HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-12-24, Page 5Ds 24, 1897
lIlea' n11uS
• Bolfoit Uonvoyarns or,No tory Puh-
lie, iko. 011101 Vaostouo's Sleek, 1 door
north of Owl bt Rotel, Boleti tor for the
Manama Bank
G. C i41111RON,
11':L • (Fori ply of Cameron, Bolt 8s
Cameron,) liar; ter and Bolioitor, Godorleh,
Out. O o0-1 Milton ab., Opposite Uol
borne note],T
• �ollt
rronafoote 0:
& 8mitr
Molloy t0 L
or, &o. pato o1 Gamow &
o, Goaorioh.) OBloo over
Bault, Brns0010,-
n. 47
M.D., 0. M., Tr ty Dalyorsity, Follow Trin-
ity Medloal 0o1 ;o, Mombor College of Pi1y-
8101aue and Sur ons, Out. Licentiate of the
Royal College c Bny9siolans and Licentiate
of Aiidwitery, Sdinburgb, i'. Volophouo
No ,14, 14001081 1, Mill Bt., Brussels,
PNY0I0IAN, t 0000N AND A000U0811Dn,
lab Class Bon Graduate of the Univeraf-
tiosof Trinity( routo), gaee0'8 (IIingeton),
and of Trinity ,diea l 0011080; Follow or
Trinity Medina allege and mombor of the
College of Phys. ane and Burgeons of Ontar-
io, . osb Gran to Course is Detroit and
0hioago,18ne, ,0,,101 attention paid to die -
Gomm o1 Eye, T ,Novo and Throat, and 018-
edsoaof Woinol c30onanitation in Iing-
Hob and Germo Telephone at residence.
Iseure. Marriageldoonseo, Office
at his Grocery,' rnnerry street, Brussels.
Re N. BA
south of A.M.
Laaios'aad (1111
Artist- shop -Noel poor
1av&Oo'9 demi ware Stop).
,aa hair cutting a speoialty
T. i :.ETCKER,
Issue! of larrlage Licenses,
r 'No Witnce Required.
FLETCHl7R, Brussels
A- LEX. H eTUrrB,
Oloik of o Fourth Division Cour
00. Huron. C veyanoer, Notary Pablie
Land, Loan an 000uranoo Agent. Funds
invested and t loan. 00,18eti011a .made
Office in Grabal {Block, Brussels
1 Will give 380))8 to pupils Dither On.
piano or organ, t 1110 Miele Room, opposite
rho post•office, ueeels, Vocal lessons also
ggiven.s Ten 7" a esperionco in teaching.
L lrge Quantity.
The En arprise Salt Works,
Brussels, if prepared to pay'
1.25 per )rd for best 4 -foot
Soft wood ; and $2 25 for hard
Wood deliver d at the block:
Cash w bo paid on deliv-
Estate I. T. Coleman,
Cook's 0tton Root Compound
Is enact ;folly used monthly by over
10,000 Lad s, safe, effectual. Ladies ask
your drat 1st for Cook'o Cotton Root Com-
pound. Take no 01 eras all Mixtures, pills and
• imitations are do geroa0. Pride, No. 1, 41 per
boxy No. 8,10 del ae8 stronger, F9 per box. No.
d or 9, mailed ons. ,eipt of price and two &vent
Stam e, The 0 .k Company., Windsor, that
responsible Drug atee in Canadpmended by all
NOB. Sand 2 so ,.inBrussels 0'11Dy
Drugs :t, Bookseller ec Optician,
W13i MAW
a well malt
of YOU!
010001 0110011000 a hien
11000L11010 000 1.01110.
