HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-12-3, Page 1Vol, 28, No: 21. BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1897 W. H. KERR, Prop. WW,vJWmc,. —mvuvv'm,MIW 1ww,NLLtY+u,VeuvuLWYWmgpt,t3YveYM':i4'S,a144PagR,+Y4cnu,KwvavVm,uNvq. -. .. ... py, ,• - - .... .-. .. .. People Wo now, 4 r� I,p utga.g 37e TIIIi-- American Hotel, Bru8BC18, --ON-- WED SJAY5 DEC, 8, 18973 et 10 o'clock noon, 'thorn will ba sold by pub - lie anctinn: the Wooled.. part of Lot man bor kwu, in Cha LbtU•ti, Concession 04 tau Township of Or'sy, In tho County of Huron, containing 00 acres more or less, For further particulars and Conditions of sato see BBTTS,ilVenn,inl'o r Solicitors, 1,0114001, 1,011 001,YOnt or to 8 • HU13A'Elt, Atlotlo neer, 13 0050018, DOD WANTED ! Large Quantity. The Enterprise Salt Works, Brussels, is prepared to pity $1.25 per cord for best 4 -foot soft wood ; and $2,25 for hard wood dslivored lit the block. Cash will be paid on deliv- ery. Estate T. T. Coleman, BRUSSELS. laf'''L A DNA? Fast Service Hamilton, Brantford, Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Toronto, Kingston, Montreal, Quebec, Windsor, Detroit, Pt. Moon, Chicago, and all principal pointe Mast and West. Information as to tickets, sleeping oar service Lara train connections cheerfully given 011 application Io J. N. KENDALL, Agent, Breese's. GEO. HEYD, Ethel. The Post - v ---Clubbing Offer! TEE POST et Weekly Globe, 8150 " " Western Advertiser, 140 " " Weekly Mail, 8. 45 Montreal Witness, 1 65 " Daily News, 1 80 " " Weekly Son, 130 " " Montreal Star, 180 rr The Cash meet accompany each order to secure above rates. Balanoe of 1897 FREE to New Sub- scribers, all for the small sum of 91.00 in advance. W. H. KERR, Publisher, Troaouroro Salo of Lauds In Arrears For Taxes. ay 1401(50 of a warrant, under the hand of the Warden and Boal of the Corporation of the county of Huron, dated the 18011 day of Angust,18 7, commanding me to levy upon the lands hereinafter described, for tho ar- rears of taxes respectively clue thereon, to- gether with coste, notice 18 thereby given that unless such taxes and costs are sooner paid,' shall, in oompii0nce with the Consol- idated Aeneas 1ollt Act, chap. 48, 1802, pro- ceed to sell by public auction the said lauds or 80 12u011 thoroof as may bo neooseary- to diecbargo the sumo, at Cha Court House, in the Town of Goderioh, on Tlrosllay, the seventh nay or rteeo8slbar, 080r, a8 two o'oloi sin the afternoon, °• m n - m m es c 014 a as 1 AZ om .1 NG Es ci E., Township of Colborne. - Pt of A & 31 t, It w 72 Pat 4167 42 52 78 060 20 Pt of A 303 LBW 301 8040 205 4176 Pt of )3 LBw 8 " 118 100 578 Part of 1 Lake shore 41 " 2187 '100 28 27 Township of Ray. 2 1 07 218.5 215 3100 Village of Eerdwiob in Howiok, 5 Albert Et 8 k ihupat 1 78 1 80 East of 2 Louisa et 01 Put 140 180 East of 2 Edward N .} 20 1 80 4 Helen et N ,1 unpat de 188 4 Affrecl et S d 90 180 Village of Loudoeboro' in Hullett, Vegyard survey p 120 9 Pat G 45 100 Village of Centralia. in Stephen, Trivott survey D 115 Pat 178 1 00 )Vingham Town Plot in Ternb001y. 280 4 Pat 228 180 221 i " 228 180 Village of BayAolil. 6Ba 6aldRoadIPat 77 100 3)IllcTavish et -F ' 77 1 00 Village of Blyth, 6 3ilook;BPn,t 210 i.7 Block B 210 Block B 21 n 13131001r B } t I 2 0 33 McDonald survey 80 # " 1148 Village Of Drum's, ;3rd Snb.Div, from pat 8 88 Mill et Pt of 0 Comity Treasurer's 011100, Waf. lior,trns, 004011th, 4,80, 28, 8887. 4 Treasulror, 53 2 00 2 e6 2 25 A 13017001, 'FOY 0 POEM. Bob Thomson bought some turkeys, And had tliom brought to town, Twenty hundred Icunlsemn turkeys,. Bicap and white and brown. The school boys coming home at 110011 Spied those turkeys; line, And soon they each and all forgot They 8h0uld g0 110018 to di00, Each boy must have a rubber With whici to mall,' 11dart ; Enob boy must have a feather Before to oohool he'd start. Mr. Thereon shipped those turkeys For Christmas 1lolid ay, And sorry were the school boys The day they wont away. Oh I AIr. T.