HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-1-7, Page 1Vol. :; 6. No. 26. New A Local --D. Locals—A, Prints—J, Local—A. , Below cost Notice—W. Lost—Mrs. Ethel saw 1 Bankrupt o Annual me Annual me Notice to ar Ivertisements, nvnn nilcy. Seen. Tr ylor. 1. ,9traobati. Mol(orcher. LlcCraolcem 11--S. S. Cele. a—A. Oour ley. ug+—D. Stewart. ing—W. E. Kerr. liters—A. /Limber. THE Prince klbert Route is the hor test, Cheapen ani. Safest TO THE KIt°IEE G SII FiE DS. FREE MAPS Sen: Secretary, Trade, Prii Wan, Cana AMPHL';TS WITII an appli.:ttion to the rine() Alb ort Board of •e Albert. Saskatehe- '-t. 00B WANYPID I are Quantity y The E terprise '*,alt Works, Brusselq, . prepar. .1 to pay $1,25 per lard for best 4 -foot Soft wood and ! $'_ 35 for hard wood deliv ed at the block. Oash 1 11 be paid on deliv- ery. Estate T T. Coleman, . 'RJJSSE LS. L THEL Saw, t ' ing L e & PI ming Mills. All kinds o recd loge wonted. A good man iu the y, d to measure loge. Custom eav 1g will begin on March 1st or before if of n weather. Good Mapl flroring cheap. Ash V Joint from 91 o 714. Bi ,e out to order. Shingles fo gale. , S. COLE. fact The annual cheese and b pany will be . day, the 14th hour of 2 o'ol appointing di any other Ina the meeting. e a,: rave. meeting of the Belgrave .ter manufacturing oom- Id in the feotory on Fri- ey of Janda-y,1898, at the h p. m, for '.be purpoeeof ctors, paaeieg by-laws and ewe that may come before ;en,tertl.h. Henry Olin m,.1 with bad aooidout while ekatine .t the rink on Christmas afternoon. I , was ekati,:g at a rapid rate when in me manner tripped and fell with -con tenable force againetone of the pillars, v loll gave 11 n a blank eye and he also r eived a eer_ee shaking up. About five oink on Wedneeday even- ing of last we I, what mien have been,a serious fire b lie out in Stile & Murdie'e hardware etc I. The tiasmithe had a lamp sitting . ( the benob end in eome way it was k :eked off, ,'re burner fell off and allow t the oil to 'n out on the floor, this oat hi lire, sae mused quite a blaze. How( or the oo Ilagration was extinguished ithout the .id of the .fire brigade. On St. Joh a eight the Ones of Bri- tannia lodge, e. E. de A. , „ No. 170, G. R. 0., for the ,nerving year were duly in- stalled es fop we :—W Ament, W M ; R Scarlett, IP 1; RE Joekeon, S. W J Dodds, J W : L (.'r VanE, mond, Tress ; J Orr Rose, I .o ; Geo Du oan, Chap ; L 0 Jackson,S)• R J l l adenoid, J D Geo Murray, . EI ; 0 Nei , J 8 ; A Bar. ton, I G; R Hoye, M o. 0; R O Ghee• wright, Orga st ; W Bal eutyne and W K Faeroe, . editors ; (Goo Patterson, Tyler. Geor rie. Mrs, (De.) uck is visiting friends in Toronto. . Rev. Mr. 5 Kellar, of conn, will oo- oupy the p pit in the Presbyterian ohuroh on Si,; day next. T. J. Niche has removed with hie wife and family t Foedwieh, where he hag purehaaed a ;ocic of Dry Goode, &o., from Fred, I nehy. Berieon H. nilion, of 15tanohester, hae been epgager o tench ae '.'rineipal of the Public Sopor for three nhouthe, owing to the continue( lineae of r: inoipal Camp- bell. The build; ; on the t,:tele- hae been oonverted int e, skating rink and was opened for tb first time on Wednesday evening, whe a large crowd of young people, and a 0e not go, very young, en. joyed the; ee es with great eatiefaction. The reside o of S. Greer me the scene of coneid8rab . it tenet on •Friday even. fig of last w, k, the 000a.nion being the marriage; of 0.'lreer o • aeons daughter, Jennie, to Ale, Spotters, B. A. The nests were 1 inripally the relatives of the donirlictiee patios, but so numerous are they that the party was quite a large one, Itev. Mr. Fisher performed the ceremony, after which a sumptuous re- past wee partaken of. Mr. Spotten is the only eon of the late John Spotten, of Orange Hill, and is at present 0 student ae Oegoode IIall, Toronto. Wier,• Tau tn. Sone of Scotland concert will bo held 01 Jan. 25th. A row at the Army barraoke on Sunday w is ventilated before the Mayor. A. R. McDonald has disposed of hid fl,Air and feed business to W. A. Currie, of East Wawanoeh. The annual meeting of the Turnberry Agleanerel Sooioly will ee held in the Ccanoil0l amber on Wednesday, Jen. 13th. Marie Caseolee, of Win,tbam, went to spend Christmas in Flint, Mich. Juet al ter he had fiuiehed his 3mae diener ho fell unconscious to the floor and died in a few mintltee. Tae. MoKelvie, A. G. Bastedo, J. Kling, A ,olc Messer, R. Vanetone and John C tiebolm were in Gederioh on Tueeday al last week attending the trial of Roland S With, who appeared before the judge o. the (barge of cashing a forged cheque al Jas. Mateelvie'e restaurant some time al o. Smith first pleaded not guilty, but a terwards ohanged hie pica to guilty and woerecommended to mercy by the p oseaution. The judge sentenced him 1i 15 months in Oho Central prison. Robert MaQuarrie, of Franklin, Mac., IP at present paying a lengthy visit to his p .vents and other feiende in Blyth and v Iinity. The Roman Oatholio ohuroh at Blyth, weioh has been uneergaing repairs for s mo time, will be reopened on Sunday, January 16th. A. F, de A. M.