HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-1-14, Page 5,]n1.14, 1898 L'TH L Saler, w ll:Ingle & P2 nin � Mlle. An kinds o good loge wanted, A µcod man in the yt ^d to measure loge. Custom env ng will begin on March let Or before if ei 1n weather. Good Mapl flooring ohaap. Aeh V Joint from 5L to 014, Bills out to order. Shingles re sa!o. S. COLE. 00B WARM! .arge Quantity. The E •terprise Salt Works, Brussels, proper -d to pay ;1.25 per .3o .d for best 4 -foot soft wood and $2 25 for hard wood dolly •ea at the block. Cash's '11 be pail on deliv- ery. Estate T. T. Coleman, 1 RUSSELS. �2o EOD's Systel i. Re novalto — AND 001)00 — TEST: D REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ATIOOTE For Impure, Blood, Dyspe tion of the He algia, Lose of sumptioo, Go and Urinary Female Irrag Weak and. Impoverished da. elleepletaness, Pulpita- rt, Liver Complaint, Neur- de.nory, Bronchitis, Oon- S'ones, Janndioe, Kidney 1i9.a00e, St. Vitus' Dame, ar,aies and General De- bility. LABORATI lY, GODERICH, ONT. J. 113, MoLIIOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. sem by .ins, 1 x, Druggist, Brussels. BF JSSE, LS PITY WORKS. I with to fn 'nom the people of Brussels and surroundd lg list1101 that I have par - chased the 'meta Business of JAMES BELL and w d be found ready to attend to all wants i either new work or repairs at moderate 1 :Wee. No better I Imp in the market. Order left t my shop or residence or at P. SOOTS S chop will be promptly looked after. \'Orders taken for the Digging of Wells and Oit eros. GO3 ler Green, MILL STR1 ET, - BRUSSELS. SHIIICLES B ILi_sh Columbia E. a Cedar Shingles AND- North Shore Fine and Cedar FOR SAL i AT Ta10 Brussf is Ham 1Vills Alco Doors a 1 Hash of all Pat terse on ban or made to order at Short Not e. I7eti lutes Fur'lished for all kind of Buildin,;s. Workman- ebip and Material Guaranteed. . AMEN T A. g;OUSLEY Real i sate 86 Loan AGEN f , BRUSSELS, Morley to out on Farm Secur- ity at the Lowest Rate of Interest. Mau ed Laced on Notes and good N( es Discounted. Sale Noi ,s a Specialty. Fire d L11 i Ineuranoe Written. Specia Attention given to ( auveyancing. OUSL Y, Office eve. Deadmait's Drug. Store, BRUSSELS, Ali Lirict ..._ IIS le1S".rstvin. l!9 eu WASANOon Tr,,ce'rioos,—'I?he fol- lowing is the result of the polling In )last Wawanosh lnmhicfpal election :--- Mon AIME, 1 2 8 4 Robertson 85 80 62 80 --210 Lockhart 76 413 12 18-148 Majority for Robertson, ,,.,,,. 118 Ton 000001(0000. Bone 47 96 58 43-2.14 Care 61 CO 29 23-178 Sutherland 29 45 62 40-166 Cuultis 88 85 14 5-187 McGowan 55 80 10 13-117 Quinn 44 15 2 4— 66 The first three elected. 7Li w tea w a;l. Lx22n::Twrnlcntts.—M. MoD. Fleming, merohant tailor, has purchased the stock of Jas. Coghill. -3. Jackson, of the bioyot° repair shop, Wallace street, and Mfrs. Koch, widow, who resides near the High submit, have united forces.—The ladies of the Guild of Christ church have secured the servioee of the renowned Mrs. Jarley, who will exhibit leer Wonderful Wax Figures in MoDoneld'e Mosta Ball on Friday evening, Janunry 281h.—Knox ollnroh anniversary servioes were held on Sunday and were conducted by Rev. W. J. Martin, of Guelph. The rev. gentle. man delivered a lecture on Monday even- ing, subjaot "New Light on Old Truths." —David Bowyer hue returned to town from Harriston and is going into bnsinese again here, having bought out Broeks.d& Alexander's Stove ani tinware business. —At their meeting Court Royal Oak, No, 26, Co. 0. F., installed into office the following officers for tht coming term ; 0. Anderson, 0, R. ; H. Willoughby, V. C. R. ; Geo. Butt, sr., 31. Secy. ; 1i. T. Kemp, Fin. Secy.; J. H. Gunther, Treas.; G. M. Yates, Conductor ; Mr. Daum, Chaplain ; 0. Deitrioh and J. Strong, Woodward' ; W. Hamilton, sr., Beedle ; Jne. A. Tramcar), jr. Beedle ; Physicians, Drs. Rutherford and Thompson.