HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-11-26, Page 66
'vire ` )T.u5sets Vast
—Is et3L1ellen-^
(in rima for the early mails) at
"The Poste Steam I.'ublisllill;; Uotlse,
TunNusl;r,s Sr,, Bsusauts, ONT.
Ts is eF SimsenIrTioN.—Otte dollar a
t t,- to whirl, a„cry
aoril ti tulle i and rat denoted by the dart
on the address Sobel.
ADVETtTinix(r 1::.rns.—Tho folfewing rotes
Will be charged to those who advertise by
the year 1—
�"ere[ Y: 1 4 i s rat men ii 010
One (.c'nnin. $0000 $95.00 4'0.00
Hall h0IO 00510 00,v0
QQuarter ” 30.00 19.00 8.00
$lghtlt . 1 13 de &.00 0;-.110
Meet cents per Inn 101• first insertion. and
tbrt c.n.,, or 1410 for each eutmequeut in.
Bertion. Mi edvertisoments measure,. as
Nonpareil -1r lines to the inch,
ItnuinosSCures, eight lines and under, e0
per aunntn.
Advertteements without specific diroa.
Hong, will be inserted until lorbid, and
charged accordingly.
ius:+ust.custo clian.;e or elecentnnn0 nn
advertisement must be left at the eountin,
room of Tna fess not tato: than Tuesday
of each week Thin is imperative.
),:actor and Proprietor.
C. 0. F. =cart on the evening of
Wednesday, Deo, 8111.
Hestia Bros. have rented W. G.
Strung's farm, just North of flus village.
Mrs. Hayden is lying very 111 at the
residence of her daughter, Mrs. Ed.
Pvke, 0th con.
-Wm. Stinson is placing a cement floor
in the basement of his ban. A Toronto
firm has the oontreot.
Mrs. Jae. Edgar, of the 0511 non., is at
present very i11. We hope soon to be
able to report her recovery.
A. Dnimage, of Lakelet, purchased the
Nicholls bankrupt stook and opened the
Montreal House up last week.
N. ? Langhiih has moved his family
into the residence lately vacated by Mrs,
Winging, on Wellington street.
The Orange Yonug Britons, of Orauoe
Hill, intend holding a box social at the
residence of Andrew Montgomery, on the
evening of Thursday, Dec. 2nd.
Wm. Dane is having the Dominion
!four mills ectirely overhauled, and is
putting in a new process of bolting, called
a plan sifter, the invention of one Carl
At a meeting of the Gerrie Literary
&wee} _eater- for the season were elect-
ed as follows :—Pres. Wm. Moe° ; Vice -
Pres., Miss Cina Blow • Sec.-Treas.,
Miss Nellie King. The Society meets
every Friday evening in Brown's hall.
The annual meeting of the Gerrie
Brauoh Bible Sooiety was held in the
Metbodist church. The old officers were
re-elected, as follows :—Pres., T. H. Me-
LaagLlin : Viae -Pres., Wm. Evaue ;
Sec., T. J. Nicholls ; Treas., R. Boss ;
Depository, W. J. Greer.
A very pleasing event took place in S.
S. No. 1, Aylesworth, on the occasion of
their teacher, Alex. Keine, taking hie de-
parture from the Section, He was en-
gaged is t..kieg leave of the children,
when a koosk was heard at theduor, and,
on it, beau:; opened, in poured the elders
of the Section. After the usual greetings
were exchanged, Mrs. Eldridge, on behalf
of the Sabba'11 school, thanked Ur.Kaiue,
in a fete well chosen words, for the as-
sistance he had rendered them in their
work, and MSC Bailie presented him with
a beantifully illustrated copy of "Uncle
Tom's Cabin.'
Perch fishing is about over for the sea-
son, though the fish are still around the
Peter McEwen bas the oontraot for ro.
building the roadway to the harbor lum-
ber mill.
A new oftioe has been built for N. Dy.
ment to replace the one destroyed by tbe
recent fire.
Chas. A. Humber has returned to
town, having completed his sewer eon -
trent In Stratford.
The G. T. R. have only laid a single
tracts along the dock but may put down
an extra one in the Spring.
Herbert Robertson has °Barge of Mies
Stewart's class in the Central during that
lady's absence through illness.
Last Sunday before tbo eleet came
down flowers enough to make a bognet
were gathered from a garden in town.
