HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-1-7, Page 7IAN', 7, 1908 SCULPTURE Of THE EEP Rev. Dr, Talmo on God Amid the Coral Reefs, GOD AND TILE BEAUTY OF NATURE The newer or the See, From Midi the Street Preacher piens a Coral, moven elm 10 Excision, "'Mere Is a nett toil 1 Adele, eingo flow esivine Till 10110o Le Tinight. Washington, DON 20, -This pictores- quo discourae of Dr. Talmage leads his bearers and re oris through unwonted regions of contemplation and ie, full of practical .gospol; text, job Nevin, 18, "No mention shall be made of coral." ,Why do you. say anti Inspired draw. - ▪ 1 Vhen you wanted to aet forth the superior value of our religion, yoa tossed aside the onyx, which is used for making exquisite careers cold Om eaPpliire, eky blue and topaz of rhom- blo prism and the ruby at frozen blood, mad here you say that the coral, which is 8 scalrisele f shape and. a transport or color to those who have studied it, ite not worthy of znention in comparison with our boly religion. "No mention shall he made of coral." At St, Johns., bury., Ve., to a Mum= built by the thief citizen, as I examined a specimen en the shelf, I first realized whet a. holy of holies God can build and bas emelt ln the temple of ono piece of tor - al. I do not wonder that Erneh Heck- el, the peal scientist, while in Ceylon, wes so entrancea with the specimens w hich some Cingalese divers had brouget up for his inspection that he ihbasselt plunged into the sea and went (emir under the waves at the risk of his life, again and *gain and Liman, that be anight know more ot the. coral, the beauty ei which he indicates eon. slot even be guessed hy those who have only seen it above water, and after the polyps, whie,h are its sculptors mot arcb- Heels have died and the chief glories of thesc submarine flowers have expir- ed,. job in my text did not mean to depreciate this divine sculpture in the coral roofs along the sea coasts. No one ean afford to depreciate these white palaces of the deep, built under God's direction. He never changes his plans for the building of tile islands and shores, end for uncounted thousends of years, the coral gardens end the coral castles and the oorel battlements( go on and up. I charge you that you will please God and plume yourself it you will go into the minute:examination of the oorals-their fou.ndations, their pin- nacles, their aisles, their pillars, their soaves, their cleaveges, their reticula- tion, their grouping-ramilies or them, towns of them, cities of then" end con- tinents of them. ancleed you cannot appreciate the meaning of nay text un - Mae you know something of the coral -labyrinthian, stellar, columnar, flor- al, dented like shields I roin, tattle, spot- ted like leopards, embroidered like lace, hung like uphoistery-twilight nnot auroras and sunbursts 01 beauty 1 From deep crinnon to milk white are its colors. You may had this work of God through the animalcules 80 fathoms aoasn, or amid the breakera, where the sae dashes the wildest and bents the mightiest and bellows the loudest. These sea creatures are very busy. Now they build islands in the centre tt,f the Pacific. ocean, Now they lift barrtsrs around the continent. Indian ocean Red see and coast .of Zanzibar have specimens of eheir infinitesimal but sublime masonry. At the "reeession of the tido e you ancy Lit 00100 places fillet the top ot their Alpine elevallots, while elsewhere nothing but the deep den somndings from the decks of the Chal- lenger, the Poroupine 'ancl the Light'', Mg of the British expedition can an- nounce therm.. The enceent Gauls em- ployed the eon,' to adorn their helmets and the hilts of. swords. ln (many lends it has boon used as emulate. 