Farmers' Notes Disoonnted. Drafts Issued' and Collections made on all points, SAVINOf8 BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on deposits of 91.00 and upwards from dot of dopoolt to date o withdrawal sad compounded half yearly, SP ROUAL ATTENTION 010105 To THE 0010401102 01' FAn5TEns' SALE N07111, Every facility afforded Customers living at a dle2anoe, ,T. A. STEWART Menem. Tux a pair of our !fair -fated So collars. We guarantee them to w safely. I. C. Riobard A ante wants a plane for Winter house work. Wages very rea5ona Apply at this office. Fon bedroom suites, sideboards, ex tion tables, lounges, parlor suites, pa tables, ouches, and in fact anything be found in a irat•alnes furniture et oall on John Walker, Hearn; purchased a largo and Detected stock of window shades at a rate on the $, I will be prepaed to for the next 60 days at about halt usual price. Jno. Waike Batman On'en5D,—That eligible 11 sore lot situate on the Southern (portion of Turnberry street, Brussels, will be die - posed of below ooet. Very easy terms. Write for particulars to JonN IT'Aaonaa09e, 174 Queen at. West, Toronto, WANTED,—Butter, dried apples, and poultry, Highest • prioes. Largest stook of dry goods, groceries, boots and shoes to select from, G. E. KrNu, Wing- bean, If you are thinking of baying an organ it will pay you to oall on R. Leatherdale before yon buy. Be on save you 26 per cent. Agent for the Bell and Godoriah. Always a big stock on band. f stook for buggies in car loads. This w W,w1noa & SalnTn intend getting illn begood for ourcustonlsrs, as we will get the hest as cheap as small dealers will have to pay for tbe cheapest. Keep blowing. Walker & Smith. GRALUMEATALUMOPPEn: Send us the names and addressee of three or more performers on the piano or organ together with ten oeute in silver and we will melt you ten pieces full sheet muni°, consisting ch of popular songs, waltzes, mares, eto., arranged for the piano and organ, Ad- dress, POPuLAn MUSIC PUB. Go., Indian- apolis, Ind. e etch m=n_ ork Coroner,—In New York city, on Satur• 5. day, January 151h, Harry Murray at Connecta aged 80 years and 4 ble, menthe, Dloasoi,—In Grey, on Thursday, Jan. ten- 20111, Elias Dickson, aged 58 yoreilei and 0 Months, to Fortnum—Lf Morris, on January 18111, ore, James Lbrreet, aged 80 years, 2 mouths and 21 days, well DIO1r5ON,—At his late residence, "Glade - low wood," Seaforth, on Saturday, sell January 15th, John Turnbull Mak- son, aged 70 years. r, all A7J'CT20a. 13A2.37- FRIDAY, Jan. 210,—Farm stook, imple. menta, 80. Lot 10, con. A, Mulberry. Sale unreserved, at 1 p. m., sharp. Thos. Pope, Prop., P. S. Scott, Alis. • Tucn».ty, Feb. lst.—Farm stook, im- o. lot MoKillop.& Sale unresrth erved,0at 1. p. md. J. M. Govenlook, Prop., F. S. Scott, Am. MIDLAND Bonn GALsOORNIA EXCURSIONS. —Via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway to Los Angeles and other points in Southern California, These popular every Saturday California excur- sions for both first and second class ,pas - Gangers are "personally ogQppductedby intelligent, competent ani oourtoous "couriers," who will attend to the wants of all passengers en route. This is an entirely new feature of tourist oar service and will be greatly appreciated by fami• lies or parties of friends travelling to. gather, or by ladies travelling alone. The Midland Route Tourist Cars are upholst, ered sleeping care and are supplied with all the aooeesoriee necessary to,malie the journey comfortable and pleasant, and the sleeping berth rate is but $6.00 (for two persona) from Chicago to California, Ask the nearest ticket agent for a tourist car "folder," giving oomplete information about the Midland Route, or address "Eastern Manager Midland Route," No. 9e Adams street, Chicago, 111„ or. A. J. Taylor, Canadian Passenger Agent, To. route, Ont. 26-2 moa. 518,10 els Scheel hoard. The first meeting of the Public School Board for 1898 washeld in the Council Chamber on Wedueeday evening of this week, ps per Statute, with A. Konig, D. C. Ross, J. G. Skene and A. Causley present, Moved by A. Koenig, seconded by J. G. Stene that D, 0. Ross be Chairman for 1808. Carried. The Board then met for general buei- nese, with all present except Jae. Turn. bull, A communication from J. A. Creighton was read re increasing the 1Osurpn05 on the sobool, and it was moved by A. Koenig, emended