HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-12-3, Page 3DE?. 3, 1897 THE BRUSSELS PAST 3 Town Directory. Myr .'ar,rp, (inn ° rn,—Sabha th Ser vine al II a rn and 7:00 p.m. Sunday School at 2:80 p m, Rev. John Rose, B p, pastor. Se, Jourr's Orruacu.—Sabbath Sorvioes at 11 a m and 7 p M. Sunday School at 2:30 p. m. Rcv,,Goo, 3, Aboy, inoum. bent. Renown Cnoaen,—•Sabbath Services at 10:30 n m 0:1d 7:00 p m. llandey Sobool at 2:30 p m. Rev. S. 3. Allln, pastor. Rotate Getup/Jo Onencu.—Sabbath Sorvi' o third Sunday in every month, al 10:80 a m. Rev Joseph Kennedy, priest. SALv.trn.:1 Amro. -Her vine at 7 and 11 2 01 and 8 and B p m on Sunday and every owning in the week at 8 o'olook, at the barraoke. One 1''r,,,r.nws' Loner every Thursday evening, in Grahame block. Mesexrc Lenten Tuesday at or before full mann, in Garfield block. A 0 U W Longs on the 1st ,S/ Brd Friday evenings. of each month, in Blas. hill's block. O 0 ]l' Loner: 2nd and last Tuesday evenings of each month, in Blaehill's blook. I 0 le '2nd and Iaet Friday in Odd Fellow,' Hall. L O L let Monday in every month 1n Orange Hall. Sots os Sao7x.o D, let and era Tnes- daya of 02011 mouth, in Odd Fellows' Hall. K. 0. T. M. Donee, 2n3 and 4111 Toes. da,ya of each month, in Odd Fellow's Hall. Canadian Order of Cheese Friends, let and 8rrl Mondays of each month in Blas- hiil'e Ball. A 0 F, let and Brd Mondays of each month in Odd Fellow's Hall. Home Gowan, and nil 4111 Friday oven. Inge in Dlashill's Hall. Pose OFrwr.—Ofhoe hours from 8 a. in. to CIO p. rn. Muounxics' Ir miss.—Library in Holmes' block, will be open from 11 to 8 o'clook p. m. Wednesday's and 3:30 to 3 and 0 to 8 Saturdays. Miss Minnie Mo. Naughton, Librarian. Town Connoxn,—W. H. Kerr, Reeve ; Geo, Bamber, Geo. Thomson, R. Lea- therdalo and R. G. Wilson, Counoillore ; F. S. Scott, Clerk; Thomas Kelly, Treasurer ; R. Hingeton, Assessor and J. T. Roes, Oolleotor. Board meets the 1st Monday in each month. SonooL Boenn.—A. Koenig, (ohair- man,) D. 0. Rose, J. G. Skene, Jae. Turnbull, A. Conley and F. Von. stone. Seo.-Treas., R. K. Rose. Meetings 2113 Friday evening in eaoh month. Pu x.io SonooL TuAo11011s,-3. H. Oam. eron, Principal, Leon Jackson, Mies Downey and Mies Ritchie. Beane r: Hasse.--R03ve Kerr, 018011 Scott, A. Stewart, T, Farrow and Wm. Jewitt. Dr. MoNanghton, Medioal Health Officer. FA11.SIER JONES' EXAMPLE. "I was only just a-thinkio'," said Panner Jones ono day, "A•goin"'long a•ridiu' to the oily on my hay, A Burnie out tor mud -holes an' a.sinkin' in the road, Always geeiu' an bawin', for fear to spill the load. Why can't we farmers have a road like city folks you see, Where all fine rigs and things like that can be kept as olean's oan be ? An' no tnruin out fey mud boles, nor worr'iu' your horse to death, Nor haogin"round about Dome plane 'til the oritter'e found Ito breath. 'By gosh 1' sez I, 'I'll fix my road along my farm an' see If all the neighbors take the hint an' do the same a0 m8.' Well, then I begin a workin', an' first it seems likeplay, But I had my men a-helpin' till the closin' of the day, An' every day that I could spare was gradin' that 'ere road, An fixin' thioge so that a horse oonld easy pull a load. At last the job was finished, but it didn't seem to pay, As the neighbore was only thinkin' an' a-wonderin' what to say. But they kinder got ashamed of theirs, an' seemed to take the hint ; So they begun a-workin' too, to make their road like flint. Bt Iaet the roads wee all alike, so you couldn't tell their linkin, An' I am powerful glad' said Jones, "that I begun a.thinkin' " DAVID IIUI1IE ca THE DRUNK. ARD'S DREAM. Beside a hawthorn hedge hi