The Brussels Post, 1897-12-17, Page 4cribe oittISsc1 lest,
FRIDAY, DEO. 17, 1897.
1 unasa of this week Netth Perth 1Jibee.
ale will meet at Allivorton'•to select l4
etandart1 bearer .for the owning' election
to the. Itoeal Legiela,4ure, awing .to the
resignation of Jon. Thos, Ballantyne,
whose health will not permit of hie
Undertaking the work of the campaign,
Jae. Dioltaoa, of Mme, is a very likely
men for the position, but there will
probably bo a nhmber of candidates, T.
ltingwood is the present member and has
already received the nomieetion by the
Conservative party for the neat election,
Tun Poor was enlarged lest week by
the addition of 8 columns, making now
66 columns, and we will thereby be en-
abled to present a wider range of news
to oar numerous readers. Other im-
provements are in anticipation, as we
purpose keeping Tits Eon in the front
rank. Oar speciality ie District and
local news, but in addltioa we will cup.
ply our subscribers with the latest infor-
mation the world over. We are well
pleased at the rapid growth of oitr snb-
soription lint and expect to bave the pleas-
ure of planing a large number of namee
on between now and the close of Janu-
ary. All we ask ie a comparison of TEs
POST with the other newspapers in Huron
or Perth Counties.
Tits Temperance question is quite a
bugbear to municipal bodies as well as
political parties in Parliament, and they
appear to think that any legislation asked
for is labelled "dangerous" and should be
let severely alone. A communication
from the Dominion Milano, relative to
certain proposed amendments was sent
out and we note the reception it received
in a few places that came under' our
notice. Huron Go. Council—no action,
Co. Councillor Mooney being about the
only member willing to urge the Counoil
to act, on the ground that Co. Council
usually met in their recommendations at
least with what is calculated for the gen-
eral good. One member argued out the
old chestnut that no Government had a
right to dictate what aiinan should eat or
drink. Perth Go. Council filed the nom-
munication ; Listowel town Council laid
it over for further consideration ; and
Dundas town Counoil put _tbe papers in
the stove. These actions prove another
thing, v4z , that when. these same men
talk on -Temperance legislation during a
political contest it is the rankest kind of
olap-trap for the sole purpose of party ad.
vancement. The old rule laid down
many years ago, !'By their fruits ye shall
knot, them" holds good yet. Prohibition
will never be an assured success until
temperance men have backbone enough
to stand by their principles instead of re.
treating every time the hour for action
arrives. Straws often show which way
the wind. blows. The Ontario Legisla•
tare is often blamed for not being more
progressive along temperance lines, but
we firmly believe their Iegislation is now
in advance of the actions of many so.
called temperance men.
The following are notes, sent TEs Posr
by a friend, of Rev, D. B. MoBae's ser.
mon on Thanksgiving Day at Knox
church, Craobrook, the text being "Do
not err, my beloved brethren. Every
good gift and every perfect gift is from
above, and cometh down from the Father
of Lights, with whom is no variableness,
neither shadow of turning"—lst James,
18th chapter and 17th verse
The text ie.desigued to counteract au
evil notion that good and evil come from
God. Marais still a Class who think
that God is the drigin of evil. This
opinion'ieeeferred to an verse 18, "Let
no man • say when he se .tempted, 1 am
temptedof God, for G.gfl oannotbe tempt-
ed ed withevil, neither • tempteth he any
mama . Some think .troy' can roll book
on God the 001180 of their error. Adam,
when he sinned and fell, said, "the woman
which Thou gayest me, she gave of the
forbidden fruit and I did eat," and the
woman said the serpent beguiled -her,
All this was an attempt to throw the
blame on God and here the Apostle tries
to corrsot this idea and says God temppt•
eth no man to evil (1) Let usconsider
the grand representation given of God in
the text —Baas the Father of Lights ;
(2) That God is the source of all good :—
Cometh from the rather ; (3) The
caution given :—Do nob err, &o, God
the Father ie the source of light and all
thing's]. He is the F1thet of the universe
and Creator of the same. Re created
man and all creatures, He is the
Father of angels, for He created them.
