HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-1-21, Page 6a I 11 _ .__w __ __. _..-______..__.._...____ ___ ._ _.. -_.____ _____. - .__.. _-_- .. __.­-_ Ct'.nleat ane In the househOld had its �t y ' (tatued its great prominance because i HOUSEHOLD. littlq gift for the brother or sister, and H A:. AL Q 1 1 o bas been recouunsnded b;111 y tile W e adioa. �•••u many were the kind wishes and every- _ _ profession as It a0ITTezli°nt and pl°as MACARONI 1N VAR1LT•Y. one was merry rill. the while. UNUSED •,, Wit itiethod of redoeing Lila size of til Ni.t;rD L�.AlaxlxG, The 1iCtle gtkLv made by loving ]Lauds :tad hips; and a regular course 'Me wise housewife who lives along or bought with pennies saved, and for Who learns, but sets not what he knows of tulllst:hanins In' tbo mornings w•111 can hays from market lays in a goodly sup- which many a shoriflea was mode, be- is one who ploughs but never sows, dues to kealr clown superfluous rat, I Ply of, macaroni for winter use. It came doubly dear to the renipient, for __, is not noceasary to over -exert who kee s well, especially if is of agood she know what they had cant hNt' Boar. C ilk; OF '11,10; PAOE. Practising the air degre they shoal p 1 y i a(lss. � be begun hY slaw degrees, unliR th lrrwn,d, In buying macaroni it iswell A birtholay had, tau,asortof holiday A very ivapoilant matter to preservo.most; severe exercises can lie att°intlt to d e - air Ott, un+l LhO c. I m �': h al. l l. aboiL t , l t firs fate the nus las ft, became embe' t the LovitS G n the t n and flesh ocow r that a ei place, a youthful rI � t' f the skill ivy u a cuter t a t w 3 dt hard r br akf� vt. b was d v- t uu l fir 11 a .t table i u ahva's made tea- m. h woman finds tp+ onai aril Chile 3 ra it6,h better than the bleached tive with flowers and the company to keep its glands acting in it, healthy, that: the caliwAhoancs ax° doing her good g�'ay-irhila. Macaroni can I:o ecuked china, 'Ube gifts were p,lacod there, if way., There are two lists of •glands in she should not di eorilinu'a !:hent, bu in so nasny deliclous ways, and is re- passible, and evoryunu had a smile at the skin of the face' login that of other do tees of them by degrees, until she, 11811011 almost by everybody, especial- welcome for the one for whom this parts of Lha body, which serve to carry: just goes through a Pew of the simple 0rx;yakaring winter: when vegetables are, I was dime, lvar room, her who door ba ns k°guardedwithin Off dmpur•it.fes from the body, and Pur- motile r'uzesultto ing eely promfhe •tile formol 0010,4 Although it cannot take the I a sentinel -a small brother or sister. ify the blood, These are the perspire- premises, g P x m Place of vegetables, still it is a hour- f Then came the examination of the gifts, tory glands from which ere lose daily . `hilst the calisthenic exervises core isiiing food and is a pleasant addition I the thanks, the laughter and the break- p, large amount. of dirty water euntain- I roll°wed, the diol roust also lie cure Lo any meat depending of course up-' fast. This was always somewhat bet- • 111 ! fully regulated, '.Ube late bit. W\ illiam I ter than usual or else everyone enjoyed Ing waste and strata matters, an' a 113anLtng gave the following direction. Oil 12Ow it is prepared. A pound of ; it moria. Hots eagerly the little folks sobaresous or oil glands, .If the perspir upon this Important point: For break - macaroni does not seem much nor I !wail ran errands and how anxious story gla ydis are not acting in a Prover; fast:, four' or five ounces of any kind they • we 'e to h o c a I• z kelt her throughout the f cold n h a b " i pled 3 nae'. except o• tl two p, but rt t will be is tom 1 g, way, the courplexion becomes muddy, , • 1, pork, an Be - that when cooked it swells toalmost entire day! It seem a phby that euia11 0 ]Is of tea without mills or Be - four times its bulk itis a,,t expensive birtbdays may not always he remain- and Lha skin looks thick anal dull. If gar; no broad, but biscuit or dry toast after all. In cooking acaronp it tiered in such a happy fashion• the oil glands corse acting in a proper instead. For dinner, six ounces of the III ever Ito r especially r should he and me, and e ec all where a usual l'OLLPS n - put into hoilir,t ::td(l, Y P y way, the skin is apt to look reasy, I ea r fish, meat, nkat, rego l g a email tablespoonful OE s( ". •'.c.3ed to there are children, it is an enjoyable and the puna seems always dirt•Y, while' tables may tin eaten, provided that sal - each quart of water, It roqu:: w,s -�r,out day for them, Because the gifts must. Y , mon, pork, and potatoes are carefully an hour to slowlyroil that s i•loh net'essarily be insignificant, or because very often the mouths at the oil glands, avoided; comes In lar Pie, little and laQor may be large pipes. The fine eau- it may take an hour lir ewe of time is become choked. with hardened matter, I Laken, and a little claret or sherry. crani, or tba,t cut up Ln fancy ehapes, no reason witty the birthday oC each and a little dirt atic+king on the, fall I Part. ivine, champagne, and beer are is not the Inst for ordinary use. When member Ln the family ,should not besot ' not to be drunk, ,In tea, milk or sugar cooking the macaroni it should ,Llw•ays apart to be remembered over after of this anuses wltwt is called ablank-' mueL lie