bloom, Beneath the moonshine white, Lay what man knew as David Immo ; But he was gone Una night. $e stood upon a boundless 0ea, A sea of deep morays ; Its depths would never sounded be, Its limits none would pave. Nor was there beast, or bird, or tree ; Of O 1 note' en en a trace. Ae far me he could hear or gee 'Twos still the self•eame plane. life strove to walk, be strove to creep, But every effort made Still deeper lodged him in the deep— He shouted loud for aid ; Still loud and louder did he shoat, In agony slid groan, Yet no ono 08111s to help him out, For he wag there alone, But now did David roll around dud now he op'ed hie eyes, Rejoiced when by the hedge he found Himself 'heath moonlit ski85, On a bench in a noisy room, Where high filled goblets foam, The visible of David Ilume— But he was not at home •, For he sat in a light cameo Helpless, with oars in hand, Borne by a headlong torrent through An unknown, flowering land. Its Incite were gardens wild and fair, With Bless and ehrnbb'ry green, By elope and flat and here and there A oliff oe dark ravine ' And myriads of boats basfde Down with the current flew, One boatman in each ono did ride, And 0x011 was helpless too, sP .f CiAi, lU rug, ' _ y t�' t i t+ t'tii,:rif71,14'11:1t'ti 1'r.!'li •,.. 1 11t.1.NT. 7.'hero is never ' 9 1 is nota day of eh some homes, Lake year job woric to the job office and he reaps, he must find vlatlme 80 where. Now Rile horny. now that must contribute a sheaf to his tir sickle. Has he recently visited yoi And aro yon saying, How can we thankful and sing songs of praise ? 1 borne go dosolabo, and haeme so sad, Dan we make melody ? Dear bereaved Duos, look nil dire your tears and trust the great Giver 0 life. IID has 0n1•y taken your troaaur tt seta retreat. Ile bee only protea your loved ones from earth's rude bla Ile has only called your darlings a 11 in advance of yourselves. Were there depth for you, how dreadful, then, wo death be for any 1 'Tis only a little w ere we shall tallow on. The pro cyder is the beet order. The living b the dead, and the are 111 turn buried other living. The paeeing of the gen ati0n0 lea gradual prooess. Our t will coins. Sorrow i0 helping to 118 for the change. As the oharme are be removers, oar hearts are becoming m re0000iled to this our inevitable remov 13eaven brightens as earth growe da Loved ones on high attract us from lov things below. By and by our willing 1 will take up the entatic song : "The earth recedes ; it disappears Heaven opens on my sight, my ear With Bounds seraphic ring. Lend, lend, thy wings, I mount, 18 0 grave, where is thy victory, 0 death, where is thy sting ?" A Puzzled Japanese Official. A distinguished Japanese ofiieial vies ed New York recently, and a member he munioipal government„ who ha been in Japan and can speak the langna that country, undertook to show hi around. "Is that official making an arrest ? sked the Japa0ese, as he saw a ma top a milk wagon. "Not exactly," replied the offroba 'Ho is a milk iuspootor, and hie duty i nder the law, to see that no imp= ilk is sold in the city. If the milk i iI right he will let the milkman pass on therwiso he will arrest him." ''What is impure milk ?" "Milk that is mixed with chalk o eBay." "Is tee chalk a poison ?" "Oh, no ; it imnaira the quality — Ws all," Dons water in milk make anybod ek ?" "Why, of course not 1 But when erne pays for milk he wants milk, no ater, which he arm get for little o othing when he desires it. It is iudle on the publio to put water in ilk." "But you say no one is hurt by it 2" "Feelings are hurt—that is all." Soon after they passed a low corner loon, when the door opened, and a man he came staggering out tripped, struck -e head against a lamp poet, and fell avily on the sidewalk, where he lay as o dead. What is the matter with that man ?" ked the foreigner from Japan. 