HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-12-17, Page 8babes and Gentlemen
Beaufft 1 rC nes o
1 1 s4 for Ladies 3112
GOnLlenlan, young or old, and In such
Variety, aro to be had at our @tore,
Toy Department.
One ooroerof our large shore span.
felly set apart for Top. It le the child.
ren'e Corner:
China Ware,
Nice Fruit Sete, Ch000late Sete, Tea
Sete, Porridge Sete, and such like in
Toy Books.
8 cases devoted specially to showing
Toy Books, and atilt many not seen.
Never seals a stook and prices low. We
cannot begin to tell you all we have for
Xmas. Come and see them
Drug, Book and Fancy Goode Store.
8032T1310N EEXTENSION W. e. & 13.
Trains leave Brueoele Station, North
and South, as follows ;
GOING aouon, Goxlw rfonen.
))000e88 7:12.l 721W 2:10 p.m
nixed...,..,.: 0:45 a.m. Express 10:01pan
oval .eivs .ern;
A ohiel'eamang ye talcin'notcs,
A•n' faith he'll prent it.
A wnenmN° ie hinted at in town.
HoitsE Pair on Tharsday, Jan. 0th.
SOaoo1MY of next weak will be Obriat-
Tag heavy rain and thaw flooded a
number of cellars.
Tao Maitland river wan swollen to
quite a size daring the past week.
NOMINATION Day for municipal elections
a week from next Monday, 27th inst.
m WEDDING invitations printed neatly
and cheaply at TEE Pose Publiebing
TT is, said that Mise Annie Ross has
purchased the Fanny Goode bosinese that
leas been run for several years by her
slater, Mies Nellie hose.
D. 0. hose, A. Rcenig and Jets, Turn.
bull are the retiring Trustees on the
Brussels Sohool lioard this year, but all
are eligible for re election.
.7,10 BALotarvaE, of New Westminet' r,
13. 0., son of T. Ballantyne, Brussels,
sept , home a One specimen - of Fra.er
River salmon last week. It tv
043 prime
Smarm faro on the G. T. R. at holiday
time, good going 24th and 25)11 fnste., to
return 2711). Good going Dec. Slat and
returning Jae. 80d. A fere and a third
ticket gives additional privileges.
Do. MeitEovor has moved Ms family
into Mrs. S0rachan's cottage, Elizab,th
etreet, so as to make way for Dr. Snider
whose household effects were hanle•1 to
Dr. krellelvey's late residence au Satur-
partnership existing between D.
J. Hartley and W. B. Ballantyne as Edi-
tors and Proprietors of the Emerson
(Ilan.). Journal has been dissolved by
mutual consent. Mr. Hartley retiree
and is succeeded by a 11Ir. Griffith, of
Dominion Oity.
- Met. OLIVE ooadueted rehearsals of
Queen Esther choruses on Monday and
Tuesday evenings of this week but owing
to the busy season of the year they will
be d'fseontinued until after the New Year,
when people generally will have more
time at their disposal.
TENngns are sated for the conveyauoe
of Ber Majesty's mail from Oran brook to
seta and return each week day. V.
Gramm, the present contractor, has had
an expetieuee of 10 years at it, but the
irregular arrival of the afternoon marl
train rather tires him, as it often takes
him the whole afternoon to make the
Tau Post -Office Department has de -
aided to remove the restriction which at
present prevents the user of a post card
from utilizing the front ora post card by
having anytlline tvrittea or printed on it
except,the address of the person for
whom itis intended. The intention is to
permit piotorea, views, designs or other
ttdvertiaing matter to be. printed 031 the
face of the card, so long as enlitcient clear
space is left to Mime' of the address being
lvritten or that it cen be easily read in
the office where 11 is posted.
L. 0. L.—At the last meetiog of L. 0.
L. No.'774,IBrnasele, the followingoiiioere
wore elected for the current term ;—Jos•
eph B 1wman, W. hl, ; 11'1. id. Macre, V.
S., D, 14.1, ; W. 11. Mooney, Reo,-Seo. ; M,
M. Cardiff Fin. -Seo ; H. Mooney,
Chap, ; S. T. Plum, D. of 0. ; W. Smith,
Leot. ; Jae. Bowman, W. W. Hoy, Jno.
Mcbutobeon, D. Smith and Jas. Kernagh•
an, Committee. The lodge is in a
healthy condition,
O3E7—Snbseeibers— old or now — who
sendpayment for a year's aubsoriptioll in
advenoe for The Stratford Weekly Her.
ald, will reoaive a large colored wall 1113)7
or the County of Perth if they enolase
only afteedcents additional. In other
words, 31,15 will ply for a year's issnee
of Perth's favorite newspaper and the
map. The map alone gent postpaid on
receipt of 25e. Stamps may be sene
The map le easily worth halfa dollar.
It le invaluable to residente of the county,
and will Mao give pie mare to former re.
eidents who now live in dielaot parts.
