HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-12-24, Page 1Vol, 16, No, 24,
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A O,ih3st O1�'1
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D !.
ildEli!/ (. ODDS
yaw GOODS .
Wo are offer g special prime in
V 4TC/s-IES,
Ladies' Galt Iliad Watahee from $1L00
up; Ladie, 3olld Gold Watches from
020 up ; C its' Gold Filled Watohes
from 014 .n ; Gents' Silver and
Si1verir ;Vetches at all prides
from 0 ,p. All are fully War
rant and made by the
ilest Makers.
Rir 's I Rings I
Beautiful G
01.00 t.
, Rings act with Opals,
sails, Garde:tie &o. ; En-
id Wedding Rings our
Solid Gold Rings from
to 04000 each. Be
s and gee thein.
Br000hos, Silverware,
Bangle Pine 1847 Rogers Broe.
Sword Pius. Keivee & Forks.
Cuff Links, Fiakla Casters,
• Ouff Button 0a1•a Baskets,
Chain Bract •s, Napkin Rings,
Long Guard Bon -bon Dlahes,
Nook Ohainr Muga, Batters, Ber•,
Shirt Studs, ries, &o.,
Society Pin Oo1141oid Goode,
Vest Chains Necktie Boxes,
Locketa & C iva, Collar :& Cuff Boxes,
Mouth Orga Toilet Sete, '
Violins, 'Travelling Oases,
Guitars, Work •Boxes,
Banjos, Japanese China,
Clocks, Vases, Cups & Sauce
Fruit Plate' ere,
Carving. Sot &a., Jardineerer &o.
Wo invite n
Our Prices
No trouble t
to see our New Goods.
I Lower then ever.
chow geode.
4 �o Jae15o
Fa Icy
Go ,
i d a
VV cTitieB
All at B Ilei'"' Lill 8.
. Skene.
•' • AND' •••
F, icy Gooi
V it.
1 sr
Clear ',A ou€ t slumber
of linen
AT war..
Local --0. F, Ring.
Locals—Walser & Smith,
Chriathas—MuRbnnon & 00,
Proeperity.-hese & elalliday.
Holiday Novelties --J, 0, Skene,
;Turkeys wanted—Smith & 11foLtr, n,
Speoial teduoemente--Rutlan & Fitz•
Fred. Elliott Oats 5 Years
On Tuesday oP last week His Honor
Judge Masson opened the County Court,
the civil containing i doakot con a nmg five eases and
atimitl 1 one htoo The f lie v'
a t D o t iu
trete !sleeted as the
edam) max :.
Geo, lassery, Centralia ; Geo. Essen,
Usborne ; Juo, Gregg, Howielc ; Robt•
Howard, Ashfleld ; Benj, Higgins, the
borne ; Jas. lilioMurdie, Clinton ; Juo.
MoTavish, Grey ; . Gilbort McMichael,
Hullott ; Peter Rutledge, Goderich Tp. ;
J. 0. t R•]ss, Seaforth ; R, Stothers,
evawanesh; S. E. -Sanderson, Wawa.
nosh, foreman.
His Honor gave thejury a -fall exphtna•
Lion of the law as to manslaughter, mud of
their duties generally. In the charge
against Fred Lelliotb, a true bill for man•
slaughter was returned, and all day Wed.
nseday the court was occupied with the
trial, the room being crowded to the door
until the verdict was given at 10 p, m.
The following were drawn as the jury
to try the ease : John Mullen, Ashfield ;
Edward Harris, Howlett ; John J. John-
ston, Turnberry ; Thomas Phillips,
Wawanoeh; Peter McDonald, Grey;
George Keys, Stephen ; John Tait, Bras•
eels ; Sylvester Musgrove, Turnberry ; M,
Moore, Brussele ; le. A, Hayden, Ash -
'tele ; Matthew Moody, Blyth.
Tho ease was ogonedby the Crown pro•
during a plan of the hotel and surround-
ings, drawn by W. 0.13rough, 0. E,
Albert Woods, who was with deceased
and one Demme' on the trip to Varna,
whore they all lied several drinks, gave
evidence whioh did not materially differ
from that given before the oorouer and
bhe magistrate. While holding deceased
who was trying to get at his brother, wit-
ness saw the revolver in Fred's hand ; I
think I told Fred bo go away and don't
shoot, just as the pistol went off,
Witness volunteered the opinion that the
revolver might have gone off by Harvey
striking it while angling ; deceased
hands were open, he diel not make a
grab at prisoner, but threw his arms
around ; prisoner could have gone away
round to back door of hotel ; saw bin] in
theltitcbsn afterwards, and he said, oh;
that I should have lived to Mao /bot my
brother if I had the gun uow I wouldkill
John Irwin swore : Was in the Albion
bar ahatlnight; prisouer and deceased were
doing a little dancing, the brothers, with
Woods aud Dumart, all being pretty well
filled up ; afterwards saw Fred come oub
of hall door puffing on his coat aud liar.
vey said, "you go into the house." Fred
refused and then Ilarvey caught hold of
him ; wibuese helped separate them, and
said "it looks nice to see brotbors quarrel.
ing," and then walked awaythe trouble
all ase abate Harvey ordring Fred to
go in the house.