He is also the Father of light. when the
earth was made there was darkness upon
the face of the deep. "God said, 4Bet
be light,' i t and there was
g , 11e
afterwards made the sun to give light by
day and the moon and the stars to reflect
their borrowed light by night. Light is
the emblem of goodness and knowledge.
The nee of light is to maks things mmol.
feet, All WAS dark before he called light
into existence and then was light. Again,
there is mental and intellectual light,
God gave to Adam knowledge and wisdom,
for when the animals created were pm.
ssutocl before him he gave them names,
Moses was a man of mighty intellect,
' Abraham was a man of strong mind, so
was Isaiah, David and Paul. Comedown
to modern times and we have in history
men of g+igautic intollecte, ;;"ee the M.ographics of Calvin, Luther, hdelanotlhon,
Zuiuglo, lGlox, Newton, Chalmers and
others. Again, angels ars velum of es
angels of light. When the w_orlti was
erected they are spoken og en the morn-
ing stare. At the resurrection of one
Saviour an angel rblled away the stone
front the irlottth of the sepulchre, leis
uettntenancc was like' lightning ,and )'hill
ralmont white 08000W. a'eetre Clrrie ; ie
the brightness at 1lis B'ather's glory s,0h8
the express image Of Ilia person. deans
claims to be the Light of Lho World. God
bath provided this Light, Ile is the
Father ni Jesus. IIe is the unchangeable
One ami it is good for us that Ito in un•
ohaugoablo. "1 am the Lord, I ohmage
not, Herefore ye sons of _Jacob are not
consumed." There aro obangee going on
in everything, What changes have been
going on even in our time l God is um
changeable in Ilia moray ; Ile is the Lord
God, nneioiful and graaioas ; His mercy
Is over all His work, Ho is unchangeable
in Elie love, "God so loved the world,"
and "I have loved then with an everlast-
ing love," His jnstioeand His goodness
change pot, also lila purposes are sin.
changeable, All that is really good pro•
Deeds from the Father of Light. There
is first, the gift of existence ; the gift of
consciousness ; Ile matte me a thlnlcing
being, He gave me reasonable faculties,
There is the pleasum of existence, Ho
has given me abody—that is more than
He did for the angels. Again, He has
given me health of body and soundoeee of
mind. I sometimes grumble at Provi-
dence when there is no reason for it. We
would be more grateful if we had even an
Muir of excruciating pain on a bed of
languishing. He has given us food—
plenty to eap,and drink, There is eoongh
iu Canada for man and for beast, If any
are destitute itie on account of laziness
or mismanagement, In looking over
the papers and learning -the state of,other
eountrloe, I have (tometo the oonolusion
that Canada is one of the best countries
in the world. There may be some in
destitute circumstances on account of
losing all by unexpected fires, but there
is plenty of food in the country and the
people have the milk of buman loudness
to sympathise and aid them in their need:
Not only is God the source of every good
gift, but He is also the source of every
perfect gift. what are those perfect
gifts ? First of all is Jesus the gift of
God, Who is able to save to the uttermost
all that come to God .through Him.
Again, there is the gift of.the Holy.. Spirit
--the teacher that takes of the things of
Christ and shows them to men. The
Holy Spirit is the sanctifier. Without
Its aid we could not understand the
Scriptures. Then there is the gift of the
glorious Gospel, which is a complete,
organic whole, and in the last chapter of
Revelation a woe ie pronounced oa the
man who attempts to add to it -that God
shall add unto him the plagues that are
written in the book, and also if any take
from the wo de of this -book that God
Shall take away his part'ont of the Book
of Life. Then don't lay unholy hands on
it. In order to understand it you must
study it—compare Scripture with Scam.
tura. Don't think the Moly Spirit will
teach it to you unless you put forth an
effort to understand ft. • If you do so the
Holy Spirit will help you. Another gift
promised is a new heart. Faith is the
gift of God. Sufficient grace is promised,
and having all these all is yours. In
onalu i n
c so payattention ton to caution
, a ton
"Do not err." Don't think you con got
ati these gifts by yonr"owu diligenoo, Do
not attribute evil to God. Whatever you
have, you have received it. Consecrate
yourselves to His service.
Dr. Yemen, Stratford, was removed to
Kingston penitentiary, .•.
