HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-1-7, Page 8THE BRUSSELS POST Pilgrim's Proms. Another lot of Bonyan's Program to baud lo cloth, illustrated, at 80o. By reading one ol those yon will more thormeghly appreciate listening to •the admirable sermons which Oro now being preached by REV. JOHN ROSS. Be up with the times and leave yonr order for a Daily Paper. We can have it sent to your peal:office if preferred or you can moll at our store. We supply any Paper, Magazine or Periodical that 19 published. Think of it for One Third Cent per day you son have a good Toronto daily, morn- ing edition, or the Globe or Mail for 10. per day. Don't forget that we sell the daily papers. A Deadman's Drag, Book and Fence, Goode Store, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. • SOUTUERN EXTENSION W. G. & H. Trains leave Bruseels Station, North and South, as follows: GOTNo80IIME. GOING Ronan, express-- 7:10 a.m. Mall ......... 9:10 pan leixed. ...... 9:45 eera.ISspress p.m Poi Ref% Items. A ohiel's among ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. 1898. JANUARY, BRUSSELS market leads. Tern Pose gives the news. DON'T trot across the bridge. LAOS/PPE is quite troublesome. Smin us the news. It is always wel- come. TEs holiday trade has been good in Brussels. Mumma monthly Horse Fair on Thursday of this week. MESSRS. BASHER & VANSTONN eh ipped a oar of live hogs on Taeeday. Tun new Oounoils will be sworn in on Monday, 10th inst., at 11 a. m. THE onteloor Bloating rink on the Melt. land river is being freely patronized. A. 0. U. W. Lodge will meet this (Fri- day) evening. Installation of offioers. Bnusszts Sol000l Board will hold their regular meeting on Friday evening of next week. TEE Pon issued an Extra on Beonday evening at 6 o'clock giving the report of the Municipal Election in Brussels. A. COOLEY has opened up a Bankrept stook of hate, caps, ready-made clothing, gent's fuenisitings, &o., in the Leckie bled?, Brussels. Bmosenes Fife and Drum Band will hold semi-mdathly praotioes, the first be• ing held on Thursday evening of next week, at the Orange Hall. THE L. 0. L. District Lodge will be bald in Brussels next Tuesday, llth inst., at 2 p. no. The Co. Lodge will meet in Wingham on Tuesday, Feb. let. THE Heneall Observer has changed its form to the more modern 8 page style. Bro. Neelands is evidently prospering in his work. He has our best wishes for his future. Ease Huron Conservative Association will bold its annual meeting in the Town Hall, Brussela, on Friday, 21st host. Mr. Cargill, M. P. for Brace, has been invit. ed to be present. TUESDAY of last week Arthur Franklin Jones, son of John Jonas, Brussels, was united in marriage, at Tottenham, to Alias Aikens. Mr. Jones is a resident of that place. May happiness and pros- perity be theirs. Two able bodied "tourists" occupied berths in the refrigerator in the loolapp on Wednesday evening. While the Win- ter lasts the Reeve purposes giving all these visitors a snow shovelling job be. fore they are let go. Bovosems G. T. R. -The shipments from Brussels station have been lighter than usual this week, owing to the holi- day season. They are as follows :- Badger & Vanstooe, 1 oar wheat, 2 oars hay, 1. oar of hogs ; R. Graham:, 1 oar oats ; Clegg & Dames, 3. oar cattle ; Cole. man, 8 oars salt. TEE Exeter A.dvooate has the goodness to say :-Tins Breams Poe has enlarged Ole borders and is now a 50 column paper Mate id of 48. TUE PosT is a spicy, bright. readable paper, rather estray in politics bob a welcome visitor to any reader who is broad minded enough to know that other people have opinions as well as himself. Couxon,Lon TROUSON was en well pleased over his "thumping" big majority on Monday tliat be invited the otioket," and a few of the business men to W. A. Orioh's restaurant, on Tueadvy evening, where bivalves were discussed with a heartiness and relish that established the good name of the caterer, and also proved that the most of those peanut did not require to be introduced to the oyster family, as they had all been there before many a time. lawn Deuront.-The following notes are reproduced from a letter received from Walter Richardeon, of Dauphin, formerly a reeident of this looality :- We are having fine Winter weather here for the past month. The last half of November was pretty oold, but ainoe then it has boas fine with plenty or snow to make good sleighing. We have not had any wind storms ao far. I like the country very well go far. Wo have plenty of work and no time to get lone- some. Perm produce is mouth higher bare than in Ontario. Oats are worth 40 cents per bushel, and can't he got for that ; potatoes 60 to 80 cents ; pork and beef are high also. We are all well, hoping this will find you end all my old friends in Brussels the same. We wish you all tbe oomplimente of the