avoided, and broad must not be well covered with water. When it will, joy, It is a sweet custom, but head, The secretion continues to pourI ]le eaten at that meat. For supper take Yields to pressure between the fin- Chis busy It life seems to stamp into the gland, which became s still fur-! I.hree, or four ounces of a uteat. or fish ers i is a lie nut titan of these old -tame holidays, I that ' p t drone. er should then Y y th0r distended, and pressing vu the sur- tis not forbidden, and drink claret placed in a colander to drain and af- for which everyone would be Ina It i again. Some whiskey, gin, or hiandy terwards covered with cold water until better off in keeping fresh in the mem- rounding tiny blood vessels, sets aro i may he taken before going to had, but ready to prepare fn some of its vari- Dry, inflammation which culminates in a i ill all cases it must be without the ous guises. The chli!ren are proud to remember crimple, This very ,oft so hursts aud,, additon Of sugar, The best known dish made from this I mother's aa,d father's birthdays. The leaves a scar. ' If' this regime with exeri!!as is (tare - article is "macaroni and cheese," Be- motley array of odd presents they I futl> followed for some time it should fore boiling the macaroni for thisdish Ixontetlr_es bring are hoarded by fond If the skin is acting, and the diges-,i eat fail to benefit a woman who is break itup into small piecesaadbuil I (''iethts, and as blme slips by the old tion is good, this unfortunate train of: stout; that is, of course, if site be not u'n'til.tander, Drain and set aside un- I memories still cling around these Circumstances cannot tuke place, and' too old or too settled. in' her stoutness til wanted. Put s good sized lump of , precious things, Lite years roll back and the skin appears fresh and clear. In to make a remedy p:ossiblc. Of any rlls- butter in the hot tom of a pudding dish ,tae children are anee mora there• ease the doctors will say it cannot be allo v t one of torcelain or melt. Piave anlayer of mala ; birthdays, noI'lle boys mattergirlsshould osimple ilia I doesave Order of have B4O; 4 to pass off readily, �Oa cared when it has conLiuuod for tawny aroni an inch thick in the dish. S rin- home or celeliratioaa may he. It psi • years, . n I Tu ••'c and 'Turkish batt, is of great service, a6 g el - metht • w v n hie is -.i i• kla with hen. d dash b Choir own. et with dr, grated c se tin a I g n. y of salt and el. r and a few hits of no happiness in it without the good those who take Turkish baths regular - p Ila OCEAN AND THH WEATHER. bullar. Then put in another layer of wishes of all who are dear to them, ly, say once a fortnight, find that the a the macargnt, cheese, etc„ until all the -- appearance of the skin improves vastly, annance or Ilea Foc•caar nn twice Totter as macaroni is used. Put no cheese on r-ROGRESSIVE PENNY ]3UN'f. the skin of the body becomes whiter ItaooNant. Topie. top, but use butter instead. Add afew I sP�ndula of milk and hake until a , From four to five tables make agood- � and smoother, noel that of the fare Not' the least remarkable mild im- golden browa on top. Roll a napikin' IY number, six at a table, However', { more healthfully and beautifully tint- I portant of Clio researches that are novw around the dish and piece it upon the one can have as many tables as they I ed. In cases where, owing perhaps to . being -conducted by solentiflo men the table. Ichouse. 'I here should be. three gentle- weakness of the heart, or to distance world over are those of Prof. Otto E" Cream good is mea tabu all gra- I men and three ladies at each table. A I from a Turkish bath, these cannot be Fetterman, in association with the tin. Cream together a talrlespooniul I } each of butter and flour Ln a saucepan ; Penny for each table. !lands all un- had, it is a good plan, ones or twice a I labours of Swedish, Norwegian, Ger- then add a pint of cream. Cook un-' der the table; Ona gentleman as captain week to have an extremely hot bath In , man, Danish and British oceanograph- t l the cream thickens, then season starts with t h tae nn i i ere o in li n Penny ¢ 1 an n the d k •i s0 relation ne batter closing he « ndoir n existi between the oom, 1 existing 1 g :i t. e ' w 1 and (1 ill ) t n - h Pepper salt. Add a ea t PP ¢ I yollt of an egg and remove at once from passes LC slang; when he says 'bunds :that the shea.m may be retained, and � the surface temperature of the sea and the fire. Place a lump of butter in a up on table,' every band is piaced on ;to sit in the steam, perspiring (reply' atmov heric disturbances. This is and gently rubbing the face, neck ant! P i:aking i. then a layer of evoked the tab!