Morris Council Meetin;a,
The Connell utot, according to edjodre•
onent, in the Council teem, Morrie, on
Nov. 22118, 1307, Members all present i
the peeve ie the chair. Miputee of kat
meeting reed and oonf'irnrod. A number
of ordene given by Aaron Lindeay, oon•
treater, to pereot)5 having worked on the
Jalinston• drain. were presented for pay
merit, . Moved by Mr,,, Isbister, eecondrd
by Mr. Bode, that said orders be aoltawv.
ledged and payment made, amounting in
till to $119.87,—Curried,. Moved by
Isblste', seconded by tardily, that She
following parsons be appointed Deputy
iteterning oflioers to take the votes at
the enacting lifunialpal election in 0110.• n
poll be required':-11iv, No, 1, A. Lord.
law ; No. 2, 11. Bewley ; No, 8, Uhas.
MoOrea; No. 4, Tboe, Miller; No. 6,
Wm. Elston ; No. 0., J. Robb,—parried.
On motion of Code, seconded by Isblster,
the following accounts were ordered to be
paid;. -A. Shaw, work on brunet) drain,
584,46 ; J. Xing, gravel, 51.80 1 E. Bos-
man, two culverts, $8,00 ; J, D. No -
Ewen ; nee of scraper, $1.00 ; Jno. Man-
ning, repairing culvert, 05 cents ; 13.
Mooney, tile drain on sideline, $2,75 ;
Wm. Armstrong, ditch on 5111 line, $6.00;
Geo. Ctudcffgravelling, 60 ceute ; 11.
Gibson, ,epafring oulvert, $1.00; Geo.
Sommerville, repairing bridge, 51.10 ;
Wm. Ellis, the drain 011 60h line, 50.00 ;
N. Bleak, repairing oelvet•ts, $2.40 ; Gro.;
Johnston, repltiring onlverte, $2,00; Geo.
Peacock, gravel, 48 omits ; Mrs. WHOA,
gravel, 812.86; Wm, Ellis, award drain,
on si lot 20, con. 5, $58.11; 'Goo.
Christoph, repairing fence, $1.00 ; Geo,
McCallum, repairing hill, $1.00 ; Geo.
Resettling, ditch and culvert on West
Boundary, 510.88 ; M. Kelly, ditch and
culvert on sideline, $10.00 ; Wm. Phelan,
repairing bridge, $1.00 ; Thos. Russell,
digging award drain, $8,00 ;. Jan. Agee,
ditch on 6th line, 52.00 ; Aaron Lindsay,
by orders, $116.87 ; Jas. Marshall,
Engineer's fees, 581.00. On motion of
Kirkby, seconded by Code, the commit
then adjourned to meet again on the
15th Dtoember next.
W. ()antic, Clerk.
Cba, les Mynot,, of Chatham; who had
his leg broken at Ridgetown this Fall,
has entered suit against the Floward
Agricultural Association for $5,000 dam-
ages. While the Fair raaee were being
held at Ridgetown, lblynott was drivin,, a
horse around the track in the wrong di•
rection. Just as he was Doming around
the corner the horses entered in one of
the events were started off by the judges,
and Mynott's rig was crashed tato..
atynott and a couple of the other arty ars
were thrown and Myuott'e leg was broil.
AB Benjamin Watt•was driving "along.
the let concession of Ninth, about two
miles from Palmerston, he discovered
the body of a man, whom upon exemia.
axion, be found to be Thee. Hayes. The
body was lying in the road, and the skull
was fractured
and the lower jaw broken.
The deceased had been in Palmerston
with a grist, and left for home, in the
evening. The supposition is that his
hones runaway with him, and that in
his nudeavors to atop them be was titre an
out head foremost, and was struck by
the horses' heels. One of the team wee
found lying in the road, while the other
WAS in the ditch.
Meters Solcl elsewhere at $11 and $12 00, here for $9 00.
Ulsters `r 9 10 00, • " • 7 00.
Ulsters `t8. 8 50 " 6 50.:
Ulsters `r 6 6 50, " 4 00.
Ulsters called a $5.00 bargain elsewhere, here for $3.50.
Fur Coats and Caps.
