HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-12-24, Page 8Lad-ies and
I3eautiful 1nesente for Ladies or
Gentlemen, young or old, and if snob
variety, are to he bail et our store.
Toy Department,
One corner of our large store ,spec.'
tally set apart for Toys, It is the Child•
ton's Corner.
China Ware.
Nice Fruit Sets, Chaoolete Sets, Tea
Sete, Porridge Sete, and moll like in
Toy Books.
89ases devoted specially to showing
Toy Books, and still many not seen.
Never such a stook and primes low. We
cannot begin to tell you all we have for
Xmas. Come and see them
Drug, Book and Fanoy Goods Store.
801301:MM EXTEN9I0N W. 0. & E.
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
and South, as folk/in:
Gomm Solna, Gimlet NonTH,
Dai,eeea 7110 a.m. I ,,Tail e•10 p.m
taxed 0:49 a.m. Express 10:01 p,m
rend Nan Pins.
A ohiel's among ye taken' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
RENEW for THE Pon,.
Bnus8mre market {leads.
CHEAP rates on the G. T. R.
SATUEn41 will be Christmas.
Nonrrx1TfoR Day next Monday.
SATmnnIs will be a Bank holiday.
MEnas Melanins to all our readers.
Ann you a member of the Publfo Lib.
rary 7
THE stores look gay in their holiday
Now is the season for everybody to
.square up.
Fusin aohools will re -open on Mon-
day, January 3rd.
Qum a young blizzard was on desk
Thursday of this week.
MONTHLY Horse Fair in Brussels on
Thursday, January 6th. Come to it.
ME99n9. BAEl0E3 & VANoTONa are ship•
ping large gnautities of baled hay from
Brussels station.
BnoseELs poetoffice huts on Christ-
mas Day will be from 9 to 10 a. m., 2.30
to 3.30 and 6 to 6.30 p. m.
THE Editor of THE Pose thinks the
"love letters" between the carriage
makers of town have served their use.
fulness, and consequently would advise
their discontinuance.
Snymete Of our esteemed correspond-
ents nee 8 centinatend of 1 cent postage
stamps on their correspondence to THE
Poor. The latter denomination is all
that is necessary where there is nothing
private and the envelope is left unsealed.
Elmer WILLzoms, the well known oar•
riage maker, who, after a 60 years'
service, retired a few years ago, is going
• to resume work in hie shop ma Mill street
in the beginning of next year. Mr.
Williams fa sae of the old stock, who is
game to the end of the ohapter.
` Pits Clinton New -Era in the kindness
of toe heart says :—THE BE088ELa POST—
only humorous paper in Huron, and one
of the best weeklies in Ontario—came oat
Last week in emerged form, having seven
columns to the page. A post usually
stands still, but this one moves right be-
hind the band waggon.
AanIDENr.—Sunday evening- as J. T.
Ross was groping his way through one of
the hallways in the Public school, daring
the progress of the fire, he fell into au
open register and injured one of his lege
and arms. He is able to get about, but
feels quite sore over his fall. The hall
was full of smoke, in addition to the
evening shades having fallen, hence he
did not notice the opening. He was
fortunnte in escaping ae well as he did.
Beraeso.—A great eclipse of the eun
will ocoar on the morning of Jan. 22nd
next. It will not be visible in Canada,
but that will make little difference to
science, for now astronomers go to the
eolipse'enetead 01 waiting for it to Dome
to them no their own country, The best
views of the phenomenon are to bo had in
India, and thither scientists of many
Notions will journey and wait for it. It
is to be hoped the sun will give them a
good show.
Gantt) Tatnne NoTss.—Pa?seuger trans
is lively.—On Tuesday morning the pay
train of the Grand Trunk tau off the
track in the station yard at Kincardine
and delayed the going out of the mixed.
'The auxiliary from Palmerston was sent
—tonal;eight metter8.-13ael100 & Vanstone
shipped 8 care of baled bay and one car
of wheat this week ; R, Graham, 8 oars
of wheat mad 2 oars of oats ; Mat. Wil.
son, a car of steak ; Jno. Roddick, a oar
of lambs ; IJnterpriso Salt Werke, 8 ogre
of all. neve has else been a lively
movement in lonel freight in and on1.
DEanavnn A Ctlowomn Ileum —The 0.
Leroy Kenney concert, last Friday even-
ing, in the Town Ball, under the anepioee
of the. Public Library, proved to be one
of the best given in the village for years.
111r. Kenney showed wonderful versatility
and seemecl quite at home in any of the
eight oharactors which he was oalled upon
to aaenme. "Susan Seraggs," the 80.
aentrio old maid, and the tender Boliof-
tude of her "Harry, who had his name
'on the handle of his umbrella," was
pat'tiaulerly funny. The Yankee wolf
etory, the horse rase and the wreck on
the Atlantio were oxoeediogly well rend.
eroii, the bat two ellowing romorkablo
dramatic talent: The enable politioiaq,
the English dude, with his ".'sally good
widdloe," and the Irishman hope the
eudieuee eothvnleed with laughtev. As
allnotmeed, tharo's nota chill moment in
"Atlanfio 'Antics." If Ilio, Kenney
should again appear in Brunetti be will
nndonbbedfy be greeted by a full hones.
stn i 1)l Cameron, who is Preeldent
lite Pulfo Library, introduoscMr. leeti.
nay with a bow appropria'e words. The
National Ant ant brought the interesting
program 10 to aloes,
ams reedy to write 189e.
