HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-12-3, Page 5.tecae, 1. on 1 m TT 11 T TN Tr n s, 'n, r n saleaseree ees eteee.Y ?']irifrld iCi z. I 10oheirndsred soma o reeitatione, 1113miasmal 2 tl flret,olase mcaieltl eeleetions, After the program vefre,hrnects leer() served• . Theme tanie0 •avinl 34t1101:1010 go a long Joule'( to Wee Hunting 1,•trL100 are numerous, Another wedding is mooted to take veep Gere„. 'he Winter it past. Will 13. ( has leased] the Perm of Mrs, Gibson for mat ear end Dante ltlunau• w11iapera that tt housekeeper will pro. n belay i]a... �.. � uurv:! b b,]6 wo meet Y mention names, e ».tr1 great -ye. THANicetu,r.:c I•ieavion.--An interesting service wee uoodueted by Rev. 1lr. hall in the Presbyterian olluroh on Thursday morning of Inst week. lime t' .,:Imre, Rev, ter, Edmunds, 13. D., agent for this Society, will deliver an oddeeee :. 'he Preebyborian olluroh on Tberedav eveuinu, Dee. 0th, M]srnon • r r'itn ten, -Song service next Sabb..'h or:..,in:;. The lepwortb League serviette aro proving of luterrat. The now sheds prove 1.v be too small, and they should be eulnreed. XmA13,-3,i(e children of the Sunday schools are busy preparing for the Xmas entertaimnente, The Mites are as fol. lows •--Presbyterian, Dec, 23rd ; (huroh of Englund, Deo, 211b, and Methodist on Deo. 25th. 1IouwA. Maar*c,—The following per- sons took eevantage of Thanksgiving rates:—W. Wray and Mrs. Buchanan, to Bowmantille ; 13, Wray, Mrs. Barkley and Mrs. Corbett, to Loudon ; Mrs. D. Fenner, W. 13engough and wife and Mies I3eugaugh to Wingham. tJratetteroole. Jas. Doug is on the sick list, Mian ?de tilde McRae is on the siok lint. Bliss Beim Foramen le visiting bor M sister, Hire, Pim. Petrie. Clarke 1 -laden, of Wroxeter, was visit- ing at Jno. Forrest's this week. Miss Maggio Perrie was holidaying with relatives in Winghem daring the past week. Wood is coming in lively. Jno. Mc. Babb end Neil McNair, of the 15313, are filling orders as quiokly as possible. On Th...:kagiving Day Rev, D. B. Mo. Rae place, 1) .. a nermmn appropriate to the occasion, et 10 a, m„ in the Presby. terian church. Concert here on the evening of Wed. needay,22nd inst. In addition to the best local talent, vocalists and musicians are expected from Brussels, Listowel and Seaforth, Henry Baker had a wreetling matoh in Wingbem on the evening of Thanksgiving Day with iaabt. Armstrong jr., 4th line, Morrie. It was oa30b•as-oatah•oan. The 114orrisite won the three falls after a bard tussle, Coneidecablo diesatiefootion is felt by many of the ratepayers of our section on account of our teacher in the Junior room, Mise Good, having to leave us after being reported as doing excellent work in the see ,nl ', 7 the Inspea6or, and more particularly so as elle could have been re• tained at a small increase of salary, or nt the same as she had been receiving. 0. 0, F. Concmin,—Court Woodbine, No. 100, Orenbrooir, is completing ar- raneemcnte for holding a grand enter. taiMee t in' the Hell here on friday evening of next week, 10th inst. A fine program of vocal and instrumnentaln3aeio, addresses, coo„ will be given. Concert begins at 7.80 o'clock. A3 10 p, m. an oyster and fowl supper will be served at Long's Hotel.. 25 cents admits to all. To those who only attend the concert nd• mission will be 10a. for adults and 50, for obildreu. A good time is expected. Wa.l tont. The cheese factory has dispose(] of Be cheese at 8• Dents. It was shipped this week from Brussels. Itis reported that John Govenlook has disposed of his farm to Richard Ryan. The price is said to be $4,200. Everything points to a very sa00eesful Sabbath School Convention on Thursday afternoon and evening of next week. Every person interested in the success of this great movement should be sure to attend. Mrs. Ther, Davidson, sr., an old and highly reepeoted resident of the 12th sou. of MoKillop, paid Nature's debt last Monday night. The funeral took plaoe Wednesday afternoon, interment being made at Maitland Bank ()amatory. Mr. Davidson will be acoorded the sympathy of the oommnnity. E03]anme1011003,—The Ladies' Guild of St. George's church will hold en enter. taimnent