The Stratford Weekly Herald's poeitlon
asone of the foremast provincial weeklies
is well known.. With a 0orp., 00 correo.
poudeate thoroughly covering its wide
ooneeitnen0y few items escape r00ord in
its columns. Aa an advertising medium
.12 le simply unapproa0hed theoug1)oilt. a
wide field, extending far beyond the bor.
dere of Perth county,. The Herald also
80piree to give the most 9omprehsnsive
market reports, together with a full and
free discission of petition! and genera!
events. Everywhere its opinions are re
,panted and 120 {nfleeuce 310001uieed,,
Order The Herald tend map for 11108 by
0onding131.15at once to '1e Stratford � cowedHerald Publishing Co'- St 10 d
• Mue»Y reeds,
"A20213010 ANTIOe,'1 -
alcule0 301. ailaire alae quiet.
.A, 0. U. W. Lodge this Friday
reg. g 0
Suuxxa satlqU a 0
i 0
noxi, 22nd inet. ao on Which
O'reett interesting matter -orowd
Ode week' will appear in next )9838,
It fa said 2110t Jae., Beattie, lit
Clinton, may atart a livery at Lista
Sonora. ohildren will be admitted
12en0ey entertainment Briday even
10 eent9 eaob.
Intrnovisn03NT0 end repairs have b
the program at the Enterprise
Works this week.
AN intefeoting letter has been re
from George Coates, Sboehoue, I
It will appear next week,
Peon, tiAwxrlls w111 take part in a
lie sohool entertainment at Loam
Friday evening of tills week.
calved a oar of Manitoba wheat an
booming their celebrated brand of
"The Ladles' Choice."
SEVERAL, persona are subeoribi
Tux PosT and having it mailed from
ol0oe toabsent Primula as a Xmas
It helps take the phtee of the )elite
often forget to write.
Tug Ronald Engine Works have o
down for a week but will resume
shortly as they expect the Portage
Prairie fire engine here to be fitted
with new boiler, do., and also engin
treat for another point,
SOMEBODY i8 going to get bhemeely
to trouble over window smashing.
week a large pane wee broken in the
of Miss Roddiok's millinery weak
and some other misoreant threw a
potato through awfadow at S. Smote
eidenoe, Elizabeth street, Suspicion
aroused and if the party is naught
will suffer fot their misdeeds alt rig,
One $744 LEEx.—Phe correetnes
the rule adopted by the town Gonne
reference to the aolleotiou of taxes
year is manifest from the feat that o
a roll nmounting to 00000.only 3.774 1
paid by the 15th dust. Last year
about that =oh wee paid at this
It may have pinched some of as a
to get hold of the. n000893ry cash ha
the experience of many mnoieipal
the rule la a good one. 5% will be a
to taxes unpaid.
17TirxoAL.—Tbe Winnipeg Free P
of Nov. 23rd Gays ; "Last evening a
King etreet, Miss Lizzie Forsyth
married to Chas. Lorimer, .in
employ of Hugh Murray, contra
The ceremony was performed by
Mr. Munro, of Point Douglas 9111E
Mrs, Hudson was bfidemaid
Geo. B. McNeil assisted the groom.
wedding supper was served after
ceremony. Numerous presents were
waived by the bride, Meting to the gest
in which allele held," The bride w
'former resident of this locality and i
nates of Alex. Pursyh, Brussels,
Lorimer's old friende here wi-h her
her husband prosperity,
ENJOY a homey laugh at the Town 11
on hrldey evening of this weals.
So. Ja0N'a ohllroh con'rogetien, Bru
even. eels, contemplates erect ug a 2•etorybriok
rector on their' lot adjoining the Ohtl0311
y 1
hoaday Turtlberry ablest,
0, G. 811ooE'S Advt would not be
011 0112 changed this weigh, He has a lot of tits'v
TEE 11 .11U 8 S �.
ad 0080E11.in bulk' at Orieli's.
Ceder ; our Xmas. sake at 0331)3'8,
Onmen. 31 at 4 wants per 100 lbs. and
w ! uurtml eat at1
Y Ross' igen'
Terms oe,h
7100 Willi Ic of a fleet -plass cutter, all
aloof lira : s towing m ghioe and well
finished it 023.00. Piot your horn bat
and blow \\Fermat te Smtmi, tirusoele,
Lime° purohaeed a surge and well
selected . ""it of w'u.1 v s tlnaea at a low
rata oR 11'0 0, I will be Feinted to sell
for the next 00 days at about 113110 the
lanai prfl•o. J00. Walker,
Ito BAaeuux 0roEnEn,—That eligible half
ug tore lot situate on the Southern portion of
i•.i Turnberry street, Brussels, will be die•
111 p sed of brloiv Ooet, Very slay terms.
Write for partionlars to Sone H4u8NEAves,
Le e 17.1 Queue et. Wast, Toronto.