— what elven we do For turlceys in our town ? You've bought them all end shipped them a11, You've loft us goose and duck alone. BRUSSELS PUBLIC SCHOOL. Tho following is the standing of the pupils 311 Brusse/e Public School for the month of November : The names (1f plip]ls marked tviti were absent part of examination. nooyc 1, Pnto,uor,—Total, 400 : I. Crooks 21113 M. Deadman .,218 J', MnLanchlin 202 L. Pringle ...211 E, Bryans ,.232 E. Strachan ,.175 E. Downing ,.221 A. McKelvey ..148 P. S. L. --Total, 400 : W. Grieve 888 3. Peebles 203 N. Smith . ....302 7, Kelly 180 M, Friendship, . 302 M. McGuire . ,175 K. Smith 300 E. Kendall —.157 ,157 0. Allin 278 G. Banker ....105 1, Kendall 277 0. Vanstoue .. 98 P. Watt 219 14I. Hayoroft .. 04 0, Milloy 212 Highest marks in subjects :—Book- keeping, W. Grievo, 100 ' Algebra, M. Friendship, 88 ; Euclid, W. Grieve, 95 ; History, W. Grieve and 0. Allin, 68. En^rIIA1cn,—Total, 600 : R. Taylor 298 N. Vans8ouo ..287 G. Boss 287 (1. Zilliax 234 J. Cousley . , -283 A. Alibi 22:3 L. Sinclair ....283 M. MoArter229 I. Zilliax '279 F. Armstrong -.210 C. Ailin 2733 M. Forbes 210 J. Forbes 264 F. B11011011an ..20,1 W. Good 201 E. Walker ....178 D. Watt .,.,,297 72, Scott 172 G. McMillan ..2613 Highest marks : Dictation, I. Zilliax, 79 ; Arithmetic, G. Ross, 68 ; Grammar, J. Cousley, 61 ; Physiology, R. Taylor, 87 ; History, L Zilliax and L. Sinclair, 63. S. E. Bseiczer, Principal (pro tem.) noon 2. an. sten.—Examiuod in Geog., Physio., Hist., Dict., Draw. and Writ. Total, 500 : M. Skene 393 E. Avery 272 F. Thornton ..326 N. MoGuire,2813 B. Scott 315 B. McKelvey ..208 E. Kerr 903 0E. McArter .,247 I. Wiliiame 905 J. Peebles 292 D. Moore 292 W. Roach 222 W. Peebles •...235 M, Wilson 212 A. Richardson 281 *0, Backer 910 0. Rioharde....270 *A• Taylor ..-,153 L. Kerr 978 Highest marks :—Goog., 33. Scott, 59 ; Physio„ 33. Scott, G7 ; Hist., L. Kerr, 73 ; Dict., M- Skono, 89. Sit. 3110 Ann Ler. Sun.—Examined in Hist., Gram., Liter., Dict., Draw. and Writ. Total, 600: H. Johnston ..964 I4, MoOraoken..233 P. MoMillan , .858 R. MOKenzio ..930 J, Peebles —.382 R• Wilboo 221 33. Howe ...... 322 R. 1bloLauchlin 220 3. Good 813 M. MoLanobjiu 207 A. Ross 806 H. Ainley 207 N. Blashill ,...206 II. Watt 100 W. Zilliax ....205 A, Crozier ..,191 L. Ross 278 A. Smith 179 G. Thomson .202 E. Backer 172 P. Richards 230 V. Ooop0r 180 G. Melsom ....250 V. Dunford ...,167 F. Wilson 256 s. Deubow 161 W. Anent —.949 *M. Ilnntor,148 P. Birt 244 *E. Fuuston ..133 *F. Oliver ,,249 R. Ainley 116' W. Haycrof3 ,.942 *M. Colvin 109 N. Kane/all ....241 *II, Jones 86 S. Beebe 218 Geo. Aluir s82 L. Koenig 284 Highest marks Hieb., H. Johnston, 72 ; Gram„ Pearl McMillan, 54 ; Litora, P. McMillan, 80 ; Diet., Jessie Peebles, 911, LEox F. 3A01c0000, Teacher. noon 9. Jn, ann.—Examined fn Arith., Diat„ Geog. and Lib. Total, 870 : S. Forsythe 258 R. Phut 224 A. Ourrio 257 J, Walkor......189 M, Soots 252 0. Barrie 179 119. Grower .-...247 *P. Collins . , 145 E. Wilton ....247 *L. Colvin 14I 0. Mo0raeken,.24)3 *C, ]:litigation 187 G. McKay..28(1 *D. Walker 46 S. Maxwell ....288 Highest marks :—Arith. , F. Coiling, 81 ; Goog., M. Growar, 79 ; Diot., 0. Mo• Oraolten, 06 ; Lib., S. Forsythe, 57. Sa.2on.—Examined in shish., Spell„ Goog. aocl Oomp. 'Total, 870 L, Cooper .. 323 L. Colvin 276 A, Forsythe..,.821. M. Kort 274 M. Moarter.: „820 A. Lott 260 785 J. Thomson.... 814 3, Burgess ,204 A. McDougall ..806 *B. Hendet:son 248 8 88 M. Roes 295 *It. Pugh I. Johnston .. , .295 P. Lentherdalo , 280 1s R. Sinclair ....288 *E. Pugh 203 M. Aonnt .. ,278 *I3. Richardson 09 HHighestmar)oe :—Arith., R. Pugh and 2 2 8v M. MoAttee, 80 ; Goog„ A. Forsythe, 07 ; Spell., A. Lott, 100 ; Comp„ R. Sin0103r, 62, tt1L. %M.—Examined In Arith., Goog,, Spell. and Comp, Total, ,3'701 G. Rofss,...... 