HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-1-14, Page 1Vol. 1 3. No. 27.
chamois Jt
County Coo
Annual me,
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What's the
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Standard Bank
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Out. ) ae—
borne Hotel,
ivertissements. Cfrey Branch Agricultural
Tho aminal meeting of the Grey Branolt
Agriottltural Sooiety was held in the
Town Hall, Brussels, on Wednesday,
J ,n. 12th, as per literate, President Amos
S With in bhe ohair, Minutest' of last
a:mual meeting read and passed,
The Troaeurm0'31 report was presented,
a, follows :—
I hoard,
R e:herds.
L madman
re') ,Toa. sax.
—Wm. Lane.
ng 1. S. loott.
tit rs A. . enter.
te—McICin :en & Oo.
0 --Ross & Halliday.
) ;GNI!' •¥ANCrL.
-VtJonvoyauear ,Notary Pub.
ouebono'r Block, 1 door
Rotel, :9•.11oitol for the
',rl : of 0. r ran, Holt &
tmiltond 8t sOpposihe 001
• 8oliait, and Cony( enoor, Callao.
alone made, 0 le—Vanoteu' '0 Blooa, Brno.
sole. 21-8m
F. .I ,A':R, B .BRISTER,
Boli tor &o. (la of Barrow &
Proudfoot's C oo Godori• - .) Whoa over
Gillies & Smit 3 P in13,B01 , els.
Money to 1 tn. 17
i£ s'S C1 ins.
H. > C'tLOK .'T,
Door, ,tf carriage :comes. 011loe
at 3130 Oratory 1r: borry e' .ant, Brussels.
RN. Bi
• Tense
0outln of A. M,
Lodi° e'and oh;
1 Artist. Crop—Neat door
slit.y-43 Co's ,nardware'store,
rote hair 0014 ug a s000falty
Issue, of M zrriagn Licenses,
OSP10 1T TEWELny SST0a11.
1 No Wibnt s required.
.'LETOFTB, Brussels
clerk of ;hn Fourth division Conr
Co. Huron. Ant ayaneer, Notary Public
Land Loan u t Iasurnuoe Agent. Funds
invested and r 1tan. 0 *actions made
Moo in Grab, Ys 31001, B ,enols
11 Will gtv boons to pupils either en
piano or organ at nig Mosta Room, opposite
the p00t•oilioe Sou kola, Vo"al loosens also
given. Ten, are exporicioe in teaching.
Terme modal 3.
1 -r��• S. SC T':' AS AN..AtJCTION-
• nun, I) sol] for bettor priooe, to
bettor men -es time and less charges
than may ofl r P uotionoee In East Huron
or he won't +nr 1'o anything. Dates and
ordure man ;n' .tys bo arra . ,od at this ollloo
or by persons tpl: lioutiou•
Who 110 aa,. 25 years experience as an
Auctioneer, In wb 1 had to quit owing to 111
]1081311, etas of n '110010 of t license and 10
Prepared to mt.uot sal at reasonable
terms. Salmi tic 1 outran .'0d. Defeo may
bo arranged a tux. Poem T cllebine House.
JAS. 81..,ETTON,
18-tf Auotioneer.
The uuderol -ed will Dump for service. on
Lot 20, Oen, 0 for•is, the I,horo'•broa lin.
proved Yorke. :e Boar " 1 .Ic Lodge Long-
fellow," No. 21 , bled by J,1S. Brothoue, Bur-
ford, to whioh )luifteti SW. 10r of sows will
be talon. T' 020, 81.00, 3• be paid at time
of aervtoa wit} nth doge of returning if nec-
A numberof holm younf lows for sale for
brooding par sea wlilon vill be sold at
prices to suit 0 t,mee.
21-- 001!.140013 b, Proprietor. 31
to Cook' cotton Root Compound
1t'0I. 0,.S lneedmonthly le over
10,000E ear. for 61, •n Cotton Root cool -
your d gglltfo
y thee, all
n bure ,Root and
to Take oOLLe t et a0allD 1'.e, N, pills $ apnd
box; Not OM. go( esetronlre.•,08per box. No
1 or 2, mailed c receipt of m.140 and two 8•ecnt
stems, T33e Isola •31Wind0or, Ont,
responsible Dr 1 sc la and rt' Ommended by all
311 to In Ow.ecle,
Nos, 1 and 2 ,lir tuu Ernst '1 by
A, D ADMAN,Ar•� ;iet,Bookotiar & Optician.
lah,ds 77�
Is prepare to do • 1111 kind's of
W( II in his '4..n0.
Good Wot m lnshlp and'
G .)c' Fits 'guaranteed.
1.417 :ST
Suits wad fol; ilq4I r'lcl upwards,
teiteSheie a: 01' aMc(aolf'aie'a Sion.
' 0110013110,
13Janee Leen last report
Llgislativc grant
131 nnioipal grant
1'O ombero' tubsoripbions
A emission fee to Exhibition .. ,
Rant for ground and stalls,
D isaellaneons receipts
$804 42
81 00
20 00
117 00
401 45
10 00
21. 00
Total $055 47
Grant to Union Exhibition $200 00
F sting up grounds, &c 85 98
P fid on mortgage 100 20
P ed on interest - 00 00
11 iseellaneems expellees 2 25
Total $448 43
B glance en hand $ 507 04
V .nue of land 2000 00
V.:lue of buildings 800 00
le ortgage on property 700 00.
