HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-12-31, Page 3Oats, O10; 1967
" S POST,.
an Agricultural Training College for
Women, to educate famers'JilE
�� �� in salontto and commeGra' dairylou*, EEIC�DDD 1199 X111 SSJJ VV / v ul cry, raising, oto,
•nteresttng Monis About Our Own Country,
Great Britain, the pelted States, and
All Parts of the mote, Condensed end
Assorted for Betsy Reading.
Captain' William. Sperling a the
llfontreel Fire Brigade is dead,
Over $18,058 has been collected in
subscriptions for the Western Univer-
;Another case of smallpox bas been
reported to the Mayor by the Montreal
Health Officer.
The H'amilton Aratyline Gee Mach-
ine Co, has been formed, with arapi-
ttal stock of $10,000.
The new It. & 0. steamers being
built at Toronto will, be galled "Ter-
mite" and "Kingston,"
A company hag been formed and
plans matured for building an eleetrio
railway between St. Catharines and
Port Dalhousie.
Wan, Green, who was run into by a
etreet der at Hamilton, while riding a
Morse on Sunday afternoon, is dead ea
the result of his injuries.
S. S. Stratton and R. Ronan, of Ot-
tawa, have been awarded the contract
for supplying for four years the Post -
Office Department with mail bags.
Brakeman 'Wheeler, of the G. T. R.
fell beneath the .cars at Brantford.
Fortunately he fell between the trades,
and by lying penetrate, escaped injury.
Mr, Arthur Piers, U. P. R. Steam--
team-ship Manager, has gone to Englandto
purchase steamships and to make oth-
er arrangements for the newKlondLke
Mr,. SiILon does not anticipate any
trouble from the efforts being made at
;Washington to prevent the entrance of
Canadian goods into the Yukon byway
of Dyea.
The Thirteenth Battalion of Hamil-
ton, have won the Gzawski Cup for the
fourth time in succession, The Queen's
Own came second. and the 48th High-
landers third.
An order has been received at the
C.P.R. shops, Perth, for 1,500 box ears.
Robert Marshall, aged fifteen, was
killed in the Hamilton cotton mills
Mr. W. C. Macdonald 'has made an-
other gift of about e3D0,000 to McGill
University. Mr. Ma donald's total con-
tributions to Madill amount to about
It is announced that Lord Strathcona
has presented his entire herd of buf-
falo now on his sarin near Winnipeg
to the Dominion Government, to be
placed in the National Park at Banff.
After the first et Sanuary the In-
tercolontal railway, the Prince Edward
island railway, and the leased lines,
will be known under. the title of the
Canadian Government railway system.
The Dominion Government will sue
the United States Government for $10,-
000 for damages caused to the Gov-
erooniant vessel. La Canadienne in the
poliision with the American vessel Yen -
The Dominion fishery proteotton Pleat
da the Atlnnbio coast has gone into
winter quarters with the exception
sf the Osprey, which is watching ,two
er three tlmerlean fishing steamers
which have not yet left for home.
Lord Stratheona, Canadian High
aommisaioaer, in a letter to Sir ltich-
irtl Cartwright, states that he will re-
turns to Canada shortly to interview
pulp and paper manufacturers here
regarding opportunities for extending
their baseness to Great Britain.
Many application have been receiv-
ed at the Dominion Customs Depart-
ment from Americans for permission
M take goods tato Alaska, via Canadian
territory, in bend, and the matter is
receiving the attention of: the Cabinet
et Ottawa.
Mr. J. Haney, superintendent ofcon-
letructian of the Crow's Next Pass rail
Amy, gives a general denial to the
:Merges of unfair treatment of the lae
pourers employed on the work. He
says out of four thousands men only
redly had any complaint `to make, and
they were sent home,
Mr. B. P. Osler, Q. C., of Toronto has
filed a petition with the Dominion De-
partment of Justice asking for the re -
venation of the charters
of the Cana-
Copper Company and the Anglo-
American Company, on the grounds
that they have not established emeLt-
ing works in Canada, according to the
terms of their erne:root.
Gen. Sir Henry Gardiner, command-
er of that Horse Artillery; is dead in
Terrific weather had been prevailing
on the south-west coast of Ireland, and
serious wrecks aro[ reported.
London's weather continues remark-
ably mild, and is decidedly/ favourable
to the city poor.