—The following officers w ere inetalled for the aliening year by Blyth lodge A. Be & A. M., No. 403:—J 11. Ross, WM; PW Scott, 8 W; MH Hammond, J W; J 5 McKinnon, I G; V' Watson, 5 D F Wheeler, J D ; ,Tae 15 err, Tyler ; T M .Elemilton, Seo ; 3 G P'nigh, Treas. 0. 0. F. — The Blyth court of the Cenadian Order of Foresters eleoted the 6 slowing officers. -0 R, Wm Sime 1 V 0 Ti, Wm Creighton ; R 8, J W Bell ; F S, R. Slater ; Trees, John Metcalf ; Chap, T'hn McGill ; S W, John Scott ; J W, I avid Cowan ; S B, Ieaao Cowan ; J B, J ,hn Phillipe ; delegate to High Court, Wm Sims, 1VYonrrJi. Steady winter weather. Tom POST gives the Morris news. All the weddings are not over yet. Mr. Hood is able to be around again. Mr. Proctor, 4111 line, is quite poorly j (at now, Fox hunters were out on Fo u e w a Tuesday of this week. Mr. Clark, of Sunshine, is visiting at and near Hamilton. All the talk at She Morris nomination blew away in smoke. This week Mre, M. M. Cardiff left for a visit to Northern Ontario. Jack Brown's party, last New Year's eve', was a decided success. Nichol Bros'. are taking out a large quantity of wood to Brussels. Geo. 'Purvey and Wat, Forrest are fox bunting in the South of Morrie. Henry McArter, of Harrieton, spent tis holidnye under the parental roof. Mise Minnie Paul, of the 2nd, has been visiting her grandparents in Breesele. Jno. Merritt and wife, of Kinoardine, are down on a visit to D. Errington's. Mr. Foster and E. Dayment, of Clin- ton, spent a few days on the 2nd last week. Luther Pepper has purchased a fine young horse from Holing Brea,, of urnberry, Misses Diament and Johnston, of Blue - t ale, were visiting at Co. Oounoillor 1 tooney'e this week. . Mr. and Miss Barley, of Northville, f lioh., sp. 11 New Year's Day with Geo. Jackson and wife, of the 3111 line. Mise Bessie Petah spent the Xmas 1 olidays under the parental roof. She 1 ae been making her home near Toronto, We are sorry to report that Jae. For. rest still continuos in very poor health. 1 fie many friends Shope soon to gee an i nprovement. Public eohools resumed work on Mon. , ay. There are only two changes in t :cohere in Morris as far as your on. 1 :epondent is aware. What might have been a 0901008 noi- r ant occurred on the 7th last Tueeday (corning. Had not aesistanoe been on land Bob might have come to grief. We understand that A. K, McAllister i (tends opening up:e gruaery in Wing• 1. am when he leaves kis farm. He will dove there with his family in March. One day last week Simpson and Thos. 1'•loOall cut 10 oorde of short hardwood in el hours on the farm of Albert Howlett, 7chline. This is good work and not r[ten beaten. DeputyReeve Kirkby, who has for 3 were wielded the auotioneer'e hammer 1,1th success, has gone out of the basf- 1 use and aoneequently need not be sought I Iter for sales. Robt. Grieve, of Sheldon, North Da. 1 ota, who has been there for the past 17 3 ears, and Mise Grieve, of leloKillop, were visiting at Jno. Speirs. They are broth- er and eieler to Mre, Spoie. Oo, Councillor Mooney hae been on the siok list duriug the past week being t'Ireatened with an attack of inflamnia- tinn of the bowels, By the aid of a phy e;aian Mr. Mooney ie able to be abeut tgain. Mies Elite McCracken, daughter of Vrauk McCracken, 4th line, had the mit]. f lrtnne to lose her geld weeds .on Time. lay evening while driving over to Jae, Bowman's 3rd line. The finder will be rewarded by returning it. A dealt and goose on Goo. Kelly's' farm, fills line, were killed We Winter, t nal to the suepriee of the owner a _piece t P geld was found in the gionard of eaob. Mr. Kelly now wowing if babebranaL c f the Yuen on kis farm in the creek that oreeses it. BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, Angua McCallum spent his Xmas holidays in London. Miss 1'1. Saott was visiting Miss Ella McCracken this week. Misses Bewley were visiting at A. K. MnAllietor'e Inst week. - Additional Morris news may be rear( on page 0 of this week's Pima. Miss Mand Hartry, of Soaforth, was the guest of Mies Lily Mooney. Robt, Maunders returned to Albert College, Belleville, last Tuesday. Robb. Miller has the contract for a atone wall for Jam Cook, 6th line. James McKenzie was home on a holi. day visit to hie parents for New Years. S. Y. Taylor and wife were visiting iu this township last week. Mr. Taylor holds a Rood position as another in Paris. 