° with closed fists, Everyone lie ; arms with the palms of the hands. fort -;shown to be, most intimate as oven mazaroni. Four over it same of the mint feign co a penny. as though . ; able Turkish baLha may also be bought a comparative) insignificant change sauce; then add more macaroni and or she bald the penny. The rapiuizt i Y g Y 6 6 sauce until full. Meltfive tablespoon- gazes at each, and finally de,•idwt filen by those lvbo livef in the country. ]n of temperature in the surface waters, fins of grated ah°eau with one of but- the one he thiulw has it. If coils upon some cases, however, woman are not whether in the (tpivard or in the dovn- ter, Cover the top of the macaronL this une "open your hand;' he. orshe ;strung enough to stand the fatigue oPj such )rattle as this, which should Lake Lake, scala, affects the overlaying air with some crisp bread crumbs and a-!:.. ' 1%hich hand?" and he mush state t about an hour, and if so the face alone' columns in a Must marked mannor-to Pour the melted cheese over all. Brown e;L'eer the right or the left; if the anew be steamed over a saucepan of hot the extent ,indeed, of g y In a quick oven. pe"LiY is not discovered in thr ]rand I pmoduchi a - A nice breakfast or lunch dish is mentioned. then he or she "goes up" water,, or, better still, with one t,4 t.be' clonic movements. From a large all stewed macaroni. Cook until tender, to the second taLle, and the One at the I poriseis said specially for this pun'- her of observations made, in' Partinuln- ar spo drain. Cream together t table- second table tvhu is caught takes her Pose.When perspiration has gone on for a , cases ,and from Liza still rmore im- snoonful of butter with one of flour or his ptae. And sn the game goes I ua Ler of t hour or tevent minutes, I portent la a and.add a I.ittla milk, salt and a dash, on; those who are fortunate to reach ' q r rya y t n no pperiod averages of data DE pepper. Add the macaroni cut up the fifth tai,le re'Vive first prizes; and'. any blackheads that aro visible should' obl.ained,at Danish, Norwegian, Swed fine. u.l allow it to boil up until thick, a Leahy prize or prizes to any one who be squeezed out between the finger . fsh and, British coast stations, It its �:•ry Macaroni with oysters is does not get beyond the first table , nails, or picked out with a darning nee- established almost conclusively that liked ?! any. Foil half a pound of or those tt•ho '-onus, down and cannot i tile. 'then the fame should be dried. and y the ma-arOnd until tender. Drain and get Lack or higher. gently rubbed over with the hands.'ivhere warm oceanic water has from dlvidn it equally, Place half of it in _ ! and finally an astringent .lotion, such anY cause been brought into Lhe North a well buttered pudding dish. Add to TO DIAIid•1 FLOOR RUGS, as equal parts of eau -de -Cologne, and sea of Wts Baltic in specially large, this one pint of oysters and their Ii- I i rose-water, should be dabbed all over Y quor. Cover with bits of butter and Gid ingrain carpet, even when bad-! it'. Tf that lotion makes the skin too nnantiLies in auttunn, Clue weather oll season with salt and Pepper. Add the ly worn makes lovely rags if the work ',sore, a teaspoonful of simple tincture the following winter has been marked remainder of the macaroni. Beat two is property done. The piares of carpet of benzoin in hair n. Pint of elderflaw- I by an unusually large eggs thoroughly and add a pint of er water shouid be used for this pur-I milk. Four over the masaront and should be thoroughly cleaned anti then ' pose, ° NUDWER Or CYCLONES, cover the top with cracker crumbs, out crosswise of the breadt b in strips I The method of washing the face dallY and aaccon lanying milli weather. Place in the oven and bake until one and one-quarter inches wide. 'Che is of great importance, as even if one If, on the contras there is a sur - brown, only washes it twice a day, the opera- Y. �- I strips are then raveLed on each edge by I tion has to by gone through some sev- Plusag0 Of cold fresh waLer•, brought RECIPES, drawing out the threads lengthwise, ' an hundred times in the course of a down by Ira streams of the land and until only four or Iive era left in the ; Year, ,wind this would naturally greatly distributed over the sea surface, then Rich Plain Cake. -For or a large Laze center. As fast as finished they are affect it for good or evil, Highly -scent- a Isar c take ane and one-half pounds each of tewm tike carpet rags, and wound in ad and liighly-colored soaps should be d, old ivint,sr, characteristic of currants, and the same of flour, Leat loose l alts not more than a pound in avoided, and one which gives a soft. anti-oycolnic conditions, follows with three quarter pound af. butter t° a weight, tar th4 convenience of the lather a -ad does not cause any feeling at a displaeemenL• westward of the true weaver, Al:out two poundal are re- irritation is the best.:fhe soap should be gy0lomoc movement. .Tile warm win - cream; wMak fifteen eggs Ln a pan, quired for weaving each yard of rug well rubbed into the face with a clean ter of 1894 was orecodad and accom- t Dff i it tivent even inches r flannel. and then la el the sat t over the fire, eddin o a hes wi b piece o inane , a h n one Y de, the amount Piece g a h ilei h• t u•, depending ole clean wa- P presence of est uan- ed a illi s i f l of abs tel 3 the v pound nt powdered sugar, still whisk- pe ng omewhat on the ' in a bus n u Y I q Ing all the time. When warm, take weight of t11i_ carpet in its original ter, so that every particle of sgnpmay Cities of warm oeeanto water In the. the pan off, best go, on whisking till slate. When completed the rugs are ' be removed. After thoroughly bathing, North soft; during the intensely cold the mixture is cold• after which mix exa^tly alike on both sides, and as the face should be dried with a Turkish winter ml the following Yaar, 169„ on in the butter Uteri the currants; Work thick and soft to stop on its a tied of bowel, and then, if the slain lie coarse rte other hand, the southern Part of into this one-half pound of candied or- moss. Any kind of color of carpet sn,} thick, it any Ile rubbed with a Che North San was entirely filled with ange. citron and lemon peal eat fine; can Le used azld evcu a variety of col- routrh towel, hut. if the skin Ls at all fresh cold waters, chiefly derived from ane -half ounce of bitter almonds, ors, snaking the (*his" "hit, and miss" I aen$i,iie, a very soft towel should he the lailtl, blanched anti beaten to a past- with and having a border of cont.rnkting used• and the Pace finally well rubbed, 'Ilia imporLance of these obaerve,tions I car r a r e. u! ilea (inch end. I v.