—The Standard says :—That part of Dnfferin Ward known as "Little England" had ono of Ike old time aelebrntious on Mon- day night, which developed into a fight before the night was over, in which several of the partioipants came off with blank eyes, bloody noses and broken heads. These election feeds are a die• grace alike to those who participate in them and to the parties who supply the eatables and drinkablee. It is to be bop• ed that Monday night's row will put an end to that kind of.eleobioneering. .I31 st F.. B11nm xxe Fnou Boxon.—W. W. and Mrs. Sloan are on a visit to Toronto friends.—The annual meeting of thehlor• die Agricultural Society was held at the Queen's hotel, Blyth, on Wednesday, Jan. lltb.—Johu Denholm, who seriously in- jured his bank by falling from ahay mow a couple of weeks ago, is able to bearound again, although feeling pretty sore.— Miss Bentley left on Tuesday of last week for Winnipeg and expeots to ba absent about two months.—DenebeOb Bros. have been appointed agents • for acetylene gas, and have had four jets burning in their hardware store every night.—The annual meeting of the BIyLb Cheese and Butter Manufacturing Go. (Limited) will be bald at the Oommeroial hutel,.131yth, on Saturday, January 15111, at 2 p. m.—An effort will be made to have next 12th of July celebration at Blyth.—Meetings of the West Huron Farmers' Institute will be held at Blyth ou Friday, January 21st,—A quiet elec- tion was bald iu Blyth. The only (mu- test was for representation on the sohool board. There were three trustees to be °lacbed, Following are the names of the candidates and the result of the poll :— R. MoCommins, 105 ; Dr. Carder, 92 ; Joseph Habkirk, 72 ; J. S. McKinnon, 65. The School Board for 1898 will be made up as follows :—Dr. Carder, Dr. Milne, Joseph Carter, H. Torrance, Jos. Habkirk and Richard McCommine. :The anniversary services in oonneotiou with Sc. Andrew's Presbyterian oborab, Blyth, will be held on Sunday, January 16111, on which occasion Rev. Jae. Robertson, D. D., superintendent of the Northwest missions, will preaoh at 11 u. m. and 6.80 p. m. On Monday evening Rev. Dr. Robertson will deliver his celebrated lecture, entitled "Missionary Life in the Gold Fields of British Columbia." .A.tNV.00( . Slone WEnniNu,—Geo. Struthers and wife, 1611 oon., celebrated the twenty- fifth anniversary of their wedding on Friday evening, 31st tit, About 150 guests neeembled to do boner to the genial host and hostess, and a very eu. joyatle evening was spout by ell present. Dancing, games, music, dc„ were heartily participated in by friends, to say nothing of the elaborate provision made for the inner man. The host and hostage were the reoiplents of many wetly and appro- priate gifts as tokens of the event, while all their ohildren with she exception of two (Mrs. Gardner, of Mich., and Mrs, W. D. Linebam, of Dewdney, Man„) were present. The two ladies referred to Were unable to be here lnuoh to the regret of all. 0f the family present. Were Mrs. Dan. Barton, 12th non. ; Mrs. Jae. McKenzie, 16th inn. ; John and Alex„ of