1'reare pleased to say that W. II, Motley is not the only arida in Morris.— eforal—Let sleeping clogs lie, else they will jump 013 and bite you. Rev, Mr. Paul, of Brussels, preached a eermon nt Sunshine on Friday evening from Deut. 8 2. The attendance was good considering the cold weather and hoary roads. Henry Johnstone was appointed trustee in S. S. No. 6 on Wednesday of last week, and David Sommerville was elected to a similar position in S. S. No. 8, the same day, Jt o, Mooney was ro.eleated trustee in S, S. No. 4 for the next term. Mr. Mooney tae been about 9 yeare on the Schoot Board. The other members ore Walter Innis and Thos. Bernard. Toe young people of S. S. No. 9 intend holding an entertainment iu their eohool about the last week in January. Mr, Pierce, a ventriloquist, of Paisley, and Mr. MoLeod, of Seaforth, are expected, so look out for a big time. Partioulars late'. Alex. Forrest has pnrohaeed tha50 acre farm adjoining hie 100 aoree, being Eont half of North half lob 26, oon, 2, from Alex. Eaket, of Algoma. The pride paid was 91,725. This gives Mr, Formal 150 acres now. He evidently • has faith in the future of the oonntry. Wm. Elliott, wife and children, of Alexander, Man., are here on a holiday visit. It is 17 years eiuce Mr. Elliott removed from the 4th line, Morrie, and 15 years since he was here. Mrs. Elliott is a daughter of Geo. Fitzpatrick, former- ly of Brunets. They are welcome vieit. ors. A very enjoyable time was spent at the home of Jae. Gibson, 9th oon., Morrie, on Wedneeday evening, when about 70 guests amused themselves playing games, sing• ing and eooial chat, after whioh a sumptu• nus repast was partaken of. The host and hostess did their utmost to make the evening re encases. Albert Crooke has pnrohaeed the 100 acre form, belonging to the Hanna estate, lot 15111, 6th line; paying the sum of 92,- 800 for the same. Mr. Crooke takes pos- session on March 1st. The farm is a good one and has fallen into the hands of a good farmer. Ie had to be sold to olose up the estate of the late John Hanna. A tramp with plenty of gab was the latest on the 6th line a few days ago. After getting a supper, bed and break- fast, he went off in a hurry and oalled at another house near by and demanded a second breakfast. He told the earns yarns over again, enying that he was offered a free pose to the Klondike in the Spring and had accepted it ; and no. doubt he was trying to make ample pro- vision for the journey by eabing two breakfasts a day, Last Sabbath atternoou about 4.80 o'clock the residence of Jae. Petah, 6th line, was discovered to be on fire, and be- fore it was 061108d had burned a large• hole through the roof, so that it took two buuohee of shingles to make the neon - eery repairs. Mr. Petah with difficulty got on the roof, and Mrs. Petoh banded him up several pails of water which soon extinguished what threatened to be a serioue oonflagration. The carpets and aurtai 18 in the upstairs euffere0. It ie euppooed that the fire was caused by the dro;ming of a spark. The neighbors came to the, aid of Mr. Peteb, but the flown had been fortunately subdued be. fore theft arrival. No insurance. Cratnbroolc. Mr. Stein is visiting at Heidleburg. Mre. Frederick Raddatz ie ou the sick list, Wm. Raddetz, of Brussels, Sundayed at home. School reopened last Monday with a smell attendance. John B.itohie and Dan, Stein spent New Years in Auburn. Wm. Cameron hae returned t0 Stoat - foal to resume College life. John Gaoler, of Michigan, is enjoying a short visit with hie parents. Geo. Reymann leaves on Saturday for Detroit after a visit of a few weeks. 'Rev, J. F. Knight, of Rutherford, is renewing old aoquaintaneee iu the village. Joseph Love was elected Trustee ae gunmen to A.Raymann whose term had expired. A few of the boys spent a few happy hours at the home of John Choral: on the 9th, last week. John McRae returned to Toronto this week to attend the 0. P. 0. We hope he will meat with the same moons at the final exam. as he did at the Primary, Mies Ella MoLaohlaie, who has been teaching at Grenfell, Aseinaboia, arrived home last week on a mention of a month. She was accompanied by her friend, Mre. J. Matenet, of Grenfell, who will visit in thio locality. 