L'tereetoumortgagedue 25 26
Report wee accepted and adorned, on
n ation of Jas. Spoir and Alex. Nichol.
The election of officers resulted ISS fol-
President, Win. Pollt.rd ;
Vice•Peesident, Jas. dpeir ;
Directors, Jim. Brown, P. Soott, W.
EL MoOraolcen, R. Nichol, 3'. D.
Warwick, V. S., A. Smith, to,
McKinnon, W. B. Wilkinson and
Jas. Cardiff ;
Auditors, F. S. Scott and A. Straohan.
It was decided to call a meeting of the
tv Directorate for V'odnesday, 10th
1'1 sh., at 1 p. m., to deal with a few mat.
to r0 of business.
Meeting then adjourned.
Trowbricf,1 e.
Business since the opening of the
D ew Year has been fairly good. It would
s tom as though we had entered upon n
naw era. Let us tare courage, live for
C od and the right and grand will be the
r sults.—Lev. Mr. Zenner, of the Bay of
4 uinte conference, brother of our pastor,
o oupiod the pulpit in Trowbridge last
Sabbath evening and delighted the poo•
p•e. We understand that he will remain
v Iter hie brother for a short time and ne-
e st in special eerviees now started ab
Molesworth.—Diodes Covens, our village
n.erohnnb,hae received the sole agency
f„r the wholesale distribution of the
Diontreal Pearl mills goods for the coun-
t es of Perth and Huron, and is prepared
t , supply any retailer at mill prices. It
3 one of the best eaters on the market.
---The sleighing to delightful and the
v'eather somewhat Spring like. A great
many wise heads predict a very light and
mild Winter and early Spring.
W ro ceter.
Ifr,m3rtre—On December 29th, at six
o'olook in the evening, a quiet wedding
van solemnized at the resldenoe of Wm.
Mali/weber, Howiok, waren his estimable
aoghter, Mies Catherine, became the
wife of Thos. Lovell, a well known young
clan in Turnberry, The ceremony was
performed by Rev. 1Z. S. G, Anderson, of
Wroxeter, in the presence of a few rela•
t vee and intimate friends. To the "New
limns” the young people carry with them
the beet wishes of their many friends.
3110 bride wore a becoming fawn costume
t rimmed with lace and braid and carried
t handsome boquet. Presents of a useful
1, ad vaiva''le character b spoke the popu-
1 trily of I ie principals. After an elegant
Solver th•:evening was enjoyably NO led
oway'with vocal and instrumental music,
(amen, rho. A reception was held the
1 allowing Friday, evening al the home of
t be groom.
11: 0L Vrle.
Allan Cochrane has returned to To -
onto. •
Connell got to work for 1808 last Mon -
Prank illcOraclten and wife, of the 4th
on., Sun'layed at Wm. A, Turvoy's,
Frank Soots and Jim Burgess, of Blue.
'ale, spent Sunday at G. W. Turvey's,
he wedding David Agar, of the 2nd, attended
dding of bee sister iu Toronto last
Wm. Woodrow, of War,enoliffe, 'Al.
;oma, 10 home on a visit to relatives and
deeds on the 2nd.
A wedding is on the tonic for Tuesday
-3 next week, bot yu will lave to :ooli
harp to tied ontwt,0 tbeeprinoipnle are.
W. EL Olonkey w10 appointed township
Weiner at the•Oounoil meeting last Man-
ley. The Reeve named Maloolm Bleak
30 the second auditor,
.0. Errington lute disposed of his farm
o Wm. Term for a handsome tissue.
Will, says 110 is going to "batch" but we
link he will soon grow tired of house.lea•
i.eeP in
g by
We are pleased to hear that the hold
veto' loss: by Bliss McCraolion, referred
• o bn last week's POST, 31310 foundin the
now at Reeve Bowrnen'e residence where
he young lady aliglted from the nutter,
'Ate tienepte0e was none the worse.
WOiTiry or 1x.—Wo arc pleased to )near
oat Minn 0. i31'ydoa, who is a, splendid
32331°11 wr•rker, was very kindly tem0m•
'Dred by her Mende in 1Magalin, Oalifor•
'ria, at the Sabbath School Christmas
3100 entertainment end presented with a
),nes alncic,
Ili. !Ems, accompanied by the
i plowing brtof ltul expressive note:--
Iliea 0. llrydon,.--.",Please accept dile
e look as a token of respect and castanet
1 rem friends. It is but a mall proof of
car Oahe for the groat services you have
tendered our oommenit1'•" Mies Bey.
on, who is a slater Of Mrs, Walter Innis,
l th lino, in a most enlbnaittetie Ia11orer in
'V. 0.'.l. Il, work, She ie the President
et the Regalia Union, May she be groat.
ly prospered i11 bet went is the with of
her enemy old Mende In this locality,
Robert Broadfoob, of Manitoba, a for.
mer resident of the fitb lino, le hero on a
holiday visit. It ie 26 years 011108 be left
A load of young people belonging to the
6111 and 0012 11109, to the number of 26,
tools a drive out to DeputyReove Dil.
worth's, hthol, on Friday evening of last
week and had a most pleasurable outing.