1t Western -13 r, 10e. Turkeys .e n.
de drawn, 8! . Dried apples wanted; Lug•
to est etook.of Dry Goode, Grocerlee, 110ote
Shoes to select from. G. 12. Thee,
is W{nghan+. 21.11
-It If you are thinking of buying an organ
be it will pay you to onli en R. Leatherdale
it before yen buy, He one save you 25 per
oent, A;:eut for the. Bell and Geilerioh,
Always a big stook on baud,
sT GREAT MOero Orlrgn.—Send 08 the
nnmea and addreeses of three 00 more
performers 031 the piano or organ together
with ten emits in silver tend we will mail
you tet3 p'eeea full 01)103=181c, consisting
of popular songs, wellzeri, ularah, s, Mo.,
arranged for the piano and PIN). Ad
dress, Pent„ut Music Pun Co., Indian
HONESTY TB Tile BEST P I. ex To 1109 A
BUSINESS 0N.—Far 27 years I have bean
running the Carriage 1300ineee in Byes.
eels and in that time I hav• had 14 men
start opposition to me in the trade, and
out of tbnee there were only two who did
not oompromiee or run away and leave
their debts unpaid, end there were none
of them had muscle enough to knock me
09), althtugb some of them tried it hard.
L3 012 not much soared of a man when I
see him stopping around like a half pay
°Meer, w.th a white collar 031 and think-
ing he in t neo 1)10011 brains to work, and
fool enou;le to think that the possesses
all the brains and businees faculties bo.
lowing to the trade and continually
blowingit•rough the press that he takes
tbs lead and can't be undersold. Solite•
1 times sunt men tape a little more rope
than you would naturally expect, brit
f after e. w'uite they opine to the end and
you will 'tear of them either jumping the
town or r'onuing to see their oredihors,
with a cheek like a barudoor and a non•
science hire a grain of mestere seed, and
asking them to like a few ciente on the
dollar, R1 d they exempt lt. 13'e may well
then exC'0ihn, "Ain't I a hustler 1” I
take thio opportunity of thaikiug • my
many fri•alda for their patronage teethe
past 87 years and I never was better able
to supply them with first olasa work than
et the pr went. A good range of First.
alias Cal ors and Sleigbe always on band
and R8 ohaap as any man in town who
pays a hundred Dents on the dotter, talc
ing the q^allay of the work into consider
Mien. 1 will be pleased to e0e all my old
ouatomer+ and as many now ones a, may
be pleesel to oall 0n 010. It will eIsvays
be my g1,.at pleasure to satisfy you with
tn.' work Wishing yon all a M, rry
X nos a7 i Happy New -Year,
Yours very re•peotfnlly,
J. Rase.
to of
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AS a
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Mxo,vnaE CnnrarLCN Esezavon.-M
day 0veuiog of this week .010144110 Chr
inn Endeavor Society elected off0:ers
colnmitt'eo for the ensuing te•m as
lows :-Hon. President, Rev. J. Rose,
A.. President, Jas, Fox ; Vioe•Preeido
Miss Lizzie Roes ; R cording Secreta
W. J. Stewart; Corresponding-Seoreta
Miss Mary Ross ; Treasurer, Miss E
Inman. Prayer,mse2ieg Oommittee—
A. Deadman, Misses J. Ross and Ne
Rosa ; Look out Com.—G. F. Blair, td
Tufts and Miss Slemmon ; Missions
Com. -3. II. Cameron, A. 111. Malt
Aire. R. 1i. llos3 'shed sties &toggle
Stewart ; Social Coln,—Miss Mary Iia
Fred. Wllson, Miss J. Forbes and Pr
Hawkins Flower Oom.-1)isses Sar
Forbes, Lizzie McLeunau, Maggie M
Dougall and Yate Menzies ; Choir Lea
er, Prof. Hawkins ; Organists, Mies Jo
Morsauchlin and Alex. ROSS ; Collector
Jno, Ferguson and Jas. Shaw ; Usher
G. A. Deadman and G. F. Blair.
ENTERED INTO REST. -01311111y an
pe0oefnlly the death summons come
Airs, James Grills, at the horse of b
son James, near Elora, on Thursday
last week, and the passing away fro
time was joyously anticipated by th
good lady, who had passed bee 81
birthday. She had been ill for the pas
three months dropsy
, y the trou I
n gb
Deceased 13130 born in England, when
she was also married. They cams t
Canada 552 years ago and after sojoornin
at Ottawa and Dumfries they settled n
Elora about 24 years since. Mr, Grill
died Same 15 years ago. Mrs. Grill
leaven 8 daughters (ane of whom is Mr
Leatierdale, of Brussels,)' and 5 sons t
hold in loving memory the Godly life o
a goad mother. Although so far advents
ed in life and weighing 200 pounds, Mrs
Grills accompanied lairs. Leatherctale o
a trip to Manitoba to visit relatives eve
a year ago and was an unusually notiv
person for her time of life. for man
years she was a worthy nletn1)er of th
Methodist ohuralr incl she enjoyed th
esteem of a large oirole of Meade. Th
funeral took plana last Sabbath, Qouuoil
for and Mre. Leathordals attending.