Sir .lrrank Lockwood, M,P., who ao-
companiecl Lord 'Weser'. on his re-
cent trip' to Shia country, is dead,
It is reported that the prospects of
a settlement of the engineer's strike
in Great Britan are very promising.
The engineera of six of the Allan line
steamers, now at Glasgow, have gone
,un.Lavue u
.!on of the fleet Is feared.
Lord WroL•L•esleys seal: in Sf:MLtord-
lhire has been comtilotely gutted by
fire, and many artielea of historic
value are lost,
ft is reported at London that Sir
Wm,.31 Maxwell, Governor and Com-
tnandor-in-Chid of the Gold Coast,
died at sea while en route to Eng -
An immense shoe factory is to be
started' in Galashiels, Scotland, to com-
pete with the United abates, which
now holds a large part oe the British
shoe market,
Vladimir 13uurtzelf, a I.tuassan, Was
remanded at Boer Street police station,
London; on Thursday, charged with is-
suing a publication melting the asSas-
sinetton of the Over.•
It is understood that the Duke of
Norfolir, ono of lOngland.'a-most influ-
enLialpeers, hoe approached. lend Sal -
teeniest witha view to obtaining the
{ admission c£ Cat'ciusal Vaaghn,u into
Lha loose of antral,
Tare Connbi+ss pf Warwick is tak-
ing wont: lielereeb in the founding oe
Lieut. Peary, previous to leaving
England for the United States, was
presented with in,odeie for flyingabines, submarine boats, and other de-
vices supposed to be likely to facilitate
bee exploration of the polar region.
Marlin Butler, lawyer and philan-
thropist, la dead at New York.
It ie proposed to hold an eeumeuleal
Foreign Misalanary Conference in New
York in April 1000, to hist ten days.
The United States Senate has ap-
proved a bill appropriating $200,000 for
the relief of the miners in the Klondike
There is a strike of iron workers
in New York, which, it is fearod,r will
develop into a strike of serious pro-
The Sea 31ranoisea transportation
companies have agreed aeon a pay-
senger rate of five hundred dollars
from that city to Dawson City.
The United States War Department
proposes to buy 500 reindeer from Lap-
land to be used in taking supplies into
DawsonCity this winter.
Tice total tonnage carried on the
canals of New York Stale during the
past :season shows a decrease compared
with the previous season of 97,000 tons.
The Rev. Dir. James M. Farrar is
about to abandon his wealthy New '
York pastorate that he may devote
bis life tol preaching the Gospel with..
out pay.
Durrant, who was sentenced on Wed- I
nesday for the fourth time to be bang-
ed, says that he will never go to the
Scaffold, as he is confident help win
come to him in his extremity.
Zanoli, the New York barber, who is
accused of seven, murders, says he has
nio hope of escaping the consequences
since the untruth roe his etatement re-,
garding his daughter's' death has boons
found out.
Oa Sunday at St. Joseph, Mo;, Mrs.
Charles Miller, her mother, and all her
relatives and other Catholics who at-
tended her marriage, were oxcommuni-
cats& because the young woman wan'
married by a Protestant minister,
The hill relating to pelagic sealing,
which has just passed both branches of
the United States Congress, places an
absolute prohibition on the further
bringing of sealskins into the United
States from any source whatever.
According to reports as to business
in the United .States, retail trede in
the east has been more satisfactory
during the past week. There is possi-
ble trouble in the New England mills
and either a strike or a shut -clown is
likely to occur. In the West and the
North-West trade is reported to be
most satisfactory, though mild wea-
ther bas checked the distribution of
seasonable goods to a large extent.
Collections generally are reported bet-
ter, and the ail -round tone and trade
outlook good. The commercial fail-
ures in the United Staten for the
week just ended were 283, as compar-
ed with 359 in the corresponding week
of last year.
It is said that Japan's supply of coal
will be exhausted in 50 years,
ft is rumored that Russia has ocau-
pied.Port Arthur with the consent of
Alehouse Daudet, the celebrated
French novelist, is dead. He was 57
years of age.
Strong eerthmtaka shocks, lasting
twelve seconds, were felt on Saturday
morning in Central Italy.
The Marquis di Rudini has suc-
ceeded in reconstructing( the 'talion
Cabinet, ;without making many
The French Chamber of Deputies ,
bee adopted a proposal fixing ten
hours as a day's work for ratliway
Among the persons; under arrest for
pillaging in Prague, is the sen ot a •
millionaire, The Germans still dread
a fresh attack. 11
Hayti fa again threateued, this time
by Italy who is making heavy claims
for the alleged illegal seizure of art
Italian merchant vessel some years ago.