The evening was spent in games, music
and social ohne, and the exoeilonoy of the
lunch provided was vouched for by all.
Mr. anti Mrs. Dilworth and family nob
only gave the visitors a hearty woloome,
but entertained them most royally.
113e1 rti .>e.
Eleven Ranee constantly employed in•
dioate the large amount of business being
done at the sawmill.
Dr. MOAeh is in New York taking a
post graduate course. Dr. King is in
charge of his praotioe.
Oer merchants and tradesmen are kept
hustling and friend Whaley keeps the
poet arm window attractive.
Oar grain buyer is almost Loo blisy to
Sat. Heavy shipments of grain all Fail
and Winne.. A number of stook buyers
elect mance this their shipping point.
T,le Epworth League concert in the
Foresters' Hall, on Tuesday, Jan. 181h,
is to be the best an record, the special
altraotione being the fancy marches and
drill -1 and monument building be a large
oom;nany of young ladies. Outside
musaal and literary talent will also as-
10101 o 1.
Pi inoipal Dobson is still off duty,
Miss Kate Young, of Toronto, ie visit•
ing old friends in this locality.
Township Council was held here last
Monday end attracted quite a number to
Installation of officers in oonneotion
with the 0. 0. P. took plane on Thursday
evening of this week.
R'vds. Messrs", Walker and Stewart
mom menoed evangelistic 8ervioes at
Eenfryn last Monday evening.
A company of young people from neer
Brussels spent a good time al Deputy -
Reeve Dilworth's on Friday evening of
teat week.
Morris Walker has not been able to re.
turn to Clinton collegiate yet, owing to
an attack of brouohitie. We hope he will
soon be fully restored to health.
The 0.'0. P. and I. 0. F. Genets were
represented at Jae. Menzies' funeral, on
Wednesday afternoon, to the number of
about 80. The deceased belonged to both
Societies and was a most worthy mem.
One day last week Luke Sperain, or.,
and Wm. Buttery, representing the Whit•
field congregation, visited the Parsonage
here and left Reeds. Messrs. Walker and
Stewart a good big load of oats act a prn0•
ent. It woe a kind and preotiooJ expre0.
Sion of tbeir goodwill.
ET1iEL Chinese FAOTOny.—At the annual
meeting of the Ethel Cheese fac'ory for
the year 1807, held on Wednesday after-
noon, the following report was presented:
Maim. Ma,r. rm. OnaE.sm OP ,y1NVN:r
May 90,804 8,080 S 708 00
'7ous 208,087 28,823. 1000 37
July 205,602 21,010. 1780 07
August 310,788 22,112 2100 80
Sept., Oct. &
Nov 181,828 41,815 0100 5I
Totals 1200,407- 117,755 810047 9525
011013 on hand from '00
Dash received for 0110000,'07 10047 400
Rebate from Insurance Polley 1 00
Tote l (§1000010
Average lbs, milk to lb, of Choose ' 11 002
Average price of Cheese for season
per 100lbs - N 8 08
Average 0003 0f making, &o.....,.,,, 9 1 109
B. Barr, malting 117,708 lbs.
"hoose, at 000 per owt 01050 78
J'. Tinnier, salary as SOoretar'y '26 00
H. (mono ;h aro, salary as T reas. 25 00
R. tdlwor a, salary nes Salesman 21 00
R. Dtlwol th, expenses :—
Trip to 13arrieton $2 50
Telegraphing & Telephoning .,, 1
Association Tiokots 3 50
Rubber Stamp 10010 -
F. S, Soott,Iusurauoo 321010
J. Browu,.1692 Boxes at 90 on0h 103 28
R. Barr, for Beale Boards 8 40
1t. Barr, for Milk, Pass and La-
voioo Books
Graaf to Telephone 0o,„. ........
A. Crmusloyeport. Auditor
W. 3, Herr, printing Auditor's
000re0ary, notifying Patrons of
mooting - 75
NV Rout - "'
Dr, wing Bond. for Cho090nlakor 1 00
'1'o .fink Haulers 0911 7'7
1'o ;.'atroue of Pao tort' 0082 36
0as1 ou baud at date 0 10
Total L+10055 16
G0310113 BoNns.—Wedding bolls chimed
on Wednesday evening at the residues!, of
Wm, Lance when his youngest daughter,
Miee Lottie A., and Robert Lindsay, a
prosperous young blackemith,ofNeepawa,
Mao., were bound in gentle ties of Cupid's
weaving, Shortly before 6 o'clock,the hour
appointed for the event of the evening,
the wedding morel] was rendered by Mies
Oarrbe Bolinder, niece) of tate bride, and
inuelo arose with its voluptioue swell and
the were 00mm0ned to the parlor, therm
to behold the
nation of '
S '
en 0
CI E9,1
T to bridal party stood under a
largo wedding bell aompoeed of floweret
and myrtle, and the ceremony wee pre.
