HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-1-14, Page 44 e. fist, 19I<riit,ove.> w duhu 111urrisnu, lir eve. who esti( two Nharthern belle a few weohe ego, lute pRiDA 17, .IAN. 1.1, 18 )h. pr,of`nHullrtt,ttt rbunbouttu el00�raMi. Grasmere. te em+ of clic beet nettling horde iu tate County, and this will be at good thing for the ueigebcrhood, Time:stttr Cover n..—Coanoit met in Jones' Ilutel. Leadbury, ort Monday, the 101,11 inst. Declarations and quelittee- tious of office were taken and eubeeribod before the Clerk. i)iinutee of former meeting were repel mut adopted. Daniel Manley wee elected Deputy.Reevs 1 Teo. 0. Morrison was reappointed Clerk David M, lutes, Treasurer ; 1vm. Evans, Assessor ; Chas. Dodds, Colleotor ; Adam Dickson and Wert. G. Smith, Auditors ; the Reeve, Clerk, Thos, Merrily, John McElroy and Bernard O'Connell, aBoard of Health; Richard Pollard, Sanitary Inspector. A By-law appointing the different oificfale wen passed and accounts for salaries, charity and email jobs, amounting to $230.47 were paid. The requests of Wm, McKay and Joseph 0. Morriston to have Ne lot 11, con. 11, and North of South } lot 1.1, con. 11, batten ont of S. S. No. 0 and added to Section No. 8, was laid over until next meeting and the Clark instructed to notify all parties interested. A. motion was pressed to lower the interest ou all mortgages held by the municipality to 5e, after the 15th of uext December. Couneilatljoueu- ed, to meet in Joues' Hall, Lenilbury, on Monday, 14th Feb„ at 2 o'clock, after- noon, when the Auditors' report will be received, JNc. C. Moniusox, Clerk. MoIc t-sv orth. ADDUCES AND PitESENTATrON.—On her departure ft'one amongst us Miss Rebecoa McNair, who has been our worthy and painstaking teacher for the pant few years in U. S. S. No. 10, Howlett and Weilane, was made the recipient of a handsome set of China dishes, by the people of her Section, on the 27th ult., at a large fare- well party given bar et Jas. Edgar a. The parting gift was accompanied by the fol- lowing address, whioh was read by Mise Annie Cooper :— Tun Provinolal Legislature is expected toprorogue in a few days, unlese some. thingnow unforeeon turns up. IT is mooted that the Proviuuial eleotions will probably be held about the close of February or 1st week of Marsh, The fight will be short, sharp and deeia- ive. ARRA:MEMENTO ere being made to hold the annual meeting of the Canadian Press Association this year at Ottawa, in Maroh. This would allow the Ontario knights of the scissors and paste pot an opportunity of hearing the eouoentrated wisdom of the Dominion and also permit them to gaze upon many a codger who never would have bad a chance to warm a Beat in the legislative halls had it not been for the silver plating of the afore- said newspaper men. If we can atrunge to beat our way to the Capital on that occasion we will certainly tell our renders all about it. WE observe by election returns from it number of municipalities that there is a very strong sectional feeling indicated by the plumping that is done for cue or two candidates, while the others, some of whom must of necessity be eleated, are entirely ignored. This is a mistake, as a, broad view should be taken of these things and the interests of the entire municipality taken into the count. Not infrequently has this line of procedure acted as a boomrang and figuratively kill- ed the fellow who loaded the gun—in other words, the eleetora caught on and kieked. The day of narrow views has passed away anti the motto of all should be "For the Public) Good." CO. COUNCILLOR MOONEY• is mentioned as a probable occupant of the Warden's chair in Huron Co. Council for 1888. He would make a competent man for the position. We think it would be well for this body to come to some amicable arrangement whereby the Warden would be °Rosen alternately from the political parties represented in the Coanoil, not for the sake of stirring up strife, but that some definite rule might be laid down in selecting the candidate. It is a fact patent to all that whichever party were in the majority always got the Warden. ship, melees in a close vote, when some- body "swung," but by the above mention- ed arrangement no party would monopol- ize the honors, and the probabilities are that the Council will always be nearly equally divided as at present. If a Liberal were to have the chair this year It would likely fall to the ;lot of,20o. Councillor MoEwen, of Henaall, who has been a well known member of the Coun- oil for years. Brussels Council. The inaugural meeting of the new Council for 1898, was held on Mon- day morning at 11 o'clock. All the members, viz., Reeve Kerr and Council- lors Thomson, Backer, Leatherdale and Warwick, were in their places and