'rhe Algerian reefs one year; 1878, had, at, work amid the coral 311 vessels, with 9,150 smilors, yielding in profit 8505,- 000. Sue the secular and worldly val- ets, of the corset is nothing as ceimpared with the morel rend religious, as iwhen, in my text, ;fob employs it in -compari- son.1 do not know how one one can examine a coral the size of the thumb nail ;without bethinking himself of God aarl worshipping him, and feeling the opposite of the .gresti; infidel surgeon leetaring to the anticlinal students in the dissecting room upon a human eye which he hoed In his hand shoeing i ta wonders of architecture and adaptation when the idea rxt God flashed upon hien so powerfully ho cried out to th.e stud- entst, "Gentlemen, there is a God,. but halo litml" Picking up a oaral, I feel like crying out, "There is a God, and I adore 131,01 1" Nothing se impresses me with Omelet that our God lovas the Itectuttful. The most beettiertil *oral of Cho world neve' tomes to human observation. Sun- rioes and sunsets he han,gs up for nit, teens to look at; 11.0 may green the geese and rotted the dew (11(0 1)0811 anti eel: on fire autunmet foliage to elease inertia .eight, but tbpse 111008a/1de of miles of coral achievements Lthink he ins bed built for his O10I1 'delight. In those galleries he alone e can week. The meek, of these keys, played 011 by the tenors of the wave, he only eett hear. The ssiow of that whl 'ancl the bloom of that crimson 110 aloue. can 8013, 10Istving Learnt tu red bis world" to please Mee human race and lifiael a glorious heaven to plow the angelie Inbolil- gsw, 1 am glad tame be has planted, lave gardens of the deep to please him- self. But hero and there God allows apecimens, oce sebma,rine glory Lo be brought Op Nita Set befell) U.8 Or sub- lime contemplation. While I speak these great 11811(0191 of aoophytee, aeleasearinne, and mactrepores, with ton.. teelee for trowel, are building just; eaeh reeve as wo, find in ottr text. The dlossionst may be moto rare„the Mattel may he more sparklieg. the ehryaopreee • THE 131iUS3IBLS P may be more ahleze, but, tbe coral Abo long, deep, everlasting blush ell the 8011. Y31, Joh, who understood all kinds of precious stones, declares thet the beauty and value of tile coral are melting compared with our holy re- ligion, and he Moles up this ventilate formation and looks title and Dino it. aside with all the other beautiful things be lois ever hoard cf and criee out in ecathey or admiration for Mee superior qualities or our religiose "No mention, shall be made of coral." Take my bout and tee will letter through thie bower 00 1138 tee while I mow you that oven exquisite coral is n et; worthy of being compared with the reeler jewels of a Christian soul. Tile ferret thing that strikes ate in looking at the coral is its long continued acetone.. latices. It is not (.1110101 111) Rice Coto - peel, Islet is an outbutting and an oat - branching of ages. In itolyneala there ere. reefs beindreds of feet deea. and 1,000 ;settee long, ' Who built these reefs, these islands? The zoophytes, 1 1110 °mutilates. They were not Ruch worIcens whe built the pyramids as ' were there mesons, these creatures of the sea. What small creations amounting to what seat aggregation I Who can estimate the ages between the time when this madrepores laid the foundations of ehe islands and the Limes when the madrepores put; on the capstone of a completed wokl It puzzles all the scientists to guess through bow many years the cereal:nes were building the SelltiNV1011 Bad So- ciety intends and the Marshall and Gilbert groups. But more slowly and wonderfully accumulative Is grace in the heart. Yea sometitnee get die- oouraged because the upleolding by the soni does not go on MOTO rapidly. Why, you have alt eternity to build in. The litele annoyances of life aro zoophyte builders, and there will be small toyer on top of smell layer, and. fossilized grief 081 t1110 top of fossilized. grief. Grate does net go tip rapidly in your soul., but, blessed be God, it goes up. Ton thousand million ages will not fire .sUgLe..ver"Iraltr'';ifieir:1=T bethlitIOP1t; 868 01! earthly disquietude will (1111(111 - ally rise tile reefs, the islances, the con - I tinents, the hemispheres of grandeur I send, glory. Men talk as though in j this life Ivo only haa time Lo I But whet we build in this lire as com- pared with 301391 NVO shall huild in the next life is aa a. stripelt shell to Aus- tralia. You go into (In architect's study and there you 200 the sketch of a, temple the cornerstone of which ha11 n et yet been MM. 011, that I mild bave anit(3 9.0100 tketelt of melee u310)4onw you y has bl What altars of sapernsil worship What pinnaeles; thrusting their gut- tering spikes into the sun that; never sets! You do not scold the corallines because they cannot butts)an island In a day. Whv should you soold your - 8610 because you cannot complete a temple of holicness for the heart in this short lifetime.? You tell rue ece do not amount; to muela now, but try us after a. thousand alltili011 agnen of hal- leluiah. Let tee hear the angels chant for a million, centuries, Give 1.10 an eternity with (111110. 