Tom Peter glt'oa the mows.
Tee (iheiettnaa (Aube is a dimity.
OiEEN weed le being aul d to town.
linen 'JINI Past' eillbbitlg offer in title
LA (lol1'All le l.othering It number of
our townspeople.
DID yore see W. J. Me0raeken's "little,
old, log mobilo in the 131110 7"
AN Lotion for slander hae been entered,
by Lawyer Sinolair agaiuet D. Ewan,
olaiming'$1,000 damages,
Mumma Public Library lute r, oeivod
a cheque' for 688,00 from the Govern
ment, to he expended in new books,
Tim log Dubin in Jas. Fox'9 drug store
window is a novelty. It woe designed
and built by Fred Wilson and shows ltim
to be quite an arehite81.
A IUANI'roel eubeoeiber writes "len•.
closed you will Ond 62 to pay for my
paper for 1837 and 1808, I could not do
without Tine Pose. Wiehiug you every
sueoess, I remain youra &o.' It made
us feel good.
Tam sewer and grauellthle walk 34,.
law will not 130 voted on at the munici-
pal eleotion day but will probably come
on later. If there aro elections for the
Goanoilan3 Sohool Board a third ballot
would matte it very awkward anybow as
three different rolls would be ne(0000ry.
Ghat'omitted test week 10 mei-aeon tee
kindness tend hospitality of Rev. S. J.
and Mrs. Allen in their entertainment at
the Parsonage of the Methodist ohurslr
choir, on a recent evening. After an
boar had been spent in praotice, an
oyster supper was sewed, to whish all did
ample justice. The remainder of the
evening was devoted to orokinole, fort,
vocal and instrumental muses and social
converse. A most enjoyable time was
spent by everybody, and the members of
the choir were not slow in expressing
their appreciation to the pastor and lois
better half for their invitation.
11. 0. T. M.— The following offioers
have been elected by Brussels Pent No.
24, for the ensuing year :—
Pent Com.—H. L. Jackson ;
• Com—M. H. Moore ;
Lieut. Com.—John Scott ;
Rec. Keeper—A. McGuire ;
Fin. Keeper—George Beaker ;
Chap.—W. le. Vanstone ;
Physioien—Dr. Kalbfleiecb
Sergeant—A. Somers ;
Maeter•at•arms—Robe. Anderson ;
1st el. of G.—Geo. Galvin ;
2nd a4. of G.—Sam, Carter ;
Sentinel—Robt. Denbow ;
Pioket—Wm. Griffith.
Taeonnes' ExAnnewwro0.—The Baird of
Examiners for the County of Huron, met
at Goderiab on the 18th inst. The fol•
lowing students were granted Third Class
Professional Certificates, ae Public
School Teachers, valid for three years :—
Misses Aitkin, Amy, Anderson, Copp,
Cunningham, Culbert, Gaulle,
Downer, Edge, Elliott, Fowler, Heinlein,
Higgins, Isbister, Jardine, Kennedy
(Suite) Kennedy (Annie,) Lamont, Lo•
Teazel, MoOlusky, McConnell, McGregor,
Murray (Annie,) Mummy (Georgte,) Oli.
ver, Reynolds, Reid, Robb, Stoat, Twit•
obeli, Walker, Willse. Messrs. Aitohe•
son, Allison, Bricker, Clarkson, Elliott,
Fraser, Hamilton, Hageitt, ' Kilpatrick,
Lennox, McEwen, eloKay, McTavish,
Naftal, Powell, Rath, Robinson, Snell,
Scott, Todd, Tilt, Tesdale, Trewartha,
A. 0. II. W.—Thee annual election of
officers was held in oouneotion with Brus-
sels A. 0. TI. W. No. 188, last Friday
evenio,. The following ware Method :—
Master Workman—T. Farrow ;
Foreman—E. W. Molson
Overseer—W. H. McCracken ;
Iteoorder—W. H. herr ;
Finauoier-J, A. Oreightoo ;
Receiver—D. Ewan ;
Gaide—J. H. Wiemer ;
Inside Watchman—Harry MoOrae ;
Outside Watchman—M, Doll ;
Physioiane—Drs. McNaughton and
Kalbfieissh ;
Rep. to Grand Lodge—R. Armstrong;
Alternate—T. Farrow ;
Trustees—Bros. Deadman, Kalb -
dein]] aoil MoNeii
Auditors—Do.Kalbfdisolo and W. H.
There are 70 members and the Lodge is
in good shape.
