The Brussels Post, 1898-1-21, Page 1lonalsaalmalwanatO 10114.61141111•46111444 - Vol. :6. N D. 28, 1101111.1•MOIMINII. New 1 dvertNements, Dooal-D. lwon. The Mom 10-0, T. I. Musics BM -Jas, Foe. Spectaeles G. A. Deadman. Bankrupt attic -Rom ctI Save a fee & Co. BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JANUARY 21, 1898 LEGAL A D CONVEYANCING. M. .NOLAIL. BARRISTER • golic sr, Jonvoyaneer ,Notary Pub- lic, &a. 00 - nn0tooc.j Sleek, 1 door north of Oen al .Iotel, gond tor for the Standen). Bea A/ir G. .1.v.a. • (Pc Oanieron,) B. Ont. °Mee - borne Hotel. A.%1ERON, Io,!y of 3 meran, Bolt & 1st n• and Pr .icitor, Goderieb, iatalltou St, Opposite 001 ItL. I PARRISTER, • Belie! e a id Cony muter. 011110 - tions made. dia.-Vomit. to'sBlocnc, Brus- sels. 21-3m G• go. Proudfoo Clines & 3m - Money to BARRISTER, itor, &o. (late of Ga.rrow & So.., Gocleri..1.1.) °Mee over 's Rank, 131. mole. 47 BU C AV, HI... Li at BIS T00000T -14 N. B _Li) • Wens 1011311 of A.111 Ladies' and al ot RACE IN, ' Melingslag Licenses. Office Etunborry 1 meet, Brnseels. RILETT, +ttl Artist. • hop -Neat dodr 101 ay & Co hardware store. dr. ns hair e !nine a apeoialty ROBEI ' DUNN NGHAM FI 3;.ND n•UELFF r. ,77_,ETO4ER 188101 o; Lieens, '41» JENVELIA SWIM. Ilseeto Witt as etecmiree. P. FLETCHER, Brussels A_LEX. Work 3113Pourte Division Oour Co. Heron. lox yoyanne- Notary Pnblie Land, Loan id tnsurane Agent. •Funds invested ane 1000. C Beetions Made Moe in Gat m's Block,1.-ussols MB.OS. 7 CAWKINS, ,L Will gt names to pupils either on Pia= or elm 111 his Music Room, opposite the post -OEM 13+ •mals. Pleat lessons also given. Ten ea a expbri. 1100 in teaching. Terms mode 1ICTIONELDS. 11 S. si .Y.IT AS AN A.UOTION- • Rim, >ill sell fo• better prices, to bettor mon. n ass tis and less charges than any of Anatione.r in Bast Buren or he won' .12sege anyt ting. Dates and orders can vans be arranged at this olnee or by person applioation. riAPT. ; ETRETTON, kJ Who 11 11. 023 year' eXPerience as an Anotioneer, 1 b WOO had to quit owing to health, has c in taken ort license and le prepared to emduct aol,. at reasonable terms. Sate otion suaranteed. Dates may Le arranged Tim Pon Publishing House. JAB. SIREITTON, 17-31 Auotioneer. IMPRO,..TD YORKSHIRE BO ;R FOR SERVICE. The under, ue I will limy for e1.7100 on Lot 20 Con, the thoro,.bred im- proved York Ire Boar, 'Oak Lodge Long- fellow," 31o,1 5,1,red by J. E1.13rethou1, Bur- ford, to wide t 11113130001011300 of BOBS will be taken. "8 1, 31.00, to be paid at Wee of servo° pr.vilege of returning 10 000- 0001117. A number choice yourg sows for sale for breeding pa ana s which will he so1d, at Prices to set he vireos. 21- NICHOL, Proprietor. RN t ifft ,SVSTE IC.011(ANIII CAN MIN G ADFIELDS. BF if.PSELS TO lEr 51.4:30 2310014., WRANGE3 . e 87 20 $70 20 jUNDACT. . 95 20 74 20 SITKA 303 20 70 20 SKAGWAI 108 20 82 20 DVLA (Ta Oil 20 82 20 Por ticketi atria and fail information ap- ply to J. N. ENDA.Lie Agent, Brussels. ot• GEO. 1.13YD, " Ethel, TA 0! IN C I 11, Richardson Is prepay Good Wo Suits ma arsaop I to do sen kinds of ek in kmanship and 9o1 Fits 3uaranteed. 7137- sryt..E.s. f Ir $4 alld BOW& 107 MelloWanaa MOM 30isfrict Ittho. F5 I e 2. Principal Dobson was away to Toronto this week consulthig a speoialiet in refer. elms to his throat whiole has troubled him for some time. A number from this locality attended the wedding of Miss Sharp, of Morris, last Tuesday evening. The groom was Wm. Lowry, of London. Walter Sharp, who has been employed near Holmesville during the past year, arrived home last Saturday for an ex- tended visit. His health is greatly im- proved. Among the olcl time residents who is holidaying here from Dakota is S. A. Armstrong, of Hensel, brother to Mrs. Raynard. It is 10 years mince Ur. Arnmtrong went Weet end the coun- try has eeidently agreed with him as he weight 211 pounds. Mi a Armstrong is a daughter uf James Lairo, of that locelity. reteller rook. Tun Pose gives the news. Mre. Blair is on the siok 1101. The sawmill is running at fall blast, Miss Mary Bitable is visiting in Beng- uela. Thos. Brown has returned from Dakota. Louis Ziegler, of Heidieburg, is visit. • n g Daniel Steles. Mrs. Wm. Perrie attended the funeral of her Meter, Miss Phemie Foreman, at 'saistowel, last week. A band box, acenteining a hat, was lost ever it week ago beawee. Granbrook and 3rnesele, out of a sleigh. The fluter would greatly oblige by leaving it nt Tnn Pose, Brussels, Leslie, the 5.yeer-old son of Merles Iwitzer, bad several teeth knocked oat ,y• being upset off the geng.way of tho arn, by the barn door. The bruises mire very palatal. 