HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-12-31, Page 4ti 4 rX ct --x. 117111ffellee----- PATIIN FRIDAY MORNING (In bane for the early Malta) at 'f'i'de Post" Stomia Publishing ll0us4 TUSSNnunuo Ste., BnueeMO3,.ONT. Yarm or Bvneci r00o .-One. dollar a year, 12 advance, The.date to which every subscription is vete is denoted by the date On the adiirese ]alai, Anvmnmrenie BAT08.-The foltowiug rates will be charged to those Who advertise by the year;_ seams 1_1 x13..1 0 mo, 13 me One Oohomn$00,00 280.00 220.00 Half 86.00 20.00 12.00 Barter 0 20,0012.00 8,00 Eighth .,, 12.00 8.00 6.00 Dight Dents per line for first insertion, and three oontis per 11no for each subee0uent lu. sertton, All advertisements measured as Nonpareil-,14linea to the inch. Business Cards, Dight lines arid 02008, 25 per annum, Advertisements without speeiao Oirel- tious, will 80 inserted until forbid, and cbazgod ecoordiugly, Instructions to (Mango or diecoutinuo nu advertisement must be 1000 at the c0011tieg room of Tam Poem not later than Tuoodny of each %voek This is imperative. W. x$. K10r2U, Editor and Proprietor. WO wish every reader of this joarnal a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Ie is the intention of the Dominion Parliament to procure statues of Queen Victoria and the late Hon. Alex. Mao- kenzie to adorn the square at the Perlia. merit grounds in Ottawa. A MST farce le being enacted in Tor- onto just now by E. A. Macdonald, the erratic agaednet promoter, deoliniug to withdraw from the Mayoralty contest thereby causing an election when only he and Mayor Shaw are the candidates. E. A. will strike a blizzard next Monday. A 2 MT postage rate for the Dominion of Canada is being considered by the Postmaster -General. We believe it would pay the Government to adopt it. As it is now, a man tan send a letter from Washington Territory to Maine for 2 cents, while for a similar service we pay 8 cents. Stick to your text, Mr. Unlock. Brent 1898 by nob only forming good resolutions, but by putting them into prwiioe. Adopt the, cash principle in doing business -paying as you go -and many a disagreeable quandry will be thereby avoided. Read more ; think more ; enjoy more ; work more and wor- ry less and the glad New Year so olose at band will be one of pleasant and lasting memory to you. EnaroxroN, in the Alberta District, is making a big push for next year's Mon - dyke gold seekere. They are preparing to fill all bills for necessary supplies and outfits and give good proof, after practi- cal experience that the route to the gold fields by Edmonton is much more pre. ferable to the one commonly traversed. Already people are heading Edmondtou way to be ready for the first rush in the early Spring. Several interesting des- criptive editions of Edmonton news- papers, give it largo fund of information concerning many points of vital interest to those intending to see the Yuo0n. Ir no frontage By-law is carried fn Brume's, the cost of the new sewers will have to be borne by a general rate on all properties in Brussels. In case of the By -low being 003000d, then the owners of Turnberry street property who are beim. fitted by the sewer will have to provide for the expenditure. Of course the amount wonld be divided over a period of 15 or 20 years under the By-law. The same holds true regarding granol:Ohio sidewalks. Those who want them get them by petition to the Council and at their own expense. This is a subject that ratepayers don't want to hick against until they clearly understand the true position of affairs, and as the matter be. ootnes nnd0rst0od wo feel safe in saying for permanency and economy the propos. ed plan will prevail. A Greyite in Shoshone. To the tadttee of Tine Poor DstB Say --In accordance with your roped for me to write yon something about this country, I will try and tell of some of the things I have found interest. ing. Idaho is pert of what was termed the Great American Desert, of which it was predicted twenty•5ve years ago that 'lit wee valuelese and nnhabitable," But since that time discoveries of precious metals, the introduction of stock on its vast ranges and the system of irrigation have proved that these predictions were wrong, as now ibis one of the most Ma portant wealtb.produoiug areas in the U. S. There are on its ranges over 40,000,. 