�• ld v.• iriClz piece <r ch mois 1¢ath r ca u not, d- over a a nnoL• b a l B overstated, oh sifted a two n °rata od and while mu inch of a sugar: i ounces Of lip g vises to with soft 0 one maks one of col Gentle friction to i.ho face i t st. svveei: almonds l;lamc•,hed and sliced Y for , u !e I 3 remains to be accomplished be- i . Lengthwise; one-half ounce of pound warp carpet, as they are not nearly leather, or, batter still, wth the fin- fore extensive praoLical use can be I ad mato and cinnamon, one quarter as handsome or as satisfactory in any ger tins, when clean, tends to remove made nE Lhem, or perhaps earn a I pint of Co rarna bro.nrly or ot:ber pi- I vvay. linss and Prevent the formation of hypothesis established or proved, !there quer. Work well together for half as I '^^a•-•--•-- wrinkles. If lines have formed the is reason to believe v1+iLh Mrs. Dick, blazer, bake from two to three hours, THE LOVER'S QUARREL. skin should be rubbed in it direction is reason to believe with bars. Dick - take it out, let the oven cool, aad put I contrary to their length, as for ex- son, who has rdviewad the ovidence, ice In for a few moments t dry; ! Tile remarkable thin about pavers' ample if there are vertical lines be- Chat: before long a limited. number of the Oaks ody, g I g Ice and ornament, i quarrels generally is that they are tween the two eyebrows, they should observations, judiciously selected as to be rubbed front site to side; if there time and Place, will enable us to fore - One -Egg Cake. -The one cup of all-' about nothing. Asir either Party ruby • they ax•e straight lions ad'.1'Oaa the forehead, , east vvfLb confidence not the weather gar and a half cup of butter in rx cake hey began, find, they won't be able t. should lie rubbed down front Clic for a to tell You. they u e day or a few clays, lauh the gen- bovl; beat 1.,is to a Bream with a buil. to the root of the nose and back' oral character of a season, whether wooden spoon; nest add one fresh egg The methacl of a lovers' quarrel is be I B 'rattler quaint. too. Half the tomo it agn.I : _- poossiblyLealso Lv ather(lthe summer is I and stir it in well; then pour in a begins almcrs,. in jest; they feel an con- aupfui of milk; sift twos cupfuls of flour fidenit of their affection for each other HINTS FOft STOUT 1V0114EN. 1:t, bo `� ET 0 i . -in anatlter dish. mix thrpliglt that they can afford to spar and hits One thing thaL an average matron r R WARM. It three teaspoonfuls or baking paw- like two young Cigar culls, who only Arrangements are now being com- der and then stir the flour through make a preienve cif real violence, greatly dreads is that she map grow pleled for ma-Idug a most extended aer- g But by-and-by a scratch or a hits " fat." Certainly an undue amount. of ies of observations Ln different parts Of 1 the milk, butter' and sugar. Grate to harder than the rest draws blood; they I avoirdupois tissue aloes detract, in a I the Norte Atlantic (hiring 1898. As a very little nutmeg, or, if preferred, , are up in fury in a moment, they full nlsaaure, from feminine be¢ut and evidence of the interest Chat Is being flavor the in stare with a teaspoonful to in grim earnest, anci, not Llll LIIu,v' Y' fallen in these researches, and of the P h r notsurprisingt v- . i L is L o °fora hat, vo i t m a . have wounded such a iImportance . f lemon n vanilla extract, or an need i ther sn t, ttez'lI co that to attached to m o r a y, yI, o them, flavoring One may ohs,ovc: Line a cake that there's errheal iug it de tbcy rea- mail so afflicted often gob morbid on I it might, he stated that in a period pan with thin brown or white paper, lize t:bat the. play is raaltt after all. Clio subject, andthinlr themselves more of ten monl:lls of the years 1895-98 up - b^ ..e n 'There is aperversenessy ivard of 199 wap ail red an h 1 b sides. Put 1.118 h e about lovers' 0 samples of. surface wafer, lI i a nr, than they al- I u n am n a era e a re g Y Tp Y m t c,st of ' i the , uarrelat a cult s r;• the a 1 cake duo b n h an and }:oleo it that re ur a sus un ti,iu r I e redact brought together g [ n I 0 Y 6 1 are, t g ga in .a, moderate men: it, will iia dune also. They will ivfthJrt>IL1 furgivent>rss Y gratuitously by natrtains and other of- ItI when ,van can thrust a broom splint just for the sake or I:eirog further (in- . is a curious CaeL that, a about, tivo- finers al vassals interested in the work, in the cake and it Oomes Out. without; treated; they will hold out the longer 'than rarely gets an sympathy In her hall been tranamitted to fret. Patters - any of the dough Ktioking to it., Let Lhe morel they want to give in, It Ls y g y Y son