HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-12-31, Page 5Dti:o. 31, 1897 LEGAL Al CONVEYANCING Cellose-111eu. J. Duffield dulled her _--:� danghtcr, Mrs, Truth, in laoiulonj thio week, -R. J. Swan, of Mosley, opted Cltfstmas in town.. -Mies LOGOS Orr is the guest of her Sister, Mos, J. S. Bor. den, -Earnest Uanimpnd eland Christ. mag in Port Buren, --Arthur and Mee. Stewart, of Ilurrieton, and Geo. Stewart, of Woodstock, are visaing under the parental root, -Niue Vernon end Mies Salter, of Parkhill, are the waste cif Mee. 8. Grierson,--Mrs,J, 1). Gadder( and S. A.. and Mrs. MoLean, of Lneltnow, spent Christmas with John 111uOreeken a c'wile,B , - n n I luevnlo roil. Jnlh Oollhls spent Clidetmas in Mount Forest. -Will, Fyfe, who has been teaching near Xin. outline, is spending the holidays at his home here. lie will intend RIneardine, Oollegiete institute text year.-Mre. Jas. MOManns epent a few clays in Kinonrdine this week as the guest of her sister, Mrs, Wm. Drew. -John Reby has moved into town from the lunation. -J. H, lieeooke, of Para, is spending e few days with his family here. -Thee. Hamlin and wife, of London, spent Christmas with Mr. and Dirs. Crombie Dallas, -A. Birkby GIf- ford spent Christmas under the parental roof at Lesea Centre.-Mre, Hunter le the guest of her daughter, Mrs, (Rev.) W. Lowe, at the Rectory, -Charles Smith, of Listowel, spent Christmas under the parental roof. (DNTItsrne» Pen zAST winett ) Mrs. J. E. Swerts is vieiting in Clinton, ltobt, MaIudoo'entertained his Sunday school class at his home nu Monday even. ing last. Miss Orr left on Saturday for Oali• fornia, where she intends upending the Winter with her nephew, Dr. Caesar. Thos. Hemphill and Miss Lottie ,Brawn, of Wroxeter° were in town on Tuesday evening. One of the finest windows in town is at Colin A. Campbell's dung store. it is worth going miles to see. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Galbraith, of South Bend, Indiana, aro spending the Christmas holidays ae the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Galbraith. R. 0. Sperling arrived home on Mon• day evening from Manitoba. He is look- ing well, likes the country, and will peobably go oat again in the Spring. Ernest 13. Smith, student of Huron 001 - lege, London, who supplied the pulpit in St. Paul's church two years ago, has been appointed to take the Summerhill circuit temporarily. The annual Christmas, entertainment of St. Pall's ollureh Sunday school was be held last Tuesday evening. It will begin with a sleigh ride, followed by re. freshmeute and conclude with a good lit- erary program. Loonies OnaPTlatt,-Tee regular meet. ing of Lebanon Ohapter, No. 86, R. A. M., was held on Tuesday evening, and the following officers wereeleoted : Z., H. E. W. Tamlyn ; H., Joe. Golley ; J., T, L. Jobb ; Treas., J. E. Tamlyn ; S. E., J. A. Morton ; B, N., J. R. Munshaw ;, P. S., J. S. Borden ; S. S., Thos. Gregory ; J. S., J. D. Nichol, Lucknaw ; Jan„ J. Plenty ; auditors, Jno, Oornyn and J. R. Mnnshaw. Penson as.-Aethur Velem, of Tees. water, spent Sunday in town. -David Totten, of Teeewater, was in town on Sunday. -A number of young met of town attended the social at G. E. Wil. eon's saboel, Gienfarrow, on Friday even ing of last week. -Mies Etta Rush left on Friday of last week for a month's visit with friends in London. -Mies Annie El. Nutt returned on Saturday from en ex- tended visit with her eieler in London. - T. IC. Powell and Andrew Jobb served their country as jurors as Goderioh last week. -Mr. and Mrs. John Beethaner, of Wroxeter, were in town on Saturday. - Wm. Moore, of Toronto, is spending the Christmas holidays with his parents, Thou. Moore and wife. Mee Lizzie Moore, who has been visiting in Toronto, returned with him.