Elmo, and James, of Atwood. Interest- ing reminiscences of bygone days were recalled, aneodotes told, and thus the hours Blipped away, and twenty-five years of happy conjugal life were fittingly com- memorated. It is the wish of all that Mr. and Mrs, Struthers may be spared in health to witness tbeie golden wedding, Miss Myrtle Pelton, of Innerkip, 15 visiting friends in this vicinity,—Joseph Hanna had to be again removed to the London Asylum a week after arriving home from that institution, he having relapsed into his former unfortnnats con- dition. Muoh syepathy is felt for the family. It is hoped his renovery will be speedy,—Little Mary Klamp, daughter of d. A. Klump, was badly bitten in the leg by F. Curtis' dog on Friday, Dee. 81st, n000seitating the sorviaes of a doe- tor. No serious results are antioipaled, althenish tbo wound will be painful for aeons time.—The Atwood Presbyterian ohurell for the year ending Doo. 21111, 1897, reined the sum of 01,040 20 for all purposes, The report also shows $810 assets with corresponding itabilites. There is a balarm, due of 0100 on the manse which is being gradually wiped Out. A11 the organizations and eohetnee of the ahuroh are in n eaLibfntory eon. clition.---tV. F. Iferrest Into pltrobasmd the Clenlpbell eetalv,'ornc.r of 0l,d'r and john al ra0Lr4, Atwuurl untrd It, 101 neat to 13. Williams. '1'h,.r pll-r' paid w,,1 alma 131,100. '1'lite a,0 I lc,a ih.mirlbin building Iota, 22 feet fruutnlr , in the pre• petty, and it ie Mr. Forrester 11 0 1 0 110') to creek a two storey brick store next to the hernose shop next ettrotner, and ie getting material on alto ground already for that purpose. ' Punreen ps,nu,--At six o'aloak on New Yoar'e eve the annual dinner of the Pioneer Club was partaken of at the -rest - donee of A. Lawrence, 12111 eau„ and royal was the entertainment. The menu ooirsisted of everything in season—every- th.ing that oould tempt the appetite being provided from the festive oyster and stately turkey Lo the steaming plum pudding with entice sensonsd to pioneer taste. After dinner the guesto engaged in various games and told some hair• %tinting stories of life in the woods when the bears and wolves disputed puese1siun. At 12 o'o'ock with joined hands they Bang "Auld Ltng Syne," and wishing each other a happy New Year with many .kind expressioue to the boar and hosleat they separated, 30 meet next year at the reef• donee of Geo, Riohmond, Grorrt•ie. \Vsnmxa Beane,—Tho following ad- ditional particnlare over what teas given in Iaet week's POST, having roferenoe to the nuptials of A. Spotter), B. A„ and Mise Jennie Greer, will be of interest t0 our readere : The pastor of the young psol.le, Rev, 3• S. Fisher, performed the oer:mony. Promptly at five o'clock, the groom and his attendant, George Spobbou, prinsinal of Wroxeter public school, en- terr. 1 by the 119111 door of the parlor, while the bride, leaning on the right arm of her father, with her three attendants, entered by the left, The bride wag at• Circ i in a delegate pearl and levend,r Pre 'eh giaeee Bilk, trimmed with hand- set.. h pearls and lace, with bridal veil mud oat •ying a bouquet of the oboieest bridal ros,.s. Miss Lizzie (freer, bridesmaid, woloo a white dress of cashmere trimmed witb pearls and lace and curried pink aar:,at•rons and tern, while alias Ethel Spa„toe, slater of the groom. and llfiss Lu m Welch, nieoe of the bride, aoted in the oapaoity of fiower.girls, garmeeted in duiuty flowing