for examination and analysts. The Patters- : ltlfsfortums ; there is a sort of fooling science of Ocean the take stand in the pan a. few ntfrl- I only after it is to late to ill) any good grapnhy seems likely utas after you take ft from C,he oven; that they begin to he e,orry, anti, then extant that 8118 *is stoup; because she to enter upon a new field of useful - i Chon'carefully turn il, out; on a folded ; they, spewl their time regretting what likes to he so, and because, she Indulges nos$, and it in with good reason that napkin and lot U n.imain on the cloth' was entirely their Own fault:. herself too much, and the rosutl: is scientists are loudly advocating In its till cool.. Thera is a peri[. in this kind of III- c t behalf. the study of Ilia entire Oceania version. The sluing that k ftll,yed too Chat she gets jeered Lt , This is very surface, but especially hats part of it A BIRTH AY. oPtsar (,Ives way a,t last:, gireirit finds regre(able and unkind, for no wom- which in Cls varying conditions Is as 1) et, 7 . after • t e. Civ v cost. h ! 1 }i a Noe. i:I ( known t. ill ill uu, T n v n lir and 'hfa rrds hat Y n u w 1 ties 1 t Y wants ,O 1 stoat i n n. wan I a f she ca,u help W ,. ] n n L . Whitt pleasant treallci h as N otos i th- e abr P t , peaceful ,c n t,1 nvBro re, d, til lrvnmaking bras ht:rome is Arctic and Amiartio tracks. ft, 'Cate, era does eat always know the _ _ ' day brings Co many a man lir woman axOessivolY 1:nrno; anci, as for Chrirlea, ----�► I grown old and gray and who has pro- lie has acquired. such a praCound hal,it right, way to combat the first approach IT PAYS TO D0 IT, TOO, A of faull-finolfng and nut;'!;ing, Hutt. he of, atotness; which isunfortunatc, fpr I bh.bly for years never hail Lime to giv,° There isn't a man living that ,you In huslr(nzls. Artar all, if the lore- It taken in time., t,her° is no reason why can't honestly compliment; aboutsome•• it but as passing thought, In their matting tilat far wil.boalt Its quarrels Is rorpulenoe should not; be coccal as r,P- thing, childhood's home went a happy thing it dull, it Ls, wil:hrrat doubt-,, the CBctively as any other dtsaasn. a bdrt11{iay waol' )for weeks before INCONV•1lNIENT, there had been sit -ret rinnnin s ,Vita advertized preparations which t g 111,11 Ir'1.GOR11, aro designed in rnrt ify slotitnass should Whith fa the inat.tdr, oltl ma -ill You and whisperih,+s lotbl; ecu other mem- Imok d1geourngircl, Y,y' s%' Otc.hLer tea Arabella Johne- Iso regarded with a great mNasure DP I am, I ex "ted shine money, and hers of the Iamidy, s.nd when nA datsi; the r j gIK 1 y. itch rpt tie fl ah ci tit on do ice. suc ii fon. It is exercise. and careful i. sr,'inf. it fiasfove T of it,•, eventful d7Y a.'^i vod,' what surprises Pooh 1 I know a gal what. kin out Yo' dieting Cont pro(luce Lhe best (rttrei, YNO g swatted thi, fir,•tili,nat° oaal Phan the 'lobbe:n fah.ty-foahl Tho molern craze for cyallng has at- Well, I' dfdrn'C. ga ILI JAN. �U1, Vgl#8 t AURIV�+�J�`�vVl.JCi AL employ fav Clio manufacture of butter,( CHURCH-QUING HOf,a1,TY, At tills seasoni ad.' the year the cows oat, I --^•'• , "`^"-` �' glow tilt, /frowned Heads or Cavoloc Sprawl e mor+e or loss frozen grass, w•hioh net- ° BUILDING Ula A WORN OUT FARM, tae Hhtbuntt+. orally toads to give the rillk a bitter ,Vhetu two consider that about 25 per flavor, wild thda in turn islmparled into , It ls,so'tiulural to Chink tie the "C'un t nkat QC the baltubitaut , of the civilized the hu to • s I.rleutal Sunday" ai a c;dw a iv hot! - world . Of but call ie deers clay Lha(. one reads, with some amine•• dill Ivarld are farmers a,ad Whe, remaining can't avarid this. 1)ut they can do mucsh . m+rapt, 'l lie ranunena.s uI Ll(e Lerman e 76 per (:cart mast be sustained by the toward convincing farmers of the surplus products or the farm, we can harmfulness of allowing cowa9,oeat of rlowspapo( nn n re;'enl act of the ent• ° thOn' realisc the imPortall*,o of keep- f • ' peror• Ills itai'ti,ApilLiorl, In a Suit - Ing Toren pane. They should too, Laltoax- d i a l.1 ' h In .art • , . i u sl vek. it Llhs E J f seem t have f al. p h to a l l Product- bra, n• u iu s 1 it >� t 3 fit' u a li state aP it du tw uL n n cerin for t 10.7 1 c 1 g I [ g t tivenasa, Again, eonaiaot•ing the elf- cream and in r91ua'Lling, w)rkigg and rt many aC itis su•LjonLs, and surprised reliance between a pour crop and one salting their butter„ Bemuse a marlel all; tinct the great urgun; of public r p has been fancy Is no good reason that opinh;n have nOL failed to tall him rt,. d that Pays Lila farmler a &vidomd, we it will sell readily unless it, is always j , realize in dollars and couts, why our fatnry. Tis true Chat not infrequently The fact i;i that, of lata yours, the. best farmers are not political croakers, a buyer of a marls which has always 10arman„Sunday has been tear° in bar - been of Caney qii ality will take it with-' m0il.v with the Puritan spirit than the antexam4LtaLlOct, but he soon discovers) " L.clon ttOnLal," '11'il:iarn IT.., his family legislation. Intelligence find high- ally fault Lhere may be with the goods v ulnas farming• go hated in Bund, or brain auld, it would take more persuasiva I and hie court, have, always honored the a nil brawn must be copartners for suc- power then most dealers possess, to Sabbath' He has repeatedly declined