CONa'nd0Ts iron 1808.—Thos. Newsome,
the well known oontraotor, Brussels, al-
ready has a good share of work content-
ed for next you but as he is a hustler he
is etill open to add to his present engage
m5038. The following i8 the list as it
now stands :—Isaao Lake, 10th eon.,
Grey, splitting barn and finishing stone
stabling under it ; Rob6.11foOallum, 10th
con„ Grey, new bank been, 60x6Gfeet ;
Jas. Hislop, 16th eon., Grey, splitting
barn and petting stabling underneath ;
Peter Cameron, Boundary Logan and
Grey, new bank baro, 60x63 feet ; Dun•
oat McNair, 14th eon., Grey, splitting hie
barn and fitting up stone stabling; Lnke
Sperain, 14111 ooh., Grey, straw shed, 20x
88 feet, with stabling under it ; Wm.
Meanders, 7th line, Morrie, new barn,
88x48 feet ; Jas. Shaw, Brussels, splitting
hie barn and fitting up stooeetabling that
is to be built under lb. Mr. Nowoome has
a reputation for doing good work and not
allowing the g•ase to grow under his
KNronra OP THE 01,EAV1oe.—Brueoel8
butohore aro to the front en us1al with
an elegant di'ploy of Christmas meats,
arranged in the moat atbraativo way pos-
sible and neatly decorated with ever-
greens, tissue paper flowers, &o. We
taco only time to give a brief notice :—
A. 0021300
Mos in his exhibit two 2 year old heifers,
fed by John Robb, of Morels 1 two 2 year
old heifers, fod by A. Gerrie ; 4 digs, fad
byBich. Bewley, Mo • '
1 ry
o menthe
old, that weighed 200 pentode fed by Mr.
Burke, Brm00e19, There was also a wide
range of lamb, poultry, sausage, bead -
ahem, bologna, begets, white and black
puddings, tripe, &o., &o.
war, nes/fuzee
display was competed. of three 2 year old
heifers, fad by Geo. Karr, Morrie ; to 2
year old heifer, fed by Geo, Jackson,
Morris ; 4 pigs, fed by John ttlitabel',
Grey ; 2 pigs, fed by A. Gardiner, Mo.
leillop ; 2 Tombs, fed by harry Jackson,
Morels ; geese, turkeys, smoked ham and
bacon, potted chicken, sausage and other
dainties usually found 031 Giese 000asi0n0,
813Itmt, 38,00.030100
Wolter stair wad Ailed with two yearling
batters and a 2 ysar'old, foci by himeslf ;
1 pig, fed by John Ounninghaw, Grey ; 2
pigs, fed by S. Walker'; turkeys, geese,
rluoks onto t n 1)e 1
d o leal•cheesa seepage
and El 031. - - , u ge
People who have the Dash orwhoso anent
le good, need not be le want of all that is
000008ary in the line indleatod above.
1'.11 eta 11 it 1.) bS1± i:,S 1'()ST'
.. u.cm,r s5. +.,.. a,.oar'., ......r<,x..»w*«m. w.,.a,Gi.: $5,5551554, .r , .,
ll ut1,211,,photo. e
el1)I y
will bo Open
G0t6F;hrlsttn,cu lin 1 New Yeacr, 00,001114
eking, 1 1�
u 1, v, U t ,
',1 t 'r1 for 1 Creel-
Tvrttatvn noloitnoGnct
1)p t
, note board offered by G. A, Dutton et
John Bhdco, uI S. S. No, 1, ('trey, in tau
vlobor with a total o1 71 words.
BM), Ntot:I,ANno, of the Ousel! Oboerv'
er, remarks :—We nota that 'Pee Bees.
awes 200] has a e11ronlo attach of enlarge.
went of the heart and is unw tenite a big
paper, We hope that .Bre, Herr ,will
livanoially profit by hie enterprise.
011 4104 t'n1l30s.--13rnesole 0o0n0il of
Ohooen Friends, No. 3(13, eleuted 01111, 04
for the ensuing year, on Tuesday eveui ig
11081, as lnllowo
Chief Caanciller, W. F.Vendome ;
Peet Oouuoillor, flow, 0, .1, Alliu ;
Vice Cnnnelllor, 11,bt, Johuseon ;
Recorder, S,'I'. Plum ;
Treasure,', II, 11. Brewer ;
Prolate, J. 3. Ball ;
1Inrailal, Jesse Wilbee ;
Warden, 4Vn1. Millon h, sr. ;
Guard, H. R. Elliott ;
Sentry, 0..MoQutabeon ;
Trustee, Trdemtou 131nith ;
Representative to Grand Council,
5, T. Plum,
This Society meets in the Bla-loill 11,11
on the 14 and 8rd Tuesdays in euel1
month. The installation of ufilomrs will
take plans o1 Wednesday evening; Jota,
12 h, .
Dien 1N Hen 811ru Ymdn.—Leet Satyr.
day evening the spirib of Ann, relict of
the late John Brent, former reaidente of
Brussels, permed away to the Great
Beyond. Mrs, Brent was making her
home sloes leaving Brussels, nearly 0
years ago, with her dengh'er, 311.9.