13017eesrayste. EYWON''II LEAGUE ANNIVEIRSARY.-The :Irvin hied in the Matt odisb °heron on imoday evening in eon. eotion with the above oemsion was largely attended and of special interest. The pester, Rev. F. T. Oaten, was tbe preacher. On Tuesday evening the concerb, previously announc- ed, was held in the Foresterte Hall. A all house Showed hearty appreciation of he program. The ranee, hoop drill and mach was the (specie' feature of the •ntertainment. The young lathes die- olayed great preoision of action while the •ostutnes of white and pink, with the loops decorated with evergreen encl./oink, made a bewilderingly pretty (MIL The Westfield quartette captured the sta- nce. Their seleotions were appropriate tnd pleaeing. Miss Wellwood sings with good expression and will always be wet. eorned by a Belgrave audience. Miss Reid, of Wingham, in her first appear- enae here, revealed a vein of much sweetens. Mr. MoOlelland, who kindly renders assistance on all mansions, was in splendid voies. A solo with (Mete oborus by Rev. Mr. Oaten and Miss M. Code, of Trowbridge, was heartily moor- ed. Mies Daley's instrumental was well received. The building of a Monument of Truth, by nine ladies was one of the unusual features. The whole with the monument, on the top of which a white dove bowed and nodded to the audience, made a very pretty tablean. Mm. of Wingbam, gave her recitation in that free of manner so seldom enjoyed in these days of somalled elocutionary oulture. Pearl Proctor and Addie Law- renee were the leading voices in a flower motion song. This was exceedingly well rendered. Mee. Oaten had full charge of the program and well earned the hearty thanks of those present. 883.41 belle the finanoial tale. Wroxeter. Mies Dottie Brawn was hi Wingham !at Sabbath evening. The carnival in the rink here on Tem - day last was a greet success. llev. Mr. Anderson attended the meet ing of the Presbytery in Wingbam on Tuesday last. John Patrolled and T. Hemphill are the candidates for the v liege Reevesthip, mused by the resigeation of T. B. Sanders. Election next Monday. Our ourlers.were defeated 16 shots in Harriston last week by the club of that tow,n. They will give a better amount of themselves before the season is over. llobt. Rae and Thos. Gibson jr. were delegates to Ibe» Presbyterian Christian Endeavor Ceneention held in Wingham on Monday last. The Rev. Mr. Andel 200, President of the Association, was obairman and filled the plitoe very am ceptably indeed. The fortimerning Provincial :eleotions nate before the muniesipel contest here es a topic of conversation. Never was such canvas of the village' eing made an the two candidates for the Reaveship are making this week, and 11 10 to be hoped the best mato will be returned on Monday next, Wat. Davidson'of 13eltnore, sou of Jno. Davidson, bleekensith, of this vil. age, was married en Wedneedey, 12111, to a young lady from the sielnity of James. town. Dlt, Davidson Mae the best wishes at a host of friends from here, ass he le well and popularly known, end to the new bride like wishes are extended, I. 0, 0. F. - Monde, evening of this week D. D. G. M, McKay, of Beasseele, amorapenied by a number of the brethren from Brussels Lodge, visited Montana, Lodge, No, 177, hi Mile place. The fol. lowing officers' were Metalled t-1.1. G., Bro. Bonging ; V. G., Geo, Pallin ; See., J. 13rethener ; Treati,, Geo. Mansard ; Were Jiro, Paul?n, After the hasten - talon ceremony Was ovet speeches wore delivered and a very pleasanb time enjoy. A. gianpttious repast Was sleeved at the Gorton House, Montana Lodge lolo a splendid linatmiel position having e surpludof about 111,000. 1310 expected that the vigil of the Brussels brethren will pet 'ew life into the membership and big additions ate looked lot In the near Meer°. Mr. Spotton, Principle of one mobile sobool, purposes getting up an entertain- ment in about a month's time. Some of our young people attended the Convention of Young Peoples' Societire at Gerrie on Tuesday night Met. The aunivereary servion of the Presby. troth)] chinas here, on Sabbath last were very sucoessfel. Tee Rename by Dr. Somerville, of Owen Sound, were listened to with grout attention. The Beale' on the Monday evening following was also muse. The leading feature of the evening was the leoture by Dr. Somer. villa on "Sights and impreesioes of old London," and an intellectual treat it was. Speeches