11(1 then see if we do not amount to eomething. Moe& slowly and. 'marvelously accumulative is the grace in the 813(11 than any- thing I can think of. "lin mention shall be made of coral." Lord, help 11,S LO learn that which most of 110 are elefk tent in -patience 1 If thou cabal; take, through the eea an- emones, (11111 10739 of year.; to build one bank of cora ought we not to he wile the to do work through ten years or 50 years svithout eemplaint, without) restlessness, without elm fing of spirit? P0116080 with the erring; patience that NVO 004111011 1111.08 the nulle.nnium in a few sweelcs; petienee with assault of eatagoitiets; patience at whet neeine • slow fulfilmeol„ oe Bible promises petienre with physiona'allitients; pati- ence under delays of Providence; grand, gLorious, all enduring, all con- que,ring patience! Pa Lielle0 like that which my Lately neeeneled friend, D.r.. Abel. Stevens, describes when writing of 0110 03! Wesley's preachers, John Nelson, who, when a leen had him put in prison by falee charges ana being for a long time termente(1 hy 1319 0110103 said, "The Lord lifted up a. st need rd when the sing- er was coming en like e flood, else saould have rang' bio neck to the ground and set, my foot upon it. Pati- ence like that of Ocrieles, the Athenian seitesman, who, vermeil a men pursued him to his: ow 11 door, hurling at him epithets azi11 arriviog there 101te11 it .had become dark, sent hie servant with a torch to light Ilia i•1101113' 101010 to 11(9 11011181, Patience that eulogized by the Spantsn proverb when it says, "1 have lost: the rings, hut here are the fingersstill." Petience 1 The sweetest Singer for the, sourest cup; the balance wheel for all mental and moral machin- ery ; the foot teat treads into placidity stormiest lake; the 1011110 for other- wise rash tongues; tee sublime silence that conquers the holsteroue and blat- ant. Patience Mos that of the most illustrous exempts of all the agesXClle Christ; palled under betatiyal, patient under theareatteent or .1; Rate's oyer and terminer patient under the eameetoration of his assailants; patient under flagellation ; patient under the charging spears of Cho Ronan cavalry; patient1 unto deetle Under all 1181(1' (3010(108.51 eniploy it, Whatever 601116e 8(101(1 ,1, Hold onovalt, belie up. Take my hand again, and we will go a little farther into this garden of the Sea, 011111 WOI filiall find that in propor- tion as the, climate le hot the noral is weal thy. Draw IWO ieotherinal lutes at 60 degrees 000111 and south all the 0(308.1100, 0111(1 you find the favorite home of the come Go 4;o the hottest Pert of thePacifie seas and you. find the, fin- est secs/Mem of coral. Coral is a, ohild of the flee, leut more 04011- do:0ully do the 1(611,18 81111 tires oL trou- ble bring out the jetvels of the Chris- eted, Those are net 'tbe stalwart men '10110 8.00 asleep on the 8(18(1011 (92011, but: these who ase pounding amid the furnaces. I d* nob know Of any other way of getting 11, thorough Chrietian charsioter, I will shows yea a Octave. Hero are a Y.'ether field mother 01) or 13(1 Y01101( Of age, their family; around them, 11 is 'Sabbath. rooming, alley hates peayers, They 118110 1110 childrenei cats), (lidera. Tboy'hswe pavers every day of the emelt'. They are in humble eireatm, patios& nut after awhile the wheel of fortemo turtle up end the 111821. gots hes 020,000. NOW he luta reraIyers on Sale bath and oettry' day of tem week, but he, ha13 aropeed the catechism. l'be W11001. of fortuneterns up mein, and he mete 11M $80 000 Now he has prey. on, Sabbath morning alone. !rho w11641 Of roretnie keeps 'threirigette end he has $206,000, nod. Mew he hes pray, ers oet Sabbath' Morning wiieu ho feels like it and there is no compeny. Tho wheel of fortune keeps on turideg 11p, and he has his 8000,000 and no prayers at all. Pour leaf clover in; a pasture field le not (10 rare ass family prayers in the Maumee of voople who have more than $800,000. 