Frank Regal arrived on the sane after
thesh otin and looking for Fred found
him coming in from the yard ; be said
"Oh Frank, I have shot him." The sym-
pathies of this witness were evidently
strongly with rho prisoner; Harvey, he
said, was a clangorous, quarrelsome man,
and Fred the very opposite ; do not thing
Fred oonld have ran away without hurt.
ing himself ; hall never seen Fred nude:
the fufluenoe of liquor. Witness was
here confronted with his statement before
the Coroner, that when he saw Prod
after the shootiug, prisoner was under
the influence of liquor, bet he denied this
Fred' Geminhardt was in King's store
across tho road, and being attracted by
the lond talking looked over; heard some
ono, he thought Woods, say, "Look out,
Harv. he'll shoot yon."
Louie Demuth repeated the story of
the trip to Varna and the drinking;•afte
the brothers worn separated Fred wont
towards the bar door and said either
"'Telco him away or I'll shoot him," or
"If be comes near me I'll shoot him"; I
said, "For God's sake don't shoot," and
walked perhaps 10 or 16 yards away and
then heard the revolver.
Wm. Cameron was in King's store,
heard the quarreling, saw Harvey follow
Fred, rolling up his sleeves and say with
an oath, "I don't • caro if S em '@bat, I'll
make hon." Harvey Ms aboutfour foot
away when Ilse shot was fired, audita fell.
Thomas Clark : Was in King's store
when I hoard mese and loud talk in front
o£ hotel, and went across, tithing a poet
tion between ] n a and hitolun •1 aosb
0 a weenun 1 l 6
Pied had revolver in his right band by
side Woods had hold of Harvey, aud
Fred said "Keep him away from me, or I
will shoot lam;' and then turned
mud walked to enc/ of platform ;
Mrs. Elliott followed him aud op:
perently tried be get revolver from Fred,
HerveythrewIsis at off aud rushed to.
he c
wants his brother with hie head clown.
As he ran around his motherp risoner
raised his forearm and report rang out ;
saw Woods holding, Harvey down on
gravel as if to /seep tum .from snaking ,a
ecooad'rush ; Fred eves about three/feet
from Harvey when shot was fired ; slid
not interfere because of revolver. Fred
would have had time to go around 'build.
r l�
ing aud avoid all t oub o.
Geo. Irwin hoard the load taking, saw
Harvey throwing off his goat, wanted
partly across bine mad to see, aud hearing
the shot, turned and walked Gook to the
obinob side of the road ; cl000ased wan very
qumrrolem ° but only when in liquor,
Thomds King, owner of the store, also
was ettraotod serosa the bteeob and saw
Harvey make a rush ab Fred, Mee, Elliott
being between thein, could uob say Who
frock the shot, bub ,saw the revolver in
Fred's hands afterwards;
Lily Elliott, d, deter U£ pawner aud
ceased, took the etaud and
stated that
Feed same to Iter that avaning and. gave
bet the money front the bar, and told her
be wan going by walla up and down the
platelet, Hoe mother 'whoa the front
door, aud then passed out of tiro Melt
one, and while the tvibueee was entering
the cash, sl]e beard loud 'talking, and
went to the front, where Harvey was
ewsaring and quarreling with some .quo,
Witness pot ber acme around Ilarvey to
try and stop him, bub he broke array
She'then called for help and tried to
stop the quarrel between her brothers
L—explanation of some clisureponcies iu
nor evidouee`now and before the coroner
she said she would not be responsible
for what she said then, as she was
updor the influence of banjos aud was
suffering from nervousness. In erose.
ex mlAatiotl the witness 't0.tel that de-
ceased had struols Fred and also hot
father when alive, and that he went away
several times and always came back
quarrelsome. She also stated that Fred
was sick, and ]tad been treated for au ab•
moss for a long time. ;Otherwise bar
evidence generally confirmed that of the
previous witness.
Dr. She 1speed testified as to the post•
mortem, the.passage and location of the
ball, and to the clothing nowshown taken
from the body .of deceased. From the
fact that the outer garment was singed,
and as the rostra of an experiment he bac/
made, was of opinion the deceased must
have been not more than a foot from the
pistol and his head direotly over the
weapon.; there was a smell of powder on
the clothing. -
Thos. Gundry identified tho revolver,
and in company with Mr. Davidson had
found four cartridges and one empty
shell ; had tried to make the revolver go
off by shriking it on the baolc while Mr,
Davison held it, and ib would nob ; if the
hammer was struck in a certain way it
would go off.
