HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-1-7, Page 5JAN, 7, 1808
y P . Buhr • or, Conveys tier ,Notory PIM.
fila, do, 0301 + Vanebncc a Bloolt, 1 floor
north of Oen .11 Hotel, Solicitor for the
Stamtaad lin
.1V.L • (Fr nwrly of t -{moron, hold d3
Oameron,) Jot ris;or and P. ,1lolter, f}oderlob,
0111, 01110e- liamlltol 8a., Opposite Ool
borne Hotel.
• 80110)01 1r and Oouyoyaueer. Oolleo-
10 00 made. dere—Yaueteuo alai 6 n, Brno.
Gr. 1
• 3o Dilor, &o. Unto 01 Gamow &
Proudfoot;s deco, Code; Joh.) Oflloo over
Gillies .(s Om .h's Bank, Bre60o10, 47
Money to Amu,
B' • 7800 sro(MarriageLicentee, OMae
ab his G10000; , kurnborry street, Brussels.
11-4 N. B 1RBJ TT,
Tom. rial Artist' Shop—Next door
Lath sands ild,one hair Coq;hardwarespecialty
Issue: of Marriage Licenses,
raeNo Witr, lss Required.
T. FLETCHER, Brussels
Clerk r' the Fourth Division Cour
Co. Huron, C'ongeyaneer, Notary Public
invested and' to loan ,,Collections Frnade
011100 in Oral In,'sBloclt, Bruseols
Will gor G1 a 13,680110 t0 pupils either on
the post-oltlo ,, Brussels. Vocal lessons o,aite
given. Ton mars °epee, eco iu tcaohing.
Terms model
Litmus d Anotioneer. Sales oonduot
ed on reason, 1>le terms. Perms and farm
stooks spear ty. Orders Loft at TUE POST
P ublshing M. reo,Bru asels, or sent to Walton
P. 0., will roc ive prompt attention,
.A.' • nun, will soli for better prices, to
bettor men, (11 000 time and 100s allergen
than any 01, or Auctioneer in Plast Huron
or he won', oln.rgo anything. Dates a ad
orders can :, ways be arranged at this office
or by person I application.
Who11 e h ad 25 years experience as an
Auctioneer, 1St who 11ad tc quit owing to ill
health, has a sin taken cut lieenee mud is
prepared to conduct sales ab reasonable
torme. Satre '.,tion guaranteed. Baton may
be arranged :: 7,8s P0OT Publishing House.
184f Auction
Tow::„ illotory.
MELvmLE Stionon.—E bbath Services
ab 11 a m E Id 7:00 p.m. Sunday School
at 2:80 p m. Rev. John Roes, B A,
87. JOIIN'E Ononai.—Sabbath Services
at 11 a m i 1d 7 p m,Sunday School
at 2:80 p. m. Rev. Geo. S. Abey, inaum•
MET00010? CNDnoox. 1abbath Servioee
at 10:80 a u and 7:00 o m. Sunday
School ab ;80 p In. Rev. S. J. Arlin,
ROMAN C T3oLIo CR000n.—Sabbath
Service thin, Sunday in every month, at
10:30 a m Rev Joseph Kennedy,
SALVATION &Eux.—Servioe at 7 and 11
a m and 3 ,nd 8 p m en Sunday and
every evenir g in the week at 8 o'olook, at
.the barraokt
ODD FELL' we' LODDS every Thursday
evening, in ;ru.ham'e block.
MoeoN5a I OWE Tuesday at or before
fall moon, i. Garfield block.
A 0 U W Lonox on the let .b lard
Friday even age of eaoh month, in Blas -
hill's block
0 0 F I ODDS 2nd and last Tuesday
evenings of eaoh month, in Blaahill's
t Friday
in Odd
IUS,','.udand lae
Fellows' He 1.
L U L 1 it Monday in every month
in Orange 1: all.
SONS of SlOTLANn, 1st and 8rd Tues-
days of met month, in Odd Fellows'
K. 0, T. 1I. Loran, 2nd and 41h 'Tues-
days of eaol month, in Odd Fellow's Hall.
Canadian Order of Chosen Friends, 101
and 8rd Mo, days of each month in Blas -
hit l' Hall.
A 0 P, 1't and 8rd Mondays of eaoh
month in 0 td Fellow's Hall.
HOME Out me, 2nd and 4111 Friday even-
ings in Bias till's Hall.
Pori Oopi in.—Ofaoe hours from 8 a.
re. to 0:80 p m.
