HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-1-21, Page 3aitiv. 2J,3.9,9s,
THF EWS N111110
THE SUNDAY SCHOOL ,dis,:e;lopod We see God folly. Those reho
The 'Rail of Ava, the 01091. WM Of ,
proceed to the gloreleke Le look after -- of the Pharitnee were the only ones
, iI it soma Wiling properties In which hie permitted 1 o eel eri the boly courts of
___ father Is Interested.
DIE VERY LATEcT FROIVI A. liondozi despatch I is a 13uffato paper
I.8 I hat. the partition of China hen
ALI, IffEl./ITORLD OVER.. 11)-,,(4.).,,.11-1,11,81',n1j:11,.,Yaltri'in,:()1,101%.,
Id t; lot Ital.
Inisrostleg items ehout Our Own Country,
omit Drente, the United States, and
All Peres of tee Olobo, Condensed and
Assorted ler Missy Reedier.
of advantages Cron). 'remit evente.
Great Britain ben afillOttnend that
she will refuse to recogniee any 813I"
eel rights granted in Chinese ports,
and will insist on the enjoyment of
the sante privilegescere granted to any
other power.
'Me A. S. Abbott, ex -City (leek of ,
foeilon, ix dead at the age of 86 Tno foreigu trade of Great Britain
year% Inst year was the largest in its history,
Spain has Keen added to the list of -It le Probable that Prince, who
eatintries entitled to ths preferential sansinaled William Terries, will be de -
dared insane.
Lieut. -Governor Alarlcintesh end fa- A fire in Segleaw 00 Thureley
roily have removed from. Regina to morning destroyed eight million feet
of iumber.
The plebiscite on total prohibition Your inen were killed. by the eollapee
will Moly be submitted to the Detain- of an ice. house at, Ilambuy, Miele, on
Ion voters next October. t Thursday.
Sir Adolphe Chapleau will likely be ClarS00, a millionerie lune
anointed Canadian Commissioner to barmen, died on Thursday Rau
the Paris Exposition. Claire, Wisconsin,
Clettham Is heeding House of In- The Bur) tie AIVEL, the eldest .too of the
&eery, to cost $15,000, and to acoom- Marquis E Dufferin, arrived in New
modate BO persone. York On Thursday,
E. E. Sheppard. Canadian Trade Mr. John. Redmond Is to lecture
f7ominissioner to Forth America., will through the United States on the "Ir -
he in Victoria about Feb. 15, ish Patriots of Ninety -Eight."
The nem of ee se Blumenthal & eerie E. Triplett, president a the 11.1cOrn
one of the largest; clothing dealere of A.grioultural and Medical College for
Montreal, has assi,gned. Coloured People, at. Rodney, Masa., has
C. P. R. earnings daring 1897 were been Ineeileeed•
$24,046,702, an increase of 83,305.196 Stookton, Cal., on Wednes-
over the earnings 'of 1890. day destroyed two grain elevators con -
Auguste Bourden and Joseph Gau- 10,000 tons of wheat belonging
dry of Montreal were killed in a rail- to the Farmers' Union 44:: Milling Co.
way collision at St. Lambert. An express on the Kanses Oily, Pit1e-
Titres of dogs front Labra- rbouir,bgect<lyulf Railroad; was held upend
the'', for use in, the litondike lessee Rhin the limits of Kansas
have arrived at Ottawa. City on Monday. The robbers escaped.
Kr. Patriots O'Connor, carpenter, of
quelph, had hitt leg broken, by falling
from a roof that, be was shingling.
Customs duties collected at Montreal
during the year amounted to $6,99e,-
300, an increase of $372,959 over 1890.
Over 500,420,000 feet of lionber have
Len shipped during the past season,
the largest in the history of the trade.
A. convention of Baptists of Quebec,
Province and the eastern portion of
Ontario is I:eing arranged, It will be
hold in Februery.
The contracts for eupplles for else ed States Congress to repeal elaw
permanent military corps throughout which his just gone into effect nea-
t:be Dominion have been awarded at Live to pelagic sealing and the import -
Ottawa. ation of sealskins taken by pelagic seal -
A valuable collection of coins, the ers.
property of Collude, was stolen from W. H. T. :Currant, was banged. at
the National Art Gallery in Ottawa San Quentin. Cal., fur the murder of
ow Tuesday night. Blanthe Lamont and Minnie Willi:lens
Mrs. Georgian, Scott, a colored wo- in Emmanuel Chureh, San Francisco,
mon ot Hamilton, who was burned by In March or April, 1895. The legal bate
the expleelost of a lamp a few weeks to save his life was one of the most
ago, itt dead.