The Crown Primoe and Princess of
Greene and Prince and Princess Con-
stantino of Greece will leave Athens for
a ,prolonged tour for the benefit of their
Spain is negotiating with the Arra-
Avenge, of England, to obtain a four,
tbousand three 'hundred ton cruiser,
worth one million five hundred thou-
sand dollars, which has leen built for
A despatch from Athena announoes
that the treaty of peane between Turk-
ey and Greece• has been ratified by
ISi,ng George. It bus been also ratifi-
ed by Turkey.
The famous Parisian model, Lucie
Hagorland, had her beauty destroyed
by vitriol, which was thrown in ham
face by another model in a fit of
jealousy. •
Prince Bisemarck, who nerved himself
np car the .urnperor -
relapsed into his former weakness, de -a
spondenoy and ]nsommia, and is said to
be staking feet•,
A well-known diplomat says that
Greece was involved in the war with;
Turkey owing to the e,ndesvor of Icing
Georgy to bluff the Czar tuto hurrying
the marriage of lertnoess Marie.
It is stated that the oitizens of Ma-
drid are in a state of great suppress-
ed excitement, and there are such
setting fears of a revolution Ghat pre-)
parations are being made fox the flight
of the Royal family.
Some of the richest Spaniards of Cuba
are holding meetings . to consider the
advisebili!•y of sending a petition to
President McKinley seeking to estal'1-
l]sh a United States proteetorate ov-
er, the island.
The general, opinion of HMI regarding
the. German occupation of Kia -Chau •
bay is vetted by a diplomat, who says
it is a great pity that Germany, having
an easy, eat) and simple, bbougli slig�t-
ly piratical piece of work, should not be
aisle to perform ie without Setting the
whole world laughing:
,'..Iesne alnl ,$Dant," mot. 3, 1.11, ISOF?en
Trx;, 1101.3 ;le
Verse 7. IIe, John the Baptist, the
eon of q, priest named l achu.rias; abaub
nix menthe older Than our Lurd, whose
eoua111 he Was, die begun his ministry
apparently a very short time before
the baptism of Jesus, and he did not
live long after it. Ile lived among
the rough and reeky hills to the north-
west of the Dead Sea; but apparentiyc
tame into the cities at tiniea, for be
lanai directly reproved Hter'od Antipas
for his adultery with Ilerodicts. The
wbola matter of hie preaching fs oone
deneed by the evangelist into the sen -
teams, "Repent, for the kingdom of
heaven is at hand'.' The common peo-
ple believed that be came from God,
and that his life was the fulfilment of
ane of the most ntoable prophecies of
Isetab. His coarse clothing, which bore
a ,,resemhiance to the traditional cov-
ering of the* prophets, leis poor food,
and the general austerity of his life
seemed to suit his mission. People cell-
ed him "the Baptizer,' and crowded
from alld'ir'ections to receive his god-
ly advice and to perform the simple
rite which lie had adopted an an em-
blem of the cleansed and pure life
which he exhorted hts countrymen to
follow. Most of his ministry was spent
near this Jordan, bait John tells us that
be also baptized at springs in the
heart of Samaria. The Pharisees and
Sadduoees, See Critic -0 and Homileti-
cal Notes, 0 generation of vipers,
Brood of snakes, • John wan not engag-
ing In Liersonal abuse of his hearers.
