HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-12-17, Page 517, 189'7
T 11 R
T M. cu(NOJ AIR, BAlt1l81f 1t
T y'1101 o
t So 1, Uon voya(1nnr ee,Notary1door
Pub -
Ile, &o. 011Iclout , 710 , s Belt r, l door
(1 ( ))7 flout 01 Hntal, nr4laltor for the
Ntnndnad ❑nib.,
1VlG. <A.M.R12,ON,
• p9or :lowly of flon7rtm, Galt ds
Cameron,) liar deter and 8o!icltor, Qoaotleh,
Ont, OOloe— lawilton St , Qi posito Ool
buuto Betel,
VI • Boli liter; &o. (lata 01 Gar1'Ow
Prondfo:Vs f':floo, Go(erloh;) OMee over
t1111108 ,0 71074 t'n Bonet, Monocle,
Money toe oau. 47
,l, A. .1/1'NAUGHTON,
.M. D., O, M.,.'lh inay University, p'ellow Trin-
ity Modioal Oo 'ego, Member College of Plly-
elolauo and Su goons, Quo, Lioontiabo of Um
Royal College alpbyyslolauo and Lioontlate
of Midwifery. 10dinbnrgh. tOrTolophona
80,14, Iteoldc too, 2/111a1.,, ll000no Is,
IRITSIQIAN, 1000807 AND .t000n01IEUa,
let Class nos. n• Graduate of the Universi-
ties of Trinity roronbo), Oneeu'o (Eluguotou)
and of Trinity 7ledleal O ouogo ; L'oliow- of
Trinity Medici College end member of the
College of Pby, miang and Surgeons of Ontar-
io, Post Gra,-uato Course. in Detroit and
Ohloogo 2800, Sgeeia, attention paid to dis-
eases of .!Eye, 1 or, Bose and Throat, ondMe-
ows 0f home i, IO -Consultation in Eng -
1i011 Ana Germ -u. Telephone at residence,
7T 1I. 1 0O1t&0I EN,
!inner t (Elul
Lloeuoeo. Chloe
at 1119 Or000ry, I'urnborrytC011801. Bi'uosele.
N. BA i 0.ic'ftril,
W1'oxot. or,
Our antlers are golog into One 0801011'0
sport with a vengeance, They have
recently puraliaeod six pair of new stones,
41 a cost of $98, Therm has been some
now blood added to the 010, Wo wish
them a successful season,—W. S, Mol(or-
ohee r00eivOd a letter recently from
hie brother, Duncan, who started some
time ago for the Klondike. The letter
'was written 0)1 Oot, lith, laid hag been
slime that dale on the road to Wroxeter,
ft was not very lengthy epistle, but
000787ned the welcome information that
he (Ind his party were. enjoying the beet
of health. A6 tho,time of writing they
had just passed the White Horse Rapids
about 125 miles in Proal the coast.—The
seventh annual Convention of the Howick
Union Sunday School. Organization will.
be held in the Presbyterian Ohureli, on
Tuesday, li'eb. 1, 1898.
John Shank, bus man, has put a new
hook on for the accommodation of the
pnblio. W. E. Binning, recorder of
Listowel lodge A. 0. U. W., bas•ereoeivod
a ohoque for 112,000 benelleiary, to be
paid over to the family of the late John
W. Rowland, of Elisa, who was a mem-
ber of the A. 0. U. W,—The Niagara
Falls Review says : Wm. ROBS, formerly
of the IIeao Bros. fusniture manufomtur.
ere, of Listowel and Toronto, but now of
Buffalo, has, patented a design in iron
bedeteade, bedroom anrte8,hall raohe, stn.,
and is endeavoring to form a company for
the manufacture of these geode at Niagara
Falls, Ont. -John Scott his been 00tn-
miesioned by the Armour Co. of Ohjoago
to purchase a double• deck load of live
.hogs for them. A repreeentntive of the
Armour 00. was through hero a short
time m e ago, and his firm want. 'a sample
Ohipmeut of Canadian Hoge to compare
with the Western oorn-fed prodnet,—
Thos. Ringwood, M. P. P., 71)18 the deep
Tonsorial Altlet• Ship—Noxi door sympathy of his many friends in the. sad
•south of A. 14f.:do :fay Ib Ores hardware 8toro.. Bereavement which 110 has met with in
Ladi00'aud chi 'irons hail cutting a specialty the death of his only son, Freddie W., a
lad of thirteen years. Appendicitis was
the cause of death,—The large bar of
soap given aivay by R. A. Oltalie was
won by Mrs O. Timm. • Guess, 94lbs.