000 domestic animals, comprised of 25,- 000,000'eheep,15,000,000 cattle and 8,- 000,000 horses. 10 produces 75 per cent. of the wool and rnuttob produced iu the 13. S. and has a total annual commerce of over 500 million dollars. Ito mines are riot, particularly thos0 of Colorado, but owing to the depreciated value of silver they are not at present wonted to any thing like the extent that they have been in the past, This occasions a depressed couditien' in mining aotnmunitie8. In 8001 of the States porhape is Ghia more noticeable than in Idaho. llowever, tho coal mines are worked to their 'utmost Capacity. ,5.grionitttro lime great possibil• Wes, as a greater yield x1121)0 ter samples (n grain can be'. p8Od3082 by irrigation than ie the 0x00111 countries that depend on rainfall. As yet 0.j ri0alture is in ata infancy, but the building of reeorv0irs for the proper husbanding of the water will in the future cause this 00 bo an import. mit gain 01003 fruit producing arca. Though at vomit, rt oxporbo but little grain, 0.e the greying of hey, to Winter its great stook of domestlo animals, re- quires most of the laud under cultivation, 1''rufts and vogotableo clo well here. Ap. plot, though larger, are not go Mee flavor- ed as those grown in Canada. Potatoes of 5 lbs. in weight are not by any 111011011 0no0lnnht11, Bub while ib has great health in any of these industries, itis the grazing iotorests that constitute its prin- oipal weelth. horses have been profitable iu the past but are counted poor property 11011, fie there is 110 sale for thous and all stook le taxed here, and taxes are high, 7 3/10 cents on the dollar," Many horses are turned loose and no one will own them. Cattle, while profitable, are de. creasing in number, as sheep pay bettor, and as cattle will not feed ou the same ranwith she they are gradually being o o a a crowded out. The Dingly tariff has give a great impetus to the sheep industry. Many oattle men have sold Out and in; vested in sheep, so that while cattle are decreasing in number sheep are rapidly increasing. The range belongs to the Government, the taxes being the only rent paid. Stock is assessed at so much 1)03 head, cattle from $15 to $20, 110x600 520, and sheep $1.05 to $0 per bead. With regard to climate. The Summers are dry, no rain falling for 4 months. The Winters in the valleys are short, with scarcely any snow, but in the monntei110 the snow fade often to e. depth of 8 feet and lasts for 8 months. It is very healthy, there being very little sick- ness here, Its edn0t811021 l standard for teachers is not so high as that of Ontario. The different grades of certificates are not ascertained by different sots of exemia. anon papers, but by the percentage a candidate takes, Many of the subjects taken in Ontario they do not have here. The papers for Public Soho&l Leaving at home are as hard as those for teaobere hero, with the poeeible exception of Ai. ebre,. The wages paid -teachers are from $40 to $75 per month. People leers do not seem to be much inclined to be either very religious or moral. Sunday is nob very strictly observed. Most peo- ple work the same as any other day, Of the differeub denominations, the Baptist and Methodist are the strongest, free Thinkers are more numerou8 than either. Mormons generally settle in communities by themselves, so where they .re there is generally no other denomination. A divorce Here costs but $25, and the re- sult of this can be better imagined than described. Their laws ere all right, bat on account of the system of electing their Judges on party tickets and the corrupt use of money Justice is very often not the result of a trial, Few murderers are hung if they have any money to defend them. There are lots of newspapers here. A village the size of Cranblook (called a city here) would have from 