eeason. In the same letter is a, notioe stating that on Deoember 29th, Miss Helen, fourth daughter of Mr. Richardson, wag united in marriage to Jae. Walker, of Dauphin. BSc, Mr. Gourley tying the matrimonial knot, The many friends of the bride in this Icoality will Wish her and her hasband, we feel sue, the joys and prosperity they hope for, Towne was a big crowd in town on Morse Fair day. COUNTY COMAS Will convene at (loole. rah on Tuesday, 26th inst. BIRTHDAY Party in St, a otuN school room thin (Friday) evening. Be, Jones ohnrch bell tolled out the old year and rang an CIO now. Toe Reeve is in oorreeponcienoe with the Livingstone firm relative to the oper• ation of Brussels Flax mill for 1808. BilUSSELS 14, 0. L. will meet on the let Monday evening of snob month, instead of the 1st Tuesday, es for some years. OM 1600 eOrds Of Cordwood have al, ready been delivered ab the Enterpriee Salt Works, Brussels, in addition to that delivered to the mills end fautories, BALANCE Mum Int PAID. -All who have not paid their 955150 009 asked to call on the Oolleotor within the next 10 days and square up so that he may return his roll and thereby prepare the way for the auditors. 1). C. Ross' name is mentioned as the probable Chairman of Brussels school Board for 1898, Chairman Koenig was a very energetic) worker in furthering the interests of the sohool last year and the utmost harmony prevailed amongst the members. Ds advertisement in another column it will be observed that the annual meeting of the Howiok Mutual Fire Insurance Oa. will be held at the Town Hall, Gerrie, on Friday, Jan. 21st, oommeno• fug at 2 p. no. The annual report is presented at this meeting and two Bleed. ore chosen. DON'T forget the 0. 0. F. At Llama in their Lodge room on Tuesday evening of next week. After a public% installation of offieers a short, interesting program will be rendered and refreshments served. Each member is expected to bring hie wife and another friend if he as desires. NEW COUNCILS MEET NEXT MONDAY. - By an amendment to the Statute, passed in 1896, the date for the inaugural meet- ing of Alunieipal Councils has been changed from the 8rd to the 2ed Monday in january. Consequently the municipal bodies will convene next Monday to as. sume office. D. IlloNemenxeez has been awarded the contract of making the necessary repairs in the carpenter line, to the school house, in overooming the damage done by the recent fire. His tender was 958.60. The others ranged from 949.50 to 9150.00, certainly a good margin. In addition to the floor which will have to be renewed, there are floor joists and one stick of timber in the foundation to be pub in. The work will be done forthwith. BnussEra Lee. -Ls will be seen from the following statemeut, a very material increase of shipments from Brussels sta. tion have been made during the past year as compared with 1896. It will surprise moony to loath the enormous amount of business transacted in the village, which is the most important point on the G. T. R. between Palmerston and Kincar- dine :- 1897. 1806. Cheese 117 tons 78 tons Wheat and peas.- 1,989 " 1,263 " Oats 1,60i " 518 " Potatoes Apples Hay Live Stook Lumber, &o Salt Sundries 65 " 358 " 188 " 257 " 65 " 1,462 " 1,578 " • 873 e 958. 0 3,816 ' 2,352 " 646 " 748 " 9910 7,773 Increase in 1897, 2,148. inoluded a quantity of square timber shipped last year. Nearly 10,000 tons is a big output, and is a praotioal exemplification of what Brussels is as a market for all kinds of produce. PnEsEeeeenna-Jhat before the close of the Methodist Sabbath school last Sun- day afternoon B. Gerry, Assistant Superintendent, came forward and in a few kindly, congratulatory words pre. seated W. H. Kerr, Superintendent, with an elegant, polished oak, Morris patent, reclining arm ohair, with corduroy cushions ; and a fine, large goat robe, as gine from the school. Tho Superintend- ent was completely taken by surprise, not having heard a whisper about it previous- ly, and what he said in reply we are not prepared to say. Brussels Methodist Sabbath school bas had rather a unique history. 33. Gerry was its first Superin. tendent, holding office for over 20 years. He was suomeeded by David Watson, D. D. S., now of Brantford, who removed from town in 1880. W. H. Kerr was then appointed and bas held the position continuously since then, with the ex- ception of one year, when Dr. B41(, now of Toronto, presided. Mr. Kerr wishes here to express hie sincerest thanks to his many young friends, and older ones too, who oontributed so generously to the above mentioned gifts. PAID NATURE'S DEBT. -James. G. Eel. ly, a well known resident of this locality, passed over to the great majority about 4:80 o'alook last Sunday afternoon, aged 60 years, Apoplexy was the mouse of death. He had not enjoyed robust healtb for the past three or four years, and