-Mre. (Dr.) Cunning- ham, of St, Thomas, is the guest of her parents, Thos. Hessian and wife, -J, J. Elliott, V. S., of Clifford, was in town on Tuesday. The following is the result of the regular weekly written examinations held in the first department of the publio eohool during the tpast two months. Subjects, arithmetic (twice), algebra, Enolid, physics, geography, book-keeping and grammar. The star denotes the number of examinations from which suoh pupil Was absent. Primary clove, possible 900-N. Beckett, 837 ; O. Welsh, 825 ; i(; McDonald, 684 ; *J, McKinlay, 646 ; H. Ansley, 590 ; J. Reading, 572 ; J. Cummings, 521 ; H. Miller, 518 ; *M. Forbes, 502 ; E. McGuire, 486 ; *S. Gordon, 233. Leaving class, possible 860 -Geo. Ansley, 781: dtao. Grey, 721; Olive Moore,639'Vids IIieoock e 198 8 Ehel Rinegove 617 ; *Andrew Gray, 617.; Jon Stewart, 600; Maud Walsh, 579 ; M. MoGilhvray, 576 ; 0. Jenkins, 558 ; *Etta Kerr, 518 ; **P. Fisher, 500 ; E. Patterson, 476 ; Roy Forster, 436 ; H. Ender, 418 ; Geo. Johnston, 410 ; DI. Pattison, 897 ; Morris Rose, 374 ; **Jos Hodgson' 825 ; **H. Cur, 809 ; *N. Blackwell, 810 ; W. Gillespie, 299; *E. Button, 278 ; **J. McKinley, 251 *R. Gordon, 247 ; *R, Wileon, 288 ; ***E, Graeey, 206 ; **A. Bodeen, 138 ;_ ***M. Begley, 116. Al, 6 .N'JLAIB, 33 E1tIsmlili er, Cony eyanuor Asotary Pah. *, a, u1:aua 's lino 00 cd llotel, Solicitor for tlno v r * Rola' lla, de, Dab north of Cant fitandaanl Ball MG. ! A;.1EJ ON, • (I?o neiy of t'emerau, Bolt Je Oumoron,) ha Aster and )ioiietor, Godei'leb, Out. (Moe-''Lynniltoca 61, Op oette Col borne hotel F. LAIR, BAI8BISTEB, • Sol hto von (late of G rt owProndfoot, Moo, Clodllah,) 11 Ullloo over Gillies ds find lis Bauk, lit'uesels, Money to owl. '(7 BUS MESS CARDS. H. lo(71BAOREN, 1 �riu rLieonses. 011l 0 at his m 'oX.tut . � Y . Isom 1 g •title Gr000rl lurubocry street, Brussels. N. B .BRBTT, door Tons( tel try Artist. Shop-Nest0 �. s south of A. AL drone & Oo's hardware eters. Ladies'avd Oh ilreus hair cutting a specialty SOBER f CUNNINGHAM Ellis AND MARINE, GUELPH. T. °=L,ETOHER, Issuer of Marriage Lloenses, Oniric A'r Juwanux Slone, t °No Witu is Required. P. FLETCHER, Brussels ALEX. 7' UNT11111, mark o the Fourth Division Cour Co. Huron, ,ouveyanoer, Notary Pnblte Land, Loan 1• d u5urone 1 Agent. funds invested and o loan. collections nude OJnee in Grab 1,'n Moak, Ermine's rriROs. A IOAWItiNS, 1 Will giv ler Ions to unpile either on piano or ergo' at nig Music broom, opposite the post•oilios Brussels. Vocal lessons also given. Wen a ie experience in teaching. Terme `S,Ys:CE Will issue ti cots in Cau.•'hu from Canada to Dotroi "ort Flo en, Suspension Bridge, N ;ata Falls, Slaok Rock and Buffalo fo C�SR1ST1dAS ,1,d NEW ;?ESR at Single ;it'st-C:ass Fare Going De, ?dth and tet ,, returning until Deo. 27th. G ng Deo. 8101 and iTan. let, 00. turning until in. 8rd. Single First' Ian Fara and Ono -Third Goin Doc Lard, 25th and 2851, returning until-DDeo. 0011'. Going Doe. 80111, Slat and Jan. 1 seturninu until Jan. ltl•. Students ,11. teacbers (with esrtidoates,) Fare, and 1,e -Third going Deo. 10110 to Slat.'raft: ling until Jan. 18111, 1805. Oommerc .1 t ravellore, Single Ordinary Fare, Dec .8t'. to 25th, returning until Jan• 8rd. :n Canada only.) 3, N. I 3NDALL, Agent, Brussels. GEO. .E 3D, " Ethel. al ttriCt tteit5, Pin _l artzrl- Mrs. Nixo spent Sunday in Belgrave. M. Beckwi h has a new delivery sleigh. Miss Arne' •t Netterlield epeut Sunday in Lneknow. A elating ink will be opened on the river'this W .,ter. Mr. and