HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-1-21, Page 4T.HE BRUSSELS POST JAN. 21, 1898 '67be IlrusscI5 Vast FRIDAY, JAN. 21, 1898. "Moine meet Go" wee sung until all the uotee wero worn off the linos nud spaces, but a new piece of ntusfc is now being presented by our brother journalists who edit Conservative papers, bearing the pleasing title "'Whitney will Wiu," It is written in a minor key, running much of the way oil B Slat, and will be sung as a companion to "Just Before the Battle, Mother," or "Johnnie get Yon): Gun." It is probable that the Hardy hosts will be Idd on to the strains of "See the Con. quering Hero Comes," as the Hon. A. S. leads the van. "Pigs in Clover" is sag. gested as a suitable solo for Mr. St. John. Tuts week we present our readers with a very full report of Provincial Treasurer Harcourt's budget speech, and would ad- vise everybody to read it. If you are e Liberal in politics, carefully peruse it, so that you may be in a position to combat the arguments of those politically oppos- ed to yon in the forthcoming election ; if you are a Conservative, read and digest the presentation from Mr. Harcourt so that you will be well grounded on both sides. Almost every person is ssarobing for information, end we make it possible this week for a good many to possess a copy of the financial standing of this fair Province. Ten ns is a good chunk of human uature visible in the world yet and it bobs up serenely every now and theu when offices and gifte de not come into possession of those who think they deserve them, and if they are passed by they fly into a pet and say all that is bad about those who were blind to their claims for preferment. We have noticed that when there are gifts to be made, by either party, that there is not half the difftoulty in ascer- taining the whereabouts of many indi- viduals, either geographically or political. ly, as when work is Lobe done or a sub- scription list passed round. Every loyal elector should do his duty for his country whether he secures the plums or not. The American system of kicking every man out of office as soon as the ruling party is dethroned, is decidedly wrong, in our opinion, and yet the maintaining of men in office who often are a detriment to the advancement of the powers that be is also off color. Greed and selfishness are the cause of many a ruction, but these will likely exist as long as men forget their duty to one another. Tue appointment of a Provincial Audi. tot and the fact of a visit from him being one of the probabilities in every munici- pality, will do more to secure se better class of account keeping the country over than anything e'se that has been done for years. As au aid to a simpler and more convenient form of securing this end, the new cash book for Municipal Treasurers appears to be just what was wanted and by its general use a uniform system will exist throughout the Province. There is no shortage of laws—there are cords of then—but what is wanted is simplification and practicability, so that ordinary, every- day affairs may be transacted with a clear and well defined idea of the right. We believe this is the target aimed at by the Ontario Government, and they have made more than one bull's eye too. If a law were framed to make the financial municipal year close concurrent with the calendar year, we doubt not but a big ad- vantage would be gained. In this event the Auditors' report would supersede the financial statement now prepared after December 16th, and a clear, complete and yet concise rep ort could be rendered at each municipal nomination. Morris Council Meeting. The newly elected members of the Municipal Counoil, viz , Jas. Bowman, Reeve ; Geo. Kirkby, Deputy Reeve ; and Thoe. Code, M. Cardiff and Wm. Iebister, Connoillors, met according to Statute at the Town Hall, Morris, on Jan. 10th, and subscribed the neceasar'y declaration of office and qualification, the Reeve occupied the chair, Minutes of last meeting for 1897 were read and confirmed, Moved by Wm. Iebister, aeeonded by Thos. Code, that Wm. Clark be re•mpeointed Clerk at a salary of 6180.