dresses of white silk and carrying baskets of flowers, Miss Annie Perkins, cousin of the bride, supplied music suitable bo the occasion, in her usual able manner, After the nuptial knot had been seeur'ely tied and the con- gratulations over, the gneets, numbering about sixty, all relatives of the contract- ing pnrties, sat down to a• snmptcous dinner. The residence was beautifully decorated for the occasion with mistletoe and holly and seasonable mottoes of New Year's greeting. The bride was the re- cipient of many ooetly presents, both use. fel and ornamental. The anneal meeting of the Howiok Mutual Fire Inanranoe Co. will be held in the town ball, Gorrie, m1 Friday, Jan- uary 2151, 1898, at two o'clock p. m.—At the regular meeting of Court Delight, No. 1695, Independent Order 01 Fores- ters, held in the Orange hall, Gorrie, the following oifioers were elected for the eu• suing term ;—(1. D. H. C. R., Thos. Nash ; 0, R., Jos. Wray ; V. 0. R., W. Walden ; 11. S., M. E. Oummer ; F. S., Rtobard MaGrabh ; Treas., W. Mose ; Crap., Rev. J. W. Goffin ; S. W., W. Olegg ; ,I. W. Wm. Irwin ; S. B„ Bert. Mutate ; J. B., R.8. Clegg.—Anson Spot - ton, B, A., and hie bride left for Toronto on Wednesday of last week.—John W. Toner has left for Stratford where he in— tends to put in a term at the business aollege.—The annual meeting of the Loyal Orange Dietriot. of Howiek, was held iu the Orange hall, Gerrie, on Toes - dap at 2p. m.—At the regular meeting of Oonrt Gorrie, No. 57, Canadian Order of Foresters, the following officers were elected :-0. D., John Stewart ; P. 0. R„ W. J. Greer ; 0. R., Win. Mose ; V. 0. R,; J. S. Found ; R. S., E. L. Morren ; F. S., N. McLaughlin ; Treas., T. D. Edgar ; Obap., Jas. Walker ; S. T. Soo. Watters ; J. W. Arthur Oommer ; S. B., Geo. Barber ; J. B. John Ardell ; Phy,, Dr. Took ; R. to H.'0., Geo. Walker. Onir.—Again we are palled upon to record the death of one of Howicl('s old• est pioneers in the porsou of Mrs. John Hayden, who died at the residence of her sou•fn.law, Edward Pyke, of the 9111 oon- ceesion, on the 80th ult. Deceased was born in the town of Winchcomb, Glouces- tershire, England, in the year 1813. When 22 years of age she gave her heart and hand to her now bereaved partner, and during their long life of over 60 years together she proved to be a trne help• mate: In the year 1844 they emigrated to Canada. They lived in Toronto for a short time ; and then moved to Uxbridge, where they resided for three years, when they removed bo Albion. township and rented a farm, They Lived there for abut seven years and then in the year 1338 they came to Howlett and settled on lot 14,000ncession 2, where they resided nu.il abort 26 years ago, when they mov- ed to Gorrie to rest the remainder of their days. About a year ago, both be. in; feeble, bhsy went to live with their daughter, fare. Edward Pyke, where de- ceased breathed her last at the ripe old ap of 81 years, 4 menthe and 15 days. Sl t' joined the Methodist ehureh in early lit, and has lived a trite and consistent Christian life for over half a century. She was the mother of four children, all of whom survive her, viz ; Hezekiall Henden, of Turnberry; Mrs. Brown, of Methigan ; Mrs. Edward Pyke and Win. Hayden, of Howlett. The bereaved ones have the eympathy of all in the loss of a true wife and a kind and affsetionato meeher, g,uckkno w, • The vote in the village was almost unanimously in favor of the creation of a House of Industry in the County of Brnoo. Out os a total of 128 votes cast only 2 wore in opposition to the house, —Tho Epworth League of the Lualsnow Methodist church )told its anniversary servioos on Sunday east Monday. lien. Me, Millyarcl, of Nile, spoke to the young people both noerniug auel evening.