HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-12-31, Page 8TEE BRUSSELS POST
gr . l� s Proms ,asst
Another lot of BunyaMe Pilgrim's
Progress 60 Mewl in. cloth, illustrated, at
800; By reading oue of those you will
mono thoroughly appreciate listening to
the admirable sermons which are now
being preached by
13e up with the ticnee and leave your
order for a Daily Paper. We eau hove it
sent to your poetoffice if preferred or you
can call at one store. We supply any
Paper, Magazine or Periodical that is
published. Think of it for
One Third Oent per day
yott eau have a good Toronto deity, mow-
ing edition, or the Globe or Mail for 1eo.
per day. Don't forget that 'we sell the
daily papers.
AT --
Drug, Book and Fancy Goods Store.
Trains leave Brassels Station, North
and South, 8,8 follows
express 7:1.0 a.m.; Mail '10 pen
timed e:40 a.m. Express 10:01 p.m
Prat Reins Items.
A ohiet's amang ye Lakin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
WRITE 1808.
FINE sleighing.
BAprY New Year.
BRUSSELS market leads.
Tis calendar fiend is abroad.
Puntm schools re -open next Monday
Now is the season for everybody to
Square up.
PIIRLIe schools will reopen on Mon.
day, January 3rd.
Sox weddings in this locality on Wed-
nesday of this week,
WEDDr1V0 invitations printed neatly
and cheaply at THE Pose.
Norm= Horse Fair in Brussels on
Thursday, January 6th. Come to it.
OUnreport of Brussels nomination is
taken from an advance proof from the
Beesems postoffice hours on New
Years Day will be from 9 to 10 a. tn., 2.30
to 8.30 and 6 to 6.30 p. m.
EvEarnonY should read the interesting
letter on page 4 of this issue, from Geo.
Coates, formerly, a resident of Grey
A roam,* of Walton, Grey, Cranbrook,
Ethel and ether correspondence ie crowd-
ed out this week. It will all appear in
next issue.
A PEW days ago Wm. Hewitt, who is
employed at Beattie's livery, received a
bad kick on the leg from a horse he was
leading to the blaokemith shop.
Tan incandescent tights have been in-
stalled in the Council Ohamber and en-
trance to it. This was part of Mr.
Green's contraot with the town when the
aro system was pot in.
A. Cousoox, Brussels, has purchased a
Bankrupt stock of Gents' Furnishings,
hate, caps, &o., from E. Downing, of
Goderioh, at a low rate on the dollar, and
will open out next week in the Leckie
block in this town.
A 8011810IRER at South Edmonton, in
renewing his subscription to TEE Pose,
says :—TSE POST is a welcome weekly
visitor away here ab the back door to the
Klondyke. There are lively times in this
part, owing to the many persons outfit.
tog here en routs to the Klondyke. It
is amusing to see some of the Old Coun-
try gentlemen training huskie dogs. One
party has a colonist oar rented from bhe
C. P. R., at 910.00 a day. ,They brought
hay all the way from England with them
and the oayesses (ponies) hers won't eat
"it. Am sending you a copy of Edmonton
0. 0, F. AT HOME.—On Tuesday even-
ing, Jan. lith, the members of Brussels
vanaditen Order of Foresters purpose
giving an At Home in their Lodge room,
lashill Block. A public installation of
offrcers, with nmsio, addressee &o. will
constitute the program, The members
are asked to provide the necessary
luncheon. 7.30 is the hour named for
the opening of the exercises. The High
Chief Ranger bas been invited to be
present and give an address. Each
member hes the privilsdge of inviting n
friend who might afterward become a
brother Forester.
WEDDING BELLS.— The commodious
and oomfortable residence of David Ross,
'Elizabeth street, was the centre of attrao.
tion on Tueeday evening to a large num•
her, who eesombled to witness the tying
of the unptial hoot between Mise Nellie,
the estimable daughter of the boat and
hostess, end A. M. MoKay, the wall
known hardware merchant of this town.
About 5.15 &stook the strains of the
Wedding March, rendered by Miss Jennie
McNair, of Cranbrook, gave notice that
the ceremony was about to begin, and ere
long Rev, Ino. Ross,13. A., assisted by
Rev. D. B. Molise, of Cranbrook, epoke
the magio words at the principals stood
in a holly bower. The bride looked her
beet in a very neat costume of Napoleon
blue, trimmed with white tulle, and she
carried a handsome boquet of Dream and
whits roses andsmillax, Three neices of
the bride filled important positions as
maids of honor. Mary Ross 'ware a dress
of cream nun's veiling, with pearls and
ribbon ; Luella Rose, a pale blue awn
dross, with ribbons ; and Gerber Roes, a
Dream cashmere gown. Each of the lit-
tle ladies carried boquets of carnations,
Rarely is a better lot of wedding gifts
'seen at an ocoaeion of this kind than were
presented to Mrs. Mousy on Tuesday.
An elegant supper wag spread 8nd after
doing ample jnstioe to it the evening was
,joyously oemlpied by musi0, games, &o,
many hearty wishes accompanying Mr,
and hire. McKay to 'their home, :Mr.
Roes' residence was very tastefully boor -
(teed with holly, Sowore and plants. May
all the joys of Married life attend Mr,
Matey and bride, is bho with of Tie
May 00004ey is election day.