PI00112 curt -1 Pervon/ 7)4aueom, 81eopleor
torn, Falling 01o1 0,14188E1y 00,1,101011, Irma,
torrtooa; Impbtol ILA „ oaaneed by 0180 000)0oa tt
gh•oo vigor and 10 o ehruniwo 010.00, •ns.
pineal,001 eur01. 'Ito 0oLour L3iunooIn old
or,roueg. Use Lf 70• and will 1111110
and 800011 aanit, not 83' mail grow io aloin wrftppor
0110 0001111017 00 1 from observation, 0110117
carried 1n vont p o, ((Moo, e1. a p0ol[sae cul
for gni, 00nmmon 10. hoer otdtaarr it 00gfn1Or•
ad 1041011, Addre, II 110111 10 0. T', 1'RP IDA,
11 1H0)14, W000, - 01:, mer., Ag001 far mo
Minl00 o1 Canada
• °,-k2Rl LWAY
Will issue tick, '11 Canada from Canada
to Detroit, orb Enron, :suspension13rldgo, Niog u Fa11s,. Black Rook and
Buffalo for -
Single F at -Class Fare
Going Dee. 4 . and 211,11, returning until
Dee, 27th, Gotn loo. 91st and 'Jan. 101, re-
turning until 10, ;rd,
Singh First -C1 Tara ani Ino -Third,
Going Deo,. 20 , 24111 and 21111, 10181ning
until Deo. 28 Solite Dee. 80111, Stet
and Jan, Set stunning. un111 Jan. 4411.
8tu10nt2 an. isobars (wi.h cerbifloates,)
Mare, and Or -rbird going Deo, 101)1 to
Stet, return, rmti'1. Jan. 18111, 1808,
Co01nioroial et Ohms, EnegloOrdinal'
Vora, Deo,18 tr 20411, returning n4111)
Jan, iird, (In auada only,)
J. N Rm. )ALL, Agent, Bresoele,
G4E0, HL':D, " Ethel.
i8ToT iI1op.
Towelenlr Comm. - (lounoll met in
Jones' Hall, Iloadbury, on Wellneedny,
the 16th inot. Members all present and
school regaiooitiono amounting to 54,428,•
82 paid to T1'08teee and oheryues iosuod
on Treasurer for acoonnt0 and jobs
amounting to 5805.48, A Bylaw ap•
pointiug a place for nomimttioe and poll.
ing 'nations and Deputy Returning 001.
core In the event of an election was pass•
ed and signed ; also a statement made
and signed by Reeve and Treasurer
sheaving a total expenditure of $10,981.75
and a balance of 1)1,805,56 and only 5140,.
00 to collect as taxes, 514,582.00 Munioi•
pal Fond invested in mortgagee during
the year, 5000.00 was pald for gravel for
roads, 5860,00 for lumber and sewer pipe
and tile and 5100,00 for charity. The
old 0On0oi1 is likely to be all return•
ed by aoolamation and other old Officers
is all re -appointed as the financial stand-
ing was never in a better shape and every
one highly pleased oxoept one, and he an
outsider, with the Clerk..
JNo. 0. Momusoze, Clerk.
St, Stephen's B. S. concert on Tuesday,
Dee, 21st.
Arthur Crawford is attending the Owen
Sound business oollege.
Wm. Bennett's dog jumped through the
glaOO door in T. Seli & Oo's store.
We are sorry to learn that P. H. Shaver
has found it necessary to go to Toronto
hospital to be treated for eye trouble.
The Methodist Sabbath school is pre-
paring a grand program which will be
rendered fn the Town Hall on Christmas
J. B. Campbell, Principal of Gerrie
Public school, was compelled on amount
of 311nees, to give op teaching till after
Christmas holidays.
Rev. J, A. Jaokeen, of Harriston, (te-
mpled the Methodist pulpit last Sabbath,
the ocaieion being the anniversary ser-
vices of the Sabbath school,
The amount apportioned by the Eclue
cation Department to the various Public
schools in Howick, for Fifth elan and
Continuation olaea work, ie 580.
Thos, Vittie, who has been in the Lou-
dou hospital for several weeks, under-
going an operation, has returned home.
We are pleased to learn that although
quite weak yet, Mr. vittie is in a fair
way to regaining his former robed
Mise Mountnastleis preparing a lecture
to be given shortly, on the topio "Is
marriage a failure."
The annual sapper of the Canadian
Order of Foresters was held Thursday
evening of last week at the Commercial
Ed. T. Holme', the well-known me.
ohonical foreman of the New Era office,
was confined to bed for a week with a
alight attack of congestion of the lungs,
S. S. Cooper f0 oanvaseing for the pool.
lion of County Commie:donee• for this
District. As there will not be an election
until the year 1899, he is bound not to be
naught napping.