in the Orange Ball, Walton, 0n Wednesday evening, Deo. 8313: Program will consist of literary and musical selections. Refreshments will be served during the evening. The' entertainment will begin at 7,80 o'olook, The weather. on Thanksgiving Day wee anything but favorable and militated against the attondanoe at the union 00rvies help in Duff's onnroh at 2.80 p. m. llev. Mr. Tiffin preached a very timely discourse from the text, "0 t give thanks unto the Lord, &c," Rev, Moore. For. rest and MoCutoheon assisted in the service, Al the anneal meeting of Duffle Pres• byterien Sabbath school, held ou 'rhure. day evening of last week, Sae. Smillie was re -sleeted Superinteudenb and the other efficient and tetohers were re•eleoted, the only change being Mier Jennie Fergu- son wee appointed Treasurer in the plane of Mies Mary Gardiner. Mr, Smillie asked to have some other person appointed to the Superintendency, but the meeting wisely retained hie efficient services where they have been for a good many years. Damn,—Last Sabbath afternoon the epirit,of Maggie, youngest daughter of John aeowbray, tools iia flight, to the eotrow of a large carols of friends. De, ceased bad been poorly for several menthe, but only took to hen bed last Friday. lIlhe subject of this notice e11- joyed the esteem of the people of the oommnnity, and bar early demise, at 17 year8 and 0 mouths is deeply regretted. Tho funeral took piece on Tuesday ratan, noon and was vary largely attended, Rev. D. Forrest conctuoted an eppropri• ate funeral service. Interment was made at Bruesels eemetety. A very enjoyable evening was spent et the ra-union of the Epworth League of the Methodiet ohuteh and the Endeavor of the Preeb terian oongregation, held last week in the first mentioned Ohtir(1t1, The ramie was oc0upied by Rev. air, Tie, fin, who filled the bill to a nicety. Short theory addresses were given by Ron. D. Ferrari, Jno. Morrison end Will, Smith. .Ghee. Meb`adeean and Mise Barrows favored the aodienoe with two good Iway in binding together the worker8 I0 to tine city, where they were taken in the Master's vineyard. o11args by Coroner lloska, I 1313133 -vat 10. A t.vwoafei, lodge, A large reward mils offered at t time of hie death far the 1(0000(3 of 1 Mede, The 3'1 1•.ri.•., ,vn,", nktee•l Erh"a (rein Na, 111, from ,Seattle, and convey • he 1818) who piloted the miseinnary tbr0ugh Ih'E the unbroken leteet lo the oe3tkment, rd #l' eel r,e,,,e d,n••1t,ingee then in germ, "'i Bev... ,. , .,./yur tellowed Mr. Arnnatrong and labored for two years aOueptably on what WAS known then as the Elate and Wallawsmiseion,preaching in thhe na- tion' ebantlae throughout 6hie unwieldly (1rrnit, win'll lucn ahnn. been divided lute 3301,.4l oirau;W, The E:ppotnfu:euts 0,111r.Dyer'a time were called Bing. 110 W'• (now At, vnr , i❑t er UT'B (now Casth,.gn), 1loohiuK s (now 1;iatutvet), Beelc's, (now Maine), MoKee's (now Mini(),+worth), Tindall's Mew l;thel•) Following are the named of a number Wile figured in the early days as looul preaohors :—Jas. Collins, me, Joseph Oar nth, Coreellus and Jno, Carlene, Jae. Berney, Samuel Boycl, D. Collins, Wm. li•Iarshall and John Stewart, only two of whom have survived the ravages of tanto, vie., D*o. of Celliee and Julie Stewart. As siewarde and class leaders wo have the enema of O0o, Cede, R. Bingham, 1', Labe, J. Nixon, Moece Harvey, D. Graham, 13', Mann, Wnt, Moore, Rich. Moore, J. W. Boyd, Wm. Zeran, John Large, Jacob Large, 3, Griffin, Jas, Code, John hunt, 3. Foetal', J. Paterson, B, Rothwell, sr., and others, most of tubera have long sine passed to their reward. T11088 in''3 eeetter.ad all ever the town• ship, u.ay jalstly be auk] to be the fathere of LIma Methodism. There are a few of the (Love who aro ail( motive in cltureh work, and to whom the local church and community generally owes mnoh ; grand men, with ge11er0118 Impulses and syn. pathetic natures, who have given their support to every worthy enterprise, reli. gious and otherwise, Butte'rm(kiclg Iona begun again,. Meg' ; lune. u . , ed ., to 1.6110! new brink r08idene0, Diffr,tit ]' a now Ude fait about; on Gabee " his cru . Mrs T. Mills and family have 1'eoently moved to the village, Alia, Wasinan wee visiting friends in Pet retie the peat week, Mre, Fu383011 and Ella wore the guests of Mira. Putlend lest week, Doe. Messer, of Hamilton, spent Thanksgiving at his fattler's, Mrs, Jno, Robertson spent Thankegiv in+,(, visiting relatives in Kincardine. Our flax mill is running full binet. 