2337 "G. M0Letman 178 33, Iiiagg0tlln ,.287 A. MoQuarrie 176 A. Mc11k1)1au 0.286 *C. Blaohill, —.175 105 005 0. Mooney ...,350 *E, Colvin 1V.1MoGuiro 4.100 S. Liuclsay, 153. V, 1,dwards,..,102 T, Mcadowe,..,14m3 1 00 8 70 100 870 300 8 70 100 870 1017 1808 LT9ntt l90 *IT, Richards „1.35 1). Willies 185 lligllost marks :—Arith., Ti. IIingstnu, (30 ; Goog., G. Ross, 116 ; Spell., O. Mash - Ill, 92 ; (loi1p„ 13. iliugItun 58, (31.108 V.—Examined in Aritt„ Spell, ail Language. Total, 370 : N. Forbes 308 10. Lowry 219 1'', Armstrong .,296 14, Good 211. `r. '!Thomson ..285 A. Oakley 210 J. Mooney ,...281 A. Bird 211 A, Walker ,.,,208 L, Danford .,,,197 A. 8rott 200 *It, I{ondal1....170 'la. ]3btshibi .,,,292 *P. McEwen „112 G. Zillie,x2-17 AIMS DowNnv, Teacher. 11001(1 4. CL.tss IV.—Examined in Read., Writ„ Draw., Arith, and Spell. Total, 500 : Roger Deadman 451 Mamie McKay 307 Elsie Curry 445 Georgic Ruse .-3135 lova Oamoron427 Josie Doll 334 Leslie Turnbull 422 Finlay Scott •301 Argo Roes •.413 Vora Barrett •240 Willie Roach ..401 Gortio Ewen 238 Fernio A11iu ..39(1 *Loviso Sinclair 231 Bertha Moss . 300 *Jennie Moore 201 Jas. Bloomfield 3766 *Frank 1111110X104 CL,tso III.--Exce]Ien i—Victoria ]3lavh- ill, Earl Ament, Nellie Peebles, Willie 111cQnarrie, Letitia McArtor, nerdy Avery. Good—Waltor Seat, J'a8. For. sytho, Alice Thomsen, Willie Heucte'aon, Janie Wilton, Geraldine Mollwmn, Fair —Limy McCracken, Willio Mc0racicou. CLASS II.—Excellent—Vora Wilboe, Harold Wilbee, Glen Armstrong, Orme Gerry, Winnie Turnbull, Christie Grim- olrlby, Som. Walker, E. Oakley. Good —Eimer Ewan, John Barrie, Scott Ament, Florence McKenzie, Violet Mc- Kenzie, Pearl Backer, Willie Richardson. Fair—Alonzo Jackson, Cline Soots, Aif)o McMiilan, Earl Kaduig, Fred. Campbell, Hughio Crozier, Cora Bell, Minnie Miller, Fred, McKay. Class I.—Excellent—Tiati2 Deadman, Arthur Jaelcoon, Johnuie Arrant, Willie Strachan, J. Wilbeo, Mayfricl Allin. Good—Lizzie Denman, 0. Denbow, E. Colvin, W. McKay, E. Maiiay. A'IISS Ro'ontz, Teacher. The McKillop School Case. To Cho EQitor of Tula PosT : DEAn Sun, --Kindly publish Mr. Aylen• worth's fetter giving the full text of Justice Meredith's judgment in S. S. No. G 12cKillop vs. MoKillop. It is of inter- est to every ratepayer, Treetee and Councillor in Ontario. Yours truly, D. Rona. E. L. Dial:1nscu, Toronto, 008.10,1807 Barrister, Wingham, Out., School Trustees No. 0 vs. McKillop DEAR Star -The papers In Nita matter were put into my hands some looks ago, and today it Una been disposed of by Judge Meredith, who, attar a full (100ring, has die. missed tho applioatlou, hub without costs. He seemed prineipahy influenced by the circumstance of the petition to the Connell against the now school house, He said in giving judgment that the primary idea in all these matters wits that too majority must rule, endit seemed 0000od0,) that this post. tion lead in fact a largo majority of the rate. payers of the section. If so, although it was a change of mind on the part of the sohool section, he'thought it a very good rea0oa why the Court should not make any order of mandamus which would compel the building of a new e0hool house at the prosont timo. In argument, of course, 110 admitted that the petition could not have any binding validity, and that tho Duly formal action of the ratepayers was that taken at tine special mooting 16 J0uuary last, but none the loss, bo name to the conclusion that ho would not melte the order we naked, by reason of the fact that this petition Unci been so exten- sively signed. Upon the principal question 110 avolded expressing any definite opiuio01, although ho said the present inclination of his mind was that when the Statute required tho anos08- AL on Long to 110 sanctioned by the rate- payers it implied that Ruth ealn0(10n1 should be given at least to the amount of the loan. He thought that the analogy of the Munici- pal Act indicated the no00sstby that the ratepayOOo who were to vote upon the pro- posal for the loan should have before them pretty full partloulare of the