by resident ministers and music by the quartette, Mimes Brawn and Menu. Gibson, with a gramophone performance by Mr. Copelend, of Toronto brought the meeting to a close. Walton. All the tile and briek manufactured Imre last year was disposed of, with the exception of a few loads that may be oleered out any day. . Quite a number from thie locality talk of attending the Fanners' Institute at Brussels, on Saturday afternoon and evening of this weelc. The annual meeting of Welke Cheese fat tory has nob been held yet, re returns are awaited from a cheese shipment sent to the Old Country market. Dr. Armstrong purporms moving into bis new commodious (residenc) this weak. We wish them many years of cm siert and prosperity in their fine beam 'Rem D. Format, Mrs, Forrest, Will. McAllister, Miss McAllister, Miss J. 10.101110, and Mr. and Miss Statile ate tet ded the Presbytery convention in W ngham on Monday. iehe date of the anniversary services in me neotion with Duffel (thumb as stated lase; week was ineorrect. Sermons will be eteeobed by Rev. Mr. West, of Eine- m e, on Sabbath, 30111 inst., anal the tea- ms sting will be bold on Monday, the 81st. Wm. Pollard has leased hie 100 sore farm on South side of 0031000910n to S. Bartow,, of McKillop, for a term of peen. Mr. Pollard retains possession of the ho me and a part of the anthem"' and will we dr his 60 store farm storms the mums. do 1. Mr. Barrows takes possession on April 1st. Allan George has sold the Walton brickyard to John Govenlook, a SOU of Reba Govenlook, of MoKillon. Mr. George has removed to Listowel and the new proprietor is new busy getting things in shape for next season-. Mr. Govenlook and wife are worthy people and their kneeing to this locality will be reootded with pleasure. Mr. Govenlook will hold an anation sale of farm stook &o., on his MoKillep farm on Tuesday afternoon, Feb. lat. 55. 8. Soott, of Brunets, will be the auctioneer. Ocemormeon.-At the Met regular meeting of the Walton Loyal Orange Lodge, No. 252, the following resolution wee carried unanimously the officers and members of this Lodge, desire to place on reward our heartfelt Bereave at the removal, by the hand of Month, of our late Brother, James. G. Kelly, a devoted member of this Lodge, and our appreciation of his unswerving integrity and high mental 10,01.11111es, which were so =oh devoted to the cause oE Orangeism ; his hies esteem, which commanded the respect of all who had the honour of his acquaintann, mud won the love of the Orange Brotherhood. We miss the presence and assistance of our beloved brother as a true friend and we deplore his lose sod mourn him, both as a brother and a true Protestant. His sudden call to the presence of the Great Master above shouldremind us oE the uncertainty of life, eFor in the midst of life 210 010 in death." To Ilia beloved brothers and sisters we desire to eonvey our deep, earnest sympathy in their sad bereavement, and we commend them to the mercies of a loving Saviour, hoping to meet in the glorious region of eternal happiness prepared for the people of God." Signed on behalf of this Lodge this lab day of January, 1898 : J MIN WEBBY, W. 117; 31. Monmsox, Chap. ; CMS. MEE, ReoeSeo. ; Wet. M. Soden, FineSec. Tee nal:newer. Our saw mill men East of here are rushing bishop. Opposition ie the life of trade, Wm. Rae left for Toronto on jan. 8rd to resume hie work at 'Varsity." Thio ig his third year in an honor 0011010 10 A.bo. Tames Mowbeay, meohtenioal and elem treat engineer, of Walton, hoe 001115 hone from the West where he has been foe some time. Henry Dennis bought a team of homes in Sentforth one day lately. This mopes 26 heavy homes' he has bought and sold in about a year. lames Wiltse, who ie home from the Ikea speaks of going to letondyke in the Spring. We hope if he goes be may beep ur the preeions duet. Haokwell is at present in Pahner. sten. We are not certain what tekes Wm. Northward at times, but there 011303 be some attraction, Geo. Glass, who has been employed by the C. P.R. for iota years as express agent lute been promoted, He to now on the road and has good pay. Several young people teem neat here were 30 13, wedding on the Inth con, of G •ey en Wednesday of last week. John' aleelab and Miss Mohair were the con. treating partiee, A. Forbes began week in S. 0, No, 9, Meleillop, 331 Moeday. We wish out young pedagogue moons in the noble pro- feesion he lute oilmen, although it 16 much herder to pin a good repetation ooming after hustler like his predene. HOC. 17538 