Weight 94 lbs, 12 oz.—The annivereary
services of the Methodist church will be
held on Sunday, Deo, 10711. Lecture on
Monday evening by Dr. Carman on
"'trade and get Rich."—Mise Kirkwood
left last week for Stratford. Sho has
been admitted to the hospital there and
will, no doebt, rooeive first-olass atten-
tion,Mr. Irwin was in Mitchell loot
week, as one of the examiners at the
Model School Final Examinations,—Dr.
Rutherford, we are pleased to learn, is
ALEX. B UNTIl1, well passed the arftiaitl stage of the fever,
Clerk of Eho Fourth Division (lour- and is improving rapidly.—W.. 0. Kidd
00, 0)010),, conveyancer, Notary Public leftLondmi,Bog„. loaf weep .for home
Land, Loan a,.,1 D1011191 2.190 Agent. Finds where he expecte to remain until after
invested ani! .n loan. Collections niado the Christmas holidays. — Alexander
Chico In Grain:u'0 B look, Brussels Morrow who has been a residentof this
town 101the past twenty years, died at
his residence on Main 'St. on Monday
night of last week, aged 81 years. Mr.
Morrow had not been well all Summer
but had been oon)ned_to his bed• for the
last three weeks only, einoe which time
his Meads have bad very little hope of
his recovery. Mr. Morrow was engaged
in the grobery business for some time in
town and was for a number of years, . at
different times, assessor of the town. He
came here from the township of Wallace
where he had farmed for a number of
years previously.—The funeral tools place
Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock to the
old cemetery, where his first wife and
some of his children are buried.
issi,ef of Marriage Licenses,
001101 AT 2E1E1101 810011.
tNo Wltne s Required.
I'. FLETCHER, Brussels
f�ilOS. 11• HAWRINS,
Will give looms to pupils either on
plana or organ at his Music Room, oppoeito
th0,poet-oilt0o, Mussels. . Vocal lessons also
given. Ten 7'17'13. oxporioneo.in te80111n8„
Terme melerale,
Large Quantity.'
The Ei torprise Salt Wol'ks,
Srnssels, i i prepared to pay
$1.25 per cord for best 4 -foot
softwood ; and $2.25 for hardwood delive:•ed at the block.
Cagh w ill be paid on dsliv.-
Estate T. T. Coleman,
Cook's Cotton Boot Compound
Is encs •ssfully used monthly byover
10,000La,aee, Safe, effectual. Ladlaask
your dre ••gist for Cooke Cotton Root Com-
pound. Take no c 100r, as all Mixtures, pills and
imitatibne ate d ugerona. Price, No. 1, $1 per
box; No. 9,1.0 dA ;roes etronger,21 per box. No.
1 or 2, Mailed eie •oceipt of price and two 8•eont
stamps, The C ooh OolnpanyiWindeor, Ont,
7 2000.1 and.: sold and recommended i'y all
reepoueible Drat -gists in ()amide.
Sold in Muss is by G. A, DEADMAN
Drop;iet, Bookseller & Optician•.
a weal man
of Y0171
81000110000000 '1)110' AEOre
81000Lr01010''18 wallas.
P10000 cur s nn Nervous fJleoaaa0os, 13131_0000808
11000 s^ailtng Mo 0007, N1Rbtiy 80,!(01000, 01004
torr0oon, I,orot71,0• , 010,, unaea4 by peat n 14(00 {
111100 v1000 ant 0110 10 8)000)100 013000, 011
cryo ty but euro 'v0010ro0 IAsr 1,1Arinrow fa 0111
or 7y008(1, ado F 008!800.100 011117.0001 870000
000 boppy 0gala 0087 by men in pl 1n wmppor
i0,poro0 08pr7el ot(10as0A Pr108,8 n8000eintge 00)88
:Art007 t'0 000 tn9.101• Ia eltbd0 o asry or roga(a4011.
Dier, 17101,17 ell lottnm 10 11. T, forIPPIDA,
ooa{(gisl, woof eagle, QYT„ 40001 for 1110 D0.
Ininlon or Onnad, ,.