'Full of benzine," replied the mnni0i. 1 officer with a glanoe of disgust. Benzine 7 What is that ?" 'It is the name wo have in this conn - for poor liquor—poor whisky, you deretand." s there auy good whisky ?" '011 I yea there is good whisky ; but mo''8aloone eau make more looney eel. g bad whisky." Had whisky is poison ?" 'Deadly poison, sometimes." Has a man a, licence to sell whisky, e ae the milkman has to sell milk ?" Of course', or he wouldn't carry on 111005." And do you inspect the wbislry as do the milk ?" 'Never." Yet there may be poison in it, while k is adulterated with chalk or water t does not harm in particular, you Ahem 1" said the city ollieial, twist - about uneasily, "let's look at the rkets." t the markets they found officials eating the meat that was on sale. What do they do that for 7" asked Japanese. To see that the meat ie healthy," was If reply. l man should eat a piece of un itn ne ., it, .IU,l tv1L.t ile ,t eet':1 13 ✓ lla heartfelt thanks, Then he oan thank t11 a Ilan cog ivtng whioh printers and they oan thank their grocers. udowe in 9 Dea:h le abroad reaping hie harv0ste, If 1',h: u I i 1. laulr f.t G.END US A HAND. Iu view of the improved theme, we hope to very materially increase the already large olronlatlou of Tun: 1'ue'r. Wo would 11110 to have a 00113 in ovary household in the county, T10, Pos's'e constituency is too Ilam hiding of Ilurua. 14701y week it gives n0888 front every ereeliolpality in the Riding, and is, consequently, an in, Wresting tad usolul to the peoplo of ono munioil,lality as it is to those of ainther. In addition to this, it gives a sallloient eummal'y et the n01y0 of the world to keep Be readers, posted 14 what is going on not at home only, but thro0g]lout the entire world. So thab fl: h !Terson can only take ono paper, Ton Posy is the paper to take, an it gives alat the horse news, and much news from abroad in a condensed and most attraotive form. In order, therefore, to enooterage a large inoreaae in its Oiroll1atie1l, WO make the following liberal oiler, We will give Tui: Pose from NOW, until the First el Jan. uary, 1890, for the prima o1 ono year, One Dollar paid in advauoe. As we do not want our Monde to work for us for nothing, and els re do want them to work for us, we make Ibis further liberal offer ; Any present subscriber who will send 110 three new names ou the shove terms, a000mpauied by tho money, will be given a copy of Tutt Poe for one year free. Half an hour's work on the part of any ono of our present subsoribere will enable them to have Tine Pon next year for nothing. New subsoribere from outside the limits of tho Riding will nob count in this offer. This offer should secure ue at least a thousand new names before New Years. He knew them all and yet knew none, Nor was there one did know Who gave bhs boats, or where begun That cruise, or where 'Would go ; For all heti slept. To row ashore He strove with some. Just then Did David fall upon the floor And glad was he agabo. Low ]ay, in the hospital's gloom, Amid the tainted air, The feeble form of David Hama, Bat he was far from there ; For with ten thousand boatmen, he -- Each iu his own canoe— Upon a river wide and free Drifted the billows through. A pilot to them came and raid Thus farther do not go, A stormy ocean lies ahead ; But follow mo, I'll show A harbor where a ship awaits, 'Twill safety carry all To a sacred oity, whose gran Are gold. and streets and wall." Some, heedlessly, still drifted