Gem Montgomery Moore haii for-
warded to the \Var Office in England
a. large number of applicants for Fen-
ian. mid medaLs.
Very ,few more sealers Will go out
from Victoria. this eeitsore unless
pricos for agernst the Cuban insurgents.
itheaper labor or higher
skeet are ()blamed.
Plansfor the buildings ot the pro-
posed Pan-American Exeosition, on
Cayuga Istaatl, Niagara river, in 1809,
have been awarded to architects Grace
& Hyde, of New York, who will receive
P700,000 ter the work.
Another counterfeit, silver certificate
of the denomination of 0100 was foundt
in a Philadelphia hank. So numerous
have these counterfeits become that the
United Staten Government has decided
to call in the issue.
Representative Johnson of Norte 'Da-
kota has introduced a hill in the 'Ctrile-
prolonged and stubbornly -contested in
the annals of the United Slates courts.
Dr. Zretcharie, the famous physiviiin
ivf Czar Alexander Tits is dead.
General Blanco will take the field
Spate et engenenting its treasury
bonds by two hundred million pesetas.
The Minister of Publio Weeks has Emperor William has invoked the
extent:10d the time for receiving models Pope's aid in the passing of the naval
for the monuments of Queen Victoria ewe
and Alexander Mazkenzie, Ex -King Milan has been appointed
General Manager Hayes, of the GT, commander -in -thief of ithe Servian
11., has ordered the removal. to Mont- army.
real of the audit office of the passen-
ger department, now, at Detroit.
No matt:ens returns lave been re-
ceived. ear menthe from Vancouver,
tiled. it is said to bb the Intention to
lalakt inn inveetigatien into the state 05
�e office.
tt is rumored ehat the Grated Trunk
bolt works end fou.ndry will be remov-
ed Intim Elamite:ea to London, on ac- ,. ,
count of the former city increasing the '00141.8°.
00411pauy's assessment. The Spanish Government Ls oorisid-
f Ani iceboat went terouge the ice on ering the advisability of asking 'Unit-
ed. States intervention in the Crehan
It, is not I inerobable that King Alex -
antler of Servia, may retire before long
In favour ot els father. 1
It is feared that in the remoter Khar-
toum. the French and British expedi-
tions will come into serious collisions
The Mellen speeches of Entperor Wil-
liam anti Prince Henry, which elicited
so much criticism were impromptu a -
Hamilton Bay, throwing seven people
into the water, Miss Amelia, nar-
reevly escaped drowniing, going down
two or three times before being res -
Jnatice Re:hardwire of the
Nort.hweab Territories leas been ap-
petaled. administrator in the place of
Hon. Charles H. Meekintosh until the
littler% successor as Lieuten,ant-Govor-
nor is appointed.
• Instructions have been sent to the
(ay postmasters that in rases of let-
ters for the United Kingdom or the
colonies mailed with only three vents
in stamps the postmasters is to affix a
ewe -cent stamp and, let the letter, go
judge Dugas of Montreal, and Mr.
Frank Pedley of Ottawa have bean
appointed commissioners by the Do -
Major -General Yeattinan-Biggs, who
comnaanded the second division in the
India frontier campaign is dead. He
fell a victim to dysentery in India.
Dr. Schenk, of Vienna University,
claims to have discovered !the secret
of exercising an influence over
mals ao as to fix the sex of their off-
A despatch from Bermuda slates that
the steamier Scotia has commenced the
Work of laying the cable which is to
establish etimmunication with Turk's
Island and JaMalea.
They are having a Presidential elec-
tion in the Transvaal 13epublio. Mr,
Kruger is opposed by Mr. Soubert, and
it is said. the third. candidate, ItIr.
Schrekburgar is running to split the
minion Government to Investigitte the opposing vote and secure Kruger's elec.-
chargeserderred against the oentraot- tion,
iers building the Crow's Nest Pass
Rialleeei for alleged, ill-treittnent 05
their employees,
In consequence of the retirement of
Mr. Rouer Roy, City Attorney of
Montreal, Mr, L. X. Ethier, as-
sistant, has been! appointed to that;
position at a eatery or four thousand
five hundred dollars, [ltd Mr. L.