MD:me Ia ' INsereoeo.—Library in
Holmes' blo Ik, will be open from .6 to 8
o'olook p. m Wedneedaye and 8:30 to 5
and 6 to 8 S etuedayo. Miss Minnie Mc.
Naughton,1 •ibrarian,
Teem Cot Mar.—W. H. Kerr, Reeve ;
Goo. Baekt ', (leo. Thomson, R. Lea-
therdalo an (Dr. Warwick, Councillors ;
F. S. Soo, , Clerk; Thomas Kelly,
Treasurer :3, Eingeton, Asee00or and J.
T. Rose, Oo ieo1oy. Board meets the let
.Monday fu , 1alt month.
Saloon • :oeun.—A.. Koenig, (chair
mane D. C Rose, J. .x. Skene, Jas.
Turnbull, , liousloy and F. Van.
stone. Si ...Treas., Le. K. Rose.
Meetings 21 i Friday evening in eaoh
Pon110 Nt 310011 Tim1onl1ns.—J. H. Cam-
eron, Prine.pal, Leon Jaokson, M305
, Downey an•: Mies 111t011 le,
BOAIID of 'IEALT10.—Itoeve Kerr, Clerk
Scott, A. 51 wart, T. Farrow and Wm.
Zoysia. r. 11loNnuKbton, ]Y
Health Oak r.
Howes— beugb1 1d a boy a 8(034(0
last week"
Comeo—(.i,ow is be getting Meng 7
Rowse—Un erttt01105.
! ltJ l,lC.6 �,�fiU5,
8:L o ELI 11 up.
Township pennon meets in Jones'
hall m1 Monday, the 101(1 in01,
Thole tvet'e registered in Mo1Lillop dile
ing 1110 y ear 1897, 20 de'I0h0,181narrtages
1318 55 birthe. The deethe were not all
rigisbored and not Ov031 half the mar-
riages, as some olergymml do not obey
t110 law any better than hotel keepers.
•re revel ea.
Geo. Townsend, son of henry Towne -
end, of the 4111 eon., returned home from
Idaho recently.
Mise Carrie James has returned from
an oxtenjed visit to Mitchell. Mies
ledith Dow accompanied her.
Robb. Ballantyne, of Mehta, D1an„ is
spending a well earned holiday with
friends in the vicinity of Gerrie.
At the annual meeting of the Gerrie
Public School James Armstrong, V. S.,
was elected to' fill the vacancy caused by
the retirement of Samuel Greer,
John Toner, who has been teaching at
Drew for several yenta, returned home
on Wedneeday of last; week, Wo under-
stand tbab Mr. T. purpoeoe taking a
course in the Central Burliness Oollege ab
S tratford.
Robt. J. McLaughlin, son of Robb.
McLaughlin, of the 4th oon., a lad about
15 years of age, while riding one of the
horses fell off, and the horse stepped on
hie face, making an ugly out about two
inches tang in one of his shocks.
At the nomination for Police Trustees
fur tho village of Gerrie, six candidates
were nominated, viz.:—Jae. MoLaugh.
lie, Jae. Armstrong, Wm. Dane, Thos.
D. Edgar, Wm. Audheou and 0. Ei.
Sanderson. The lost three named with-
drew, leaving the old board elected by
I geeter.
Watohnight service was Held in the
James Street Methodist ohuroh Friday
The little+eon of Robb. Pickard acci-
dentally fell on the stove on Tuesday and
out a severe gosh in hie bead.
Miss Millie Otte, who bag been residing
in Brookville for the past four years, re-
turned to town and will make Exeter her
f uture home.
Dr. J. H. 0. Willoughby, accompanied
by his wife and child, of Regina, Assa„
are here visiting hie parents, Rev. and
Mrs. Willoughby.
The billiard table of the estate of the
late Geo. Dyer was offered for sale by
public auction last week, and was pur-
chased by Dan. Davie for 850.
Frank Rose, wbo for several years has
been leader of the James street Metho.
dist choir, and that too with marked sue.
cess, hoe resigned his. position.
Dr, J, W. Harrietcn, who reoantly die -
posed of his medical practice in Edmore
to Dr. Jas. Pnrdon, is spending a few
day% here prior to leaving for Detroit,
Mick., where he has purchased the busi-
ness of his cousin, Dr. Ninian Harriston.
At a meeting of a number of those
interested in hockey, a club was organ-
ized and the following officers °looted :—
Pres. N. D. Burden ; Vioo-Pres., R. N.