—Miss 'l r f Rochester N. Y, is spend- ing Miller, o , p ing a few weeps with friends in town,— T, J. Stewart, for many, yearn Deputy. Raovo of Kinloss township, was elected an Alderman of the city of Hamilton...- Gay lamilton.—Gay es Jowitt havo got uloid skating rink illuminated with incandescent lights, which aro a great improvement oven the are.—Aloxandoe McKay, suitor, of this Village , in too owner of ono of the hand - gems; model ocean sailing vessels we hove over seen, It is fall rigged, even to the sailors, and there ie not a lope, pull• ay, tenkh, spat, yard atm, oto„ found on the best equipped sailing vessel, that is not r'cprosoutod ou this beanbifnl little THE rlitlinL7 7+Ara$ POST end Tho 011 ,1,, work is that of nu artist, awl an the Duly l• 1 11.1 b 111 Ia tv hI 11111k/fig I.Irn 14,10 we -, n ja I' • � larir , al; 'm Newly a marvel. 1314 un' auuivur„ury hall will b0 hold in the Caledonian ILtll, Lucknow, nu ,Jen. 25th. --Andrew Mnrdueh, many years ago ,t prbminon citizen 1111 hlmlwow, but now living iu Sootfalfd, arrived in Lucknow • rooen1ly. to „pend a vacation with hie old friends fu tine vioinily. G:ocloi•1l>.lt. 131141l,l:rn... At the last regular rnuebing of Heron lodge, No. tit, 1. 0. tl. 1P., the following were elected to c 1•heo for the current year :—D. Ilollnos, N. G, ; A, W. Cornell, V. G. ; M. J. 1'roudfoet, rue, sect ; Dr. (9ar1(, 100 nosy. ; (1. A, Nairn, troas,--'1'11e etone moored by the Comity Oounntl for the Comity jail has arrived and the able bodied prisoners is the County reet for tramps will bo forced to do bard labor. From this date tramps aotlt to the .jail will have considerable exercise in stoue•worlt.—Wan. Wall, of Ashfield, was bronght before )Iia Honor Judge Masson on a charge of lonely. 1 large cumber Of witnesses, principally neighbors, govo evidence confirmatory of the charge, bet Drs. (1. R. Shaun,:u and Ilunter testified to the defendants sanity, At the oonoln.nion of the cater Jnrlr;o Marl - sent \Vali back to thejail fun' 1.1,, wnut of sureties to keep the peace. '1:11 Co. Attorney presented and P.'IIolt defend. 1(' eel. ---At the regular meetiu f ., u, g o leaiuh Council, No. 157, 0. 0. C. 1'., helJrecent- ly, tho following wore elected officers for 183)8 :—Andrew Duff, C. C. ; A. 'lgener, V. C. ; W. A. Ross, prelate ; A. Furrow, Treas. ; H. 1V, Ball, Recorder ; Jas. Hays, warden ; M. Carl, marshal) ; Wni. MoOlure, guard ; A. Egonor and A. Duff, audit committer ; Joseph Beek, repro. sentativo to grand Council ; W. A. Ross, alternative.—i;ome gentlemen of St. Peter's congregation presenter) their pastor, Pew. father West, with a hand- some overcoat, It is made of tiro best Irish frieze proourable and is highly prized by its fortunate possessor—Anad- diLion is being built to the knitting factory.—There was very little work done . ou the breakwater the past weal(.