In various parts of the town fences are
atilt coming down, even line fences be-
tween different properties are now
being 10moved ; it adds muoh to the ap•
pearance of a plane to have) the fences re.
01ovee, and except where there is the
slight possibility of cattle coming on
lawns, they are not necessary.
W. W. Ferran ie a lover of good horse-
flesh, and delights in a pair of good
drivers -not for racing purposes, but for
the .pleasure he gets in sitting behind
them when they are on the road. Re-
cently he took a run oub.to Blyth, wIoloh
he drove in 45 minutes, and returned to
town in 47 ; It is a common thing Per
him to drive to Bayfield in 45 minntee.
M000x10.-The following arethe officers
eleoted for Clinton Lodge for the ensuing
year ; -I, P. 101., Dr. Bruce LW. M.,
Oliver Johnston S. W., W. D. Fair ;
J. W., E. M., 11[oLean ; D. of 0., W,
Jones ; Seo., Thee, Rumball ; Treat., 0.
S, Doan,; Chap., D. Robb ; S. D., A.
Porter ; J, D,, J, Allan ; I. G., J. 0. Gil-
roy ; Tyler, Jos. Ryder; Stewards, J.
Ohidley, B. Wilson t Auditors, W. E.
Rand, W. P. Spaulding. In the year
1802 0. S. Doan was eleoted Treasurer
of this Society, and ho has held the ollioe
almost 0o0tinuonely ever 8inoe ; in feet
he has held the position for 88 years.
On the evening of St. John's Day, Deo.
27, the annual supper of Clinton Lodge
will be held at the Hotel Clarendon.
Reeve Diokson, of Donegal, 0old a 8
year-old Ten Broeok Dolt to a Toronto
buyer the other day for 5150.
R. B. Hamilton was in litaffa on Mon-
day night of last week and organized a
branch of the Epworth League in 0on-
'nection with the Methodist church.
.I. 0. F. 001010000 ELECTED Fon 1898 :--
Jae. Baena, 0. D., H. 0. R, ; W. Groh.
am, C. R. ; B. W. Zieman, V. 0. R. 1
H. Y. Hoar, P. 0. 1Z. ; Robb. Williams,
Reo.• Bea. ; A. M. Sweeton, Fin. -See.; J.
A.1lanmp, Treasurer ; Dr. Langell],
Chaplain ; Jas. Priest, S. W. i W.
Thompson, J. W. , W. T. Hoar, S. B. ;
JAB. Miller, J. B. ; Board of Trustees, W,
Humbrpey, W. Morrison ' Finanoe
Committee, Geo. Adams, Jae, IIanna.
WEDDED, -The marriage, on Tuesday
of last week, of Mise Mary, youngest
daughter of John Mayberry, of Elms, to
Richard G. Baird, of Carleton County,
was the leading event in township imolai
0iroloe of the eea0on, The Ceremony took
plade at the residence of the bride's
father, at 6 o'clock, and was performed
by Rev. W. T. Bunt, of Listowel. In
spite of unpleasant weather, o, very large
proportion of the 'six snore of invited
guests wore present. Mies Maggie Ham-
mond acted 00 bridesmaid, while Robert
Mayberry, brother of the groom, was best
man. A magnificent wedding feast was
provided after the Ceremony and every-
one had a thoroughly pleasant and enjoy.
abetim e. Mr. Baird i u
0 a s bstantfal
farmer in Fritzroy township' neat
Reeve Dickson entertained the mem.
here of the Elam Connell to an oyster
supper at the Dime Reese, Wednesday
evening of last Week, It was a very
pleasant affair. and heartily enjoyed by
all. Those who sat around the festive
board wore : Reeve Dickson 1 Deputy•
ReeVee Widdie Jackson and S. Bothwell ;
Oounoilloro Wm, Shearer and Allan Mo.
'Mane; Treasurer Moses Harvey ; Col.
lector Jameo Duman ; A8800008 Alex,
Simpoon ; Olorlt rl'hoe. :FullartOn, and R.