Creech ; Capt., R. 0. C. Tremaine ; Seo.•
Treas., N. W. Oreeoh ; Oom., F. Willis,
B. Gidley and W. Dignan. The olub
starts out with some 25 members.
On Christmas eve the eoholars of Mise
J. Wilson's Sunday school olese, of Willis
church, sent to her home a handsome
chair, accompanied by an address.
The Epworbh League of Ontario street
ohuroh elected the following officers :
Pose., T. Walker; 1st Viae-pree., Miss
Carol Newcombe ; 2nd Vice-pres., Miss
Clement 1 8rd Vioe-pree„ Miss A. Briok-
onden ; 4111 Vioe-pres., Mre. T. Seward.
was incorporated as a village, and became
a separate mnnieipahity just 40 years ago
Jan. 1st. The flt'et electron was held on
the 4111 and 5111 of Jan., 1858, those who
were elected being Joseph Whitehead,
Geo. Fulton, Samuel Ranee, Wm. Rowell
and Jonas Gibbinge. At the first meet-
ing of the Village Council it was "moved
by Samos! S. Rance, seconded by Geo.
Fulton, that, owing to the deep interest
taken by Joseph Whitehead in the wet.
fare and prosperity of Clinton, this meet•
ing is of opinion that he ie the most 131
and proper person to advocate its inter-
ests ; therefore, resolved, that he bo Reeve
for the current year. At this meeting
Thos. Stevenson was appointed Clerk ;
Edward Dineley and H, J. Middaugh,
Assessors ; 0. S. Donn, Collector; A2n1-
olm MoTaggart, Treasurer ; W m,
Rowell, John W. Kerr and Wnt. Coates,
License Inspectors ; Edward Dineley and
'-rhos. Plummer, Inspeotoro of High-
ways." E. Dingley and 0, S. Donn are
the only survivors amongthe names
Gocle viola.
About 150 excursion tiokote were sold
on Christmas.
Mise Mary Sharman has been eget:.
gaged to {eaoh the Ridgeway eohool for
Mr. Northgteaves, late of Winnipeg,
will spend tho Winter at the residence of
his daughter, Mre. Judge Doyle.
A number or the Goderioh Lumber
Co.'s men have gone to Golden Valley to
work in the saw mill which the local
oompany recently purchased.
Word was received here last week that
J. 3. Walsh had sustained a serious loss
at Fort William, Fire broke out in the
large boarding house he was running nue
he loot everything he bad inolnding $118
in 000(1.
•The election of ell.001,A in Victoria St.
E, L. of U, E. was held, when the follow.
ing were placed in charge of the work :
'12on.•pre0., Rev. W. Godwin ; Pres,,
Lonna E. Denney ; Vice•presidente, Mise
15. Hillier, Wm, James, Miss Emma
1llilliais and Misa Sadie Hillier ; Teens.,
Mies Olara Mi1Hon ; Sea., Wm. Rut.
ledge ; C or..seo„ Mies Etta Barry ; Or.
genie{, Mise Minnie Hillier.
SnOLTON—P2001Fool.—A very pretty
wedding was solemnized op Monday, Deo.
27th, at the home of Wm. Prnudfoob,.
barnieto,'bro1hel of the bride, the eon-
traoting parties being Isabel, youngest
tlang1)157 of Robert Prondfoot, and Wm.
I.,. Shelton, of Atlanta, Georgia, The
bride, who looked remarkably wall in a
dark green broadcloth travelling oostnme,
entered the drawing coon on the arm of
het brother, to the strains of the wedding
mare), played by Mr; Cuff, organist of
131. Goorgo'e. She was tweeted by her
little uieee, Ignite Prondfoot, while gag'
ter Willie psrferi 0d alike duty for the
behlegroom. The osremony wee per.
by the Rev. Mark `.1'1lrnbnl1, of
S7, (ieorge'0. The house wait totefuliy
d.coiabo with ev373,1(••13 ), holly au 1
fern,, underneath uu arch of which theI
NY riding party atuud;
Ulla. Sand. Willie, ere is aoriuuely -111•
di ;posed at i)reee1t.
Frank Sanderson, of Toronto, iv here
on a teen to friends,
Miss jean Lnvoll 1+3 baking a course in
the Wonia110' lioseital, Now York.
J. R. Forsyth, wife aud three sons, of
Teroubo, wore Ylelt111g Monde hero last
A load of youngeople from \Viugltaul
patronized oar lug rink one evening
last week.