A. 33, Davidson corroborated this ; if
the revolver was struck on bop with a
force to draw it forward against the grip,
it might go off, but the nozzle would
then bo downwards. -
itfargaret Davidson swath : Was living
at the Albion Hotel at the time of the
shooting ; had kept oompany with Har•
vsy Etliotb two years on and off, bat stop-
ped in October last ; in September was
with Fred Elliott when be had a revolver
on the heath, was with Fred in October
when Harvey came up. (Defence here
objected to this, but Court allowed the
question, if it related to the revolver or
to shootiog). Do not know of any en•
mitt' between the brothers ; was on Front
street with Fred and Harvey and Tom
Blair ; Fred caught my arm and wanted
m in
e to go with him, I was sitting near
the signal pofe on the bank and bearing
some one whom we thought. was Harvey,
Fred said "It the b -- comes around
hero, P11 put a hall in him ; " do not
know if lac had a revolver ; have seen
Harvey with revolver several times in
the Summer.
The defence matte the plea that the
prisoner was only, defending his own life.
After the Judge's charge, the jury retir-
ed, end at 10 o'clock, having been out one
hour mud 48 minutes returned, and aurid
a deathly silence the foreman announced
their verdict as "Guilty, tvibh a strong
recommendation to meroy." This, His
' said,would h lit with the
Romerw0 7 d aVe Net 1
court, and ould no doubt be considered
by the Crown afterwards, possibly in a
mitigation of the sentence.
Prisoner and his mother were pain-
fruly a Dated in bidding each other good.
night as the largo crowd left the court
room. .
Last Saturday morning. Judge Masson
gave judgment in. the charge of man-
slaughter agaiueb Frederick Elliott, Mr.
Proudfoob, for defence, offered a number
of objeobions on which be asked the court
t0 reserve a case for appeal, and present.
ed bwo petitions, one by citizens of Bay'
Held and vicinity, and Due by the jury
which tried the case. His Honor declin-
ed to reserve a ease, considering the ob.
jealous soaroely arguable, but would give
the petitions due weight. Eto then ad'
dressed the •prisouer; pointing out the
seriousness of the primo, and sentenced
him to five years with bard labor in
Kingston Penitentiary. Mr. Proudfoob
gave uoLice that he will move for a new
Methodist Ohuroh Anniversary..
The Anniversary services of the Halm-
lnthodist ohuroh, held last Sabbath and Mon -
Clay, were unusually interesting and
profitable in every Sense. Rev. S. Set,
levy, B. D., of Guelph, who was a former
pastor, preaolted two exneiienb sermone
and - re established the well.rnoognizad
fact that he 000uple: aplaos in the front
rank of Methodist preacher's as an es.
pounder of the Gospel. His teat in the
moruiug was "And the vessel that he
made of slay was marred in the hand of
t potter sobe made; agate mother•
the t t
vessel, as seemedgoodto the totter to
s eel, 1
'tape it"--Jor„ 18th ohap, and 4th verse,
The subject was, "The Lord is the God
of Nations" He is seeking in a variety
of ways to mould one nature and fashion
out lives. Mr. Satiety's leading thoughts
were ;—After dssaribing the potter's art,
(I) The potter hail at ideal • (2) The
material he bad to work with—God Dan
turn deformity into beanoY (8) She
potter materia aoaording tib
the model in his mind and the use of the
wheel and hie nimble lingers, The eon-
grogatiou will not soon forgot the comfort-
ing and iuspir]ng disoom'se. In the
evening the thettao was, "What 00 atitn-
tee True Religion," belied on the 8th
vsres of the 0th chapter of Male :—"To
f an to love mor end to walk
do'"net d tic
humbly with thy God." This is a thecae
fold ootmmand, embodying our whole:
duty to God std our ;silo vs and the
preacher ernphaeized the trio, showing
Whet to divide is to destroy.. The order
of the triple command Qantas in its iogio.
el taller than lsistorioal order', ' Sue hoe
is the root ; 1lloroy the Toilette ; and God.
leas the fruit.1) •Wo are to do Justly
wii(h'onrsolvao ; (0 Do justly to 00e fel-
levee, Nothing the world needs more
than justice between; Men and neer . bo•
DECEMB)R 24, 1897
tw moa] capital e
pe 1lt t aud tabor. Ah s:ttfrrsr
5' arOliiig 0(0 eno,,t- 000 nude that half
the wealth et the Vetted States, venoms t•
lig to 30 billion, 550 mance' &Ware le
peewee by 31,000 men. Aetiui n;: ap-
peal was made for n pen:t?eal f,•hrieaee.
Ity; axamplhi 'til in everyday hie.