Vixen hetes have already appeared on
telt` Heel e,
BaresELs Ilorav 1''air on Thursday of
110X1, Week,
SATURDAY will be New Yount day and
coueegnently 01 publio holiday,
1'a.tcolcla will be rosumed in commotion
with the ()neon Bother Oratorio.
Toe minuet meeting in rural school
000110ns was held on Wednesday of this
Tno "jubilation" performance of a few
men, who should have known better, on
Christmas Eva was none too creditable,
Baussors echoes Board has moved the
desks from the departments damaged by
fire into the two nuocoupiel rooms and
will make the change beak again about
Easter atter the renovation and repairs
are completed,
Mita. W. F, YR:STONE and Mrs. II.
James were each remembered with
Christmas present from their respective
Sabbath sebool classes in St. John's S. 9.
The former received a Ladies' Companion
and the latter a handsome vaso.
Aaron- the shipments from Bruseole G•
T. It, statieu for the past week were 2
oars of wheat and a oar of peas by R.
Graham ; a oar of cattle and a. oar of
hogs by Olegg te Dames ; 6 ova of hay
rind a car of wheat by Bather & Vau•
stone ; end 6 cars of salt by rho Enter.
prise Wores.
THE polling places next Monday for
those Enet of Turnberry street and South
al the Maitland, will be at J. J. Gilpin's
office ; for thee° West of '1'uruberry
street and South of the river, at the
Council Chamber ; and for all North of
the river, at Alex. Ellie' small frame
house, Queen street. Deputy Returning
Officers will be Ronald MoNaoghton,
Wm. Aldridge and J. A, Creighton.
Poll open from 9 to 5 o'clock.
well satisfied to put the evidenoe of the
entire Council ns to their notion in sou•
neo6ion with the Thomas broom factory,
of Norwich, and its coming to Brussels,
against the editorial wisdom of a roan
who was not even a resident of Brussels
at the time, and whose information cow-
sequently oomee second hand. Every-
verything, outside of granting a bonus, was
offered to Mr. Thomas if be would move
his entire business to Brussels.
MATntmoNxox.—Wednesday evening of
this week Rev. Juo. Ross, 13. A., spoke
the magio words making John Meadows
and .Miss Emily J., daughter of Geo.
McMillan, all of Brussels, husband and
wife. The bridesmaid Was Miss Joan
McMillan and the groomsman W. L.
MoQuarrie. The wedding gifts were of a
choice ohmmeter. At the conclusion of a
sumpbnons spreadthe health of the
bride was proposed by Bev. Aar. Ross and
seconded by John Wynn. They tom•
menoe married life with the best wishes
of many friends
BITTEN BY A DOG —A week or more ago
John Pugh, of Brussels, called at Mr.
Ewan's, IGth son•, of Grey, to attend to
some business. When the door was
opened a collie dog eproug at the visitor
and to save his face Mr. Pugh put up his
right band whiob the canine seized by his
teeth lacerating it quite seriously. Since
then the injured hand has given consider-
able pain and ie badly swollen. Blood
poisoning is feared but we hope no suoh
serious result will follow. In the mean•
time the beet means known are being
used to allay inflammation and heal the
ST. JOHN'S Loner A. F. & A. M.—The
following officers were duly installed in
St. John's No. 284, A. F. & A. M. by Past
Master Sinolair, on Monday evening of
this week :—
A. Consley—W. M, ;
Geo. Halliday—S. W. ;
Peter J• Bishop—J. W. ;
John Wright—Chaplain ;
Jas. Fox—Treasurer ;
J. A. Creighton—Seoretary ;
G. F. Blair—S, D. ;
John Hewitt—J. D. ;
J. H. Cameron—I. G. ;
John W. Walker—S. S. ;
John Duncan—J. S. ;
J. Y. S. Birk—Tyler,
SETTLED AT 9400.-A special meeting of
Brussels Public School Board wee held
last Monday evening at the American
Hotel, all the members present. Inapect•
or Durand, of London, representing the
Western and Mercantile Companies, was
present. After ooneuibation and dieous-
sing the subject it was moved by W. F.
Vanetone, seconded by J. G. Skate that
9400 be accepted in fait of loss sustained
by the recent fire,—Carried. The In -
evader agreed to this. Contracts for
repairs are asked for and the
building will soon be in ship shape.
• Wonxuo oP IT.—At a recent meeting of
the "Little Stars" Mission Band of Mel-
ville ohuroh, Mrs. R, G. Wilson, who was
sin of of i and whois about
the Vioe•pla e t u
to remove to London, was presented with
the following kindly worded address,
whiob was read by Mrs, (Rev,) Ross, Pre•
sident of the W. le, M.S. :—
To Hina, R. G. Wilson.
Wo, officers and members of Melville
Church W. F. M. S., leave learned with
rattail regret, that you ars soon to sever
your connection with us by your removal
from our village. For some seven years
now you have been one of oar meet in.
masted, active and faithlut members,
and by your prayers, labors and contri-
butions, have done much to aid our So.
tciety in forwarding the great work which
it is its object to promote. As a Society
We are under epoolal obligations to yon,
for the valuable assistance which you
have given it. As Vim -President of Our
"Little Stars Minion Baud," to the work
of which, in connection with its esteemed
President, yon have devoted much valu.
able time, and well -directed effort.