These men had, come as representatives
of their sects, and these seats with
serpentine coils were fastening them-
selves shout the nation and stinging
it to death. John's terrible speech
was a just[ judgment of their wicked
characters,,, They were the poisoners
of the nation's religious principles,
Our Lord afterward applied the same
phrase to them. Who hath warned
you? Who wvao it taught yea? To
flee from the wrath to come. John's
other hearers ehernk frown a doom
which was definitely expected — the
other hearers shrank from a doom
great and terrible day of the Lord
described by Malaohi—and that doom
came in many ways, but espeoially in
the destraotien of Jerusalem, If the
Jewish nation had sincerely repented
Jewish nation bad sincerely and thor-
oughly repented and. accepted C]'irist,
as JdlIG1 desired them to, there is lit-
tle likelidiood that that doom would
have fanen updn them,
8. Briog'.forth fruits meet for re-
pentance. It is as if are said, "AU who
come bare come to be baptized, and,
that is an entbeam and sign that they
have repented.. You Pharisees and
Sadducees cone here; so you, too, are
pretending to repent.; But let us see
some suitable signs." "Meet" mesas
9. Think net to any witbin your
selves. Dianot flatter yourselves. We
have !Bbraham to our father. We
have lam as our Lather. Tim prom-
ise of God, was to .the chSldrea of Abra-
ham, and the crowds believed that their
eatvattola in eternity, if there was an
eternity, was secured, by their descent
from Abraham. "The pillow on which
the motion so eatallly reposed became
bl e rook on which at length it split,"
—Brown". God is a'b!lte of tibase stones
to raise up children unto Abrahs;m, God
doesn't 'need you to make good Ole
prcuniee, if you see, you must parish;
lend 10 you perish, God eon' easily raise
up s righteous generntioni as seed to
Abraham. Ole teal do it, too, eves
Uhouglu he has to uses the pebbles •00
Jordan for his ;miracle.
30.. Now alae the ax is laid unto the
root of the treed. 'There is no time to
Spero; the woaduutber has brought the
blade of the ax close to the trunk of, ltho
tree. Tote destructive power weskit was
figured here, this ax, was the Raman
empire, to which Judaea belonged as a
proviaine, The ilcenams would' cut.
clown the cation the moment God em-
powered them eo do so. Hut the figure
of speech. is wide in its bsaringl and of
every human being who is unfruitful
and does not use [hie privileges it is
true that alreetty the ax is laid tq his
roots. Hew dbwn'and cast into the
fire. If a fruit tree won't bear Pratt,
we will out it down and use it as fuel,
and plant a tree that will. Alt these
words seem. to us plainly to refer to
what John foresaw—the approaching
destruction of Jerusalem and. tans' ruin
of the Jewish polity. ;But doubtless it
means much more then this, Just at
this point in the sermon the
muitt•tudes interrupted 'him ask -
"What shall we do to
avoid (:he ter,ri.blo retribution?" This,
we learn from; Luke. This 'showed
their siianerity. .lie gave them diree-
bionic that harmonize exactly with those
of the Seivnnm; on the Mount. Pub -
litmus lend soldiers, that le, outcast
Jhws and forei.�gatera, asked the same
question, end in (reale case received for
alnielven 158 exhot'tatiOn, to resist the
prevalent Enos of the clay. There are
iletinnati.dora'in Luke's gospel that the
massage leeginindng with verse 11 was
part of a dmreet: reply to a deputatioui
at protnnneut citizens from Jerusalent
who when to taveoelegate the naso ot'
Tohtn. All this shows what uholdhel
bad, am the hearts of the people at
The North Wind blow through the ter -
est, &roar,
And Whistled to drown his ggrief;
Foe he could not; greet that glad New
De turning et brand new leaf,
11. I endebd. Contrasting hitnsalf
wd.ths Hien (het was to mane. feapl;izo
you with water ante repentance. The
weber that cliewnses your bodies .[ use
as a semalleil• of tale otweaeing of your
moral unturos, Whloh hoe come if your
repentance is genuine, if you hove luta
a Dull chanteea of purpose from wrong'
to right,. "The higher powers of the
wino, world were to be man•ifestoct
afterward. 'Plnhuptne. There is ev-
ery reason to believe '.hat baptism of
Jaws was a quite new and atl•nnge,l7o.r-
tor,in is e, so nano and strange as to
startle the enation, Proselytes bail'
been, baptized, bus mover Jews, ate
that cometh after ice. His }mercies;
email, understand him to refect directly
to, 5he Messiah., for ids ening he had
lenem s teed 1sOnnS.elf a she Massiab's
eorenLUnlier, leinghtier ,than 1, Ila pro -
needs to show that the :kloasinh's sever-
for Might to to Ire Shewlis ?nth by his
moray hexa by his justice, Whose
shoos 1 :ten not worilay to bear. Luke
liars apbrtuse even stronger than thin
"The Thong of wiase knndels l.ant net.
worthy/ eW unloose," phone or eased -
dohs were fantasied on the feet
by thane&. The ipoan'ose slave
of the ltousetokt oared for the shoes
of the master of the house. This gave
point to our Lord's wvaHhing of the dis-
olplea' feat. 'J3y tale figure John
aougdst to abow'his own relation to the.