Josaru A. LAIan DEAD.—Word was re
calved here last week that Joseph A
Laird, of Berlin, had passed away, an
to at
15 ye
at Be
but f
tion o
of par
the fa
no on
be a co
wan u
Mr. L
loo Co
and wig
Fellotye, of tvbioh body deceased wee a
member. Interment woe made at New
Hamburg cemetery. 11Ir. Laird was 513
yeare of age, Mrs. Laird and .family are
deeply sympath3red with, The family
will likely remove (roes Berlin baolt to
was a second oottsin to M10, Wm.
articles for Xmas, and an tt 1, etoelt of
groemies, fruits and candles,
IT is to be hoped the ♦;Livingston fi
mill will be operated next 130130031 as
closing down 1e a big loss to' a lar
number of people in Brussels.
Tenn sees quite a rush of °ash ii
the hands of Tax Collector floes dull
the early part of this week SO ire to AM
the hiarease of Sof, added after' the 16
inti. awl With discovered on top of t
Graham block Thursday night or la
week, about 0.15 &Dipole The bird aha
itself scarce when an effort was trade
secure it,
WE purposed getting out a Ohristrn
edition but between the additional wo
in thee)argement of Tint POST aid t
Dooember minima of the '00. Cotte
having to be got out w0 dropped it.
Goon Fon Tee WEs'r.—A subscriber t
Moose Jaw, N. W. T., sent Tug Po
$2.00 this week on sobsoription. He is
now paid up to 1000. We hope his wheat
orop will be bigger then ever next year.
Thos, 1SIoLauchlin, wife and four
children, of Briartvood, Man., haus ar-
rived fora holiday visit. It is 0 yenrs
sinoe they were here. Mr. l4'1oLauohl:n
is a son of Thos. MoLauohlin of this
place. .Mfg. MaLauablin was a Miss
adt2 formerly of Bruseeis.
Maro1 MORTON and Reeve Gregory, of
Wingham, were in town last Fridley with
500 feet of now hose for fire protoatioi,
desirous of having it fully tested, as tbuy'
hail been fooled iu the purchase of a 101
before. The use of the town Fite Ea.
gine was granted, a eatiefaotory tet
made, and the party and -hose taken
home on the afternoon train.
DON'T forget the anniversary tea meet•
ing in the Methodist church next Mon -
clay evening. After tea addresses are ex•
petted from Rev. Ino, Ross, B. A., Bree-
sels ; Rev. A. 0, Tan, Walton ; Rev. 112,
J. Oaten, 8eigrave ; Rev. J. L. Stowatt,
Ethel, and Rev. S. Sollery, D. D., of
Guelph. The (atter reverend gentleman
also preaohee the anniversary sermons cu
Sabbath next. The musical program
will be supplied by Mies E. E. Sarvic, o
Listowel ; Mies Kate Wilson, or Brut
eels, and the choir of the ohurob, Tea
served frbm 0:80 o'clock on Monday.
050130,10 evening's program at the Ep-
worth League was devoted io'Missicnaey
themee. Mies Jennie Howe preeidel.
China was the country tinder consider-
ation and valuable and interesting i r.
formation concerning it' was given by
Misses Minnie Moore, D. in. Kerr, Leu:•a
Peebles and Mina Tnrnbali and Leon
Jgohean, A (RIM, "I Belong to Him,"
was Mealy sung by Mies Maggie Beattie
and Fred, 0l'pin, as was a 'borne "For.
ward March,' by Cleve, Allin, Fred, 01'
pin, Will. Grffii ti, Rob,' l4'Io0r,eken and
Jno. Reid. Good readings were given by
Mise Carrie 11ingstou and Albert Phomas,
W, A. AL A. -The annual meeting if
the Brussels Branch of the W. A. M. t,.
was held on Tuesday afternoon at the
residence of Aire. W. F. Vanatone for the
purpose of eleoting ofiioers for the en-
suing year, The following were eleoler :
—Presidentt ,Mrs. G. J. Abey ; Vice -
Pres. Airs. (V. F. Vanatone ; Oor. ard
Reo.•Seo., 'Miss Eastmain ; Trees,
ones F Rogers; Managing Com., Mee.
G. J. Abey, Mre. T. Kelly and Mrs. 'i'.
Maxwell ; delegates to the London Con,'
vontion, Arra, G. J, Abey, Mrs. W. F.
Vanatone and Mrs. G. Rogers. .
Business Locals,
OYSTERS stewed at Orich's.
Chrome Bon Bone at Crick's.
RUMMER Noogalee at Crioh'e.
Fon fancy rockers' go to Jae. Walker's.
ROBES and blankets close to cost.
I. 0. Richards.
WE repair rubbers and shoes cheap ard
good. I. 0. Richards.*
SER some of the fauoy parlor tables 42
Jno. Walker's.