'Bat newt the wbeol of fortune tarns down, and the man loses 000,000 out or the 5800,000, Nolw ou Sabbath morning he le cin a }steplad- der looking for a Bible under the old newts/Japers on the lookease. Fie is meing to have privet's. His affairs are more end inure complicated, lied after awhile omega goes his last; d011ar. Now be has prayers every morning, and he heals hie grantlehildrem eay the mite - plasm. Prosperity took bit away faahl Cod; adversity drove him hack to God. Hot elimitte to make the coral ; bot and se/siding trouble, to make the jew- els of gran& in the soul. We all hate hrouele and yet it does a great deal for sts. You Iowa beard perhaps of tbat painter who wishoel, to get an expres- sion of. great distress for his canvas and Ohio had, Ma servant lasli a man Met and put hioit to great torture, and then the aelest caught the look on the vietinra face and immediately transfer- red it he the canvas. Then he said to the servant, "Mere torbere," and un- der more torture there wee a more thorough expression of pain, and the artist: said; "Stem there. Wait till I catch that extmessicer, There 1 Now I /we it 'won the 041110a0, Let loose the viotim. I have a work that will last forever." "Oh," you say, "he was an Inhuman painter !" No doubt about it. Trouble is cruel (100(1 inhuman, but he is a greet pulsator and out of our tears and blood on his palette ho makes colors that never die. 011 that it. might be a picture of Chris- tian fortitude, of Mining bops! On the shy I was licensed to preemie the gospel an of Christian man -took my band and said, "ofy- son when you) got in a tigbe corner on Saturday night without eny sermon sen(1 for me, and will preaoh for you." '(Voll, it was al great encouragement to be beaked up by slush a, good old minister, and it war, not long before I got into a tight cor- ner on Saturday night, without any Berman, and I sent for the old min - later, and he came and preached, and it wa; the lest sermon he press:had. All the leers; I crie(1 al his funeral could not express my affection for that man, who was willing to help me out of a tight oorner. Ah, my friends, that; is what we all want -somebody to Italy es out of a tight corner. You ere la one 11010. How do I know ite I am used to judging ere human counts - names, and I see beyond the smile and beyond the courageous look with which you hide your reeliegs train others. kuiuw you are in a tight corner. What to do? Do Se 0111(1 when I sent for old Dr, Scott. Do better than I did -send for the Lord God of reedel, and. of joshea and of every other man who got into a tight corner. "Oh," says some one, "why cannot God develop me through prosperity instead of through adversity?" I will answer your question by asking another. Why does not. God dye our northern and temperate seats with c.oral? You say, "The water is not hob enough." Thorel Tn answering my question you have answered your own. Hot climates for richest speohnens of coral; hot trouble for the jewels of the soul. The coral fishers going out from Torre del Greo- co never brought ashore such fine spa- oimens as are brought out of the scal- ding surges of misfortune. I look; down into the tropirel sea. and there Ise something Haat loc.ks like blood, and 0903', "Has there been 01 great battle (.103011 there?" Seeming blood scattered all up and down the reefs, It is the blood of the corel, and it makes me think of those Nebo COMO out of greatt tribulation and hav,o their robes wash.. ed white in the blood of the Lamb, But these gems of earth aro nothing to the gems of heaves). "No mentiola shall be snade of coral." Again 0 take your hand, and we walk on through this goaden of the 8(10 0.13(1 look more partietilarly than We did atc Om Watley of the coral. The poets have all been fascinated with it. One of them wrote - There, with a broad and easy motion, '11110 ran aorta sweeps through the elver deep sea, And the yellow and soarlet hefts oe the cream, Are bent like eorn on the Upland lea. Near my early home there was a place willed the Two Bridges. These bridges leaped the two streams. 