HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-12-17, Page 1VOL ::a. NO, 28,
I-1, L. Ao 1 SOIT
We are offerit g special pried in
Lndioe' Gold "'tiled Watches from 511.00
up;, Ladies' solid Gold Watches from
520 up ; Ge ,ti' Gold Filled Watohee
from 514 p ; Gents' Silver and
Silverine Watches at ell prices
' from 56 rp. All arefulty War-
ranted and made by the
Rinus I R.iigs
rl Gera Rings est with Opals,
Diamonds, I oarla, Garnets, &o. ; Eu.
gagement slid Wedding Binge our
epeolalty ; Solid Gold Binge from
51.00 np to 540 00 each. Bo
:stir d andsee. them.
Bangle Pine,
Sword Pins,
Cuff Linke,
Cuff Buttons,
Chain Braoele e,
Long Guatde,
Neck OMaine,
Shire Studs,
Sooioly Pine,
Vest Chains,
Lockets & 01.f, e,
Month Organa,
Fruit Plates, ere,
Carving Sete, &o , Jardinters, &c.
We invite all ,0 tee our New Goode.
Our Prices art Lower than ever.
No trouble to how goods.
1847 Rogers Bros.
IInieee & Folks.
Pickle Casters,
Cake Baakete,
Napkin Rings,
Bonbon Diehee,
Muge, Butters, Bar.
ries, &a.,
Celluloid Goode,
/sleek! ie Boxes,
Collar & Cuff Boxes,
Toilet Sete,
Travelling Oases,
Work Boxee.
Japanese, China,
Vases, Cups & Sauce
II. L. Jackson,
C. Leroy
The Pop liar Impersonator.
Friday . is ,
li1S WP
Under sus time of Public Library.
If you want le. enjoy aood heart leff
go and hear y
-ntic Antics."
Admission 25o. and 85c.
Plan o: Hall at Fox's Deng Store.
terms de Signet lamed.
The regular norithly meeting of Brns-
s s PubIio
c�o 1
Set o Basras
wa hold in the
Council Chamfer on Friday evening of
last week.
All the mem fore orient except Jae.
Minutes of 'I helast rogular meeting
wore read and •approved.:•
Miss Bitahi •'s communication, laid
over from last mooting, wag ooneidered,
and 81 Was moved by 3, G. Skene, mooed.
ed ley A. Oouel iy, that her eatery be in•
teemed to 5250.00 per annum, beginning
with 1808. Ca fried.
The following a0oounts were read a and,
• on motion of G. Slteno, sobonded by D.
0. Rose, 'were,c,rclored to be paid :--W. J.
llic0raokon, brooms, 51.,18 ; R. Roes,•
postage, &a, 51•,65.
It was reported that Mr. Mci
children badbeen attending a l wa a.
c col with,
out paying the usual fees and ft was
moved by J• G, Shone, seconded by D. C.
Bogs that the (bairmau and A. Cousley
be a aommittec to interview Mrs, Mo,
Iowan respeotirg the Matter. Carred,
•,The Board ilea adjourned.
New Aivertisements,
Local -J, Penn.
Locale W,'Jrioh.
Looale-Jno Walker,
Thanks -A Straohan,
, 6 Daye-Mckinnon & Co.
`For Chriet;.tats-Jae. Fox.
Looale-1Y.•7. McCracken,
Presente-(, A. Deadman.
House foe ,le -Geo. Lowry.
(entreat& `-Thos. Newsome.
Auction t- ' K.
t ons G. Matheson,
Xmas poi its -EI. L. Jac
ks n
What to go; -J. FergusonCCO
nt-Publlo Library.-
Holiday ins -
Greater f Greater GI
ever-n tani Fitz l tat-
riole, 61tt
Cotten R.nt Con
roto -
Tho Cook
Company. r nY• .
Atittll tat el .
Township (daimon met hereon Wediee.
A Bible Soolety meeting will be held
hero in January.
Robt. Dilworth's name ie mentioned
for let Deputy Reeve.
Ethel Aminfactory has disposed of
their September, October and November
make of cheese at 8;f cents per pound.
The factory las had a eueeeesful season, 0000001
Teacher Dobson is off duty on'
of a throat trouble. Wo hope he will
soon be all right. Miss Kennedy, 0f
Clinton, will soeoeed Mies ay1041! a0
teacher of the Junior Department
school for 1898. Mies Raynard is a good
teacher and will attend the
of our
W eat to it.
Boyd Morrison is a. weloomo visitor
from Brandon, Man.
Rev, Mesere, Forrest and Tiffin tetend-
ed the Presbyterian anniversary at
Winthrop last Monday evening.
L. 0. L. -At the last regular meeting
of Walton Orange Lodge, No. 252, the
following Pikers were elected for the n-
etting year :-W. M., John Oakley ; D.
M., Duncan JohnstonChaplain, M.
Morrison ; Ree,•Seo., Chas. Case ; Fin. -
See„ W. M. Smith ; Treasater, Geo,
Hamilton ; Lecturers, J. W. Merriman
and J, Hamilton ; Director of Commie
Ise, 13. Hamilton ; Tyler, W. M. Gray ;
let Com., B. Drisooll ; 2nd Com,, J.