While this special service has no doubt
been to you a labor of love, for we know
tbat it hes been rendered with obeerful-
nees and readinee5, we desire to express
to you our grateful thanks therefor, and
we Meet that the good which you have
done in this way shall be recompensed to
.you in ten -fold measure by Mtn for
whose sake it has been done. In taking
teeth of you, which we do most regret.
fully, we unite in earnese prayer for the
welfare of yourself end family, and we
rejoice to think Viet wherever you may
be in years to oomo, you will prove your,
reit an able, willing and diligent worker
in the vineyard of our Master, and by.
and•bye roosive at His hands the crown
which Ile giveth to His own. Signed in
behalf of the Society and Mission Baud,
Mas, Ross, Liam Ross, Presidents I
L.encrtr,ry, So0rotaries,
Brussels, Deo. 18th, 1897.
Mrs. Wileon made a moat imitable reply
and not a few were the regrets expressed
over the contemplated remoyet of so Will.
ing and indetetigeble a Worker,
fome'Lts LE.ti'," tite tweedy patting horse
owned by Jae, O'Leary, late of Brussels,
has been sold to a Toronto bores hooter
for 3; U. " elu Lle Leaf has a record
2.10 and will melte n dandy driver,
Lace llm'on Farmers' Institute will
hold publio meetinge es followe :— Gerrie,
Tueedtav, Jan. fedi, tend Brussels, Setae.
tley, Jan. 1001, An afternoon and even.
fug modem will bo held at each place.
Amer. meeting of Grey Branch Agri'
cultural Sosiaty will be held in the Ooun.
oil Chamber, Brussels, on Wednesday,
Jan, 12th, et 1 p. m, East Riding So-
ciety will meet a week later in the sante
place, ea per Statute.
Toe night train did not resole Brus-
sels on. Christmas Eve (or more properly
speaking, Cbristmasmorning) until about
1 o'clock u. m, It was heavily loaded
with passengers. There were twelve
(teaches Ailed to overflowing from Toron-
to to Quoits!),
TUMMY uight'e train did not reach
Brussels until 1.20 tt, no. Wednesday.
That's where Station Agent Bendall gets
it where the thicken got the axe• He
mutt lay abed in the morning to matte
up for loot sleep se he hue to be up,
breakfast and get to the depot before 7
0 010013 for service.
Tun Clinton New Era of last week
says :—M r, Woolsey, a former proprietor
of the Brussels Herald, lies again taken
charge of it, and its doing his best to in.
fuse life into it. To till the Math there
is no room for a second paper in Brussels,
a fact that is evident to any newspaper
men who has watched the struggle for
OUT Doan RINE.—Ed. McNaughton has
Ioased the ice above the mill dam and has
arranged a skating and curling rink for
the next few months. The rink will
be 100 feet wide by 200 feet long and will
be well lighted and cared for. A temper.
ary office or waiting room will be pet up
oonvenieot to the los. Season tiokets
will be issued and a good time expected.
SEn0on5 MISTdict,—Thursday afternoon
about 2 o'clock, Pelts. R. Leatherdalo,
who is troubled with asthma, took a
drink of Stramouium tea instead of in-
haling it. She oame down town and
about 4 o'clock p. m., was nearly over-
come with •dizzinees and was helped
borne by her eldest daughter. Soon the
symptoms of poison asserted themselves
by numbness, and deleriam but under the
care of a physician the patient was some-
what improved at 7:30 p. m. when this
item was written and good hopes are es.
tertained for her recovery. Stramonium,
or thorn apple, poeeeseespowerful poison-
ous properties and effects the party tak-
ing it moth tate same as belladona.
0. 0. F.—The annual election of
offiaera of Court Prinoess Alexandra, No.
24, Brussels, was held lasts .Tuesday even-
ing and are as follows :-
0. R•—W. H. Kerr ;
V. 0. R,—Jae. Blasbill ;
P. 0. R. S. T. Plum ;
Ohap.—N. 13. Gerry
Treas.—W. Blasbill ;
Pin,.Seo.—A. Koenig ;
Reo..Seo•—W. Smith ;
S. W.—Jno. Sherrie ;
J. W.—N. Flatt ;
5.13. Thos. Steware ;
J. 33.—Jas. Kerney ;
Court Deputy—Jas, Sherrie ;
Rep. to High Oourt—S. T. Plum ;
Alternate—Jas. Shurrie I
Trustees—Jno. Wilber, Jas. Bowman
and N. Platt ;
Auditor—H. R. Elliott.
Three candidates were in Hinted on the
same evening. The m embership now
totals 75 and is one of the most vigorous
organizations in the town.
Business Locals,
OYSTERS stewed at Orich's.
ELONDIRE Noogates ab Oriob's.
Onder your Xmas. cake at Crich'&.
Fon fancy rookers go to Inc, Welker's.
Ronne and blankets ; large stook and
low prices. I. 0. Richards.
San some of the fancy prior tables at
Jno. Walker's.
Fon sale oheap, three set of second-
hand single harness. I. 0. Riohrrds.
MANI00138, straight roller, or mixed
dour and all kinds of feed at Ross' mill.
Terms cash.
TEs largest and beat eeleoted stook of
pictures and picture moulding will be
seen at John Walker's.
SEE our Christmas stook of candies and
oranges at McCracken's,
OANniEe, Nuts, Figs, Detest, Oranges,
Grapes and Lemons at Criob's.
