The Brussels Post, 1897-12-17, Page 3Dl u. 17, 1897 • New Broks Goods 1 l all the Latest Shakos. Dress T; `immings In i ets and Braids, all new, Now Hosiery an' Gloves I, all Shadae and Sues, Ladies' and Gent Underwear Batter nd Cheaper than over. Staple C odds. A full stoc: of Cottons, Cottonados, Shirtinge, .!lanneis, Flannelettes. GROCER !ES. My stook i complete -Teas, Cof• fees, Spice, and Canned Goods. l'Will not be u. deraold. J. G. Skene. The Boy ald Fire F:1vbine Works, 1✓ •� . 7. ti 7 BRU 3SEL.S. We are prepay 'd to do any kind of Machine Repair Work with dispatch and on very Rea- sonable Term, . When en nting anything in the line of En ;ines and Boilers, stationary or sortable, we would be glad to h: ve you ask us for quotations as we think we can save you mor.:y. We have also on hand all kinds of Rel tiirs for Engines, Boilers, Steam Fittings, and can also execute a iy orders for Brass work. Nickle Rating a S/ ecialty. Ronald File Engine Works, I311 $$BELS. NEW utdliurSliop_1 The uncle signed has open- ed up a But her Shop in the SALE I SCR, BRUSSELS, where he w `il keep constant- ly on hand 1 supply of the Best Meats Procurable, sold at reasonabl , prices. A share of public patronage solicited. 2; V 9 ,fit 10E L R Meat delive"ed to all parts of the t 1wn. 1 CASs PAl1 FOR HIDES. A. =RISLEY Real Estate & Loan AGENT, BRUSSELS, lvioney to Loan on Farm Secur- ity at the Lowest Rate of Interest. Money Loaned on Notes and good Notes Discounted. Sale Notes a Specialty. fired Life Insurance Written. Special Attention given to Conveyancing. A. COUSLEY, Office over Deadman's Drug Store, BRUSSELS. The Post-v---- Clubbing ost_ - - Olubbing Offer ! THE POST S: Weekly Globe, $1 50 Western Advertiser, 140 " Weekly Mail, 145 Montreal Witness, 165 Daily Newe, 1 80 Weekly Sun, 130 Montreal Star, 180 n ,1 11 " = -'The Cash most accompany each order to enure above rates. , Balanoe of 1897 FREE to New Sub- scribers, all for the email sum of $1.00 in advance. W. H. KERR, ` Publisher, SHINCLES_ British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles AND- - North Shore Piile aIld Cedar - FOB SALE AT TRU Brussels Planing Mills Also Doors end Sash of all Pat terns on band or made to order at Short Notice, Estimates Furnished for all kinds of Buildings. Workman- ship and Material Guaranteed. P. AMENT, McLEOD'S System Renovator -AND OTHER - TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Paipita- tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Nem. algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con- sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Deuce, Female Irregularities and General De. bility. LABORATORY, GODERICH, ONT. J. M. MoLEQD, Prop. and Manufacturer, Sold by .lag, Fox, Druggist, Brussels. MONEY SAVED is MONEY' GAINED I HENCE BY DEALING WITH Wilton & Turnbull 'You are well served and gain money. A fine range ci tllo Cook Pa Make et .. Parlor and Coal Cloves BCSt � , That Cannot be Beaten. Large Assortment of Lamps and LampGoods,Lanterns, Cutlery Grai and G ltw i e are We m:llio a specialty of putting in Coal and Wood Furnaces and Warrant Wauant Satsfaetioll, OPE i for Sale Stove � and always s on band, y ,S i dal to and Repairs, p Jobbing p Wilton & Turnbull, Brussels. THE HURON 00. i;OUNCIL tunnies of tete December Se6elon. The Council opened at 3 o'clock ou Tuesday, all the members present oxyopt Dr. Ro i il ns of Exeter. IThefollowingol lowin' commnnicttlonswere sto Specie' committee i. From . minion Alliance, asking oo•operntion t0 secure further aplendmonts to License Aot ; =rein the counties of Northumber- land and Durham, asking co-operation to eoourc certain amendments to Criminal Justice Acts. The report of the County Judge, Warden and Clerk of the Peace, re the transfer of Honsall village to .County Counoil division No, 8 was filed. An application of keeper of House of Refuge for increase of salary for himself and matron, and tenders received by Cleric for coal and wood were sent to Executive Committee, and Connell then adjourned to 10 o'olook to.moarow, SECOND DAY -WEDNESDAY, Counoil resumed at 11 o'olook. The following matters Dame up :- 1, Presentment of grand jury from Fall Assizes. Filed, 2. Petition from Wellington County Council asking co-operation to secure amendments to see. 81 of High School Act. Sent to Spooial Committee. 