13, L elten, municipal printer, The table
WWI laden with, every del I0807 the heart
001115 111011 for, and 801•ved it1 the best
style, under the pereonel eupervision of
the hostess, Mrs, Brandenbot'gsr, ° Many
nice thinge were said of the genial Reeve,
and It gemmed wish expressed that be
consent to let hie name go before the.
e'eotorato again for Reeve of the town-
ship, Mr, Dickson reoiprooated the
good wishes expressed by hie colleagues
of the Council in a folic:Roue speech.
W o,l Co)I.
Tun P001 gives the news, Itenow for
A tea•mooting is on the talks in the
near future in oonneotion with Dnff'e
Church in Ude place,
Rev. Mr. Tiffin and Mrs, Tiffin attend.
ed the Methodist anniversary tea -need -
leg at Brussels last Monday evening.
The report of the Union Sabbath
School Convention, which was crowded
outlast week, may be read in another
column. Papers referred to will appear
Missionary anniversary sermons will
bo preached in the Methodist ahurohoo on
the Walton oirouit on Sabbath, January
91111, by Rev. Walter Rigsby, of Blyth.
There will be ,public eervioe in St.
George's ohuroh on the afternoon of
Christmas Day, commencing at 8 o'.
olook. The incumbent, Rev. Mr, Aboy,
will oonduot it.
Meenrnioxr,u,-At the residence of the
bride's parents, 18th con. of Grey, on
Wednesday afternoon of last week Rev.
Mr. Tiffin tied the matrimonial bow link-
ing Jas. H. Fulton and Mies Sarah Wil.
liemeon ae husband and wife. The bride
was very neatly attired in cream oaeh-
mere, with bridal veil and orange tilos.
some. Mr. and Mrs. Fulton begin mar•
ried life with,the good wishes of a large
circle of friends. Tim Poem wishes them
bappinose and prosperity.
G•ocie allele.
Tho baseball boys are getting into
shape for the minstrel show.
Before school broke up' the Modelite
ohm foe 1897 was photographed by Bel-
Some 28 men were working on the
breakwater last week at framing and
dumping stone into the oribwork.
Capt. Wylie entertained a number of
the friends who assisted him in saving
his tog "Seibold" at the elevator fire, to
oysters at Blackstone's.
Missionary anniversary service' will be
held in North-at,lllothodiet ohuroh on the
first Sunday in 1898. Rev. Dr. Hendee!
eon, of Toronto, will 000upy the pulpit.
V/heele for the coming year are now i0
the finishing room at the works of the
Henderson Bioyole faotory, and the firm
will be ready to ship all orders by Feb.
The County Board met in Goderich
last Saturday to wind up the business in
oonueotion with the regent Model school
examinations and to issue certificates to
the student' that passed aucoeeefully.
Henry Tisdale, one of the students at
this year's Model school, has secured
school iu Parry Sound district, at
salary of 5228 for 1898, The school is 5
miles from the railroad station, and til
stage palls three times a week.
The following are the elected officer
of St. George's ohuroh-woman'' Guild fo
1898 :-President, the rooter Rev. Mar
subdue the fire. -There were other indi.
eat10110 that she hied tried to 01400 Meltable
articles Irene destrnotion. Boole was a
eorry.lookiug dog after the episode, her
long white coat being betokened with
smoke and smeared with oil, but her
mistrc0s weaklier part with her for any
ordinary sum of money,
TO the Bettor of Tun Pose,:
DEn11 Sin, -Will you allow 010 a small
space to refer to the objections raided
ngainet keeping filo cows off the streets.
The fleet fa, 1110 etreote will be tilled with
grass, weeds and thistles. To this I have
to say, this objection man bo meb in two
ways. Perseus having a cow may be
allowed to out the grass and make it into
hay. -and I would thick almost anyone
would be glad to do so -or it would pay
the council bettor to out the grass off the
streets than to buy lumber and mend the
Acether objection i8, to keep Oows off
the streets is to injure poor people. Well,
Sir, I would be one of the last to injure
any 0110, Mill011 1000 a 35001 pereon. But
there are two aides to this question.