Will i00uo deltas 111 Canada from Canada.
to Detroit, Port Buren, Suspension
Bridge, N10Fara .Falls, Blank Beek and
Buffalo for
Singh First -Class Fare
GM: 4Dmm. 1• Illi and 45th, returning' until
Bee. 27111. G01rg .1)00. Mot and ,,70l1,107, 110
7711111070111.11171, 7i'cI,
10 Fir - ` it
stC,,ass bars an8 OH -Third,
Goingq boo.2'7d, Mit and 40th, i•eterni111g
tmtinuee, 0.1111. Going Den. 34th, 8.181
'and Jan, 10)returning until /an, 4th,
etud0nto and toachore (With nortinontos)
Faro, end 0,70.211171, going Doc. 10611 to
81st, rotnru ng until Jan. 1801, 1808,
Oolnmor0101'i•rav0liore, Single Ordinary
Foto Boo, 11 17 to 20tH, returning until
(In 1nnacla only.)
J, N. IIENDia:Li Agent, Brussels.
GEO. ISl1Yb,” • " k lhel,
`3ea tortin.
In connection with the death of Samuel
Hannah, of Griswold, Manitoba, and
brother of Mrs. B. Dickson, of this town,
the following partionlara aro to hand :—
It appears that Mr. Hannah'had gone
down into the well for the purpose of fix.
ing a pump, and while standing on a
cross bar, the bar either slipped or broke
under him, and be fell about twenty feet
into fifteen feet of water. He had been
missed the night previous,' but it 'Was
supposenothingtihe h11 ethou htad gone laboutnto Griswold; and
until his coat was found next morning on
top of the well,and search being made,
,his lifeless boy
was found at the bottom.
N><wov Sicolo.—A.Tngr0m, of this•towu,
has the contract for putting upthe fire
alarm eyetem in Mitohell.—A.' T. Kidd
arrived home last week from Gore Bey,
1Manitoolin lsland, where he has beet), for
the past few months.=Jno, Forbee, who
has been in Glenboro, Man., for the, past
two years, is spending a few weeks under
the parental roof.—At meeting of the
L. 0,'L. No. 1030 the following offioere
were sleeted:—Jobe Pinkney, W. M. ; T.
Handley, D. M. ; Capt. 17. Dawson,
Treaeuler ; H. Switzer, Reo, Sao. ; Sam.
eel 170)111)7777 Secretary , John Bruner,
Fin, Seo, ; W. Smith, D. of C. ; Jbhn
Brintnell, Chaplain ; Com, 1st, Joseph
Noble ; 2nd, Wm. Hunter ; 8rd, John
Cooper ; 4th, Robert Jones ; 5th, Jame
Sanders.—.Melvin Bto1ee, an employee at
the Broadfoot & Box Furniture factory,
met with a bad accident. He wag doing
some work when the chisel fell on his
Band, flinging a very painful would,
wbioh will keep him from work for some
time.—The followiog'offioere were °looted
at the regular monthly meeting of Bri.
taenia lodge, 170, A. If. dr A, M., 011 Mon-
day evening of last week for the current
year s --W. &meat, W. M. ; R. Soarlett,
I. P. M. ; R. E. Jackson, S. W. ; John
Dodds J, W. ; L. G. Vanllgmond,
Trona,; J. Orr Rose, Segy Geo, Dom -
can, Chap. ; L. 0. Jackson, S, D. ; Ib, J.
Macdonald, J. D. ; A. Barton, S. S. ; 0.
Nail, J. S. ; Geo. Murray, L G. ; 1Z. S.
Bays M. of 0. ; R. 0. Oheewright, Or.
ganiet; W, Ballantyne and W. 311.
Pearce, Auditors ; Geo,, Patterson, Tyler.
—For some time services hare been in
progrees in the Methodist. ehut'ob and.
have been very ou0oesefnl. For the first
week or two ROb01•t MoHnrdy, Evonge•
list, was desisting Rbv.,S. 13011d, the pas.
tor, and large oongregatiou0 have beenin
attendance. After he left Mr. Bond oon-
tinned the 00rv)0es and now 10 assisted
by rho ' 2ov. Mr. Harrison, of Gran..
ten. WeLelievewire than eighty oon.
vorte have made profession of faith and
at present the work seems expanding, so.
that there is no appearance of closing.