Reuben W tale, at Buffalo, e7, Y. De•
ceased had been poorly for the past yew,
but was only seriossly i11 for ten wacke
prior to her decease. Old age and heart
disease were the cause of dead,. ,IIra.
Brent was born in Oornwail, England.
Her husband died about 20 years 1);o,
aged. 70, and with a young man son were
buried in Brussels cemetery. This 0e•
mounted for the bringiug of Mrs. Brent's
remains here on Tuesday night, The
funeral took place from the residence of
Robt. Armstrong on Wednesday fore.
noon, Rev, R. Paul conducting the serv-
ice. Mrs. T. Taylor, of Jnalteon, 311 1t,,
and airs, Watson, of Buffalo, are the
surviving children. The latter ascan•
ponied the body to -this, place, returning
on Thursday morning. Deceased lvae a
member of the Methodist chorale for
many years and load reaohed her 88th
DEATH. of Mag. HART.—The Kingston
Newsof Dec. 10113 gives the following
partiaelare of the deoease of Mro. W. D.
Hart :—"Mre. Hart (nee Miss Laera
Folger), wife of W. D. Hart, manager 01
the Standard Beak, died shortly after ten
o'olook this morning, after an illness of
about six months. From the time of the
birth of her third child in Jttne Mrs.
Hart, then in a delicate coudibiou, grew
weaker. All possible caro was given the
invalid and she was sent from one pleas
to anolber for change of air. A few
weeks ago her life Was despaired of, a td
death wen expected at tiny moment. The
patient lingered on, however, and did not
pass into rest until thio morning. De.
ceased wne the second claugbee of B. W.
Folger, and was one of the most estime.
bls young ladies in the city, "Sbe wu a
lovely girl" was the exereesiou heard on
all sides this morning. Amiable and
bright, Mrs. Hart was always doing good,
and was a great comfort to her parents.
She was married three years 'ago last
June. A husband and three little child-
ren are left to mourn a' loos that can
never ba repaired in this world, and to
them as Meg to Mr. and Mrs. Folger who
were eo fondly abtttohed to Sbeir daugh-
ter, the einaere sympathy of the pubilo
goes out. It seems sad that so beautiful
a life should be net off at so early au age,
but human hearts and wills man only bow
to the deoree of an all -wise Providence,
There mo uins a radiant memory, and an
example whose influence will be felt down
the long reaches of time and to an extent
which eternity alone can reveal. "Earth's
fairest fiowere flit fleetest by," their
mission may be a brief one, but they are
endowed with the power to t000h the
deepest springs of feeliag, and to leave
the world better than they found it.'
Mr, Hart, who was manager of Brussels
Branoh of the Standard Bank a fele
years ago, will be deeply sympathized
with in his heavy bereavement.
Fine AT THE S011oo1. House.—About G
o'clock 11110 Sabbath evening the fire
alarm sot the Publfo sobool rang out ire
warning notes wbiob wore shortly after
taken Op by the clanging of the alarm 00
the Town Hall. Word was quickly sent
abroad that the school house basement
was on lire. The fire engine wee
promptly on hand but a little time lune
lost by mismanagement of the hose.
Deese smoke had filled the building 20
thab it was impossible to enter any of the
apartments but two basement windows,
on either aide of the building, were open-
ed and a line of hose to oaoh with power-
ful streams of hater soot deluged the
smouldering fire bloat was found to be in
to pile of wood in the North west enrne1
Of the basement, The flee had been
burning for Route little time as about :i
cords of wood wore consumed and the
jolets'af the ceiling and a portion of the
flooring in Mise R,itohne's department
were burned away, lit addition the
desks- anti Cunt ere in a couple of the
rooms were damaged by the heat a0 well
as the woodwork and the avalls and veil.
lege were badly blackened with sm,ks
before people could got in with safety to
thew. lives to open up the tvinciowe.
There is 66,000 iusnrauos on the belle -
hog, 63,000 of 11 being in the Western are]
$2,000 ill the Mercantile, $1,000 in
81)101100 r9 else carried on the faruiture
of the building. The respective 0on1.
eaules were promptly notified and tee
necessary repairs will be male just 180
soon as possible tater the claim, tore ad.
jeeted. Owing to the 0)ndi0101 of the
building it wan nob possible behave school
this week but it i0 expected everything
will be in readiness for alio opening after
New Years. The cause of the fire is a
mystery as the ffi nance neer wbi01) the
fire was discovered in only 1320d 0000,2101•
ally to beat the nn00011ph c1 room to pro
veutdampne0e and the last tiro in it was
on Friday of lest week, . Some hint at
ineondiaryism us the outside door to the
basement wee said to be found unfee:on-
ed, It was te fortunate thitlg that the
tiro was discovered as soon is it was or
the flee strootare, only opened 2 years
ago, might have been hi i'niu , Tho 9'o
s 1 ndi,ll and hoR '
Re V t Brigade
n li
was toe 1,1000111 1)e ever, the only appal.
ant lack le that the oe 3010 are 1 o
novena to worst instead of occupying
their whole time in eeperIntsnding and
'2111 50 W11 btu vet emotes will b' -op n nu
Oilrislnntp putt! noon, nrrhug that the
nlidu mines s o A Sat aril ',
lh Y of a tl
of `7
()wise to the ill, en ! two nominee of
0 s
our ate acull 0. 'ah of job to 1)•k, 1'Ri9
Pear tt a 1'tv Ir ore hater titian Gen' 11 able
i week,
1 Thetas 11avo been somewhat delayed
melee to the holiday movement of people
anti Xmas goods ill addition to Gia rega-
lar trot,?'.