had several strokee of paraly- sis daring this time. Deoeaged was native of Co. Cavan, Ireland, and when e mere lad crossed the Atlantie, in com- pany with his brothers and sisters in the year 1818. *flail the Spring 011850 they lived at Oswego, New York State, after which they moved to Niagara Wig, and in 1854 Mr. Kelly Caine Weeb to Morris township, where he was preceded by his brothers, William and Themes. They were among the first settlers in the forest in Morris. The seined of this notioe continued to reside there until 1878, when he purolmeed a portion of lot 1, Nth eon. of Grey, Se; milee South of Brussels, where he spent the remaining roan of his life. Mr. Kelly was never married, but along with his sisters Jived in comfort and happiness. He was a consistent membee of the Church of England mod 5 Liberal.Conservative in petition. Deceased was also a member of the Orange Order, which body took charge of the funeral on Tuesday after. noon, Rev. Mr. Abey concluded a short service at the home, after which a long oonaourse orrelatives and friende fol. lowed the tannins to Browns cemetery Mr. Kelly was a hearty, robust man in his day and measured 3 feet, 4 inches in his decoking feet. Ile wits the youngest of the family, and William, who pre. deceased him, the oldest, The surviving members of the family are Thomas, of Brunets ; George, of Morris, and the Mims Kelly, who shore the sympathy of the community in their bereavement, The following were the pall bearers :- Henry Aloote, M. FL Moore, Alex, Mo. Call, Ino. Oakley, Henry Ilattilton, and Thoe, Oakley, IT allEM4 3 little Kohl blooded for 5, 0. Shane to begin ialvertleing his new White in Jauunry lett J. G. oto bound to be to the froBn.t. o EERY hal invested in another far, At Indian Head, 50, W, T. lie will turn oat e hem= farmer tiro Ilret thing he knows, is said a team of horses was aold at the Brussels Horse Fair on Thursday foe the sum of 9300. :Cho owner was Me. Hogg, of MaKillop. Aunt, McKee, D. D. AL ; W. Martin and W. O. Smith attended the Dietriot meeting of the', O. 0. la, at Wingliniii, on Thursday of this week. Ws observe that esveral new Whine have been adorned with the name Mon - dyke. You= make up your mind that those children are the Ears gold, PAST and ftirlOaS driving will not be permitted on the streets. Pedestrians and owners of horses not troubled with speed hive rights Una must be respeoted. INSTALLATION Of °MOSES will MUM pinata in Western Step Lodge, I. 0. 0. 1'„ Brussels, on Thursday evening of next week. re D. G. el, Mollay will officeate. Mosoos was 8 quiet day in town, more particularly on Turnberry street as the third polling division took all those Ninth of the river to Queen street to r000rd their vote. EAST Huron Farmers' Institute will bold publio meetings as follows Gerrie, Tuesday, Jan. 18111, and Brussels, Battu. day, Jan, 22,nh, An afternoon and eveto. iug session will be held at each place. THE Misses Kelly have disposed of their cottage and the farm adjoining South of Brussels, to Duncan MoCal- lam, of AloKillop, for 022000. 11 30 said the ladies may make Wow home in Bras - "ANNUAL meeting of Grey Branch Agri• cultural Phoiety will be held in the Couto. ail Chatriber, Brussels, on Wednesday, Jan. 12th, at 1 p. m. East Riding So. oiety will meet a week later in the same place, as per Statute. RoottEwers to TOO Poor Inc 1808 and new subsoribers have been rolling in, to the satisfaction of the Editor. Compare Tete POST will, other papers is all we ask and then take the beet. We give 66 columns every week. W. J. MaCiteannot, the new leases of the town males, took charge last Saturday and will be responsible for them to the elose of 1898 He pays e155,00 for the use of the bwo sets -at the Town Hall and G. T. R. stook yards. To snow the unoertainty of the arrival of the afternoon mail train the notioe at the postoffiee on Ohristmas and Now Year's read "Moe will be open for an hour after the arrival of the afternoon train." It was.not safe to set any particular time for the arrival of our mail-express•freight. Buono. -Dr. James EL Burns, brother of airs. W. X., R. Holmes, of Godevioh, formerly of Brossels, fell dead at hls resi• dence, 7 College street, Toronto, on Alon• day afternoon, Deo. 20th. Mrs. Burns was upstairs when she heard her husband ring the telephone and fall almost in- stantly, and finding him lying on the floor summoned Dr. Anderson, who lives nest door, but before he arrived life was extinct. Forty•five minutes before he died, Dr. Burns called on Dr, Murray McFarlane, 82 Colbornestreet,, and com- plained of a dizziness and ringing in the sere. On examination Dr. BloFarlane found that he was suffering from organic heart trouble; and advised him not to worry. Dr. Burns was between fifty and fifty live years of age, and very well known. He leaves it widow, two