Archambault has been appointed
joint City Attorney, at a salary
of three thousand five hundred dol-
The Earl of Wilton is dead at Lon-
The Princess Beatrice's new book has
been published at Darmstadt.
It is seed, that England has, guaran-
teed a Loan to China of over 980,-
The British Board of reale state-
ment for Member shows decreases of
both tmports and exports.
The Bev, William McNichol, at Bridge -
Pore Conn., attacks President McKin-
ley for having wine at his diplomatic°
Woe -General. Gather° will be sent
from. Alder,thot to command the
British troops In the Anglo-Egyptian
Indy Henry Somerset bits again ten-
dered her reslematicin of the presideney
Of the STRIA, Woman's Temporenee
A880411111 ion,
It itt tiot, believed by New York Cus-
tom House experts thee; this now rules
iho importatoin of seal -
skew tem be enforeerl.
c.xpleelon look place at Glasgow
during a. ftro Dittriok's chemical
works, in tvinoll four Amnon wore kill -
ea ant eieverel eeople iejured.
Trey Displays No Ihnollon and Says Hill
Soul Is Lost.
A despatch frolin 'Kingston sayst—At
noon on leContle,y, John Troy, murder-
ier or Mr. McLeod, Napenee, arrived
to speed the reminder of his natural
life itt the eriminal asylum. While
being driven. from the railway station
to the penitentiary he enjoyed the
comfort of a briar pipe, end appear-
ed in a genial femme of mind. His
beard 84011 111113) have grown to a eon-
eiderable length. He was very quiet.
On Saturday Sheriff Bewley and Gaol-
eir Veniluven repaired to the tell of
the doomed man and engaged hem in
ctorwersehion, corning out with
the aelemportent. ;question; "Troy,
what would you. env if your sentence
was commutect?”
"Oh," he replied, would be ner
use to ,mer, relief at all; my soul is
When the doeutoeut was read to hial
be showed eat the slightest sense of
relief et the content:is, He has been
very restless and. unsettled for some
teinee, ana in greet tenable about his
soul. ' He talks incoherently about its
tater loss nett damnation, Ho says be
Is an infidel now; that al, one time he
did believe in, God, but now he did not
believe in Hine, 11, ie understood that
Troy is net ids real .nentes,
Barber—My profession—
Viet int, in the chair—Dub I Barber
iog isn't profession—it'S a (MIMI
nieeitedree Eau. tee. Gowen Text,
omit it, le.
'Verge 1, Se.Iqing the multitulles.
'These multitudes." iiThese mentioned and roomette those who imetend.
inithe lust verse of ur last lesson. 1,110Y 81101 eell"4 the 11)I(1L8U CC
the temple at. Jerusalem; so onty the
pure in heart, shall enter God's spirit-
uel comet uary.
9- The Peacemakers, The mere of
heavenly atrue,sphere a man bee shout.
hint the more etainger does his dis-
position become to adjust differences
God.. They who Reidy peace and Wiese
He went up into a mountain. One of it lee„ the gerg, wee gheneget sioradu, bowleg teen made hy pure nee
many sv,hieh are Mose to ihe Sea of 18 langesuffering, le lesegowee and in eident. 11 18 important chiefly nett es•
Galilee The tountry thee spread out, torieveness 08 loiquity. Peaemk-
amend these moueles was at that (01:8 ee' reagent:eel as the children
God, bemuse of their family like -
time one of the moot pOpulous, prosPer" 1 11885.
Whe Sto en liar nel listen or Init OgIl vie
`feigned in a litematrka bit Alanner.