13lr. Hudson, the foreman, hae moved lute town, Will. Regent, win is attending the Ool• Maim() in Goderioh, was home for Thanksgiving, Wm. Pugh, who has been in Algoma all Sumtner, returned home on Wednes- day of ]eat week, Mrs. John Patterson and Bars, Wong, of Molesworth, were visiting Maude in Blnevale on Sunday, Robb, Hastings, of Tnrnberry, hae returned from Parry Sound, where be NM an interest in a saw -mill, Moe Sau13e and her three daughters, of Goderioh, wore visiting Mrs. Stowe last week, also Mrs, 3. C. Johnston, Thos. Stewart has purchased a fine triple Metter from Joe. Pugh. Will. Eraser also purchased a double heater on Tuesday. The annual meeting of the Bible So. clay will bo heli] in the Presbyterian ahuroh on Deo, 5th, to be addressed by Rev. Mr, Edmunds. The Presbyterian S. S. eo11olar8 jare buoy practising for au euteriainment, to be held on Xmas eve', when a box of wadies will be given to each scholar. Will. Gardiner, who spent the Summer in the Lake Dauphin diebriot, hae ar• rived home. Jas. Gardiner, who wont 0116 there in the Spring, has taken up land, built a bougie on it, and has pros- pects of doing well. John Mitchell, of llelgley, England, who spends the Winters in Canada, buy- ing maple rollers, which are shipped to the Old Ooantry to be made into mangles, was in the village last weak. This will be Mr. Mitchell's fifth Winter in Canada. IOl o vena. Connell meeting on Wednesday, 15 inst., as per entente. Oo, Councillor Mooney ie &Bondi the County Counoil al Godorich th week. Mr. Dick, 8th line, is quite poorly 8 his friends are anxious about a Betio trouble in his throne. Mee. D. Lange:,m and son, of Detro is visiting Jno. Greenslade and wife, 7 lige. Mrs. eangham is their daughter. A epeoial Sabbath school service w be in Jackson's ebu3ob next Sa bath afternoon, Rev. Mr. Rigsby w conduct it. John amps, an odd nail wail ',mew resident of the 7th line, is not en,ioyin extra good 11811161e The old gentleman well advanced in life. Owing tothe downpour of rain Ale M. Smith's auction sale was not held la Friday but was adjourned to Thureda afternoon of this week, William Robb, 0th line, intends venae ing his residence next Spring and Jn Robb, of the same line, is improving 11 barn and stabling facilities, Geo. and Eli Manning, of Lindea Victoria. county, are visiting John Man ning and family, 5th line. The fire mentioned gentleman was a former tee lent of this locality, and his many of ime friends are glad to welcome him a0k, The Adams farm, 5th line, has bee need by John Manning for a term o hree years, It is a neat little place, an an be attended to by Mr. Manning fire ate, as he adjoins it on the West. Mr lid Mrs. Adams will go to Howick i be meantime and rumour whispers the e may take a trip to the Klondike hither his brotber-in•law wenb las ummer, Leo ]normae—Thursday evening aboo tisk H. A. Shaw, 2nd non., was fiuiebin p a job of 0leaniug up some wheat. 11 ad the granary door, opening outside pen. His little 4 -year-old eon, Prank ad the misfortune, while playin round, to fall out of this door, th istanoe to the ground being about 7 feat ben the little fellow was picked up 1 as found that bis left leg was broke boys the knee. A physician wee speed y procured and the lad is doing as wel 8 could be expected, 1303115,— Wintry weather. — Some eigh8 are running, but wo have scarcely nough of the beautiful yet.—Thos. Ras ell, jr., is cutting wood in Wawanosh,— as. Clomkey is (hopping green on th th line, R. Thuell is at similar work n the 7th line,—Belgrave cheese factory ave sold the Fall slake at 80. a ib,—J ook is busy getting stone on the ground r a wall underneath his barn.—Th untie)) now is, will one old Connell b Gated by acclamation ? Next nomii1 ion day will be a lively one,—A larg nautity of fowl i8 being marketed at resent.