—Miss Jessie Alexander and Harald Jarvis ap• peered in Victoria Hall ou the 18111 inst. 11331 u oval le. Trim Poon is filled with good sense of interesting news and events. Rev. W. W. Leech and wife, and Rev. J.11. Code were visitors at Jos. Leech's last week. Yon may have to spoil eeveral sheets of writing paper, but you'll know better soon. It is 1898. Rev, S. W. Muxworthy preached in the Methodist church last Sabbath morning and evening, Mies F. Jaokeon is engaged in Wing - ham at present, prior to her remove! to Calgary, where she expecte to spend some time with her sister. A farewell banquet was held on Mon- day evening at Balmer° in honor of J. S. Stewart, who is removing to Blvovale, by his admiring friends at that place. A number of his friends from Wingham at- tended. War in Japan, municipal elections and diecuseious do not disturb the egninimity of R. G., of the Postoffiae store. fie keeps a supply of right goods and trade ie increasing. Hang out your harps on the willow tree, He has on hand a first.elase tea. i 1,01 .reel su,I Doha; l.•„ Society 11,1., beeti t r .mitred with es -al prc.p01'0 of ;e Rhe detr,,re et ,hid wick Will i••, dual I I urn: 11111011 latent Intent. J,1n t,. bb,wnr4 had cold hid black AJ r iI;rl „f trying to f's) )4 ogle by (. 3 a;wen-ten t 11 Better be honest with them, Tbal'o sm, hell” hnsuees iu-mnrrl Ln , our axp,n•ienre, and id nue reason why this bnsihedn bad grown cit its present pro. parkland, We've said berate that this in a "nobisfantory nbore"- -a store whore you get the bent poseibls value for your munoy -a (5ASI1 S'1'OR11—where you quo gob your 11101Wy beak if not eai:-31411 with your purultaeo, hat's , 3/even-nit, silo will be l,ine,1 in wed- ne11 1„ n'n.s iluVely ere tide )stun of Tug Poe' reau11e4 its readers, 111r. Stewart 40,11 nitwit to I;hrevlLio and 00. copy the It ms', vacated by J. McIntosh. A lecture wee given corder the umpteen of the Epwu:th League 011 Thursday evening of la:.t week, by the ;tauter, Rev. D. Rogers, to it large end appreehttive audience. . t was not a dry essay read from a leetur,' strand, but for nearly un hour the interest sous sustain- ed by a flow of colmnnn seine, hnn1or and 'meld philosophy. J. A, Creighton, of Brewed 0, (welded .110 emir. An excellent n,usical pru'uds of half an hour was given, c onsicl•ing of solos, duottes and quartettes, it, which the fob lowing took part ;senile lr 0 iia, and. E. Stewart, S dud 13. Ring,'Iios M. Code, of Trowbri.ige ; and J. 4, Denman and R. J. Ounb,lon, The Nominating Cot vention of 0115 Liberals of South Esees ,will be held et Kingsville on Tuesd,cy, 3,o',. 18th. Alex Ahi.on, father rO .Jelled Allieou, the rnnrdrers', ie Rhit; 1:. a somewhat premtuHolm con at h'- bane in Mit. `Abile attending services ,'1 the Salvstiou Army b ti t',e w,s ),,lien w an at - took to ebieh he hos bran subject 011100 she oonvietirm of his 00.,. lle became violet and nay taken honer+, where he is now resting easier. Allison's condition s due to hie eon's confession, which was made known to him slu:tlyafter its pub. , Hamlet:, When told than dames Ind con' teased, he refused to b Pave it, saying that his sot would have to telt hire. so himself. '(,,s mother at .1 says that the boy is innreent. The father has had three fits, the tart, if any,bing being the most s: vers. Boparn. A,iOr,'. 4Wood'S Ihosphodiao, yEJt "� 0d end E�,inme sed by. '' '• Sold nod r' commended by al l( ,tdruggists in Canada. Only deli d `�• 3[''able medien'e discovered. Sic '• packages gua Braked to cure all forms, 11 Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To. baoco, Opium or Stimulants. trailed on receipt of price, one package $1, six, O. One trill please, *will Cure. Famphlets free to any address. The Wood Company, Windsor, Oat Sold In llrureels by G. A. DEADAIAl1, Druggist, 13 ooliveller t Optician. SOS! Will melee, a well mala of7017f 1010055100000000115 000V0 005OLze IN 1000 5EEH5. PIO0K cures All Nervosa 015.5505. 