c• oral faruring, as in all either rotes gat him losgailt take the mark with- W coa'mtenadco Idunday sports, He p out first axmminigg it, has rarely, if ever, failed to attend suns, After tivanty years of axperi- �-- lt r u (sh. t i It Once w I F s safe o f enc a conclude that Litt, ties(-, way et, t say hs already RDE REASONABLY CLEAN. I re ruts bring up a ivorn,out form is by using g' I;l:e renuleisit aa:tian that seem - brain' and brawn Lis principal fertiliz- All efforts at agricultural reform -,)f, act W pnu,et ,til abandonment of his era. As use pabfshes our machine jour- any kind must ro(•agnize Lhat the esme principkas. mala, whoa well ailed, and a reasonable elegance and fancy care which are a Sunday at Lhe 01-rman court isen- amoant of exierci:s strengthens Cho all,Usfactian. and even a. good financial I erally 16 quiet day. Alter service, mtisolos, so our farms will grow better Investment for afew men underspe- c+mperor visits the headquarters guard, an'd batter when wo arrive at Lhat ale- mal conditions, cannot possibly be used, W Ova the parole and receive the com- by Lila great mass lir farmers. But it, gree Of intelligence necessary Co en- gmiLnller's report. 1111 the afternoon he able us is, probably, feasible for any one tot La assist nature, rather than Baas for a Brite or w sail an Lho river, to try to cam,p)a:i filar to yield toour sea •that his stable, Is well ventilated, I and the bvenring is devoted to his diaLaLiotpa. Science and our export- and m gutter kept behind his cows with I family. enough budding so that theifor the imca r tails, t. i once on the farm prove ChaChatto ature's thighs anal even uddora are not entry- I , the emperor ruts aside lava must neat gra violated or we must raked with excremont. Then, before all this cares of oftit•0, nor Boas Buffer rho can equ0nnes; hence the nulking, oaoh cow's udder and flank he take advantage oP his sluCfan t0 runtdovn farm. First law of naLa a should be well. brushed off, better, ,sack Slow Corms oC onLar•t:apnment. One matstxined with a damp cloth,, so that run-down farm. First law Of nature; Particles Of manaire and dandruff dOtouch of nature hightens hes observance; utilize every foot of ground; (:hon re_ nowt fall into the pail, thus seeding the I order that the sermons preached be - move tho old feurues, rub out Lance Milk with countless garms. It will ba I fur"•e IAM shall lever Ire mare than fit - rows, seam that these suggested precautions ta'en minutOs longi rows, so teat you can level that ridge aro far short of what Iva would ]rule I There avas It period, not so many caused, by plowing out for many, many to use if we sought to get really clean. yeatrs ago, when. all Berlin made Lnerry Years, look the field over carefully and mi on Sunday. 'lhiat the young emperor has act has disoppr:,.-al on the Sunday. and louticaily, tile drake all swamps ABOUT T H theatre and the beer -garden is sup- wtnd loin ground, as nature revs u vu- B )3t, HORSE. ) g I d,mBd to be due �hn part, to the influence D "' H rn&9 have I of riaty of grasses ei•en on one field. Ow- that vo had ]ILLIe to do his gramlauotner, queen VIQLUI'ILL. 69 to amount of moisture our plants throughout the winter must be work- At tale I n6lish oaurL, c:h,v day is due often foreign ,try the soil, and ivant- ed in by (legrees. Their muscles are truly It day f re.t for masters and F "I'vants alike. Business of state is ing an even crap of the same plant, I soft and need special care to prevent POrl)idd•en; dinner -parties, arranged for lr,stu:a the necessity of draining to i (,'ailed sllouldersand other disabilities, i other days, clever break du upon this equalize the elements, that they may I Heavy shies wiLli la'ng, sharp calks are a=• aorve us the better, Ploly this ivpni.er, ! iworse than useless on soft ground and I nil"al" service is lueld at eleven that the action of the Prost may assist, earth roads. This fact is so asi:E evi-I o'clock in the palaces chapel. In Seat- s land Seat - YOU, in this Presbyterian Y ulcerizt llow•tu ala P n In service 1. plowing s used land clever out deeper than the soil and I denA that it bi surprising Io ase howl to f:ngland the nglian. The queen's as narrrov as the plow will do good little it is hooded. Stloas with low aItVItLus offitiats In rotation. As a work. Haut. all Clio manure you can , calks or anne Ili; all, and heavy enough rule, the Princess Beatrice plays the get during the winter, spreading even- i or,yan acid the queen, who enters quiet- ly from the vra on -wood ashes s read I in wear P,•' r or flue week, are all that !y after every ane else is seated, joins thinlY On Poorest spots will give good is wr ,o Some horses will not drinkit bwarUly in the singing, resul.ls. Alloy nr sLoolr on the laud' it 'i'. ,or is Offered Ilium, before their, ria fat` LI1e l?I'inte of Wales, it is said during wlater or spring. It is better Mn 1`0ing feed. This is generally the Ina ro1A only makes it: a point: to attend not to pasture your farming land. Now ca alt of having been given water icy church every Sundrey morning, but in - if eve have been tharou h, we are read cold or none at all. But if a horse is, sisl:s than hda guests aa,d household to prepare this land for corn, Y allowed. to drink his fill soon after cat- shalt go, 11rhan st(tyipg at Sundring- A✓•earl law -Nature always provides