There is a poor man or W001au who comes
to the village, manses a purollase of a lot,
one•fourth of an none, and to fence half
of the lot that person must make 14 rods
of fence, which at 51,50 a rod amounts to
521.00, and that amount hi suffioiont to
keep a mow in pasture seven months in
the year for three yoare. Now, the ques-
tion is, should that man be compelled to
do go? If cows are allowed to run the
streets he must or his lot will be of no
use to him. Hoping the evil will bo re•
moved, I am Yours,
Ricintnn Poor,
Agrioulture was the first gabled of
legislative action at this Session, The
bill introdaoed the other day by Hon.
John Dryden, Minister of Agriculture,
authorizing the Department of whioh he
is head to deal promptly in fighting the
San Jose Seale, the terrible ineeot pest
now threatening the destruction, not
only of the fruit industry of the Provinoe,
but of all wood growth as well, was the
fleet measure of Government or private
origin to be laid before the House.
It will be well indeed for the country if
as great 0000880 attends this spirited
attempt to cheek one of the most inoid•
nous enemies of vegetation that hae;ever
come under the knowledge of science, as
18 attending the spraying experiments
oonduoted by the Ontario Department of
Agriculture during the past two seasons,
A publication of absorbing interest ie the
speolal bulletin that may be had by sim-
ply sending the address to the Ontario
Department of Agrioulture,' Toronto,
whence it has just issued with the title,
"Does it Pay to Spray 2"
To find out the answer to this question
the Department gave praotioal inotrno-
e tion in spraying in twenty nine orohardo
a in various parts of the Province that were
2 suitable for the work and oonvenieut for
e the surrounding community of farmers
and fruit -growers to visit while the spray•
a ing was being done. Wm. Orr, of Fruit.
land, Ont., a successful fruit -grower of
k wide experience. was appointed as euper•
Turnbull ; vice-president, Mre. R. B.
Williams ; secretary, Mrs. F. Jordan ; _w
treaourer, Mies F. Robson.
During the past week 15 organs were
shipped to the lower provinoes and large
bills of bath furniture and piano )tools
were despatched to varione parte of the
Dominion. The faotory is full handed
(55) and the work now being rushed is to
fill orders.
At the regular meeting of Maitland
Lodge, No. 38,A. F. & A M., the follow-
ing were eleoted officere for 1898: W.
M„ George Porter ; 8. W., Ed. Beek ; J.
W., J. D. Tye ; chaplain, T. Backstop ;
secretary, Roes Raslall ; treasurer, 17.
Downing ; tyler, Jae. Haye.
Tun KNIITINO FAOTonz.-Stook taking
wee reoently completed at the knitting
factory and the balance sheet is not an
unfavorable one. The factory hands are
working full time to fill orders, and goods
are beiug'finiehed at such a rate as to
keep the shipping hands on the rush all
the time, The principal line manufao•
tured those days 1s bioyolo hose, and as
the styles turned outeeem to have caught
the public, there is every proepeot of a
buoy Winter. The faotory will start '98
with a good ahow, as many orders are
now on hand.
Tete JAIL. -Five more lodgers have ar•
rived at the jail, making a total of 13.
John Adams, laborer, of London, a
strong, healthy fellow and well able to
work, was sentouoed on Deo. 7111, by P.
M. Seager, to 3 months for vagrancy.
Ronald Smith, (alias Philip McLeary),
eolioitor, of Toronto, was sent down by
J. A. Morton, J. P., on a oharge of forg-
ing a note on Mr. Venetone, of Wing -
ham ; Smith is 5 ft. 75 in. high, heavy
sot, dark aomplexiou, with dark hair
turning grey, Thos. Warren, laborer,
Perth Co., age 66, sentenoed on Deo.14th
by Chao. Seager to one month for vag.
rano, ; Warren is not well and should be
sent to the Perth House of Refuge. Wai-
te:: Ward, paperhanger, of Chatham, was
accommodated with 8 months on Deo,
14th by P. M. Seager. Prod. Elliott, of
Bayfield, was the !Meet arrival but he
goes to Kingston penitentiary.