amount it was proposed to borrow an11 the manner in wblah it was proposed to repay it, and he thought it would at all events bo lvr0nn, Oven if it ,roe not EoeowT.rAL, that ouch de- tails, or the principal of thorn, Should ap- pear in the resolution to which the 0020- t3oo of Cho ratepayers was given. Re said, further, that 110 was largely in- fluenced in declining to make any order by the oonetderatiou thee in doing so he de- cided ootltug,butlett tho matter open for the ratepayers themselves. If'he trdnE the Order ho would be settling the queatia1 Dually, while by ixfuateo at present to in- terfere he loft it open to the ratepayers to act at another spoofed mooting where the majority might finally dooido. 00o remarl:ocl that, judging 1)71110 petition, there seamed to have beau cue change of mind already by the majority, and very pos- sibly there would be another Menge by now, or within the nest few months. On the lvhole, therefore, as tho tendency of his opinion iuolined agaloeb us on the legal point, and all oonsiderations of expedi- ency seemed to him to weigh AGAINST 4411(11019 the order for mandamus, ho do - alined to do so, and a,, Mesad the appliea- tion, but ho thought that the ailidavits all showed that 'the Township Council, and. es- pooially rho Olorlr, had gone far beyond their duty in taking sides in the matter mid enegoeting obstacles to the requirei1001b8 of the Trustees. 110 spoke of tiro Trustees as in his vfow only desiring apparently 00 carry out honestly Cho wfeho0 of the School Noe - tion, lie thought they were lltorally in the position o1'lrasteee in the wetter, 0114 as they appears .to 1010(18 boon only doing their duty throughout, there would be uo costa neatest them, but be would Mayo the Township generally to nay its Emu Goats of resisting the 0pplioatloa, while as to our 008te he said the Trustees would of course pay thorn ouh of the general fatale of the Sohool 0001100. Tam Berry we 000 not able to satisfy the Jtldgo that our view of the law was entirely 00rroet and that uo other consideration should be taken into ace0nnt on 2110 present motion, but Cho foot that he has entirely ap- proved the oouxno of the Trustees 111 bring• Mg the gno8tiou before Cho Court, lnllgt be a olrouwetanao of'eoueiderablo satisfmotion to them, 1 return you by parcel post 110 owite, the eopios of the 110ldavit) Lu our hands. Thoth are all the pap0q.0'w0 iuuvo 18 the matter, Tentinny, (Slgued) A.13.Aylesworth, Through a displacement of a switch several care were derailed and badly smashed in the Stratford yards. Thos. Halliday, sr., of Downie, ie mire• ing a fractured wrist as a result of a ]tick received from a colt on his farm. D. Canbelon, of Clinton, shipped 1,400 barrels of applee from Stratford this season, mostly Northern Spies, which were purollasod at an average pri0e of $2 per barrel. Miss Mute Holmes has been quite Mrs, Jun. Walker has beat on the si list. Mrs. Jelin Skelton is visiting in 13ru Bele. Mies Coda lune been laid up wi pleurisy, The Buchanan family removed bo Wa ton last weals, Art, Jouoo, of Tottenham, coag vieitit relativ,•c in 13rur'eol1. Airs. ?mutton and Ella spent Thank giving Day in Blnevalo. Jam. Beattie, of Hensel!, 4468 in tow fora few days thio week. W. 10, Va00tone spent a few days the Qaoen oity bhis week: Mrs. A. Bruce, of Blaovalo, was i town for a day this week. L. 0. Dunf0rd made a business trip Toronto during the poet week. Mies Walker and Miss Annie Griev were visiting at Atwood last week. Alice 1+. Treleaven, of Dungannon, ha conte to Bruoeelo to reside for a time. W. F. and Mro. Stewart were holiday tag at Toronto during the pant week. Wm. Ross was oonflnod to the hone for 1a few days this week with salaams. Barrioter Blair, wife and son, spat Thanksgiving with relatives in Goderioh Miss Ella Inman and Fred. Haycrof have taken pooitions in the Gariiol House. Miss Oora Souoh, of Morris, 18 visitin Ther stater, Mrs. George C. Lowry, Quee street. William