I ln'g the faocl is washed, undigested into' l,am, 2!e, is the 1nIsL Ca leave the pulucn, herself with covering. Go to the Por- " In'tesLunes. A horse Chat will not 1012-M.by makint' sure that no one shall est, Che fields, the marshes, wad prair- drr'nk before eating should be made to: avc,id a be duty'l Les. Observe just haiv nature Ls cloth- s Waitat least e n hour after. \Vater , Of Lhe Coalmen Lal mnniarohs in gen- ed, nov-4a a do we find her naked in frequently vrh le at wank. Leave the oral,it. may tis said riot few of tram her natural sL'ats, Then we should fbOoOks untttimmed. They are put pro Ln,tiff;rent to the claim., of reli- covr her nakedness with something, there to protect the tweeds; irncl if out g,ian. None but the tsar Lx Clio spirit - and we find hhle dust mulch the most iiwaY scratches, mud fever and cracked, coal and temporal head of the state heels are likely to ensue. No horse (alurch, eonveniont. This can -be supplied by Yat +mare of them wholly foil Late time of a spike -tooth harrow, con- can pull as much oras wall when check - W yield the church support, or rover•- Ufnable until the surface is Eine and ed up as lie can with his heal 'r tee. once. They rawilze, as all thoughtful level. Allow it to lie about two days, Persons, must, that r+etpgion is ne,ycs- 8o that the mafaturia may arise from easy to the highest develop'menl of below amd mallow Cite ground to plow HISTORY OF ICE -MAKING• both inlividua,l obara;ter snot national depth. Contltistve with spike -tooth fife. Anil though religious form; (to harrow, cutting two inches deep, cross- Ihtlgee 31e1hods Hollowed ny tae ,Irl- not always enshrine a Ieli ions spirit, cutting a little diaeper.o Orals this cleats. 11-8observanpt a of (kern is 4 "reasonahlO iv2Lh it spike -tooth harrow- to level and tribute" which Liven, it nation's ruler renew the 0.uulelt. Line the rows The most aunient mat lad of Leaking I fs bound to render to the Bing of straight, three and a hall feet apart, roe is practiced in India. doles are i kings, going east and west, and very shallow. made Ln that ground, dry straw is pat STORIES OF CROWNED HEADS. Corn belongs to � family of grasses a•t the botton>! of Weave, and on it, at anti roots very near the surface. Use the aloes of, the ria p pans Tho gneeu of Pori:ugal recently, while Clio best seed, as. we must have a good y,,ure laced out walking with a 1'.ady cf Ho,w in stand to supply the necessary shade of water, whiobi are tart until the next that with our dust mulch we may be morning, when the, ice that is found the environs of Lisbon, heard; cries for able to soothe nature through the within the pans; is collected. This in- assistance coming from a neighboring summer. This can best be done by wood. Silo went to sen what was thepla,pla vg ono Wrnel every fourteen dusbry is carried on only ili districts Inches. As soon as planted use spike- where the ground is dry and will matter, and found that a wood -rat - tooth harrow, going with rows, cross readily absorb the vai,or ,given off ter had been injured bye a branch of harrow. When corn is up, harrow I from Elle waiver Ln the Pans. The freaz_ a falling tree striking him on ilia ag(dn„ with same harrow, in afternoons, as harrow will scour and corn will not Ing, Of cOursa, is flus to the great head, Queen Amelie, who had stud- . break Off. Nature prefers very Efne amount of heat) absorbed by thavator led medicine, atLanded Lo the man's s av r h OIs t e s ami deep ou to - e en h deliquidinjuries, a t' nd thea i r y p gth her compaction, In om anion passing , f 'o it rin sI I g to it, s - Its a e •L x coy enIII xwo y attractio:a. This fa Wes ales form, assisted him to renulr his oahbt. l.al.er ant, thfng needful, as evaporal;iun IsI on the c carrfetl On to the exLenL• Of 11,000 pounds Another process was practiced in the queen called to see Low ].ter of modstur'a per acre every CNN's aty_ daysofancient• Romevwben thewealCby patient Was. "Chem ,you are a dor- four hours, besides an unlimited are said to have itad their w'fnes cool- tor, medical, since you know how- l.O ed b having growth, of e gases essential to plant Y vhng the bottles placed in take oaro of mea" asked the wood -cut. - Or fertility of sots, t ofd- threw into which saltpel;er was ter, who dict not know his benefactress, el. to obtain the best results with the thrown, the bottles being the while ro- least possible waste of fertilit • we 'Gated. "Yes, toy good than , was the reply, 3 I Y, s' ca D Cullen, tit l r u f' m t c 17.6 t .„ continue t Incl. throughout C t en n 5 I c o h thro h u he is over° I L"• t" g c .a f um ver sorry C • I t[ v la L death. Y 1 asci Y Ceases. While in Ihps condition mots- i'lit evaporation re voval could Ls far,- the wood -cutter, "because f will ev- tu,re is Warfare's posh pulverizer; it til- ilitaterl 1.,Y thin removal of the Area• u so relieves nature OE the necessity of sure of tire, atmosphere, and that by er he able to pay all P owe you. But: throving out a crop of weeds to pro- doing this water eou]d Ila tromp You must give Mo. your, address, and L°ct• herself when, neglected by poor Nairn, in 1777, discovered that sal.