Ars. Jesse Button spent Sunday in 1 eewater, Mr. and AI e. Thompson, of Luoknow, were in town on Tuesday. Jae, R. We ,de is at Cargill, measuring timber for 11 (Union Furniture Co, While sin .ing John Wilson's horse, Walter Beld n had a bone in his hand broken by tb animal rearing and strike ing him wit, its fore foot. While woo .ing the buzz sew at the factory A. E Li•pyd had the little finger of hie right ,1,d eat off and the next badly Mona id. The wounded member is doing tic' y. Ounnen N ens. -Last Sunday was re- view day in he Methodist and Presby- terian resby- te tn Sundt schools -Service was per. formed in S. Paul's ollureh on Christmas day at 10.80 , In, Specie] music was rendered.-( ,m neuoing next Sunday Rev. D. Per a v411 deliver a five minute ahiidron's se non followed by a children's hymn, to ta: plane immediately before the regular' ormiing service. -A Christ. mos enterta'..melt was held in the Bap. Met churl c 1 Thursday of last week and was heartly njoyod by the young people of the Bund v 0011001. As 1 Mx, rooter. -It is among the probabilities ,f the next few months that Rev. E. W. ashes, of St. John's church, Tilscnburg, a•nle0ly of ilt. Paul's ohorcti, Wiagham, v d 1,o to tbe Klondilie, Mr. Hughes it a :ions that the chetah whin he so ably r recants should be well to the front in 111:71, for the welfare of the crowds who ill flock there this Spring, and feels th, new is the time when men who have tb true missionary spirit are needed. He has had u good deal of experience a ong miner' in England and lumbermen Canada, and is a vigorous and robust r r1, who ie not afraid of rotighfng it. A, 0.13. .-tat the regular meeting of A. 0. i7. '., No. 186, Wiugham, the following o:•,cers were .looted for the ensuing yea. •--4laster 1•: orktnan, A. H. Musgrove; teo,.Sec, R. Vanetone; Foreman, G ', Walker ; /veneer, Thos, Boll; Final ler. C N G:iflin ; l8eoeiver, J. W. Walk ; Guide, W. Carruthers ; Inside Wal h, W. Fr :ton ; Ontelda Watch, Sat t anstone , Grand Lodge representati. ', J, W. W ,flier ; alternate delegate, S. .'Tamlyn ; Auditor, J. Van Allen; jani 5, Robt, Weir, Tbie lodge meets the tl 'el Friday in every month fa the hall over Mason's Zook. The memberohiy a 8U. PERSONALS -T, 13. and loIrs. McAndrew and F, A. G Shore 09011', Ohristmas in Stratford. re.MoAndrew will remain for a tweet(' visit. -Ii, B. and MCA, Elliott spun 01 "istmau In In ersoIl Il. Ohamnbere,1 :omen of the Times, spent Ohriotmae A lis bon„ in Igggorsoll.- Mrs, Site a 1 Mee Flo, ones Sille Spent Obrietniae t., Seaforth,--A. 13. Ind Mee' Musgrove are spending the holidays in maxim* tla. Barry Beattie, of Mine Centre, Meni- toba, is home ou a visit to his father, Jas. Beattie, W. Betjiune, who beide the position of pUr0eron the steamer, Manitoba, i5 home foe his vacation, The hockey club has made arrange- ments with the curling and skating society for the 1158 of the rink this Winter. The boys will praotioe from six to seven - thirty o'elook on Monday, Friday itnd Saturday evenings. These playere will likely be seen on the ice this year ;- Brown Jaokeon, Hayden Williams, G. M. Baldwin, W. Hawksbaw, Harry W. Cresswell; Louie Reuse, Tudor Jaokeon, Douglas Willow", John Jackson, H, Rano• lord and F. F. Loosemore, Ono of the saddest deathe it has been our painful duty to record for some time, 10 that of frank Anderson, which wear - ed on Wednesday afternoon of last week after a sheet illness. Me. Anderson tools sink about three weeks ago with typhoid fever and was getting along nicely, being pronenuoed out of danger, when contrary to the advice, of his modioal attendant he SAMBA from his bad, and in doing so