Berry ; 3rd Com„, Thee. Oakley 4th
Com., W. Denuison ; 511 Oom., A. Oak-
ley. Thio Lodge meets the Friday, night
ou or beforea full moon. A cordial invi-
tation extended to visiting brethren.
Last Sabbath Rev, Mr. Omens, of
3-abnrn, proleobed'two excellent sermons
in the Methodist ohuroh, it being the
anniversary of Tho Epworth League.
His text in the afternoon woe Acts'1 and
8 and at night the eY wt t "T am not
ashamed of the Gospel of 010101." Tues-
day evening the anniversary was con-
tinued. Rev. Mr. Tiffin occupied the
chair in a very happy manner, and intro-
duoed the following program :-Recite-
tion, "Poor House Nan," Miss Edie Den-
nison ; reading, "Two pictures from
Life," Will, Stafford ; address by W. H
Kerr, of Tun POST ; recitation, "Madam,
I'm not your son," Jas, Dennison ; ad-
dress, Barrister Blair, Brussels ; mita.
tion, "The elave who saved St. Mich
eel's,' ]Hiss Lizzie Burrows; address,
Rev. Mr, MoOutaheou. A tip top must
oat program was° rendered by the choir
and a matt enjoyable evening spent by
all. After the usual votes of thanks the
gathering Was brought to a close by the
c0vat itla. rtaok.
Peter Blair, of Dakota, le visiting
friends bare.
Mrs. Ritchie and Jobe were visiting at
Renal! last week.
Mr. Beckett, of Brne•els, wog visiting
at A. 111f4Vair on Senda,0 last.
John and Mise Lizzie MoIae have re.
turned 1i' ni Toronto fora visit.
Thomas Ritchie bag reterued from
Delicate to spend the Winter. He has
secured a situation with J. Forrest.
A number of the young people met at
the home of Jake Long last Monday
night and spent n few hours 10 dancing
and playing games.
A very enjoyable time was 51)001' 1Y'
the Methodist church °boir et the reel.
the-°yetev , 0d fowl supper prepared by,
aline host Long in his very beet atyle.
Quite a few Ethel visitors. Bruseelites.
were soared out by the rain.
In last week's issue someone hae
charged of •
K y U correspondent with doing
the incoming teacher as injustice, Your
correspondent stated facts with no
thought of doing 0n injustice to any one.
The lenoming teacher vete not spoken Of
in tits item to which referenoe was made
in last week's issue, Your correspondent
lee nothing good or ill to say of the in.
eotning teaoher.(00 a teacher). \Ve nn
de'stan[1 it her firet school and she lits
her mooed to make. We only hope .that
Oho may. prove tueoeseful and secure a
bettor report of ler work, if poealble,
than our present toothier has secured
frohn the heed at Inspector Robb Which
atatee that excellent work is being done
in the jaufar room, We have ;not the
slightest objeotion, 10 the writer of the
;tent of last week'e lemma (if they wish to
tlo so, making known to the ratepayers
t�r bought ,the in
e g aonliug
(Mellor for the position and that she did
not seek it, hat let diem etnnd out openly
and melte their etateinenle at their own
expanse and not at the caption of your
once old, J, Alitollell. It was the a11ni-
ersary 01 lir. MRcho11'11 birthday.
Coxenre.-Despite lead'wealher to very
1060001 time was put in at the )Fora .
ere' conceit hem' Iaetyh'riday evening.
r. Kellner, of Ethel Court, filed Ole
hair very acceptably. The program
oue(ated of flue solos by tithe Maggie
nightned Mies D'ttie MoNair and W.
erealite. Mies Good also ooatribuled
n orgee 00'O in good style. Recitations
ere IV given by Meter. Perrle, ltobin-
011 pafd Adhere- A., Reymann gave an
Meta on For"'try that watt fell of facts.
fter the SOMAt about 150 Partook of
1,31.10 a y:11 te.
The lust 00leaf oheeae t•°alined 81
Mr. Jenkins, of Grand Valley, paid a
short visit to the parental borne.
Jno. Molntoeb and family intend
moving to Moleeworth next week.
The "lady of the snows" haoboat,tiful.
Iy disappeared nor left a trees behind.
AA's. J. Gannett la laid up With a
seeped foot which io slowly improving,
SVm. Stewart and L. Unites were writ -
tog on au examination in Hamilton last
We wish
them 6U0 .
o ata.
1 I'
Behold Teacher her Dt
off t
sind uitc •
posed and will be detained q is
d t mad for sante days
to, home. He is under the etre of the
M. D.
Sunday enhool Anniversaries, Christ.
mus trees,
tee ere to n be I]aIdafol
0 lots
23rd , Presbyterian,
'34th •
JohneLon's t
, 24 h.
W o tutting down an old building in
the village a part gave way Easterling
Thomas Stewart and Geo. Tgrvey in a
very clangorous way. They bed a very
narrow escape, though they did not es.