3. Requisitions from Sheriff Reynolds for jail supplies and increased vault ao• oommodatlon. County Property Commit- tee. The following reports were sent to committees named: From jailer, to County Property Committee; keeper of House of Refuge, to that committee ; from County Commissioner to Road and Bridge Committee; from Warden'a Committee to Executive. A number of accounts were sent to Finance Committee. On motion of Messrs. Torrance and Cook it was decided that all contracts for jail supplies be •let by tender annually under the supervision of the Clerk with power to not when necessary, said tend. ere to bo placed before the Executive Committee at the January session, The Clerk was instruoted-to lay before. the Council at its next meeting a state- ment showing the amounts paid to the members of the Counoil, including mile. age for the years 1896 and 1897 ; also the Dost of all committees for the same years. A peddler's license was granted to Adam Varcoe, he having loot one of bis hands, and being unable to follow his usual occupation. A motion by, McEwen and Cook to place a two-inch gasp ipe as a railing on all the brides the leading roads i county! was o sent to the Road and Bridge Committee. Counoil then adjourned till 10 o'olook Thursday. THURSDAY. Counoil met at 10 a. m., the Warden in the chair. A letter from Jae. Mitchell, asking a grant to the Huron Poultry Association,. was sent to the Executive committee. Aetatement showing balance of funds at credit of county in the Bank of Oom- merce,'was sent to. Special committee. Several accounts were sent to-. Finance °ommittee. The report of Finance committee was read and adopted up to Clause 44. The report of House of Refuge cora. mittee was laid before the council. After its discussion in committee of the whole, progress was reported. The report of Executive committee was read, considered in committee and adopt. ed. The report of Special . committee was read, discussed in committee and adopt- ed, when the Warden resumed the chair. The report of County Property com- mittee was read, discussed and adopted, Council then adjourned to meet at 10 p. m. On the oounoil resuming the report of Road and Bridge committee was read, discussed in committee and adopted. Report of committee respecting sala- ries of county clerks in Ontario was read and referred to committee of the whole. The committee did not settle the matter, but left the question for a future cession, Moved by Cook, seconded by MCEwen, that the question of building anaddition to the House of Refuge be laid over for consideration at some future meeting. - Carried. The report of Finance committee was again taken up and discussed, and adopt- ed without amendment, when the War - don resumed the chair. The clerk planed before the Council the information asked for by motions 45 and 47. Moved by Mr. MoEwan, seconded by Mr. Cook, that the rales of admission of paupers into the House of Refuge be amended by striking out the words 'one. year' and inserting the words 'two years' in lieu thereof. Referred to Executive committee to report at January meeting. Moved by Mr. Holt, seconded by Mr. Hays, that the clerk be inetruoted to pro. cure for eaoh member of this oounoil copies of the Consolidated Statutes of Ontario.-Oarried. The council then adjournedto meet at the tumid time in January. COMMITTEES. SPEOIAT.. Reported as follows : 1. That peddler's license be granted Addie Varco free of Dost, on account of him having lost eland and being unable to work. 2. Regarding the communication from the County of Wellington re amendments to High School Aot, we recommend, no notion. 3, Regarding petition from Northem- borlancl and Durham, asking the Legit- laturo to give more power to police magis- trates, we recommend no action. 4. •Iu the matter of the communication from the secretary of the Dominion Al: Hance, we recommend no action. 