formed by Ray. Jas. Walker, of 0t11e1,
The bride was attended by Mese Kate
Yaeug, of Toronto, and Diiss •Oaro1 Now.
combo, of Clinton. The intereses of the
groom were looked afto0 by Will. Bram.
mor and J. M, Lake, brother of the brute,
while upon her father rested the duty
attended alike by pleasure and sadness e.
giving away the bride, Tho bride looked
oharming i0 a gown of white lace eefeet
mattulleseo, with trinnni' g of pearls. A,
shower b00uot of roses, carnations]
and milieux which oho married, tied with
white ribbon, looked lovely, Mies Young
aieo sva0 prettily attired in a white lam
effect ma3alla0oe with 1rinmings of rib.
bon, while Misa,Newoombe were a pretty
droop of organet trammed with oibbotr,
ea tied lovely bognels. Wattling
gilts, meetly, beautiful, e.fnl mud welt
ae01r134, boto ample evident of the
popularity of the bride. An elegant.
spiced of both the neeeetarinc and the
0 00
5 00
daeutiee 1Ulicncios was prepat'ed to
which apple jnstico wan clone, A most
aljoyeble evening coag spent in atrial !hat
and games, the orchestra alert rendered
suitable selections during the evenhtg.
The young noftple is well and t •ortthly
known. Nfrt. Lindsay will be ';ready
missed as she has hold the 1100111'0/1 as
organist to the ;Methodist oh oh for
several years and a willing worker bu the
Sabbath 0011001 but the w1011 of lie )many
Wench' is tinct Ethel's' lose will be Noopa-
wa'0 gain. Tho hour of separation being
at hand the company diepersed with sin-
cerest wiehe0 for Mr, and D'Irs. Lindaay'e
lettere bappi,00s. 'l'nn Posr extends
hearty eonrunlations.
4: e•a3.t1T)roolc.
Kressler is very sick at menet.
11rs. Stanley, of Diatoms!, 0pent Sue.
day with D1ids 8. Bird.
Mrs, George Baker presented her hue -
baud with a promising young airs last
Steve Nicholson and his tweeter, of
Logan, were visiting Mae, 0, B•aaer last
Several members of the 0. O. t•, Court
hers attend, (1 the funeral of James
Menzies on Wednesday afternoon.
Mies Annie Slemnou, of Brussels, and
Miss Maggie :,arrow, of Algoma, were
visiting ;Hiss Jennie of
thio week.
6Ysel ton -
Sabbath eehool
o)a.Sabbath-eehool entertainment in the
DIetbodiot ohnroh on Friday even.eg.
Rev. W. S. Rigsby, of Blyth, preached
a fine missio'tary sermon in the 'Metho.
diet church ` ere last Sabbath, , Ibev. Mr.
Tiffin was ass Blyth.
Rev. Mr. Dtcfnteheon, who was assist•
ing Rev. Mr. Tiffin for a few weeks, has
been a little "under the weather." He is
still in this locality.
Anuivereary services will be held in
Duff's ahuroh on Sunday, 23rd, and tea -
meeting on the following Monday. In
addition to a program of addressee, Mel•
villa church choir, Brussels, will supply
A. man named Hammond, who hoe been
laid up with gangrene in his foot is to be
sent to the House of Refuge, Clinton.
Deputy Reeve Kirkby signed the neces-
sary papers.
St. George's congregation is to he tom•
mended for the interest they took in the
presentation of a fur moat to their in•
onmbont, annotated ,with St, John's
ohuroh, Brussels.
Mrs. and Miss Sage aosister. in 120
small way at an entertainment in Brus-
sels last Friday evening. As pit blies en-
tertainers, whether in instrumental or
vocal music, they have few peers.
William Pollard wee elected President
of Grey Branch Agrioultural Society for
the current year, at the annual meeting
on Wednesday. He was not prevent bot
those who were considered hint a mom•
petent man for the position. Ole was
Vioe-President for several years,
Cr oa-.
Archie Livingston is away to Miobigan
on a visit.
Grey township printing was awarded
to THE Pose for 1898.
Miss Lib. McLachlan is home from
Orangeville, where she has been filling a
millinery situation, for a short vacation,
A very noticeable change has 'taken
place in the condition of Elias Dickson's
health and he is failing very perceptibly.
Mrs. 0orneli310 Moore, of Pins Oity,
Michigan, formerly of Morrie, 0100 visit -
ng in thio looality during the pc: t week.
James Cardiff and wife and Dirs. Jno,
Forbes, of Brussels, were at Shokespenre
a (tending the silver wedding of Mr, and
Mrs. McFarlane last week.
Friday Joseph Kellner, a pioneer of this
°entity, having come to Grey 41 years
n hie 50113 year, was
aid 'odebeased ebt and ood 0n al
Hanover, Germany, January let, 1810,
nd cane to this oanntry when 'Oita a
ming man, Mre. Kellner and 10 ohild•
en survive. Mr. Kellner was a quiet,
broigbtforward man, who won the ra-
ped of all, He was a Presbyterian in
eligiou and a Liberal iu polItica, The
o -neral took place on Monday afternoon,
ev. D. B. McRae, of Oranbrook, man•
tiding the cervi°e. Interment was
ode al Brneeels cemetery. Deceased
as only ill a wool(, the trout to being
nentllunia, The sympathy of the tom.
unity goes out to the bereaved family.