In tohliliet to the uuthena 'J'e Works
of IllsHand., and "fraise yotlt+Lire,"
by Oho ohoir, Vise 1';. JO Servis, of Lis
Lotvel; rondo' oi a be attifnl solo entitled
.The Golden T'hrenhoid," to Lbs pleasure
of Ole large audisuoe,
etre sa•tseenrxn
on slouchy ev,tnieg attracted a large
nuinber, Six Ionslabia arra !stead in
the School room, bearing a good shwa of
the ne0eaeiblea and dohaaeiao' to male?,
the banger and tempt the appetite. A
new feature in the arraugomeab of the
was that
the K trental co,ora were
displayedt d the fullowing young lady
watteta were a,etumes appropriate t, the
onuntry repiuse nted i—kliescs Th
Gerry and Duly Basher, Germany ;
Meets Lizzie Maoud„rs and B. Canning
ham, Italy ; 8lissee Ella t.inley and
Naomi Williams, Welted States ; 81i -sus
Berate Ball and Amanda Al,Oraelien,
Ireland; aflame Lizzie Sample and Liz
zie Ferguson, Scotland ; Misses Bessie
Moore and Maggie Beattie, England, If
any telt feeling hungry it was nub the
fault of the cookery or the wilting and
polite attendants. Possibly there were a
few who ale their supper in more than
one language or nabiouality.
The muaioal and literary program was
rendered in the auditorium, the pastor,
Rev, S. J. Allin, presiding with grace and
dignity. .Count Your Bleseinga" was
sung by the choir, after wbfoh Rev, R,
Paul offered prayer, "Christmas Bells"
was rendered by the choir and elven fol•
lowed short, spicy addresses by •Rev, J.
L. Stewart, :Ethel ; Rev, A. 0. Tillie,
Walton ; Rev. Hir•, Oaten, Bslgrave ;
Rev. S. gallery, 13, D,, Guelph • Rev.
Juo, Roes, 13. A., 13rnseete ; and Rev. W.
S. Rigsby, Blyth. Little .Wise Eva
Snider, daughter of Dr. Snider, Moly
come to Brussels, recited "Little Baby
Brother" with an artless emcee -se that
won very hearty applause, A spooielly
tine program of musk' was presented
duringthe evenhie as follows i—Solo,
"On the Cross,"! J. Senile, Brussels ;
quartette, "Preies ye the Lord," by miss.
ea Smith, Oauningltam, Mo:nreaul Code;
solo "Dearfe" and "The Better ;tenet,"
by Mies le, E. Bawls, of Listowel ; eo'o,
"'The Unseen Kingdom," by Mise Kate
Wilson, of Breese's ; "The Angell:Mir,"
by choir. Theluaal talent did' their part
in a very sabiefaatory manner. Mr.
Servie' and Miss Wilson's solos were well
sung. The hater's Mildness in always
responding so willingly in aiding nutteri
ally the nesteal program of Hlolhodiat
gatheringe is very highly appreciated in-
deed. Hiss Sarvis, who is a comparative
stranger to a Beassotsaudience, iepoesess-
ed of a rich, musical voice of splendid
eon -mess and shows, to good advantage,
the training elm has received during the
past year. Wo exp• at to hear of Mise
Stoles son occupying a prominent place
amour the vocalists of this Province, 1n
both eaored and secular numbers,
The Guanoial proceeds of the nnni•
versary amounted to about 07000, A
social was held on Tuesday evening.
Good Sleighing.
llerry Ohrisemas.
Wood is meting lively.
G, Hood is improving nicely.
Straw witting has started a ie
S g Rai .
Crookinola earns to lead ae a pallor
1 t'
Towuelt p Council minutes in smother
Renew for Tne PM. It gives tho
Morris newts.
Peter Hall is expected home thisweek
from Manitoba,
Robert Armstrong and eon are back
front their trip to Dakota,
Quite a number of fanners are in the
stove wood and Sawlog business.
iiIunicipal nominations will take phos
next Monday at the Township Hall.
The question is now asked who will
represent us in the township oounoil for
Santa! EVANS, has gone on a holiday
visit to Tavistook, Dundee and outer
The Ohriet:mas tree entertainment
oaino off at Sunshine church on Tuesclay
Shortroed and Miss Obligtoea
leave this week for a three weeks' visit to
friends in Halton 00.
William Nay and wife, of Mom, 'len,,
are visiting nt Inc. AIanuirtg'e, 5t1" lino.
Air. Noy is a brother -it, -law.
A sleigh Mad of young people visited at
Geo. Kradding's, 8th line, one evening
last meek and spent a merry time lo•
Harry and James:Dnneanoto away on
a holiday trip to relatives and frieode ab
Lindsay and looality. They will be ab-
sent v
two weeks
Some say the Sunshine bridge was.
built as a menials). How would it be lo-
whitewash the quick turns and keep poo"
plc with their rigs off the railing at
Robert i\Inr odors and ,Tae E. Hunter,
of title township, arrived home last tveelt
from Albert Collage, Belleville, for their
Christmas vacation. They report pro•
grass in their studios, •
Gen. L'lelbY, who has been teaching in
Mr school • the past there -years,
will attend a Collceiaba neat year. Dun.
can Allison, of Belgenve, is his stl0oossor
to No, 1. air, Uiolby has done good ,work
in'tite school,
Donald McKenzie, eldest son of Tien.
teeth McKenzie, r14h line, who /tag been
attending the tum oNor
mal Sallee!,
has beenengaged toteach
the Silver
Creak sohnoi tot' 1808 at a Salary of 0460.