—Football is all the rage al school gain this Winter,—Nail Taylor, 7811 ne, and Mies Mary Littlefair, 8th line, were married on Wednesday of thi8 week Belgrave English church. limy peace d proeperitygo with them, le the wish all in this locality.—Wood hese mil on be on hand. -13. Johnston, 5611 line ad 20 loads of timothy threshed this eek, He sheuhd be able to supply a od many with seed.—Our 114. P. P. le way to Toronto. Bons: Penn AliVelt MANY DAYS. --The Bowing refers to a brother of Mrs. Ian Spoir, 4611 lino, who went 'Neat out 18 or 17 years ago :—"Tacoma, pt, 18. --The badly decomposed m- ains of a man were picked up in White Iver today, near Kent by a Siwash ho was paddling down the stream from e hop fields. From the wearing apparel d the effeate Mond on the body it was (Wily identified as that of J, B. Robert- *, foreman of the Northern ?Wile lege gang whish wee repairing the idge, and who wa8 knocked oft the idgo on Nov,10111 last, Many attempte re made to recover the body with e,ppling ]looks and drag maobines. baleen was one of the best knOWn inroad meta in the Northwest (nd a Maly popular fellow. Flo was a eminent talk, belonging to Seattle b 1 tr b w s a li 0 h a w a it a sl a 5 0 la C fe el at (1 p 1i in en of so h te go Alfe ab S0 R li an to 00 ba br bo too 0 r( de pr John holier line put 0, fine aoetyleuo gas plant tato his h8rdwerc store, per. chased of a Leman limn, C Gamble t(ni,ur of IT. Fe S. P: o, 4 has resigned, and has aocepted a eobool near Brampton for 1808 nt an ltncr3000 of eatery. The annual meeting of the Atwood Branch Bible Society will be bald in the llaptieb 01103011, Tuesday, Doo, 7311, at 7.30 p, m. The meeting will be adareee• ed by the roeident minister0. Mrs. A. 13randenberger, of the Elms House, Atwood, 10 a lenient in the Strut• ford Hospital at gree et. She bee been in ill health for Home time. John Ballantyne, maker at the Iflma f:,.otory during the present season, luta (mama Et gond 81Enation the year round in creamery some distance North of Toronto, Rev, W. T, Bunt 0ouduoted Thanlce, giving service in the Methodist churola Thursday of Inst week. The service wee fairly well ,lttendn,i. All rile village 0ou• gregations, including miniet030 and choirs, participated in the service. The collodion will be forw;crded to the Bapt. let, Methodist and Presbyterian church. es of Windsor, N, 8., to eas],1 in rebuild. ing the olmrohee that were destroyed by the late fire. A quiet but very pretty wedding book place at the residence of Goo. Richmond, 12th eon„ on Wednesday, 24tH Nov., when bis eldest daughter, Kate, was join. ea in marriage to John Jackson, a prom. inout, woll•to•do young farmer, otFergus. alt 1118 early hour of 8 o'oloolr the bride entered the drawing room leaning on the arm of her father, attired in a very malty travelling 008311me of fawn tweed, trimmed with -brown silk velvet and tubular braid. The mutual contract was scaled by the Rev. Mr, Tonga, of Arthur, in good Methodist hellion, The butter plant in eonne03ion with the 341ma Cheese Co. is in full swing, making butter every other day. They have been offered in advance nee. per ]b, for the next three months' make, bat prefer to ship it to the Old Country on ow/emission, ns they did lest year, feeling confident that they will receive from 10c. to 20o. per lb. for the next two or three menthe make, after which it is likely to drop a little in price. Thos. Ballnntyue to Sons, Stratford, will handle their prodnet ee usual. 310Taonrsv rx 13'1.1113.—Et would appear from the data gatherer] together from ell over the township that the first seed of freethodiem was sown in the Trowbridge locality. While Rev J. E. Dyer was the first missionary appointed by the Oon• femora to preach to the settlers in an old log school house, Trowbridge, in 1855, the credit of first preaching the Gospel through Methodist epectaol00 in Elrne belongs to the late Rev. John Armstrong, who came into the settlement from the Peel mission, and preached occasionally here and at Bingham's settlement (8611 Done Weet), the latter being what might bn terme8 3113 •1134.110 of the pres.nt At, wood appointment. Mr, Armstrong