0150)0555. 8005 Failing 5lomary,lcfehtly 080100, Sperms. Worms, 1111500051,015., 0501•.0 by p001 ammo; Om vigor null 8150 m ehrun0en 010500, 006 quietly 001ri50.0M3t eald oro4s00y m'yAnn. Sant by mro :1aw4..1I11o+ hn0e0wnw 0I2n)08(4D000 Sud waled from cuvrntl0n1Molararned in root p00101. PrlrrW000505.d 010 der 05. 0000 money 1n letter* ether.,7110 17 op1 (5015001, Iottor. Addros501 0 :o J.T. PrP 81De. Diu gist, amnia. Our„ AgonL for tee Da minion at Csna05. LLATYNES ROGERY New I Fruits. Raisins, Currants, Orange, Lemon and Citron Peels, Figs in Taps and Layers. New 1 Walnuts, Almonds, �' N77o g Filberts, Shelled and Unshelled, Peanuts. Nice, Fresh Pure Lard. CROCKEF? SonzetIt7ng well worth, serif 4 in Dialler, Tea and Toilet Ware. 018012080114.8000 Jas. Ballantyne 0 EV SAVED EY yeti' A X HENOE BY DEALING d'I'TH 6 ' ileo 1 bull You are Well served and gain lllolle} . ] all n :ietee f tl,o Cook, Parlor and Goal Stoves That Cannot be Beaton. Large %ssoltment of Tamps and Lamb Good-, Lantel1s > Cutlery and Graniteware. We make a specialty of putting in Coal and Wood Furnaces, and Warrant Satisfaction. Stove Coal for Sale and alwayson band, Special attention to Jobbing and. Repairs, Wilton 85 Turnbull, Brussels. must n`I be enamel not rinriurt the next ttvo teethe. Prions greatly reduced. Every gurmeut up•tu•rlale. Bluelc Rough Cloth Mantles, regular price 51 50, reduced to 53 50 Iiltu,i(13eavc'r Clot) " ' 5 00, +' 3 75 Tweed lIffeet, light grey, " " " 4 60, " 3 50 Brown Beuver Cloth, " . 0 50, " 4 00 Blue Grey Beaver "4. ti 7 80, " 5 00 Beaver or Rough Until Menthe, 1'' bleak and uolore, at 58,001 9.001 Bodnoed Q1h1a „ ,..' II 9,50 -to 1.11V. 10.00) Boys' and li'n`e ()throats at greatly reduced priaee, special line of Plan's Ulsters at 54,40. Our Prices arc absolutely the Lowest—not for one day in the week, but every day in the year. NM GO. H. Overcoat, a Readymade Clothing For Children, Boys, Youths and Men. Furs at and Below Cost, -.11. -- Men's Muffs, Ladies' Muffs, Storm Collars, Ruffs, Scarfs and Boas. We have had a good season's trade in the above lines and are satisfied to- let the balance go cheap. Wishing all a very happy and prosperous New Year. an. INS. OUR LEADERS, FRIEZE ULSTERS. Ulsters Sold elsewhere at $11 and $12 00, here for $9 00. Ulsters t t 9 10 00, " 7 00. Ulsters fe 8 8 50, 01 6 50. Ulsters r1 6 6 50, " 4 00. Ulsters called a $5.00 bargain elsewhere, here for $8.50. Fur Coats and Caps. Out of the largest and best selection of Fur Coats shown in 2 Brussels this season we have only two left which will be clear - eel out at a bargain. Also a few Fur Caps loft which will bo sold at a good reduction. Tailoring Department. • 3 !Our Tailoring Department, which needs no Mention, is of established merit, which you will confirm by giving us a call. bl FURNISHINGS. The Choicest stock of Neckwear ever shown in Brussels will . be to hand this week, also a choice selection of Hats, Caps, Shirts, Collars and Cuffs, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, Muff- lots, ufflots, Gloves and Underwear on hand. Present of a Match. All purchasers of $10.00 and upwards, at one time, will receive 11 liulsomo Nichol Watch, stow-windor, valued at • $2.50. The above bargains Hold good for Cash only for the I'Ioliday season. ."unford., The Leading Tailor and Furni$her.