Annie Glass, who hag been tenoli• in; Bawd for the Rag two years timer Portage,la.Prairie, to borne spending her helicleye. She will mon return, 175e0 Giese formerly taught aehool in this county very gooesseenhv and no doubb still keep up het reputatinn at a lint• clues inetreotoe of the yotteg. Wm, Coats and wife, of 'ACM, Man., are home 'a/soiling, Mrs. Coats lone given birth to it fine baby boy einee else came. Robert Munn has opened 11 blacksmith shop end ie kept busy in it. Of nurse at times bo is oallod over to the null to set things' right when they gob oat 00 nrder. Thou. Router is preparing to build o brick house 0.081 year. Chas, (IWO has the contract. Thi, Ronne it will be done right, that is if (Marne does not get too badly rattled when he will see the Tories go under next Summer again. Alf. Stafford is the meteor of a flee collection of poising which he purposes having published in book form. Mr. Stafford also aliowo marked ability as a portrait painter. Who knows hut what wo have it great genies in our midst who may be able to say .1 awoke one day and found myself famous." 4C7er (kX. Tile Nam gives the OEMS. Parrots are quite plentiful on the nth this yeer. Barn building materiel is moving at a lively rate. Grey Council minutes may bo read in another column. Did you notiee the New Year's gift R. B. Al000k received ? Wm. Creme, of Russell, Manitoba, is visiting in this locality. Miss E. MIllister, of Wawanosh, tens visiting at D. Taylor's Iamb week. Wm. Heritage, of Manitoba, was re. mowing old friendships in Grey township. John Hill was away to Crediton on rt TiSit to his daughter, hire. (Dr.) Rivers. T. Driver, of Blanshard, was the guest of his cousio, Miss 3e. Livingston, 15th mon. Reeve Sbraohan was at Gerrie on Tem. day attending the Farmers' Institute. Elo is the President. John J. Streatham has reteened to Guelph, wb are be is taking a course at the Agrionl ural College. Duna. DI »Kay brought home a band some eta+ the other day. Things BYO looking serous, Duncan. 411 the township officials of 1807 have beere.appointed, viz., Clerk, Treasurer, Mamma Auditors and Board o' Health. Mies Isabella Strachan has returned to London to resume her duties as head milliner in John C. Green's eetablish. meat. Arob. Hislop, Liberal caneidato, is energetically pushing the work of °rpm- intion in connection with the coming election. We expect Grey Council will vigorously push the big drain this year and if so a good many farmers in the South -oast will rejoiee. Geo. Stacey and wife, of Hibbert, and Mrs. Barr, of Fullerton, were the gueets of Fletcher Sperling and Jae. Livingstone last week. Mrs. 3. J. Vilma; and danehter, of Thamesville, and Mrs, Hugh Patrick and daughter are visiting at Mrs. J. Living - stns, 10th eon. Thursday 00 11.50 week, James, son of Thos. Davidson, lilth aon., arrived home from Arcola, Man., where he has been for the past two :years. Whether he is bees now for a housekeeper or not we have not heard. Oliver Turnbull, 16311 eon., is deter- mined to lead the procession. Notwith- standing the Mat that he was the owner of a there' bred Duchene ball he has per. obased a w 011 bred Hereford, rising 2 years, from Mr. Heath, of Trowbridge. This breed pans out well foneither milk or beef. PASSED AWAv.-Early en Thursday morning of this week Elias Diekson oros. sed that bourne from whence; no traveller returnee Fusing away at the family reel. donee, 12th eon., aged 53 years and 9 menthe. Deceased was born in the 00. of Armagh, Ireland, and oarne to Canada with relatives when a boy. He lived in West Zorra, near Harriugton, until about 15 years ago. In 1885 he puree teed the fine 150 acre farm 011 0110 12th eon. from Robt. Dialuson, now of Detroit, and he continued to reside there until his da- mage. About w year ago his health be- gan to fail and what appeared to be a oomparatively trifling ailment, developed into oonsamption, although he was able to get about until a few weeks ago. Mr. Diokson was an industrione, streightfor. ward mau, who enjoyed the esteem of all who knew him. Lie 2100 9» 16701 .101)103 religion ; Liberal in polities ; a good neighbor ; kind husband and indulgent' father. A year after he mine to Grey be was united in marriage to Miss Flora McLeod, of Ashfield, who, with three enughters and two sone, survive him. Deceased was e member of the In- dependent Other of Forman, at Brus• gels. Tho funeral will take plan on Saturday afternoon, at 8 o'oloolt, service at 2.80. Interment ab Bruseels cemetery. Mes.Dzokeon and hardly are deeply sytu. pathieed with ineheir bereavement. Animism eon, PSTISENTATIM.