Those in attendouoe are very deeply in.
tended in ilia proceedings, --The regular
meeting of L. 0. L., No. 709, was held iu
the Orange hall on Monday evening, Deo.
8611, There Was a largo, number preeeu6
and the business of the 07001041 wan the
010011on of officers for the en0ning ,year,
The following is 4list of o(111'ets sleeted i
W, M. Jae, F. Welsh I D. 111., Lori
binit1 ; Chaplain, 2..S. WolaG ; lies. See.,
L.. 13, Thompson 1 Fin, See., ' Wesley J.
Wright.;. l'read.,J7dmpn17 Malkene; D.
of C., W. Trott; L001nrer, W. J. Cooper ;
Comrnitteee, let, Thos. Stephens ; end,
Robert F1'enols ; 3rd, henry Brown ; 411,,
S- 11. Cunningham ; 01h, Walter Spino.
ler ; Ineldo Tyler, As, B. Marshall ;
Audllore, W. Florney 1104 P, A. Thorny.
A delegation from 006011oh consisting
of Alayor Shannon and .4.. kW). Allan
went to Montreal to interview the G, T.
1i, authorities in roteroneo to 6740 rebuild.
Ing of the grain elevator en tht0 point,
The result of the interview ham not yet
been laid before the Council, but s111lioieut
is known to show that the G. 2'. R„ as a
ootnpany entertain no idea of building an
elevator at Goderiob to replace the one
recently destroyed by fire,—A, Robertson,
of the Model ' %obool, will, if sueoessful in
the Doming exams„ takeohargeof Clifford
eohool,—The bale whish the members of
St. George's Ohurohwoman'e Auxiliary
have been preparing the past two months
has been shipped to its doetination,
Prince Albert.—A load of Royal Temp.
fare, twenty in number, paid a visit to
the Sone of Temperance, Benmiller.—R.
Tiohborne hen put in a new floor in the
Master's office in the county building,
and will give the 8her1ff'e and county
olerit'o offices the same treatment.—Ab
the lest meeting of Eureka Coulson No.
103, R. T. of 1., the following officers
were elected for the next half year : S. 0.
Hegit, A. Bain; V. 0., Mro. A. E. Camp.
bell ; R, S.. A. D. McLeod-; Chaplain, J.
W. Vanatter ; Treasurer, Hash Dunlop ;
F. S. Thos. 0. Nafcol ; Herald, J. T.
Newell ; Guard, K. Hendereob ; Sentinel,
W. D. Bain.—Tice harbor lighte still burn
at nights.—The harbor brewery is now in
'full running order.—Sot pigeons were
plentiful around the harbor on Monday.
—The Godorioh lumber mill has closed
down for the season. —The schooner
Kolfago has been pulled up the creek into
Whiter quarters.
Misses Lizzie 'and Maggie Soott, of
Bransford, are the guests of Mrs. Isaao
Sanderson: Thos. Wylie and his daugh-
ter, Mrs. Richard Barney, have return-
ed from Manitoba, where they have been
visiting Monde—Mrs. John Rutherford,
who has beeneeriouely i11 for some days,
is improving and in a fair way to re.
covert'—St. Stephen's obnrah Sunday
School purpose holding their annual
Christmas concert on Tuesday, Deo.
21s7.—J. A. MoArter, Dna popular photo.
artist, who has been rusticating fn Mani•
toba for the past three months, has re-
turned, home.—At the regular December
meeting of L. 0. L. No. 575, the banner
lodge of Howiok District, the following
officers were elected 7—W. M., Chas.
Wilson ; D. M.. Jno. Gregg ; Ohap., F.
Clegg ; R. S., Samuel Wilson ; F. 'S.,
Geo. Daue ; Treas„; Frank Graham ;
Lent., John Montgomery ; Com., l:ean°
Wade, Robt. Graham, Abe. Strong,
Matthew Dane, Robb. Ferguson.—The
Methodist Sabbath School anniversary
services will be held on Sunday, Deo.
19th. ,Rev. Mr. Jaokeon of Harrieton,
willoonduct said eervioes at 10.80 a. m.,
and 7, p. m. On$mas evening a grand
euterbainment'and Xmas tree will beheld
in the Town Hall.—At the regale]: De-
cember meeting of L. 0. L. No. 707,
Gorrie, the following officers were eleoted
for the •ensuing year W. M;, Henry