zap. tared a blood vessel in hie heart, which caused death in about half an hour diter' wards, Mr. Anderson was in his 92od Mr and was highly esteemed by a host of friends in Gown and vicinity, who will learn with the deepest Borrow of his un. timely end, The deoeassd was married about four years ago to Mise Ilary 23ar,. ton, who, with One child, is left to mourn loss, 'lie warped 41, the lin(abiu); d partn10nt at the Broisla, 11 y )lux l'.1 1,1 taro k'aotory and his fellow we. km will sadly bliss him, 0e his brl'ht And gonial mannermade him 10 speelal favorite with them, lie ,1100 belonged to the fire brigade and wee a ,nembsr of the A. 0, 1'', • The San of !net week says -On Thurs- day evening at the reel,leaoe of ":he Psiu- olpal of the Pabilo echool, J,, L. Mob'aul, the teachers of the staff tendered Mons Elder, who is resigning, an address and present, which was a beautiful 5 o'aleeh tea service. The addroes was woad by Dirs. Coulter and the principal made the presentation on behalf of the whole staff. Short speeches were made by Dr. MoKay, L. L. Mani and othsrs, in which the many good qualities of the recipient and tbe esteem in which she is held by these whose eceoeiato she lads been for several years, were brought out and Prinoipnl paiefa thigh compliment to Mien Elder ae a tanner. Occasions lilts 11]s, after long and pleasant assoofations, have always a, Pertain amount of regret in them. In i this ease, if Dame Rumor be cornet, wishes of "joy" will aeon be in order 05 wishes of "Godspeed" wore on Thursday evening, The usual weekly meeting of the Sea. forth Literary and Debating 'moiety was held in the aounoil chamber on Tuesday evening of laet week. After routine bust. Imes was disposed of the Mock Parlia- ment, wbioh had been arranged for was walled to order, the ohabinet ministers 00- eupyiog the treasury benches as follows : Primo Minister, Thos. G. Hays ; Trade and Oommeroo,.R. J. Macdonald ; Seo- retary of State, W. D. McLean ; Minister of Justice, J. L. Killoran Marine and Fisheries, S. G. Stone ; lblilitia and De. fence, R. E. Jaokeon ; Postmaster Gener- al, W. H. Baker ; Agrioniture, D. Mo. Donald ; Public Works, A. McKay ; Finance, Ins. Irving ;• Railways and Canals, John A. Jackson ; Interior, W. McLaughlin ; Solicitor General, Dr. Bethune ; Customs, F. G. Neeiin : In. land Revenue, Goo. A. Aitzel. After reading of the speech from the throne by the Governor General (31 Rankin), the election of a Speaker was proceeded wit,, when 0. L. Schmidt was the unanimous choice of the house. 'VV roxe ter. Will. Sanders, of Lynden, spent Xmas wi'h hie friends here, Geo. Dane and wife, of Hamilton, 0pr at Xmas in town. The Sous of Scotland are arranging for a concert here in the near future, Miss Jessie Gibson, of Goderioh, is the guest of her sister, Yrs. F, V. Dixon. Geo, Town and wife, of Wingham, sp'int the Xmas holiday at the Gofton Hoose. Dr. W. Graham, of Toronto, paid a flying visit on professional business here last week. 1). M. Walker, of Niagara Falls 001- legiate Institute, arrived here for visit Met Monday evening, The Misses Elliott, of Chesley, and Miss Turnbull, of Grey, are the guests of Mrs. 0. Smith here. Thos. Gibson, M,P,P., returned to hie Parliamentary duties after spending the Xmas holidays at home. Alex. Ross, of Brussels Post Office, at- tended the Christian Endeavor meeting here last Sabbath evening. The shouts of the skates. and wider are hoard resounding from the rink every night now a -clays, barring Sundays. Wes. Paulin and Alex. Brook, of old "Silver Maple" base ball fame, ars spend• ing the holidays under their respective parental roofs.' The Misses Miller and