sons and one daughter, the wife of caer Thoon• son, Cayuga. The funeral took plaoe from the family residences to St. James' cemetery on Wednesday afternoon, Deo, 22nd, at 2.30 o'clock. The Chanty Treasurer and Mrs. Holmes were present at the interment, FAST HURON FARMERS' INSTITUTE. - Meetings of East Huron Farmers' Insti- tute, for the discussion of Agricultural snbjeots, will be held as follows :-Town Hall, Gerrie, Tuesday, San. 18th ; Town Hall, Brassele, Saturday, San. 22nd. The Gerrie meeting :-Afternoon session, at 1 ohlook-eBotany on the Farm," W. H. Fraser ; "Why every Farmer should keep Bees," S. Hi nohley ; "Tubercolosis,', Jas. Armstrong, V. 13., Gerrie ; "Swine Breeding and Feeding," R. Thompson, St. Catharines ; "Potatoes and Roots," 0, A. Zevitz, 0. A. 0,, Guelph. Even' Mg session, at 7.80 o'olook-"Care of Small Fruits and Fruit Trees," R. Thompson, 81. Catharines • "Ontario Agricultural College," 0. A. Zavitz, 0. A. 0.,Guelph. The Brussels meeting :- Aternoon session at 1 ohloolo-"Oulti- vation of the Soil," Robb. McMillan, Hui. lett ; "Botany on the Farm," W. H. Fraser ; "Tuberoolosis," Jae. Armstrong, V. Se Gerrie ; "Swine Breeding and Feeding," R. Thompson, St. Cotharinea ; "Corn for Grain, Fodder and Silage," 0. A. Zavitz, 0. A. C., Guelph. Evening session, at 7.80 ohloolc-"City versus Country Life," R. Thompson, St. Oath. ariues ; "Agricultural Experiment Sta. tions and whist they are doing for the Farmer," 0. A. Zavitz, 0. A. C. Guelph. In the eVeninge the addresses will be in. terspersed by selections of vocal and in• strutnental MEAS. All are invited. Business Locals. OYSTERS stewed at Oriob's. MOROI= Nougates itt Orioh's. :Gilder your Xmas, cake et °rich's. Fon fancy rockers go to Jno. Walloer's. Bones and blankets ; large stock and low prices. I. 0, Riohards. See some of the hooey peeler Mines at Jno. Welket's. GOOD Emend hand natters and sleighs for sale ot D. Ewan's, Brussels. Fon sale oheap, three set of mond- hand Biagio harness. I. C. Riche/els. Pannone, straight roller' or mixed flour and all kinds of feed abRose' mill. Terme cash. Ton largest and best selected stook of pictures and picture moulding will be seen at John Wain's, 13000our Ohristmas stook of candieg and ()rouges at MoCriteken's, CANDIES, Nuts, 'Egg' Date., Oranges, Grapes and*Lemous atCrash's. Bee your oandioe and oremes, nuts, &o„ for Chrieernas at MoCeaolsen'a. Pon a nioe wedding or Ohristmas preterit try Wallosee furniture store, ' CROPPING at 4 oante per 100 lbs. and good Worlt gnitaanteed ab Eon' mill, Terms oath. Tore a pair of our hair•facoed Scotch collars, We guarantee them to work I. 0, Richards. Fon bedroom suites, sideboards, extol. tion tables, lounger: parte): su' ites parlor tables, couches, and in fact anything to , he found in a firgatlase furniture atom, I oall on John Walker. ereestealetetieeeteeeeleelerearteeeteleelee oe'reseelosesseaseellerelee theme in bulk ote Odell% Otionin Don Bons at CrIch'e. 0900109 ad kIlltel1018. Wo WINO WWIIs of all kincie. I, 0. Riebarde. WE reptile harnees, oollore, boots and shoes twat and durably. 1, 0, Richards. STOON in 0 b.; rnslied off, SO bargillti litilltere alephi call early. A, (Imlay, Brussels. A cm emote n plaoo for Winter at mese Ws geetory re isonablo. Apply at lbin aloe. WALKER & S000roi can soli more work in shorter time, for /088 money than any shop in town in oor trade. Holten °tippers and Idke sesorlib Hsharpened aml repaired by Saw Filer McGregor, of Brussels, Queen et, East. Wm pay agents big tortoise for organe when you one buy n 0 octave piano mum, oak or walnut from R. Leatherdale for 1306.00. HATS at leen than half thole value. Iluderolothing ditto. Collars and ties away down, A. Chutney, Leoltio block, Brussels. 13examsrr eloolo of Gent& Furnishings, Hate and Oape, Readymade Clothing, &o., at your own price at Leolcie'a Moth, Brussels. Call in. A. 0ousley. Homo parchnsed a large and well selected etook of window shades at a low rate on the e, I will be prepaed to sell for the next 60 duets at about half the usual price. Inc,. Walker. BARGAIN Oeeration.-That , Wide half tore lot situate teo tloo Senile tot portion of Turaberry street, Bressela will be dis• posed of below oust. Very racy terms. Write for particulars to Julie HertomatvEs, 174 Queen at, West, Termite. WANTED. -Butter, drieJ apples, and poultry. Highest prieos, Largest stook of Ory goods, groceries, boots and shoes to seloet Seem. G. E. Klee, Wing - ham. If yon are thinking of buying an organ it will pay you to moll on R. Leatherdele before you buy. He can save you 25 per cent. Agent for the Bell and Goderioh. Always a big stook on hand. WeLecat & Sorrell intend getting in stook Inc buggies in oar loads. This will begood for one oustomers, as we will get the best as cheap as small dealers will have to pay for Lite cheapest. Keep blowing. Walkes & Smith. GREAT MEMO OFFER.