Bremner, George WoleheS. Amos, R.
lose, R. McLeod and Robt. Bennett
ere the pall bearers.
WonbrNo I3ELLs,—The re0idence of Jas.
°Nair, I5ta mon., Grey, wail tit: centre
attraction on Wednesday evening of
et week for about 100 guests invited to
Mese the marriage of Mies Mary, the
teetned daughter of the 1.1183 and
anew, to Jolm Mobiabb,'31 wen known
ung genth man of the lath mon. At 0
olook Mia1 Margery Straoban rendered
beautiful read tug mewl' and the bridal
opts, Mac nded by Miss Maggie Mo•
air, Water of the bride, and Peter Mo.
abb, brother of the groom, were usher -
in, and The impressive a0remrny per-
med Rev.f
v 1). E. McRae, Ye 31
After a r enjoyable a abl
b and
1 Y els•
nt supper the guests spent the evening
games, mttei°, eto, '.11110 bride was the
ipeent of many,, beautiful wedding
to, denoting the popularity in which
was hold by all hoe aermaintanoes,
• and Mrs, McNabb will spend. life ou
air farm on the lath eon, May all the
a of married lite attend 1110111- is the
h of all, Tim Poor among tin number,
Omo,u Y,—It was a hard matter to got
pie to believe that the death c . James
nzies, 12313 con., was a reality but it
yea only too true and very elt:°ere ro-
t is felt over his demise, Pur some
e damaged had been failing In health
it was apparent that 00001.1tnpti031
marked hiiu as a viotlm. L'tat Frb.
afternoon a stroke of paralysis mane
le Mr, Menzies Nana lying on the
go and ho oontinued to sink until
day afternoon when hie 0pire1' 10011
light. The subject of tr'a notice
at Ethel for a number of years
re 110 15 18 in the etnnloy :1 Wm. St e
0 mud from there be went Burke 1 mat's
S where he and hie family re$.deci un• of lir
it0 F
til aborta a ye tt• ago when they mane to
Grey, having pnrchuoed the farm of Joel
l'auabaker, 13111 con, Seventeen years
alto deceased was nulled in marriage to
;Hiss Jolla Lelcmier, of Moist, who with
throe daughte-o and three sn1,1 survive.
Dlr, Menzies was a ln'mber of the
Methodist remelt ; a Lib, -rat in polities
and also b01ot'gelto the Canadian Order
of bbr00tere and the Independent
Order, The funeral took plane on Wed-
needay afternoon, interment being made
at Brussels cemetery. Deceased was an
honest pofng, nna00nm(ng 11010 who en•
joyed the esteem of aril who knew him,
Mrs. Menzies and famrty' ave l.wply
eympa3bieed with in their eer..atement,
SAD DOA:M.—MMM. Thos. Shiele, of
Trout Creek, Parry Sound ')i,triot, lust
week received the sal Intel. pence of the
death of Joh', Brigham, cf Killarney,
Manitoba, on 1)ecentLee •Lush, Deemed
1va10 digging a well, hal it slug to the
depth of forty two feet r.tri bricked up
till within e,F:11 feel of tiro top. Ho
dropped his alit in the wail and going
down to reemeer the etm0, shoe he got
within ten feet of the bettam foul air
took hold of him and ho we snffOoated
by inhaling it. Deceased wee a brother
to Dirs. T. Shtele, Mee. A. Learmont and
A. Brigham, of Trout O1'eef: ; and Geo,
Brigham au1 Mrs. A. Merdcel, of Lan.
caster, Now York, and son of George
Brigham, formerly of Grey, bot now of
Mitchell, Mr. Brigham was loved a0d
respected by all who knew 1,im. During
his stay of about six yearn In Killarney
be had endeared himself :o the people. CRGRCfl 031DJIEN.
Ile was a kind neighbor, a loving hos-
baud and an affectionate father. The Maitland Presbytery next Tuesday.
day of the funeral all places of bosinees Service in the R, 0. ohuroh next Sab.
were closed. Deceased was a member of bath.
the Odd Fellows and was buried by that The annual meeting of Melville church
Order. They marched to the cemetery congregation will be held on Thursday
playing the Dead 1Marob. Following afternoon of next week, commencing ab
after was the curlers, 01.rrying their 2 o'olock,
brooms, as Ills deceased was a member of Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
their olub. He loaves e. wife and two afternoons services were held in the
small °bfldrer, to mourn his loss. Much Methodist church and were conducted by
sympathy is felt for Mrs. Brigham and the pastor.
sorrowing friends. Next Sabbath morning Rev, Mr, Ross'
subject will be "The House Beautiful"
and in the evening "Timorous, Mistreat
and the Lions."
Miss Martha Smith has taken charge
of the base viol in the Methodist Sabbath
school orchestra and plays it in et very
competent manner.
The Executive Committee of the Ep-
worth League, Methodist ohureh, expoot
to pay a visit to Sunshine League this
(Friday) evening if the weather and
roads permit.