00130 unhurt,
Next Sunday, Deo.,lQth, le to be Anni
vereary Day in the Methodist (thurcb.. A
tbauk.offoring,of 5100.00 le being asked
for, The widely known and popular
preacher, Rev, SVm. MoDouagh will eon -
duet the services at 10;30 and 7:00.
An interesting song eerviee woe given
by members of the Epworth League on
'Flameday evening last when the follow-
iug was given ; "Aly =there hymn,"-
Mrs: Rogers ; "Watts, the father of Eng.
lieh hymns," Mies S. 3. Johnston ;
"When I survey the wondrous ()rose"
(Watts) ; "Cowper's hymn of Provi•
dense,' James Breckenridge ; Quartette
"The old old story is true ;" Wesley's
"Jeans lover of my soul,", and Tennyson's
last poem, D. Rogers ;.Solo, "Hide than
me." Kersey Jeakeon ; closing, "We'll
ell gather home, &o,"
Angue AleCullum Sundayed on the 7th.
Hugh Moses has gone to Godariah to
serve as a juror,
Barry Fear returned from hie visit on
the 2nd last Monday.
Wm. Turvey spent a few days at Olin.
ton last week on business.
Albert McCall is engaged with Kirkby
Bros, on the Oth foe a month,
Mrs. J. levans ie visiting under the
parental roof in Oxford oouuty,
Council meeting. on Wednesday of the
week to prefare flnanoiel statement,
Miss Maggie Bewley spent last week
with her aunt, Mrs. A. X. McAllister.
Peter Jitolreon and wife were the goeets
of A. K. McAllister and wife last week.
Angus McCallum and Harry MOArter
are engaged (tutting wood at John 'Short.
Dire. A. Ramsay's health is somewhat
improved this week we are pleased to
John M°Gall is home from Uolyrood
on bueiuess-some say touching metri-
Will. Pratt has returned from hie trip
out West. He intends going back in the
Wm. Thornton has introduced a hog'
gery on his farm. Will. means bueinees
tbat will pay.
Wm. Bryan, 4th line, parpooee build.
ing a large bank barn next Beason, whioh
will be fitted up with all the modern
improvements. • •
Owing to anniversary services at Blue -
vale next Sabbath the .service al John-
ston's obnrch will be at 7 p. m., conduct.
ed by the pastor.
Lather Pepper bad the misfortune to
lose one of his horses this week which he
had purchased a short time logo, paying.a
handsomefigure for it.
It le not likely that Reeve Bowman
will be opposed at the coming election,
ir- foot 1J+ 5v0nid not lie„ e •, s::0ed 10_800
the old Council Mooted by.aeolamatione,
A nese barn will be built .on the farm
of Will. Maunders, 7111 line, next Sum-
ner. 'It is enid anew housekeeper may
be added to the treasures of the plauta-
A number of the young people front the
2nd con. spent last Wedneedny night at
the home of A. Campbell and were highly
pleased with the manner 11 when they
were entertained.
Nomas Norsg,-The gond sloi;hing
soon disappeared.-Plveryborly tboeld
have a good supply of wetsr now, las wells
am full to the fop, -:Bad 'roads now.-
The robe that was takenfrom the tiled
ab Sunshine church a few days ago wee
returned the other clay. Whoever took
it made themselves very sinal!. The.
whip may come baolr yet. -Alt. Hood,
511 line,oettinuea poorly. -Mies 33. Kel-
ly, 6th line, is vary ill. -The Misses
Fleming, at Sunshine, are having wood
cut and laid down ab their home. `Phis
!s 0e it ebould bo. -Two colts have been
on the, 6th lino for a few date. No donut
they strayed away, -,.Three well known
epode from Blyth when out hunting a
few weeks ago had a lively time when
they started for home... One man went to
open thegate on the oouceesion and the
other two went to hitch up the horse.
The driver got in the rig, but his mew
pa0fon had not time, as the animal
Meet have bh 1o, g
lit they were all behind
time and 7 started vel•
o t eg. The
driver yelled at the mei at thegate to
eine it es the horse wee terming away,
but he thought hie companion was fool-
ing, When be eosv Ole horse was tun-
niug and that`vety fast,'he had no time
to, get' the gate shut, horse and rig
came nut tail ran names the road and
over the rail fence, leaving the rig in the
corner and the men in it. The Itoreo
fell, and before it could b1 gob np an•
other fen00 led to bo 1hrotvg down to
0110k0 room to get turned around, Wo
did not hear how moth game, they had,
00 the amount of damage done to the
harems, but the horse was it good; louv-
er. Had any of the guns gone off, at the
time the aocidenb might hove been el a
more seri000 nature, ','e hope Ute next
time they come out of town they will •
keep off farmers' fences. -Should no
tenet come before two weeps it will' be
dark nights for all thehr'
O retnana.'tree
Ontertaintne0ts, Simuhine mane on
Toeeday evsning,'Mee, ate these in Bel -
II. Jacicenrt and wife visited James
Forrest, wive has leen ill for some time,
last wink.
Bobt, Dark haa leaded the Wm.
Cornish 20 aortas, Otic -lino, and' has
moved his !entity to it,
Next:te'm peahen Jewitt, 'nosy t080b-
ing at Butters Onbooi house, twill attend
the Hormel Sallee' at Ottawa.