We wish Mr, llfoKenzle every mottoes iu
hie wont.
W. T, Mooney, wife and two Children ;
Dere, Albert Geru•yand three children ;
and it daughter of Geo, Mooney',, all of
Indian Heed, N. \V, T,, are hero on a
holiday visit, Mr. Mooney in the rideet
son 'of Go, Councillor Moony and Mrs,
Gerry ie n daughter of Geo, Crooks, Brus-
D. and J. Laidlaw are hauling wood to
•Seaforth this week, 14 nt11Qe le a long
way to hard wood, at 03.00 per cord, and
hard eoratohiug to get that.
W. Miohte delivered to J. ItoJJb,tt ou
Teasley 15 lentis that averaged 128 lbs,
emelt, ' Vies' gum! ter twin Inutile, leer,
rears siruulrl still by weight 11 po+e,l]lo,
P. W. Jdhuutuu, of Drover, Cul , lens
pure/weed a six menthe' olcl hull from
John Sbortraod. 310 has bought 110 bulls
in the County of Kieron, whi.:h he ship•
ped iron Seaforth ou the 'OOrd lust,
A 00en Rr.cuan;--The amount of tuxes
that the Collator's roll calls for ad yew
is 011,597:02, Collector Morenv Morecorn.
mama itis annual rounds on the 1I01
November and on the 15111 of )December
had collected and paid to the Treasurer
the stun of 01),775 00. '1100 balance of
taxes aro required C tali old t
p a 11 U 00
the 8th t
t de of January, 1H08,
Y Mr.
i4Tomey feu genuine emcees ae a tax
Jolur Shortroed & Sons have pnroh'esed
au eleven mouths' old bull calf, bred by
E. Gaunt t Sons, St. Holm', for which
they paid the stun of 0900. That is sure•
ly liltio beef for big money. Ile is a half
brother to "Nominee," the fleet prize bull
at Toronto mud Ottawa lest Fall, which.
they owned two years ago and sold to
Capbain Robsou, of lldortou, who has
since sold bine for 0250 to lie to Montreal.
Good judges say that this 0neis as good,
if not better, at bis ago than ''Nominee..
If he leaves ae good a record his owaors
ought to be 'satisfied.
e'er tut te wok.
Mrs, J. Stewart ]a on lite siolt fiat,
Mr, Martin, of ilichigan, Sundayod
with Thu. Rita:ie.
Miss Teseie Switzer has returned for
the Christmas holidays.
R. Babb, of Biytb, was the guest of
MISS J. Good on Sunday last,
Thos. IloRse is home Icons Listowel
High semen] for the Holidays.
Tltos. anti George Campbell, of Logan,
Snndayed at A. Reymann's.
igr, and Ales. Coombs, "f Jamestown,
8, Mitchell end wife, of Atwood, were
visiting ab J. J. Mitchell's this week.
werevisitipg at G. MaDenld's this week.
A few of the young people gathered at
Mrs. Ziminire last Tuesday -evening and
'pent a few hours in merriment,
Dental Htlather, one of the boys work..
ing in the due mill, get his fingers In the
brakes and mangled them badly.
Walter'Format, of Jamestown, and
John Forrest, of Roseland, B, 0,, were
visiting John Forrest last Sunday.
We are'plsoaod to notion the name of
John efoR,te in the honor list of the sus-
eeesful oendidntes at the Pharmacy
Oaten, 'Deronto. We congratulate Mao.
on his same a and hope his future may
bo as prosperous.
Benew kr Tux 1?oer, It gives the
A lob of grain is delivered at our store,
MLfr,. Elliott is on the siok list this
Win. Elliott, who has spent tee past
two years with his sous in Manitoba, is
expected home tide week.
Andrew Eoltmier, who is in the employ
of D. IC. Erb, M. P. P., mac Mitchell, ie
home/ for short h '
o Or holiday with his friends.
Rev. Mr. Stewart was ons of the speak-
er's at the anniversary lea meeting in the
Methodist church, Brussels, last Monday
Township Meek Spence lett for Toronto
this week on business iu oennsation with
Bill to be at t
the B 11 brought before he La Isla•
k g
tare regarding drainage in Grey town.
ship. lle was aooampanied by Reeve
Straoba n,
S. S. Cole, suwmiller here, has pur-
obasecl 100 acres of limb feorn Wm. Mc.
Glory, of Lima, and will
send the saw-
log timber down to his mill here. alr.
Cole ie a hustler and will employ quite a
gang this Winter.
This week F. W. Johnston, of Denver,
Col., purehaseci 6 young bulls from David
Milne, the well known stockman of this
place, for which ha p Did theme of 0100,
so it is said. The animals were delivered
at Seaforth, from which point they were
shipped to Colorado.