5. Be the statement of the Bank of Commerce, we recommend that the state• ment be filed by the county clerk. 1NOAD AND M UDGE. Report that the oommissionor's report had been examined ; that he be inetruoted to advertise for tenders for three bridges mentioned in his report (one near Walton, one on the boundary between Hallett and McKillop, and one near Grand Bend,) and present the tenders at the January see- sion. We recommend the printing of coin- misfoner's repott, and that on the motion of Messrs,111011Wen and Cook, re the plan. fug of it two inch gas pipe en all County bridges, no notion be taken. THE 13R1TSSELS POST 00111MY raorna7'Y, Reported that thejail Wee exceptionally oloan anti well kept, and that the jnmateo agreed with the gaolor'a report, 2. That the repairs recommended last eeseion had been attended to, 3. R000rnmond that the jailer be sup. Plied with material for porch au East side of jail, that a door and window be lint in game, and that the member of No, 1 division superintend the work. 4. That the sheriff be granted the sup.. plies asked for, for jail. 5. Reported that the Registry office was in good repair and that the registrar wanted some furniehinga. O. That the sheriff's office waste more vault eocommodation, and that the engi- neer report on the matter at the January meeting, 7,"That the Court House had been ex. amined and that everything was seeming. ly in good repair, 010000IYE. 1, Wo find thet the clerk has accepted the tender of Wm. Lee for coal for Court House and Registry office, it being the lowest tender, and that of J. Goldthorpe for wood, also the lowest, and that we approve of his notion. 2. In reference to the communication of Brown Bros. ae to cashbook for muni- cipaltreasurer, we recommend that the clerk prooure the book at once for the price of 58,40. 3. In reference to the application of Mr. French and his wife for increase of salary, no action be taken. 4. In reference to the report of War- den's committee, without admitting any liability we would recommend that Messrs. Nott and Craig be each paid the sum of $125 in full of any claims in re• ferenee to the accident on the bridge South of Clinton. 5. In reference to the claim of Mr. Wyatt for damage to a horse, said to have sustained injury while crossing Maitland bridge, no action. 6. In reference to the request for a grant to the Huron Pooltry and Pet Stook Association, we recommend no notion.. 7. As to the question of jail sewerage, we recommend that the report be adopt. ed, and that the county pay half the coat of constructing the sewer, the county's share not to exceed $360. 1101/SE OF DEMOS. The committee reported that the pig and poultry house had been completed. 2. The keeper's report had been ex. emined and found satisfactory. 3. That some two months since one Brindley had been removed' from the jail to the House el the instance of the Gode• rich town council ; that the authorities of Goderioh be requested to have him re- moved without delay, and that in future no prisoner be admitted without the signa- ture of the Warden. 4. That the house is filled beyond its eapaoity, and that the matter receive your serious ooneideration. HOUSE OF 1100.000. The following is t l otv g the e annus report of Mr. French, submitted to the County Counoil last week : -Our grain crops were fairly good, excepting Dorn, which was a failure ; our corn and fodder Drops we fed as green feed to cows and horses. We threshed 376 bushels oats, 175 of peas and 125 of barley. Our root crops were excellent ; mangolds were the beat in the county -650 bushels; potatoes good - and none rotten -over 425 bushels ; beans, 15 bushels ; onions, 25 bushels ; blood beets, 30 bushels ; table turnips, 30 bushels swede turnips, 260 bushels ; garden ear - rots, 36 bushels ; field carrots, 65 bushels ; parsnips, 10 bushels; over 600 head of oabbage and 80 head of cauliflower. Our cows gave us from Jan. 16 to Nov. 27, 16814 lbs. of milk, from which we made 602 lbs. of butter, and consumed both milk and butter in the house. We plant. ed 77 apple trees, 12 plums and 6 oherry