Baa your dandies and oranges, nuts,
&c„ for Christmas at McOracken's,
Pon a nice wedding or Chriatmns
present try Walker's furniture store,
OnorrnNo at 4 cents per 100 lbs, and
good worst guaranteed at Ross' mill.
Terms oath.
TRY a pair of our hair•faoed Sootoh
colters. We guarantee them to work
safely. I. 0. Rioharde.
Home clippers and 50100000 sharpened
and repaired by Saw Filer MoOregor, of
Brussels, Queen et. East.
Wile pay agents big prima for organs
when yon can buy a 6 octavo piano case,
oast or walnut from R, Leatherdalo for
Fon bedroom suites, sideboards, exten.
Hon tables, lounges, parlor suites, parlor
tables, couches, and in fact anything to
be found in s firstellate furniture store,
call on Jobu Walker.
Herm purchased a large and well
selected stook of window shades at a low
rate on bhe 9, I Will be peeped to sell
for the next 60 days at about half the
usual prior, Jno. Walker.
BARGAIN Orennrn.—That eligible half
sore lot situate on the Southern portion of
Turnberry street, Brussels, will be dia•
posed of below cost. Very easy terms.
Write for particulars to JOHN HARGREAVES,
174 Queen at. West, Toronto.
WANTED.—Butter, dried apples, and
pottlbry. Highest priose. Largest
stook of dry goods, groceries, 'Emote and
shoos to select from G. E, Bloc, Wing•
if you ere thinking of baying an organ
it will pay you to Doll on R. Loatherdale
before yon buy. He oan save you 25 per
cent, Agent for the Bell and Goderioh,
Always a big Omit on band.
Werxan & Omen tetend getting in
stock for buggies in oar loads, This Will
be gooti for our ou5tomer5, as we will got
the best as therm as sonali dealers will hese
topay for bhe cheapest. Keep blowing.
Walkes & Smith.
ANooNE needing their saws put in
proper order had bettor bring them to
Saw filer AloGregor before ho leaves
Brussels, a8 he is likely to taste a' sial•
anon with the Saw and Saw Tool Mnk•
era, but will do saw filing and saw gum.
ming in Brussels for this Beason. T.
McGregor, saw -filer, Benneta, Queen
se East,
()Teethe in bulk at Criolt'e.
Onotci I3on Bone at Crich`e,
Tit cs 1 t 11 1 t
vNl and sa chats. W0 have t tot t
of ail icb 0. Lds bur
!li oda
We: entitle letteneee, sellers, boots and
slums neat and durably, I. 0. Mallards.
A 01111. wrtute a p1000 for Motor at
house work, Wages very rousonable,
Apply at this office.
FVeLre n t0 5au0 0 ca0 soft morn tvorit in.
shorter ii,n 0' O, ba, ni„Ley lbtttl any
oh +p in town fit Mir trade,
Wallise ds Smith,
GREAT Meso Orem—Send us the
names and addresses of three or more
performers on the piano or organ together
with ten cents in Over and we will mail
you ten places full sheet music, consisting
of popular songs, waltzes, marches, aro„
arranged for the piano and organ. Ad-
dress, Poror.tn MUSIC POD. Co., Indian.
apolis, Ind,
Batlesees Sermon Reretes.—Tendere
will be reoeivad up to 10 a. m, on Mon.
clay, Jan. Sret, for the carpenter work
necessary at the Publio School building.
The lowest or any tender not neeeeserily
accepted, Plans and epeoifleatious may
be seen et American hotel. All tenders
to be left with A. Kontem, Chairman of
Pooplo We H.31ow.
Roy Ainley is visiting at B,aevale.
Joe Ardell was in Toronto for a few
D. Ai, 5oott is home from Sarnia on a
Miss ,Panuie Hogg ane visiting in
Goo, Anderson, of At1431, Sitndayed
in Bruesels.
Mise Lizzie Cunningham 14 holidaying
at Streotsvillo,
Miss Olara Meadows is looms from
Loodow on a visit.
Miss Myrtle Nett is home from Porges
for a abort holiday.
Joe Bar via spent Christmas ab Preston
with his eaonsin."
Geo. Leckie, of Wroxeter, spent a few
days in town this week.
Jno. Pelton. and obildren Christmassed
with relatives in Brussels.
Mrs. Carter and daughter, of Blyth,
are visiting at liobb. Burns'.
Mre. Pickard, of Michigan, is visiting
her sister, Mrs. G. Thomson.
H. W. Farrow, mail clerk, spent Sun•
day at Postmaster Farrow's.
Thos, hoes, wife and eon, of Ohesley,
are visiting relatives in town.
Reg. Pletcher spent Christmas with
his grandparents in Luoknoty.
Miss Minnie Paul was a visitor at Vim
Soria Cottage during the past week.
Principal Cameron enjoyed a portion of
leis Ohristneas vacation 8,5 Luckuow,
Aliases Ellen and Babecca Hewitt, of
Hespeter, are home for a few holidays.
Alfred Deadman, wife and son, of Dela-
ware, spent Christmas at G. A. Dead.
Miss Laura Cluff, of Tborndale, is holi-
daying at Lawyer Sinclair's and J. D.
W. H. Willis, Mrs, Willie and Gerry,
of Seaforth,spent Saturday and Sunday
at B. Gerry's.