3'dtolestwor tlit. On Monday evening a elsig+hload of our young folks took in the Chr18tmoe tree at Teowbriclge, and report a good time. On Woduesday the annual school meet. ing was held m U. S. S. No. 4. II. R. Spen00 wag appointed trustee in place of tho retiring, A. McKee. Last Wednesday evening a quiet wed. ding took place at the home of Jag. Terry, when his second daughter, Loretta, was united to B. 11. McKee, of this place: Tim beide was becomingly and fashion. ably attired, and anoompaniorl by shoe sister, Mies Sado Terry, Mr. McKee was aooisted by W. II. Mitchell in the FRIDAY, JANUARY 7, 1898 capacity of best man. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Goo. Ballantyne. Thos, MoDouald and wife celebrated thele tin wedding on Tuesday evening. Thee. MeI{co and wife also celebrated Wein last week and tho oouutouance of our old reliable tinanlith, Jos..Wilson, wears an air oe felicitous content. The laet oonsigntneut of ghee o from the Molesworth cheese and bnitee °aotory will be shipped this week. I4 is worthy of note that the entire consignment of over 1900 lbs., has boon accepted by the inspector, no culls being made. Our popular cbeeseanaker, 30110 Patterson, is certainly dosorvingof credit for his ability and industry which has placed Moles• worth second t0 none, A farewell box -social was given by Miss Tena Murray at the bone of 1t •r sister, Airs. Thos, Cummings, on W,..inesday evening. The guests "tripped the light fantaebia boo" during the evening, after which 111e boxes were distributed mud the guests tools their departure. Miss Mur- ray intends returning to her (home in Pinkerton. (mate. Did you lose your vote last Monday 7 Farm lands are looking up in Grey township. Alex. Stewart was ro.eleated Trustee for S. 5. No. 2, for the ensuing term. A ohnrivari relieved the ;monotony of life on the 17th con., on a recent evening. Additional Grey township neve may be found on page 0 of this issue. Read it. The roads are badly out off in some places rendering careful driving neces- sary. New Toter :hip Council will meet next Meiday, at 11 o'oloak, to assume office for 1898. Bert. and Newman Hill were vi•.iting at their old home, 10th oon. The boys live 10 Seaforth. Daooauand James Robertson, of Lag- osh, Man., ire visiting relatives and friende'in Grey and Morrie. A wedding or two is on the program, not counting the MoNabb—McNair matrimonial alliance on Wedneeday o this week. Monday afternoon of this week George Bielby left for Clinton, where he will take a course et the Collegiate, taking up 2ad Mase teaohers' work. We wish him 00 mess. Talking about good lambs, Grey oan down Morrie on reoorde. P. Robertson, 0th con., sold four lambs last November that averaged 157 pounds, One weighed 185 pounds. He kept four good ones in his own flock ns well. Sand and other necessary material ie being haulers by Peter Robertaom, 9th non., preparatory to the emotion of a new brick residence next Summer. A new house makes things look a little euspioious but Pete may not have any sedan iuten. tions. In the defeat of Deputy Eeev, Torn - ball, last Monday, 11(0 amino 0i an A 1 member of the Board will be lose to the Township. Mr. Dilworth, ills manner, will no doubt make an efficient Deputy Reeve after he gets a little acquaint- ed with the business, as he ie a ehrewd going man and well acquainted with Grey. 3.n30 Tomo,—Tho Xmas Tree Enter- tainment of Bethel appointment, 1511, can., was a 0o0009s, judging by the large attendance. The program was well rend- ered, as follows :—Instrumental, Mise Sporain ; Chairman's address, Rev. Mr. Walker ; mlhsfo, "Jesus Lives," by the children ; recitations by Jas. Mann, Myrilo Sperling, Viotor Spading and Maggio Mann ; song, "Whistling Mount- aineer," John McKay ; recite '.one by Minnie and Edna MoNaught ; dialogue, "The Rehearsal," by the children ; mucic by the ohoir ; recitations by Alex. Mann, Wilbur May and Frank Harrison ; con. cost recitation by Misses Bray tend Forb- es ; club swinging, Misses Slemmou and Barr ; recitations by John and Willie McKay, Eva Peet and Maud Shines ; mush), "'Tie Better," by the children recitations by Oliver Oliver and Ruseoll Robertson ; dialogue, "Preparb.g for a Pic-nic," by the ohildren ; oonoeet reci- tation. by five boys ; music by the ohoir recitation, Henry MoKay ; reading, Miss Lizzie Malay ; recitation, Miss Maud Peet ; solo, John Ruehworbh ; reoitati- bus by Willie Mann, Willie McKay and Norma Sporting ; reading, Mies Forbes ; olub swinging by Miss Paorson ; address, by Rev, Mr. Stewart ; ronitableL, Willie Harrison ; song, "Old Santa Ci,tas," by the ohildren ; distributing presents and Dandies by "Santa Claus" • m11010 by their, Tho proceeds amouhibed to 590.30. DRAINAGE BY -Law AIam.lnxogTo. —'The amendments to the old bylaw, over which the Broughton suit wag tried and lost to the townships of Ehua ahs Grey, are in subetanoe as follows 1-1 Provide to extend the Government drain No. 2 to the boundary. -2 A re-eurvey from the Easterly end of Government drain No, 2 of the drainage area, -3 All expenses of old and nett/ preliminaries including sur- vey to be part of the proper expenses. -4 Grey to be .damnified and repaid for all work done tes provided in the bilk -5 Oonfiem Grey and MoKillop'e present Bylaws and let work proceed at once if neoeeeary.