trees, all of which are living and healthy. We planted 189 evergreens, 24 shrubs, 8 grapes and 5 catalpas. We graded up the road from the eideroad to the house, and gravelled it both in front and bank of the house. We laid and well -nailed 319 feet of sidewalk. Walleye shown over 5500 vieitore through the building eine the opening, and 1710 during the past year. Our Fall ploughing is all done, leaving the farm in good condition for receiving Spring crops. Opening of the .Ontario Legis- lature. The last session of the eighth 4e l slative Assembly of Ontario was opened Tuesday afternoonof last week, at 3 o'clock, by . his Honor Sir Oliver Mowat, the Lieutenant - Governor. There waft a full attendance of members, crowded galleries, and on the floor of the chamber a brilliant assemblage of ladies and gentlemen, the dl stiuguiehod company including the Governor-General and the Countess of Aberdeen. Seated on the throne, the new. Lieutenant. Governor delivered the Speech as follows: MR, SPEAEmi, AND GENTLEtzEN 01' 005 LEOIer.ATivE Asonni my It gives me meth pleasure to Inset again the Membersofthe Legislative Assembiy of tbieProvince, with whom I was so long as- sociated in a different anpacity. While it was my good fortune.to be fpr many years the leader of the majority of the assembly, 1 am glad to know that I always had the friendship and good -will of many members who were politioally opposed to me, and that during all of my lona Premiership S had the personal enmity Of. none. As Lieu- tenant -Governor, and no longer identified the withany of all,tand I hope t ustt that my long familiarity with public- matters as a member of comedian Provtuoial Legitla- turee and. Governments may enable me to render valuable service to my native P rov- inee in the performance of the important constitutional duties which belong to the office of Lioutenaut-Governor. - - Iamgreattyploaeed to be able to state that theft exeononciee, .the Governor-Gen- eral,. the Qneen'e representative in the Dommion,and the Countess of Abordeeu have come to reside in the °epital of the. Province fora time, and it la owing to this happy event that we are honored with their pounPPY v et. w am sore I truly a end my your sentiments idwhen, xo your memo and he own, ofd welcome, excellencies a most hearty and loyal their and residence the hope 1100 diming their. better ac iu this With they may bosoms. bettor 00 Westnod Ontario the Phan le Imo n possible ions of abort Ontweo Ome has been which have the short beencustom Tlaitft which y fru horatotide beea thy) ROM t I sincerely trust sthi this dopartaroltbm the Waage which has hither- to generally prevailed may not only be found to bo of 'public advantage but may Prove as agreeable to their exoellouoies AS it is gratlfyleg to her M 10010's loyal sub. loots. Through DFVInu gt s, the Megiddo of n b10 semhave is harvest have beau vouoheafed to the Plpvlcomen in beady every portion of the Province, and it is au additional cause for gratitude that prices for nearly all the products of the farm have beeu greatly mere sod slime your last meeting, The Mune Of ruing Prospofity, not in 01000, agrie kora alone, but In nearly every in.• portant Mullen of business and industrial entoi'prlae, except that directly connected with the saW1blether industry, OM cellae lar hearty eonggUralulatlon. oululmin ce thefue lnoreaeod intr to be re to 1.o est manifested ia to ity the Mother country in Oanada and 010other ()Monies and dependencies of the empire, as evidenced by the reuepbleo 00 tbetr reproeeutativee as well ae` by her wiolptpaoplo of the Unlitedlr authority, tthe log 't lsJab ff ao year, and an further shown by the nuttalofthe Isi Oovernment 1lwith mount foreign traitles Which effected Cauudjan 00 00105e, I am teletypedto thrown you that some pro. gross 111/.o boon made during the year by the arbitrators tc WhOln was referred certain unsettled ao00nnt0 between the govern. month of the Dominion and the provinces of Ontario and Quebec, Appeals have been the decisto ions of,the oarbittheratoxe,n and some of manta have been heard ;thereon, and they now amid