FEvmnaL days a youth, gaily ou•iitiod
• with an elegant frog osetume, has twee
doing the town, tbeeeby advecticing, for
Druggist Fox, "Frogin your tbroat,"
t Mr. Frog was observed by all observere.
iI AN example will be made of a umber
{ of horsemen who pevsiab in trotting their
nage over the bridge. A 66.00 bill will
probably refresh their memories and help
them read the petro° on either °nil of tete
iron streatm•O, relative to the law on the
Oun beet thanks ere due to Mre. J,
Wilkinson, 4111 line, Morris, for a Oheist.
was gift of two dozen flue free) eggs. We
will speak a good word to Santa Ohms to
remember this good lady when ho calls
down that line,
GliUJ tl!Il (1111111:1.
Melvirin Sebl aUl school will hold a
pubiio review of the gunrtet'a lessons
nest Sabbath eftor„cen.
Service in St. John's church on (theist,
rens muruil,g to 10.60 "'olook. The
chnreb bas been decent all with ever-
greens for 1110 00008101).
Next Sabbath morning the theme in
Mulvill0 chnrcb will bo "Cht18tian at
We Oro's." In the avenin;; there will be
4 Christnas Song Servide e.'3 Bible read-
Apprrpriate Christmas Sabbath ser -
vines in the Methodist ohurah next Sun-
day morning and evening. Tho pastor
will prottch. • Morning topic, "The low-
ly Chriet," evening, "The exalted
Nest Sabbath afternoon W. II. Kerr
addresses the Trowbridge Mothcdist Sab'
bath school r1) aonneetiou with their
anniversary and be will also take the
evening service in the same Ouch.
Rev. G. J. Abey discoursed last Bab,
booth morning from Rev. 21st chapter and
9th verse, "Dome hither, I ill show
thee the bride, the Lomheo wine," The
7th abaptee of the aforementioned book
and the 17th verse was the test et the
evening service froth which an interest.
ing sermon wag preeotled.
The Review 0 181ae in connection with
the Methodist Sabbath Sohool last Sab-
bath afternoon wan largely attended, 276
persons being present. Alter the opou.
i0g examine the Primary alas sang a
Christmas hymn and afterward recited
the 23rd Psalm, the Beatitudes and the
Ten Commandments in aoneel1. 33,
Gorey gave a very comprebeusive ad•
dress on Paul's life, exemplifying the
envy of the shipwreok by a well arranged
object lesson, Rev. Mr. Sellery address.
Ad a few wards to the school also .
Last Sabbath in Melville church Rev.
Mr. Ross took as his morning text
"Enter ye in at the straight gate," Matt,
7:18. The "Wicket Gate" was described
as being:—(1) A Divinely provided gate ;
(2) A olceed gate ; (3) An open gate ;
(4)A narrow gets ; (5) A dividing gate ;
et A solitary ate ; (7)A gate to los
t Y g
quickly entered. In the evening the
text was II Oor., 12:1—eI will come to
the visions and revelat,0ns of the Lord,"
in connection with which the sights in
the House of the Interpreter, which had
been bristly referred to in the morning,
were explained and tb.1r lessons enforced.
A week ago last Sebboth Rev, R. Patel,
of Brussels, who ie punt hie 70th birth•
day, drove 18 utiles on the Belgrave Mr.
ouit,-taught a Bible olaee, preached three
times and lead one class. What he was
busy at during the remainder of the day
we did not ascertain.
Business Locals.
OtsTxne stewed at 0ri0b'2.
Osemars in bulk at Orioh'a.
CEorcn Bon Bons at Orioh'e.
KLagnnco Nougates at Orfoh's.
Odder your Xmas. oake at Orich'e.
Fon tenoy rookere go to Jno. Walker's.
Bonze and blankets ulose to cost.
I. 0. R;oharda,
Ws repair rubbers end shoes obeap and
good. I. 0. Richards.
ens some of the fanny parlor tables at
Jno, Walker's.
a'IANITOB,1, straight roller, or mixed
flour and all kinds of feed at or
Terms cash.
Tom largest and best selected stook of
pictures and Ochre moulding will be
seeu at John Walker's,
BIM our Chriebmas stools of candies and
oranges et McCracken's.
GANnine, Not., Figs, Dant, Oranges,
Grapes and Lemons at Orioh's.