A desputeli from Victoria., B.C.,
°aye. -I tweet arrival° hy the Topeka
amenewe the finding of the gottecuns
'Wining mother lode of the Klundyke
(mutate', this greeb discovery, equal-
led only in iintratenve by I he original
slit -emery of gold on Bonanza anitEl-
Wheelies the itomianexwy et the Eton -
dyke mining fields, and of inter!st
verifying the scientific venteu,siens
ous, and beautlfitl In the world. The j 10. Those which, are persecuted for reiwbed l'Y Wiitiaiit ()Ohio. tb goo -
"Horns of Hattie. are the tradition-„tiglifseoussa
ness' ke. Tbut they suf.- logi .al expert and surey
vor. Bn
al site of the Seeman on Ithe Mount, 1 'gnerwilL"sa,r4„lthiptiri° irMisf Strange that the fourth and beventh t00 Demiimber
When he was set. Whe,n he had seat- tine, but it doe's. hit lode liDPl'av; 1,1 have b.'no
tenuously uncovered by Lhrt.e parties
ed etmeelf. In the East benethee eighteoueness' salet nit limited to
His disciple° Mine ant° him. Not the eeenerate human NI 1 bbie 0 11 1„1`,',""nn";'8,11,1L1i;
twelve anly„ though probriely inelucling 4:s% wnierii„nfdton,./ild, fenntnentniie neniji,t and Klond'ike rivers, and tweolY-41vo
most of them, but a large Wrote of fol- rxru,st suffer tersectition. ;theirs is . miles frferi the' l4kna' and 'e'11114
lowers°, who had been ell reeled by hie tbe kingdom of Maven. The apiritual I most sleuth -ea 1, , pe; at at sob 1:.11,the
Preaching and miracle -se kingdom of God in this woad; and by I ledge "3 S81'
th' I ite .• 'y. ti lase
2. teemed. The blessings or beat -
titmice which follow nre nine in numb-
er. They set forth nine features of the
spiritual ohmmeter, ltd pronounce bap-
piness, for that Is the meaning 03 the
word, on those who possess these char-
logr al sequence the kingdom of glory,
wheel is 01.11' reward. 1,1 ie at Ilea 1 the vein hoe lege tiseed in its full
pOilli profitable to look back over the : width of thirty-five It in a north -
we ete el y direct ion, islan Wig towards
Beatitudes whi .11 we have studied. and ' , • .. . .. ..
observe how su..eessi in each vase is ate I the helornote emelt it oro!...ses at No.
lathed to what, in the judgment of mon 51, and continuing down tbe left °Ade
ilit„.0aUrltsd bbierseltighimfati.bteis rifir ouinr ttohreatur i olrytch,e., ,, treat°, verging
then inter,,,ling Nliggel, gulch
away from the
I tie Claim 15, Adams creek at No. 0,
aeter'llttelli They are all traits a the lirearanLif i'l 'aPlaatimtrietycno,,fivsel!inn,;1•: Ili,: 'Sergeant gulch at No. 2. awl passing
true citizen of the kingdom of heftven. ieesen141, ;its tee week and quiet; not 1.-',,,r(,-ig,h,i111,14'all'',71-1,11..,7'raoll.,alichmli.c.iieonl3ci13,7,::
g. The poor in spirit, Jesus begins the evarioioua. but these who long for 1 l-meeiluXeir: Owing to the
ree. • one's ntil bl,eebste; ndet ettention to .
. .
i .., . t act Um t.
with the very beginning of religious eprerghtsutgtheevelopmen1 thee is lttle ono ynenite in the
expeiet_pen'tonce, 10 fore1,ty 00
spirit implies a sorrowful sense of our
guilt. It M. as Dr. Watson has said,
the reit of all true teeth or trust in
Ip this beatitude, as ;given by
Luke. there is nothing said eleml, the
spirit. and. the blessing is pronounced
on outwitted poverty as being a less
perilous state then that of riches; but
here thw blessed ones nee plainly those
who, whether possessed of money or not
Lol Lit their hetes that they have no-
thing of thee; own, and depend on the
bounty of God. This experience is at
the bottom. ot sal spiritual excellence,
en1 is the one means by which we can
ever retell the riches of Christ. Rot
theirs is the kingdom of heaven. "The
very cense of their poverty is riches
begust."—Dr. Brown.
4. They _that mourn. The entire pas-
sage points to seiritual conditions, and
the implication is time the mourning
here referred to concerns the evil that
separates them, from the e'er!, of love
and purity. There is a sorrow' that
worker h death, 2 Cor. 7. 10, but there
is a sorrow oC the godly sort whieh
has for its fruit eternal joy. The set -
and Beatitude is it cievelopnfont of the
first.. They who recognize their spir-
itual poverty lament bitterly, but they
shall be omnforted; they shall receive
beauty for ashes, the oil el joy for
mouraiog, the garment of remise for
the spirit; of heaviness. These are they
who, sowing in tears, romp In joy; these
area they from wbose eyes God shall
wipe away all tears.