-6 Let Grey page eupplemen. tal By-law with re0p001 to survey East of Government drain No. 2 in Grey. Etna's provisional Bylaw to be amended to agree with report of Civil Engineer em. ployed to make the survey and assess. moot one of Government drain No, 2,- 7 Elm t0 pees finally its By-law with. in 2 menthe after being served with oopy of report by Civil Engineer with amend- ed assessment. Grey to also pass its supplemental By-law within the eame period. -8 No further advertisement ex- oeht of notice of sitting of Wort of Re- vision by Grey and Eima to 'Insider the new assessment; 0 Grey to employ Civil Engineer and Grey to holes Court of Revision to oonaider appeals in reaped of their new nseosemelt within or , month after the Ellg tt:nne'e now report —10 No provisional By -saw respecting the new survey in Grey and Blinn,. Present pro. visional By-law to Miami ee varied by 01101) new assortment and eobjeot t0 ap peals as aforesaid. Coo. Spiels, sr., Irdi eon., ie on the etolc lief from an att±=cic of rheumatism. Adam floe has gone to Jonestown to learn blacksnlithing with George Eck - At the annual school meeting in S. 8, No. 8, Wm. Ptrath was chosen t'r'ustee as ehoceesor to D. Mesa„ gert. The wood contract was let to Gum Shiele, jr. l.lnn. Inglis, wife and three children, of Pembina Om, Dakota, r e visiting Robt. Inglis and family, 7.11 con. 11 is 12 years, or more, einoe .111•. Inglis went West, He he done well under the stars and striped. Alex. MoDenald was cleated Twee ee in S. B. No, 3 to tako the place of John fthrnehan, when t'rm bad expired. Oliver Smith was awarded the contract for 10 cords of 24 inch weer), et 91.40 per Cord. An oat and well 1 -now,. former mei- dent, in the pa00011 el: TV,n. Bishop, of Be00hville, 1v.10 rent .eing, 1 '. friendships in tine townelap du,•ieg the past week. His mother, Mre. Woodburn, is about 90 years of age. She lives at Peter Bish- op's. ADDRESS AND Pni;oaxrr.Tion,—On the closing day of eohool in S. S. No. 11, prior to the Xmas vacation, J. T. Dodds, teach• er, was preset tad with a gc Id ring and an ink -stand es a parting elft. The fol- lowing address accompanied the presents To 21r. Dodd : DRAB TEACI'nn,—We, yunr pupils, dee sire to express our sinews regret that the pleasant aego:latione so long existing and so muoli enjoyed by es ars soon to be severed. As oar teacher, your valuable and untiring eervices hove been much ap- preciated, and as a sympathetic friend your kindly interest and eel:altude in our individual welfare has milled forth our heartfelt gratitude. Ere we part we aelc you to accept this ring anis ilk stand as a slight token of our regard end a memento of the happy hours we hove spent to - gather, and with the gift, dear teacher, accept also our best wishes for your con• tinned welfare and progress in life. May your career be ever oowari and upward, and may all 3ro00 good efforts be aimed antly blessed and rewarded by the Mest- er. With the seasoo'egrectinge. Signed on behalf of your pupils, Vn die CARDISS, Beam: LIvoxoorON. Mr, Dodds returned his heal by thanks to the pupils and friends of the sohoal and wished all concerned great (prosperity. ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION,—The pupils of S. S. No. 10, Grey, took advantage of the departure of their teacher, W. E. Armstrong, Wednesday evening of last week, and presented him wi.h a beauti- fully bound volume of Lord Tennyson's Poems and an Album. The presentation was made by Miss Sophia ulpnrling and the following address was read •by Arthur Hyde To iP. E. Armstrong : DEAR ThanEa,—We, your pupils, can - oat allow you to leave us without chow• ing, iu eome way, our hind oegarde for yea as our teacher, Darius, your stay of two years with us you have ever done your best to advance us hr knowledge, and we always appreciated your company 1vlth us in oar gamete and eooial inter- course, and we trust that as you are severing your connection with us as teacher you will not sever your friend• ship with us. If you love us ae we love you, you will, whenever convenient, smile in upon us, and you will always be a welcome guest. As a memento to re- member us by, we now ask you to accept this volume of Lord Tennyson's Poems and this Album, nob for their intrinsic value, bat as a remembrance of our kind regards to you. We wish you 800oess, health and prosperity in your future life, and if never permitted to meet here again may we meet beyond the river, where parting will be no more. Signed on be- half of the school by WAI, SxcvohSON, GARS. BAKER, GEo. MIOuEL. • Mr, Armstrong mule a short reply, thanking the pupils for their kind gifts and wishing them all prosperity in their life work. Robert Baird, of Stanley, will succeed Mr. Armstrong as heather. DIED IN TIM Honer] OS DEATH.