—Carried. Moved by Kirkby, seconded by Cardiff, that W. II. Cloakey be appointed Auditor, salary 68.00.— Carried. The Reeve appointed M. Black second Auditor. Moved by Isbieter, seconded by Cardiff, that W. E. Johnston be reappointed member of the Board of Health and that Dr, McAsh be Medical i-Iealth Office.—Oarried. Application was made to have Henry Hammond taken to the I3ouse of Refuge as he is unable bo cern a livelihood and bas no visible means of support. Moved by Mister, seconded by Code, that Mr, Kirby be iustrueted to attend to the mat. ter and have said Hammond taken to the House of Refuge ab onee. — Carried. Moved by Code, seconded by Kirkby that the Clerk be instructed to prepare a sketch of printing required for the our. rent year Thud ask for tenders from the Blyth, Brussels and Wiugham publishers. Carried. Moved by Code, seconded by Udder that Sohn Watson be re•appoint- cd Assessor at a eaiery of $60,00,—Car• HO. Moved by Kirkby, seconded by Code, that Mr, (Jardiff be instrnoted to advertise and sell the timber on sideline between lots 26 and 26, con, 6 and lots 20 and 21 con, 6, ---Carried. Accosts were ordered to be paid as follows: Elliott 03roe„ tile, 411.10 i J. Comm printing, 67.76 ; Municipal World, election forms, 417 20; 3). Sommerville, gravelling, 76 cents ; Jae, Bolger, repairing culverts, 6100; W. II, herr, printing. 76 cents T. S. Brandon, Municipal cash book, $8.. 80 ; duo. Mooney, salary, $85,00 ; T S. 1rualu, 111:timi staE tueufs 64.00 , .his. Bewuutu, financial etabeneeuts, 63.- 00 i - 00 ; W. Clark, posting livanoial state. meuts,$3.00. Bylaws Nos, 1 and 2, 1898, were duly road and passed. The t7nnuei) then adjourned to meet again on Feb. 14th next, W. CLaux, Clerk, Itrneeele ached Jtatu•Q. The regalax meeting of the Brussels Public School Board was held in the Council Chamber on the 14th inst. All the members preaeut except W. F. Vansbone. Thn minutes of the last regular and four epecial meetings were read and ed. opted. The following accounts were read : G. A, Deadman, supplies ........6 3 42 It, T. Hingston, work 2 60 Jut:. Wright, suppliee 29 McCracken s Grimofdby, work ., 20 00 Sao. Wright, work of women scrub • bing 8 66 N. tY N. Gerry, hardware 8 20 Aaron Lindsay, watching on night of fire 1 00 Wilton & Turnbull, pipes from furnaces 21 00 P. Ament, lumber 5 46 Moved by A. Conley; seconded by J. G. Skene that the above accounts be paid except McCracken a Grhnoldby's, 67.00 of which to beheld back until the work is completed. Carried. Moved by J. G. Skene, seconded by D. C. Ross that the account of Dan. Mo. Naughton be laid over till the garnishee of Bailautyne Wilton is disposed of. Carried. Moved by A. Cousley, seconded by J. G. Skene that Rev. J. Ross, B. A., be grant- ed the use of Principal Cameron's room on Saturday Jau.29th, for an examin• abion of candidates in 'Higher Religious instruction. Carried, - Board then adjourned,' Grey Council. Meeting. The Council elect for the Township of Grey for the year 1898 met at the Town• ship Hall on Monday, the 10th day of January, 1808, at 11 o'clock a. in. Mem- bers, Thos. Strachan, Reeve ; Robb. Dil- worth, lst DeputyReeve ; Wm, Brown, and Deputy -Reeve ; Robt. Livingston and Jas. McDonald, Councillors, moll having subsoribed their declarations of qualification and of office, the chair was taken by the Reeve and the Council was duly organized. The minutes of the last meeting was read and confirmed, Moved by Wm. Brown, seconded by Robb. Dil. worth that Was. Spence be reappointed Clerk ; Alex. McNair, Treasurer ; and Anthony Reymann, Assessor, at same salaries as last year. Carried. Moved by Robb. Livingston, seconded by Jas. MoDonald that Alex, Stewart be re sp. pointed Auditor. Carried. The