The Daily Obroniele, of London, Eng.
land,0ay8 it heave that Prince Berna-
dotte, of Sweden "has developed strong
religious tendencies, under his wife's in•
fluence," and that the couple oontem.
plate devoting their lives to missionary
work in Africa, Prinoe Bernadotte is
the second eon of King Oooar II., of
Sweden and Norway. He wa8 born at
Stoolibolm on Nov. 15111, 1850. On
March 16th, 1888, with the royal permi0-
eion, he renounced all claims- to 0uo008.
cion to the throne, having married Mise
Ebba Munck, daughter of Col. munok,
and took rho title of Prince Bernadotte,
The prince inherits hie father'' tempera.
cent and disposition, and resembles him
etrongly in hie love of charitable worke.
Bessie i8 a little Spitz dog,owned b
Mrs. F. W. Jotham, of 1,4014Woodward
avenue, Detroit. The Jothkm0 peep a
oonfeotionery store and reside upetaire,
The other evening they here seated
around the stove in the real of the store,
when Basle attraoted thole attention by
running up and dotvnetairs aocl barking.
M18, Jotham followed her up and found
that (small oil stove had oprlmg a leak,
and the burning oil had saturated'the
carpet, and set fire to a lounge near by.
She also found that Bessie bad dragged
the blazing pillows from the lounge and'
torn them in 'pieces in hep attempts to
llitendent of 'lie wore, Knob 0/011010
was provided with u, 011(ap llprayiug
outfit, Tlir0, neon who knew flow to
spray were Baht t0 visit these orchards,
ten ter 011011 man, and do the spraying at
(metal)) fixed dates, 110000 of wilioll woo
sent through the mail to all persons in
Wrested, and by means of the looal press
proper announcement was made so that
any who oared mould moms and see for
themselves. Besides the actual work of
spraying, these men were able to give
every possible information about the dif-
ferent po111110 o and thele applioatione,
A balientiu full et 1100utale data, and
oarofully illuat 01841, tune widely dietri•
buted by the Department.
Tlleeprayere went round the twenty.
nine orchards seven times, and literally
the walla of Jeriohe fell, for the authen-
tic) etalemente contained in this 0peolal
bulletin prove conclusively that epraying
not only pays, but pays well, and is a
highly suoees:dui agen0y in fighting the
thee, grubs, weenie and fungous growths
that prey upon the orohards of Ontario.
As Illustrations of this, where spraying
wee done from 75 to 90 per omit. of .the
fruit was clean, while from trees in the
same orchards, not sprayed, only 10 to 15
per cent. of the fruit was fit to pack.
Spye and other red fruit from sprayed
tram commanded $3.50 per bbl. The
best fruit from unsprayed trees would
bring but 52 per bbl.
In order to learn whet is thought of
these experiments fn epraying,so as to
deoldo upon' continuing them next Sum•
mer, a latter was Bent to the owners of
the sprayed orchard') asking for their
opinions as to the value of the spraying,
and If possible to make definite state-
ments as to the actual results per tree.
This letter has gathered a mass of in.
formation upon the 'abject of epraying
that is contained in the bulletin.
For fear that the farmer with a small,
or in fact any mom of apple trees, even
of only half a dozen, may think this
epraying business does nob 000oern him
-an error of incalculable injury to the
industry, for fruit•groworo great and
small are linked together in the euoeess
or failure of fighting these enemies -one
man's experience is given,
G, Adame, of Smitbville, Ont,, writes:
"I have eleven Spy trees. Eight of them
were sprayed, and the result was 24
barrels of the finest fault I ever pioked
from them. I sold them ab 52.00 per
barrel, and four barrels of culls at 51 per
barrel, $64 in all. These culls . were not
spotted, but were undersized and wormy.
The three Spy trees not sprayed gave
three barrels of badly spotted fruit which
sold for 52 per barrel, and about ten
bushels of anile, whioh I Gold for 51,25
for the lot." That is to say, the sprayed
trees brought 58 each, and the 008pray.
ed less than 58-a differenoe of more than
56 per tree. The cost of the whole outfit
for epraying would be more than made
up by the increased profit from a couple
of trees, Apart from the time of doing
the work, the spraying =aerial costs less
than five cents a tree.