Misses Maggio and Mary Miller were
visiting in Brussels on Thursday and
F.iday preceding New Year's.
Robb. Bleak was thesuoosssful tenderer
for the old building known DA the Wrox-
oter Warehousing Oo's, Elevator, at the
corner of the mill -clam.
Robb. Ballantyne, jr , of Manitoba, has
returned to Ontario to claim his bride,
in the argon of Miss Hislop, daughter of
Alex. Hislop, of Tnruborry.
Thos. Lovell and bride have the best
wiehos of a large circle of friends. The
newly married couple gave au excellent
party to 1110 young people on Old Year's
Miss Jennie Miller, of Toronto, spent o
brief holiday ab her home here lately.
She was accompanied by Miss Waukee.
of Parkdale, who will remain lot• 0on11
time at Oath -loss.
Miss A. 13. Jameson, niece of Mrs. Geo.
Brown, who has taken a most successful
course in the Preebyteriau Hospital, New
York, has Mrs, Ballingbon Booth as a
patient at preseu1.
The social in the Methodist church
here on Doc, 30th was a 03107005. The
different features of the program were
carried out very snccossfally, and every•
body was highly pleased with the even-
ing's sutertatnmOnt.
3. M. Brown, 0. P. R. baggageman,
brother of Mrs. 0. W. Andrews, of this
place, is lying at the point of death in
Toronto. Mr. Brown is well known in
this vicinity, having boon baggageman or
this branch for a number of years.
Owing to T. B. Sanders declining to
aocept the Reeveship a new election will
have to be held. John A. Barnard and
Thos. Hemphill ars likely to be the can-
didates. The Oonnoillors were sleeted by
acclamation and are Messrs. Brayy, Ruth-
erford, MoKelvey, and Heelowood.
' nine ' lin .ober, Wm. Bradley 1 Ramey-
V eft ; 1 h• u ; 1, � NOW"W"
iref; aOFO. .
Wm, A. Boyd, of Minneapolis, Minn.,
is visiting his parents, J. W. Boyd and
wife, for a few days.
The annual meeting of the shareholders
of the Elma 0bsses (Jo. will bo held on
Jan. 8th, 1898, at 1 p. m.
The Moots Parliament will meet again
in the Foresters' Hall, on Friday even-
ing, Jan, 711, at 8 o'clock.
Wm. Porterfield is drawing sand, eco„
foe a new brick house, wbioh he will have
510010d next Summer. Ib will be a dandy,
Rev. J. H. and Mrs. Manilla and J. W.
Ward and wife, of Mildmay, were spend-
ine their Xmas holidays at J. W. Mo-
Jos. Leonard, 6th oon., Elms, is draw.
in; materiel preparatory to building a
new bank barn next Spring. It will be
one of the largest and best barns on the
At the recent annual meeting of the
Erma Reform Assooiation the following
ofdoers were elected for the ensuing year :
P,'esident, Wm. Dickson ; lst Vioe-
President, Geo. Sbrutbers ; 2nd Viet -
President, Thos. G. Ballantyne ; Sears -
tem, and Treasurer, Geo. Loobhead.
Somme Mnemes.—Ab the annual Pub -
lie school meeting, Wednesday forenoon
of last week, Secretary Wm. Dickson
read the auditors' annual report for the
past year, ebowiug the school and the
finances of the section in a very satisfac-
tory condition. In two years more the
entire debt on the school building will be
wiped out, when the taxes will be con-
siderably redooed. Satisfaction was ex-
pressed in the work of the present teach.,
ors and in the progress the eohool hoe
made generally. Jas. Hanna's term as
trustee having expired this year and not
desiring re-election, the vacancy was fill.
ad by the election of W. F. Forrest by
acclamation. Mr. Henna was given a
hearty vote of thanks for his pains•tek-
ing and etBaienb servia00 on the Board.
Mr. Diokaon's salary ae secretary was in.
creased by vote from 35 to 38 per year,
which is still 32 lower than many geore-
taries iu rural schools aro receiving. The
attendance at the above meeting was
small, but very orderly and harmonious.
There was a pretty general feeling among
the ratepayers present to increase Mre.
Lineham's salary to 8250 for 1898, and
should the Board decide to give her a
further grant at their next meeting there
could be no objection raised, usher salary
at present, 8287.50, is too small in view
of her qualification, experience and ex-
cellent abilities.