Reeve then appointed Was. Livingston the other Auditor. Moved by Robt. Dilworth, sec- onded by Wm. Brown that Wm. Mitchell be appointed member of the Board of Health for the next three years end that M. Ferguson, M. D., be Medical Health Officer. Carried. Moved by Robt. Liv- ingston, ivingston, seconded by Robt. Dilworth that John Roger be re -appointed Townehip Engineer for 1898, Carried. Moved by Robt. Livingston, seconded by Wm. Brown that the contract for the township Kprinting fax 1898 be granted to W. H. err, of THE BevSSELS POST, for the sum 01644 25. Carried. Bylaw No. 113, a By-law to provide for the payment for certain drainage works iu the township of Logan, used as an outlet by lands and roads in the Township of Grey, was in- troduced and read over. Moved by Wm. Brown, seconded by Robt. Livingston that By law No, 113 as read be provision- ally adopted, that a copy of said Bylaw, including notice of the sitting of the Court of Revision and notice as to pro- ceedings to quash, written or printed, or partly written and partly printed, be served upon each of the assessed owners or their leasees, or the occupant of their lands ; that a Court of Revision be held for the hearing of appeals from the ms. sessmeut contained in said Bylaw on Saturday, the 6th day of February, 1898, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, at the Towu• ship Hall, Carried, Moved by Wm. Brown, seconded by Robt. Livingston that orders be issued for payment of the following accounts, viz. • Municipal World, plectron blanks, $8.75 ; Duncan McDonald, Jas. Mitchell, Andrew Turn- bull, Jas, McNair, John Ridley, Wm. Spence and A. Reymann, each $4.00 for services as Deputy Returning Officers at election ; Trustees S, S. Nos, 1, 2, 4, 5 and 9, each $3 00, for use of school house at election ; Anthony Raymaun, $3.00, for use of Foresters' Hall, Cranbrook, at election ; John Bishop, spreading gravel on sideroad 3, cons. 4 and 6, $2.50 ; Thos. Savage, gravelling on sideroad 3, eons. 4 and 5, $24.20 ; Thos. Straohau, expenses to Toronto on township businese, $18,80 ; Wm. Spence, expanses to Toronto on township business, $13.60 ; Robt. Thonp. SOD, tile and drain, lot 62, con. 1, $2.00 ; Jas, Mitchell, repairs to approach to bridge at lots 6 and G, con. 12, $3.26 ; Samuel Kleinsohroth, repairing culvert on boundary Grey and Elms, $1.00 ; 7, 0. D:eyd, tile fax underdrain at lot80 and 31, con. 1, 00 cents ' David Shits, gravelling at lots 30 and 31, con. 18, 4124.- 00 ; Frank Miller, gravel, 06 cents ; Treasurer of McKillop, Grey share for gravel and tile drain on Boundary Grey and McKillop, $6.65 ; Alex. Fraser, gravel, $8.82 ; John Greig, logging on road on boundary Groy and Elma, $1.75 ; Jas, Mennie, shovelling gravel at lot 86, oon.13, $5.30. Council then adjourned, to meet again at the Township Hall on February 6th, 1898, as Court of Revision for drainage aesessment of Bylaw No. 118. Ws;, Srsxoit, Clerk. G ode rich. Mower Scnars,—The Huron District Counoil, Royal Tempters of Temperance, meet in Tamperanee Hall, Thursday, Jan. 27th, at 11 a, m,—Tie Harbor mill is now closed in for the Winter,- The second annual exhibition of the Huron Poultry its Pet Stook Associ• anon will be held at Goderiob on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs. day, Jan. 26, 26, 27,—"Ten Dare of lumber Were shipped from Dymerit'e lumber yard the past week.' . Chrystal bad a number of men engaged repairing two of the water works boilers. --Town dark Mitobell received the following tom!• nations for the vacancies in St. George's ward ; Hugh Dunlop, proposed by Chao, Blake, encoaded by 0, 0. Black ; Ooiln Crim Stell, proposed by G, 0, Black, soeondsd by Clive, Blake. Ail tillers were only two candidaMe proposed, they were declared duly elected by the return- • ing officer...Ate ununal mee4uig,, of the Law I,tbtary As,oeiatlou of the County wee held in the Court donne et whish the following ollleers were elected : Pres. ident, Judge Masson ; Vice president, F, Helmeted ; See.