took the declaration of office. Minutes of last meeting read and pass- ed. Before entering on the business of the day the Reeve outlined the work of the year, referring to the necessity of prim - goes with the hose carte, hose, &c., in the Fire Department and calling attention to certain necessaries, such as anew siamese coupling with gate, &o. Ile also spoke - of the assessment of Brussels; street im• provement, the proposed new Bowers and walks, end the Livingstone flax mill, and hoped every member of the Board would punceuelly attend to his reapeotive duties and jointly and severally work in further- ing the interests of Brussels. The mem- bers of bbe Board joined iu a discission on some of the points raised. A trumpet IVES suggested as a means of connection between the Captain of the Fire Brigade and the Engineer at time of fire. The following accounts were pre- seuted :— F. S. Scott, municipal eleotiou expenses 5 35 00 John Wright, salary 30 00 P. Ament, miscellaneous 3 50 Brussels Electric Light Co100 00 Moved by Geo. Backer, seconded by Ie. Leatherdale, that the above accounts be paid.—Carried. Moved by Geo. Thomson, seconded by Geo. Basher, that W. H. McCracken be one of the municipal auditors for 1808.— Carried. The Reeve appointed J. Y. 0. Kirk. On motion of It Leatherdale, seconded by Geo. Thomson, B. Gerry was eleabed a member of the Board of Health me sero• ceseor to Postmaster Farrow whose term of office bad expired. D. Stewart was appointed Assessor for 1898 at a salary of 540.00 on motion of 10„ Leatherdale and Geo. Thomson.. Moved by Geo, Baeker, seconded by R. Leatherdale, that the salary of the town caretaker be $25.00 for 8 months of the year and 520.00 for the remaining months, the ringing of the town bell on Sabbath to bo included in the duties. Applies. blots to be received for the position up to next Oouucil meeting.—Carried. After clouting with a few other matters that will Dome up again the Board ads journal to meet as in past years on the 1st Monday evening in each month 4 The toll roads oommisaien, appointed by the Oxford County Counoil for the purpose of enquiring into the coat of the toll roads in the county, with a view to their purchase, has bean in session at Woodstock, The repeeesntativee from the different rural municipalities are be. ing examined as to the location of the roads, the extent of the townships' inter. este fu them and the &Mount of traffic: passing over them, Mese McNaa,—It becomes my duty, in behalf of your friends assembled here to- night, to remind you that we are not for. getful of the faot that your presence in our gatherings will soon be at a close. For the past few years it has been our privilege to know you in general friend- ship. We do not forget when the laugh was merriest your happy presence added pleasure to the scene, and when sorrow visited our homes your words of couse- lation and sympathy made the sorrow lighter. Therefore, rceotleating these facts, your friends herewith present yon with this Ten Service and desire your en. ceptance of the same, as a token of the high esteem in which you are held by your many friends. May it adorn your table in tie future and may the refresh. ing nourishment yon shall take from it assist io prolonging your days, and when our eyes glanos at it may WO all be reminded of the delightful occasion which we celebroted here to -night. Signed, in bebalf of your many friends. Mies McNair made a short but very appropriate reply, thanking the people for their kindness in presenting to leer this beautiful gift. THE IIBUSS1i L extended visit to 'l'hesettlnn, Algomee— 'Plum Hemphill and Mee Lellie Brawn, of Wroxeter, were in town on huuday.- 51 and else 'l.hos. Drummond, of wallterton were in tower ever Sunday.._ 8'liss Jessie Gray returned nn ]'titles Irout a vitae to Hies 1)Ortt ler'',1,unituow, --Mrs. Totts, of Belgrnvo, visited her daughter, Mrs, W. II. liolo, last Friday. NEW Covecue--The new Coueeil mem- ed its first session in the Council Cham- ber on Monday last, at 111(0 a. m., with Mayor Morton in the chair and these present being Deputy Reeve Angus and Councillors J0sbiuson, Long, Ranson, Kennedy, heading, Leine= and Newton. The minutes of last ropier and special meetiuge were read and adopted. A striking committee to strike the respec- tive committees foe the year was then appointed, to consist of the following :— Morton, ]Robinson, Reading, Hanson and Kennedy. The Council then adjourned for five minutes to have striking commit• tee deliberate, which committee reported, recommending that the following be the committees for next year :—Executive— Morton, heading and Augna ; F inane— Robinson, Ilanson and Kennelly ; Publio works—Morton, Beading and Newton ; Fire, ]Water and Light—heading, Augua