'Well, my frienclsthe religion of Jesns Christ is two briages. It bridges all the past. It arches and overspans all the future. makes the dying pillow the land- ing piece of angels fresh from glory. turns the sepulcher into a May time orebard. It catches op the dying in- to full orchestre. Coralluml And yet that (1 0419 ant exprese the belay. "No mention shall be made of coral," I lake your band again and walk a little farther on in this garden of the sea neld 1 sae the clOrability of 1118 170030 or 1:110 0101). Montgomery says of it. He saps. "Frail wore their forms, ephe- meral thole live, t11.1 maeonry tomer- ishalrle." Ithizopods are insocla so small they are invisible, and Yet they built the Appenines and they planted for their own monument the cordiller- ne, It takes 187,000,000 of them to make one grain, CnVala are changing the navigation of lbs sea, saying to the ()eminent) of the world, "Tetra this thennel." "Take that channel," "Avold, the (31 11111 rhea nel," A. n im Moil es beating back the. Atlantic. and Pacific sees. if the ineeets of (110 01101(11 !ewe leuilt a reef Lone 10114(9 long, 1v Ile 1080108 1.11 t that they may 301 1)111171 a'Mee 8 888 miles lutlF, and thus heb by one stone b ridge Europe shell lie 1.1 0 !tell With (*lig continent 00 me side j and by another Atone bridge ieete, will I .united with this continent un i other gide 8.111) the tourist of the evoeld ; witinnit the Lure Of. a eteagner's 3011 143) or the spread of a ehip's ;sail, nine ge all (wound the world, and thus be ful- filled the proplieey, "There :hell be cm more sm." nu NI durability 00 1110 mantle( work is not et 1111 to be nompared with the durability of our work Mr God. The coral is going La mumble In the fires et the host (ley, telt our Wet* 001' God will ender() forever. No more discour- Wed man ever lived than Beetlersen the great Inimical 0011150eer. tintnerei- • fully orltielzetl by brother artists 0(101 Me muscle %mei:Imes roasted. lejer for 26 yeas's, and enreed on his wey fe Vienna, Lo hog food. and losIging set it eery pada hoese 113 the readeicie, In Gila tIVO11111g fam- ily opene15 41. ronsieel inistritmeni and. pleyea. and, wing with greet ()alined, aaln, and 01818 Of Hee nembere they yen- d6Borwail 30000 5(13 80Pheeenliturat iaety 1;0%8 .1,naild *Pad. Beet hoven, sit 1 Ing in the room, too (lea to hear the minging, 311(5 eur- sloousovteOrrifolryWeroWdhautwenla:ejatp,b0111510 that2 0411031 t,ho got through ho moiled up and tooK the folio in his hands and found it was his own music -Boot haven's " Sy in - phony in A "-a1141116 0018'1 out, "I mote that I" Tbe houmeliold sat an e stood ab- ashed to flirt Oast their poor-looeing guest wan the great 0003I.01)00. But he nem left that, house salve. fever seized him that night, and ne relief could be afforded, and et a few days ho dial, But just beeore expiring he took the band of his 'napless!, who bad been cant for, and bad arrived, seeing, " Af- ter all, Hummel, 1 retest eave had some taleot." to Beethoven 1 His work atill livee, and in the twentieth een- tury will be better 89 1)081)11110(5 than lt Was roneteent and as long nia there Is on earth an orchestra to play or an oratorio to aing, 1Seeth0venes nine 5711314110(1)85 10111 be the enchant- ment of national Little things decade street things. AU that tremendous seiner of the last Napoleon hanging on the hand of a brakeman, who on ono of our Ameri- can railways, caught him 0.8 ha was falling between the earli of a flying train. The battle of Dunbar wag de - :idea sweets -I; the Scotch because their matches had given out. Aggregations of little things that pull down 00 11111111 up. When (la array Or 11 regiment come to a bridge they are always com- manded to break ranks, for the simul- taneous tread wilt destroy the strong- est bridge. Written cdd the fly lea of one of ray books by 0(18 whom God took 10 himself out of our househol(1 were the following words, 7 do hot know who composed them. Perhaps she composed them herself :- Not a ,sparrow falleth but its God cloth know, Just as when his mandate lays anion- . aroh low; Not a leaflet wavetli but its God cloth see, Think not, then, 0 trembler, God for- , , getteth Weed For more preolous surely than the birds that fly Is a Father's image to a Father's eye E'ea thine hairs are numbered. Trust laim full and free, Cast thy care upon him, and he'll care for thee. For tit'e God that plainteee ta thy breast 0. soul On his saored tables dotle thy name cheer thine heart, thou trembler, never faithless be, He that marks the sparrow will re- member thee. Ole be encouraged I 1)0 not 9313 10011 say, "My work is so smell." Do not any sweetest' say: "My work M so in- significant, 1 cannot do anything for the upbuilding of Godts kingdom.' You can. Remember the coastlines. A Chris- tina mother sat sewing a