- as soon as l can go earl 1 will bring fx i,m at m n7. This lines should be cuutfnu- phoria acri(1 could abs Late vapor• OP you a basket nC fresh eggs wind I:ut- all until corn 2, ripe or time to saw water If placed in a sacand vessel wheat. This gives you a mellow, Mout separate from that cont :iniug the ter by way of Lhanks." Tho queen re. good bad, far better than early plowed water, lint cattnected with it. :]'his blind evasively, and the harpriae or (.hit fallow allowed to burn out or grov discovery lie put 1.0 use Ln 1810, by ton- wood -cutter may he imagined when pie ft crop Of weeds. Sow wheat as early sLruat.Ln$ till apparatus for nbsorl:ing sub$eyunlltly leilrned ,1110 rack of his as September 10 to 16, the ]atter' (tate. the vapor of Lhc water that it witsde- , being preferable in this latitude, as. sired to pool, or treats, This appara. lady physician. Ress[an fly is gone September 1230, thus tics greatly favi Iital:ed the freeing Gratitude Or a unnic,wllat:a111111a:t• ita- Ln(ilen•511tg e1111,OOBa of tan oven growth. Operations of a vaouttln freastag ina- turf! Inspired the e,)blll:li(, who Inst Stew between earn lir out and shack. chino, ' whiter had an at,oldeat agar• AicmLa We would. prefor the former a.% corn, James Perkins was the father of what, Carlo, an(] was assisted by the om ieror would, furnrish shade LInLiI wheat is tip. is 1104Y knowni as Che cont r • s•i , I P [1s s to sys-, of..footria, who bdrIvoct to paease(I Na:x" spring saw clover, one bushel to rein, having invented rho first nta-' on foot The aha -driver ivus so preened four acres, sowing both ways to get cbine Of the kind in I83,1, and, ns Lhase that: he said: "f am going hack to file seed, evenly scattered, when the machines, Improved, are at the prevent Nine, and it,' you litre„ f'tt give ,You Lv ground. is ,hornaycombed with frost. flay more in ase than any other, a de- Lift. One good turn deserves lie - Thus increase, your t,htinces of a good s(,1fpi:inn of Perkins' patent: may I a of other, stand, aC clover, tile, facet Wild chrapOst inicresL• His nppal•ittus consisted of tin i The gneen of the llolgianm anti i'rin- fex•Lilizer the farmer J(as, About insulated vessel In which tvas fat has I cess Clonientino during Lhe sululuo, I.L. August 10 ran over field iv Ub moNmr, ell a ascend ve,:4el containing t II o I aide at, ,yin, anti daily take long' (!rites cutting clover and stubble abotit Lhre° e, vapor hump; it worm awl worm -Lull, in a pony -cant. Olio of tieix host inches high. Remtrve swath stick so a, tutee beblv'ecn Lha second v0'shel rind recent, advontures took place at, n rnrfn Chat cuttings may fall evenly over the the 1111111p, another, l etw•eOu tho pump I house, where they called to bu a Ines ground, giving the field, a good mulch and the. 'worm, it third he atwan the l or milts, Nol,oly but: lilt old paralyi:od and causing the clover roots to strikO worm, unit this I'ottom of the ether Yes- woman was in the houso,I and she re - deeper in Otis soil.. Do. not pnsturo sol, and Lbe, not•,eswtry valves, plied Cha o clover, astAs is the most destructive As afterwards construrLed, 1:110 all- I ti t n milk was loft in rho jugs, practice Indulged in by the farmer. In llaretns was tltstdcr up of a T and t. arc was ind,"l.e to go to milk jaCer is ,,cow. 'Never refill," sni'1 Iflle queen, the nvenin.g summer cut hay b early pan; within which was the wal:sr is ,,If you will allow map I will go to Lila as danvonteni,, that you may obtain n he cooled; sal' insu)ACad I Ox, in 1v l.ia11 pasture. .rust tall me where, the ad sec d •ro wC t i ars on i h or trent or til- good, s, ( L was I r . ' 3 lit .eci the Pall; l !1 a 1 PUMP to extract p I t n e." "J3 tt to s'' r t deur lad r ter 1(11 Lobe glove you d down vv irk C Ciro ] wha Y Y, Y His vapor from the lanlzet; n wnrr(i from tho to,vn, aand ,Yoe, will ne'var Lo manus,-, you can obtain the following in tvlli, b Lhe vapor was condensed after able to tuilk a Dow,"' Objected pate old winter for anotbor corn crop. I eren•str it [oft the pump; a worm -tub eoutain- woman. ,1110 vvns, however, mistalupi, your supply of mamure by feeding !nay, Ing cold water, to coal Ldie vvo2'm,.aud Cara little lata, her however, mmajesty re- ka ll-lr andstr i in.ith cheapgrufns to by an's,ns of Clio laLtnr the vapor with- turned with a half.filldd ' •',v well-br"t1 st(xk; in. short, sell nattily In it; and pipes connecting ChB Car of had aJsan- hut ffniahed. prnducts from I. farm tie Iron 7Lctcela to I limo, P1'friness Clenuinbina had Utld on an(], within a tow years you will leave, T 1 d pump, Chn puma 1;110 table three bowl; a loaf, (r.nrl a clean and fertile farm, Plenty of. fine 014% 1 rho end end of the, waren, and Che neodfal knives nncl plat.rs. '1'11s Aboelt, a ood balanoa on the right side Lhe torwar sill of the worm with the lin- old farmar's wf fa tvn,s served, Iffy tie g g tier side lir the pan ja0kob, The re- princess, who (t appears, g„natlyr an of the 2011gor, h'IgarnCi.ng agent used with fids ori :'stratus was Oncl derived tram Clio da- Jo,Ye(1 rho adventure. WATCHING -OUT FOR, POOR GI,AVOtI :Crurtive clisLtilablon of eaoutclloua, "� •- Trow botter•makors r(allscappa:roni.ly ,pileups Ihtr'rl:sa84 improved. Upon Janet, iCLONPIK1,1 J,nldOfi. Lilo Itecessity at exercising thegt•Onta t crkina' � atillat of 1Pri8, and ft !las I sen ThaY IAY big wages In Klondike, ar(::.er ulproved Ity, (Many othors 'Yes, u.ud 1 irc+':ts if 1•, :,c• Ln Wile at care tlwase clays f'n, the metbads th(y :,1,1100, all to freeze onto a ,at" Llhet'e;