and Long ; Property—Reading, Lomuex and Kennedy. Moved by Robinson and Reading that the report of striating com- mittee be adopted and that the first name on each committee bo the chairman there- of. Carried, The account of Wiegham Electric Light Co,, lights for December, 535.00, were ordered to bo paid, The Conueil then resolved itself into a nom• mittee of the whole to consider By-law No. 349.1898, appointing certain officers for the town. It rose and reported pro- gress, recommending that Byelaw No. 849 1898, appointing J.B. Ferguson Clerk at a salary of 5300 per anunm ; J.;13. l er- gnsou, Treasurer, at a salary of $100 per annum ; Van Vannorman, Chief Con• stable, at a salary of 5410 per annum, duties same as last year ; Jos. Coad, Bell. ringer, salary 590 par annum ; W. B. Towler, M. D., Medical Health Officer ; Van Vanuoru an, Sanitary Inspector ; Thos. Gregory, member of Board of Health ; S. Youhill, Assessor, at a salary of 5100 per annum ; Duncan Stewart, Ponud•keeper ; Thos. Moore, Thee. Deans, Wm. Robertson, Fence Viewers ; W. 0. Stewart and 12. Vanatone, Audit- ors, salary, $15 each ; Thos. Irwin, Care- taker of Cemetery, salary, on; be pass- ed. Dy -law No. 840.1898 was then pass- ed on motion of Angus and Hanson, Moved by Hanson and Angus that Thos. Manuel be Chief of Fire Department dur- ing pleasure of Council, at a salary of 8100 per annum. Carried. Moved by Hanson and Angus that Wm, Robertson, Collector, is authorized to continue the levy and collection of unpaid tales in the manner and with the powers provided by law for the general levy and collection of taxes, Carried. Robinson Dud Hanson that proceedings be taken forthwith to fill by election the vacancy in the office of Reeve, Councillor in ward 3 and School Trustee in ward 4. Carried. Council then adjourned. G0atc'n•t.tl ,Nei -e- s. 4�i>tl� lett est . BROKE ILO BACK.—Oa Monday a horse belonging to Wm. Ferguson, from near 73elgrave, started to run away when op• posits the Exchange hotel. It ran up Victoria street to Robert Small's where the cutter struck a tree and was smashed. The horse continued until it ran into a tree in front of Geo. Fretwell's and broke its bank. In pursuance of the direction of the council, Clerk Ferguson has appointed Weduesday, January 19, ass day of nonti• nation to fill the offices of reeve of the town, councillors in ward three and school trustee in ward four. The nomi- nations will be opened at 11 a. m. and if poll be required will be held one week latter at the usual polling places. DISTRICT I. O. O. F.—Tete district lodge of I. 0. 0. F. was held in the Odd• fellows' hall, Wingham, on Thursday last and there were present representatives from the different lodges in the district. In the evening D. D., G. M. MoKay, of Brussels, installed the officers of Wing ham lodge, who are as follows : N. G., Dr.Iieuuedy ; V. G., A. Sebastin ; 1L. S., T. F. Groves ; P. S., T. W. Dodd ; Treas., L S. V. G., D. Longhead ; (71.Gillespie;.,Nei McGregor. Wirnienes.—T. H. Ross has engaged the service of A. U. Annie% of Sarnia, a practical piano tuner.—"An evening in Loudon, England" will be the subject of a atereoptiom and musical entertainment to be given in the Methodist church, wingham, Rev. W. Lowe will hold a cottage prayer :meeting at the home of Wm. Johnston, Turnberry, next Thurs- day evening at 6.30 o'ciook,—La Grippe is prevalent: A load of young people from hers drove to Blybb on Tbursday evening of leek week and visited W. J. Fluety.—A load bf young people drove to Luoknow on Thursday to enjoy the slrat. ing.—Maitland Presbytery will meet in the Prsebyterien church on Tuesday next, A young people's convention will be held on ltionday.—A load of young people drove to Toeawator on Sunday afternoon, el three-mile race for a pores of 525 will be held at Lucknow skating rink next Tuesday evening.—The Animo- toscope will give an exhibition in the Temperance hall next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday sveuinge. It will throw lifelike pictures on canvas, like a stersop- bieon, Au entertainment will be held iu the Methodist church on Monday even- ing, Jan. 24th, to consist of vocal and in- strumental music, readings, and atereop• ticon views of old London, The pro. coeds will be used to buy new books for the library. Pnnsmeets.—G. rt. Mooney, of the Rip. ley Express, was in town on Monday.— Frank Crosar returned to Philadelphia on Monday to resume hie studies.—Miss Annie Kennelly, of NewYoiik, camp Mon- day on a visit to her ('Mende hero.—]Miss Macy Sadler visited Mrs. W. F. Vaostone at Brussels over Sunday,—Miss Gude Ross entertained a number of friends at her hone on on Thttrecls.y evening, A very pleasant time was spent.