Buv y0011 dandies and oranges, nuts,
&a , for Christman at lefa0raolcon's,
Fon a nice wadding or Obristmns
present try Walhet''s furniture store.
Dona your robe need ro-lining 7 Wo
do them eo they look like new.
I, C. Richards.
OHorewes at 4 conte per 100 lbs, and
good week guarantee at Ross' mill,
Terme mesh.
Ifoass eli fper0 and scissors sharpened
and repotted by Saw leiter McGregor, of
11rueeele, Qltoon et. East.
Ooh bond mode long hoots are the ones
to Iteep 001 the venter end Mud thewear, L 0. Rlrhm'ds.
Wm: pay eg'nts bi, prices for ergine
oa6,00yon, mon buy a 6'iotave pi"no dace,
0111 or walnut from R. Loatb„idale for
WALNnn & Onoo''lt man sell more work ie
spotter time, for less money than any
shop in town in our Ire de.
Walker & Smith,
Folt beareoni seinen, sidolionree, erten,
tion tables, lounges, parlor suites, parlor
tables, oauebo9, end its fast anything to
be found in a first those furniture stole,
gall on Jelin Walker.
IIAvrge pnrohned n largo end well
soleobed «tools of windory slimier .it a low
rate en the $, I will be prepaod to eel,
for the next 00 daps at about half the
nue! primo, Jno, Walker.
BAusAxoo Oirirmnsn.—That eligible heli
nen lot athlete en the Southern portion of
Turnberry street, Brnssole, will be die.
posed of below meet. Very easy tonne
Write for penholder/1 it JonN llnitaosayss,
174 Queen et, Wont, Totonbo,
WAhlcr n air 1torr I sold 18 aa
tae this
Winar 3010103867-8q101311 on lade. We
Gould very nearly keep one old 3011101nm
bus, fitting fu sheets in the amount of
work we eon and ee-paint. Come and get
prime free, it will be worth dollars 40
You, Welker & Snaith,
;ow. .
OF y
l)r. l
ire ears of
141; TOi;ONT4
ASSETS, • (Sevou Million 1)01larse
CAPITAL (Authorized) , , $2,000,000
Agenciesin all principal points its Ontario, Queen, Manitoba, United States ctl Lnpfa3d,' FOR
Dix, 21, 1807
H Hit 101
A General Banking Moslem Treneaotod, FarmOre' Notes Dicimonnted,
Drafts Inure! and Collootions made on all 1101nts.
entereotallowed on deposits of 11,00 and upwards from dab of deposit to. Mote o
withdrawal and compounded half yearly,
S111101AL ATTIIIMON 01VEN 10'0)00 001,1,20TI038 09 li'Ane11922' SALI9 NOTES.
Every faoiiity afforded Customrre iiving at a distenoo,
WANTED,—Butter, dried apples, and
poultry. Highest prices. Largset
stook of dry goods, grooeriee, boots and
shoes fo select from. G. E. KING, Wing.
If you are thinking of buying an organ
it will pay you to oall on R. Leathordale
before you buy. Ile can save you 20 per
cent. Agent for the Bell and Goderioh,
Always a big stook ou baud.
WALNmn & Sinus intend gaiting in
stook for buggies in car loads. This will
begoodfor ouroustorors, en we will get
the best as cheap enamel). dealers will have
topay for the cheapest. Keep blowing.
SValkos & Smith,
ANroms needing their sawn nitt in
proper order had better bring them to
Sttw•filer McGregor before he leaves
Brussels, as be is likely to take a situ-
ation with elle Sato and Saw Tool Mak-
ers, but will do saw filing and taw guts•
ming in Brownie for this season. T.
lbioGregor, saw -tiler, Brussels, Queen
st. East,
GouttT Mosso . Caron,—Send us the
names and addresses of three or mora
performers on the piano oe organ together
with ten rents in silver and we will mail
you ten pieces full aboot music, consisting
of popular songs, waltzes, marches, etc.,
arranged for the piano and organ. Ad•
dress, Porurtn Music Pon, Go., Indian-
apolis, Ind.
Woo with our opposition friends a very
Merry Chrletmas and a Happy New Year
for the way they have advertised onr
business in the last two months. We
sold 18 cutters over the ndvertieiug, but
would ask them to look sharp and not
dig pits for their neighbors lest they fall
in themselves, nor work mischief lest it
fall on their awn heads. Fou1•e truly,
Jas, Walker.
The town of Gnhas a deficit 31,800
in 111ie )'ear's amounts.
Acoording to the Star, 3100,000 have
been spent in Goderioh in building op.
erations during the post year; some 00
fine brick houses have been emoted,
At a meeting of the oreditors of Barbar
Watson t1 Go., Listowel, held in London,
the stook w20 sold at 72en on the $ to
Mr, Stephenson, of Listowel
ac1xx: .
Kmton6H,—Io Grey, o,. Dem lith, the
wife of Mr. W. A. Killsugh of a
FIILTON—Wn,LIA31e0N.--Io Grey, on Deo.