Mex1Ton 'g
A, straight Culler,
or miso-d
flour and all kiodegof feed at Rosa' Mi!1,
Terms each.
Tio largest and beet selected stock if
piotnr88 and picture morilding will be
seen at John Walker's,
SEE our Christmas stook of candies a d
oranges at McCracken's.
Columns, Note, Figs, Date•, Oranges,
Grapes and Lemons at Orioh'e.
Bev yonr Dandies and oranges, nits,
caw , for Christmas at Mo0raoken's.
Fon a nice wedding or Cbrietmss
present try Walker's furniture store.
Dons your robe need relining ? We
do them so they look like new.
I. 0. Richards.
BRING along your Dotter and have it re.
painted and trimmed in first clave stye
et Wallter's shop.
Hooeo clippers and redeems eherpened
and repaired by Sew Filer Mc0roger, If
Brussels, Qoeen et. East.
JusTleo iv
el ed a
folarge lot to
g o f warms
exchange to farmers for onto nt Baelter
ch Vanetone's !lona and feed store.
OUn hand mode long boots ars the ones
to keep out the water and stand tLe
wear, I, 0, Richards.
Way pay agent) big prions for organs
when you can bay a 5 ootave piano ease,
oak or walnut from R, Leatberdale for
Fon hedreem anifes, sideboards, extern.
tion tables, lounges, parlor suites, Parlor
ables,conches, and in fact anything to
p found. in a first class tarlatan store,
all on John Walker.
Plain and N. B. Gerry drove over
tend the funeral, deceased being a
in to Mr. Plum and Mrs. N. B.
s born in
Ay and always my. Laird aade 111813omeathere,
wing the occupation of farming for a
bet of years, and on selling out, about
ars age, became a resident of New
burg. Ne had been the Keeper of
Waterloo House of Refuge, located
din, for the past 0 or 4 yens. His
was ttttribetab'e to heart failure, t
or soma lime he had been poorly, b
ing from something like consume. 0
f the ner0ee, and had had a stroke
alysis, Deceased was able to get 0
, bowovel', and had his eupper with
ably on Wednesday evening, when o
e suspected by 10 o'olnok he would s
apse. The eubjeot of thio notice 8
sited in marriage le alias Aggie t
daughter of W. R. Plum, of Hays-
who, with three sons and one
ter, survive imeband and father. ti
Aird was well known and 1lig1ty it
ted, He occupied the Reevo'e o
both in Wilmot township and New Co
tag and was also Warden of Water. in
unty, He wag a Presbyterian in 01
n and in politica a .Liberal. :The ea
I on Sabbath was largely attended. do
e under the auspices of the Odd 011
A WORD of ADVICE T1 Woo, x rr AMAv
0040031404.—Any man who has the brazen
fate to advartioe that be will glop Ilia
ppoaitioufrom selling good work 'and
ettloe hie Recounts for his abode et
5 ante on the 3, ought to beat his wc.31
o the Etondike, Stay for 0 yearn and, ft
eat frozen 10, came baa!t to make Ills
creditors )rangy by p0yfug un fn full, a,.01
ren blow his horn and sound natural
eye and not the key of sharp. Tben be
oulc{ rank himself Ir, advertlsieg
lamne with 100 Delta on the 3, gentle.
en. Re einber D. Ewan gets lop firer
ase work end can't be nloppod by any
laky opposition, The ninny hundre4
Elate worths of rigs Ewen has out in
i0 Matelot le a credit to him; a pleasure
and oonfert to the putedateees and
eoerOW to no wholesale 31)35,1. Buyyo1 )'
rigs from D, Ewan and yon will he Sure
you are buying in a gate plitee, Ile
;mintingaed restrionnlibg done at Me
lowest prices. Fleet -class painter ant
Minato alw ye on lmnd at D, Elvaht
a 1
Carriego Shop, Bresools,
M0RN .
13o0oT0,-1.n Grey, and ocn., on ratterday,
Dec. 112h, tie wife of Mr. Thomas
Smi h, of a daughter.
000r2n.—•in Listowel, on Deo. 4111, the
wife of Air. B. 0, Cooper of a (laugh-
Kenn,—T;1 Listowel, on the 8th inst., the
wife cf lair. R. T. Kidd of a son,
MoXEnor_Ao.—InHowiok, on the 2nd inst,,
the wife of Mr. Alex. McICerobar, of
a 0011.
051ILEno9AR.—In Wroxeter, on the Ord
inst., the wife of Mr. W. S. Muller.
ober, of a daughter.
Souou.— T.n Morris, on Deo. 1211), the wife
of Ms. W. J. Souoh, of a son.
PA0219-83171W,—At the pta3180nage, Blue.
vale, by Rev, D. Rogers, 011 Dee.
15Benicia th Mr. Be'
t toe 1'ayue, of Mo -
Knit 7, to Mise Mary Elton Stni2h, of
LoRlnrolt -- Fons8T(1,—A2 Winnipeg, on.