Messiah, [1e shell baptize you with
tite Holy Ghost anal with fire, The
teechoy ;Mould never forget that this
is a figure of speech. The lint thought
is that the saute thus baptized have
poured upon them divine holiness and
wisdom; the second is 'that they aro
purtfled as gold is purified, by suhjeo-
Lion to a power that burn away ev-
erything that is evil and fills them
wills fiery zeal, 1 suppose that the
double figure was used because water
and fire are the ;most familiar emblems
of purifiestieni.
,de, airbuse fan is in his hand; Tho
winnowing fork hue alreadly leen lift-
ed by the divine Husbandman. The.
"fen" threw tap the laruah.ed wheat
evilest the wind and so released from
it the worthless chaft. He
eel! Lhorouglll.y purge ,his floor.
$is threshing floor shall be
absolutely clear of chaff and of all
useless stuff, Gaither his wheat into
the garner. .Preserve it in bis store-
hdutse. Burn up the chaff with un-
quenchable fire. The refuse of the
tbsresbieg floor was used in ancient
Palestine for fuel. It burned; like tin-
der or paper, and when such a fire was
lighted it was absolutely unqueenc'h-
able. It would consume the chaff bee
fore it .could be extinguished by any
other process. If one ask the meanings
fo each of the members of this parable,
we may suppose God's fan to be the
Romano, who were his ax in verse 10,
The preaching of the Gospel, however,
was also a true winnowing fan; the
threshing floor in the first case would
be the Jewish nation; in the eecondi
Christendom; the wheat would tie the
true believers in Christ, the garner
the kingdom of God, the chaff useless
souls, and the fire God's judgment.
Read carefully all that is told about
Jahn the Baptist in Luke 3 and .fehni
1. •
18. Then cometh Jesu's,...to be bap-
tized, 'In all things it behooved. him;
to be made like unto his brethren." Ho
came f"om Galilee, where, in the town.
of Nazareth, he had lived from his
childhood up. Probably he had lal:ored
as a carpenter until the age of Shirty.
Matt. 13. 55; Mark 0, 3; Luke 3, 23.
14. John forbade him, "Soxught to
binder him." The words of Luke seem
to indicate that the Leptism was over.
and the ,prowds had gone when Jesus
stepped forward. I have need to Iso
baptized. of= thee, and oomest thou to
me? ' The emphasis of this most re-
markable speech''," says Dr. Brown.
"lies all in the pronouns." Shall the
Master be baptized by the servant?
Shall the Saviour ho baptized by the
sinner? John feels his measureless in-
feriority to Jeaus.
15. Suffer its to be so now; For the
present let it, pass; both you, the bap-
tizer, and I, tits Messiah. 7'o fulfil
all righteousness. Every Moly cus-
tom, every godly institution. Jesus
teems to recognize[ the incongruity of
the ant whiels so startles John, but as
a representative of mankind it becomes
Mia duty to receive the rite, and as
a baptizer it becomes John's duty to
administer it. Then he suffered him.
Did as 1,:J was told,
18. Wont up straightway out of
the water. Immediately. Luke adds,
"While he was praying," The heavens
were opened unto 'him• it seems to be
plainly implied that this vision was
given to our Lord and the Baptist only,
Descending like a dove. Luke adds,
In bodily form. " Lighting upon him,
Nestling oven his head. It is not
likely that there was any material
dove; neither was this vision the result
of the imagination. The spirit of Jesus
and the spirit of John actually reaeiv
od this communication by sight and
sound from the actual world of spirits.
That the Spirit of Gocl sheet(' descend
like iedove is in aword encs with the
emblematic character of the whole
traneection. The doves representedthe
undefiled, Sol. Song 8, 9, harmless,
Matt, 10, 18, gentle, meek character,
Sol. Song 2: 14, It was the emblem
of peace, Geo. 8, 11, and. of £beauty,
Psalm, 08, 15,: It was the popular na-
tionat symbol oe Israel, and, so far as
this manifestation was made known
,'abroad, tt would doubtless mark Jesus
in public opintou, as tho ideal, typhoid.
fore, by implication the Messiah. John
inderstood the marvelto indicate
.representative Israelite, and, there
this, "I knew bine not," he says; -:'but
he L•hat sent ene said, Upon whom; thou
shalt see the Spirit descending and re -
maiming on hie„ the same is he which
baptizeth with the Holy Ghost. And
Isaw and, bare record that this is the
Son of God."