-Seud DS the MMUS and addresses of three or more performers on the piano or °rpm together with ten cents in silver and we will mail you ten pieces full sheet inusio, consisting of popular songs, waltzes, marches, eto., arranged for the piano and organ. Ad- dress, Pormen Alum Pon. Co., Indian. apolis, BRUSSELS SCHOOL B.NPAIRS.-TGLIGSIS will be received up 00 10 a. m. on Mon• day, Jan. 3rd, for the carpenter work necessary at the Public School building. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Plans and speeiliontiOns may be seen at American hotel. All tenders to be left with A. KOENIG, Ohaironan of Board. Armin needing their SINS put in proper artier had better bring them to Saw•fiter MoGregor before he leaves Bruaaels, as he is likely to take a, situ- ation with the Saw and Saw Tool Mak. ere, bet will do KM filing and SIM gum- ming in Brussels for this season. T. AloGregor, saw•filer, Brussels, Queen st. East. MIDLAND BOUTS CALTFORN/A NXCURSIONS. -Via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway to Los Angeles and other pinta in Southern Oalliornite. Those popular every Saturday California excur- sions Inc both first and second eines pas- sengers are ',personally conducted" by intelligene, competent and courteous "couriers," who will attend to the wants of all passengers en route. Tbis is an entirely new feature of tourist oer aervioe and will be greatly appreointed by fami• lies or parties of friends travelling to. gether, or by ladies travelling alone, Tbe Midland Route Tourist Cara are upholet. ered sleeping cars and are supplied with all the accessories necessary to make the journey oomfortable and pleasant, and the sleeping berth rate is but 96.00 '(for two persons) from Chicago to Oalifornia. Ask the neatest tiokeb agent for a, tourist oar "folder," giving oomplete information about the Midland Route, or address "Eastern Manager Midland Route," No, 95 Adams street, Chicago, Ill., or A. J. Taylor, Canadian Passenger Agent, To- ronto, Ont. 26-2 mos. BERT.WIED IN PE/OB.-The Globe, Toron- to, has reduced the price of its morning edition from 96 to 94, and dieaonbinued the seoond edition. The Globe seldom does bhings by halves, and this is certain- ly it strong and deserving bid for oironla- tion. In the announoement .of the change it is stated that the great reduce. tion in the price of paper and the intro- duotion of typesetting machines have made this possible, but considering the great expense that they inour in their efforts to seoure all the news every day and the exoeedingly full reports that they give of all important events, 96 per year was not too much to pay. At 94 per year their (emulation should soon reach the 50,000 mark, especially as all the he. partments, including their exoellent Saturday illustrated edition, aro to be kept up to their present high abandsad. The Globs is generally recognized as the leading paper in Clonacla, and their effort to make it possible for every person to take it regularly should meet with a hearty responee. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS, Miss Tooth is visiting relatives at She!. burne. Mrs. Croaker, of fleeter, is visiting at B. Gerry'e. Ino. Kendall is home from Toronto for a holiday visit. Willie Ainley was visiting relatives for week in thaforth. J. T. Ross was away on it bueinese trip to Potrolia this vseelo. Mies Tinsley, of Monition, is visiting at Neil leteLauehlin's. Miss E. Graham, of Wingham, was the guest of Mre. Mainprioe, Geo. Halliday and wife spent the New Yana holiday at Beneath Meg Watt, of Biota, is visiting her Water, Mrs. (Rev,) Rose, Mite, Oftvauagh and children returned to Owen Sound on MOnday. Ira Garry and Frank Smith have re. turned to school at &Worth. T, Fletcher and wife spent New Years with relatives in Imoknow. Wire. Deadman and Miss Edith wont Now Year's holiday at Woodstook. Mies Donde Moore is holidaying With relativea at Stratford and Mitchell.. Miss Nettie Wells, of Zurich, is via, ing her ocamin, Mimi Dolly Baelter, JAN. 7, 1898 ST,4,7a,4R1) BJAPE 0.7? a4X4D,4, xe ^s.A.xson,Voa =se= HEAD OFFICE, e TORONTO ASSETS, • . (Seven Milieu Dollars) • 97,000,000 oAlapit.r, (Authorized) ' • ' • 82,000,000 Agencies in alt principal point? in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, United Stake& England. flarSWIr&O A Conant Booking BistiseuionciesaandTroomaoottieod.rtt n0 madeonen atlelreplNoittost.ea Dithoue tad. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on dements 00 91,00 and upwards from dat of deposit to date o withdrawal and oompouuded half yearly. SPECIAL ATTENTION OWEN TO TEE OoLLECTION PARIgisnie 10A51I1 Nom. Every facility afforded Oustomere liviug at a distanoe. J. A. STE1VART Menem. WeavaINSWIY. During the past week 11, Ament and wife have been holidaying at London. Mrs, (Dr.) MoNaughton has been visit. ing relatives and friends at Seaforth, • Miss D. Shaw has returned from a, visit with relatives and friends in Bengali. This week Anon McDougall and sister left Brussels for Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. Bliss Nina Rogers, of Toe POST staff, spent Sunday with friends in Witmloam, Miss Annie Waffles% of Parkdale, is visiting Mrs. Anderson, Elizabeth street. M. Richardson and wife spent New - Year's with John Burgess and family ab Bluevale. Mrs, 13. Allan, of Kincardine, wee visit- ing her mother, Mrs. Francis DeWolf, during the past week, J. A. Blakeman, of Virden, Man., was visiting his aunt, Bliss Blakeman, during the New Year holidays, Um. Thos. Aiuley, of Listowel, was visiting Mrs. John Wynn and other old friends daring the past week, Jas. MoKenzie, of Chatham, was re- newing old. friendehips in Brussels and locality daring the past week. etre. Kennedy, John and Mise May, of Blyth, were visiting Mrs. Anderson, Elizabeth street, on New Years, Harry Crooke returned to Toronto on Tuesday of this week to resume his studies at the Pharmacy College, Jas. BloGuire, wife and daughter, of Winghatn, ate their New Year's dinner at George Rogers', Frederick street. Dr, and Mre.lialbtleisoh,F. 5. and Mrs. Scott and Miss Dennis attended an oyster supper et Atwood on New Year's Eve, J. M. Farrow, of Leaden, spent a few days at his father's, Postmaster Farrow, Brussels. 50,5', Farrow was also here. Mcg. W. J. Norton and Reuben Hindes, of Listowel, attended the funeral of the late Jas. G. Kelly on Tuesday afternoon. W. R. Stretton, 0. P. R. engineer, who has been enjoying a holiday visit here for several weeks, left for his post of duty on Tuesday. Reuben Sweat will attend the Normal whom at Ottawa. Ho may mix a little politics with hie educational course while ab the Oapital. Mrs, Jas. Wiison bad the misfortune to scald her left hand a week or so ago and the injured member has given lier com siderable trouble. George Sanders and and sister, Mrs. F. J. Gatlin, of Flint, Blithe are enjoying e. holiday visit with relatives and old friends in Brussels. Mrs. Samuel Smale, are and Mies Cummings left last week for Buffalo, N. Y., wbere Mrs. Smale will spend the balance of the Winter. We regret to hear of the serious illness of Edward Grimoldby from an attack of inflammation of the bowels but we hope he will soon be better. Jno. Pugh, who has been laid up with a sore hand occasioned from the bite of a dog, is improving quite nicely and hopes to soon be able to rename work. Mrs. Leatherdale, who had a close cell last week from poison, drinking it inetend of inhaling the remedy for asthma, has quite recovered we aro pleased to state. Mrs. Soo. MoBain and son left Brus- sels last week for Saginaw, Mich., where Mr. MoBain has a good situation. We wish them prosperity in their new borne. Miss Via. Blashill, daughter of Wm. Blashill, left on Tuesday for a visit with her cousins, Miss Jennie ancleVirIllie Bar- ley, of Northville, Blida, who have been visiting here for several weeks. Thos. Bradwell and son, of Clifford, were in town on Thursday. Mr. Brad. well has not forgotten bis old trick of early rising. He was in town by 7 a. in. Thursday after a drive 01 91 miles. Fred. Gilpin, who was compelled to leave school through poor health, has gone beak to Owen Sound Collegiate this week to resume his studies. Ho bas 15 - gained it large measure of his customary good health. W. E. Armstrong has gone to, Clinton where he will attend the Collegiate In. ebitule to take up 2nd clan teaohere' work. Mr. Armstrong is a good student and has made an exoellent reoord as a teaoher. Tenn POST wishes him swims. Jne. Sarvis, who has been in the em. ploy of A. Strachan Inc the past year, purposes trying his fortune in a larger field. He will be stmeeeded by Mr, Matheson, of Luoknow, Mr. Same is a competent hand and we wish him every 5000505 wherever his lot may be oaat. 11, G. Wilson, wife and son and Bliss Frank Felton removed to London this week. Mr. Wilson will be greatly missed in Lodge oirolee, being interceded 'in a, number of Sooieties while the removal of the ladies will leave vaesnoiee in Melville church and Sabbath school not easily sup- plied. London will gain good oitizens in Mr. Wilson ana family and we feel safe in saying that they have the very hearty good wishes of a large enrols of friends for their happiness and properity in their new home, Mr. Wilson has been a mem. bar of tbe Municipal Council for the past two years. Edward Hanlae, formerly world's champion oarsman, was eleoted an alderman in tloe 4th ward in Toronto. John Mitchell, of Exeter, narrowly m- oped asyloyxistion by coal gas one night last week, caused by a piece of mica in the stove shifting out of place. Maud, a 12.year•old daughter of Clarke Teeple, 1V1a,riborostreet, Beamtford, is laid up with a broken log, the result of riding behind a sleigh whish slowed as it turned a toner. A matt named Ingram was struck by Lake Erie & Detroit River Railway train on Tuesday night, near Wilkie station, and instantly killed. Deceased was, wo:king oo the teaok and paid NO htton- Om to the repeated warning signals. The body was taken to BlenhoiOn and an inquest held. The G, T. R. people of Berlin expect to move into the new station on Jan. 8. It is nearly oompleted. .Plans have been accepted for a new oily building in Stratford, and a by-law is to be submitted shortly. mome,mo MoKral.