Nov, 02nd, by Rev. air, Munro, Mr.
Ohm. Lorimer to Miss Lizzie For-
syth formerly of Brnasele.
MITanELL—HAMilrONn,—on the avenin
of Dee. 8th, by Rev. W. T. Bent, at
the bride's home, oou. 8, Elma, Mr.
Sim .n II. Mitchell, of Atwood, to
Rise Eliza Hammond.
STNwsItT—3011000Nn,—I31 Neepawa, on
Nov. 7th, by Rev. Mr. Avauclie, Mr,
D, 0 Stewart, of Neepawa, Man„ to
• Mise Jennie G. Hammond, late of
Gants.—A.t Elsrn, 011 Deo. Oth, Joanna,
rend of the late Jas, Grills, aged 81
years anis 21 days.•
MoVEIon,—In Morrie, on Wednesday,
Deo, 15th, 1807, Mary McVeigh,
(mother to Mrs, Jae. Ireland, e•.,)
aged 09 years and 9 months.
d'L'Innow,—In Listowel, on rho (It11 inst.,
Alex older Morrow, aged 81 years.
MAowoon: —In )10310iugiot, on the 7th
inst Freddie W. lt'Iagwoad, aged 12
year•., 11 mos. and 2 days.
MO:Nrcno..—.In Elme, on Dee. 3rd,,
Margaret MoNiohol, aged 80 years'.
GILMER.- In Mules en Dee. 5th, James
11, Gilmer, aged 21 years, 11 moethe
and 12 days,
LAIRD. --:.n Berlin, on Deo. 8th, doseph
A, Laird, aged 63 years.
:35.7T0513' 0•1y=; ,
WE»NE+u,1s, DEQ. 22ND. -Saw mill
I1ud0, lumber, horses, See., 2020. of Star
mill. Let 28, Con. 10. Grey. Sale at 1
o'Olac1,'2, rn.
we se 2317.,.:1 1,213.1-3, t TS
00 Bl,
22 '. 25
49 48
22 23
14' ' 14
18 14
4 00 4 50
00 60
5 000 5-00
Pall %meet..,....
Oe be .
Bettor, t lbs and toile ,
nags per dozen
Floor per barrel
Potatoes jper bag) •
Tiny per 'on
Hitlo0 Ell lined
Iiielee ro o„h.......... t.
Snit per bbl., voLail..,. 1 00 00
Shoop sltiuo, each , 40 50
L141111 elc•no each 2.5 40
Hogs, Li o 4 00 4 25
Dressed Hoge 5 00 5 25
Apples (per bag) ,,.,,.,60 60
,5'T4.lv'D 1.) 'MAW 03? 04X01.De'1,.
F I E,
GAPITPAT, D (Authorized) •• (Sevoo 2fillien Dollars) • '!;7,000,000
• 0`%,000,000
Agencies inall prialolp'.ipoints 'fasOntario, Quake, illaali(o1a, United States IdBn 1 a
✓ a td,
ltrfegSx 21rS'
A Gonorel Bankiee limainess• Teanenated, Farmers' Nettie Moque Led,
Draft;; leaned and Colieetione'made on all p0lnte,
Interest allowed on deposits of .01.00 and upwards tram dat of deposit to date o
withdrawal and compounded hall yearly.
SrEaros Agra alms a'y1N To'rio 00LLE00ION 00' FAltnn1O' S,tr,rs No0Ee.
Every facility affords d Customers 110111; at a lie2anee.
J. A. STE+'WART MesamEn.
D0131500NEn 11719 sevel'al good l.'r11'll79 f Sr
and to 1002, ea.y terms, in
HAVE LOTS OF MOPI0) !s111)ns
A + rP
' rO ofalorrl0,cnd Grey. I' 8. SUM!,Brussels
lend on mortgage ee 0 per dent).. yem2y,
A, HUNrr:R"i,Bemans. 00.1..1_FARM T'OR SALE
+ 31313112 Brussels, Greut bar'a
OUSE FOR SALL++.-Q,OOD• iu, Lat'F,
Co.Con. 0, Gi•oy lovuship•dead 1)u{ldtuge t
For •L ilase 9 041 sale.
particulars err lr to W. H. If OIRIA, Brus-
sels, of 10, o SPARE/NG, Windham.
).J Ims of the undersigned, Lot 80, Go,,, 4,
Morris.0n or about July 152, 4 yearlings -2
heifers and 2 steers. l'1,3.3- are nearly ail rod
li color -1 steer has a whte Strip 0n back
and 1 heifer has a few white shots. Any in-
formation loading to their recover 1vi11 be
thankfully roomed, WALTER YUILL,
19•te Brussels P.O.