17. A voice from heaved. Probably
hoard only by the Lord and by 500
Baptist. This is any beloved San, This
lensewered all the questions that may
have been whirling In thio Ba'ptist's ex-
cited ,tuned. What its effeet was 00
Jesus we rosy rioly reverently guess;
but it ;may breve brought to his human
consciousness a certain assurance and
attestation, Ln whom, I am well pleas-
ed. " en. whom 1• delight." Seo lea, 42. 1.
Mr. Slowpay—Lot mo see. Your face
seems familiar, Yes, now I remember
seeing your picture in a sporting pa-
per, Ain't you Bloody Mike, the slug-
Caller—Tliet's me,
Weill well! What business can you
possibly have with mot
iVull, nor, i't's this way. Prize fight -
in' is rather dull now, and' I'm tryin'
ter earn a respectable livin'. See?
i am dol!ghlel to hour of your re-
Yie sor. You see I'an new the bill col -
for Long, Wait & Co., Mn' I'ns
plied a commis)). on what I collect, Mu'
on whet I dont collect, too, if I bring
or piece of e nose, beck len oar, Its
t os , z o'
somothin' ter shove slid aro best ter.
Tit the money,
Urn—yes; wait a moment and I'll
give you a chock.
iHunston—l'd like to go shooting to-
morrow, if T couldtied,
only get a dog te
is Well (;rained.
IOthei—Oh 11'11 lei, yon take Dottie
then 1 She can stand on her head nut
shako hantls and play dead, and say
her Mayors and do lots o£ firings 1
deltas; 8710 elle 0hlld 04e80 0 -- lio7'ri171e
delft Which Nei the '''''Chien s GGn80 --
QOnrU'e8dltig Snlasf.rophe-.The Mor lir;'..
Six persons wen burin to death at
Ottawa on Friday •morning, An alarm
et 3,15 called the brigade to h'riel Ste
neer Clarence St„ but in spite of. a
prompt response from .the reel and
horse waggons it was evident that the
house was doomed. It was not, how-
ever, until the arrival of Chief Prevost
that it was learned that the family,
or the best part of them, were in the
burning building• The chief at onus
ordered the door to bo burnt open, anti
made a rush into a house.
A terrible scene met his gaze, The
Stairway was burned dawn, and Lying
at the foot wag the body of as ap-
parently len-year-old- girl burned to a
It took only a abort time to got the
fire under control, but it, was evident
from the smoke wad flames that no
hopes remained of finding anything but
eharrecl remains. Suoh proved to be
elle ease, the body of the Lather and
four children 'being found in the bed-
rooms, from whileh their escape had
bean out off.
Prom what coma oe learned it ap-
pears that the husband had been for
some time showing signs of mental de-
rangement, and was in the habit of
wandering round the house at night
Thin mornidg it is supposed, he dropped
the lamp, and the whole house was al-
most Immediately in flames.
Mrs. Leahy tried to quench the fire,
but was unable to succeed, and after
exhausting her efforts in this direc-
tion, had. barely time to escape from
the house with one child. The names
of the six who perished in the flames
are Patrtek Leahy, the father, aged42;
Themes, aged 8; Macule, aged 7; Katie,
aged 0; Maggie, aged 4; Partick, aged
Describing the fearfuL affair, Mrs,
Leahy nays:—"I woke up with a start
shortly before three o'clock. My hus-
band, who was in night attire, was
standing at the beuside. When I
opened my eyes the room was full
of emoke. My husband was yelling
to me to get up and save mvself, as
the house was on rtre. T lumped out
of bed, and; hurriedly rushed into the
abilclren'a room, which adjoined mine
I picked up Mamie, aged seven, and
Frankie, aged five, and In an Instant
started back to my room. I opened
the window, which wan only a few
inches above the root ot an adjoining
shed. Through the opening I foroed
little Frankie, and thereby saved bis
life. In the meantime, little Mamie,
who did not unaerstand the danger,
returned to her own room in the dark-
ness, likely enough• to go back to bed.
Then I beta= frantic, and ran in af-
ter her. I was almost overcome with
smoke how, and ;the fire was spreading
in all directions,
I attempted to enter the room a second
time, but had to relinquish my desire,
and allow the little one to look after
her own safety. I clambered through
the window on to the roof of the shed,
and screamed for help. Mr. Joseph.