-Do Grey, on the let inst., the wife of Mr. McKee of a son. Cana. -In Wingham, on December 20th, the wife of Mr, John Oornyo of a, eon. Clentamt.-In Wingbarn. on Dec. 280h, the wife of Mr. Tiooe. Carlton of a SOL FRIEND8RIE.-In Winglton, on Deo, Nth, the wife of Mr. Thos. Friendship of a daughter. MoNenn-MeNern.-At the 15th cone Grey, at the residenoe of the bride's father, by Bev. D. B. McRae, Mr, John McNabb to Miss Mary McNair, youngest daughter of Mr. James Mo • Nair, all of Grey. GEWITT-STANLEX.-On the 5th Irma, at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. Dr. Williams, assisted by Rev. a, 0. Morlook, Mr. Arthur Hewitt, of Elms, to Bliss Almada Matilda, eldest daughter of Mr. Robb, Stanley, Listowel. aeomeeim. KELLe.-In Grey, on Sunday, January 2nd, 1898, James G. Kelly, aged 60 years. THRSDAZ Jan. 2011L -Farm stook, im• plements, &a. South a Lot 15, Con, 6, Morris. -Sale at 1 o'olook, etree, Won. Hanna, Prop., Chem. Hamilton, Ano. FitiDAY, Jan. 21e1. -Farm stook, imple. mento, &o. Lot 10, oon. A, Turnberry. Sale unreserved, flb 1 p. m., sharp. Thos. Pope, Prop., F. S. Soca, Auo. 731.r/S$00ialMS Fall 'Wheat . ... 81 82 Barley. 26 25 Peas 45 45 Oats .... 24 24 Butter, tube and rolls ... 13 14 Eggs per dozen 18 14 Flour per barrel.. ..... 4 00 4 60 Potatoes (per bag) 40 60 Ray per ton. 6 00 5 00 Hides trimmed 61 Hides rough 6 00 Salt per bbl., retail 1 00 60 Sheep alibis, each 40 40 Lamb skins each 25 25 Hogs, Live 4 40 4 60 Dressed Hogs 4 50 5 50 Apples (per bag) 50 60 Notice to Creditors. All persons baying auy claim against the estate of James Douglas, the elder, late of the Township of Grey, in the County of Huron , farmer, deceased, who died at 9110 said township ou or about the seoond day of December, 1897, are notified to Illo their claims with the undersigned on Or before the 22nd day of January, 1808 ; after which date the estate will he distribu 100 among those entitled thereto, having regard only to such 0181005 as shall thou have been TO- ooiv o,3. A, HIINTEB, Brussels, Agent for Exeoutor. Dated at Brussels 5th Jan., 1808. 20-2 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. MONEY TO LOAN AT 5 PER sons. 04.5. SOOTT, Brussels, VOR SALE. -THREE YORK - SEIZE sows in pig aged I year. 25. Apply to 8, jAMES, Brussele. HAVE LOTS OF MONEY TO land on mortgage at 0 per oont, yearly, ,5.. ELLT14333111, Brussels, DRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN. - First mortgage, fatin security, Apply ab TEM Pon, p.1,1101114 Rouse, Brussels. HOUSE FOR SALE. -GOOD house and lob in Brussels for sale. For parideulars apply to W. 19 ,1000333530, Bros - Eels, or 100. 0. SPABLING, Wingbano, T OST. -ON TUESDAY EVEN• JL.,1 /No, 5 ladies' gold, hooting eased watch and °balm with Elglu ineYeniont, be- tween Frank McOraokon% and Jas. B ow - =MVO. Finder will oe suitably rewarded by MES . PRANK e1e019A010ION, 011 lluo, Moiris„ NOTICE Notion is hereby given that tho Annual Meeting of the Howlett Mutual Fire Insur- ance Company will bo bole iu hall. Gerrie on Friday, January 21, lea, itt p for the purpose, of receiving the Die. Beton' report for the pad year, ilhe °lotion of the Directors and for other business, ley order of the Booed. W, 9.08019011033011319, Gerrie, jan, 3,1858, 20.2 13eerotary. re Ara' BRANCH AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. The Annual mooting of the Grey Branch Agrioulturee Society will be hold in the Town Rall, Brussels, on WBDNBISDAY, eAff 12111,1808, at 1 mon„- for the p13033090 of 15' 05103115 the animal et atoment and auditcnee moot and the election of directors for the year 1808. AMOS sham, President ; w, ET, MOAN Smothery. EAVoofETY, The Annual Meeting of the Ilatit • Heron Agricultural Society will beheld in the 'PAM 1101, Brussele, on SeleDeDesDAlt, IAN. 10001, 1808, at 1 o'clock p. to for the times° 01 10. oelying the Direeterie id Anditore• reports; the election of Officers and Dirootorli, and bbo trausaetion of Ocher huninees, SAS. ValtGUSON, President ; D, STEWART, Seeretary, FOR 02 06. Toilet Ottees, Work 13oxect, Neolotie Boxes, Mizpah Cases, Glove & Hantlker• chief Sets, Photo. Cans, Fountain Peas, Jewel Cases, Photo. Fratuee, Perfume Sets, Photo, Albums, Ore lar and Cull Sets, Ink Stands, Manicure