Onrr.-Wednesday night Aire, Mo.
Velgb died et tbo home of James Ireland,
her eon-in•law, 3rd con , aged 09 years
O months. e.
She was In borePrime
Edward w lit Island'
aucibecoming berme comab to
Mrs. t Ir0 IL
nd26 t•
, yet es ago, was a
resident of Teekeremi6'h. Pile - leaves
three daughters t Mre, Wit. Wilson, of
Hallett , Mm. Cousins, of Minnesota
Mrs. Troland, Heart disease was the
mum n
e de t
u . She had bee
n Y
for t
bon u year. M e
. MOVei„
h tv su
bright beatf
b old lad beloved by'1
Y Ya
who knew her, She was a member otie
Presbyterian shared, T11,, funeral will
take place on Saturday, !cueing Mr. Ire.
land'e at 0.80 o'cfook, SuLermont will be
made at Egmondville oene1ery.
j`a8ALOxanrle WxnezxO.-Wedding .bells
°himed mer, fly on Wednesday afternoon,
Dee. Ist, at the residence of Io. Littielnir,
Morris, when his youngest dangbt_er,
Mary, anal Neil A. Taylor aware bound in
geutlo ties of Oupid's .weaving. The
yom,g °Ample are well and favorably
known and are "deservedly popular,
Nature assisted in tine festivities and
honored the oceesion by apparelling her-
self in a mantle of white -the emb'em of
purity. The ceremony was performed in
Trinity abeech, Belgrave, by- Rev. .T. E.
Higley, of Blyth, after which the bridal
couple, aocompaoied by their guests,' of
whom there were over 100, roe dyed to
the parental residence of the bride, where.
a sumptuous and delicious motet awaited
them, The bride was attended by Miss
Duuoau, of Three Rivers, Quobec, and
Mise Annie Hamilton, of Blyth. The
interests of the groom,ivere looked after
by John A. Taylor, 111. A., brother of the
groom, and R. Stalker, while upon John
Littlofuir, brother of the bride, rested the
duty, attended alike by pleasure and -sed.
nem, of giving away the bride, who look-
ed charming in a gown of white Japaneee
, with trimmings of white velvet and
pearls. 'A shower 100001 of white and
pink bridal roses and white °bryeanthe.
mums which she carried were symbolical
Of her yonng life. Mies Dnncem was
prettily attired in pink sills covered with
white organdie. She wore a picture het
and oarried a boquet of yellow bridal
roses and carnations. Miss Hamilton
was gowned in mauve brocade alto cover.
ed with white organdie. She also wovena
plater° haband bee baguet consisted 'of
white carnations end red roses. - Mise
Mary Gonna», niece of the groom, and
MIiss Amy Hn5hee, of I180000n, perform.
eel the dartos of nettle of honor. The
former was prettily attired in mauve
silly, while the latter was` becomingly
gowned in pink sills, each (tarrying a
baguet of smilax and mu'n,Oions. The
gifts were numerous, useful and orutl.
mental end bore evidence to the esteem
in which the fair young bride is held.
The evening wet spent most merrily le
tripping the light fantastic to the Perp.
etabereon art and all departed, cheetah-,
ing the hope that the future of the young
couple in the new sphere in whiab they
bad entered might be as happy and pros
porous as the clay was pleasant and Iv -
(ter text.
Township Council on Wednesday of
this week.
Peter Binolair'a name is mentioned for
the township dotutril.
Wm, Hogg is viyitin;i in Washington
Territory with Mia brother.
A hot time is predicted by your scribe
in the Grey municipal eleotione at the
owning election.
Mts. (Dr,) Snider and daughter, of
Brussgels,, ::0y„ro ..r• viktlag ab Trueman
Smith's Inst week.
•ltev. B, Paul, of Brussels, oondnoted
the funeral service of'the late lOIre, Smith
on Friday afternoon of iaet week.
Friday afternoon of this tvealo the
annual solaced examination' in Wbitfleld's
public school takes place. Concert in Ole
Tnta Posx takes first plane for Grey,
township news. Items front people w'ho
are not regular correspondents are always
weloont0, •
A Wouxur Et emINT Passes AWAY. -
After a severe illness 'extending over 8s
months, John Hisiop, an old, well known,
and highly esteemed resident el the
14th con., passed aivmy from time on
Tuesday morning about 6 o'o'ook, in his
75th ,year. Deceased was born in Sol.
kfrkahire, Scotland, and worked at rail-
roading et and »oar Edinburgh for a
time: Ile name to Canada in 18401ivfng
for about 3 years in Waterloo .County,
and in 1852 along with his lathe', 4
brothers ante a sister, air. llielop moved
into Grey, then a comparative wilder.
'noes, and took up the farm, lot 2, 14th
con., upon wnipb he continuously resfd•
ed men the eummone mane on Tuesday.
About 42 years ago ite woe united in
marriage to Blies Catharine Sillore, of
this iownehip, who yr,r�e.dece used him
overt n
tV ours . ago. 0. rn.l'e, it
y Mein a
1 s
helpmeet 11 et fit dead to -liar hasband and they
by industry, frugality and 000uotny made
foe tbemeolees a very comfortable home.