Ellis and wife opens th Thanksgiving holiday with relatives a Ingersoll, 1iobt. Watt was in Toronto last wool visiting his 8011, Willie, who is getble along first rate, T. Fletcher ie oxpocbed home this week after several mouths' visiting in the Eastern Provinces. Misses Annie and Georgina Burgess and brother Robert were holidaying at Belmore and Mildmay. hire.Iingh AioMarbin, of Liman, was vieiting her daughter, Mrs. Win. Wilton, during the past week. Tau Pose had a call from T. Hall, formerly proprietor of the Tare Leader, on Thursday of this week. Meg. W. Barrie and family removed to Blenheim township on Thursday of this week, where they purpose farming. Mrs. Henry Baines, of Sunshine, has leased the residence of Barry Finn, Mill area, Brussels, and purposes making her home here. We regret to bear that Geo. Stoner - nage!, of Elmira, Ont., formerly of Brus- e ie m 111. rk g - t11 1g 0 - in to e B el g n t g Rev. 1821', Ahey will deliver an se -Menge 33nussree oke r', fust ly il,ha 'i?vnnscd ti h, t.1„ W11100.. 401,011 lianbath Hein. Convention, to he held next Tburedl evening in Duff's ollerah, Rev. Dr. Moffatt, Agent of the frac Society, occupied the pulpit of Melva' church last Sabbath morning. He ale spoke of his work in the Sabbath edict and I'.odoavor meeting. Rev. Mr. Rues Copia in the evening was "I0Jitlin33 au O utliow in;',." Ori Thanksgiving Day Ilov, Jno.Itoss B. A., preached a most appropriate die ^au ,e is Melville ihurtl °u :r, t'r:: to:: "It ie a Good Thing to (live Thanks nn to the Lord." The subject was deal With from two Standpoints, (1) 1'110 dot of Theukagiving ; (2) The Reevaud. The annual lneetleg of 13rueselol3ranch of the Upper Canada Bible Society wit be hel4 in the Methodist Ohureh on Wed needay evening of next week, commencing at 7.30 o'oiook, Rev, S. C. Edmunds, B. U., is the agent this year and will dolive the annual address. Several musical se. leotiono will be given by a male quartette. Yount MoNIo'11n,—Rospeob your mini• ster, He is devoting his life to yottr good. Few, if any men ere in the pulpit for the loaves and fishes. The good man may have weaknesses. So have yon. He may make mistakes. So do you. His 50(02 may be molted, and he may have eccentricities. What of tlhat? Others have their peculiarities. He is God's servant. ISe has given up worldly pros• petits. He has assumed heavier burdens than yon know, ltespeot him. He de- serves it. Tho time was in [hie country when the minister was loved and honored as he is not (how. In the days of the throo•oornered clerical hat, tiro vest of enormous length, the knee -breeches and the silver buckles, the people took off their hats and bowed to him as he pass- ed. To speak against him or his preach. ing was, at le0et in New England, panisb- ed by fine, whipping, banishment or can- ting off of the ears. Rather severe treat- ment no doubt. But it shows the regard in which the olergy were held, We do nob ask for fawning. We do not mean to imply that your minister wants super• hated attention. But we say, respect this man of God, because 11e is living a holy life and is seeking the best he knows how to do good. Your criticisms may not hurt him. But they will injure his in. fluence. They may keep some soul from being saved. Smother your unfavorable aommeots. If yon do not like him, keep it to yonrself. ];Told up his hands. Pray for him when he is gone. One of the things cvhiole ought to be trampled under foot ie the soore0 of uncharitable and distasteful comments passed every day about "oar minister." 03 of the October Make to 17r. Cook, of ty Ingersoll, at 8 cants, Where 17r. ITar. ris evens up with ether factories is that t be got 8'' cents for W'ptrmb^r a A IMPORT from Thornda3o says the, 0 Prof, I11(441cins eclipsed all previous re - I cords at the aonoort on Thanksgiving Day. Mr, Sinclair in solos, and duett d with DIr. Logan, did an he always dove— first-claim, Rev. W, T. Olu1I ocuopied the chair. - Tgene10ANct Last Monday evening t the :;hle at tin "aura,' hr,,:., t—as - Temperance, harry Mooney 1.1 tate chair. 