Ar ETinnztraAnneen.—Robert J. Sharp,
non of Andrew Shap, of this plaoe,
wratoe Tela Pose as follows from Crystal
Oily, Manitoba :—Tr. Editor,—Excuse
ma for nut renewing my subeoription be.
fore this. I enjoy reading your paper, I
have taken it over eines T came West
eight years last Spring. I am at Crystal
City, working for ilon, Mr. Groonway.
I have been on the farm fo tr yeti% and
have the option of slapping on. We have
a largo stoat on the term -142. head of
cattle, 20 horses, 30 weep and 70 hogs.
TM latter pay well. Wo go in for mixed
farming here and I think it pays best,
ono year with another, What paid well
bhie year. Orystai 011y is 185 utilise
South•wett of Winnipeg, on the.Deloraine
Bra h end is a nioe lively little town,n
with bright prospects tot the future. We
have an execllart grain market tits year,
The liloneyke fast le raging high out
hero and I expect next Spring will see a
rally foe gold' duet. Wo are having an
extra fine Winter bore, but not much
snow. Lno'oeed fled 02.00, my sub.
soriptioti till June 1399.
A: o P n% e, T.Lrin ,—i b the
\ P 8 V N i
close i e heel 00 Wednesday afternoons
0 0 y
week, Him a nand theater in
uF this Il y ,
rho Junior Department, alt, in about to
Sever her 'simulation with the seltool,• to
attend the Normal, nt 'Toronto, was pee;
milted with a handanms Dressing Oase
and the foilowteg address :
1'o dries T1'. Jbnprerd
Dna Trocuos,—The pupils of the
Junior Departtateot et the Ethel Poblia
eatooi cleave at this time to oxprees'.hoir
sorrow at parting with you, at the game
titno Congratulating you on your 5000ess
ns our teacher. To 0s who know of your
sterling worth end untiring interest ie
the welfare of your soleal, it tette no ser•
prime to fled that you intend to alit
further act valise in the profession of 5000
amine, Wo tisk yon to aocept this Dress..
yon• two years' stay among tie ' has nob
only bernr.prolirable to Us, but n plessors
to yourself, an I we humbly prey Al•
mighty Go l 'bat lie may Ion:; Spare you
to ocntinu, iu the noble work in width
yon have been ei,geged." AMiSS Ie tyilard
replied appropriately.
The Christmas tree eutet•taitireni, On
Friday cvernirtg of this watt, in tilts
Township fIalf, promises to be a spades!,
A Irnilby program of smell and iuetru-
meetui nests, dialogues, recitations,
fancy marsbiug, oto., will bo given by
the cluitireeof the Aimee ilat Sabbath
aobool. A email almiaelon fee will be
m n
ober ed J utertai torr tm t
g •
u a a cn enuoe u 8.
Renew for 'J'uu Pon.
Lely. Duff is eo erY ni
John a ^Int h t v' , I -
t fr. Os is no to to Af ] e!
Afro. 101 ser is I'll up tri h a felon on
her band.
Miss Isbister, Morrie, is the guest of
Mia% Hlny Soott.
Jaime; 1'ueli has had hia store aud
house heated with bot air.
Mr. and Mrs. Brinker are going to
1\liohigan to spend Christmas.
Miss Carrie Caw:more, 'Turnberry, ie
vi•iting her uncle, R. elePherson.
John and Will Soot', of Stanley, are.
viei: ing their uncle, T. B, Scott.
John Pugh, wife a"1 'Aileron, of Boss.
eels, were visiting at Joseph Pegh's on
- Miss Fanny Patterson, of Wingham,
was visiting Mende iu the village on
Saturday and Sunday.
Great preparation are being made for
the Oheisames Tree on Friday 'evening:
We ail hope to have a good time.
Tbere was a dance at lir. IIeneeresn'e,
Blnevale road, on Wednesday and quite a
number of young people attended ft.
'fi. 0• es .
Ray AloNaugbt has moved into his
new residence' on the noonday.
Miss Maggie McDonee)). of Brussels,
was vieiting at Duncan McNair's last
Rev, W.A. Smith iehome for a Christ•
mas holiday visit from. Wes tminstee where
he is stationed.
Tboe. Davidson and wile are away on a
holiday trip to old friends Tn Toronto for
a couple of weeks.
Geo, McKay, Poshnaeter, Monarieff,
intende putting a atone 'wall under his
barn the ooming season.
This week Colin McIntosh, wire for-
merly taught in S. 8. No. a, ie renewing
old acquaintances in this locality.
Geo. Roger and wits, of ',Fullerton
township, were visiting at Robert Robert-
son's, lOeb con. Mrs. Roger is a neiee to
Mr. Robertson and were former residents
of Elma township.