Rouliz came to the yard, and put up
a ladder, and assisted ma and my child
to the ground. There were no lamps
burning in tale house at the time to
my knowledge, but there had bean a
good wood fire in a small stove when I
retired for the avenang. When my
husband stood beside my bed he seam-
ed perfectly calm and self-possessed,and
not at all flurried by the danger of
the position in which he and the fam-
ily were. After warning me be walk-
ed calmly from the room to the next,
where in the dense smoke he probably
met his end. ale made no effort to
either save himself or his family., Had
he been in his right senses there is no
doubt that all lives would have been
saved. I have no idea how the fire
A neighbour, ars. Anderson, who
was et the actino early, declares that
Malmo Leahy, aged 7, perished in the
effort to save her baby brother,. Mrs.
Anderson says that she saw Mrs.
Leahy on the roof with her son Frank,
who was saved, and ber daughter
Mamie. She was standing like a
statue, terrified almost to death, and
scarcely able to speak. Mrs. Leahy
cried, "Save my darling baby, my lit-
tle Tommie," I will mamma, I will,"
answered the hereto little Minnie, as
she turned and literally walked into
the jaws of death to save her baby
brother, and there she perished with
the others. The loss of life is attribut-
ed to the bet that there was a delay
of twenty-five minutes in sending the
alarm, as the key of the alarm box
was missing,
Prat .levaise 'thirty 7Yruts',11stiinle
Courtney's i'easlidstic *flow — The Iron
Trade 11 Drifting to ler. Ihtltetl hetes.
A despatch from London says: The
most notable speeches 00 the past week
Have mat been political, but industrial.
One was Mr. Courtney's address be-
fore the Royal. Stalletteal Society on
Jievon'scoal question after thirty years,
Although Mr. Courtney is now weft
nigh blind, be cannot, like Mr. Maw
colt, streak without cotes, but has his
s'eereetery bebind hint to read stetietics
and pro opt herd, Ile has, however,
Mr, Fawcott's ardour ror scien,Lifie
study, anti suoaoeds in ittakiig dry
subjects deeply itdterest:ing. His ed -
drives has been widely commented up-
on by tate press, sauce he coilanded
time :betters was right; in his main pre-
diol:iou that 'elm day must conte when
Ilagland's sug emery in elle+ eerie and
iron trade would be impaired• Mr,
Courtney laid great stress upon the
enormous increase in the output of
coal to the Unibsd States, and the oe-
LraordLnary reduc'tio'n in the cost 01
procluotiow Lillian at the Metall of the
Pit, Until 1t is two &hilltngs lower a
ton than in Great Britatu. tie tanto.
ly lathe/end that Amarine, with :a
larger &tore 60 tnineral wealth natalsu-
perior belittles of production, must,
uitianataly' lead tit (Able industrial
'.141' JIB tea 63E6131C lre
Aden and Women In all Walks of Life Tell of the Remarkabl4
' Norte ,
Cures Wrought by South American Ne tt a Tonic,
Newspaper editors are almost as
sceptical as the average physician on
the subject of new remedies for sink
people. Nothing short of a series of
most remarkable and well authenti-
cated cures will incline either an
editor or a dootor to seriously consider
the merits honestly claimed' for It
Hundreds of testimonials of won-
derful recoveries wrought with the
Great South American Nervine Tonic
were received from men and women
all over the country before physicians
began to prescribe this great remedy
in chronic oases of dyspepsia, in-
digestion, nervous prostration, sick
headache, and as a tonin for bnild-
ing up systems capped of vitality
through protracted spells of sick
During his experience of nearly a
quarter of a century as a newspaper
publisher in Parise Ont., Editor Col-
well, of The Paris Review, has pub-
lished hundreds of columns of paid
medicine advertisements, and, no
doubt, printed many a graoefully-
worded puff for his patrons as a
matter of business, but in only a
single instance, and that one warrant-
ed by his own personal experience,
has he given a"testimonial over his
own signature. No other remedy
ever offered the public has proved
such a marvellous revelation to the
most sceptical as the South American
Nervine Tonic. It has never failed
in its purpose,and it has cured when
doctors and other medicines were
tried in vain.