Rev, D. Rogers, of Bluevale, a former
junior pastor, and Rev. S. J. Allin will
exchange pulpits next Sabbath morning.
The pastor, Rev. S. J. Allin, will preach
in the evening, subject, "The Modern
Last Sabbath collections were taken
up for Foreign Minions in St. John's
thumb. The iuoumbent'e discourses were
in keeping with the occasion. Morning
text "Whatsoever ye do, do all to the
glory of God," In the evening "Obrietian
self denial," was the topio. -
GOOD Wonrnn0.—The Ladies Guild of
St. John's oburch met at the residence of
Mrs. (Dr.) McNaughton on Thursday,
Jan. 6th, for the eleelon of officars, the
following being the remelt ;—President,
Mrs. T. Kelly ; Vioe•Preoident, Mrs, T.
Farrow; Secretary, Mre. G. Rogers ;
Treasurer, Mrs. (Dr.) MoN30ghton, The
Ladies' Guild has now $447.68 in the
Bank toward a new rectory. Mrs. MON,
entertained the ladies to supper.
At the meeting of the Epworth League
last Monday evening musical 5eleetione
were rendered by Miss Minnie Moore,
Rev. S. J. Antro, Eli Smith, W, J. end
Robbie McCracken and Will, Griffith ;
short readings by Rev, Mr. Mlle, H. R.
Brower, Misses Laura Peebles, Jennie
Howe, Minnie Moore, Rills Hunter, Mina
Turnbull, Lizzie Ferguson and Maggie
Beattie, Alt of these bore on the life and
seyinge of General Gordon and were
specially intereating.
PRESENTATION,—Friday afternoon Mrs.
T. Kelly and Mrs. W. F. Vanstone, of
Brunets, and Mrs. Hamilton and ;,Mise
Kelly, representing St. George's °bunch,
Walton, called at the home of Rev. G. J.
Abey and informally presented him with
a fine Astrachan overa0011 as a memento
of the high esteem in which he is held by
the two oongrogations .in hie charge.
The reverend gentleman aoknowledged
the receipt by well chosen words, express•
sive of his sincere thanker for the great
kindness done him and hoped the coat
won hi be worn out in the service of St,
John's and St. George's congregations.
It was a most appropriate present and
Worthy of those who made it,
Gideon Puerto left last week to assume
alio poeiteni of inetruotor 10 Harvard
College, Boetoo, in heavy weight retitle.
ties. Mr. Perris holds the world's oham•
pionship as heavy weight athlete, copse.
quem on his defeating Johnston, of
Aberdeen, Scotland, in 1806, and will till
the bill to a nicely.
Last tveebc wo omitted to mention that
-Jno. Burgess, wife and ohildr013, of
D'(atabwood, Michigan, were here on a
holiday visit at 8. Bur3ess'. Mr. Burgess
is the station agent at the above mention.
ed pltwe, He learned to handle the
lightning in T. Fleteber'e office, Brussels,
and can hold his own with the best of
them. -
Angus Smith has been appointed ticket
agent and telokropit operator at 111e
1Vinrton G. 1'. R. station. His mother
and deter, w110 , have been residing in
Brussels, removed to Wiarton tltbs weelc.
Mr. Smith is a competent employee and
we wish him inereesing stemmas. The
Wiarton people will find him courteous
and obliging.
Death hes claimed another victim, Jno,
G. Chick, of Ibookford, ill., after a severe
illneee of six weOks. Ile leaves two els.
tees, Mrs. Jas. Dann and Mrs. Geo. Dia-
Far)ane, of London„ to mourn his lose,
Mrs. Dar0b, who died in October last wee
another sister, Ilia family oon8ista of a
wife and two daughters. The deceased
Sgentleman'0vas au nnule to Mre. (Rex.)
. J. Ailing of Brussels.
John Doig has returned home from
Kansas Oity. He intends, we believe, to
go back again.
Miss Maggie Sangster, while visiting
friends in Atwood, was taken ill, and is
unable to return home.
Mr. Meiklyoher, blacksmith, of this
plane, has been ill for 00m1 aim0, but is,
tee are pleased to hear, again recovering
hie health.
The. Patterson has engaged Jno. Men-
zies as clerk in the place so efficiently oo.
clpied for the past two ye.re by Geo.
callow. Fleto11ee McKee it at present
oatidg in the smote capacity for Mr.
People We Snow.
Mies May Turnbull is home from
L. Wells, of Dakota, le here 00 a holi-
day visit.
Mrs. Charlie Jackson, of Utah, is here
on a visit,
Mrs. Parsons, of Hallett, was visiting
Mrs. Hayden.
Miss Dunbar has gone to Guelph for a
holiday visit.
A, Barber and wife, of Wilmot, are
visiting at Heigh Williams'.
Willie Cooper has been laid tip with
hemoerh age of the stomach,
Dire. Jena Taman and ens, of Goderieh,
are at Mrs, E. Grimotdby's.,
Mise Nellie Putland, of Bluevale, was
visiting old friends in Brussels.