by J. G. Skene that it be laid over till next regular meeting. Carried. Moved by A. Coseley, seconded by J. G. Skene that the Board proeire maps and tablets necessary for the school. Oarried, The following eppiioatiooe for the poi - tion of oaretalter were opened and read John Putiland, 9176 per annum ; Wm, Wilton, 960 per annum ; R. T. liingeton, 9144 per annual ; Jos, Muth, 990 per annum ; Mrs. C. Mitchell, $120 per annum ; Jos. Cooper, 9102 per annum Robb, Burns, $144 per annum ; Juo, Conley, 9120 per annum ; - Angus Campbell, 9144 per annum ; Mrs. Jno. Lott, 9127 per annual. Moved by W. F. Vanstole, seconded by A. Ooueloy that the application of Mr. Mure be accepted, Carried. An application from Richard Stevens came to hand too late for the meeting, Ste offered to do all the work for 910.00 par moot11, Board then adjourned, AL0o0R.—In Grey, on January 14111, the wire of Mr. R. B. Al000k, of a eon. Bonnag—In Wingham, on Thursday, Jan, 180,, the wife of Me, J. 5, Bor. den of a daughter, Boomts,—In Listowel, m1 Jan, 10th, the wife of Mr. Berry Boguee, of a 8019. I3Ay.—In Liotowel, on Jan, 102h, the wife of Mr. W. J'. Hay, of a soh' MA1.S.MOSODOz, ..• DAVIDSON-1WI VETy,—Ab the residence of the bride�sfather, on January 12th, by hew, W. J. West, M, A., Mr, 4Valter S. Davideon, of Wroxeter, to Mice Jane, daughter of Mr. John MoVety, Moerfs, Lownt—SoAnra.—On the 18th inst., by Env, S, J, A11in, at the family reel. deiloe of the bride, in the townohlp of Morris, Mr. William Lowry, of London, Oat,, to Miss Minnie, daughter of Mr, Janne Sharpe, MIR Lti0101Z.8 StrAR ETB, Fall Wheat Barley. Peas Oats Butter, tube and rolls ,.. Eggs per dozen .., Flour per barrel Potatoes (per bag) Say per ton Hideo trimmed....,., Hides rough Salt per bbl., retail Sheep ekine, each Lamb shins eaoh Hogs, Live Dressed Hoge Apples (per bag) ...... • • 80 28 60 24 18 18 4 00 (30 4 00 6 5 1 00 40 25 5 00 5 00 50 81 25 51 25 14 14 4 60 60 5 00 8 7 60 40 25 5 00 6 00 - 50 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. MONEY TO LOAN AT 5 PER cont. F. S. SCOTT, Braesels, I HAVE LOTS OF MONEY TO lond on mortgage at 5 per cont. yearly. A. HUNTER, Brussels. DRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN.— iOTrugi1security. TnS1'ble11ns House, - HURON 00UNTY COUNCIL. �Tbe Donnell of the Corporation of rho County of Huron will inoeb 3n the Court Boom 311 the Tewa of Goderich, on the 25th hist„ at 3 o'clock p, m. Dated January 10,'08 M. LANF„27 3 rlr. ANNUAL MEETING. Driv- ing Pearr'rkA Assocnual iation forMooting of he election of0011- oars, the receiving of the ;report of 15e Dtr- actors for the past year and soon other bust - nese as may be lawfully brought before the meeting will be hold at the pmerioan Hotel on Wednesday evening, January 28111, 1608,. at 8 o'clock, _ F. S. SCOTT, Secretary, OUSE AND LOT F01 SALE. Tho undersigned offers Lis comfort. able house and i, acre of land, Moro or loss, situate Corner of Queen and Albert Streets, Brussels, for sale. A11 the convonlouaes, such as good cellar, woodshed, 000)1 fruit trees, 80, For particulars 'as to. prioe and terms apply to G100RGE LOWBY, Proprietor, 29.00 Brussels P, 0, . THE . Prince eAlbert Route is the Shortest, Oheapost and Safest TO THE KlQNDEE MD ma FREE PAMPHLETS WITII 1ltAPS sent on application to the Secretary, Prince Albert Board of Tracie, Prince Albert, Saskatche- wan, Canada. COMING! Qaa15NG l 000915132,5 T. P. 8181111, 001097(010 EYE SPECIALIST Graduate New York, Philadelphia, and Toronto Optical Colleges, Call early and avail yourself of hit valuable 0000300s, as thisis a rare opportunity to have your eyes proper- ly tested, free of Charge. No guess work but a scientific certainty. Diff1, cult One accurately fitted. .64 . 801o1( GUA11AN0EED, lral-I love• cell at nos veto honors, --WILL 1311 AT--- Fok's Drug Store B1WSSELS, ONE' DAYIli O LY; 'edne day, dant 29,'99 atereeteteeterte Just :vcoeiveft. We fire Menem to announce that the now iisic Ethli-ei (REDUCED SIZE) —or T11E— Presbferia � n Book of Praise is now to hand and at the fol. lowing prices :— Cloth Cloth sides, Loather back, 90c.. They aro exceptionally good values. See them AT Po 'S Mins St9rr g Notice to Creditors. Notice 1s hereby given,.pursuant to R. S, 0, Chap, 110 and amending Aots. that all 11er00ne having alabns against the estate of John tl2 Couunty oft of the Township deceased, who died on or about the 14th day of Damn - ben, 1807, are required to Ale and deliver un- to rho endersigued, at Brvesols P, 0„ on or before theist day of February. 