a, Wessel are the meek.. The third
B eatitude is as closely connected with
the second. as is the second with the
first. The first fruit of hely mourn-
fulness is teat gentleness and hum-
Rity whioh 00. 10 associate glaily
with' the meanest of those who. fear
God. The aeostle Pant urges Titus to
menet net assertion of religion. M
l'. 1 very primitive a..; yet. With o, little
Ousity of 'heeet; not fighting forI
1 black powder a pieett of roil{ tree
principles but making peace. Our broken at Skootein guklii. ri,lier than
Lord. come to turn upside, clown the Come) rock, showing kali leaf gold.
prevalent moral convictions o7 the ,
and stringers. end yielding four or
world. His work isnot yet done, eith-1 five (Milers when "mended on an an-
cr in the world. at large or in the
Church of Chriet, When men shall
revile you and pereeoute you. Any sorb
of persecution, either physical or men-
tal; eat remeneher that when evil itt
said against n8 for the sake of Christ
it must be falsely said. if it bring a,
reward. "Righteousness' sake" in
verve 10 and "my make" in verse It
are felentival. Jewri wac hound upwith
hivastrous 4.011Ptitt4 on hie 0. T. h. at
hit tory ow.t.
There, was a divastrous side collision
righteoueness—was r leo us eves I n- en the (,.T,R. at Mallorytown, on Stm-
cognate. day Mornine. tehieh calmed several
12, Rejohee. Emelt. SJ persecuted they thousands of dollars damage. It bap-
tise prophets. Be like the their suffer-
= it bears a general resemblance to the
legs, and you witl be like them in
fatal ti...villent at Lansdowne, one sta-
your reward in heaven.
Gun distant, some months ago, in that
the same conductor, George Clark was
in charge ot the fast freight which
collided. He had orders to pass Cone
doctor Patterson's train at Mallory -
WWII. The engineer mistook a signal
Will Celts, in Toronto, Montreal
and Othee Eittes.
A. largo English syndicate, repre-
sented by Mr. R. D. ItIcGiblion. of Mon- to go ahead. end pitched into the other
treal, proposes tot erect hotels at Mon- freight about the middle as it •N:itS
gars. Falls, and otter points insalivhe:
treal, Toronto, Halifax, Ottawa, Nia- 1e1 110g0i illet.r000710dtgeillarZfe=
Can- front injury by jumping. Teri cars
ado,. The capacity of the hotels, which were ditched. Three of these were
will be under one management and knocked into kindling wood, mei were
control, will be arranged with refer- Pl:itarleeedrToeleciirslySiVia,Troloso fire Luhh itA
Mee to the requirements of each place consigned to Deontre‘tit'Was demagefl 10
and the class of patronage to be seour- the extent of 93,000. The Meanintive
ed. Mr. IVIaGibbon' states that 111! avis also wrecked..
the preliminary teethe r of tee
vate's propene, but that further es. -
tensions of it would probably be ramie,
including the establishment In Lon-
don, England, a a hotel which would
be a resort for visitors from the vari-
ous colonies of the Empire and. the
United States. The. hotels are all to
be fire-proot and. the plans have been
teach his parishioners to bo gentle, prepared by Mr. Bruce Price, of New
showing all meekness unto all men." York, the architect of the Chateau
J esus said, '"Pake my yoke aeon you, Prontenset.
and learn of no., for I aim meek and
lowly ie. heart. Peter regarded as
the chief adorninent of the human EXPRESS ROBBERY.
(diameter e. meek and quiet spirit,
eshieh izti the erghti God, is of greatIt.Cleric Steals 310.000 front the American
This is au ellesion fine of all to the Express Pt m salty,
price, They shall inherit the earth.
inheritance of Caiman by the Leraelites.
It is a sort of religious adaptation of
en historical fact, and thus resembles
many of our familiar prayer -meeting
phrases. Its direct: meaning is twofold.