Jeri l totivel-
Thos. Manning, graduate of the Stand-
ard onto, has gone to Toronto to follow
his trade,
Fred Selwood, Science Master in King-
ston Collegiate Institute, was spending
the holidays with hie parents in town,
The annual meeting of Elma Dietrfot
L. 0. L, will be held in the Orange Hall,
Listowel, on Thursday, 11111 Jan,, at 1.80
p. m. Election of officers and general
The Ingersoll Peeking 0o. shipped four
ogre of cheese from hove on Wednesday
and Thursday of last week. This week
the Molesworth faotory's make will be
cleared out, some 1,700 boxes.
Greve Hermon son of R. W. Hermon,
of Prince Edward County, one •of Lieto.
woe's oitizons;in early days, is the guest
of L. Bolton and wife. He has been .at-
tending the Agric31ltural College at
W, C. Kidd returned home from Eng.
Widen 0(1381m05 eve after spending sod.
eral months disposing of Canadian horses
in the old country market. Ile heel a
rough paseage back, the boat being delay.
ed fens days by the storm.
The Muth anniversary of the Baptist
ohuroh will be held on January 0th, in-
stead of January 2nd, as announoed,
Alien the 5er71508 will bo eonduated by
Peofessor Farmer of Toronto University,
11,0rning afternoon and evening.
A. 0. el. W. Orrtocns.--Following are
1110 ignore °loot e£ Lietowol lodge, No.
130, A. 0. U. W. for the emoting year :
1'. M, W., O. Tabbeenee ; M. W„ J. \V,
14loyers; Foreman, I7. Sobltdel; Over-
seer, L. Adolph ; Reeor1or, W E. 13hi.
A(ediene (1.„nm5ri,, Dr. Philip 'led J)r. I
fhomp no: linpreeenta3iye to Ci rand
1,ndi;e, U. 'l'nhberller ; Alter:nee, Wm 1
Tho Indic: of (1113(51 cherub pnrplso
getting ep P:1 evtertuin,n0tlt, le enllte oil
in Matron,.,d'o Muaio hall on Friday
evening, 234.31 January. The prinofpel 1
attraobien will be au exhibition of Mrs, 1
Jarley's celebrated wax tvorko.
INs'IA1LA•rmo.—Tho 011111nll installation 1
of ollioere of Bernard Lodge, No. 2011, A.
1..11 A. 11•, tunic pleoe in the Ind to room
011 the Itnuiesr•+ary of St, John the Evan.
genet, R, W.. 1), D, Campbell 110nduatiug
the ins.allalion ceremony, assisted by
Past Masters of the lodge, 1'003•
lowing a40 the officers cleat 34111 appoint -
ad : W M., L', 1188070 ; 1. P A.., Wm.
Irwin ; S. \V„ 1'. ti, Blowett ; J. W., A.
St. Geo. Hawking ; Chaplain, Ker. J, A.
Morrison ; Treas.,J. happier ; Secretary,
J. 3, foster ; 9. 0. W. le. Binning ; J,
D„ J. Ie. Sbvarl ; T. ('s., M, \7118ung ;
5. S., Jae. Torry ; J. S. A. II. Niebo1 ;
Organist, John A. Gardiner ; D, of O., 13.
B. Sarvie ; Tyler, J. Seburgsr. The
lodge doaided to hold an At liumo, and a
conm(ttee ,vas appointed to oomploto ar
rangements therefor and fix a date.
3V of 1 e;osl.
R. II Tot'350on is ender the doctor's
care with an attack of pleurisy.
Mr, and Aiiss Sherri{, of Grand Bend,
have been visiting et Postmaster Neal's.
A Sabbath .settee entertainment will
be held in tis Methodist church in the
near future.
Alex. Simpson and Will. Murray have
gone to London to take a eour00 In the
Forest City Business College.
Quite a number from this locality at-
tended the funeral of Jas, G. Kelly at
Brussels on Tneeday afternoon.
Next Sabbath will be Miseiongry Son -
day in the Methodist ehnrobes on Walton
circuit. Rev. Mr. Rigsby, of Blyth, i0
expected to preach.
J. W. Morrison, of Walton, is relieving
Pripoipal Dobson of Ethel Publio school
111ie week. The latter is need up with a
trouble in bis throat.
Robt. Pipe, who is in the employ of
E. McLaughlin, blacksmith, has been
dangerously ill, but we hope he will soon
bo restored to his naval good health.