Sets, bo., &a. Owing to .the great reduction In the prioe of Oellulold Goode this setteon we are offering sons exceptionally good values in the above lines. We also have an immense stook of Plane° Boots, Story Books, Xmas Cards, Toye, Dolls, Games, Hymn Books, Bibles, Poets, Booklets, Chatterbox, 90o., Young Conada, 91.00 See out Speaking Dolls alo 26a. We have also received a very choice line of Perfumes from the very best French and American makers, ropealally salted for the Holiday season. Come in and see our stook before purchasing elsewhere, and be your own judges of the prices we ask A 902E'S 2)rug Store.. EIOUSE AND LOT FOR dALE. Tho undersigned offers WS comfort- able house and 3 acre 01 15001, more or leas, situate Corner of Queen and Albert Streets, Brussels, for sale. All the eonveniences, such to good collar, woodshed, well, fruit treea, dm. For particulars as to pries, and terms apply to GEORGE LOWEY, Proprietor. 20.50 Brussels P.O. GOOD FARMS FOR SALE. - 'Rho undersigned offer two 103 acre farms for sale at reasonable prices. Tho lots are Nos. 10 500 11 00h. 0 (Sunshine), the sicleread between them. Good beak house and barn on lot 11, and house and 2 barns on lot 18. Orohards 000il 511 ;necessary conven. knees. Well watered and suitable for grain or grazing. 100 acres now in grass, Will be solcl either separate or together to suit pur- chaser. Terms of payment reasonable. Im- mediate possession, For further particulars apply to 30510PR CLEGG, Brussels, P. U., or E L. DIOK/NSON, Barrister, Wingham. 25.4 REAL ESTATE. TIARMS.FOR SALE. -THE UN - Ste and to relnl,lielassy"‘t.en:malsgTiTFoajnn" fp" of Morris and Grey. F 15, SO OTT, Byrnasheionl (1.,00D FARM FOR SALE \_A neer Brussels. 01059 bargain, 500 7, Con. 0, Grey township. Good buildings and orchard, well wet erod, suitable for mixed or dairy fiumnug. Possession given next March, with privilege of doing Fall plowing. Apply to W. H. KERB, PoST Publishing House,B missals, or to THOMAS HERITAGS, London West. ANITOBA LAND FOR SALE. ---100 acres of good farm land at Springfield, 8 miles from Winnipeg, is offer- ed for sale at a low priori, Tim property Is North East Seca% Twp. 11, Hauge 9, East. There's a house on the promises and some breaking done, for full particulars 10 300 price, 10110, 5.0, write or apply to 33,14, BLAIR or W. II, KERB, 20-tf Brussels, Out, TilARII FOR SALE OR TO llENT.-80110 .uudersigned offers hie oliglblo 05 earn 'form for sale or to rent, beteg South part of Lot 0, Coupes. siou 12, Grey. Ali under cultivation, well watered and well fenced. There is 8 good stone house, bank barn, oinhard, wells, 50,, on the premises. Also a splendid atone quarry from which a good revenue is realiz- ed. Only 21 miles from Brussels. Terms reasonable. Foi further particulars as to prioe, &o., apply to JOHN MITCHELL, Proprietor, 3541 Brussels P. 0. 1ARM FOR SALE. -150 AORES 0. Consisting 01 1100 South 33011 South 1 of ihe North 3 of Lot 80, eon 2, East Way a. nosh. This is an excellent stook farm, being well supplied with good spring water. It is situated about 3 miles from the thriving Vil- lage of Blyth. A large part of it is under grass. Buildings and femme 5115 )0 a fair state of repair. Easy terms of payment will he given. For n11 information apply to 11-tf 0,10', BLAIIZ, Barrister, Bruesals, MEDICAL CARDS. E. T. SNIDER, MD, 0, DI., suet:baser to Dr, A. McKelvey, Licentiate of Royal College of Physicians and Burgeon% Kingston; Member of the Col- lege 002hysicians and Surgeons of Ontario. DlReillSel of women and ohildren a specialty. Eight years' experience, iSrOilloo and res. Menge that formerly ocoupihd byDLhZo.Kelvey, Tumbril:0 street, Brussels, 25. J. A. 11/PNAUGHTOIV, 23.30, 51, RL, Trinity Uniyoraity,N'ellow Trin- ity Medical College, IrIon,bor College of Vey - sleighs and Surgeons, Ont. Lieentiate ;Atha Bova College Of Phyeielans and Licentiate of Midwifery, Edinburgh. lia"Telophone 80,14. Itosidenee, 23011 89., Brussels. • DR. F. H. KALDFLEISCH MUSICIAN, FAIROICON AND ACCOIMUSUR, SUOOESSoR TO OR. W. GRAHAM. BRUSSELS, ^ ONTARIO. let Motes Mellor Graduate of the Univerni. ties of Trinity (Toronto), Queen's Memnon), andof Trinity Matlioal College ; Follow of Trinity Mateo' College and member of the College bf Physicians Itna surgeons of °note. to, emit Graduate Course in Detroit and Chicago, 1800, Special attention paid to (M- OMS al Eyo, Ear, Nose and Throat, and dis. wines of NVOinon, MPG onsultatiou in 0,og- Ilsh German. Telephone at residence. VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK, . BODO? Graduate of the outevio Veterinary College, is prepared 00 trent nil dineaeos of deineslaaatod animitla In n 00331. potent 'Manner, Partioular attentiOn paid to veterinary dentistry. Oalla proMptly at- tended 10, Office and Infirmary -Pour (mere north 01 beide'rernbeety et,,Bruseels,. 1' r 1