Mrs. E. Mabee, of Ingersoll, is visiting
her parents, Win. Ellis and wife, Gra-
ham's survey.
S. Y. Taylor, wife and children, of
Paris, ere holidaying at George Crooke',
Queen street,
Sidney Ware and Ashley Lowry, of
Loudon, were bolidoying here for a short
time this week.
Nies Riiia Hunter, who has spent
several months in Toronto, has arrived
baok bo Brussels.
Jas. Moore, student of Trinity College,
Toronto, was in town on Sunday renew.
ing old friendships.
Angus McDougall is home on a visit to
his parents. He expects to return to
Sault 5t. Marie shortly.
Will, and Mies Jennie Barley, of
Northville, Mich., are enjoying a visit el
W. Blasbill's, Mill street.
MLP. Jos Ballantyne, of Petrolie, is
visiting her parents in Grey township and
relatives and friends in Brussels.
Misses Teenie and Maggie Ross, of
Maliillop, were visiting for a few days at
Mrs. John Sinclair's, Prinoess street.
Angus Campbell ie monied the Liebe.
wel aleatric light and giving inetrnotione
to a local man who is to take charge.
Weil, Stewart, who has a position as
miller in an Oakville flouring mill, ate
his Christmas dinner with his parente in
Angus Smith, telegraph operator,
Queen street, has been quite ill for over a
week but is improving nicely we are
pleased rehear.
Barrister Blair, hire, Their end Wilfrid
spent the Christmas holiday in Goderioh,
in fent the two latter are still sojourning
in the 0o. town,
itIrs. Humphries and daughter and
Mies Olara Thompson, of Toronto, are
the guests of their sister, Mrs. James
Jones, Turnberry street.
le. G. Vincent, wife and children, of
Harriston, were holidaying in Brussels
and Morrie with relatives. They were
former residents of town.
Dr. Cavanagh, wife end children, of
Owen Sound, and Mrs, 0. E. Turnbull,
of Guelph, were visiting ab Rev. J. L.
Iierr's during the past week.
Ed. Hollinger, who has been with Jae.
Jones, jeweller, for several years, has
taken a position in Guenther'e jewelery
store ab Lietowel. Ho is a ooinpetenb
watchmaker and will render good ser-
vice to any employer.
We regret to hear that Alf. Williams,
of Gerrie, known to a good many Brus-
selite&, has been taken to the London
lunatic asylum for treattnent. It is to
be hoped the results anticipated will be
Afieses Grille, of Listowat ; Mirsoe
Maud end May Grills and brother Wil-
frid, of Herriaton ; Miss Bessie Wileon,
of Ilowiek, and Will. Lsatherdele, of Sea -
forth, were visiting at Oeunoillor
Loatherdale'e during the peat week.
Alias 1411tt Ainley met with an aooident
last Sabbath evening. While hanlliug up
some of hor wearing apparel in the bed.
room elle slipped and fell worm the foot-
board of I lie bedstead imitating what was
feared to he serious injury but wo ere
pleased to elate bloat she will noon be
round till eight.
' Robert Borns and wife, of Neepewa,
Mau„ are vieiting tut Hobert Berne'..
This strapping Manitobau is a, son of
our townsmen and has been in the West
for the peat 10 years. Prosperity has at-
tended him anti he is now the owner of
480 awn of flreb.e lase land from Which be
derives a geed revenem re took 250 bus.
hole of seed to put ileitis orop last Sprieg
1i e Mime bushels to
and hie t .t It B WOL'e�tibdat 18
the acre. Mr, and Mrs. Baena will visit
in thlitmotiorl tern mouth or et),
1)1(:. 31, 1897
ST,4•Ar , R.7) .JJ4XIC 1! 0,,N'4J)A,
•�:3T-e :712,,zwo:s=a
ASSETS, (Seven Million Eoliitrs) • 97,000,000
CAPITAL (Aath0rized) - 92,000,000
Agencies idea/principal points iiuOntario, Quebec, Manitoba, United States tO England.
glifig't�'11111 ' Jr dawn.
A General Banking 13tisiaoee Trausaoted, Fitriners' Notes Di000uuted,
Drafts Issued and Oolleotions made on all point&,
Interest allowed on deposits of 111,00 and upwards from dot of deposit to date o
withdrawal and compounded half yearly.
Every facility afforded Onetoiners living ata dietanoe•
Edna and Roy Pugh were holidaying
at Bluevale.
M. MoLennan, of London, was in town
on Thursday.
Mrs, Cleric, Grimoldby has gone to
Alton to visit relatives.
Mies Alicia Campbell, of Loudon, is
visiting hor parents in town.
Misses Annie and Beryl Pntland, of
Bluevale, were visiting in town.
Messrs. Sinolair and Blair are in Godo-
rioh attending to legal basiooss.
Miss Dennis, of London, in the guest
of Mrs. F. B. Sootb, Albert streob.
Ohas. Sager and wife were visiting ea
Preston and Galt during the past week.
Mies Sarah Code has gone to Trow-
bridge for a visit of a acuple of months.
Mrs. Win. Kneobtel has been quite ill
but we hops she will soon be eonvalesoent.
Ad, Hiugston, wife and ohildren, of
Seafortb, epeut Sunday at R. T. Hinge.