—The fol- lowing item refers to a brother-in-law of the late Adam Douglas, 15th oon. of Grey :-Rev. Wm. Burns, secretary of the Aged and Infirm Ministers' Fund, of the Presbyterian ohuroh, and Moderator of the Toronto Presbytery, died suddenly at Galt on Sunday. In the afternoon be proceeded to the horse of 1. member of the congregation of linos church to con - 100) a fuoerel service, and had just taken the Bible in Ilia hand when he was seen to totter. Willing hands caught 'the striaken olereyman as he fel and medical aid was summoned, but in a few minutes ho breathed his lash. The aewo was re- ceived in Toronto by • Prinoipal Coven, Rev, Dr, Gregg and Rev, W. G. Wallace, who conveyed it as sympethetionlly as poesible to the widow and family. In addition to the widow, tb^ee gone and two daughters are left to morn t w s u hoar lose. The eeooud eldest son, Jae. D. Burns, who le a commercial traveller for Samuel Benjamin. is now at home. The eldest and youngest sots. Robert and Alexander, are in business in Minneapo- lie, Of the daughters, the oddest is the wife of Rev. R. 0. Tibb, of Toronto, while the other, Mies Annie, is staying with her mother. The deceased gentleman also hae a sister who resider at Parkdale. The body was conveyed to Toronto and the funeral book place Wednesday after. noon from the deceased's late residence, 18 Madieon avenue, to Mount Pleasant (tamntery. The late Rev, Wm. Burns was about 58 years of age at the time of his death, TIe was born in Kingston, hie parents being of Sootoh closeout, Ho nomad his early ednoatioo in Montreal, but afterwards studied at Knox College, where ho graduated in 1803. He wag or- dained to the ininistry fu 1009, and first acted as aesietaut to the bate Rev. Dr, Jenuings, at the aid Bay se. ohuroh. Subsequently be assisted tae late Rev. Dr, 'Popp, pastor of Knox ohuroh, for awhile. He was afterwards pastor of a chnroh at Perth, where he 041110 to be regarded as rho boob preacher it the W. H. KERR, Prop. Presbytery of Lanark, From Perth be was 'Ailed by theGeuoralAssembly, some eleven year's since, to the office of agent of Knox College endowment fund. About five years linter he was oleo appointed seer, Lary of the aged and infirm minis - tors' fund. Owen AND Four. Suwon. -The anent supper of the patrons of I3rnesels Choose factory who live on the 3rd and 4111 linea, was heli at Alex. McDonald's residence on Wedneeday evening, Doo. 200.1. About 80 people were present and everybody enjoyed a Ilrst-oiase time. An elegant sapper was provided by the ladies, to which ample justice was done by all— whether at oysters, fowl 00 pastry the company appeared to be perfectly at home, john Strachan was called to the chair, whioh position ho filled most am ceptably. The program ooneieted of the following numbers :—Musical selections by Do Stewart, Miss Annie Stewart, Mles Maggie Taylor, Miss Jessie MoLauohlin, Misses Strachan, D. Lemont, L. Frayne awl others. Reeve Straohan and Arch. Robertson made suitable addressee, Mr. and Mrs, McDonald made capital host and hasten and all were well pleased with the evening's enjoyment. Huron County. Sun Wee PIoxonon.—Mrs. Sarah Town. gond, relict of the late William Rattan• bury, the oldest settlor in Huron county, died at Clinton on Dec. 28111, at the ad• vaned ago of 82. The deceased lady was born in Nottinghamshire, England, near the famous Sherwood forest, of Robin Hood fame, in 1813. She came to Can• ada with her parents, wino settled in "Muddy" York, now Toronto, where, in the year 1833, she was married bo the late William Rattenbury, who at that time carried on a blacksmith business there. Iu 1835 she moved with her hus- band to lot 42, London road survey, in the township of Tuokersmibh, Huron Conoty. Mr. Rattenbury had nob been etationed long at his new home when the Mackenzie rebellion broke out, and leav- ing his home and property under the custody of his wile, he marched under Officers IIyndman and Lizars,to the front to aid in the