Sanders and Messrs. Gibson sang with great accept- aooe at Hotobisou's school concert on the 22nd inst. There are 8 or 4 young men here who are spoiling for the lack of a chance to debate. Efforts are being made to ar- range ons with Belmore. The young ladies Literary and Dram. able Club gave a sleighing party to their gentlemen friends on Monday night last and a good time was spent of course. The annual anniversary services 05 the Presbyterian church will be held on the 2nd Sabbath of January, when the Rev. Dr. Somerville, of Owen Sound, will preach. The tea meeting, will be held as usual on the Monday night following when Dr. Somerville will give one of his popular Lectures, David Sanderson, of this neighborhood, is now agent of this district for the Massey Harris Coy. in place of Andrew Sotheran, of Fordwioh, who has been made a geueral agent with headquarters at Harriston, The Company have a hustler in the person of Mr. Sanderson, who is well and favorably known in this locality, and who has already won his spurs in this line of business. Grey Council Meeting, Council met at the Township Hall on Dao, 15th, pursuant to adjournment, Members were all present except Mr. Lindsay ; Reeve in the obair. Minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed, Andrew Pollock applied for a refund of Statute labor charged against him in the Collector's Roll, and produced a certificate from the Pathmastor stating that the work had boon performed after the road list had been returned to the Clerk. Moved by Wm. Brown, seconded by Robt. Livingston that Mr. Pollock be granted a debenture for the amount eh,tt'ged on the Roll, -Carried, In the matter of the petition of Samuel Hog. gard and othere to have the street known RE Bolton Avenue, Grahame Survey, opened up, the Reeve reported that ho had examined the premises and stated that 11e slid hot think it necessary 10 open 111 street as it would be no benefit to any person at present. Mr. Ellis was present, and after bearing what he had to say in the matter, it was moved by Jas, Turnbull, seoondecl by Wm. Brown that no notion bo taken.--Oarried. Pati• Mon of A, 0. Dames and 28 others pray- ing for a grant of $10.00 per month Inc. iue( the Winter months to Peter MoDon. ell and family who' aro in destitute oiroumstanoes. Move4 by Win. Brown, mended by Robt. Livingston that the sure of 48,00 por mouth bo granted for 5 menthe from this date,-darired, Messrs. Turnbull and Brown reported having examined rho side road between lots 40 and 41, eon. 1, with a view to having said road opened tip, and esbfuiat. ed rho cost 01 making the road passable for' teams'.kn., at about 4260.00, and they recommended the opening up of the said road by the Condi at their earliest convenience. bylaw No, 112 was read over three tines and passed. The fol. lowing coconuts were preented, viz. ;-w• THE BRtJSSft;r,$ McDonald, lowlier for culv'0't,, 51 1( 7 Rohl,. Thompson, wire fees,' lob Z., c, . 2,92613; 10,91,'3ltu(up1011, repairin'; ap• 910/0011 to bridge, lot 50 0011, 1, 91,00 ; .1)auaan u:Donnld, gravel, 811,80 ; Juo. Meiklejohn, repairing mail serape', 41 511; Jas, 111°0ellum, gravelling on boundary Grey and Wallace, Croy share, ^118,75 Andrew Pollock, refund Statuf, labor, charged on (collector's Roll, $4.0.8; Jas, Wilson, digging award 011011 on Toad, lot 26, eon, 3, 557.75 ; Cleo, Elliott, gravel. 