-Ou 'eVed- needay evening, Jan. 12111, ,a, number of pupils front S. S. 'No. 7, Doman, drove over to the residence Of Wm. Forbes, 1611. 0011., Grey. After'all were mated Miss' Tenn, Forbes, their former teacher, BM Called upon and Miss Della Carruthere stepped forward and rend an address, while Ulm Sadie Brown presented a lovely par or lamp and Mise, Alio° Akins and Minnie Campbell brought foe. Ward a he idecnne rocking oheic. Miss Porbee, although taken entirely by sur prise, (as this wag the amend time she was (sailed moon to Rob on an measion like ^this in her three yearee experiei ea in that plan) replied suitable to the cemasion, After spending the evening in games, muele, singing, eta., all were driven to their reepeative homes by their genial friend, Geerclie Campbell. Tho following is the address t - To Miss Tonto Forbes, 2'eaoller of S. S. leo, 7, Dorian r Doom Teecunn,-In Miming before you te-day wo tare reminded of the many happy days we have spent under your guidanee and dare, atal 4310 with feelings of stadium we think of the henthat smeared the pleasant teletleim which existed between Messina and punile (lut- ing the meet three years, We Omsk yo', beiatily for all bete eatnestneet ntid zeal with Whinh yen Mtge labored to naiveness ups.raprom, W. I -I. KERR, Prop, 110 10 our efforts to become good and use- ful members of society aud your friendly and obeerfu, disposition shall remind us how to bury our dilligultme. Plena BO" oept then little tokens of eeteent and let them now and then lead your thoughte baulc to your young friends of 8, S. No. 7. 'Ila Ged may ever prosper our dear teacher ane 011 her cup in future days with joy one happiness. is the wish end prayer of hes pepile. Signed in behalf of the sabots', Aram AIMS. D soma CAIIIITITITITIS, BADIS Boowyt. The Duckeow Sentinel mays ef a 100- 11108 Greyite ; - W. IL photo- grapher, in Kaako's old atom', has just received a new photographic outfit, scenery, eto., for 1150 gallery. Although Mr. Cash Me only been isi business 101 the village for about three inonthe he is rapidly working np good patronage as reward for hie lnduetry and prenverancs. Mrs. Jas. Helmetof Parte River, Da. heti, is renewing ol:1 friendships in this Imlay. It is six years since Ur. and Mrs. Holmes moved Went where they have done well and Nee the ()outlay. Mrs. Rolmea is a daughter of Rio. Jam Grieve, of Maleillop, and a sister to Mrs. A. Somerville of the came township. She will be returning to Dakota in the course of a month or go, 131.o rye el. TM POST givee the neva. Henry Robb is serionaly 111 at present. Township Connell minutes may be read in another column. S. M. Fear and wife were away at Elmira visiting relativeg. Mies Martha Johnston end Edg were visiting at Luaknew this week. Jag. Patteeson and mother, of White. °Math, sweet Sunday at Geo. Peacock's, Mise Clara McOracken, of Brussels, was the gated of Geo. Johnston last week. Thos. and Robt. Watson, nE Paisley, were visiting at Go. Councillor Mooney's this week. A. sleigh load of•Bruas, :hes visited the Sunshine Lo 5100 on Friday evening of last week. Miss Draggle Stewart, of Blnevale, spent a couple of days last week at Wm. J. Johnston's. Harry Pear hes gone to Brussels, where he has taken a position in no. Ferguson & Co.'s Dry Goods store. Harry should All the bill. An Epworth League of Christian En- deavor has been orgenized at Jackson's appointment. It meets on 'Wednesday evening, at the ohuroh. OBIT. -On Tuesday morning James, second son of the Sato Jame, Forrest, died at tho residence of his brother Charles 20.1 eon., aged 30 years, 2 months and 21 days. He had been poorly for 0 few years and despite all that could be done he gradually failed and hod been confined to bad for the past month. Coestirription was the muse of death. Deceased was born in Morris and with the exception of a few years spent in Algoma has always resided in this town- ship. His father died 10 years ago. The subject of this nobioe wa,s most highly esteemed by all who knew him and his decease will be greatly regretted. The funeral took place on Thursday afternoon of tbie week, interment being made at Brussele oemetery. Rev. David Rogers, of Binevale, and Rov. S. J. Jilin, of Bras. eels, conduoted the (services. Meenntoomare-On Tuesdity evening of this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Sharpe, of Morris, over 101) guests assembled to witness the marriage of their