R. W. Loran will open an athletic
class in oonneotion with the Base Ball
Club in the Sigh School Gymnasium.
On Monday of last week the fog born
was blowing the greater part of the day,
the fog being pretty Shack on the lake.
A large number of men were imported
from Stratford by the G. T. R. for the
purpose of re laying the burnt track at
the harbor.
H. Lockwood, the one time manager of
the local brooch of
the Montreal Bank
las bean uppointed manager of the
Gnelpb branch,
*Wm. Reteon and 0. Pennington have
returned from their hunting trip in the
Bruce peninsula, bringing with them two
line deer ; a five year old ting vie a good
sized doe.
A jury in Judge Fraser's court Detroit,
awarded Mrs, Mary O'Connor a verdict
of 95,000 in her 910,000 damage suit
against the nity, In the Fall of 1894 her
husband, Joseph O'Connor, was empploy•
ed sea carpenter on the new smallpox
boopitttl, The building was oontiguous
to the pesthoase, which was full of
patient, and be contracted the disease
and died. The action was 'based on the
groes d .).uta representative of the Board
of ITeelth was said to have assured the
cnrpentels that they were in no danger
whatever of 00ntagion. Mee, O'Connor
is new a resident of Ashfield, and het
many friends will be pleased bo know that
she obtained a verdict,
The manual meeting of the Hockey
Club wen held ir, the rooms of the Base
Ball andel club. The election of of0°ere
was the 'first business of the evening and
resulted nn follows, vie., Hon. President,
A. MeD. Albin ; Ilon, Vice-president, R.
fi. Wiliinms ; Pret•ident, D. B. Grant ;
Viso -president, R. W. Logrn ; Manager,
G, F Emerson ; Captain, R. A. Field ;
Seoy.•Treate,Dan. llclvor, jr, ; 112800tive
Committee, 3. Williams, Mr. MoVibtie,
71. A. Field, 0. V. Emerson. It was
agreed that the annual reemberehip fee
be placed at 50 °ante, that the olub shall
not join the intermediate league, end the
dress of the olub be left in the hands of
the Executive eommittee,
So far this aienlh orders have been re-
ceived ar the organ factory for fifty or•
gang, tau times that number of piano
steatite and neige bills of bath furniture,
te t weak, and
from the 15th the factory will not oonl-
1nOno0 running till R a, M.
ST. PrTaa's ANNlvsnsasr. -- Shnday,
NOV. 15th, being the anniversary of the
opening and dcdteation of the new St.
Peter's, the 0001101, l wee marked by the
isecet1011 of the new Stations of the Cross,
Bishop O'Connor being 110000111 and per-
fecemil the vele:wont% Duly mass at 7
o'clock, and the Ilei: copal 111505 et 7,30
began the screlcec of the day. At 10
o'clock High Maes v+a0 oslobrated, with
Rev, Dena Murphy, cif iriehtown, es cele-
brant. At ibe conclusion Bishop O'Con.
nor preached an appropriate and instru0-
tive 00001on, dealing with the ceremony
of the day, the origin and purpose of the
practice of following the Way of the
Cross. At the coneluei n of the sermon
the etetions were blt_•i,e2 by the libitum,
and hung on the walla el t110 church,
seven 00 either side. As each station
leas erected, the prayers of the Way of
the Cro's, were recited by Rev. lather
West, and the choir chanted the delorous
"Stall'at Mater." The fourteen oil
painting which comprise the stations are
exceedingly line works of art, painted by
the celebrated French artist, Cabana, and
were purchased by Rev. Father West
during a recent visit to Montreal, at a
cost exceeding $800, The massive hand -
carved oak frames, which stand over dos
feet in height, are -the donation of Alex,
Martin, of Walkerton, formerly of Gode-
ricb, and are valued at $200, The new
stations harmonize thoroughly with the
other sub.tantial and costly furnishings
of the church, the church furnishings and
the frames being both natural oafs, and
the fine paintings are sustained in their
grandeur by the beautiful cathedral
windows beside them. The attraction of
the day, however, wee in the evening
service, when Rev. Father 41cl3rady,
President of St, Michael's College,
Toronto, preached the sermon. The
altar was gorgeously decorated, and the
illumination was perfect. Vespers was
sung by the choir, and the following
clergymen were in the sanctuary, Bishop
O'Connor, Rev. Dean Murphy, of Irish -
town, Rev, Fr. Dickson, of Asheled, Rev,
Fr. ltfcKeon, of St, Augustine, Rev. Fr.