came bore through the invitation of Geo. Cade, sr., (the family settled in Elma in New Dress Goods In all the Latest Shades. IAoss Trimmings In Jets and Braids, all new. Now Hosiery and Gloves In all Shadee and Sizes, ladies' and Gems' Uttidarwoar Better and Cheaper than ever. Staple Goods. A full stock of Cottons, Cottonade8, Shirtinas, Fennels, Flennolnttee. GROCERIES. My stock is complete—Teas, Oaf. fees, Spines and Canned Goods. Will not be undersold, J. G. Skene. Garfield House, A1 .1{ EICIPll i _'MESSo Garfield House. OUR Opening Salo was a decided success. Wo;were not properly equipped for the rush of trade we had, but come again and come early, and we will try and have help enough to serve you. Tho wonder of all who attended our Opening Sale was how we could sell so Cheap, but as we have come to stay we are determined to make our mark, and be the talk of the country. We have taut on sale this weep 2 LADIES' TS Length, A 1 Quality of Cloth, and you can have your choice at just 50o. ON TIII1 $ of the original price. IOVERCO TS, Men's, Youths' and Boys', we have a SURPRISE in store for you. SUITS FOR ALL We cannot be undersold. Wo ate after a piece of the Clothing and Dry Goods trade, and our prices are bound to satisfy the closest buyers. As we intend to put in a complete Ge era toe on or about the 1st of January, 1SJS, we must greatly reduce our present stock of Dry Goods. In Dress Goods we have a very large range, the smallest thing' about it being r,PIfl PDi,ICu. This week, to close out the balance of our overcoats, and we have only 127 left, you can have your pick of the pile for the exceedingly low price of $480. (tom`ITTT 1 �Y•,�- F TRIC Butter and Fags token same as Cash. 8 This esLablislilnont is a "Store of Confidence" in the broll1i- est measling of the words.' r ilf11 etaire commutate hae 6 ng 133.3.: :Lateen! l to treat eeeolutely (31 11us ,•tu.0-- and q a believe Vt i1n u qt atelnentt, (leveed nrmite K ] ods to 1110u 8afw10 merit tic1e ueling ui.extreme trust 110 Mater at, wbaa Web. 1•. 131e Cloth for Girle, 54 inobee snide, 600. All Wool Gr v Mantle Cioth, double fold, reguier prim 51.00, for 8 ,;. Beaver Cloth in Dine, Brown or Bleak, double fold, epeotal at 51.0e. Niggorbead Cloth at 11.00, $1.266, 51.60, ;31.75, 52.00 and 312.00 a yd. Newest effeote in Plain Beaver or Rough Goode — 8 Specie/ Garments, 818ee 32, 04 and 30:— No: 1-131aolc 13nu411 Cloth, standing collar, well made andlerfeob fitting, 53.••-'3. No. 2--A Plain Beaver in Black or Brown, 4 large bean .i, velvet trimming, at $4.60. No, 3—A Rough Olotb, 0 large buttons, Siaeb Collar, at 57.00. The Mon's Overcoats we show at $0.00, $6.50 and $7.00 trill give you satisfaction. "Our Prim are abaolalely the Lowest," not for one day in the week only, but every day in the year, McKinnon & Co., -:- Blyth. ALLANTYNES New ERY I Raisins, Currants, Orange, Lennon and Citron Peels, X1 9 tsa Figs in Taps and Layers. New Walnuts, Almonds, Shelled and Unshelled, ase Filberts, ' Peanuts. Nice, Fresh Pure Lard. CROCK V Dinner, So;'raetlzi7a6 well, 7c'or•t1'. ,sepia',' 3.373 Tea aritcZ Toilet b'ar'e. Jas. Ba1J.an t yn e. Brussels II Leading ' Clothiers. Leaders in Gents' Furnishings. ID OU VER Know a man to keep a good thing to himself s We haven't ally regard for the lean who choles. 'When we put our $5,00 Overcoat on sale we knew the snap would get all over the country without spending the looney to advertise thein, some sizes running low. It will pay you to take a look at our $6.00, $7,00, $8.00 & $10.00 OVERCOATS. They are snaps. fie( eeel:;`lle 3=ea m v"- r—Srreelie'eraeeespa=eeCtee� � . 1 He Who Asks Timidly CO U R TS DENIAL.? i Therefore we are most positive in our statements. We want to sell you a Suit of Clothes—Not your neighbor, nor your second cousin, nor anybody but just YOU. We ask you to buy of us because we offer you a strictly one.. price trade and the best ready-to-wear Clothing in Brus- sell. If we can't prove it to you don't buy. If you are thinking of getting a rur Coat or Fur Cap ib will pay you to look through our selection which iii the largest in town. Ross 66 :Halliday, CLOTHIERS, BRUSS ELa