The tu'derelguedd0 L, a position to enter.
into cant nee; far the ,• ection of houses and
buildtngs.of all. kinde. All work. folly guar-
anteed. Anyone contemplating building
next year can see me i, brussels or send to
Tonaddress. 0E08. NPWS0ii12.
fon good men wanted to assist at framing
next season_ -� 01_3
. —1 Who undersign, „e..t and, )131 comfort-
able l
house and i. acre 7:' land, more 8t less,
situate Corner of Olea end Albert Streets,
33rass.'!8, fax sale. '.13 the conveniences,
su0h us good cellar, aoa ached, wall, fruit
trees, &a, 000' particulars as to price and
terms 31')110 to
- GL O1tGE LG4yRY, Proprietor',
23.1f Brussels P.O.
FEgEfti'oAR .
e • Honor Gratin Ito of the Ontario
Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all
diseases of domestioat( .it animals in a eons -
Went manner, 202110101er attention paid
to veterinary clot tistr;, Calls promvtly n2•
tended to. (Moo and i:tu2rinary—Pair Antra
north of bridge '1'urnt'.n'ry at., Iirus2as.
w0 1104 01)411, 0311Por 011x05 311'
Harry f01'mmp. PonRoegiyen '10x2
Marek, with privilege o0 00l111 Plowing.
A o 1y to W. 20, ]1131(10, T Pub11shlni;
Londo,1W est.lg,orto 1'BO1/8211°11110: REIt1TAelt,
London WoeO.
IIONy.-iiia A 14
t 1 11181 rd tale MS
eligible 04 core 'Sam for tela or to
rent, being South part of Lot 0, Conces-
sion 12 Grey. All under oultivatlonell
watered ,wand wall fenced, Thera is
Mono house, bank baro, orchard, wells, 50„
o11 the DM/Mau. Also a splendid atone
dnarry _from which a geed revenue Is MHz,
031, Only 21 miles from Brussels, ''forms
08118011,0020. For further particulars as to
,,apply to
.101404 A2ITg13LLL, Propriolor,
.:8s•L4 Brussels P. 0.
'L'ij A.EI44 FOR SAL14.-160 ACRES
0009datia(1 of the South i 11,1,0 South
of the North of Lot 80, Con 2, haat Wawa-
nosb. This is an excellent stock farm, being
well supplied with g0odepritlg water, Itis
Situated 010002813)1308 irate the thriving Vil-
lage tf Blyth. A largo part of itis under
grass. Buildings and fences aro in afair
state of ren air. Easy terms of naymon2 will
be given. For all information apply to
11-0 G. li', BLAIR., Bantam., Sruosele,
Township of G excellent
acres, Lot Osold at
once in older to close estate of deceased own -
M. Tho lot is nearly all cleared, with good
buildings, ample water supply, large or-
obard, 14 miles from eranblook is under
good cultivation mulls a yery des {labra pro-
iudeed, Apply t0 1IICEA D MIT -
Brussels P. 0.1 JOHN LLIT0Pf7LL,
on theDa1s1Sapt, 11remisesth•, 1m'803A., HUNTER, Brussels.
_._,._._,__.._ _.... __. Tbo uad0101200dir111 ;eon fol' service en
;��v Al2T82 5 A -L ;. 11 "> FOR SALE, .200, (ten. 0, Morels, the thoi!o'•bred Im-
proved —700 acres n 1 ve Yorkshire Soar, 'Oats Lode
n gcod farm land at fellow,' No. 2,18), bred lav 7,14. llretllous, IBM,
391»'in231 elcl, 0 miles fr: re Winnipeg, is rigor- ford, t0 w1,10h a limited num t
9,0 for ,' le ata low 311•ic t, The property' is bo taken. Terms, S1.0e, to bel of
North Pest;}Soo 10 7` •n.11, Range 4, lin 61, of sorvico with privilege of return time
nee -
There lo a house on U. ,. 1,rWnreoe and aeon e0eal'y, returning nco-
bloakh'g done I,,' .:111 1, a etiaular8 1,0 to A'number of oholae :men; gotta for 8010 for
prion, title, d „writer 0' arplY to ' breeding pnr35,555 widen will bo sold at
20-11- 0. . SLA1 1 :ti...PAINT VII. KIOItUt, - prions to suit the tines,
Bru'. eels, Ont. 21- , ROL301, NICHOI,, Proprietor.
I)l:c, 17, J.8i117
[X'1 BTl1 Sthi'
Toilet Oases, ,Totvof Nees,
Wo k Boxoe, • '.Photo, Feemeo,
Nuolthls Boxes, Perfume Beta,
Miz,/nh Caeee, Photo, Alhum0,
Glev2',1 Moniker. ' Ool ler and O f( Sete
C ober Sets, 53111 Stands,
phot Oaaos, alanloure Sete,
Fotolain Pees. , Leo., tree,
Ow ng to the greet reduction in the
price .4 Celluloid Goods this 'mason we
ars c luring come exeeptionelly geed
value, iii the above linea.,.
NV:3 also have tin immeneestook Of
Pieta re Boas, Story Boolte,
Xm to Cards, Top, Dolls.,
Gama:, Myrna Books, Bibles,
Poets, Booklets,
Cheat '121)013, 000., Young 0amm34,1 1AJ
• )lee our Speaking Dolls at 25e.