This epeoial bulletin should be read by
all who have at heart the welfare of an
industry already of immense profit to the
Province, and capable, if these enemies
man' be successfully routed, of enor-
mous expansion, for Ontario apples, pears
and plume markets offer illimitable fields
for expansion,
Ladies' and Gents' Golcl, Gold Filled and Silver Watches :
Ladies' Gold Filled Watches, $12 00 and up ;
Gents' " " 16 00 " •
Silver and Niekle " 6 00 " ;
Very Large and Elegant Stock of
A Beautiful Display of
See our magnificent Silver Tee -tee Setts, Berry Setts,
Cake Baskets, Tea Pots, Pickle Cruets, Baking Dishes,
Sugar and Spoon Holders, Trays, Childrens' Mugs, Icon
Bon Dishes, 1847 Rogers' 12 clwt. Knives and Forks, Carv-
ing Setts, Bon Bon Spoons, Sugar Spoons, Berry Spoons,
Table and Dessert Spoons, Pie Knives, Cake Kuivea,
Five O'clock Setts, Cups, Saucers, Plates, Pitchers,
Bowls, Fruit ana Salad Setts, Butters, Smoking Setts,
Jardinerios, Chocolate Setts, Etc,, Etc,
Ladies' Dressing Caeos, Gents' Dressing Oases, Mani-
cure Setts, Picture Frames, Mirrors, Japanese Goods, Purses
and Calling Card Cases combined, Violins and Violin Sun.
Our goods aro New, Latest Designs, and aro offored,for sale at LOW
PRICES. "No trouble to Show Goods,"
Watches, Clocks and Jewelry neatly Eepairedl Charges moderato.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses--dppeinUBonls can be made.
Tho Bost White Metal Chains in the market to -clay for 800.
Just a few pieces of Brussels Main Street China left,
1,, yeller
r ,�nrp
" Kelfras .QR �,,r
ry �
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Christmas Bolls are ringing, carrying all beyond the material
things of a day and we aro possessed of those better aspirations
idealized in Him whose birth we celebrate and cherish.
It is the time of giving and rightly so. The man who is'grent-
est is the man who gives most to the world.
Nature appears almost extravagant in her generous outpouring
of blessings.
The silver music of Bethlehem is sounding -Let the Anthems
carol it forth ; Let the Bells ring it out. Linked by the magic
touch of Christmas all aro Brethren and the world is reminded once
again of Him who 1900 years ago brought "Peace and Good Will
to Men."
Merry, Morar ,lEmas.
This store will be closed all day Saturday,
Deo. 25th, (Xmas Day.)
- c inn.on & Co. Blyth.
7 el
Now I Raisins, Currants,
Orange, Lemon and Citron Peels,
rr ,n,ts. I Figs in Taps and Layers.
e 1 Walnuts,
Almonds,. Shelled and Unshelled,
1Tuts.I Filberts, Peanuts.
Nice, Fresh Pure Lard.
Something well worth seeing in
Dinner, Tea and Toilet Ware.
Ulsters Sold elsewhere at $11 and $12 00, here for $9 00.
Ulsters " 9 10 00, " 7 00.
'Waters c, 8 8 50, " 6 50.
Ulsters it 6 6 50, " 4 00.
Ulsters called a $5.00 bargain elsewhere, here for $3,50.
Fur Coats and Caps.
Out of the largest and best selection of Fur Coats shown in
Brussels this season we have only two loft which will be clear-
ed out at a bargain. Also a few Fur Caps left which will be
sold at a good reduction.
Tailoring Department.
artme t
Our Tailoring Department, which needs no mention; is of
established merit, which you will confirm by giving us a call.
The Choicest stock of Neckwear over shown in Brussels will
be to hand this week, also a choice selection of Hats, Caps,
Shirts, Collars and Cuffs, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, Muff-
lers, Gloves and Underwear on hand.
Present of a T`ateh.
All purchasers of $10.00 and upwards, at one time, will
ahandsome anclsomo
Nickel Watch, , stem-winder,' valued at
The above bargains hold good for Cash only for the
Holiday season.
dt . Ali
The Leading Tailor and Furnisher.