Mrs. Mooney, sr,, Mill street, was ishan
quite ill on Christmas day but is improv
ing now,
Misses Maggie and Mary Miller, of
Wroxeter, were visiting Mise Joan and
Mary Ross.
Charlie Blasbill, who is employed in a
furniture factory in Wingham, is visiting
in Brussels.
Charles Sheriff, of Toronto, wits call•
fug on old Mende in Brussels and local.
icy this week.
H. Z. Morden, of the Standard Bank,
Kingsbon, was here for a few days during
the past week.
Thos. Ford, who has been employed
near Guelph, is hero on a visit for a
couple of weeks.
Councillor Robb. Nott, of 'Gehenna,
Ohio, is enjoying a holiday visit among
his old friends in Breese/a.
Mrs. W. A. McEwen and daughters
left this week for Toronto en • route to
Winnipeg to join Mr. Mo1wen.
Mrs. hluokstep and Mrs. Wilford, of
Blyth, were visiting Mrs. F. Baines, 117111
street, on Wednesday of this week.
We are sorry to hoar that Cora, the
little daughter of Jas. Bell, is dangerously
ill with inflammabionof the lungs and
Will. Lowry, of London, was in town
for a few days. Rush of work is the shop
in which he is employed preoltded his
staying longer.
Stephen Stewart and wife, of Long-
wood, Ont., were guests at Wln, Blashili's.
Mr. Stewart is Mrs. Bleshill's brother.
Mies Flossie Blasbill returned with them
to Longwood on Monday for a visit.
Peter and Alexander Stewart, of North
Dakota, are here on a holiday visit.
They are sons of Alex, Stewart, Queen
street. Messrs. Stewart have dons well
in the West although neither of them has
yet seoured that greatest of earthly
treasuree—a good. wife.
OHURO!! C11131ES.
Birthday party in St. John's ohuroh
school room on Friday evening of next
Rev. Mr. Abey's texts last Sabbath were
II, Ohron. 19:27 and I. John 4:17, at the
morning and evening 'services respeobively.
Mrs. Vanstons entertained the Young
People et St. John's ohurob last Friday
evening in a most hospitable and enjoy-
able style.
Instead of the Young Peoples' service a
Watoh•night meeting will be held in Bb.
John's ohuroh on Friday night commenc-
ing at 1.1 o'clock.
"A Pilgrim Text for tba New Year"
will be the subject of discourse in Melville
ohuroh next Sabbath morning. In the
evening the theme will bo, ' The Vanish.
ing Years of Life."
The service will oominence each even.
ing at 7.30 o'olook and large congrega-
tions should be in attendance at mob of
the msebingo Preserve this list so as to
have the various topios fresh in your
memory by reference to them,
Last Sabbath afternoon short addresses
were given at the Methodist Sabbath
School by former -heathers in the persons
of W, Barbey, of Seafortb ; S. 13. Wilson,
of Parte ; and W, T. Mooney, of Indian
Head, N. W. T. They were welcome
Monday evening at the Epworth League
S. 33. Wilsou, Seoretary of the Y. M, 0,
A., Paris ; R, Maunders, of Albert Col-
lege, Belleville ; end W, T. Mooney, of
Indian Heed, N. W. T„ gave interesting
addresses on experionoea in their teepee•
tive walks of life.
At the service in St. John's ohuroh on
Christmas morning the iuoumbsnt preach-
ed a very suibable disoourse from Luke 2
and 15, "Let us now go eveit unto Betide.
hem and see this thing which has 00113010
pass,' The anthem "Behold I bring
you good tidings," was well sung by the
Servide mowing end evening in the
Methodist ohuroh, oonduoted by the pas-
tor, next Sunday. Morning topic, "Flow
to look at the Past ; evening, ',How to
look at the Futnre,' A Sunday School
and Epworth League Calendar for 1808
will be distributed to each family metre.
canted at the school in the afternoon.
In aonuedbion with the Christmas ser-
viette in the Methodist ohuroh last Bab.
bath morning W. II, and Mrs, Willis, of
Seaforth, sang a pretty doolt, "No room
in the Tun;' following Rev. Ms. Allin's
timely sermon on the "Lowly Christ,"
In the evening Alr, and Ales, Willis, Mise
E, E. Herr and Dr. Cavanagh sang "The
beet friend to have fs Jesse," With good
Yeast Sabbath morning Rev, Mr. Mees'
text was "God fotbid that I should glory
save in the erose of one Lord Jame
Ohrist," GM, 6118. Subject,' "Oht:Milan
Pilgrim's visions of the Orovs," I. Ito
elgnilioanoe. le lndioated a fuller and
clearer realizationof the meaning and
efficiency o) Chpiet's atoning death. II.
He effects, (1) It removed his burden,
separating it from him and burying it in
the sepolohre, (2) It excited hie ems.
tions, eaueiug both joy and sorrow. IIT.
Its accompanying blessings, Time were
received from the throe Shining Ones
who earth to hint at the Dross with a
commgifts•on greeting and separate individual
WEEK or Pmenn,—Next week will be
the Week of Prayse and union aervioee
will be held between the Presbyterian
and Methodist congregations of Brussels,
ae fellows :
TUESDAY 104011100, IN 1IELVILLE OHUlt08.