Miss Ida Cleghorn, of Bluevale, is the
pees of Hies Lizzie Richardson,
Mre, Ino, McKenzie and deug11ters
were visiting at Guelph last week, •
Miss Ella Soott bee taken a position in
I. (3. lbioharce's Boot cru Shoo store,
Mrs. Gordan ]Mooney is regaining her
health after et very severe siege of illness,
Jno. Barbeaa,of London. is renewing
old friendships 1u Sinnott, and locality.
The Misses Kelly will Pave a home
erected on a norbiou of T. Kelly's proper-
ty 1u Breese's.
DnlbyKeneall was home from Oliatbam
on a holiday visit. Dal. is engaged al the
jewellery ry business.
J. R. Grant, of Winnipeg, was in Brus-
sels for few days this week renewing
old friendships,
Miss Oornyn and Mies Saddler, of
Wingnam, 11300 visiting Mrs, W. F. Van -
atone last week.
Mies Edith Inman returned to the
Royal City 011 Monday alter. an enjoyable
visit in Brussels,
Miss Abraham, of llamiltnn, a Menne W. F. he. S.—The annual meeting of
teacher in Brussels Public echoed, 30 the the W. F. M. S., Melvblla oburolr, wee
guest of Mrs, George Rogers. held on Thursday afternoon of last week.
N, 14. MoOraolcen and wile are away Following is a list of the 01110ere elected
on a holiday trip to friends at Paisley, for the aur0ent year ;—President, Mrs.
Tara end other Northern points. (Rev.) Rose ; Vioo•President, Dire. Barn-
Jno, An1ent, wife and son•nrrivad home bill ; Secretary, Mrs. A. 81ra0han ;
from an enjoyable trip to Ypsilanti, Asst, -Secretary, hire, R. K. Ross ; Treas.
Mich,, and other points last week, urer, Mre, G. A. Deadman ; Leaflet Soo.,
Nlies htaggio MoLauohlia, of New York, eire. Skene ; 03gm1103, Miss M. Stewart ;
was visiting Mre, A, 0„alley and the Exeaptive Iommittee-Mesdames Mar.
Misses Sample daring the past week. tin, leteGnire, Glassier, Innis, Molloy
A. Di. and Mee. Kay, of Stratford, were and Davidson ; Committee for Visiting
in town w t11i0 week. They
t0 attend end the
S(ok— e
M edai
ass Barnhill,
the 16hoes,
th anniversary of the mnrringe of Martin and Menzies ; Welcoming Strang-
W. IL and Mrs. Kerr. Mr. Kay and ere—Mesdem00 Slcene, lb. K. Rosa, Mo.
Mite. Kerr are brother end sister. Guiro and Strachan. The amount of
Chris. Geheoldby, wife and son Jae. money raised by thbe organization during
and Edward hart, of Owen Senna, have the past year was 5123.72.
been in Brns,els during tl.s past week, Last Sabbath morning Rev, Mr, Allin
01310=110cl bare by t')e clarions Menial and preached from the text "I am 001110 that
subsequent death of Edward Grimoldby, they might have life and that the might
Thos. llielnrdeon, mlrob tut tailor, of have it more abundantly.” Y 6
Cannon, Manitoba, is visiting leis nnole ohdraoterist• Y Some of the
los of the elieh for
M, G. Richard0on, Brnssols, It ie sloven were designated as (i) Relish for things
years since ha wont West and judging by of God t (2) Growth ; (3 Desire for
appeara11on times have geese well with work ; (4) Clearer views and exportation;
him. (5) Brighter and more loyouslife ; (0
A. Cousley was at Wingl:am last Soh- Deep eoueo
t t o for the welfare of "Lessons ,
both, w11ithe^: he wont to o ell upon Jntl. In 1'e evening, the subj0ot was 'Losebns
MoLanehlin, a former well 'trowel Brum. to bo learned from the London disaster,"
satire, whose health, we ars lorry to hear, the 8oripture being Dilstte of James 4th
is not at all rood. We hop , fora speedy chapter and the latter clause of 3110 15th
ohauge for the batter. verse, "If be have committed sins the
Albert DIoCutohoon, of Winnipeg, is shalt bo forgiven hini," The following
in town thio week 00310wit es old friend•. were the seb-divleions :--(1)) The danger
ships, Ile bee been v10i1.11 hie mother, of 831110m0 parr fooling (2)God g
is well 11 toward 80 y g ; (( d mho
p wars of ago, nverrula disaslere for good ; (8) The
reeb,iner i n Galt, are. i''oCutohoon is simmer of 910glo01 inrelaring for
bed to Liao With 9'O v0, formerly eternity. ; (4) The greatest battlers are
unmans, sometimes wan before they are fought.
W. H. KERR, Prop.
Considerable talk has been indulged iu
since Sabbath over the disow :se in which
the reverend gentleman did not beat
round the bush. Many things reported'
to have been said were never uttered.