L. A. Hill was home this week from
Toronto, where he is attending one of the
Medial Colleges. He looks well. He is
now visiting Mrs, (Dr,) Rivers, bis sister,
at Crediton.
Reeve Straoban and Clerk Spence were.
away at Toronto this tvoelc attending aha
Local Legislature in connection with the
passage of the special Act legalizing their
big drain. By-law.
Bethel Sabbath Sohool entertainment
was held on Wednesday evening of this
week. The- Epworth League meetings
that were discoobineed while the .
praotiee was on will le resume t
week. -
rs lO. 13
d hex
to air
Bishop, 6th
anted 5
The bird
Tr. Bte•
ng that
a atilt
of As•
sup to
s Using
ke and
to the
Canon L0VIE Aer.—One Queuing, last
week a plan wee laid among font yontag
people whereby a turkey, goo'e or duck.
was to be waylaid and taken to a certain
home on the 2nd con., where it wets to be
000kociand aroyal feast enjoyed, Tho
proposal gob out somehow and the 'farmer
Oath poultry was to supply the tueal
closed them up. Tho night prowlers
camoalougawl, seeing nothing bettor,
nabbed throe hens, and although chased
by the owner, got off with their booty.
Atter a oirouibous route the desired haven
mashed and Ilio work of stripping was L sal o a off
]ir g
the foatliers and proparfud the birds for
the oven was proceeded with. To offset
tho joke the young folk wore playing, the
propridea of the home, who Was not • in
the adventure, quietly slipped over bo lolo
neighbor and told him wboeee be might
find bis ("arnyar51 favorites. Shortly
after, while everything was going art
merry as a marriage bell, in popped the
owner, to the astonishment of the guilty
geartotto. After threatening law, the
matter was agreeably disposed of without
this rseonrzo, The boys: say they. would
not /rave oared so mush if they hal
secured anything tender, but a. nouplo of
the "olnoltors"'wore a little dilBonit to
utastioate. Two of the lads loft home,
while thb third deoicloll to converse fot'a
time with the cook, bat rho naughty hoot.
looked the door on the quiet anci book the
My to his room and it is said the visitor
Warr a prisouer until S a, m„ when the
key was obtained, Tt is an old saying
that the course of trtis Iove neve docs
ewe smooth, and we Filippa(' this is au..
other• t 00tan00. Wo would. maybe rho'
boys to have a 00100005 of the bon roosts
before alto toed raid so that they will
Next Monday will give our
Oonuoiland those desirous of obtaining
seat at the Board an oppoebunity
thennselves to the ratepayers.
ntion will be made at the TownshipHall,
Ethel, from 12 to 1 p, m.
Too'dsy niternonn John
line, shot a white owl that tinea
feet, 5 iuohes from tip to tip. Th
was 'beet 25 rods distant when A
Imp nailed it with a ballet, almwi
nithpugh he is up in the sixties h
knows how to handle a rifle. Hi
owl -
ship will be mounted.
Peon Gamma—Alex. Bremner,
toric, Oregon, arrived here last
on a business trip and will be ret
in a short time. Mr. Bremner cyan
Skagway, Alaska, last Sum min, thi
about 050 miles from the Ielondi
the beginning of the 45 mile pass
Yawn river. He and another gen
had a ship there. Mr. Bremner
to go back siert Spring and will pr
see Dawson City. '
taro senobhitig bewiem,'oven if they do
IMee to pay \veli for it,
mg Caso as
it smell token of tho high J
esteem in which we hold you, Wo hope
W. H.KERR) Prop,
Nelson Briolser writes from Bad Am,
Mich„ 0111 Dee. 201:11, as follows :--Our
first sleighing began today. Tlmos aro
bright. Wo have had lovely weather all
Fell, but there is tote of Biplan s:a Mrs.
Brisker is 011 and has been for a time.
Wishing you a marry Christmas,
The .t'rastees of S. 5, No. 8, Grey, had
a big job on band in the soteaiun of a
• teacher for 1.808 as ono:manor to J. 1',
Dodds, resigned. There were 101 appti•'
Dations iu n II, ranging_ all, the way up to
it 13. A., and the ealartos asked oautering
from 0176 to 0150. Elwa'da Hlcletosh,
of St. Marys, was the ohoige ab 0200 per
annum. SI • o ntosh holds a non.
Sir, &I I a
professional let slaw oertitloate. Evid-
ently the atop of school masters bas not
been streak by blight ae yen, and ail
there's wore to follow. -
o le We .Calliv haat;
e .A.
Lew Joelssou is visiting at Chatham.
A. J. Lowry was holidaying in London
and St. Thomas.
Lawyer Diokson, of 1:5010, w,te fit
town on Tuesday.
J. A. Stewart, wife and yon, aro boli•
laying in Toronto.
Dr, Davidson will Christmas nt his old
Barryin GoodiStrng trill Christmas with
friends at St. Meres,-
Lewyer Sinclair was in Goderioh this
week on legal business.