—Alioe Johns, of Toronto, is visiting her brother, W. A. Tohns Miss Alba Chisholm has loft to memo her studies at the Couper• vatory of Mnalo, Torouto,—Mise Paulin, of Wroxeter, was in town over Flnnday.— Miss Doyle, milliner at the i3sar, left on Mouday for a visit ab hor home in Owen Sound. preparatory to oemmeuoing the Spring millinery season,—Mies Ilcp Airing rebeened en 11'rlday from an Rabbits are spreading diphtheria throughout the central part of Indiana State. Suoh, at least, is the opinion of physicians who have investigated the cense of the outbreak. Some time ago it was noticed that hundreds of the bunnies were dying of a disease ,which doctors pronounced almost identical with diph- theriain the human family. Soon after the epidemic commenced among the rub. bits diphtheria began to be uotioed among the families in the locality. The eon. elusion was reached that the germs were conveyed by the animals. It is suggested that the number of rail- way accidents might be diminished by following the example of Germany, which gives a gold medal and 5500 to every en• gineer who performs ten years of service without an aooident. Sow about section bosses, traok inspectors, train:despatchers and telegraph operators ? Conditions of safety are largely in their hands, and very few accidents result from the care- lessneas or inoompetenoy of engineers, If a system of rewards is to be adopted it should cover the whole ground. . . THE . Prince Albert Roue is the Shortest, Cheapest and Safest To THE XLONTIEZ GOLD MN. FREE PAMPHLETS WITH MAPS sent on application to the Secretary, Prince Albert Board of Tracie, Prince Albert, Saskatche- wan, Canada. NEW uto1ir Slioi The Undersigned has open- ed up a Butcher Shop in the MLR DUN, eRVSSELS, where he will keep constant- ly on hand a supply of the Best Meats Procurable, sold at reasonable prices. .A. share of public patronage solicited. n W LEER. Meat delivered to all parts of the towel. 1 i CASA PAID 0'011 HXDE3. Nuggets In Readymade Clothing 1?0ST JAN, 14. 1898 noon ~ wing !Jaen .P rich, AlLorni , o Big Bargains for Little Money. The Klondike in Brussels. - ....,,,.COIBiEa'I-'IN'O- 0II'..... ..• Read ymad.e Clothing, Hats and Caps, Overcoats for Men & Boys, Shirts, Collars & Cuff's. Large and Well Assorted stock of Underclothing, IIE above stock, which is practically new, has been purchased by us at the town of Bothwell, at a Very Low Rate on 'the Dollar, and will be opened to the public for inspection and purchase on Friday morning of this week, 14th Inst. WE ARE PREPARED TONET- ARAIITEE- THE ® MUST - ARCAI : in the above specified lines ever offered to a keen -sighted public and only ask a favorable opportunity to prove this statement beyond any doubt and to the satisfaction of everybody having a dollar to spend on these lines. Too busy this week opening up goods to quote -figures but watch out for this space ,next week, if you can't call on us before that date, Come and see us and you will be delighted as we have e Take no Ohancez but Come Direct t® Sweeping Re. ductions In Shirts and Underclothing. ` °'unci argains 1=1 ] U S S S, Gold Mine in Hats and Caps. The Ronald `ire Engine Works, BRUSSELS. We are prepared to do any kind of Machine Repair Work with dispatch and on vol'y Rea- sonable Terms. 'When wanting anything in the line of Engines and Boilers, stationary or portable, we would be glad to have you ask us for quotations as we blink we can save you money. We have also on hand all kinds of repairs far Engines, Boilers, Steam Fittings, and can also execute any orders for Brass work. Niclale Plating a Specialty. Ronald Fire Engino VYorks, BRUSSELS. Well Here We Are. Again in the field with our first shipment of for the Spring trade. There fa something now in Wrists this 'Seeing, Call and see the Metal Effeots—you would imagine they wore silk. Also a full lino of Teas, Ca. foes, Spices and Canned Goods all of 1110 best quality at ,A gent for Parker's Dye 'Works. Knou 1L BrusseI 00 TO BE CLEARED T AT ON,GE. s at Yo Price& The undersigned has purchased from the Dominion Bankrupt Stock Co,, of Goderich, a Low ate on the .$L,gt.._ A large stock of Latest Style Hats, Caps, Shirts, Underclothing, Collars, Ties, Handicerchiefs, silk and linen ; Braces, Bicycle Hose, Ready- made Clothing, 8cc,, Sec. t o Special line of Children's � ailor ateA- �. Straw Hats at a price that will pay you to purchase your next Summer's supply. auxawnannotur Everything must be sold and as this is ne BLUFF sale but a genuine clearing out of all the lines enumerated, leo one shotlld miss it. All we ask is a call from you and if you etre not offered the Biggest Bargains in good goods you ever saw we don't ask you to buy, Don't forget the place, LECKIE BLOCK, - BRUSSELS. arm M YY,t 'IR,Op E I-: rro.tet. li