for judgement, The appeals to the Privy Connell ie the mutters of the Mariam and et the power of appointing ueen's commie have. been heard by thejudiofal committee, but Judd' wont has not yet boon delivered. Itis gratifying to learn that the new oouuty =moils, though limited in the unto. bar of mmnbere under the new act, 010 fomlti able to transact the business ;of their reepootive counties as oglole all y as formerly. and at a greatly reduced annual expondt- tare, I regret that the Oongroso of the rated Status has aeon at to increase the duties on Pine and other lumber imported lute boat eonntry, to such an extent as to make it al- most impoaelble to continuo sending to the markets of the United metes (tertian quall- ties of the pine lumber' Produced in this province. The mining industry is making steady pro - arose, and throughout the present year. livelyinterest in the mineral rosouroes 0! the province) has been exhibited. The area 01 Drown laude sold and leased under the provisions of the Mines Act has been largely to es0 revenue 0! derived from recent year, and the boon ue derive dfrom sales and rentals has Tying to correspondingly ggly greater. it is grafi- gold fields to thai The limits of the several gofields a end ng constantly extended by exploration, ro that. their value is being and milllu p von by eubotautlal mining points. Ingtkwork at a numbir of central 9 Northwestern part of the Province, where our tetriborial. rights wore strenuously disputed fora long time by the Federal Government, there is evidence to show that rich gold -bearing veins exist over a regio" novenae thousand equate olden in extant, and there isgood ground for hope that t111 o=ars of the Province w111 become the fie bee, Ouereseful enterprise, and give proata es well as' stable employment no oaaital and labor,. of gold i1 am confident that the recant discoveries in Tallow parts of the Province will attract 'mereas°d attention abroad- avoid. ally in the mother country. The perpetuation of the sources of our pine timber on crown lands not suited for agriculture has for some time engaged the attention of the Government, A royal com- mission was appointed last Summer to in- vestigate the condition of the young forests, which now cover extensive tracts of these waste' laude, and to report as to the beat and moat praotidalile methods of preserving. and managgingthem and otherwise concern- ing retoreslyy. I am glad to be able to an- nounce that substantial progress has boon made in the work of the oommiesion, and that much information on this important question has been obtained. I am happy to inform you that the work of revising and printing the statutes of the Province is almost completed, end I hope that it will be in my power to issue the necessary proclamation for bringing into force at the close of the year the newly -re- vised statutes embodying onoo more, in two convenient volumes, the entire Provinoial public statute law. A confirmatory bill will be laid before you for consideration. In connection with the revision of our pabtio statutes the et"tutor provisions affecting prat) tfoeand dprooedure, and all the rules and orders heretofore issued by the various courts during more than 60 years have been consolidated and revised undor the super- vision and direction of the judges of the supreme court of Ontario, with the view of promoting greater uniformity, certainty and simplicity in legal proceedings. Consoli- dated orders have been adopted under the antherity given. for this purpose by statute. And a bill to confirm the work of the com- mission will be laid bane you. •t BRUSSELS PUMP WORKS. I wish to inform the people of Brussels and surrounding district that I have pur- chased the Pump Business of JAMES BELL and will be found ready to attend to all wants in either new work or repairs at moderate prices. No better Pump in the market. Order left at my shop or reaidenoe or at P. SCOTT'S shop will be promptly looked after. t "Orders taken for the Digging of Wells and Cisterns,, Gomer Green,. MILL STREET, - iBBUSSELS. uulialii ea1411AWWWil UW1/111 In 401. sad THE