1 The program was as follows:—goading, y "Only a Glass Every Morning," Clove. Allin ; du0tt, "Unfurl the '1'emperanee Banner," A'fioses DI , ,'e ; essay, "Tem - I 1101'ance Sentiment the World Over," • Mise 1871110, Turnbull ; trio, "Drifting C Away," Misses Cunningham, and Nortou, and Rev. S. 3. A11in ; reading, "Tobacco," r Leon Jackson ; ar+droes by the pastor ; recitation, "Nothing ie Something," Miss Ida Mooney ; nolo, "Stop an•! Think," Mise Thum Gerry ; closing words by the President. Net Mond:ty evening the monthly consecration service will be hold, A won,', of great value to the agrioni- tyre! community and the owners of live stook generally fa "Tho Veterinary Science." It treats ootnpreliensively and in plain, every -day lan:'eagn on the anatomy, diseae08 and treatm et of domestio animals and poultry, besides containing e, complete description of medicine, recipes, oto., enabling the farmer to be hie own veterinary. Com- petent authorities regard "The Veterin. ary Science" as a standard work a,•d one which no owner of animals oan afford to be without. The boolc is sold at $2, bat the London Free Press Company has made arrangements whereby they will supply their mammoth 16 page edition (the Weekly Free Press and Farm and Home) for one year, together with a copy of the book, at the extremely low priers of $2. This is an opportunity of which everyone should take advantage. STamfsrlc87, SOU/an—Despite unfavor- able weather on Thanksgiving Day, the entertainment given under the 008p1000 of the Epworth League wa8 a decided eacce08. The Sabbath school room 440.0 given a very homelike appearance by a number of easels and piatnres and the setting out of small tables for ooufoctioa- ery. It was expected that oom3oenion- ships for the evening would be arranged by the proverbs found in not shells that bad been emptied of their meat and after the proverb had been pieced therein were glued together [gain. The male portion of the community was not repree„nted as fully as the gentler sex, so it looked very much as if the time foretold hod arrived, when seven women would look after one man. A very choice program was pre- sented as follows :—Quartette, "0 1 give Thanks," by Miss Belle Smith, Anise E. E. Kerr, A.. 13, Treleaven and Rev. S. J. Allin ; address by B. Gerry, who offici- ated as chairman ; quartette, "Merrily Goes our Barque," Reg. Fletelier, Oleve, Alibi, Will. Griffith and Jno. Reid ; reading, "Story of the First Thanksgiv- ing," Mise-Mianis Moore ; nictitation, 'My Dolly," Eernie Allin ; solo, "In the Baggage Coach ahead," Miss Lizzie Sample ; address on Thankegiviug by Rev. Mr, Stewart, of Ethel ; solo, "Don't be Cross," Mies Belle Smith ; recitation, 'Tommy Drew," Arthur Allin ; solo, 'Daisy Song," Miss Tbursa erry ; uartebte, "Praise the Lord," hisses Bello Smith, Bert, Ctmningham, Minnie Moore and E. E. Kerr, Miss Norton orformod the duties of aocompanisb ith great aooeptability. At an inter- iseion opportunity was given to answer be following questions, which were tinted on Dards, with space allowed for written answer :-1—Who is your avorite author ? 2—At what histories' vent would you most Bute to have been resent 7 8—What hi your favorite ower 7 4—What do you consider the Dight of felicity ? 5—What is the most nfortunato position in which you could e planed 7 6—Do you esteem married fe preferable to single life and why 2 —Whet character or person of every - ay life could the world dispense with oat advantageously ? 