84,40 ; Daviel Shine, gravelling ou bound. at'y Croy and Biala, can, 14, $7.84 Albert Whitfield, repairing culvert at tut. 25, con. 12, David Brown, °louring knell off road, lot 33, con. 17, and Riling 11 (adverb, $2.00 ; Hartwell Speiran, gravel, 95 04 ; Goo. Spoiled', opening up gravel pit, lot 28, con, 14, 48.00 ; Oliphant b,nith, repairing culvert and cutting stumps, mud half web of wire /once at lot 6, con. 5, 40.05 ; Jae, Ferguson, gravel, $1.20 ; 111'iahasl Mullin ; gravel $1,20 ; Alex. MoNair, postage and stationery, 62.14 ; Thos, Strachan,. olothingfor Allan Lamont, and sending hind to House of Refuge, 820.00 ; John Bishop, ditch at lot 2, con, 4, $2,60 ; Wm, Riley, stone for npproaoh to bridge at lot 4, con, 12, 63.00 ; J.R. Ball, ditch at lot 4, con, 8, 410,28 ; Thos. Jackiin, gravel 72e ; Peter Barr, gravel, 80.08; Hugh Elliott, error in school tax, 700 ; Robt, Bell, advert lot 5, con, 4, 42.25 ; Jae. Bishop, oulvert at lot 8, con.. 6, 48.30 ; Wm. Hoy, ditch at lot 8, con. 6, $40.00 ; John Lowe, wire fence on side road 2, con. 5, 48.93 ; Tae. Oaldey, gravel, (i T Y,i;10' ,John 1)+ 1'hert,y, cleaning dit'•l1 ,111, o'1,,. 1 ., 1') 00 ; John Rogue, I ugioc•cr"," espeliscs, 1)itch801OUd Watur. a,ul,e,: Act, 6151.00 ; (;has. Qtuorongee. see, balance 111 timber f.1,' culverts, 4'211 ; Peter MOIh uttld, chul•ity 68 007 john Greig, gravel. 43.20) ; Thos. Strnuhan, for attending to Cloned business, 876 ; Jae, Turnbull, attending to Council busiueoe, 1917; Wm, Brown, do, ';:i6 ; Jos. Lind. say, cls., 41 ; ii;ut, bIvlugoton, do., $4a" ; A. DloNair,14 sbalary as Treaouror, 9)0) ; Wm. Spence, entry as Cleric, 8100, attending to Ditches and Woe. annruen Act, 480, neleoti y, jurors, 04.00, postage and '1941ti0nory lo ' year, $20.00 ; Phos. Strachan and A. Reymann Dash 4100 for selecting juror) ; John Cardiff, Joint fltevart, Wni. ltfitchell and Won, Hponee, east 40,00 ensiling to Board of Health Mosinee:" ; Thos. Strachan, Board of Health business, $4.01 ; 'Thos. Chap. man, taking care of Township Hall, 416,00 ; Won. McNair, error in dog tax, Treasurer of McKillop, Grey share of wont done on boundary Grey and Mo. Kiliop, 418.75 ; Thos. S eveuson, gravel, 015.02 ; Daniel Cooper, gravel, 831 12 ; Mrs, Steele, remission of taxes, ' 91 ; :Tenet McIntosh, taxes remitted, 93 21 ; Mary Jana Carr, taxes remitted, $219 ; Thomas ht. Armour, inspecting ditch eontraot lot 30, cone. 11 and 12, 44,00 ; W. IL Kerr, balance of Irintiug contract, 914,28, MoVed by Wm, Brown, second. ed by Robt. Livingston that the above a00ounts bo paid. -Carried. Connell then edjonrusd-sime die. War. So'zxcr, Clerk. our many customers for their kind patronage during the past year we still extend the invitation to visit us often before and during the Holiday season. We have • the Best quality of mas 2'.rceries61 also Fowl, Butter and Eggs. USEFUL XMAS PRESENTS for both old and young. We can supply you with Heavy Winter Goods, Furs, Boots and Overshoes. Everything Cheap. _ m:10y prices. January Fashien Sheets and Patterns to hand, A Merry Xmas to ,11,-' 3tar a . � , Garfield Roeser Garfield House, Are under the thumb of'no Wholesale House, and we are here to stay in spite of all predictions to the contrary. No use for us to state we have been doing a rushing trade, our large stock and low prices assure that. OW with the addition of the Harriston stools we are in a still better position to cater to your wants. Wo have neither the time nor space to give you a long list of prices, but there are Bar- gains upon Bargains hers. �d111C�IC]Ci THIS WEEK FOR THE XMAS TRADE. t1 >l3'il Our Cold -shedding Overcoats and wind -resisting Suits are selling—the prices will take the shiver out of the cold, bleak winds of a Canadian Winter. Men's and Young Men's Suits, your pick of ,,x, 5,00, worth $8.00 and $9,00. • Overcoats for $3, $4, Sf5, and $6.50, worth $6, $7, 19 and $10. Youths' and Boys' Suits and Overcoats proportionately