on, Some scorned hie warning kind, Soma followed, but not far had gone, Yawned hopelessly behind ; But David followed with a few, They raw, far off, the wall— Just then hie dying breath he drew And 'woke where who shall call. t1E5105 'FREU,liPfiS. "I understand that Rudyard Kipling is paid two shillings a word for his poetry," said the soulful poet to the hard-headed editor. "Now 'you don't pay me any, suoh price for my poetry." "I oan hardly pay you two shillings a word ; but look hero : I'll give you two shillings a line for a abort poem.' Next day the budding poet returned with this : THE COURSE OF T,RUS LOVE. I. John Yearns Jane Turns .Byes Meet, Love Sweet l Jane Stops, John Pops. Both Wed— 'Nough Said. II. John Mad, Jane Sad. Both Fight ; Sad Sight 1 Whole Week Won't Speak. Re. Course Di. Vorce. The editor oonnted the lines, paid the money, saying, "I aro beaten for once. I thought you were only a poet, but you've got brains." Temperrt,nco. At Hamilton, 0., on pay day, n student of goofs' phenomena witnessed a trans. action of very great signieoanoe, whioh shows how the saloon helps business. As the employees approaohed the oaehier's desk, our otudent observed that one of them was accompanied by the oolleotor of a saloon, to whom be authorized the smellier to pay the amount due, according to the bill. The cashier obeyed in. struations—paid to the collector the amount of hie claim, and the employee the balance of his wages for that week, After the saloon keeper's claim had been met, the workingman received five Dents, Our "student" curi0no to know more of hie life, went to his home, and (earned that hie wife was then engaged upon the third waebing for that week. At the recent State Convention of Iowa prohibitiomste a committee was ate. pointed to devise plane for the erection of a monument to the memory of Bev. ibIr. Iladdook, who was murdered in that State a few years ago by emissaries of the saloon element. "What's whioky bringing 7" inquired a dealer in the Vile stuff. "Bringing men to the gallows and women and ohildron to want," wag the trethful reply, me' one, Glees 105 ? be Vida 11088 13511 f all e to tad stn. the no uld bfle enb ury by er- ern ne ing ore al. rk. ed ips s y; of d ago m n 0, re a. 5 r 0 a b 0 a • u m a w til ei v esu m en iv hr he 011 (85 pa try nn 00 • lin earn bus you • mil tba say illg ma in p the the healthy meat would he stumble on the sidewalk and split hie head open against a lamp poet, as the man did coming out of the saloon 7" "Would watered milk doit?" "Why, certainly not 1" "Yet you inepeob meat and milk, and let men sell poisoned whisky, that kills people, as much as they please. I oan'b understand your country." And we ask who oan 2— WHAT A LIE. An Editor Says That It Takes fltouey to non a Newspaper. "It takes money to run a newepaper." —St: John (Kan.) News. What an exageration ; what a whop- per. It has been disproved a thousand times; it is a oleau oase of airy fanny, It doesn't take money to run a news. PPene¢ er; it a nwithout o n n r o I a charitable insbitutiou, a begging cone caro, a highway robber. B'Godfrey the newspaper is the 0blld of the air, a creature of a dream. It can go on and on and on, when any other eoneer0 would be in the hands of a reoeiver and wound up with cobwebs in the window. It takes wind to run a newspaper ; it takes gait to ran a nowepaper. It takes a scintillating, amrobatio ilnaginatiou, and a half dozen white shirts, and a railroad page to run a newspaper. Bet money—Piokles to Betsy and six hauds round, svho ever needed money 01 con- dnoting a newspapet'. Kind words are the medium of exoltange that do the busi• nese for the editor—kind