8—What is your vorite tune 7 9—Whom do you think be the moat sensible m812 that ever ad ? Many of the answers were both me and amusing and ranged all the way om the onbiime to the ridioulouo. The tanoial results of the entertainment as over $10.00, cel , 1 •d up with rheumatism and um able to get about. Wo hope he will soon be better. Jas. Turnbull, of the firm of Wilton se Turnaull, has been confined to the house during the past week, but we hope ile will soon be able to attend to his duties as usual. Robs. Mainprioe and family have moved to town from Wingiham, and will make their Name here. (lir. Mainprioe will have full charge of Brussels Electric light plant. We welcome them to town, Mr. Beckett arrived last week and has been in charge of Principal Camerou'e Department of the Public school this weep. Mr. Cameron left for,Toronto on Monday, where he will attend the Sohool of Pedagogy for the next two weeks. J. 0. Tuck spent Theukagiving Day with his brother, R. W. Took, at Shel- burne. We are sorry to hear that Mies Maud Tuck is laid up with a serious trouble, in the shape of a blood poisoned hand, over which a good deal of anxiety is fait. It is to bo hoped the means used taill prove efficacious. Last Friday Miss Annie Sinclair ex. rived home from au enjoyable visit of several months in Manitoba. She spent a good portion of the time at Biusoarah with her sister, Mrs. McPherson, and also visited relatives and friends in Win- nipeg and other pointe. Miss Sinolair was delighted with her trip and we wouldn't be surprised if she went Weet again. CHURCH CIIUIILS. Rev. T. W. Ooseno hes been invited back to Fordwieh for his fourth year. Last Sabbath evening Rev. Mr. Alum's theme was "God's call to Nations and Men." Rev. S. J. Allis will preach a special sermon to young people in the Methodist church on Sendey evening next. Morn- ing sebjeot, "The Bible." The Toronto Presbytery intend to bave e. great oolebration of the 260th annivor• easy of Westminister Confession in Knox ohuroh, Toronto, on Deo. 7th and 8th. "Thou prepares[ a table before mo" wag the text from which Rev, Mr. Abey preached 0 most eaitable sermon ou Thanksgiving Day in St. 3obn's church. Anniversary sermons will be preached in the Brussels Methodist church on Sob. bath 10th inst., by Bev. S. Soliery, B. D., of Guelph. Tea meeting Om the Monday evening following. A very interesting paper, prepared by Rev. R. Paul and read ab the Epworhh League, may be found on page 6 of this issue. It bears the title "Thanksgiving and '1'hankelfving." 14ead ib. Goon WORE 5011 EEniavonnn8.--•These are being sent cub all over Ontario by the "Lord's Day A1lienoe" from its headquarters in Toronto, petitions to be signed, asking for the amendment of the present Lord's Day A.ut, so that it shall represent the true seutimonts of the poo• pie of this province, and prohibit the do. i0g of business or work by ail olasses of persons without limitation, and by nor. potations, with exception only in favor of carrying Her Majesty's Mails, and carry- ing passengers by way of tire' trafflo, selling drugs and modioinea, and other works of nec000ity and mercy, Our En• deavorere oan give their valuable help in seouringa large signature to these pelf. tions. That should bo attended to at once, as the Alliance wants them in time for the meeting of the Legislature in Toronto. Let no time be lost, Send 90. tition when signed to your Iooal M, P, P. as the Legislature is now 1n denim). Additional Local News. A noslness man told the Editor that on advertisement in Tnn Poor-eooured him a customer whose first purchase was a bill of 825,00 worth of goods. A (1011110NI0AT1010 from Ino. 0. Ittorri. son, Clerk of MoKillop, bearing on the now eventful McKillop School Case reached us on Wednesday evening. Ow- ing to its length we are compelled to hold it over until next week. W11. Ross, of the Brussels Flour mills, has purehasod a piece of bush on the farm of D. 11icLean, Morrie township, for the purpose 01 stocking the mill yard with wood. This will give employment ' to qulte a number of men in nutting and delivering it. q GEo. CLI11e, of Wingham, who 1100 enc. easefully conducted oratorios in Seaforth, Wingham and Luoknow, was in town p on Wednesday spying out the land 08 to w the probability of giving "Queen Esther" m in Brussels in the near future. We he. t lieve he met with considerable encourage- p went by the local talent interviewed. a This oratario wars given here 18 or 20 f years ago and woe well received. Doo, MoNAuonroN'e UNdLE DEA).