10011, at the reeidenoe of the bride's
parents, by Rev. A, 0. Tifitn, Mr,
James H. Felton to ,Miss Sarah
Williamson, both of Grey township.
Hoer.—In Kingston, on Deo. 16, Laura'
wife of W. D. Hart, manager Stand.
and Bank of Canada, formerly of
Brussels, and daughter of B. W.
l elger.
HnsoT.—Iu Buffalo, N. Y., ea Doo, 19th,
Attn, relict of the late John Brent,
aged 88 years, 2 months and 21) data.
THIIRsn.1Y, DEO. 30TH.—Farlm, 810015,
implement8, oto. Lot 5, ()on. 2, Grey.
Sale nnreeerved, at 1 o'clock. 110111.
Rae, Prop. Geo. Kirkby, Atm.
wnnxm2sor, Deo. 29111. -Farm stock,
&o. Lot 26, con. 8, Grey, Sale at 1 0''
clock. Juo, Miller, Prop , F. S. Scott,
BtZ VSPiFl i,C 2vnAr'vSa�:T7'S'8.
Fall Wheat..........,. 80
Barley.— ............. 28
Peas 42
Oats 22
Butter, tabs and retie .,, 14
Ilggs per dozen 10
Flux per barrel4 00
Potatoes (per bag) 60
Hay per ton 6 00
Hides trimmed 5e
Hides rongb 6
Salt per bbl„ retail1 00
Sheep skins, emelt 40
Lamb skins each 26
Hoge, Live 4 00
Dressed Hogs 6 00
Apples (per bag) 60
4 60
5 00
4 20
5 60
1cn( on mortgage 314 a per 003 t. yearly..
A. 11QN 301013,, Brussels.
]aortae and lot in Rrneseee for 0(115.
Por pat11anlare an 110 to 1V. ll I:iI8RR,Bros-
90 n A 10,C1 SPAi1.LING i
, w s,Ghnlu,
CiTBAYrI]: FRO vt THE 11111107.
kJ rens of the undersigned, Lot 00, Oou, 4,
Almeria. 011 or .about July 1st, 4 yearlings -9,.
heifers and 2 000010. Tbovaro nearly all rod
in ardor -1 sloth has a whlbo strip on back
anl1boiirrhas few White spots, An in'
formation leading to their' reooveev will be
thankfully received. WALTE1t Yf1ILI,,
10.16 0rur,misP,0.
' )lo neeevsiguetl is inn tlosition to otter
Into co/Alecto !Or the oro06100 of loo,lose anti
buildiogoof toll 1110215, All work folly guar-
antood. Anyone contemplating building
noxtyear won 000 m0131 Brnseele or slid to
41YLoanldres, eu vaTu11e0l33doNa1eoWoS
next tSeason, 'ba1!Efa,
` OUSE AND LOT F01i. SAL?'..
Jl..d Tho imdoroignod Otfor0 1113 7omfori.
010 1101120
dull,i •
ric•n 1ro of ]a •
tl 0. a 01 ee is
eiteat Coeur of Queen welt and A lbs1 Streets,
o is
Rrn ss 7s •
o , fA)sate, A11 the ennv01), fors,
tiree ase. 111101 para n01a1'o (0nrtu 111100fue,1
oras 11371 6o
G 0110323LOWEY,.Propetelrtf i1111.1280111e11 P.0,
1'1ARMS F016 SALE.—'3HEI TJ{•
nm103ONEn ban BO V2110 good Farms lar
sale and to rout, easy terms, in Townships
of Aforris and Gray. 17 0, SCOTT, Brussels
near Brnserts. Great bargniu, Lot 7,
Con 0, Croy towns tip. Good b0ildlupe nut,
o tabard, wolf watered, suitable for mixed or
dairy laruuap. .Possession given next
March, with sr ivilegn of doing Pall plowing.
Apply to W. t1, 10T01111, Poem Publishing
Roe so, Rt ussels,Or 10 T 1(03,,00 BE RITAG L,
London West.
kv�t. —100 moo, f good far
G o g o m land 1)t
8pfir galla,8whoafrom 1V 7110por,pe'yoffer-
for sats t t 1810.' prion. Tao 'Range
4, l b.
Ther "Gast i Soo '•O,f,Cwp. 11,8080,, 0.100
There is 0 house o;. Um premises and eowa
brooking .done. 1 or fall perttoulat's a0 in
pries, it tie, Se„ write 01 apply to
0. P'. 131:LIR or W. PARR,
20.11 )irussols, 001.
I. num.-81w undersigned offers l.'s
eligible 04 ,wen 'favor for We on to
rout, befog 0000, 'perb of Lot 6, (onot.a•
Won 12, (1rey. All 3,11001 cultivation, 30.11
watered and well folioed 'Them is a good
100)10, 1101180, bawl balm, orchard, wells, dl0,,
on the premis00, Also a apleudld atone
quarry trona wlrioh a good 0,,venue is realiz-
ed. Only 2.1 011,00 from Brussels. Terms
reasonable. -L'or further partioulare a0 to
price, sa., apply to
1013N ai1TOItIaLL, PronVsee ov,
333.11' Blunsele 1?, 0.