An interesting paper on "The relation
of the Teacher to Pupil in and out of
School," may be read on page 6 of this
week's POST. 11 was read by George
Barrows at the reoent Sabbath school
convention here.
The next regular meeting of the Debat.
ing Society will be held on Wednesday
evening, 12th inst„ when instead of the
usnal debate short spiny addresses will be
delivered by the Rev. A. O. Tiffin, Dr.
Armstrong, J. Boyd Morrison, J. W.
Morrison and other members of the So-
ciety. A good time is aotioipated.
0. 0. F,—Ab the laeb regular meeting
of Court Walton, No. 172, Canadian
Order of Foresters, the following officers
were elected for the ensuing year :-0,
R. W. J. Smith ; V. C. R., W. J. Staf-
ford ; Treas., G. Smith ; Fin -See., J. W.
Morrison ; Rec.•Seo., J. McDonald ;
(Jhap., R. Mowbray ; Conductor, J. M.
Armstrong, M. D., ; 0. D., J. Smith ;
S. W. A. M0Ouaig ; J. W., J. Bennett ;
S. B. J. McGavin ; J. B., G. Chandler.
This being one of the best 5tat1 of officers
over sleeted in this Court, the Society
may look for a happy and prosperous
Somme REronT.—The following are
the nanle0 of those wbo were euoosssful
at the Christmas promotion examination :
—From lr. to sr. Pt. 2nd.—Gil. Grigg,
Dawsie Forrest, David Knight, Annie
Martin, Geo. MoGavin, Barbie 0hlieto•
pher. From sr. Pt. 2nd to jr. Sod.—
Earl McLeod, Jno. MoDonaid, Jos.
Grigg, Violet Wilson, Laura Phelan,
Maud Frasier, Cassel Knight. From jr,
to sr. 2nd.—Robt. MoE'adzeao, Leila
Johnston, Lena Bennett. From or, 2nd
to jr. 3rd.—Rata McLeod, Mamie Ben-
nett, Violet Oarter, Lizzie Ryan, Myrtle
MoLood.—From jr. to sr. 3rd.—Aggis
McDonald, Garble Grigg, Lizzie Mc-
Arthur, Vera McDonald, Willie Weise,
Willie Hnmpbriies, Jas. Martin. From
sr. 8rd to jr. 4th.—Carrie Berry, Minnie
Bennett, Willie Bolger, Jos. Carter.
From jr. 4th to or. 40.—Maud Ferguson,
Carrie Jobnston, Robb. Humphries.
Moss JENNIE B. Krems, Teacher.
Official returns give the British
Columbia salmon fpaok for lash year at
1,007,838 oases.
J. Smith, the disooverer of the famous
Treadwell mine, fu Alaska, was found
shot through the head in his workshop
in San Franoisoo. He had committed
Au iceboat went through the ion on
Hamilton Bay, throwing seven people
into the water. Miss Amelia Hall nar-
rowly escaped drowning, going clown two
or three times before being rescued,
IL G. Richardson
Is prepared to cio all kinds of
work in his line.
Good Workmanship and
Good hits Guaranteed,
Suits made for $4 and upwards.
Isrsbop oyer McGowan's ware,
'11,17114'no Stax t i
ROYAL 111811 STI:a1.3IS111PS.
Ilotwoot New York aud Idverpool,l via
Queenstown, every WOctuosday.
As the aamulet%of tole lino carry only it
strictly llutitod member its the DIENE nue
e00001) meter a0001nm011at10n5, lntendin,
p00ernger8 are reminded that it t early np•
p110atiou for berths (0 noeoesery at this sae,
11011, Far 0.1119,ratee, eta„apply.8
W. H. Kerr,
Agent, Rrussole.
'1'11, enc.—reigned will I,+1' r01 13131,.' en
1,o; l -i 11, 11ur,•te,1 v W or I rod Lu•
Prove1 l l, uiro Boar,Ol , 5 t 30. i ,mg
r4Unw, Iv”. lel, ore,' by 1.1• I , .lht us, line
lord. to w ,(,li a 111n11011. n1n3 7 of now, will
he1111 31. Tonne, $1.a ,'1 he lead at time
ofservlee',3thplitllo,;u u( 1 -turning 11001-'
aro cry
A ,, ,t 1,. ,•of 11, ,1o,, yo ;';;5o370 for male for
brooding purposes will,...1 Will be sold at
prices 10:111 Ll+o tht,es,
170187'. NI. 5101,, Proprietor.