Low. Why pay more motley when we can fit you in tho very latest Sunday-go.to•nieoting, see -your -best -,girl outfits at prices that defy competition. Don't overlook tho fact that we have over 1000 pairs of Men's, Women's, Boys' and Girls' Boots and Shoes now in stock and they are being sacrificed at 60c, on the $ of original price, Butter and Eggs taken salve as Cash, ci FO a., @l The Christmas mall is over, and we have i,ad the 111001 satisfactory trade in o111' experience. The end of the your is app,•oaahing and we must prepare for Stooktak. ing, Every vestige of Winter goods mast be cleared out, and no hatter at what sacrifice. We will curry no goods over when they are offered at prime like these Men's heavy Frieze Meters, high storm collar, half holt, tweed lined, 8(003(1 pockets, dark and light adore, sires from 60 to 94, regular price 40, reduced to ..,4 4 Men's bleak Beaver Overcoats, tweed linings, velvet collar, sizes 37 to 40, regular price 49, now .. 6 Boys' Ovoreoate to Tweeds and Frieze from $1.05 to 4 We have a few Ladies' Mantles and Jackets in blank and brown Bea. ver, blank Niggerboad, brown Frieze, ,eta, ; all new German make, all this year's goods, which we will sell at about half price to clear, pricesfromn 43.60 to 10 Woo4Shooting, yard wide, worth 3190. for heavy Wool Tweeds, worth 750. for Heavy Tamed Deese Goode, double 190 fold, worth 260. for .. . Plaid Dress Goods, 80 inches wide, worth 180, for 95 Ladies' all wool Ribbed Hose, worth 850. for 00 Men's lined ,fid Gloves, two but tons, worth 75o. for Men's Wool Soaks, worth 180,, 2 pairs for Men's Top Shirts, dark colon, worth 75o.foe Men's Underwear, lambs' wool, 00 worth 81.00 for All other Winter geode will be sold at equally low prices. interesting during the next two weeks, �9 IINON • 25' 50. 19 12 26 • 50 25 50 75 Wo will make prides BLUR, ES OCERY New I Fruits. itsa Raisins, Currants, Orange, Lemon and Citron Peels, Figs in Taps and Layers. IoNommusto New I Walnuts, Almonds, Shelled and Unshelled, Nil:5AL I Filberts, Peanuts. Nice, Fresh Pure Lard. C•OCKE Something well worth seeing,im Dinner, Tea and Toilet Ware. Jas. Ballantyne. OLIDAY BAHG.IINS 1 T. F, FLETCHEWS ST RE I "IS LADEN WITH BEAUTIFUL GOODS Ladies' and Gents' Gold, Gold Filled and Silver Watches : Ladies' Gold Filled Watches, $12 00 and up ; Gents' tt t( 16 00 tc Silver and Nickle tt 6 00 " ; Very Large and Elegant Stock of WEDDING RINGS, GEM RINGS, ENGAGEMENT RINGS, BABY RINGS, BTIOLAIi PINS, BROOCHES, VEST CHAINS, DIES' LONG CHAINS, CUFF BUTTONS U ONS AND LINES, BRACELETS AND GOLD SPECTACLES. A Beautiful Display of SIS, VIS 3°"`'WA1'"'` .� See our magnificent Silver Tee -tee Setts, Berry Setts, Cake Baskets, Tea Pots, Pickle (inlets, Baking Dishes, Sugar and Spoon Holders, Trays, Ohildrens' Mugs, Bon Bon Dishes, 1847 Rogers' 12 dwt. Knives and Forks, Carv- ing Setts, Bon Bon Spoons, Sugar Spoons; Berry Spoons, Table and Dessert Spoons, Pie Knives, Calle Knives. CHINA Five O'clock Setts, Cups, Saucers, Plates, Pitchers, Bowls, Fruit and Salad Setts, Butters, Smoking Setts, Jardineries, Chocolate Setts, Etc., Etc. FANCY GOODS I Ladies' Dressing Cases, Gents' Dressing Oases, Mani- cure Setts, Picture Frames, Mirrors, Japanese Goods, Purses and Calling Card Cases' combined, Violins and Violin Sun- dries. Our goods are Now, Latest Designs, ns and are offered for sale at LOW PRICES. "No trouble to Show Goods." Watches, Clocks and Jewelry neatly Bepairod* Qhalrgeo moderato. 188110r Di' Marriage Licenses--•A7poinlnton(s can ilitt4C. The Best White Metal Chains in the market to.da riot f10e. just it few pieces of Brussels 14iain Street China left. _etcher