(1) When a main delights himself ill
the Lord he gives that men the deem
of his heart, and. the that,
fact of de-
lightlag in the Lord thatriges the ,de-
sire a one's !mare so that often 100-
111.13 WII'D have tite least from One point of
have the moist !Cram another; but
apart f„.1„. teke meeele;"bee re_ been night clerk there 1! or 31, nights.:
omega of wetulte 00.1 power to the o on ee nes ay ng ,wii ra-
.A. despatch from New York, says:—
Clark Braden, jr., it night clerk em-
ployed at the bra:nth office of the Ain-
erican Express Company. on Thurs-
day stole ftve 91,000 bonds of the Con-
sumers' Gas, Chicago. Braden also took
$5,000 in eashmaking the total ofthe
robbery 910,000. The branch office
where this took Place Is 47th street
and :Madison avenue. -Braden had' nly
t 30the
mains another truth, that, 2, the in- .1r,e, were. r'0?in in linV's
den was to have turned over to the
messengers for shipment on Thursday
morning. When the -messenger ar-
rived they tomul Heerlen and the 90000
worth of bonds mid 95,000 In rash miss-
ns0lc 191 gemernS n. fulfilment, of
what Might allemet be celled a natural
law. The avaricious and 0E81001 ems
may go further In, quick aequisition,
but it is this gentle the foundations of
Wheke Success are heist broad and deep.
"The meek are the only rightful oceu-
pants of feet of ground or a crust of
bread in this world, and they are (he
heirs of all coming thinga."—Dr.
0. They which do hunger and thirst.
These wages were spoken by a man who
only a short tem bes'ore had hungered
and thirSte/I for forty days and nights.
13a knew tee pain of physicel hunger,
mod he pronounces th blessing on 'Mee
who 11a10 11. eimilite yearning and craV-
ing for goodness. They shell be fill-
ed. "Thee Shall be stiturated." Ole
Whose, deepest longing it for spiritual
bleesing shell have them to the full
and. to oveetbrow. This promise is
not to De narrowed to mean merely
God's approvne, or the acquittal of one's
sant at teis judgment day, but; refers
to, every development and blessing
white' the spiritual nature can receive.
No 001.1 01111 hunger and: thirst after
righteeteerees who less not already
seine epiritual life. A good appetite
is tie inelioation oC beat th,
7. The merciful. Tltoy who enter in-
to the miseries of his neighbors, 'Choy
shall obtain mercy. Whatever mercy
a main shows bo another (In)l Will re -
pee hem itt fuel. The other side of
tins truth is presented in :Tatues 2. 13.
It is hard to see how a true Christina
elm be anything but merciful. And the
disciple Should be like his Lord.
8. 1the jewel of heart. The Pharisaic
pure men or woman was careful to
porfoem the lase detail of the Jewish
ritual with a prayerful mind; the
pure men and `women oC modern times
elestain from oneform of sine
but the purity here refereed to touches
every part et humen nettles, aud, eon -
gists itt the absence of everything that:
itt nepleasa,nt to the sight of God,
They shall ece God. As yet, we see hint
)(through a glass,, -darkly, but in pro-
portiontie the' purity of our heartsts
The Eattl Whig of the Ottowit College 11.11117
plininged by Fire.
Ottawa College was visited by a dis-
astrous fire on Wednesday morning.
The building itt a large stone edifice
having acconenodation for 500 students,
When the tiro broke out in the east
wing there wore only 35 students in
the coaloge, the remainder being away
enjoying .Christmas holidays. The fire
originated in a student% wardrobe,
above the ottepel in the east wing. The
entire roof of the out wing was de-
stroyed and Fart of the roof of the
centre building injured. Great dam-
age was done by water to the chapel,
and to tee furniture on the lower flats.
The damage el estimated by Father
Contitantineau at I380,000, but thee is
thought to be excessive. The building
and contents carried insurance to the
extent of 9200,000,
A. horrible Tragedy at Earls— Girl TbrOws
vitend al a vonna Thin and Is hill NI.
A despatch front Paris, Preece, says;
—A young girl, named Ducoussel, way-
laid a olork named \tardier on hiring',
threw Vitriol in his ewe and stabbed
him in the beds. Vertlier sliolt her with
e revolver es she was running away,
and he then knelt on her heed and
shot her three times, killing her. The
mom was then arrestere and totem to
the neareet, hoettitel, where he was
hand to he terribly burned. Verdict
said the wonnan had followed him .for
a year, attempting to 5111
Shot to 0 ItOat 1I the VollIntt of Ms
^A. despatch from Victoria, B. C., says:
—Walter Anderson, a former resident
of Brooklyn, N. Y., filled it grave in
Circle City, his death, just reported
from Dawson, having been inexpressib-
ly sate Ile was on hie Way. to Fort
Yukon, where food is plentiful, and
woe apparently shot in the boat by
the falling of a rifle. Then the river
closed, and his companions placed him
en a sled, cold ending his sufferings
while he was leing drawn to the
party's destination; The others had
Just sufficient strength to reach camp,
and the miners remaining seoured-the
loty, wbieb was buried, the thawing
of the ground, Iseing a work of many
hours. ,Tottquin Miller read the ser-
vices, and to him has been, deputed
the teak of telling the see news to
the young miner's mother, and of
restoring to her family photographs
and a pateetio diary found on the
An Agreeinent Iltenebed by Great Britain,
Japan 114441 Itt11$1.