•tr,ms„ W. Proutifoob; Librarian, D. McDonald ; Auditors, lee. Campion and R. 0. Ilays ; Committee, Judge Doyle, E. N. Lewis and 11, 0. Hays. -44,779 tons of merchandise were shipped by the G. T. Railway from this station during 1897, and of this amount nearly 24,000 tons eoueiebxd 01 wheat, oats, barley, bay and peas, and the bal. arcs of salt, lumber, furniture, knitted goods, leather, fish, boi:eve, organs, piano stools, bath furniture, bicycles and mis• cellnneoue matter. There were also large shipments of salt, oats, bay, Potatoes and general merchandise by water whioh added to the 0. T. I1, freight would nearly reach the 70,000 ton mark, ealtasa.lortis. Jour T. Dickson DEen,—There died at Gladewood farm, Burleigh, near Seafortb, on Saturday, January 16th, John Turn - brill Dickson, at the age of 76 years. Deceased wee a brother of the Into ,Ins. Dickson, Registrar, Goderiob, mud came oat front Jedburgh, Scotland, in the early thirties with hie parents and other members of the family, being among the fret settlers in this part of the country, which was then a dense forest. Deceased was a strong, robust, hard-working man, always enjoying good health up to a few months of his death. He had been ailing during the past year with heart trouble, but his death WAS hastened by an attack of bronchitis, he being oonlined to the house but a few days, Mr. Dickson was e staunch Liberal and a member of the First Presbyterian church, Seaferth. Three sisters and one brother survive him, viz., Mrs. Chisholm, in Manitoba ; Mrs. Scott and Airs. Somerville, Rox• borough, and Robert, of Detroit. Miss Helen Dickson having died about three months ago at the age of 82. Deceased leavesa wife and several sons and daugh- ters, one of the former being A. S. Dick. son, Barrister, of Blyth. Stars.—The town council met on Mon- day according to Statute. All the mem- bers subscribed to the declaration of office excepting Mr. Winter, who was absent. Wm. Elliott was elected clerk, and J. 0. Rose and W. Somerville, auditors.—Hon. M. F. Hackett, Q. 0., Grand President of the Catholic Mutual ienevoleat Asa:mita tion, has appointed Dr. McGinnis, of this town, Grand Deputy for the County of Huron.—Ooert Flower. of Forest, 3rd Canadian Order b'oresbere held its regular meeting ou Jan. 4th when the following adore were installed for 1868 :-0. D., Geo. Duncan ; P. 0. R., James Beattie ; $. R., W. G. McClellan ; V, C. It, L. Melville ; Treas., W, Sclater ; R. S., 0. $, Broadfoot ; F. S., W. Hartry ; Chap., D. Stevenson ; S. W„ E. Latimer ; J. W., J. W. Beatbie ; S. B., J. Twiss ; J. 13, J, T. Edwards ; Phy., Dr. O. Molloy ; Auditor, J. G. Rose ; Trustees, J. 0. Thompson, 1. H. McDougall, D. Stephen- son,—The Horticaltarel Society held a meeting in the council chamber of the town hall ou Wednesday evening of last week for the purpose of electing officers for the current year. The treasurer's yearly statement was read, whioh showed the society to be in quite a fiuuriebing soudition. The following is a list of ollic, re who were stented :—Pres„ B. B. 1 Gunn ; let Vice pres., Mrs. T. 0. Kemp ; 2nd Viee.pres., Mrs. fi. W. Papst ; See., F. G. Nealin ; Treas., 0, W. Pape. The directors are :—W. Elliott, W. Copp, J. Lengstroth, W. Hurtry, J. F. Gardeo, J. Finob, A. Hale, iblrs. M. Y. McLean and Miss T'ytler. Wm. Ballantyne and Jno. Beattie, who were auditors last year were re -slanted for this year. This so- ciety intend having a musical festival in the near future.—H, R. Cresswell left en Thursday of last week for Detroit and Marine city on an extended trip.—Mrs. Thomas Richardson, of this town was in Stratford last week attending the funeral of her aunt, Mrs. Hamilton.—Captain J. L• ightowler, of Reed City, Micb., former. by of this town, is spending a few days with his father-in•iew, Mr, Copp.