The ecbjeot of this netica took an native
i,toreet in public affairs. Ile was, town.
ship Meant:sr for 11 years and after
•wards sat in the township 0000011 for 11
years as Councillor and let Deputy Reeve.
Mr, Iliolon also served as sohool trustee
1008 was noted' for his strict integrity in
all the duties that pertained to any po9i.
tion either pareonn1 01: public. In the
long ago be met with an aooiclont, while
chopping, in which hie left foot twee
seriously injured by a glancing blow from
the axe, and from winch he was always a
little lime, Three Montle and a half
age gangeeno est In the tees of this foot
and re bines ghee theft, clOspito all that
onld be done, the patient angered a good
eel and gradeaily Meted away, el.
though hie 07101)did 0000ti1utioe warded.
if the final shook in n manner that Our•
risod many, Tour softs end two dattgh.
ore survive vie :-John, Arehi0 and
ndrew, of Gtey; William, of Armin,
c0rreepondent, Hata Peva. grave starve week, 22nd, 24th rand 26011,
bola, N. W. T. ; and 'Mee Annie home -
atonal, and blies Maggio, of Chicago, Mr.
Ifislop WAS a stamen Liberal in politics
anal a Presbyterian to religion. The
Meerut on `I,'haroclay afoet'noou was
largely attended, 1200125 being 0011r1ted.
Rev, ,loo. Ruse, 13, A„ Brussels, coed mat.
od the ecrviee.
D. Dwyer has soldhie farm, being lot
10, comeeelou 5, Grey, t, Jainee porter.
field, of Enna, for 53,500.
W. II, 17towure, teacher of S. S. No. 1,
wee away et
Hamilton Y am ton rvlrting lit the
NormalU, 1
Ile o.
Miss Calder took charge
during Mr. Stewart's absence,
SI wee Comes Butter Factory has sold
the butter to be manufactured no to
January 1011, 1808, to Mr. Steinhoff, of
Stratford, at 185 dente per pound,
re. flames
Lnbnur n,
Y a and dnnglttol„
in g been visitirt her g"
[, 1 r
g sae Alta
Win. Brewer, has gone to Brantford for
a short visit before returning t0 .her
home in the West.
The revival serviced held at Iioe'e
church, by ltevde. ilfasee, 1Vallser and
btewart, have been attended by more
than ordinary success as upwards of 25
persons have professedf,tith in Christ.
Trina Pose omitted to mention that Jae.
Gallows, 'oho taught n tow years' ago in.
S. S. No. 3 ,-Grey, wen united in tnar-
a0age'to Miss Jeanie Cernpboll, of Col-
borne tuwuahip. Mr. Sallotva is now in
the West.
There aro ever 100 11511lcni1,,110 in for
thep0eiti011 of toad -let in S. 8. No. 8,
Grey, for 1808. J 1 Do1de, the present
teaoher, 3m,, resigned, Evidently there is
no shortage in Ole orop of ecbool masters
end school mama,
The 101itoboll 100 a0re farm, 0th con.,
Me been told to Robert Alenary, of the
same line, for 58,480. There is only one
lot between it and Mr. Menary'e other
farm. It WOO a big bargain at the figure
named, as the farm is a good one.
Last week Messrs. Clegg & Dames, the
well :known cattle men, purahesed 8
steers, two years old, from Andrew Hist,
lop, 16th can., for which they paid the
tidy sum of 5187. It pays to raise the
right kind of stook as is evidenced by the
above sale,
'Matozcce tear.
Gibson& Barnard shipped a oar of oat
meal on Tuesday late. Tbeyare running
night and clay to keep up with orders, -
Th. a. Rae is in Toronto this week mak.
in5 Xmas porohases. The'o will be a
grand tea.meeting in the Methodist
church here about New rears. A good
program is •being provided. -Jae, Allen i
hasaome bone from bis studies al To•
ronto for the holidaye. Pre has been
attending the Sebool of'Plarinaoy there.
-Rev. Mr, Whaley, of St. Helene, moue
pied the pulpit of • the Presbyterian
obnrch here lag Sabbath, morning and
everting -A. 11urnber.of our young people
are assisting at a concert in Powelfe
eehool house Friday night, --4„S. Robin•
eon, attending cohaol at Goderioh, is
home for Oleboiidayo,
• 1Geo db lire.
We oongratulete TUE Poor on the
recent improvement made in its form.
We have regarded' Tun; Pose for' some
time 0e ouo of the beet 10011 newspapers
in Western Ontario, and now with its in-
creased columns and detached sheets it
can all the better meet the 'demands' 'of
the public.
Rev. P. Musgrave celebrated the 20th
year of hle pastorate on the Winthrop
change last Sabbath, Rev. W. J. Clark,
of Loudon, preaohed dine discourses on
Sunday and 1tev. Mr. Muir, of Bruce•
field, charmed a large audience on Moo.
day with hid able leotaro on "John
Donoan, the Fiero 01 Alaska." The.
pastor 000upied the chair aid added in
no inconsiderable way to the pleasure of
the gathering,
Noxse,--Jus. Wilteie has gone to the
Old Country, Will he no 00010 lank
again 7 -Tom Jones ie iu bad linnet
-Don't neglect to come to the
aobool concert hem •on tibettay,, Deg. 17th.