According to a seecial despatch from
Shanghai, it is said there that the
agreement between England, Jo; an,
and Russia, with respect to Corea in-
volves a restoration Of the status quo
ante, and the relnetetement of Mr. Mc -
Leavy Brown as Ghia Commissioner
of Customs, %vitt' a Russian Commis -
Blame at Genesee the port of Brough -
tin bey, on UM east coast, and a Tee -
1 anese Commissioner at, Flume, in the
. th t
I Sir Robert Hart, direetor of the
nese liereriel Maritime Customs, is
negotiating with the Chinese Govern -
00101 for a loan, The Emperor took
the negotiations away from the. Tiling-
ii-Yainen, Board of Foreign AffaIrs, in
clisgest at the previous failures,
Terrible UN and ineollt Struggle In the St.
A despaleli felon' Corneae mays:—
Jested' Leparle, with his wife and three
children, left here on Monday even -
Mg to cross tire river et liegensliurg,
NX. When about letlf-way bet 000811 the
St. Lawrotthe 101010 and teirnwa'l
the ice suddenly geve ease end they
in 1 lw vctI t'n. 188118
threw an tight -year -eel 1 '7 on the
8,1111 lee, and after about, ton minutes'
lite and deathei niggle 1111 111:114 11)
get out hinteelf. An Indian wen Wes
terms (Beare% alma), eanie eitelt and
1,olliel out Mrs. Lepa Vie, 8110 05 1111 MCI.
eic halls I ell, ail 1 1.1111 1 v. 11...ye) r old
child elle was buleing blipped front err
nerveless gresp, anti stile lest, Tin, 11,11,1
hild wee hill itt mother rig coining
beliirl. The lune* end rig were lose
James Bell, of Beaverton, Ont.,
brother of the Rev. Jelin l'veney 111011,
B,D„ prostrated by nervous headache°
A 'victim of the trouble for several
South American Nervine effected a
somplete cure.
To their own particular field few men
are beteg lament than the Rev. John
Wesley Bell, ED., and bis brother Mr.
James A, Bell. The former win be re-
rognized by his thousands of friends all
over the country as the popular and able
missionary superintendent ot the Royal
Tempters et Temperance. Among the
20,000 members of this order in Ontario
his counsel is sought on all sorts of oe-
elisions. On the public platform he is one
of the strong men of the day, tattlIng
against the evils of Intemperance.
Equally web known is Mr. Bell in other
provinces of the Dominion, having been
.for years e member ot the Manitoba
Methodist Conference and part ot this
time was stationed in Winnipeg. His
brother, Mr. James A. Bell, is a highly
respected resident of Beaverton, weer,.
bls lhfluenee, though perlaape mere cir-
cumscribed than that of his eminent
brother, is nem the less effective and
productive of good. Of recent yearshew-
ever, Lee working ability of M. James
A. Bell hap been sadly marred by severe
attacks of nervous headache, arcom-
panied by indigestion. Who ern do fit
work when this trouble takes hold of
them mad especially when it become%
chronic, as WM, SeeMITIgin the ease me%
Mr. Bell? The trouble reached elm Eh.
tensity that last Juue he wee completes
ly prostrated. In this condition a friend
recommended South American Nervine,
Ready to try- anything and everytniug,
though he thought he bad covered th
list of proprietary medicines, 9te ecured
a bottle of this great discovery. .11
second bottle of the medicine was taken
and the work was done. Employing his
own language: "Two bottles of South
American Nervine immediately relieved
my headaches and have bout up rie
system ta a wonderful manlier." Let us
t not deprecate the good qur cuergymee
and social reformers a'o doing. in the
world, but how ill -fitted they wouel be
for their work were it not the relief
that South American Nervine brings te
, them when physical ills overtake
1 them, and when the system, 9,s it r0.