daughter, Miss Minnie, to Will. Lowry, formerly of Bruesels, now of London, and to shave in the wedding festivities of the evening. The interest- ing ceremony took place at Mx o'clook, the bridal party standing nuder a bower of evergreens, from the centre of which was 'suspended a dainty wedding bell. The elaborate and tasty deaareliong throughout the house wore prepared by the deft heeds of the bride's brothers, directed by Mrs. Alex. Sharpe, of Detroit. Mrs. D. Walker played the wedding march. The impressive marriage service of the Methodist church VMS conducted by the Rev. S. J. Allin, ef Benseals, The bride and the bridesmaid, Mies Julia Shupe, we a, neatly and becomingly dressed in white. John G. Rendall, of Toronto, VMS Mr. Lowry's "beet man" and did his part well. An elegant spread was prepared in the best style of the hostess and ample justiou was done to the enflame:les and delicacies provided. The evening was mese enjoyably spent iu game's, muse and social chat and on the dispersion of the large company many good wishes were expreseeri for the hokum happiness ond prosperity of the bride and groom, Following ie a list of the wed. ding presents' whit& were of a very elaborate charaoter :-Water pitcher, W. Sharpe and wife ; nut et:eel:erg, ;Mo. Sharpe ; breakfast Rea D. Pipe ; cups and senoras, Jas. and Mise Shurrie denying set, J. G. Kendall I plated soissors, Jno. aloradden; jewel oaan and jewelled brooala, the groom ; Bible to groom from the bride ; pickle moat, Mr. and Mrs. Eokmier ; table napkine, Mise MeKer. cher Mime fruit etand, Mr. and Mrs. Riegelwood tea get, Boy Kingswood; fruit plates, Miss Nellie Pries ; oelety nits, W. J. MoCraoken ; pipette°, H. end Mooney; parlor teble, John Mooney and family ; silver ink stand, Ohms, and Jennie Ames ; butter cooler, Mn and elm Meng ; pialtle must, Ella and Aunie Davie ; parkas lamp, Mr. and Mrs. &meal pictore, al, M. Cerdiff and 'Am- ity 1 fruit dish, Mies 111. Carr ; lemonade set, W. Armstrong g toilet set, J, D. Henry ; plater°, Day ; pioklo dish, Win. Dilworth ; Mamie Pat Jno, Wood ; pioture, Thos. and Jeen Walker ; table cloth, Mrs. A. Hunter ; silk and lone mullion end get dinner mate, Miss Julia Sharpe ; butter 'server, Welter Lowry ; Dresden tea pot, air, end Mrs. Goo. Lowry ; mantle Meek, Grandpa Frain heantiet, dvaudma Frain ; pieture, Jno, Day and wife ; chair, Dite, and Mrs. Alf. Lowry ; towels, Jamas Sharpebee spend, hire. 11. Dil- worth ; towels, Dlise 11.0. :Dilworth silk and lam dos y, Miss Oli1311ght05.; Mantle keno, Mee, Henry bable Upend, Alex, Sharpe and wife ; °teaks spread, Mr. and elms, Fleet ; photo bolder, led, and Mrs. Lowry ; fruit set, Miss Jennie Whaley ; picture, Mary and Robe. Dane ; nlbnm, Walter and Minnie Sharpe table cover, Mr. and Alm. Lovell ; lamp, Lily Sharpe ; table, D. A. Lowry hf. le. flogaeli ; cup mut saucier, Russell Lowry; ebonite covers, Mrs, GUI mature, Mrs. D. Walker ; 117.00, Joseph Sharpe and Mee. Harry Matheson, To- ledo. Guests; were in attend:tun from Toledo, Detroit, Toronto, Elt. Tboneas, Lond,sn, Goderioh, Listowel, Gerrie, and Ethel. Wednesday morning Mr. and Mrs. Lowry left by the early train, Irom Breese's, for their new home in London. The beet wishes of a large oirele of re- latives and friends anompaniee them in which Tug NM joins heartily. A. horse belonging to Jas. Duncan had one of its hind legs injured by getting en. tangled in a wire fame while roiling. Several rode 00 (110 fence was pulled off. sooiel surprise party was held at the borne of Wm. Jackson, 8th line, on Thursday evening of last week. About 25 were in attendance. The 8780505 8300 pleasantly spent in games, music and Imuch was served about 12 0'. cloak and nobody danced. Everybody voted 111r. and Mrs. Jackson a fireteelass host and hostess. Bansee.-Better roads could not be de- eired.-We are sorry to hoar that scarlet fever bee broken 003 10 the home of Win. Ferguson, near Belgrave. Mr. Ferguson is quite unfortunate for a few eters ago when in Wingham his horse ran away and struck itself against a tree breaking its back. This wee a bad loss as the animal was a good one. -A large number went to Blyth on Monday evening to bear the leetnre in 51. Andrew's church by Rev. D. Roberteen. on "Life in the gold fields of British Columbia." The detach wee well filled. -Peter Hall, who has been in Manitoba for 14 years and who is visiting hero, says that Morris has improved greatly bath in clearing of land and fenoing and balding. -A. good many intend going to the Institute meet- ing ab Brussels on Saturday, 22ad.