Out of the largest and best selection of Fur Coats shown in
Brussels this season we�1 ave only two left which will be clear-
-ed otlt at a bargain. '-Also a few Fur Caps left which will be
sold at a good reduction. _• •
Tailoring • Department.'
3 IOar Tailoring Department, which needs no mention, is of
established merit, which you will confirm by giving us a call.
.The.Ohoicest stock of N'ocliwear ever shown in Brussels will
tobe at
hand tl'
ee -
w , also a choice selection of Bats, Caps,
Shirts, Collar's and Cuffs, 8 uspenclers, Iianclkerehiefs, Muff-
lers, Gloves and Underwear on hand.
Present of a Watch.
'K -Ali purchasers of $10.00 and upwards, at ono tiiue, avill
receive a handsome Nickel Watch, stein -winder, veined,' a
$2,50. i vet%' at
The above bargains hold good for Cash only for ihe
Holiday season.
E C. Dunforc ,
The Leading Tailor anal Furnisher.
rc,-17; 1897
We give a splendid. opportunity to secure an Overcoat as tt Christmas Present, We bolgilt large Clearing r'
5 g a log, Lints
from one of the largest manufacturers in Montreal at Greatly Reduced. Prices. We had to tyke lug, quantities, uantiti
here is the way we are going to sell them 1 s, blit
Men's Beaver Overcoats, double breasted, with deep velvet
collar, in blue, blue -black and black, heavy tweed lin-
ings, every button stayed, regular $10,00 and $12,00
goods, clearing price•only $7.50.
Men's Frieze Ulsters, heavy union linings, storm ooflar,
perfect fitting, all sizes ;:roe 36 to 44 chest meas,
urn, well worth $6.00, c1e tying price only $4 50.
See thele.
Men's Strong Union Tweed Overcoats, with strong linings, velvet collt,r,
perfect fitting, all sizes from 36 to 41 worth. $5 00, clearing price
only $2 50 Just think of it.
is for your Gentlema
IF len so
The question that worries many is easily answered in a visit to our Metl's Furnishings where we have so many
articles that are needed by gentlemen, and of a class suited for the Holiday season. Of course, it is expected, that this
store will show the largest and best assortment—but few anticipated such a magnificent collection, That's the way we
do thiaigs—always.doing better than is expected—and as a result business grows in a substantial and satisfactory way,
The Shoe stocks include a large number of articles suitable for Christmas presents, things thoroughly useful.
Prices in all lines are special for the Holiday Season.
Sole Agents in Brussels for the Celebrated Granby Rubbers. They hear like iron
Garfield House. Garfield House,
Greater and
o fter than Ever
are the Bargains we have to offer. This week we are
moving our Harriston stook to Brussels which consists of
General and staple Dry Goods,
Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Pito.
We will have"
500 pairs Women's Coarse and
300 pairs Misses' Coarse and Fine
200 pairs Infants' Shoes,
200 pairs Men's, Youths' and Boys'
Top Boots,
to be disposed of at
Exactly GOc. oil IV2 $
of original price. No Bluff Call and inspect the goods
'and prices.
Dre s Goods, Overcoats, Suits, Etc ,
all going at a great sacrifice. Price no.
object, room. we want.
"(TITAN it
° T R CK.
Butter and Eggs taken sante as Cash.
New Store au
The undersigned having purchased Mrs. Ritchie's stock of
General Goods at a Low Rate on. the $ is prepared
'to give Special Bargains.
Boots & Shoes Below Cost.
A. First-class Stock ofd
Dry Goods, Gr'oeer les, Boots 4' Shoes,
Crockery, Flour and Feed, Vit,.,
kept constantly on hand, and. we won't be undersold
by any 'one.
All hinds of Farm Produce taken in exc'lange for Goods.
our many customers for their , kind patronage during the
past year we still extend the invitation to visit us often
before and during the Holiday season. We have
the Best quality of
Xmas )tris,
also Fowl, Butter and Eggs.
for both old and young. We can supply you with Heavy.
Winter Goods, Furs, Booty and Overshoes.
Everything Cheap-
-- - - atCsi
January Fashion Sheets and Patterns to hand,
A Merry Xmas toSt (11C ant.
All, •