Mr. White has talion pains to prepare en'
A 1' program. The beet talent of See.
forth, Beuesels and outer adjoining 1019ne
has been secured for, the o°o0efon.-Dao.
Rigly has purchased the Stenzel farm on
the 1411 line, and will take possession at
once, Pre has cast his lot in a good eot-
tiemone-Miss 13. Copeland, of Palmers•.
toe, ie ',letting at the residence of Wm.
Haokwell, 1411 Zine. -We regret mcob to
stay that Afro, Win. EIeanlnn, 010reditotl,
nee Miss Plicate Roe, is very ill at pres-
ent, -11. A. A'folte°, teacher of S. S. No.
8, has been eugaged ac travelling. Bales.
man for a Montreal firm. Heltegins hie
work in this line after the Chrietmae
holidays. -In the obituary which we con•
tenanted to the McKillop news of lest
week's issue, "litho" should have read
"lithesome," "lissom" tar "comely.'! The
slip was inadvertently made in copying
for the press.
131 •rn,ve.
Cr upon. -Rev. 13. Patti, of Brueeels,
peeled to an Appreciative o0ugeegallon
in the Methodistahuroh on Sunday even.
ina. The people are always glad to see
C a vDna .-'
T. ThoFos
p peotivc 17p womb
League con0ert promises to be agreat
treat. Unttenal elaborate preparations
are being made by loon' talent. Outside
performers are also engaged to assist,
)iotas,-Prnotioe for Xmas Tree En-
tert0leenents is the mast of Otte day in
all the ,enemies. The entorteinments
twill: be as follows :-Presbyterian, Thurs-
day ; Church of England, . Friday ;
Methodist, Staturdayaof next week.
Wulmivo.-Rev. Mr. Hall, assisted by
Rev. ale. Edmunds, joined together a
man and woman in the holy estate of
matrimony on Thursday afternoon of
lett week, A little ella0p hustling on
the pert of the bridal octopi° had been
11eo0Beary to blbok objections,
Irltnef0Tal0Th:1 Masc.-Rev. Mr, ;:(ail
and wife ware surprised by members of
Ole (Elvin o0uguegation one evening lest
week. A .W1030116 time was spent in
acetal amneemente wlif011, with refresh -
mints, made eve'yibodyfeet that 10 was
good to he flier¢, fair, Hall's driver
can now grow more speedy on the °ate
RR, ?rQp;
Muxnona'•r Pensoxama .Cine members
of 11013,tali remelt eongregaticu spenb
Thu00.hty evening of kat week most hap-
pily tvitlh Rev. Mr, and alta, Oaten. A
fall oat bin still tells the story of their
Bate SocteTT.-Rev. Mr. lldmunde
deflected en address in the Presbytorfan
obnrch 00 Tit.uredayevening of last week,
nudge the auspices of title 0ooiety, In
the absence of Rev, kir, Oaten, who was
called out, Rev. Mr. Nell presided and.
good things. Mr.
Hall WOO
eleo t
od I real !en
C t.
A meeting, on the 411e, for the purpose
of organizing a meek parliament 111 At-
wood,was 1e
r 1C1 tat the
Boa orie. fi
c D.
Anderson n
rso was v
e chafe a i amd A
W. Wynn nn
a aintoa Secretary Y A S later
of l
n t
meeting. A list of prospective members
tvas arranged and a provisional Govern -
Meat elected, with the following gentle.
amen to constitute the cabinet Premier,
Sir D. G. Anderson, G. 0, B.; Secretary
of State, Flan, Dr. Langtiil, D. C. L. ;
Minister of Finance, Hon. W.18. Erskine;.
Min1Mtec of Justice, Sir Gee. Carrie, 1i.
C. M. G. ; Secretary of War, Hun. A. 112.
Sweeten 1 Minister of Foreign Affairs,
Hon. A. W. Wynn ; Minister of Agricul-
1ute, Sir Bebert Sniitlt, la. C. B. ; Post-
maeter•Genoral, Ilon, H• Y. Floor ;
Speaker, Hon. Joint Knox ; Clerk of the
House, Ron, W. P. McIntosh.
Emus Conxoru.-A special meeting of
the municipal Council of the township of
Elms was 0018 in the Agriooltural Hall,
Atwood, on theist Deo, Members all
present. The meeting was called forth°
purpose of conferring with all the persons
assessed in Elmo, for outlet is the Bean -
champ Creek drainage scheme, to have
their views on the action: that ought to be
taken in the bill to be brought before
Parliament by the township of Grey for
the purpose of legalizing the scheme so
that the work may be done. 8. large
number of those intereet08 ware present
and a big majority of them were in favor
of One work being done and nob in favor of
opposing the said bill. Some wanted a
ebauge 01080 in alae assessment, owing to
them having made arrangements for a
portion of their water to go in a different
direction, and in fact all would be better
suited if the outlet could be brought to
the townlioe. The Reeve and Clerk of
Grey, who were present and had a Dopy
of the hill, explained that it would be im-
possible to bring the outlet to the towu-
lino, as no provision was made in the
scheme or the amount of money to be
raised for that purpose. The Reeve of
Logan, Deputy -Reeve and some ratepay.
ere from Logan were also present and
protested agaivat water which they say
has reoently been brought from Elms to
Logan, which will be attended to. Coun-
cil then adjourned..