'1"a flare also reoeiveo' a very ohoioe
line rf Perfumes from the very b• et
Event to and Amerioan maker's, apoohal.y
suites for the Ilohday9810ou,
CM110 10 and sem our stook before
perch oeiog elsewhere, and bo your owjudge of the prices we tisk
Awe AN" Wood's Phos'MfhoSine'
21re G'rrat Rn lielt d
Sold and recommend d by
druggists in Canada: Only veli
able medloine discovered. Rh
paaka330 guaranteed to Clore all
101005.18oxuai Weakness, all effects of abuse
Or exec43, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To.
Immo, plum or Stimulants. Mailed on rece+pt
°f prle.one paokage 301, six, 0. One will ptc..se,
Nei 01111 :tan's, Pampelets free to any address.
The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont,
8olt1 in B rue sols b 4,A, DI8 ADMAN,
Druggist, Bookseller & Optiolan..
Notice to Creditors,
All oraoae Navin; claims against the eo.
tato l' Marsden Snail), late of the Township
of Gr ! in the County of Huron, Welt .n,
deeoa ed, who died 011 or about the 711, ,.ay
of Tu' o, 1007, intoelate, are required, to stud
north. Marc of 1118 0.1010 together with lie
natal, of se011rit'd9 (11 any) to G. P. 111,1••,
aolt0i ar for Adonirtstrator, on or before the
11Rt y of Domanim•, 3007, after 92111011 date
the' e ate w1112o dintdbutod among Eliseo
0iltitl .1 thereto, 1. wing roferenee mill to
IRO c isle of which notice ;shall 'then halo
been r.:ootved, and the ndmiiietrator 5,111
not In responsible for any part of the estate
t0 alt: person of whose Olein) 1)0 81110 1132
have 0001004 clue notice.
G. •
Solicitor for 4 ti iBhlis1rntor, Brussels.
Da! G SIR pea, 22.8
More and mora overt' season are people
before have we hacl as good 8 stock of things, thoroughly 1 the us(fa) for Xmas gifts. Never
8 , oughly useful, that makc acceptable and appropri-
ate Holiday Gifts as we show to -day. its a stock lye Etre proud of and ono
Shoppers to see klfere selecting their Xmas Gifts.,that will profit lHoliday
avoid the crowd :AA rush of the lasIts wisdom to do CI c buying earl h Gee'
t few days before the Holiday, and hay; a good deal hotter y
of getting exactly what you want.chance
No housekeeper ever had too many Linens. L
We have ,just opened u � a fine Every season sues lucre of them sold for Xmas Gifts,
run p I new stock bought specially for the Holiday trade, and if your thoughts
20c, to ar75ils Lincns for Gifts you should see them :—Bath Towels, IOc. to 50c, Fine Damaskt S deboard Scarfs, toe. to 75c. 01101 ; Table Napkin5' ;1)Linens,
to $1.00 per yard. Napkins, 750, to$,a0 , Table 203.
Ki r
Al rig' • GLOVES.
\ 3 s useful ; always acceptable, There are f
ew lady than a pair of nice Kid Gloves. 'We carrycorrect shades
c rsrec)1);0 los in good
ool Christmas Uri s to a
shades and correct styles goofl qualities.
ell srellls to nee
them Every seas glow daintier and prettier
k is no exception, Never have 11'0 shown '' Z, tt el 131 design limn before. This. season's
stoc w its equal,
o1' for Neatness a;Icl. Beauty of Patter ' , eltllel. for downmail.
1 . Hi, t1k000 Plainmnko
a most .suitable gift .➢ u In the Fancy linos. Easily sent by1I18i1, goods
t t for absent friends, Just a few yloredllferchicfaand-
kerchiefs for chit.?ren, neat' patterns, 2c of our ; P 111100 wn 10 Colored d _Border dker,
chiefs 50. sae p • 88011 or 6 for iOo. Plain L u
h o,e 6 for 25e. ; Special line of P a\v 'e 8011 3Border L Iliw Hem. -
stitched -
8nc1 Driven Work, 2 for 2ac.. Fancy Lawn Embroidered, il'c. each ; Fine Lawn
25e. and 30e o8e1 ; dozens of new and dainty patterns in Fancy
1 ; Petro Silk Hemstitched, with initial l qualities,
Maes, 50oefl at
750. each ; 'Fancy Milk, 500. 75c. , 25e, e8fln. better Ladies'
83111 X,00 ; we Etre showing a vel' fine � , 83111..
Lawn Handkerchiefs, hemstitched, at 5e. 8c., g y no ive of Lltclias' and Gents'
].be. and 11L��e. each,
(}3112 Special Sale of bTantlss is attractive. SALE.
81 lv e .Buyers over' (18
advantage of this special y Y, X110 ln,ly wanting a 141'itntic
13810. i; should