suppression of the outbreak. Mr. Rattenbury was the founder of the town of Clinton, and will be remembered by the older heads of the county as a man of great popularity, "Bill" Rattenbury, as he was called, purchased the log hotel kept by Thos. Reid, better known as "Yankee Reid," in 1845. The village of Clinton then began to grow, and mainly through his efforts. In 1850 the plane of the village were laid. The' place was called Clinton iu honor and memory of Lieut, -Goo. Clinton, upon whose farm in England Mr. Rattenbury's father was a tenant. For 27 years the home of the deceased lady was at the hotel, which had become famous ou account of the popu- larity and generous disposition of Mr. and Mre. Rattenbury. The deceased had been ailing for months, and was being nursed during het illness last Summer by her daughter, Mrs. George T. Hiscox, when the latter took in and died. The surviving members of the family are Joseph and Ieaao, Mrs. S. H. Rance, Mrs. F. T. Rance, and Mrs. R. H. Reid, of Clinton. Tho late Mrs. J. Upshot], of Clinton, and the late Mre. Wm. Shane, of Blyth, were also daughters of the de- ceased. 08(78011 UR[1(335. Service was held in the R. 0, ohuroh on New Year's Day. Rev. R. Paul took part in a Watch. night eervioe at Sunshine last Friday night. Will. Griffith has joined the Methodist Sabbath eohool Orchestra, and will play the trombone. Rev. Michael Fawcett, one of the old. est Methodist clergymen in Canada, passed away on Saturday afternoon of last week, at the General Hoepital, Guelph. The series of sermons on "The way to the City of God" will be continued in Melville church next Sabbath, the subject for the morning being "The Hill Dff. floulty," and for the evening "Five False Pilgrims." Rev. W. H. Madill, formerly pastor of the Congregational church, Sarnia, hae received nuanimous calls from Honor, Mich., and Homestead, Mioh., Congre- gational ohnrohes, Mr. Madill will prob- ably become a permanent reeideut of Miobigan. Rev. H. W. Crewe, of Chatham, has been invited to the paetorate of the Central Methodist ohurob, 51. Thomas. Mr. Crewe is now rounding out his fifth year in his present charge, being one of the very few Methodist ministers whose term has yet been extended to that length. The abilities of Rev. Robert Johnston, B. D., pastor of St. Andrews's ohuroh, London, have been recognized again. Since coming home from the Convention at San Franoieeo, where he was one of the leading speakers, the rev. gentleman has bad two calls to influential eharohee. Tho first invitation Dame from one of the largest Preebytelrian ohurohee on the Pada Comet. The latest call comes from the Central Presbyterian ohuroh, Baltimore, avid. Some time eines Rev. Mr. Johnston spoke in the o111roh al a Christian Endeavor Convention, and the congregation woe eo delighted with hien that they wish him to b000me their pastor. MoorvcaLE SAnDAxH Sonoo3.—The 011- nual meeting for the election of officers in connection with Melville Sunday eohool was held on Tuesday evening of Hate week, when the following appoint- ments were made:—lion, Supt., Rev, Jno. Ross, B. A. ; Superintendent, G. F. Blatt ; Asst. Sept.'A. 11f. MoKay ; Sec.. Teen., Geo. Halliday ; Ante Seo.-Treas., Ern. 'Wilson ; Organist, Miss Jessie MaLanohlin and T. A. Hawkins; Librarians, Mise Annie Ross, Mise Ella Inman and G. A. Deadman. The needle ing staff 800018ts of Peter Watson, G. F. Blair, Mrs, Tofte, Mrs. R. K. Rose, Mre. Wm, Ross, Sliso Teenie Sinclair, Mies L. Roes, Mies A, Mel3ain, Mrs. 13. Straohan, itIioo L. MoNaughton, Mieg 1.t, Stewart, Mies T. Forbes, Mies Jo, Roes, T. A. Hawkins, Miss 3, Menzies,. Mre. I. C. Richards, J. H, Cameron, Mise Mary Ross. Maitland Presbytery will meet on Tuesday, 18tH inst., in Wingbam. The - day previousa YonugPeople's Convention will be held in the same place, "Some lessons from rho terrible dis- aster at London," will be Rev, S. J. Allin'e topio in the Methodist ohuroh next Sun- day evening. Morning topio, "Spiritual Health." Rev. S. Battery, B, D., of Guelph, has been invited to North street Methodist church, Goderioh, for nest year. Tun Pon would be pleased bo see him return to this County. The quarterly review 01 the Sabbath - sohool leeeons was held in Melville ohuroh last Sunday and there was a large attendance. The epeciat oolleotion amounted to 97 for miosionary purposes. Rev. Alex. Stewart, of Stratford, preached an excellent sermon in Melville ohuroh last Sabbath evening. His text was John 14: 9-22-23, from whioh he aimed in a very' interesting manner that Chriet is the revealer of the Father and the Spirit the reenter of the Son. The reverend gentleman is a nephew to Elder Stewart, Queen street, and Mrs. "Jae. Menzies, William street. Al the conclusion of the Christian En- deavor meeting last Sabbath evening in Meiroille ohuroh Paet President -Blain made pleasing reference to Mre. R. G. Wilson ; the regret felt over her expected early removal to London ; and expressed the best wishes of the Society and ohuroh for her future. Mre. 