-A. party Wall held ab Thos. Ruesell's reel - deism a few evenings ago. All enjoyed themselves immenselye-heisses Annie and Maggie Agen are visiting in Morris. They have each a good situation in 81. ThOVILIS.-Wood bees and parties are (pita common on the 4th line.-abmee gall purchased a brood sow of the Berk. shire breed from Wm. Mollie a few days rago.-Several aro troubled with bad colds now. ADDRESS iND lenesasterms.-Ttiesday evening of this week a large company of the jaokson congregation visited the residences of Wm. Jackson as a suprise party and performed the very pleasing task of presenting Mr. end Mrs. j'acksoo with an elegant Eames °heir each and a Hymn and Tune Book as a small ack- nowledgement of their valued services as leaders in the songs of praise in the con- gregation for years. The following ad- dress was read by Mrs. Peter Jackson and the presentation made by Jem. Mills and W. Taylor :- Mr. and Jill's. TV. Jackson 1 Dean FRIENDS, -We have assembled here tomeghe to express our sincere thanks to yon for your great kindness in so cheerfully, competently and satisfac- torily leading the service of praise in con- nection with our church for the past 25 years. 11 1, said actions speak louder than words, so in addition to what we have said we ask you to tempt these Easy Chairs and this Methodist Tun and Hymn Book as mementoes of kind regards of Jackson'e appointment in your labor of love. We hope you will both be spared many years to sing the glad songs of Zion and enjoy the comforts and bless- ings of your home, and that when this life is over you may joie the heavenly choir and with that vast congregation enjoy the rest that remotes to the people of God. Signed in behalf of the congre. gation by W. Tanen aud Mnas. A. very suitable response was made by the recipient,. The visitors made them. selves at home and a most enjoyable time was put in, it being a difficult matter to tell who were the best pleased, the donors or those receiving the handeome gifts. It was a Var' proper thing for the congre- gation to do, and they will be the better of their recognition of faithful servioe. WODAING 13sens.-On Wednesday even- ing, Jan. 121,11, the residence of John Mee Veby, 1st con., was the scene of festivity and tuerriment: it appeared to be the °entre of attestation for all the young eeople of the neighborhood, there being assembled together about one hundred in. vitae! guests to witness the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. eloVety's youngest daugh- ter, Mige Jane, to Wishes; 5, Davidson, a prosperous young blacksmith of Belmare. Shortly before 5 o'olook Mies May David. eon, sister of the groom, took her plan at the organ and rendered the wedding rnaroh. As the rapturone attains of musics floated through the house, the bridal party made their way to the parlor, where tho impreseive marriage oeremony was performed by Rev. Mr, West, of Bluevale. Tho bride was attended by her 0001010, Miss illeVety, of ' Tuakeremith, while Gavin Davidson, of Wroxetet, per- fernaed a similar duty for his brother, the groom. Tho bride was elegantly et - tired in 0111 51051 colored satin, brimmed with erne), Spanish lace and ribbon, She elm wore st, lovely bridal wreath, Her ettendent, 17100 161017033, Wore a eezy pretty dress of Napoleon eloth. Little Min Hazel Dulrnage, of Newbridge, act- ed as maid of honor and looked bad. 01010 garnaeuted in pale blue, with Mee tellelelline, which =tolled beautifully with bar lovely enow.wbete complexion and auburn ringlete. Tho weremony and gongembelations being over, the eetnetenY were summoned to the dining hall, which woo artistioelly derated for them:melon with evergreens and wreaths, After all had partaken of a magnifteent Telenet of the retest denounce, the everdeg eyes spent in it most enjoyable matinee in &timing, genes and rnnsic. The bride 1960 the reel kelt of many melee oostly beteutiful 01111 well assorted gifts, with% bore seeitlettal of bee popularity. When the hour of separation arrived the cone. peep dlepereed, with sin:meet; washes for the fettles; bappinese and prosperity of Mr. and Dare. Davidson, in whioh TIP l'oer concurs. JAN wv Alex. leity has returned home from Manitoba where he has been melding in the neighborhood of Killarney for some time. The annual meeting of the shareholders of the Morris, Fad, Rogers Co. will be held on the 24tla (nab., ab 8 p, 01., in the offices at the piano factory. At the annual meeting of the W, 0. T. 11, the following officers were elected : President, Rise Edmunds ; Rea. See„ Mrs. T. Remitter] ; Car. Seo„ DIrs. Bol- ton •, Troas„ Mrs. Selwood, William Hess, sem, for many years st resident of this town, died on the 8th inst„ at Shakespeare, where he had lab. terly been living with his daughter, Mrs, Wilhelm. Deceased MB 111 hie 84th year. F. R. Blewatb, D. D. G. M., e.ecom- panied by a sleigh load of brethren of Listowel ledge I. 0. 