Brussels Cdnliail.
The Statutory meeting of Brussels
Council was held in the Counoil Chamber
on Wednesday evening. A11 theniembers
proeent except Councillor Wilson. Min-
utes of last meeting read and passed. The
following accounts were passed :-
Jae. Ballantyne, charity Mrs. Blas.
11i11 5 1 00
N, ckN, Gerry, miscellaneous. ,,. 2 05
Dr. McNaughton, Boaedof Health 10 00
W.11, Kerr, inisoellaneous .... , . 4' 75
R. T. EIingeton, " 4 00
17. W. Thomas, Fico Department, 98 00
F. S. Scott, salary and mise110 50
J. 1', Ross, miscellaneous 25
Tao. Wright, salary 80 00 111)
R. Henderson, miscellaneous, . , 1 25 set
Wilton &Turnbull, 11 88 bei
A. M. Malay & Co„ " 14 02
Mrs, MoCallum, taxes remitted1 00 topr
S. S. Jackson, miseellatteons,,1 00 will
Jas. Fox, " 1 p0 Ha
Moved by R. Loather/tale, seconded by sub
Geo. Battler that above accounts be paid. rid
Carnet', T
Moved by Geo. Thomson, seconded by Do
R. Leatherdal0 that the Pnblio Library oat
00 5o., led 500 00. Carried. wo
Owing-tn.-tetanal 0c0urring in tits no fg
sesstug of David llasw tweet Geo,Baekor in t
the former was
Miss Lydia Tracks, of Belmore, lo
visiting her eleter, Afro. 0. ?illiax,
Uiar'ry Oroolce le Home from Toronto
00 a boliday visit. Ile le a son of Geo.
Crooke, Qom street, and le a druggist
by profession.
air. 3300tan, wife and son, of the firm.
0£ Mears. Iiuttan If' Fbtzpatrialr, arrived
111 Brueeels. laet week, having moved the
elook in their Hamster' otoro io the
Garfield House.
E. II. Thomas, of N0rwieb, proprietor
of the t r
l I nal t
o dLn tto Werke, rks and K n J.
Naomi, of London, traveller for the
06010 Mutinous, were in Bruasele for a few
days this week,.
John McRae wag caping on aie numee.
one frfonde in Brussels tliis week. He is
at r
attending. the 'College Colles f
b 0 Pharmacy K m t
Toronto. o to, Mfes L'
also visited a V s Od tion e
€ d.
in town title week.
W, R &rotten, C. P. B. engineer,
whose headijuarte•s are at Sohrleber, ie
making a visit with relatives and friends
in this looality. lie is a weloomo visitor. .
Elie work evidently agrees well with him.
Principal Cameron arrived home from
the Normal College, Hamilton, last Mon-
day night tad resumed hie duties on
Tuesday morning. Air. Beckett, who was
supplying for hitt, left for his home
Tuesday 'afternoon,
Dr. McKelvey, in preparing a mixture
on Monday night, tasted the contents of
a bottle to make sure what it. was and to
his sad snrptiee it proved to be onrbolio
acid. His (mouth suffered by the min-
ket but we hope it will only be temper.
T. Pletcher, who. has, been eajourning
in New Brunewiolt and Nova Scotia for
the past four menthe, arrived home last
Saturday night. He enjoyed his stay in
the Eastern Provinces very nn00h and
his health was greatly benefitted by the
Bea breezes.
There will be public service held in St.
John's ohuroh on Christmas day at 11' a,
The regular monthly service will be
heldinthe-R, 0. ohuroh next Sabbath
The Toronto Presbytery has nominated
Rev. Dr. Oarmiohael for the moderator.
chip of the General Assembly,
RSV, Mr. Walwin, of Luoknow, has ex-
cepted an invitation from the official
board of the Leamington Methodist
God, a Refuge" was Bev. 111r. Aboy's
subject last Sabbath morningin St.
John's church, and in the .eveing his
text was Matt. 24 and 3.
The Young People's- Chapter of :St.
Jabn'e church will give a Birthday Social'
in the school room of the ahoroh on Fri-
day evening, Jan. 7th.
The Chrietmae entertainment in con:
neat oa with the S, S. of St. John's
church will be held on Tuesday evening,
Deo. 28,1), in the aobool room..
Subjects in Melville church next Sab-
bath :-Morniog-"Through the Wicket
Gate to the House of the Interpreter" ;
evening -"Sights and Scenes in the In-
terpreter'e House."
As a slightmark r
,a k of their appreciation
some few of the prominent members of
Trinity °parch, Mitchell, presented their
reotor, Rev. Mr. Kerrin, on Wednesday
with, a very handsome cutter and tering
of belle:
Rev. .R. R. Wilson, B. A„ junior min-
ister on the Grand Talley circuit of the
Methodist church, died at Fergus on Nov.