'Wilson responded ' in.words full of kindly regard and expect. tabioo for the future. Interesting union services have been held this week between the Presbyterian and Methodist churches. Tuesday even- ing, in Melville ohurob, Rev. Mr. Alain gave an address on the topio and Rev. Mr, Rosa rendered similar service at the meeting in the Methodist church on Wednesday evening. Thursday evening meeting in Melville ohuroh and Friday evening the closing service in the Metho- dist church. Two discourses, appropriate tothe season of the year, were preached last Sabbath in the Methodist church by the pastor from the text Phil. 3 and 13th. The morning topic was the former por- tion of the text :—"Forgetting those things that are behind." The lessons designed to be taught were (1) Don't look at the past with a wish or thought to re- turn ; (2) Do not live in the past, forget it ; (3) Don't dwell on past mistakes (4) Review the mercies of the past. In the evening an outlook was taken of the future. Canadian le•Tevs rr. A. S. Abbott, ex-Cisy Clerk of London, died at the age of 85 years. The news of the appointment of Judge age as Lientenant•Governor of Quebec hae been confirmed. Judge Barron has assumed his new duties at Stratford, and received an ad- drese of welcome from the bar. W. J. Hare has asked for a recount in the Oshawa Mayoralty, F. L. Fawke be- ing declared elected by a majority of one. The Guelph Opera House has been sold to a company of four gentlemen for a sum equal to• the amount of its liabili- ties, 927,500, Capt. Wm, E. Hall, Superintendent of the Le Roi mine at Roseland, slipped and fell down the main shaft, a dietanoe of 600 feet. His body was crushed beyond recognition. A large English syndicate hae been formed to erect palatial hotels in Hali- fax, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto and Niagara Falls. The plane also include a big hotel in London, England, whioh will cater to the colonial trade. Engineer McFadden of the Grand Trunk ran into a fink of quail between Brantford and Tilsonburg the other night and killed over a score. The birds were picked up and MaFaddeo'e new dined on quail on toast. Paul Paquegnab, brother of Joe. Paque. gnat, of Stratford, hae received a large picture from a friend in Switzerland, illustrating a large athletic contest, In one contest 4,000 partioipated at the earn time of the celebration, over 6,000 ath- letes being present. The steamer Corona hes sailed for Skagway and Dyea and way ports. She was compelled to refuse freight and se- cond class passengers because of Ink of accommodations. The Corona will may to the North 200 passengers, 00 per cent. of whom ars proepeotive miners, and 800 tons of postal merchandise. Geo. Higgins, at one time a farmer, but latterly living in Kincardine, commit - tort suloide Tuesday afternoon by hang. ing. He had been in very poor einem. stemma for some time, and the unfortun- ate is supposed to have taken hie life in a fib of deepondenoy. Ste leaves a wife and filar ohildren. The news was broken to Mre. Sterna - man on Tuesday, through Rev. 3, G. Foote, a Methodist minister of Cayuga, that the nuns had refused her a naw trial, On hearing the news she wept silently. She still claims that she is an innocent woman, and hopes for a reprieve from the Supreme Court. Mrs. Sterna - man has failed rapidly since tho death sentence was passed upon her, F. A. Haines has thrown up his bond in the Columbia and Kootenay mine, Roseland, after spending upwards of 5100,000 on the property. 11 10 geed that be finds it impossible to treat the pro- duct of this mine at a profit, There ie good reason to believe, however, that the British•Amerioan 0o•operaeion,, hae eoeuned the properly for 9300,000. Early Teeeday morning week Mee. Jno. S. McDonald, of Ripley, ,noeh with an accident that nearly resulted in her death. She was carrying a small band lamp, when she fell down cellar, and woe rendered unooue0ious. Had it not been for the timely aaei81an00 of her husband - elle would have been 83 the moray of the flames. The fire woe fortunately (At3n- enisbed before doing serious dtmage. Mrg. McDonald received a deep out on the head, and also a fracture of the dhoti She is, bowoVer, progressing favorably,