"I wasrostrated with a artioet
larly severe' attack of 'La Grippe,'"
says Mr. Colwell, "and could find no
relief fromthe intense pains and diet.
tress of the malady. I suffered day
and night. The dootors did not hell
me, and I tried a number of mede4
eines, but without relief. About this
time I was advised to try the South
American Nervine Tonic. Its effects
were instantaneous. The first dose I
took relieved me, I improved rapidly
and grew stronger 'every Tour
Nervine Tonic cured me in a single
The South American Nervine
Tonic rebuilds the life forces by its
direct action on the nerves and the
!terve centres, and it ie this notable'
feature which distinguishes it from
every other remedy in existence. The
most eminent medical authorities noir
concedethatfully 'two-thirds of all the
physical ailments of humanity arise
from exhaustion of the nerve. forces.
The South American Nervine Tonic
acting direct upon the nerve centres
and nerve tissues .instantaneously
supplies them with the true nourish-
ment required, and that is why its
invigorating effects upon the whole
system are always felt immediately.
For all nervous diseases, for genera
debility arising' from enfeebled vital-
ity, and for stomach troubles of every
variety no other remedy Gan possibly
take its place.
Sold by G. A. Deadman.
Iso was et tee sego Entrance When a elan
Struck slim Wilds 11 nagger—The Wound
Almostinnnedlatcly Faint — Vac AMas-
gin Arrested.
A despatch from London, says:—Wil-
liam Terries, the well-known actor,
wasstabbed as he was ,entering the
Adeiph,itheatre on Thursday even-
ing for the performance of "Secret
Service." lite assassin is supposed to
be a former super. The latter rushed
at the actor as Terriss was stepping
across the pavement from hiscah,anti
stabbed Mtn just below the heart. As
Terries fell his murderer was seized by
the people who were outside the thea-
tre. The wounded man was carried
into the theatre and doctors were call-
ed from the Charing Cross hospital,
but the wound, which was very deep,
proved fatal, anti the enter expi.redln
£fifteen minutes Tee assassin had
the appearance of a foreigner, and
wore a long cloak. Terriss fell, shout-
ing:-"1vly C•lodl he's stabbed me; don't
let him escape."
The assassin withdrew Clio [tagger
and tnacle
at his, victim, but he wee seized by
the spectators, of whom there is al-
ways a crowd; about the stage en -
tenure to witaessl the arrival of The
Mr. Terriss was planed De the lan&
ing of the stairway just inside the
theatre,where ha lay groaning loudly:
Once or twice, he feebly attempted to
speak, hitt it was impossible. He
quickly succumbed, svhLle surrounded
by the theatre staff, t.itciadeng Mien
Tito 'inutcicrer WAS 'tekclt to Howe
street 1101100 station, followed by an
angry erawd. IIia mine was given es
revolter. It ie said. tent, he had been
a "super" n.0, tate _ldelphi theatre
sowers! Vete ago, and for sollto days
BAKI '�'=? vu
+,Mara m.,.I.,,...
past he bus haunted the theatre. Tho
motive for the crime is not yet
A Large audience had already ass-
embled fox the .evening perform -
aim, and the manager came Le
the footlights and Innouneed that
as Mr. Terries had met with an
aooiclent, no performance would be gI v-
It appears that the assagain on Wed..
nesday ' evening, asked the keepey of
the ordinary stage entrance EIS to the
whereabouts of Mr. Terriss, and
his behavior was then so obnoxious
that Harry Niebol 5 one of the prin-
otpal colleagues of Mr. 'Terriss, was
obliged, to remonstrate, and to orator,
hitt[ to
The scenes along tate Strand at the
hour when the theatres elosod this
ove.rang were remarkable. 13y that
tame the special editions of the deme
ing papers were out, and the newi-
bays wore shontlirag tiround the thee,Sre
exits that Mr, Terries had been: mus' -
dorsa, At first the people refused to
place way crodeitee in the report, bo.'
sieving melt a.n event impossible, but
when they foul;& it was true, horror,
and indignation were painted oneverp
When Aealsiar, 10eur er .r rr'
rn d o,a ryad
at tate police Station, be still had the
weapon, appemettl.y a brig butcher's
knite, 'concealed beneath hie 7nvcrnesd
cope- On being elutrged with murder,
he is reported to have teplie1 -"thew
done ma out of the benevolent feuds
this tnorrabee, and a ani out of lb for,
TIle lmitxaleeer was plenied in se cell,
taut is unclar a spoolal wateh for the