Ancient tJrdcr of !Moi Workmen,
This end 11rosper'0, Fraternal Aaso0
;Alen nn .,1,nriug ..A,003 neem bare 53'> pttt
1entiu3 t, ,lie publle the rpopular and even.
Ulnloarr0tlto worthy lr an, at the vary 1037
rate of eh l3 110.00 Per :1.000 per Bonn to,
The "'Wu, .moa" Prom ptly Pay Death
(•1 aims 1.:d expect a lure inaroaos to rte
members now that the 0 Americo; kine
Oo8 ij auive don't 0500) e, tiefantnt'y to Can-
1t010T,.3113187110180 11.1,V. ; W. H. 1(rmt
R000rdor ; J. A. 01.11111(41iPON, Plummier,
Cook's Cotton 'Boot Compound
is successfully orad monthly by over
10,000 Ladles. Safe, 1lfeotnal. Ladles ask
yourdruggist for (oak's Cotton Root Coto.
pound. ake no otlher as al: Mixtures, pills and
Initstlons are dangerous. Prion, No. 1,131 per
box; 175.0.1i3 degrees 0tro lger,$0 per box. No.
1 or 2, malted en receipt of price and two 8 -sent
stamps. The Cook Con: pany;Windeor}Oat
epsiue(lq.end0d y all
responsible DrggistnAlel
Nos. 1 011,12 sold iu /3 re sole by
Druggist, Boo] scum' 17 Optician.
Will =SAW
La well maul
of Y017
MI0emt PR001000 7110 /Nave
731180078 n' 110011'1500110.
1780005 ovum alt Nervobo Dl,Ooaao, 810ap1oss.
0e80. Failing Memory, N1gh114 anlosions, Sperms,
tsn110we, Impemnoy, oto„ on:.s0d by peat 3041
glue' view and also to s3 =ken organs, an
qulakly but sorely rostareo L .a0 hLuruoo0 10
or young. 71so 17500138 and1105 win grow etr0og
ant happy again. hent by 0 an to plats wrapper
and eommat,. Boated.0em o'.aorvatlon Ens'
carried la vest pocket. 30105, S). a pao(1070/nuns'014
far $3. Bonet 10007 In (Rho, ordinary Or rogfeter.
ad 1otter, ddra, oil letter to 3, T. PRI. NR,
Dettoest, '.i'00psTOC3, 05,,, Ascot for the Po.
minion aft (Anode.
Any Amount of Money to Loan
=Farm or Valage Pro-
perty at
6 & 6i Per Cent., Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court ,7lerk, Brussels.
Alt "AY
.v tl ; .
Fast 2Ur4r ee
Hamilton, Brantford,
Niagara Falls, Buffalo,
Toronto, Kingston,
Montreal, • Quebec,
Windsor, Detroit,
Pt. Huron, Chicago,
and all principal points .Salt and West,
Information as to tickets, sleeping ear
sorv10s mud train oonimetion0 cheerfully
giyou ou application to
J. N, KENDALL, Agent, Bruese10.
GEO. IIEYD, Ethel. •
A LILids eilAltitHILLAV ;..uku niaasia!
THE -4Q11,
Great Offer E
The e I
London G
Free frress.1
'rho Free Press Chairing to greatly 1
1iesroo, ' its subscription list, makes tha lr=
following great offer to 11th farmers and
stockmen of Coned• whereby sub-
sellbo,•s to Weekly h'r:o?mai will got
One Year's P:llei' Free.
The ['rap Press bra 01ad0 arrange -
Monte 1:, , e*o • P n
n 11 with the 0 tient• ni oto
Pub lee Co.' a , ,+ lis tion
nee C I t 1 u lrySc .o¢
their 1o1,"Me V. .,,rklnry tiei.ntuo
the 1 0 of wllinll 1- ;13,00, This holt
I roo, :11,•• end in 7 . la hugnagc the
Anch Oi n ,.:1 'i're ltmoltt of
.: Dont .\11b: la 'eme'5', ale°
suet eeeenh111, '1:1len ,f5b,11ah,o
and 101.•.:pts, so that 1007y ttt1711er elfin
be his etvll tole li9>1'
The Weekly Free t't•e a ant 1141'111 r•=
(10111rn0for one yes torten 510,e and
a copy of iho \ t I, yin, Ty Poirlic..3 I('1,,7
I...tendoILO will he any ad-
dress 00111110 77703p. 6i'TWO Defiers.