CI Great Offer eOP4 The London Free Press. The Freo Press doeh•Ingg le 8really • increase ICS subscription fioh makes the tollowb,gJroat,, Offer Lo the fanners and stetknton-of Canada whereby sub. authors to weekly Free Prosy Mil got One Year's Paper Free. - The Froe Press has mado arrange. ,mote with Lhe Veterinary Potence Win llshtng em for a ember of copiosof their book Tho. veterinary Solonce.' the' price, of which Is a2,n0. This book trouts fully anis in plain language the \nalnny, imsonso8 and Treatment of Domoetie Animate and Poultry, also containing n full description of Medleine end Receipts, so that every farmer can be his own voted eery. $3.00 R S2.00 Th Wookly Free Press and Perna and Rome for ono year (price $$LOO'and a copy of the Veterinary Science (price 82.0=1). Doth will bo mailed to any ad, dross upon no receipt Of TWorpol late, llo not miss (Ms elates. R O cannot afford to cocthnm Otis Of10rindefinitely. Mr' object In oinking 101ow Into Secure an Immediate response which a lees liberal Offer might fail to attract, e- . member, by sending 62,00 for the book Tau go the Weekly Free Prost; and Fiten1 and Home ONE YEAR EPEE. ,Ag nts Wanted everywhere. address all eonilnlnllcatlbne to the Free -Press " London, One. RIMMOTIMPWYMITTMITP,IPM711 EW PRICE. or new line of Axes at 66c and 90c sell Lance Tooth Saws at $2.76 guaranteed. jlothes Wringers for $2,00. 6 oz. bottle of Sewing Machine Oil for 10c. A. S ng 5 Gallons American Coal Oil, and the latest unproved, 5 gallon can for $ 2.50. t Dight, OUR NEW DEPARTMENT Consists of Granite, Diamond and Nickle Wares. Nickle Plated Copper Tea Kettles and Copper Boilers at prices that please. Pure Lead Lamp Glasses at the price of common ones. CHRISTMAS GOODS . 1 Consisting of special lines of Silverware and Lamp Goods at prices that will surprise. Wedding Presents and Silver. Tea Sets a specialty. Be sure to see our Hanging Lamps. A $20,00 Silver Tea Set for $17,00 by being one of six or more to give us your order for a set. A sam- ple of the set may be seen in our store. It consists of 5 pieces quadruple silver of handsome design made by Simpson, Hall, Millar & Co., of Montreal, with their name stamped on every piece. 1'Cash for Hides, Furs and Sheep Skins. A. M. McXAY a co. �.r BRUSSELS' � FURNITURE EMPORIUM. R. LEATHERDALE, PROPRIETOR. After a business experience in Brussels of 2O years I desire to return my hearty thanks to the Public for their liberal patronage and at the same time to state that I am in -a better positionthan ever to sell good goods at low prices. Having two stores,' one in Brussels and the other in Seaforth, and consequently buying in large quantities enables me to purchase a great deal finer than I could in the past. You must not compare prices of 5 years ago, or even 1 year ago, with what they are to -day, and I assure the Public that it will well repay them to call and see goods andd get figures, even if you don't buy. I cannot give a list of prices here asI carry such. an endless variety of goodsconsisting of FURNITUR3 of all styles from the lowest priced to the best. • r��1$�' ■self• The largest stock of Pictures and Picture Framing goods ever shown in Brussels may be found at my Emporium and they are sold at half the old price. ROA, Alr S. In Organs I have been selling them at from $15 to $20 lower than other dealers, but I can now sell them cheaper 'than ever. Buy the best -the Goderieh or the Bell -both of which I am agent for. I prefer to say but little about this department, as I have been with you doing business for many years, and those who, have called ou me are best able to saywhether I have given satis. faction or not. I hold a Diploma for Embalming and make a point to personally and promptly attend to this branch of the business, a At this season of the year there are often Lounges, Sofas, Chairs, &c., requiring attention, All work intrusted to us will be neatly and cheaply done. specialty made of Ordered Work and Repairs. Again thanking my many old customers for past favors and soliciting a continuance of the same, I am, Your Truly, l�. Leatherdale