garment, and her little girl wanted bo help her, and so she sewed on another piece of the same garment, and brought it to her mother, and the work was corrected. It was imperfect and had, to be all tak- en out again, But did the mother chide the ohild? Oh, 710. She said. " She went - ed. to help nas, and she did an well es she could." And so the mother bless- ed the child, and while she blessed the MOM else thought; of herself and said; "Perhaps it may be so with my poor work at the last. God will look at it. It may be very Imperfect, and 1 know it. is very crooked. He may have to take it all out. But he knows that I want, to serve lane and he knows it is the best that I can do." So be com- forted la your Christian work. Five thousaed million corallins inside one emallum. And then they missed away 11.11r1 other millions t•ame, and the work is wonderful. Bul; on the day when the world's, redemption shell be coa- eurnmatecl, and the names of all the millions of Christians who In all ages have toiled on this structure shall he read, the work will eppea.1 so grand and the achievement so glorious and the durability so everlasting that " no mention shall be made of coral." POVERTY OF THE BLOM A TROUBLE THAT IS MAKING THE LIVES OF THOUSANDS MISERABLA gtrtngs 111 1110 Train, Nervousness, Pates in the Back and Side, Road/mhos. Henri ridoltation and Results Validly Where Efficacious Treatment Is Not Resorted to. From 'the Sussex, MB, :Record. Thera are many ways In whioh peo- ple may prove benefactors of the htt- man race, There, aro those who of their abundance spend large sums in erecting 'nubile buildings end beauti- fying oublio parks. Others spend their tummy In obaritable work, end in alle, vialang the sufferings of loss fortum ate fellows, and for these acts these people are honore1. The person, who, having obtained ee- lief from sickness, and makes public the MeanS by 1whinh health Wae regain- ed, is noise the less a public benefac- tor, Among these letter is Miss El- ena O'Neil, daughter of Mr. James. O'Neil, o. vel 1-10.110 .fartner, (1010(5 (1108.1 Igillseream, Ringers Co., N. 11. Miss O'Neil was attaakea with anaemia - poverty of the blood -a. trouble enter- tetetely too eomeacet among the young girls of the pieseent day, and one which is a:eaten to terminate fatally, it not promptly cheek, ed, and the blood en's:jihad and re- newea. Having discovered a rem- edy Lime will achieve this happy Iseult, Kiss O'Neil its willing that teem reap lege sufferers may ream the bene- ee.ititt'of rlitl8x.a1:0.1r71,08inoiNT°0"'Net0ifr0r8e1 tile,dri the story of her 81(11 cure. She mid; "I believe that had I L241: begun the tree of Dr. Wi•Iliorwe Pink Pills; my trouble o would Mom outied. fatally. My illawss cense 111,3111 HO gradually (.het 1 ean scarcely sity when it. began. The 011111 symptoms 311101134 Leas Of 0010r, M11 a feeling of tiredness following even Mode:rale exertion. clracilitille 1 1,0- (281101 SS pale as a. and W 1;041110y nervonse Thee 1 was 111111(10- 101. with: n, 0trt 1111 111,4 Sian, NV dn.ily grew mare 01141 more intense. 1 eottg1i- 011 A grille. sloe and finally gr030 1411 NtiOak if 1 went; lialstabte 1 1)30t. to, rest who1 reaoherl the petite 1!00240012 818. 1. WaN 31141111. tO MONSOON Is Clean MONSOON /$ Fragrant MONSOON Is Delicious MONSOON 10 Economia, MONSOON indo-Deylon Tea IS '1091 1110011!, 26, 80, (0, 00 and 80 onto per pound. She Memo, Tea Oct, 7 Wellington -et. W,, larenee wells of ilizzleasess, and severe headaches and 1408 grielimily wesi ing awaer until 1081. all interest in life.. 1 had tried a eumber of medicines but found no relief. In this apparently hopeless condition thls eppeoently bopelees condition, while readiag a newspaper 1 saw a ata LeMent of a, youme lady wboi'o syrap- tome were almost. identieel with rny owes, whe86 health had been, teetered through the use or D. Williams' Pink P4119. This statemeat was so cutout', °gilts that 1 determined that I would try this medicine. 14 my cace as in Mott of thea young lady whom 1 had read about, the result was marvellous. The mans la my gado treat which I bad suffered so much, aisappeaxed, my oerves were strengthened, any 11.1)1)0' (401 relearned and zny whole system eieoned to he strengthened istrengthened and renew- ed, am ;now US well as any member ea the family and have not known what sickness was since I discontinued the use of Di', Williams' Plnk Pills. My gratitude towards this grand medicine is unbounded and I hope my statement may be the means of brieg- ing encouragement and health tosome °theer .sgurfailfyelen. Thg results following the use of. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, in the ease of Miss O'Neil prove that they are unequalled as a blood builder and nerve tonio. In the wee 0(1 3011115 girls who aro pale or sallow, listless, troubleoi with a. fluttering or palpitation of the heart, weak and easily tired, no lime should he last in taking a, course of Dr. Williams' Pink Piles, which will speedily enrich the blood and bring a rosy glow of health to tbe cheeks. They are a speoille for troables peculiar to females, sueh as suppressions, irregu- larities and all forms of weakness. In nien they erred a radical cure in all eases arising from mental worry, Go'-. 0030(1010, or exceeses of whatever 1100. Dr, Williams' Pink Pills are sold in boxes (never in loose form by the doz- en or hundred) at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for 52.50, and may be bad of all druggists or direot by malt from Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Brockville, Ont. PROVED. Hewitt -I believe I am color blind. Jewit t -You 00000 1000141 have bought, that shirt if you hadn't been. Here's a Little Nut to Graph, just a grain of corn! The principle upon which Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor acts is entirely new. It re- moves the corn layer by layer, with- out any pain. whatever„ It never feels either. Try it. • A Long lifeed.-"Why does that hard - drinking Beasley wear his hat all the time?" "For fear be can't get it on if he takes it off." Quick as Thought The maddening toothache stops when Neeviline- that wonderful nerve -vain sure -is applied to the tooth. Nerviline is the only positive, never -failing rem- edy for toothachei and all nerve pains. Be advised end try it. W. P. V. 900. Toronto Cutting Sohosl. yOUNCiMIDN, Learn to Out No better trade or profession. Write for particulars, 111 Yonge St.. Toronto. SA1180.018 OASIN08.-New Importations, finest English sheep and American hog oasinge. Hellable goods et right pries& Park, Blackwell 111 Oa,, Limited Toronto. 66 WEiINT1ND TO TALK fallg 114300l MEI eveL7 CDYLON TEA 111(311 (1013 try It. Then you will that (3 435. Lead paokases 20, 40, 0018 009, Lond185 Vetoer% .....etee.etesereeemseee. FIAIR PRODUCER. yhT LADIES 0 PRAISE ARIBERIEL SOFT, DLOSSY, PLIANT SILKEN TRESSES, Are the pride and glory of lovely woman. A mberin e cleanses the scalp, removes dandruff, itchiness, harsh- ness or brittleness, and makes the hair as beautl- ,ful as in youth. The following ladiellr vo kind. ly permitted us to refer to them, They have used arte. barino, they know its worth, and they reaommend it high. ly Miss Jennie Tibbs, rin,amlitop. Young • Nelson St,, London. Mrs, J. Manson Y00.1s, ff igtHaaratilittoonn: Miss E, Patterson, H.8 Mrs. Alfred Jordan, Hill St., London, Miss L V. Rycicman, Hughson St. S., Hamilton, Miss E veicksetn.So , GROWS A NEW CROP OF HAIR. s•vroxtra- 113vxr,0031-TOn a 00110INION OF OLNADA. ) IN VIED 11dATTEEL of the "Amberine Hair Produeene in Provce of Ontario, manufactured by Messrs. Job Cook and Company, 58 Woe (308007of Middlesex, To 0431 1) lington Street, London, Canada. I, Henry Amos Plastow, of the City of London, in the County of Middlesex, Water Work' inDo s : solemnly deolaro that 7 have peed the " Amberine Hair Producer," manufactured by "Immo. Job Cook and Company, of No. dB Wellington Street, in the City of London. Clansdat linen the 151111 day of Aprll, 1897, It hes stopped the itching of the soalp, stopped the hati from falling out, removed the dandruff, and hue brought; out a thick crop of heir ethero my bead was entirely bald before I commented using their preparation. and I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing tt to be true and knowing that it la of the sone force and (idea ea If made undee oath and by virtue, of 'The 01.88.41 Evidence Aot. 189)." Declared before meat the City London, in the County of IVfiddlesex, this 151*, der of October 1837, all which I certify under my noterial seal ) 18.3104/830114 E. T, 131811187, a Notary Public in and for the Provin.m 00 0001010. This little Motor is complete with battery and cshemioLlin 11 Is