Subject—"Nations and their Rulers,"
Prayer : That all in authority may
recognize their responsibility bo God, theft
they may ban wisdom and courage for
righteousness, that the Lord's Day may
be reverenced ; bhst injustice, intemper•
ante and persecution may pease ; and
that forbearanoe, pesos and brotherhood
may be cultivated by all peoples,—Dan.,
xii. 1.4 ; 1. Thn„ if, 1.6.
WEDNESDAY, IN TEE 01101i0DI50 0000013.
Subjeot— "The Church Universal,"
Prayer : For clearer ao3 truer views of
the Spiritual nature of the Church, far
growth in the Spiritual life ; that all
ministers may be filled with te Spirit of
Christ ; and that true unity and fellow•
ship may be deepened and manifested.—
Eph. iv. 1.16 ; Rev. I. 12 20.
TH0BBDAY, IN 1100,0 LLE 0000050.
Subject—"Foreign llfieeions." Praise :
For the growth and development of the
missionary spirit, for great revivals, for
the cassation of poreeoutiong in Oping,
and other parts of the mission field.
Prayer : For the consecration of wealth
to the kingdom of Christ ; for faithful
missionaries, that all converts may be
established iu the faith and the mission
mum receive a new baptism of blessing.
—Psalm if. ; Rom. x. 6 21.
013133/O, IN THE AIET1000050 cinemOH.
Subject— "Families and Bohools."
Prayer : For the maintenauoo of family
prayer and of the sacredness of the mar-
riage tie, for the home life, and for the
training in the family, in schools, Col-
leges and Universities.—Joshua xxiv.
14-22 ; Psalm exssili. ; Col. iii. 14 to iv. 1,
The town of Galt has a dellen of 91,-
800 in this year's amounts.
The local option bylaw was repealed
in Parry Sound by a majority of 05.
A young son of W, R. Peck, of Chat-
ham, was drowned in the river while
RsoNpnn,—In Grey, on Deo. 10th, the
wife of Mr. 1. M. Rayoard of a
AEalstroaTH.—In Ethel, on Deo. 201b, the
wife of Mr, Joseph Hemsworth of a
'Molege—Rose.—At Fairview, Brussels,
the residenoe of the bride's father,
on Tuesday, Deo. 28th, 1897, by Rev.
Juo. Ross, B. A., of Brussels, assist-
ed by Rev. 1?. B. Molise, of Oran -
brook, Mr. Angus M. McNay to Mies
Ellett, daughter of Mr. David Ross,
all of Brussels.
Hoau—Mescal.—Io Morris, at the resi-
dence of the bride's father, on Wed-
nesday, Deo. 29b11, 1897, by Rev.
Juo, Ross, 13. A., of Brumaire Mr.
Joseph Hogg to Miss Mary, daughter
of Mr. John Macon, both of Morris.
ATs0DOWs—MOMren sus—In Brussels, on
Wednesday, Deo. 29th, 1897, at the
residence of the bride's father, by
Rev. John Rose, B. A,, Mr. John W.
Meadows to Miss Emily J., daughter
of Mr. Geo. McMillan, both of Brute
BTAlin—SonTIL—On Wednesday, 29th
inst., by Rev. S. J, Allis, assisted by
Rev. W. A, Smith, S. T. L., at the
family reeidenoe of rho bride, Town-
ship of Grey,Mr.Loftus Time. Stark,
of Smitten], to Miss Bella A.,
second daughter of the fate Meretlen
Aleatee—NAusmuo,.—At the residence of
the bride's parents, on Deo. 20th, by
Rev. W. S. Rigsby, Mr. John Mo.
Call, of Hoiyrood, Bruce Go., to
Mies Borah E,, daughter of Mr. Win,
ate terra semz w S.r4.1v1r`:711'I'1,
Fall Wheat 82 82
Barloy. 25 25
44 44
Oats .. 24 24
Butter, tubs and voile .., 1d 14
Eggs per dozen 18 14
Flour per barrel.....,, 4 00 4 50
Potatoes (pet bag) 40 50
Hay per ton 5 00 5 00
Hides trimmed 5e
Hides rough. 5 00
Salt per bbl., retail.,1 00 00
Sheep shine,saoh 40 49
Lamb skins eeoh..... 95 26
Bogs, Live 4 50 4 60
Dressed Hogs 6 60 5 60
Appies (per bag) .... , . , . 50
Peas ..................
050101800105 bl pig, n oil 1 'ear,
2e. Apply to ii. 11141000, 1lrnasel8,
1cm4 011130011gago PA, G per cont, yearly.
A. Wen trot, BY't100010.
�� OUSE FOR ALE, -'-600D
lienee and let lie 3,I, l le fm' snit.
Per potential% romly to W. ILltBiBit,13the°
sols, 011 it. O, feteedelelli , Wingbaiu.
ix' �q� Stoftr' ;'
Toilet Caoe&,
Work Boxes,
Necktie Boxes,
Mizpalt Oases,
Glove & Ilandker•
obis! Sets,
Photo. Cases,
Fountain Peus,
Jewel Cases,
Photo. Venetos,
Perfume Sete,
Photo, Albums,
Qollarand Cull Roo,
Ink Stands,
Manicure Sets,
At., tee.
Owing to the groat reduction in the
prise of Celluloid Goods this Beeson we
are offering some exceptionally good
values in the above linos.