words and ohnroh social tickets. When you see an editor with money, watch him. H'e'll be paying hills and d1sgraoing hie profession. Never give money 10 an editor, t1oke him evade it out. He likes to swap. Then when you die, after having stood around for years and sneered at the edi- tor and hie little jim now paper, be sure aid have your wife gond in far throe extra copies byone P n of your weeping obildren and when elle reads the geuer. MIS arid ton0hing notice about you, fore. warn hoe to neglect to send 103 to the editor. It won hi overwhelm him. Money is a eorrnpting thing. The editor ;,:..w iia as church names. Got your lodge letter )loads 211(1 stationery printed out of town, and then flood the editor with beautiful thoughts In resoitltiorls of respect and cards of Bethke. They make gook spicy reading, and when you pink it up idled with thoau;;Iowing a1,cl vivid mortuary articl05, you arc so proud of your little pallor : But money, 000011 the ilithy thing. Don't lot the pure, iunooeut edi» for know anything about it. Beep that for sordid tradespeople who charge for their worse, Thu editor givnebh. bounty away, The Lord loves a cheerful giver. He'll take care of all the editors, Don't worry about the editor. Ile has a ober. ter from the state to cot as a door mat for the community. He'll get the paper out somehow ; and stand up for you when you run for °floe, and lie about your daughter's yo r bigf oted sone when they got a 31 per week job, and weep over your shriveled soul when it Is released from your gaeping body, and smile at your giddy wife's aeeoud marriage. He'll get along. The Lord alone lcnow8 how—but the editor will get there somehow. Canadian INT ews. William Mack was nominated as the Liberal candidate for Stormont in the Ontario elolions. Stewart Paieley, the victim of the Mount Albert robbery, and mise Jessie Lapp bave been married. Jas. Heaelfp, switohman on the Grand Trnnk, Toronto, fell nndere the yard engine and was killed. The steamship Turret Cape, Montreal to Avonmouth, ie on Vallier Bank, south shore, one and a -half miles east of St. John's, Que. A boy'e conscience is that part of him whioh prompts him to eat all the sweets to keep them from making his little brother ill. A lady who has recently returned from a Mediterranean trip eays, that as the ship was leaving the harbor of Athens o well-dressed lady passenger approached the captain, who was pacing the deck, and, pointing to the distant hills covered with snow, seised, "What is that white stuff 00 the hills, captain 7" "That is snow, madam," answered the oaptain. "Now is it, really ?" remarked the lady, "I thought se, but a gentleman just told ole it was Greece." t--^_—. The Ronald. Fire Engine Works, evete BRUSSELS. We are prepared to do any kind of Machine Repair Work with dispatch and on very Rea- sonable Terms. When wanting anything in the line of Engines and. Boilers, stationary or portable, we would be glad to have you ask us for quotations as we think we can BEM y011 money. We have also on !land all kinds of Repairs for Engines, Boilers, Steam Fittings, and can also execute any orders for Brass w01'k. Nickle Plotting a Specialty, Ronald Firs kite Works, BRTJSSELS. LLituLLLLltdi LLtvASLLLLLL1:liLLLLLL LLLLLLLLIt.'e seal Aterom,. ® THE - C Great Offer '.F'® 11 0 The London Free ressN 1 The bsiroirng ieh,'s�rp 1011 l greatly, J following groat olfor to the e fa, v, , and stockmen of Canada whereby 91,2- p scribers to. weekly :tree Prom will ret One Year's Paper Free, The Irree Press hos made atrringe. Incas svdth the '1 ntellnary Tense 1'I'bl1shingK Co, far o number of copies of then' boost, 11101'l(elinmy *ince," the