Iu this 00011001101 we 1'0prodnoe, from
the London doilies, a °lipping booking
up the ground tekenby Rev. Mr. Allin :—
All the 0lergymeu in the 011y in the
course of last Sebbath's services 00104(ed
to the terrible oataetropbe of last Mon-
day evening. At St. Paul's Cathedral
Rev. Canon Dann made the Clty Hall
diameter the principal theme of his ear.
mon. lie said that after oarefully 0013•
0140ring the matter he had Dome to the
conclusion that the calamity was in the
nature of a judgment, though not a pun-
ishment, from God, because of the poli1i.
mal strife and rancor that bad oharaoberiz•
od the comnmuity. Ile did not see why
educational, sewerage and other such pro-
blems should be involved in politioal war -
"Innen Seen0."—The Little Stars
Misoion Band of Melville church held its
annual meeting last Saturday for the
purpose of r0•organizing. The officers
foe 1898 are; President, Miss Lizzie
Roes ; Viae President, Wee Mary Ross ;
Secretary, Miss Fanny Thomson;
Treasurer, Willie Good ; Organist, Miss
Jessie MoLauohlin ; Assistant Organist,
Mies Mamie Deadman. Program
arrangement and Lookout oommittees
were appointed and the work outlined
for the first six months, The "Little
Stars" intend lettiog their light shine
Upon India thio year. The contribution
from the Baud last year amounted to
taa,tea diem Ne'w,s.
Shipments of Northwest wheat by
Fort William aggregated 17,600,000 bush.
els in 1897.
South Oxford Conservatives have nomi.
nated Edward Chambers for the Legis-
lative Assembly.
Mayor Fisher, of Paris, is the Conserv-
ative nominee for the Legislative As.
eembly in North Brant.
The Montreal Herald remarks : Sir
Charles Tupper is still talking. Sir Wil-
frid Laurier is still doing.
A whiskey stilt was seized on the farm
of Wm. Callaghan, in Emily Township,
and Callaghan was arrested.
Robert Smith, East ZOrra, sold a
Christmas steer that weighed 1,073
pounds. lie gat $90 for him.
Charles LaMarche, of Mattawa, was
nominated for the Legislative Assembly
by the Conservatives of Nipisaing.
The train between St. Thomas, Hamil-
ton and Toronto, via M. C. R. and T. H.
& B. will be disoontinuen after Saturdry,
as it has not paid.
James Brown, of Maidstone, was re-
manded for eight days on a obarga of
stealing the door off Robert Thuoer's
house 10 Sandwich East,
A farmer near St. Marys broogbb 7$
turkeys into that town for the holidays.
They weighed 1,020 pounds, and made
the enterprising farmer about $76.
A Haldimand farmer writes to say that
milk sent to the cheese factory brings in
more money tbau any other branch of
farming. Apples ars eeooud, and hogs
Benj. Kloepfer, coal merchant, of
Guelph' and a brother of 0. Kleupfer, M.
P., died Monday evening, of pneumonia,
being sick only a few days. He was
widely known and highly respected.
One of the largest dry goods establish-
ments in Western Ontario, Messrs.
Zeigler, Hynch & Co., Guelph, have as.
signed. A rough statement of affairs
shows liabilities of 525,000, and' assets of
John Taylor, Rockwood, tells how ou
Sunday night one Yorkshire pig, for bhe
first time, dropped 17 pigs, outside in the
cold, beside a bay steak, and another pig
of the same breed 11. They are alive
and healthy.
Little Freddie Guerih, the niue.year•
old son of Joseph G0eriu, of Hamilton,
was alone in the house when a lamp ex.
eluded. IIe threw it outside and with
the aid of a psliceman extinguished the
fire in the house.
Prinoipal Grant has accepted the chat.
lenge of Rev. Dr. Lucas to debate the
liquor question, the latter to name the
date, which moat be done before the end
of the month. The wordy duel is to take
place in Kingston.
A new oil field promises t0 be opened
at Point Edward. A test well has been
put down and oil struck at a depth of
015 feet. A oompany has been formed
which intends seeking more wells at
once. This 1s the llret oil found in this
The oubsoriptious to the 5100,000 en.
dowmsnt of the Canadian Congregational
College have already molted the 0001 of
$80,000. The college has already seemed
permanently the 0ervioes of Doctors Tay-
lor and McKenzie, two noted professors of
the Chiango Theological Seminary.
During a fight in Merritton, Richard
Byron struck Robert Willie, a well
known hotel n100, over the head wither
(retch, initiating a bad wound. Byer
sinceWl illi
a has been e confined to
his bad
and the doctors consider the ease very
serious. Byron hem been arrested, and ie
held to await theresnit of Willis' injuries,
118 at present they are likely to prove
fatal, the baso of the skull having boon
Frank Davis, of Wardsviilo, Ont., met
with perhaps the most peculiar aooidenb
e1 record while out hunting in the woods,
Davis had 0nanmeded in wounding a rah -
bit, which endeavored to escape bycrawl-
ing into a hollow sawlog. As the holo'
ran only part way through the log, Davie
0rawl03 in the aperture after it, The
log happened to be a side hill and be-
ing disturbed from its meting glace b
the linter's efforts to oe 10031 the rabbit,
it began to roll, sliding down Against n
bank and blocking Davie' only means of
exit. The prisoner immediately began a
most desperate fight for freedom, kinking
and 0oreaming and using every other
r Y
moats in nibs power to attract attention.
118 118101nained confined insider of the log
hours, but finally Nir. 13111,attenot.
ed by his trios, eagle to the moaotia and
0ueceedoti, by meals of an azo and spade,
in releasing him,