1 to 5, or more. The subaoription price of these local journals vary from $8.50 to $10 per an- num. Among the many notable features of this country the Great Shoshone Falls, on the Snake river, with a width of 1,450 feet end a fall of 210 feet, are worthy of special notice, as it is one of the greatest waterfalls on the Continent. While to a person coming from Ontario the appear- ance of the country is generally not pleasing, the different conditions cannot fail to be very interesting. Yours sincerely, Gro. Coswlts. Shoshone, Idaho, Dec. 100 '97. Proportionate Christianity, or What We Are. T810 following paper was road at the Walton Union Sabbath School Convention by Mies news M. Berry, of Walton : 0181: Young Peoples' Societies are for the purpose et promoting intelligence and vital pietyamong young Christians, training i them n active Christian work, promoting MI5 study of the Bible and Christian Mora - tura. We have organizations governed by the different constitutions of the ellure11es, having different names yet the one Obi006- For Oh 3101 and the Church, Our object is to unite 00 in Christian fellowen1p and service, to inereaOe our Spirituality by mdi- doation to Scripture truth, inetrnetiog us in the doctrine nod history of the ohuroheo, also in prayer, enlisting our co-operation in missionary activities through existing de- nomiu0tiounl organizations, and 801mn1at80 andlntere018 ns in the formation and de. 9elopment of Christina work, Ili order to make known what we are we shall review paetiNiy the work that has been done under live different heads, namely Prayer, Mis- sionary, Testimouy, Literary mud SoAlai. let,Prayel'.-Tho work that has been ac- complished and is being a000mpll0hod by player is itsiou18biug, as scores 020(1 hued - reds of our young people to -day are lifting up their voices and hearts 111 seppliomtion and praise to God in public as well as private. We feel that prayer is a 0010120 mud 011118011 work. The breathing out of a few good wt811e8 every day is easy, but TliE BRUSSELS POST 31nye1 wt ith is 01 light tt0d unmoor the power ot d 1 07 .030, wluuh is to ttke cold of fled anal 11 is ld1'eullt8, 1100014 x101111)',0000 000 doVU 000.1, WO 11'!11.100011110 1,18181' fe1'vou try. 1lterelly to. ins lye, eg0u the. 11 ea110 ie to. 810110 tinea so rlcu 14, sari vtug thee 00011- ishtginprayerto(lodhrtitmi. it Imo Ile a !mart fully 0012011'400,1 to (1 Oil. \71181001 this 116 may he etvel'ing the Immense 00r008n of genii 1at2'unenu4 pr8yer8, Mika mill 0o- 0tsug111six little, Our Bouietlos have ho 1,3 ed. mud trained minty it young Christina 00 workas003,1' before, Whitt a now and higher 0whore r 2 blessed labor if 'it o In tr.tiu its 11101)11000 "TO the fervent, olfe0tu-'l prayer iiuh "o Cale 88011010Cod 0111E 1v![ee spirit, tit 113 the spirit of prayer, it 11111,1011, Divine 0Li t• Ing du the heart,81181ng Di11ne iutercuealnu, Let its baud Oursel're together mud prat for all Gad'ssa1018 in 0'0'00y land and all God's eery ante of whatever name. We want tito ou a accord prayer Goat 0)008)ared for Poet 1 - cost and 110000& t it. Let out 301020avor prayer e1alu be aborad of union with ta011 Other, with this higher aim in view -to bo a bend of 1131100 Will} ell (lad's praying people, The Lord give us all the spilt of prayer in full measure, Let our 101»8012200 mayor 0!0111 be nut only a bond of union, -but a eupplicating or agot(lziu0 Duo for the sal - ug the spirlt len of Of Chtiet. me south ob 00011 passing week count for fled and our oburubos. Ina won- derful elogroo Our You ug Peoples' Booi1Oles are the tru0teo8 of the prosperity of our 03111011es. Let us individually seek t118 1i01y 813181'001114820w and search our own heartsflrst, then follow the 111'0metings of its inaaenou. Oh 1 for it deepening work in our Spirituel life ! 282, Aliselouary.