—The annual meeting of the Tuokersmith Branch Agricultural Society was held in the Commercial hotel an Wednesday, Jan, 12th. This meeting was for the purpose of receiving the annual elate. meat and auditors report whish showed the sooiety to be in a prosperous con- dition, and also for the eleotion of direo. tors for the year 1898. The result is ae follows Pree., Robb, Wilson ; Vice. pres„ Wm. G. Broadfoot; Seo.•treae., Thos. E. Hays.' Directors—Seaferth, Wm, Winter, Geo. Chesney ; Tuoker• smith, J, M, McKay, R. E. Jaolison, Geo. Stewart ; Hallett, Wm. Rine, Robb. Smith ; McKillop, John Grieve, Wm. Mctatoeb, James Smith. Honorary Direotore, O. E. Cresswell, Geo. Dale, Thos. Govenlok, James Dick, 7. S, Brown. Auditors, J. 0. Rose, D. Jahn - son, Well Here We Are, • Again in the field with our first shipment of Eug1!s � Pruits for the Spring trade. There is something new in Prints Iiia Spring. Call and sea the Metal Effects—yen would imagine they were silk.' Also a full lino of Tons, Cof- fees, Spices andCanned Goods all of the best quality at Skene's. Agent for Parker's :Slee Works, The le aa1iL `ire Engine Works, 'Vt. B12USv`-• ELS. We are prepared to do any kind of Maclaine Repair Work with dispatch and on very Rea- sonable Terms. When wanting anything in the line of Engines and Boilers, stationary or portable, Ws would be glad to have you ask us for quotations as we think }fie can save you ]Honey. Wo have also on hand all kinds of Repairs for Engines, Boilers, Steam Fittings, and can also execute any orders for Brass work. Nicf le Plating a Specialty, Ronald Firs Bngins Works, BRUSSELS. NEW titelier sou I The undersigned has open- ed up a Butcher Shop in the SMAS BLOCK, BR IMS, wh ere he wilt keep constan t- ly on hand a supply of the Best Meats Procurable, sold at reasonable prices. A share of public patronage solicited. WALXElt. Meat delivered to all parts of the town. I CA8u PAID Poet HID.I;s. C wa Never i(1oll it rlISSBlB 00 TO BE CLEARED OUT AT ONCE. The undersigned has purchased from the Dominion Bankrupt Stock Co., of GJdericti, e Low Rate on the A large stock of Latest Style Hats, Caps, Shirts, Underclothing, Collars, Ties, Hapdxerchiefs, silk and linen ; Braces, Bicycle Hose, Ready- inade Clothing, &c,, &o. .4% Special lige of Children's Sailor Tate. . Straw Hats at a price that will pay you to purchase your next Summer's supply. Everything must be sold and as this is no BLUFF sale but a genuine clearing out of all the lines enumerated, no one should miss it. All we ask is a call from you and if you are not offered the Biggest Bargains in good goods you eve;:; saw we don't ask you to buy. Don't forget the place, I ECKIE BLOCK, - BRUSSELS. Nuggets in Readymade ciot.hing. I.Macw; PE'R,OP RJIT ir.L Q± ,. MADE OL T ING OF Big Bargains for Little Money. Ali i E6kTS` FJRSINCSf, It was not an accident that the store was crowded. for the last week. The Bargains we offered brought the people. Such Prices a$ those are Bare to Dram us Trade. Men's Frieze & Tweed Overcoats. $4.00 Overcoats for $2.25 I $5.00 Overcoats for $8.00 4,50 " 2.00 I 66.00 " 4.00 MEN'S SUITS, If you want a Suit for very little money come to this store. $1 75 2 25 2 75 Suits that were $5.50 " 6.00 7.00 8.00 1.0.00 ft t Ii if Bankrupt price $8.50 " 4.00 4.65 5.25 7,00 (( t( at BOYS' Suits for $1 25 as • 150 1 75 rL CLOTHING. $3 10 Suits for $2 00 50 " 2 35 MENS' and BOYS' CAPS. We can give you a Cap for 25c. that you'll pay 50c. for in any other store in town. We have Caps from 150. to 75c. Underclothing for Men & Boys. We have a well assorted stock in this line selling at less than Wholesale Prices. MEN'S TIES, 25c. Ties for 15c. I 50c. Ties for 30c. 400. 25c, LINEN COLLARS. 2 Linen Collars for 25c ! 8 Linen Collars for 25o CUFFS, 25c Link Linen Cuff for 15o, If you want to get New Goods Less than Wholesale Prices, some to the Clothiers, SWseem ensacacctrwattc® Bargains in Shi:rte and Underclothing, Gold Mine in Slate and Caps,