Do not I/1100 ilda 11h. nee. Wu cannot
afford ueon( lune Indefinitely.
Our ofirct. in king LnnwHsncuia
an In.,. edin)0 .p1 •:,1 whirl, a ices p
libnrll,„Obr ndlha lu•i r10 at)rart. Re•
inollber, by sending $..00 for the hook
yeti g •t. tho' \\ 010 11x00 Press and ,.
Farm aid ltomo 01131: 75873 FMEE.
111001.. aniwi40118t 11111aa'e. Address
!'ree Ps'8ss
Ltentlon, 0)10, n
The Christmas rush is over, and we have had the most satisfactory trade in our
experience. The end of the year is approoehiug and we must prepare for Stocktak-
ing. log. lvnry vestige of Winter goods must be cleared out, mid no matter at white
sa3rlliee, WO Will early no peels over when they are offered at prices like these ;—
Mart's heavy Frieze Uletcre, high;tort, collar, half bolt, tweed
lined, 111t,tlt pn01ets, dares and
light colors, fuzee from ;111 10 44,
reg,lerprice$r,,reducedto ..,.$ 4 50
Breuer black Beaver Overcoats,
tweed linings, velvet collar, sizes
87 to 40, 1'egnlar price $9, now ..
Boys' Overcoats in Tweeds and
Frieze from 31.'05 to 4 00
We have a few Ladies' Mantles/Loa
Jackete in black and brown Bea-
ver, blackNlggerboad, brown
Frieze, oto. ; all note German
make, all this year'ogoods, which
we will sell at about half price to
clear, prices from 33.50 to 10 00
0 !bi
\Vocal811701111g, yard wide, worth
slat for
Heavy Wool Tweeds, worth 75c. for 50
Heavy Tweed Drees Goods, double
fold, worth 25e, for 19
Plaid Drees Goode, 36 inobos wide,
worth 180. for 12}
Ladies' all wool Ribbed Hose,
worth 350. for 125
Men's lined Kid Gloves, two but-
tons, worth 750. for 50
Men's Wool Socks, worth 18o„ 2
pairs for 25
Men's Top Shirts, dark colors,
worth 75o. for 50
Men's 'Underwear, lambs' wool,
worth 31.00 for .............. . . 75
:111 other Winter geode will be sold at equally low prices.
interesting during the vert two weeks.
We will make prices
New I
Raisins, Currants,
Orange, Lemon and Citron Peels,
Figs in Taps and Layers.
N'o'w' I Walnuts,
�y� Almonds, Shelled and Unshelled,
11',.tsa Filberts, Peanuts.
Nice, Fresh Pure Lard.
C,s1 OCKER?"
Something well worth seeing in
Dinner, Tera and Toilet Ware.
Jas. Ballantyne.
T. F. REM s8E."'3 STORE
Ladies' and Gentq' Gold, Gold Filled and Silver Watches :
Ladies' Gold Filled Watches, $112 00 and up ;
Gents' cc re 16 00 " ;
Silver and Nickle It 6 00 "
Very Large and Elegant Stock of
A Beautiful Display of
Seo our magnificent Silver Tee -toe Setts, Berry Setts,
Cake Baskets, Tea Pots, Pickle Cruets, Baking Dishes,
Sugar and Spoon Holders, Trays, Childrens' Mugs, Bon
Bon Dishes, 1847 Rogers' 12 dwt. Knives and Forks, Carv-
ing Setts, 'Bon Bon Spoons, Sugar Spoons, Berry Spoons,
Table and Dessert Spoons, Pie'Knives, Calle Knives,,
Five O'clock Setts, Cups, Saucers, Plates, Pitchers,
Bowls, Fruit and Salad Setts, Butters, Smoking Setts,
Jardinerios, Chocolate Setts, Etc., Etc.
Ladies' Dressing Cases, Gents' Dressing Cases, Mani-
cure, Setts, Picture frames, Mirrors, Japanese Goods, Purses
and- Calling Carel Cases combined, Violins and Violin Sun-
Ouroods are New, Latest Designs, and are offered for sale at LOW
g PRICES. "No trouble to Show Goods."
Watches,, 0100175 and Jewelry noatly Repaired, Charges moderate,
issuer of Alat'ria a L(CS118es—A))oilfmicll(S can be guide.
sS g 11
m t o o
Tho Best White Metal Chains in the market o•cra ,y for 80c.
just a few pieces of Brussels Main Street China left.
' A ce