0. F., drove over to Harriston and held a publio installation of the Harristan lodge. Sister Rebekah Degree lodge also held its iastallation at the same time. Listowel trimmed Seaforth at the for- mer town Monday night by a soore of 8 to 1, and Listovvelites aro very mnoh ex- cited over the result. The crowd Was one of the largest ever seen in the Lista. wel rink, and showed by its enthusiasm that hockey has not lest he oldpopularity in the Northern town. For Seaforth, Cline, Balwin, and J. A. Jackson pub up a good game. Listowel's defenoe was fine, and the forwerd line played a brit- hant game. Following were the playere: -Seaforth-Goal, Cline ; point, H. M. Jackson ; oover point, George Baldwin; forwards, M. Forbes, T. A. Jackson, "Stoney" jaokson and W. Hawkshaw. Listowel -Goal, 3. Ford ; point, W. H. Climbs •, cover point, J. 13. Meyers ; for- wards, E. Kidd, P. Livingston, A. Heys ere and EL N. Orr. S. A. Macfadden, of Stratford, proved an efficient referee and wee very striat. The annual meeting of the Listowel and South Wallace Agricultural Society was held in the town hall on Wednesday, 12th inst., at 2 p. m. The Secretary's report sheered total expenditure for the past year of $708.60 ; balance on hand $84.79. This is a alight falling off from last year, the balance on hand a year ago being 8141.08. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year : Pres.. H. Hemsworth ; 1st Vieepres., H. God- dard ; 2nd Viee-pres., Andrew Alexan- der ; Direetors-Listowel, JasPerrin, J. W. Meyers, 3. F. Wilson and S. M. Smith ; Wallace, A. Mundell and EL Zinn ; Maryborough, Jas. Campbell; Elm, W. G. Inglis ; Grey, Robert Pirie. Auditors, A. J. Gelling and Thos. Male. The Board re-eleeted W. E. Binning Smas treas. The rules were revised, a few changes being made therein. Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 20th and 21st, were chosen as the dates for holding the Fall ehow. Agricultural Society Meetings. OBEY BILIECII 4011/CTIETITIlla socrm. A meeting of the Directors of this So- ciety was held in the Cannoil Chamber on. Wednesday afternoon of this week, Presi- dent Pollard in the chair. , W. He Kerr was re.eleobed Secretary and D. Stewart Treasurer. 11 was decided to offer the East Ridiseg Society 0300 to hold the Fall Fair in Brussels in 1808. On motion, the Treasurer was instruot- ed to pay 8300 on the mortgage on Fair ground, along with ono year's interest. The members of the Board presenb were Vice -President Speir, Robb. Nichol, Jno. Brown, Jno. McKinnon and Jas. Cardiff: MST HEIM 10100008.101141, SOCIETY. The annual meeting of the East Huron Agricultural Society was held, as per Statute, iu the Town Hall, Brussels, on Wednesday, Jan. 19th, thePreeident, Sas. Ferguson, M the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and pass- ed, on motion of J. Shortreed and W.11. Kerr. On motion of Alex. Stewart, seconded by Sas. Speir the following report of the Treasurer for the past year was accepted and adopted 1100111310. Balance ab last seadit $102 18 Legislative grant 420 00 Members' eubseti Mons 86 00 From Groy Branob Society.- 200 00 Total 5300418 BYTENDITTJUE. Prizes at Fall Fair 8640 65 Prizes for 1893 28 75 Working expenses 76 00 Pointing and Judge's expeusee 64 75 Balance on hand 99 03 Total 9041814 Prizes to pay yob $ 78 30 The following officers Were elected :- Preeident, Ja:S. Pagt18011 ; 1st Vice -Pres., Thos. Moliatechlin ; 2nd Vice -Pres., 3. 11, Smith ; Diteotors, R. Seeley, J'. Shoetree& Inc. ElliOtb, Jag. McCallum, Goo, Solinston, Aim Stewart, A. Gar. diger, Alex. IlleLartohlin and W. II, Herr' Auditors, A. Hooter and A., Mete& ten s D. Stewart was re-elected, SocrotarYd Treasurer, The offer of the Gray Branch Soddy to give $300 bo the Biding Smieby in easel the Vail Pair is hold m Bruesele Wee au. °opted, the Fair to be hola 013 Thneedeat and Friday, Oet, 6th end Ith. • A joint meeting of the two Boards wilt, be held in Brussels on the lase Satfirdeee of May, to revise the Prise list and attend to other matters d business, J. Martin, Lyndhurst, was &etyma id ntlimpting to creme the creek on the Mee