1i A13.b7 T'o1Z SAL]). -160 ACRES
L Consigneeof the seethe mo Sou1
of te North i oL':1 a0, Con. 2, least
t Wawe-
noshb. This Id au excellent stook farw,bei,,g
well supplied 84t11 .foo d spring water. It is
situated. about 3 no; tee from the thriving Vil-
lage tf Blyth, .,. largo port of 1: is under
grass. Buildings and fences aro in a fair
state of refrain Er syy tern's of payment will
be given. Por all information apply to
11-11 G. F. BLAIR, Barrister, Brussels.
e9 a IIoucr Grtauate of the Cetn,o
Veterinary College is proparod to treat 1
diseases of domeoteated animals l+, a com-
petent manlier, Particular attention paid
t0 veterinary dentistry. Calls prowtellyy at-
tended to. 013100 and Infirmary—Paw aeon
north of bridge 'putmbarry st„ Brussels, ,
Toilet Caooe, Jewel Casae,
Work Boxes, Photo, Emmet,
Neolotie Boxes, Porfnnle Sots,
Mizpab Owen, Photo, Albums,
Glove & Tlltodkor- Oollarand Gulls' n,
chief Sots, Ink Stands,
Photo, Canoe, Maniouro Sole,
Fountain Pens. 310., fin.
Owing to the greet reduction in rho
price of Celluloid Goode this season we
are of1!eriug some exaoptlonally gold
values in the above lines.
Wo elect have an immense stook of
Picture Books, Story Books,
Xmas Cards, Toys, 1Doi(e,
Gaines, Hymn kooks, .Bibles,
Poets, 'Boot len
Chatterbox. 90o., Young demean, 01.03'
See our Spoakieg Dulls at 26o.
Wo ha- to also t',calved a very cheats
line of Pe:fomes tom the very 1 et
French and A'enerie .n makers, specie "y
suited for the Ii'olid, y season.
Como in and se 1 our »took belelo
pntohaeine eleolvhet 1, and be your own
judge of the prices v o eek
Fog's D c .;g tor..
Notice to Creditors
All persons havingdates against i the 's-
tet° of Marsden Smt 1, let? of the Towne ,•0..
of Grey, in the Count v 01 Huron, num , u,
deceased, who died 0, or about the 711, 1 ty
of July, 1007, iutostat., are required to. t ,1
particulars of the ea,io, together with 00
nature of soouritios'It auv) to G. P. BI
Solicitor for Admiuis, rotor, on or before ho
0 tet day of Deoembe, 1807, after whish. C. to
the estate will bo di tribute(' among td so
entitled thereto, 110' Og6• reforouoe onl' to
tie claims of width 1. otioe ;shall then 1 ao
been reeelv,•1, and toe adminiebentor11
not be rasp esible for one par` of the es' to
to ally pere.•0 of where claim 110 shall of
have reeeivr.d duo norleo,
Ck r, BLAIR,
Solicitor for I.dwinietrator,Brus, 1s.
Dated 8111 Dec„ 1807, 01.3
The vadersigned w3'i. keep for service 0
Lot 2O Con. 0, 1)00311 the thorn' -bred
1110v0d Xorl'ra(o Bn.er, 'Or lc LodgeLr fellow,'"No. 2180, bred by J.E. Brethou0, 1 -r-
lord, to 1011. n a limi4uirtmuer of sows .11
1.0 taken,00150, ta
,00, to be paid at Liam
olssrvioett'.hprivilola or returning lfa,ea-
A number of choice young sows for sale "'or
brooding purposes A. thea will be soli' at
prices to suit the time.
21• 11011T, 14100100,, P7•oprioto,.
==0=,= <a
Is the echo of almost every heart in this
our prosperous Dominion,
Perhaps we all would not have realized this so forcibly
were it not for the years of depression just passed. Many
homes are made glad by the present abundance and future
Join with you in the ,wish that the outlook of p asperity may be
realized. In this season of Peace and flood w:11 all are looll)tg
around to find something to gladden the Immo and give pleasure .o
someone. Again we join with, you izi this outlook, •1,1101 have prov,.1.
e(1 many beautiful and usc'ft11 things at PRIORS i 0 LOW that ;11
may find just what they want.
in every gllapc', shade and patron. • Call in and s 10 our selectila
just bought for the Mame trade.
(74 TT prilwrmr-no
Wo have them till sizes from 10,1. to $1.00 per pair.
Need we 6n11?h1tsize this ? Every one who comes i .i our store
sees our prices. knows WS have the Cheapest Clothing in Brussels •-•
D+verythilig ne,v and. of the vory best quality, and everything gut
y g g
anteod 130 matter what the�price.
,�.-J .. p
Cy'd w�; , V`� ity JA
For the b1118600 that Makes warm , 111 t0 800 it.
Make your Ohristnias doubly by pleasant wliat. you
save in buying from us—ono price only to all.
ss • aal.U(La.y
Loden 5 Oioti a ,