—The p Arnprior Chronicle, of Nov. 26111, speaks fl as follows of the decease of Alexander h Stirling, 0 brother-in.law to Mrs. Robert es McNaughton and uuole to Dr. MoNaugh- b ton, of Brussels, — Cards were Dir. 13 misted in town on Friday -an- 7 pouncing the death on that day of Alex. el ander Stirling, of White Lake, one of the m Meat and most respected residents of fa the township of MoNeb. He died after a to protraoted illness borne with the cheer- lis fulness springing from a well spent life a and the tender attention of a devoted it family. The funeral, which was a large us one, took plaoe on Monday morning to w the White Lake oemetery. Rev. Mr. Graham, pastor of the united Preeby- tecian congregations of White Lance and Burostown, conducted the eervioee, and the pall•Uearers were six elders of the aongregabione, deoeaood having been an elder for 4G years. Mr. Stirling leaves a widow and a family of seven daughters and two sons to mourn the loss of a most affectionate husband and father. The name* of the family areas follows : Airs. David Stallion, L'Orignal ; W. W. Stir• ling, Emerson, Man, ; Mrs. Hugh Ido. Lean, Manville, Ont. ; airs. James M. Ross, Renfrew ; Mrs. 3. B. Yu]I1, Arn. prior ; Airs. A. R. MoLaohlio, Arnprior ; Mrs. lobo Smillie, Maxville ; Mos. D. M. Robertson, White Lake. All bhp family attended the funeral anent Mr. Sterling, of Emanon, and Mrs. Swillia, of A2ax- villa, who were unable to be present. Deceased was born in Prescott, on the St. Lawrence, 76 yeore ago and when a yoong man entered MONO township, then dominated by the Laird of MaNab, some of whose minor personal effects are still to be seen at the Stirling domicile, In November, 1846, he wed Christen Molntyre, who survives hitt, Ayear ago this month they celebrated their golden wedding. Mr, Stirling was engaged in the boot end shoo 3asi58sa at White Lake, and for 27 years held the position of 90etma810r. He bad charge of the public library, which was started largely through his inetrnmontality, and it Wall chiefly to his pu1lio spirit that the beautiful lake beside 44hio3h ho spent the major portion of bis life wart et0010*d with tush fry by ofiiciale of the Department of Marine and Fisheries. In his demise there has passed off the Beene ono who was always looked upon ae a good oitizen, Ellioe has paid in costs and damages, 912,608,75, in connection with drainage snits. Engineer Courtney, Conductor Dunn and Brakeman Dalton of the G. T. R. Jost their lives by suffocation in the St. Clair tunnel. James Wray, an Australian smaller living in England, challenges Gondanr for the ohampiunehip, but wants the race rowed on the Tyne, At the Palmerston Sallee! Board meet- ing applications were received from 273 persons for positions in the several divis- ions. D. Forsyth was appointed princi- pal and the other teachers were re -en. gaged. 0013m/'s Mine ExrmtTs.—The oheoee export trade of Canada ahowe a remark- able expansion in the year jest ending. From Montreal, the first time in the history of the Dominion, the transatlan- tic shipments of cheese have exne08006 the two million boxoe mark, the quantity this year being 2,102,085 boxes, as against 1,728,226 in 1996. Butter exports were also enormously inoroaoed• In 1806 157,321 packages wore shipped from Montreal ; tihfe year the shipments are 220,225 p001(04 e. The producers have obtained 81t,6o0,000 for these two prodnot8 of the dairy. While the ex- ports of cheese may not oontinoe to in, crenae in the same ratio in the future as during the past year, there is a great market for good Canadian butter yet awaiting development in Groat Britain. Our shipments of better oan be increased many fold by oarefpl marketing, Co- operation along the line to send only the beet will pay,