-Oar Miseionery Cam- mitt00 is 20Oomplts1110g a good work in temperance and social purity and in house to house visiting. There is a great Work be - lug done eleu0 the line of tract distributing by our Junior Societies. The juulor depart- mentr# our work domande special atten- tion. It is one of Me most important nod at the tame time most hopeful departments of our urgenizat0noo, revery reason that can be urged lu favor of the Senior work, app11e0 W101t equal force to the Jnnlor. W1.1 310 the Sunday sohool aims mainly at in• stra etlou in the Scriptures, oar Junior Leagues anti 10udeayors supply the missing 11111, bet370011 the S.S. and ohnro11, as they menet a t0 train Our boys and girls 101 Christian work. One eupplomeuts the other, children 028e factors that must 138 ca10181at• ed by any church that expects to make pro- gress, Children have 2e0Ided some of the greatest events of the world. It was a child who deckled Waterloo by showing Bl10o020r a shorter route to Wellington, aid a little girl wbo dooidod the battle of Gettysburg. The Juniors are esUetmg 10 the churches in great numbers, while the Young Peoples' So cieties baxe been rehaf0rced from the 30 ufor ranks, The Juniors are aggressive in all they undertake, They have donated dining the year a large amount to missions. Neveriu the hletory of the 'world woe such attention paid to 81111dreu 820. to -day'. Per- haps in 311091000 centuries a little atteutiou ha d beau paid to the infant soul by minis- ters, but 1t was eouduee to that etrolo. W110 le volumes could be written. on other sub jeote, bet not a volumes on o1111d life. Now it le all different, volume on volume are piled up ou the subject ; this is au age of interest in obildh0o8. It has been said "Cue o0nee of prevention is worth a pound of aura" Itis no sign of wisdom to allow a man to bee0me a drunkard and then try to cure Lim. To troop him hem ever becoming a drunke-d shows greater end truer wisdom than groat and brilliant efforts at cefermiug hitt alter t110 evil has been done. To stop evll at the start is the work of our Junior Booietles. Under the Itfiesiouary head we have the sy0tema1io effort. In Methodist Societies nearly twenty districts are already olga0i8021 iu systematic effort and throe have each undertaken to support a worker in the field, and no doubt the other deuom- inatione are doing equally as well, We trust that the young people of our Sootetioe will 909e i0 enpport 00 special 00110me8 of Missionary enterprise advocated by ir- respo0si1110 parties, but 11111loyalty support the Mieelanary mud of our own Societies, and bettor results Dau undoubtedly be there- by reol8zed. Untold good 11as been 8 0com- Wishedbyhouse to house visiting and cot - tome 11irayor. meetiu Ege, this ohiofly beteg done is talons and 8iti00, but I earnestly edvo0ate that we adya»Oe iu thi8 good work. When looking around even in our little (Orate we tlu4 the imed and infirm shut 111 from publics worship, who would gl luny re- ceive and enjoy each servi000,. 8rd,Toetimouy.-Taking the lino of Testi- mony in oar 800110tiO4, we are taught in Malachi 0111 0110pter,10b11 and 17th 9130000, Then 01101 that feared the Lord !make oftou 0110 to another, ens the Lord harkened and heard it and a book of remembrance was written before .Han for them that fear- ed the Lord 1302(1 that 011000110 upon Ilia name." And they shall he Mine eait11 the Lord of Hosts, fu that day when I make up My jewels, and I kill spare 011013, DA a man epare1h his own sen that 0ervsth him," In looking around in our Societies we dud our young people keeping apnea with the older members of our Ohureh00 fn oonfossing Christ in public, either by an 00p6080u00 or a Scriptural Y0r06, and my prayer is that we may live up to our testimonies and ex- perien0es, so that we may not only testify In word but in deed and in truth. We m'e encouraged lu the word of 0,4 to confess 0110181 in Matt., 100110 hay and 01ud ve700, Romanis, 10111 chap. and 9th verse 11, Tim., end chap. and 17th verse, Joint, 4111 onePter pod end verse. • 4112Literary,-We are glad 00 080 that our church literature la being so well pat- ronized and douoinivatioual e0bemes of Christian altiviby. adopted. 