20th. Ile went to Fergus on a visit to
parents, in usual health, and WAS
zed with hemorrhage of the lungs.
'What. eau the young people do to
p the Church" was the interesting
'o at the Christian Endeavor in Mel
e olerch lase Sabbath evening. T. A.
whine introduced it in a very predict
paper. Next Sabbath evening the
j000 ie -"Our sine and how we can get.
of,tbem." • -
he presbytery built for Rev. Father
whey, in Logan, the Mitchell Advo•
e is informed by Samuel Edwards, the
od contractor, will be one of the flues6
that part of the- oontry and will omit
be neighborhood of $4,000. It is note
granted a r0oun.,,,,f 54:10 ie't
on his taxes and Mr. Baelcor's p t,,.., 1
property tax was reduced by 510.25.
ie Clerk reported Town Hall 1 and
' d .r
be hands of Mr. Planet, the painter,
for Ole year, 582 ; merry-go-round, 589 ;
booths, 518 50 ; Butchers' licensee, 580 ;
Transient Trailers, 542 melting a total
of 5101,60. There hoe been 5811.50 es.
pouded on street improvements; and
5507 on the Fire Department, Tbehotel.
licenseswere $811.
Three tenders were received for the
market scales, W. J. Mo0raokon got
then at 51115. Mr. Creighton's ,tender
was 5120,50. Last year the scales 'sold
for 580.
The Financial statement for tho year
was closed up and road,
Caretaker Wright was instructed to
trim a number of shade trees so as to Sive
the electric light a better slow.
The Boeve reported the fitting up of the
Babcock Fire Extin uiebere u alae way a
additional tiro protection. Y oI
Talk About.
l' We
Dr, and Mrs. 1)/1011011,0y are in Toronto
this week.
Miss E. 13radel was renewing old.
friendebipe i11 Brussels during the past
weweek.The management of Grimsby Park are
negotiating with. Goo. W.'OliO°, of Wing -
ham, to look after tbe. mission' program
for August next.
Aire. S. Hallman and Rfohai
rd Grille,
of Winnipeg, aro visiting at Connoill010
LOatheedale'e, lefts, L0atherdnlo is a
Meter to the visitors,
Albert Thomas lots gone to his home
to Alefeldt, •Wellington Co., where hie
father', Bev, Mi', Thomne, f0 stationed,
for Ile 0hris1mes holidays,
A. Erving and bride, of Alban, Ont.,
were guoste at Melville manse for a few
days while on a bridal tour, Mrs. Eta -
Mg 18 a 1)1000 of Mrs, (Rev.) Ross.
li`ltx' r
patrfotr, of Gmdar;clt, was
visiting Ws brother and other old friends
in 13ruseele this week while en route to
spend Cltriebucias with .his parents at
will be ready for oaoupanoy in about
'a1..^n lveeke,
Rev, n. t .•1,, B, D„ of Guelph, will
d at oh aunlvoroary., L1,.5eo11n
batch, Brussels, 'hilt
t Sabbath;bbaabath at
10:80 0. m, and 7 p..tn, He is an able
preacher and his many old friends here
will be
pleased to hear him again. The
anniversary ten meeting on Monday even-
ing, of which notice is given elsewhere.
Quarterly 00view will bo belthe
d in
Metbadist Sabbath satinet next . Sabbath
afternoon.. B. Gerry will give an object
lesean on Paul's shipwreck, and the
Primary class, under the direction of
Mise Norton, will render a brief program
ofsong and reoihation, reviewing the
work done in the elaee, Thorn were 284
at S. 5, lastSabtiatb.
Rev, W. l]. Karn, of Hansell, and his
assistant, Mr. McKelvey, have brought to
close the special meetings which the
have been carrying on at the Betbsada '
appointment ointment dt
rip the past eight weeks. services very larely attended and
macinterest was manifested through-
avis evidenced by the foot that 85
have professed faith in the Lord and
united with the cburcb.
Bov, 5, 3, Allin's sermon last Sabbath
evening was on "DmubOiug"-fleb. 8 and
12. Hie points were :-(1) It is the
parent of the greatest sin ; (2) It is a
Alenia for other wrongs 8 11 diet t'.
8 ()uba
and unsettles ; (4) It ltas no share in
personal advancement. Advice to dotabt.
ere :-Don't toll of your doubts to weak
men ; don'tglory to being a doubter ;
cultivate h'aith ; dont expect victory
short dittoing Ohriet,
Loeb Sabbath m0rniug Rev. Me, Ross,
preaeh08 the first of a eOrtss of dieeourses
on "The Way 10 the City of God," The
ontlioe'wae its follows ;-"Obristian on
his way from the Oity of Deetruotion to
the Wioltet Gate," (1) Tho Distress
which agitated him ; (2) The Directions
h tai
n received • 3 s
mh DifYic i `'
u ties
which be encountered ; (4) The Deter.
nti11atioli which he displayed. Thee
evening subject was “Pliable, or Starting
and Stopping,"