1808, a full statement and particulars of their claims and the nature of the security (if any) held men them, date the and 1wi11s proceed to dlet.ibute the estate among those egtttl- edtheroto, having regard only to well olaims of which notice shall thou have been received. A, HUNTER, Dated at Brussels, Jan,, 10u0988.fExecute?s. Cook's Cotton Boot Compound 12 Is enoeeeefully used monthly by over tP 10,000Ladiea. Safe, effectual- Lltdfee ask your druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Com. pound. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and lmitatinns are dangerous. Prise, Mo. 1, $1 per box; No, 0,10 degrees stronger, $8 per box. No. 1 or 2, mailed ea receipt of price and two it -cent stamps` The Cook Compapy;Wtndsor,Ont, PSP"Nos, 1 and 2 sold and recommended by all reepone1bleDrugglete in Canada. Noe. 1 and 2 sold in Brussels by Druggist poolieelllleer O titian. REAL ESTATE. .ARMS FOR SALE.—THE UN- ealo aadto rent, easy tarma Ind Tawn efor nn of Morrie and Grey. 1r 8. Sb OTT,Brusaele /'i OOD PARK FOR SALE 7f near Brussels. Great bargain, Lot 7, Con. 0, Grey township. Good buildings ams dairyardfarminl gate Possessionefgiven nest March, with privilege of doing Fall plolving, Apply HE Publishing Louder Wast. • I.(4ABM F01 SALE OR TO InsNT,—Tho luudersigned offers his ellgiblo 04 acre "farm for sale or to rent, being South pati of Lot 6, Colinas. cion 12, Grey. Alt tinder cultivation, well watered and well famed. 'Tboreie a good stone louse, bank barn, orchard, wells, &m„ on the premises. Also -a eplepdid atone -quarry from which a mod revenue ie realis- ed. y 25 miles from Brussels. Tonne. For further particulars as to price, &o., apt ly to 3O:\ MITCHELL, Proprietor, 35.11 Brussels P. 0. FAR NI FOR SALE. -150 AORE S Consisting of the South 5 and Bonn. 8 of the North k of Lot 80, Oen 2, float Wawa - nosh. This is an excellent stook farm,ioeing well supplied with good spring water, Itis situated about 3 miloe from the thriving Vil. lage of Blyth. A largepart of it ander grass. Buildings and fences are in afair state of ran sir, !easy terms of payment will be given, For all information apply to 11.50 - G. Ti, BLAIR, Barrister, Brussels, GOOD FAR1bIS FOR SALE. -- The undersigned offer two 109 acre farms for sale et reasonable prices. The lots MMaeroal betweenith m.l Good brick (Sunshine), and barn cm lot 11, and house and 2 barns on lot 10. Orchards and all tneoassary 0on000. foveae. Well wate'od and wettable for grain Or grazing, 100 acres now in grass, will be sold either separate or together to suit pus ohaser, Terms of payment reasonable. Im- mediate poeseselou, For further partloolm'e apply to JOSEPH CL)OGG, Brnseel5, B. 0,, or 13. L, DICIi;10(8011, Barrister, Wingham, 25.4 MEDICAL CARDS. E. T. SNIDER, M. D„ 0. M„ sueeesso0 to Dr, A, M011olvoy, Licentiate of Royal College of Pliyeteiaue and 8argeons, Megaton ; Member of the Col• legge of Phyeialana and Ourggeous of Ontario, Diocese,) of women aid eltiidtvin a apeeialty, blight years' oxporionoe, ts'00ice and res- idouno that formerly occupied by Dr. tee - Reeve y, Turnberry street,nruenels, 25- J. A. M'NAUCUH I ON, nf. L„ 0, M„ Trinity University Fellow Trin- ity Medical College, Member d'olloge of P.hy- &clans and 8argeone,Ont. Licentiate of the Royal College 01 Phyetclais and Lieeutlate of Midwifery, fldnbargk. 2 Telephone No.14, Residence, Mill0t„ 18rueeels. ®ell. F. H. K!tLSFLE 5 Jai, r'HOIIOOAN, 8011011017 AND 010000011E010, SU000SSOR TO OR. W. GRAHAM* BRUSSELS, - ONTARIO, 1st Olees donor Graduate of the Univerai. Mee of Trinity (Toronto) (Jneen'e (I{inggatoo) and OfTrinity Medical (Tobago; Fellow ot Trinity Medical College and membee of the tlolloge of Physicians and t;uigeone 05 Ont e, lo... Pbet. Graduate 'Course in Detroit ted ,pbl'eago 1800. Spnofal attention paid to die„ oases of'flyo, 18ar,Nose and Throat, and die, 20000 of WOnnan, f8"Ooosultation lu .Ling• lisp and Gorinau, telephone at resldouoo, VETERINARY, rT n. D. WAItWICKK, Boner Graduate of the Ontario Votorinnr7 College. 10 prepared 20 treat an Matnsee of damo0tieatod animals In a omit potent manney, Part:mter attention paid to oitlgono011on'D10rmaoy1L,00 0 north 0 bridlge„ll urnbarry 0t., Xis:urema ht,