11 has boon discovered tt11•at deuomi0ational loyalty hoed nob fu the slightest interfere with the broadest and kindliest Suter -dee ominatfonal fellowsniy, 00011 as we have here repre0eut- ed 00 -night. Systematic Bible study has been of great benefit in our 800ieti08, giving Dur y0013.2fle 1010 a more general1mowledk0 of the Bible and its teaohinge, promoting purity of thought and 11fo. There is yet a greater m02'0m011b in the direction of purity and intensgenee, in the form of a Reading Circle, wbiob 1100 boon 04081184 lu 001110 So- cieties, and great 01108000 has attended it, therefore I would 8010090y reo0mmeud a similar system to be made use of in our mid80 at the earlle00 possible moment. It Will prove a source of 01Im001 uuboundeu ploapare end ttr0810 1 to become acquainted withn good bunk ie olio of the 8,0ateet 0,110310 11810 Olin 1100111' 00 118, 10 1 11 00 18130 a 810.2)1114111'000 pouring lt0901 into our life, it umv telmhcr to Insidt11 and reline us, a' 1101r filen1 to 1:0 by Our Hide aluv118, 29180. 22.1101,1tt,.,law o1on• MO, weary, will tale um Ince 1o, t lar, 1.181111,2' and 1011;111'8' 21,301,8, V.' het 1t.rt'•'• n,o., 11 d 1' 16g'oda01111( us 20 Hoot ahum+,,,' 11io 01000113ea0 by duty 4(2110, Or illetor", opanul, 3100314 tete 111 111010• meet and detatme0 or Natiou0 that have parsed ever, of Pmiry, ,uakiug AMMO 00 AN the 30,1 18'111''11• e•0' ,1 1.A, 1111„11 the 11 di, Lh. ,3"r„aad W,0. Nuck,1 140 o,.2 .,lilt out1030 with 01010831 nloanfug, I will 1100 name any 0f my favorite boatel, they intim bouol8itod Ino but might not Suit au• other 1 every 1041111181,40 must d1ouever Naar Own books, as tv01)are all different mfncia 8811,1 are all. at different stages of prowtb, Horne other day we may fledfood in the reoommemled book, though we 0hotdd pee• eibly 0001•'o on it to -day. The mind 00901- ope and 0hu08g00 and the fevers of this year else way one day 06000 00 111000000 810, Nothing be 1000 a 181 happen 00 110 thou 00 • t u a Loo we ad tees mottos i k have often u fpr it 111 1014116 th14t it line done its work upon us, brought 118 to its level and taught ns oil it had 10teaoh. Already there are sets of books supplied by the Reading Olrolo 113ieh will no doubt be food for ourminds aco0r4-. lag to 011)' cappabilities. 1''fft01, 80010i.-T111s la one of the most im- pplprtmnt,itO obje0l being to welcome mutt intimation e0r81•ge1'9 into our ahur01100 and 000ie0ie0 oauetug them to feet at home in the aura and in church work, what a 9001'00 of pleasure itis witch distant from home, in the midst of 8trengereto be cords, ally greeted by tea young Christian work- ers. Paul, when '013)10d and dis6ou0alat0 with the hardship 0f his jmuffler to home, was en000309qed and 011014117081003 in Ceding faith 1u1 0111'1001011 1ot•ker0 who gelve 11188 the right hand of fellowship. 'Pala department has control of the social and musket enter- tainmenta tending to elevule 11(21 8treugtb- a1 0nr.m1nde au,1 oaosing aur influence to be of more ennobling cllar•.0.0r, giving life and zeal to all • The lddcb a ta1011t0 of -many of Our young people a10 belirg 410oovorod and brought into notion. enuill•ying them to fill positions wbiob 3011 boa lasting benefit t0 following generations, \5"e shall glee a more imamate 00001101 of lu0 workings 01 our Bootoby, beving at bltud the 810010ti00 Of the Methodist, other Souioties being equal. For the Senior Department we have 1,847 Young Peoples' BooIoti0e and 81,100 mem- bers, bang au increase of 100 0001etie8 alld 0.287 members for the year, For the Junior, 921 3110108' Leagnee, an 1001.01280 of 50 Lmaguee during the year.. Wo should, how- ever, have as mauv Jnuter as Senior Leagues. Tn. eenelueion, Another year lies before us. There is much work to be pone, trimly the fields are white unto the harvest, All around ea are mal titudos who do not )mow the Savtour,3hom we must 16000 to roach, Every deperbment of our Societies should 830 oouductod with the objoot of 291013811g souls for Obrlst, training theme for Christian 8011uenee enol developing beautiful and symmetr Joel Christian 0haraotees, 011.1 for a deeper 0oneearatiou to our. blessed Master for more enthusiastic 00800av00 to extend 1010 ldugd oat, elicitor more