Wo also have an humaneo stook of
Picture Books, Story Books,
Ernes Oaths, Toys, Done,
Games, Hymn Books, Bibles,
Poets, Booklets,
Chatterbox, 00o,, Young Oauada, 91.0)
See our Speaking Dolls at 20o,
We have also received a very choice
line of Perfumes from the very beet
French end American makers, specially
suited for the Eolidny season.
Colne in end see our stook befor,,
purchasing elsewhere, and be your own
judge of the prices we ask
A r -•
Fox's Drug Store.
Tbo undersigned' offers his comfort-
able holtee aad { acro of lams, more or les..+,
situate Corner of Queen and Albert retreat,
Bt'nesejs, tor sale. All the conveniences,
such as good cellar, woodshed, well, fruit
trees, etc. Por partloulare as to price and
terms apply to
GEORGE L OW RY, Proprietor,
28-tf • Brussels P. O.
The undersignedoffer two 109 sore •
farms for sale at reasonable prices. The lots
are Roe, 10 and 11, Oou. 0 (Sunshine), tem
sitlaroatl between them. Good brink hoaeo
and barn on lot 11, and house and 2 barns On
lot 10. Orchards and all ineoe5eary oonvo0'-
iewoes. Well watered and suitable for grain
Or grazing, 100 acres now in. grass. Will be
sold either Separate or together to suit pur-
chaser. Terms of payment reasonable. Im-
mediate to possession. 0T 1400, Brussels, P. C.,
or E. L. DIC1t1N8011, Barrister, Wingltam,
sale sod bo rani, oaay tormshas several g in Parma ipsr
of Morris and Grey. 6' S. BCOTT,Brnsso:e
(.31,00D FAl10I FOR SALE
near Brussels. Great bargain, Lott
Con. 0, Grey township. .Good buihlinga au_I
orchard, well watered, suitable for mixed or
dairy fanning. Possession given ue::t
March, with prm./legs of doing/Pall plotvfug,
of t ti io3IAs H701trzi.G .
London West,
—100 acres of good farm land at
Springfield, 8 miles from Winnipeg, is offer-
ed for sale at slow prloo. The property is
North 'Cast t 000.10, Twp. 11, Mango 4, Each,
There is a helm on the premises and some
breaking done. P'er full particulars au to
price, title, 40., write Or apply to
G,F, BLAIS, or W. Ii:EBR,
20.08 Brussels, Ont.
31sNT,-911e "mderaignod offers his
eligible 04 acre lam for solo or to
rent; being South parb of Lot a, Ooncer•
sion 12, Grey, All under cultivation, veil
watered and well fenced. There is a good
stone house, bank barn, orchard, wells,
on the premises. Also a eploudid stone
quarry from which a good revouuo is realiz.
ed. Only 26 miles from Brussels. Terms
reasonable, For farther particular's as to
prlee, &o., apply to
J01300 16IIT013ELL, Proprietor,
9n.0. Gf Brussels P. 0,
Consisting of tale South 13 nod South 14
of ibe North t of Lot 80, Con 2, ]Best Wawa.
nosh. This i8 au excellent stook farm,boing
well supplied with good spring water, It is
situated about 0 miles from the thriving Vil-
lage of Blyth. A largo part of it is uncial!
grass. Buildings and renes are in a fair
state of repair. Easy terms otpayment will
be given, For all information apply to
11-tf G. P. 13LAI1t, Barrister, Brussels,
M. D,, 0. M., suo0osser to Dr, A, Melieivey,
Licoubiet° et Royal College of Pb oloteio
anal Surgeons Megaton 1 Member of the 001 -
lege of Physietane and Surgeons of Ontario.
Disoasoe of Welnell and children a epeoialty,
/eight years' experience, t: Ofiiee and val.
mance that forrnorly occupied by Dr. Me.
liolvoy,R'nraborry street, Brussels, - 20.
1S. D., 0, M., Trinity Uniyereity, Follow TrIn.
icy Medical Osllogo, Motubor College of VW -
Billions and Surgeons, Ont. Xbesabiateof tie
dibtdand MiwferyEinbugGh, SO Licentiate
Na,14, li,saitlonoe, Mill Si., Brussels,
OH. F. H. K BF11 AS�IH
BR��iiaf 16�Hti94Ji'Ay
1110000IA14, 80110100N AND .ecoOnOIinno,
Sat Mass Nome Graduate of the Unlvorej.
ties of Trinity (Toronto), Qnoen'ri (1{in shoo,)
the of Trinity Method Renege; Velum or
'trinity lfedioat College and mombor.of the
Collage of Phy5ioions and Surgoons of Outer-.
io, Post Graduate
Rout b Detroit and
Mingo, nee. Sph'os attentionpaidtodie•
eases el Bye, Ear, mea andThroat,and ue-
easoenf Wonion, i 'Consult at res 1n Dn -
lieli and G olwau, To00phono at residence,
xrynot g,, 1s pre of the voa5 .lo
Veterinary (;chose, e5 prepared to ' e •a.
debOslb s of Ann es l oobi,'. lar alis lit' a o0,,
about manner, Petttunlsr attention peel
a yoretsuary clenttseryy. • calla promtlyy. a
emoted to. 'Gilio°u,n 1011rmary—Ptofii'dorre
north of biltlgo '1 ni'nieo'ry set, Br'npspfpt