pique of 1, h,rh , ee 10. Pits book l:roets hilly dot in pbun Iam„nuge the Anatomy, Diaeitswi and 'Trent((lout of Deineatia 1Lnlnntie and POO ltl,, 11130 oentainingI1 a full de',, iia ion or iNodielno and ltortipta, rap that every farmer eau be his own veterinary. $3.00 2.0 ) The Weekly 3,or 1 u•sa 0 n I Fara, 011,1 HOMO f01.01111 y(A( (in•ir0 :,1 ml end - (Cady 0f the Velorinary Silvio.. ilml10 - ,91.0(1), Both will b, mdllyd le any a1 - dregs noon the roeel 80 of Two Dollars, Ito net. nllss this elnn11,0, 11rn eann"t 0) afford to continue chiseller lniintlrillels% Our oftject, in malting. It now is I." sec u'( an 1011110(1 la 0 ('0:;10,50i,'11,1, 0 lose r ▪ liberal offer (night 1'011 to worn,). 110 member, by winding 32.20 for the book yen get the R ('0ktt 'Free Press and v. Vitrm and Yeses 0151; YEAR poise. A Wanted nn tad vu••a•1 • g everywhere. acro. Address all comnlumcationr to the Free Press printing Co., London, On IMMIIvtranrrrnnrtrrmrrrrrINVIIIMnn W .tuts star Lane. ifoYA1, 111A1I, S'1'E411SitIPS. Between New York awl Liverpool,' via Queenstown, every Wednesday. As the steamers of this line carry 01,13 a atrlo0y hulloed number is the 11x80 and saeoun passengers are 10011ad1 00e001 ur1l n t1,2101 intendingylUp plieatton for berths le necessary at this sea - sea. Fc.r BLa ,,7 it,..a, a Cc., c2ply 19 W. H. Kerr, Agent, Brussels. cLEOD'S S,3ratem Iter.ovato —ANA 0010031 -- TESTED REMVIEpDIE3 SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpita- tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur. algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con- sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregulal'itiee and General De- bility. LARQRATOiRY, W®1DERICH, ONT. T. M. McLEOD, Prop, and Manufacturer. Sold by J118, FOX. Druggist, Brussels. 7,, plug Vtr111 r1ta:Z.e'' �'..` a weld WW2 ld� H4'? *Via 0f .0171 811051 ra000soo rho 000711 •-T• ~— are(L•ra rw roan wears, P10081 sinus, all Nervou, Eloesser, eloopies0. 8858, Mika. 14 3180(007, N1RItly 7to'lor:ons,grR ren - 1 :1 •r, 3.11..0,'. ate„ 1'85006 by vast '4,"08- 01886 ,1507 sed 51.0 to ohrun0on organs, eon quickly but surety reams!, Lem. 1001)1e00 in old, and WON' oe8o,lo,,3 IOBI(0001 bye osf10In p8..., wroppoU grow r and 1117°(8' (0811,0 Iran. oiwen'atica, 80,0115' ca,-r'led In Veut 500004 J'0150, 01 n pnokngo Alt lar 01. 1)5.1 moues i t either or4'lnurr or 00 10ter- f tN (0(808, .lddWse ell !otter, t0 J. T, PSIP1'3IA„ ➢nlgglet, 18000510018, Ohr., 4gont roe ibe Do- /win na or Canada ....slyer--^'•�'- AIL INC _1 1 G. Riohardsori Is prepared to do all kinds of work in his line. Good Workmanship and Good fits Guaranteed,. LATEST STYLES. Suits made for $4 and upwards. ta'Shop oyer Mefiowoll's Stole. I8 MONEY SAVED 0 EY GAINED I HENCE BY. DEALING WITH eeweee"'--- alto hull You are well served and gain money. • A fine range of the Doak Parlor and anal Rom Best Makes of . , That Cannot be Beaten. Large Assortment of Lamps and Lamp Goods, Lanterns;, Cutlery and Graniteware. We make a specialty of putting in Coal and Wool Furnaces, and Warrant Satisfaction. Stove Coal for Sale and always on band, Special attention to Jobbing and Repairs. Tilton 86 Turnbull, Brussels., HP ,!li 'TRE POSTWM I Just corn to hand a new stock of the well known Hyatt Patent Wire Bound Slates; The Jumbo Scribbler ; Biggest lc. Scribbler in the Market. And all other School necessaries such as Books, Pens, Inks, Rulers, Pencils, School Bags, &c. FINE RANGE OF ROCKING HORSES, Tho very thing for shall children at very low Prices. Goocl stock of Note and Poolscap Papers, Writ- ing Pacls, 'Blank Books and Envelopes. .Big Bargains in Photo. Albums, POST OOKSTOF d, E