intense effort to rescue the perishing, "The Lord bless thee and keep thee, the Lord make Rio face to shine upon then and be gra0!on0 uutu then ; the Lord lift up Bis countenance upon thee, and give thee peace." John Rankin, of Stieted Townabip, died from a wound in the leg oaueed by a shot from his nephew's faun. Bishop Du62onlin hae been9ordored by hie physician to refrain from preaching for a time 081 account of his health. Hou. Edward Blake, who left for Ire• land Monday, acknowledged Canadian subscriptions to the Irish Parliamentary fond of $7,093.75. The 000viote at ,St. viioent de 'Paul penitentiary have again broken out in open riot and insubordination ou account of the ref gal of the authorities to give 0110m 011ristmas delioaoies. Holiday N ovelties. PRESET G -ROC &•'RTES. All at Big Bargains. J. . Skene. DEC.$12,8,00 f•utlametlta 81, 1897 "Wish their ma 1 � Giistoir.ei s�a i a a andPo i Year. Y.11 �Prosperous eros dew t More and more every season are people selecting the useful -for Xmas gifts. Nevor before have we had as good a stock of things, thoroughly useful, that make acceptable and appropri- ate holiday Gifts as we show to -day. Its ft stock wo are proud of and one that will profit HolidayShoppers to see before selecting their Xulas Gifts. Its, wisdom to do Christmas buying early -)you avoid the crowd and rush of the last few clays before the holiday, and have a good deal better chance of getting exactly what you want. No housekeeper ever had too many Linens. Every seasou.soes more of them soldfor Xmas Gifts. We have just opened up aline new stook bought speeially for the Holiday trade, and if your thoughts run towards Line118 for Gifts you should see them ;—Bath Towels, 10c. to 500. ; Fine Damask Towels, 20c, to 75o. ; Sideboard Scarfs, 15c, to 75c. each ; Table Napkins, 75c. to $8,50 ; Table Linens, 20c. to $1.00 per yard. KM GLOVE& :Always useful ; always acceptable. There are few articles more suitable for Christmas Gifts to a lady than a pair of niee.Kid Gloves. We carry correct shades and correct styles in good qualities. - A ADKERC2H E17S. Every season seems to see them grow daintier and prettier in design than before. This season's stock is no exception. Never have we shown its equal, either for' down right value in the Plain goods or for Neatness and Beauty of Pattern in the Fancy lines. Easily sentby mail. Handkerchiefs ma'ce a most suitable gift fort absent friends. Just a few of our niain lines :—Fancy Colored Border Hand- kerchiefs for children, neat patterns, 2o. each or 6 fur 10c, ; Plain Lawn or Colored border Handkt r - chiefs, 5o. each or 6 for 25c. ; Special line of Fancy Lawn Embroidered, 10e. each ; Fine Lawn Hem- stitched and Drawn Work, 2 for 250. ; dozens of new' and dainty patterns in Fancy Embroidered tt 20c., 26c. and 80c. each ; Pure Silk Hemstitched, with initial, 250. each better qualities, 50e. and 75c. each ; Fancy Silk, 50c., 75c, and $1.00 ; we era showing a very fine line of Ladies' and Gents' Lawn. Handkerchiefs, hemstitched, at 5o., 8c,, 10c. and 12e. each. MANTLE SALE. Our Special Sale of Mantles is attractive. Buyers every day, No lady wanting a Mantle should fail to take advantage of this special sale. IMPROVED YORKSHIRE BOAR FOR SERVICE, The undersigned will ]teop for 0813150 011 Lot 20 000.0, Morris, the thorn' -broil Im- proved Yorkshire Boar, "Oats Lodge Long- fellow," No. 2480, bred by 3, E.13retho110, Bur- ford, 00 which a limited cumber of sows will be taken, Terms, 51.00, to be paid at time of service with privilege of returning u nee - emery. A number of 0h080e young 00130 for aide for brooding purposes which will be sold at prices to suit the times. 21- RUST, 0IOH0L, Peoprip10r. MONEY TO LOAN. Any Amount of Ibloney to Loan on Farm or 'Village Pro. perty at 6 & 6i Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege a1 repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, - Division Court Clerk, B8"ussels, ..