Andrew Currie, of Seaforth, was visit.
lug in -Brussels this week.
Miss Lily Kendall is home on a brief
holiday visit from Detroit.
John Carter and wife are back to Bruise
seta from'Goderich on a visit,
W. Hall, wife and son, of Ethel, were
visiting at Wm. Jewibt's this week.
Jas. Turnbull ie laid up this week with
an attack of erysipelas in his face..
Miss Downey is spending her Christ-
mas vacation et Fergus and Toronto.
wIra Gerry is home for - the Christmas
holidays from the Seaforth Collegiate.ats
Councillor Won and wife, of Lie
towel, were in town on Wednesday of this
E. I'. Rattan, of Rattan & Fitzpabriok,
MS in Toronto this week kicking up bar -
leen. Cousley is home from Stratford
Model Sohool where he has spent the
pest term.
Was Blakeman, John street, is on the
aiek list bob we hope she will,; noon be
Miss Ethel Creighton is home for her
vacation from Orihia where she beide a
millinery situation. •
Clarence Blnabfll bad his forehead
slightly scalded Inst week by the steam
from the tea kettle.
Jas. Beattie, wife and children, of
Hensall, are visiting at Fe, Beattie's,
Chitral street, Brussels,
Fleury Basher is able to get about again
after a homing -up for several months
owing to a badly strained leg.
Mrs. John Hayeroft has gone to Tees.
water to spend Obriettnas with Iter
daughter, Mrs, D. 0. Ferguson.
1. A. Mutauchlin, of Elora,' is home
for his Xmas holidays, He has Men
teacbing in the Model Sohool in that town.
Ronald MoNanghton is able to get
about again after a short' lay up item the
fall he recently took on the icy sidewalk.
Mrs. J. Dickson of Win Liam n
Miss Adis, of Clifford, were visiting at
Melville Manse last weep.
Tboe, MoLauobbio, jr.; has gone to
Innsrkip, Oxford CO, Where he will :pend
the Winter with Rans. Pelton,
Alrs. F. S. Scott and son, Finlay, are
spendingChristmas with D. 01 Scott,
Sarnia, Sita. Soatb'e oldest son.
Prof. Hawkins will set his Christmaa
turkey and plum pudding at Port Albert
coder the watabful eareiof his father mud
mother. -
Couuoillor Wilson and fancily intend
removing to Londou early in January.
We're sorry to have them move away
from town. - -
Miss Dorn Smith ie home from her
school nearListowel, ane ]!rank Snaith
is here from Seaforth. Oollegiete for the
Christmas holidays.
Mrs, Walker and daughter, Verne, ar-
rived bank to Brussels on Thnradaya'fter
a visiting tour of four menthe in the
United States andOanada. _. ,
Dalby Kendall, third son of Station
Agelb Kendall, Brumaire is appreutio0d
to the watchmaking and 'jewellery busi—
ness in Chabbam. Dal. is a first-class
boy and will do'well wherever be goes.
Jas. 15.lmes, of Cypress, plan., is visit-
ing his mother and Osten in Brussels.
He has been in the West for a number of
years and has prospered in a manner very
setietaalory to himself and his friends.
A'Liss Edith Inmen,' of Guelph ; Miss
Jean Wilson, of Elora; nn.l Mies Kate
Wilson, of Alarmore, aro expected home
this (Friday) evening for a visit with
Mrs. James Wilson and family, Illizebeth
!brash, -
Albert Fibzpatriek is spending Christ•
mas nude: bluenor. 'rental roof at Sta
p Y
Ilis fa h r aformor resident of Brues
ie quitepoorlywe are sorry to hear, Mr.
Jfibzpntriok wee 81 years ' of ago on the
12110 of last July.
Mrs. Robt. Roes and eon, of Itiuoar-
dine, aro visiting in this locality. She
Dame to attend the funeral of Mrs. Me -
Ugh, another of Moe. James Ireland,
Mortis with whom Mrs.s. Ross m de
hones for several yeare.
a t and ie Belleville,
Thos. 'Vat o r t wife, of BQlle n le
formerly of Brussels, are away to Cali'
fornia for a visit, Mr. Watson's father
issojonrning in their abeenoo with hie
sen, Reuben, at Buffalo, N. V. The old
gentleman is peat his 85th birthday.
'Juo,' Wilkinson wife and daughter, of
Greed Ilepids, Mesh., are holidaying
Bruese1s anti to i
oa it _ Mr. Wilkinson is
et eon Of 300, Wilkinson, 4111 line, and
his good wife is a daughter of our totem-
man, W. Jewitt, Mill street, They were
former residents of Brussels,
Will. Jatttoe,Who lime been in Toronto
for the past three menthe, where he is
employed in the 'Cooper Maclaine Cots :
gaaolhne engine atanntaatory, is home for
Christtnna holiday, 0. R, Oooper,
formerly of Betteseie, a the President and
27. S. Oooper, Viee•Presidene and mast.
aligaar, -