Milt of hard, earnest and continents
o'ork, breaks dorm. Nervine treats the
system tie the wise reformer treats .the
' evils he Is battling agaluse It strikes at
the root of the trouble. All digs
ease comes from disereanizatioe of the
nerve centers. TIM° is a ocientlfic fact,
Nervine at once worlts on these nerve
eertters; giros to them health and vise
or; and then there courses through the
system strong, healthy, life-019n0lati.1-g
blood, and nervous troubles of every
variety are things of the past.
Sold by G. A. Deadman.
St. VInot.nt de Paul renitentlory Motors to
be Mode 4111 510115014
A despatch from Meatreal
The authorities of St. Vin.ent ile NUL
penitentiary have derided to try drag -
lee means to put a stop to the riot-
ous coreluet of the convicte, and as 0
result some twenty of the ringleaders
will be flogged Lathe present.° of their
fellows within the next few days. As
already seated, the trouble bile new
been going on for some months Inter-
mittently, to the terror ot the rese
dente or the village outside the walls,
It began, over the taking away or the
allowitaie of tobacco, and to show their
d leen Refection, the con, I-ts howled
and. banged their waste be,ina all night
long. They were allowed to tire them-
selves out, but every few days the
nesse would. revommenee. Acting Ward-
en Foster has been doing his best to
bring about peeve, but as all his ef-
forts have fruited, be Num to the con-
oluteion that nothing short of corporal
punishment would be of any me. He
made a report to Mr. Mills, Minister,
of Justice, to that effeet, and suggest -
mit that be be eltowect to flog the ring-
leaders in the preserve of the others.
!rely, he believes, will Have the desired
effeets Mr. Mills came to the Sante
conclusion, nnd after meters., considera-
tion: gave the desired permission,
NePllow Kinn Letinold of lielgitint to
Unite 9 Lore; Toter
The Brussels correspondent of the
Leaden Daily Chronicle says the neeh-
ere of Prince. Lemold, of Belgium,
Prinno Athert. Leopold, the heir pre-
sumptive to the Belgian throne. will
mole it long lour ot the United States
soul Canada.
Velum &Meet was born 1111 April the
eth, 1870, and is the SUrviVing sOn Of
the Count, of Flanders, brother of KIng
teemed. The King has no yen living,
owl his ittetglitere ere to:eluded fleet:
AU:Tee:401i by lee Belgian oonst 1011) ion.
Brinier Albert's elder brother, Petite
13a1,1 1111 died in 1891,
'Position OrtliC DIU WW- 2%improved '11.0
Hen Weakening.
A despatch from London sayei—A
oriel in the engineers' strike is eel-
dently iminieent. The position of the
employers has improved and the teen
are weakening. The dhintegration
the Amalgamated Soeiely of Engineers
bas begun, despite the denial of the
leaders. Eight more firms issued look-
out nett es on Sa t until y. The gravity
of the despute is illustrated. by the
fate sheen in the Mitre of Trade re-
turn,s that the export or steam engines
and other machinery der lined $2.014,255
in Dcwernber, and. 93,000,825 for the
whole year. Happily this greatest in-
dustrial eleuggle of modern time,4 is
making no dirturbante of soviet order.
The Chairman of the Quarter Sessions
Newcastle thi» week noted the ex-
traordiaary lightness of the polled ...al -
emelt. in this atuoleaffeeteil district.
Trade unionism certatnly provides a
usetul eafety-velve, whatever grOrtatl
there my le for critisiena of some
cent iterelopraents of its methode here.
1 'OW 4011.1( IttrIng Ono 11111 it`VIOR for the
Protection Or the llorboOr.
A. despatch from Halifax sees:— An
evening paper says nettle -Mum hen
beim reeeived fetIM: the Near Office to
the effect that the construction of two
quirksfiring gun !eateries is to la com-
mentedthe touting spring for the bele
ter defense a Hittite.; hurler. One baits
Wry will be 'orate' 010 Merges
and the other et a point lialf-Way
101.1084111the two texts on MeNabel
The steamer Porti11 is due from St.
' eohnes, Nftd. The vessel is bringing
Newfoundland isnot, to le trensport-
' ed I tier Pnvifie Lutist for the Klee -
dike route
10,0111)1K1i S.TIOR.
They lay big Wages in Klondike,
Ve, and 1 gems it is no trouble at
ail to freeiie Ont;' tool).