o, boy's delight. Electric Railroad Complete $3.50 This Miniature Electric Railroad is complete with track and battery. We have all kinds of electric supplies. Get our prices. THE TORONTO ELECTRICAL WORKS CO., Limited, 42 ADELAIDE ST. W., TORONTO. Apples, Poultry, Eggs,,35565 The Dawson Commission Co., Limited law. of Woot Market and Colborne St., - TORONTO, Best vratoh 08 earth, 51.25; our celebrated 20th oentitry watch ; American movomone; warranted five years; Equal ne timekeeper 4A- to any 325.00 watob; nickel ease, atm wind, pendant sa, finely finished dial, sunk mond band; received highest gold medal awards Arnorioan and European International Erposition; patented Um world over; just a watch which sells any. where L r 8310 01; asentsmake big money by eolith it ; one agent sold 22 in a aingle day • 3,1(100011 sample to any laddreS5 Oo 00(0(71 01 price: 8 for $7, 12 for 811; fi or more 1881 0, 0. A. If 81 is sent with order; (or $2 I 411 send watch end handsome rolled plate chain warranted to wear are years, and n11 money will be returned if you are nob, satisfied with your bargain. Prod AL Mason, box 1.13,' Madison square, New York city. Fa% ONTARIO RUMNESS COLLEGR Most widely Attended. In America. Fol Illustrated Catalogue (00t)1 year), Aronase- ROBINSON & JOHRISON, F.0.44 BELLEVILLE, - . - ONT. s PAILES FE or NLE IV t AL ruis Day. iyaoonis A Speoifio for Female Complaints, tre a true boon to every ' it who suffers the perform. anooof natures effort Ty.oeeetho pals and 00010,0 natural and .giogofr0,n,Frorrnd dor. opIng womergoorth4 47ragoz:goirirlldney''r80na-0- solely 0000, the aotofiropeiai!'setubeubsbe' 're nate and reliabeAetyourSlrr:1t&rvlVhlo:fr17hmi:kb::41!3"-hlfrri:,:a°000;':n4.0001'P*Yilee'7110TOriroPntrmaa0:LImIe;,ron: l (1210{1,0%, eteie51 esiel'oae"" c, 0,Nogiltioil3)10 11.543 Kootenay's New Inv &Lent. ak Startling Ceres. Brighrs nd Kidney aliseas SciaticE4 seam, flheumationt. 0 If There is Any Id Chroc 11se KO SO Lurking in Your System, TENAY WILL DYET OUT Tho way that Kootenay takes hold of old ohronio oases of Rheumatism, and rids the eystem of the lurking poison upon which the disease exiets, the endorsation by well-known olergynten, physicians and hospital executives of its mires, leads Past all d0111211 an to its power to cure this disease. The New Ingredient, that ao marvel. lousily in searching out stubborn and amide rheumatism, is just as effectuel with most any other thronio disease. Hopeless 00.808 of Bright's; Dimes yield to its influence, Eczema, in extreme forms where eruptions have existed from head to foot are in its records of rearm Pale, haggard and emaciated people, whose framee are all angles and ourveseenefreshod by sleep,sroubledby indigestion and uervousuesseronna 11111041th through the use 00 3100(031117 Curs, I, WIT. 11. WHY, reeiaing at 47 Elughson Street North, in the City of Ilemilton, do solemnly de - elan that I have been afiliceed with rheumatism for seven years, and at different times csaufined to the hospitals both in Hamilton and Toronto. 'Wee discharged from the Hamilton hospital rater elevea months' treetment, and on the 15th of January last 0 WU tOld that they could do nothing 001. 1118, When leaving them I was scarcely able to walk. O triad a number of 80.0811011 cures; had ray feet covered with fly plastore undor &motions of a physician, but got gradually worse. On the lath day of this month, after taking two and ono.half bottles of Hyakeuanle Kootenay Cum, I threw away my stick which I had been compelled to use for support, and am now a healthy man, 1!088 10001 all pain, after seven years' suffering, On Tuesday last O was on my feet for eighteen hours steadily with. 013(1 (3117 bad results, 7 am now able to 1111181111 to an or vegelarly, which frequently necessitates my hands being in water for hours. 5 °onside): Kootenay the most wonderful blood medicine and Rheumatic) Cure ever known. Wrs. H. Wit% DNA Elrod before Notary J. W. Nesbit. July 17, 18146 015 ItYMMUMS0001.,11V11.1.1.611*(15,11MIOMMINUS416.....4 IA not obtainable el your denier, Wilt he forwarded, charges prepaid, on receipt of price, $r.5o per bottle, by 8,141'083in S. 5, 11)tr0191klio4 wi5ot9,,,r4K033),, Limited, Elamitton 86ul1 for Chart Book from "TerkERAUFAVIEWS'IMIIIMEB Tor Rheumatic 11445111,3 p8.e Agony. drenched llopelmss Hospital Incurables,. 11 7 Steam 17 •