•• AND ..,. Fancy Got VERY CI-IEAP AT "The Post" Bookstore. Clearing out a number of lines Al T COS M Cook's Cotton Root Compound IS successfully used monthly by over 10,000Ladies, Sate, effectual. Ladies oak Your druggist for Cook's Ccttos Root Com- pound, are dauo ngerous. Prisas all m, No pills101 ander box; No. 0,30 degrees stronger, $8 per box, 110. . 1 or 2, minted on receipt of price and two 8 -cent stamps, Thad Ooa1r [fompanylWlndeor, OnA responsible mruggis10 in Ounudemolided by 0.]l Nos. 1 and 2 sold in Brussels by G. A, DIOADAIAN Druggist, Bookseller S. Optician, FICO& Will make, a well mars of YO'O' 1 011000I 800011000 '00e 3)9090 e600L30 00 rove trapke. Peones cores all Nervous UleoseoO. Sleepless. noes, ratnag Momory, Nightly 10ml1elonn 80100810., 001rh1oa; 102pataab3,eta, canned by pad aa00801 91700 vigor and 017.0 0 ohrunk0u olaaaa 0023 culokly but a90o1F rostu oar,o80A(Aim000la old 003000,1 and anomaly oi00P0, 0i1((l4acaC.t3.rt0ay80nd81y00o0110u ,f2)01)Wetigoro8n. w30rsstro3,n0g0 $000,9 tor3-103) In Peat puokat Prl00, al, a package 0131 tor 30. eeaa it ail 01thor ard•3.•ts or ter, 11a 100100, Addr030s11 1010010 to d• T. 3'0110 PE, 000q0)01, Wobnareog, Ono., Agent for the Do' 8180(00 Oft COandc, c 1 *:r f onvicti Returned by Justices of the Peace in and for the County of tui'on for the Quarter ending December lstth, 1897, pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario, Chapter 76, Section 1. No, Name of Prosecutor. Name of Defendant. Nature of Charge. Date of Conviction. A111onu1 of Name of Convicting Justine or I Penalty, J ustioes. Fine 01' Damage. 10 00 Forthwith 50 00 Forthwith 10 00 Not paid 1 00 Deo. 20,'07 26 dot. 18,'97 25 Oot. 18,'97 5 00 At once 100 " 1 00 It 1 00 " 100 " 1 00 , '1 1 00 20 00 Forthwith 20 00 20 00 12 2 00 " 1 00 u 2 00 " 2 00 10 100 Juno 5,'07 1 00 Jane 20,'97 1 00 Aug, 19,'97 1 00 2 3 4 5 6 Wm. Ballantyne 11 Wm. Gillespie John Weir John Weir 7 David Marshall 8 Wnl. Pollock 10 E. Laundy 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 10 Wm, Mold 20 Arthur Kingsbury 21. John Heist 22 Agnstus 11/elners 28 Edward 13o8eenbary 24 Obrie.Eilber 25 Levi Stens, 20 Alex. M0L11nghiin 27 Jail. S. Foiled LI It 11 Wm, Bmllnntyue James Dick I. V. Fear A. A. Goetz Wm. Hunter David Marshall George Marshall John Weir A. Smith E. Centelon lough Hanna 0, Hall El. Hall W, Zinger W, l8'. Aoheeon P. O'Neil Wm. Barr Jae, Hickingbotham 301.1n Either George Itollertnan Harry boars Henry Rupp ,Edward Ralbfleisoh Walter 1f11ii1 Alfred Williams Gambling on Housed premises Selling without lipenee Gambling on licensed premises Refusal to pay dog tax Assault and battery Threatening11ngnege Asenult Stealing fruit u u Breach of Liquor Licen0o LO W Aseanit 11 11 Cruelty to animals Disorderly Common aesauit Theft 000, 4 John Beattie, J. P., Seafortb Nov, 5 John Beattie & B. G. Scott, J. P.'s Deo. 10 " 00 1 10 John i3ea1tie, J. P. cot. 18 J. A. Morton, J. P. I, Oct. 14 N.H. Young, W. Campbell t@ 3. Wilford, J.P 14 Sloan, Wilford, 'Young & Campbell 14 14 14 14 14 14 0 9 It Deo. Sept. Nov, Sept. Oat. 31uta 11 Aug. Sept. 9 21 2B 28 27 5 26 12 17 f8' It 11 1, " 8'l " Ohne, Snell, J. P., Exeter " 1/ 11 S. Caldwell, J. P., Auburn Wm. Lewis, J. P., Crediton Vim. Lewis & Mae. Either, J. P.'s Peed, hese, 3. P., Znriob .1 11 John MoQrao, J. L1., Bruesel0 R. Itosa1 Jae, Mon tttgb1in, J.D, e, Eiowiok $ www Time when to be paid to said 31000108, To Whom Paid over by said Justice and When. If nob Paid, Why 1801.., and General ' Observatioue, if any, Wm. Ballantyne, fuepe0lor Wm. Ballantyne, Inspector, • Case appealed, papers to be gent to Jndgm when completed. And then to be handed to Town 40eesuror, Seaforth. County 0rei10010r, also bound to keep the Pause for one year. .1 Bound over to keep the Peace. Clerk of the Pew, Goclerich II 0l „ " .1 11 11 W11/103al lanlyne, Inspeetor " u " " Clerk of the Penne Treasurer of Stephoe Crown Attorney Treasurer of Hay 00111.11y Trea801er Committed for Trial. I Hereby cortify the above to be a true and correct copy to the best of my knowledge and belief. 00i0e of the Clerk of the Peace,' Godorich, Number 18011, 1897.E Ira Lewis, Cleric of the Peace and County Crown Attorney, County of Enron, •