West, and the speaker. This was not
Father MoBrady's first appearance in
Goderioh, as he was the orator on the
occasion of the laying of the oorner-stone
of the present handsome edifice an the
17th of May, 1896, and the effect of his
sermon on that day, was such as to tax
tbe seating capacity of the ohuroh on
Sunday last. He took for bis theme,
"The Divinity of Christ," reviewing the
prophesies which foretold His coming
and His work, and comparing them wibb
the sotnal events of His life, He also
described in graphic terse the sefferinge
and death of. our Lord, drawing from
them alone indisphtable proof of the di-
vinity of Christ. and the sublimity of His
mimes. Though the rev. gentleman
spoke for an hour and a half, the master-
ly handling of a grand subject Dame to
ee end a)1 too seem and the eloquence
which so enchanted the audience on Sun-
day evening will always gain for him as
large and as attentive a congregation as
then greeted him. The Benediction
closed the services of the day.
Fred, Rumball ie limping around, the
result of having cut bis knee with a
drawing knife.
Conductor Walmsley, L. H. es B., is on
the sick list, and has gone to Coney
Island for a rest.
The store of A. J. Grigg, jeweller, has
been greatly improved by the addition
of plate glass fronts. '
Jo. Holmes, son of Rev. J. W. Holmes,
formerly of Clinton, has been appointed
headmaster of the Public school at Shar-
on, York Co.
The friends of Richard Heywood will
be pleased to learn that be continues to
improve at Graveuhureb Sanitarium and
the doctors say that bis lunge are not
seriously affected,
W. Q. Phillips, of the Canada Salt
A.sso°iation, assisted by members of the
local societies, are training children for
the "Junior Garden," to be given in the
Town Hall in a couple of weeks, under
the auspices of the Local Union. Tbere
are about 75 children taking part,
Dr. ltutnam, (Dr. Mary le. Irwin)
daughter of J. W. Irwin, of town, who
bas been for the past year engaged in
Mission work in Ceylon, has just return-
ed, at her parents' request, to spend
some time in the home land, before con -
tinning her missionary work among the
needy ones of India.
We understand that the subscription
list which has been oirculated among the
members and adherents of Ontario St.
ohuroh towards the purchase of a pipe
organ, bas been so liberally supported
that the securing of the organ is virtually
an aocotnplisbed faot, and before long it
will be installed, Tbe intention ie to
secure a Scribner organ,
Torn Graham, Inglewood, and Audrew
ploGarva have been arranging for a
morning service of tbe eleotrio light, and
commencing on jhfonday last, they
will run from 0 to 6 o'elooh, or longer. if
the mornings are Clark, This will be a
great convenience, porticularly to hotels
and private houses.
D. Cantelon, who has been buying
apples, chide in Oxford and Perth
counties, finished up his season's work
last week. He has handled over 915,000
barrels, many of whiob were bought at
92 per bbl. The bulls of hie purchases
have been Spine. Elliott es Mitchell
shipped over 800 barrels to the Old
Country last week, and expects to put
out over 1000 bbls, this week.
Among the fraternal societies in town
Ms said that the Canadian Order of
Forestere leads with a mombeeship of
140. Those who claim to know say that
the Independent Order of Foresters
comes next ; then the Good Templa's,
followe:i by rho Chosen Friends, Odd Fel.
lows, Mesons, 005,10emeu, Ancient
Order of Forestere and Maaoabeee, This
may not be their 0000001 order, bub at
any rate all seem to be flourishing.
Only three speckle of reptiles exist in
The Bermudas export OVe1 17,000,000
bushels of onions annually,
A canons marriage was celebrated in
Glasgow, on Oot. 1st, the emanating
parties being a woman who in blind and
wants both legs and several fingers, and
a man who wants an arm, The woman
makes her living by reading the Bible,
being wheeled about in a chair, and her
farmer husband, who died a few montlle
ago, was also blind,
(7tttsetse irtle Plc •t"t'w•
Rat. Chesney, of Wolverton, le organ.
izing it brass baud.
W ellttcelmrg gnu peeled a bylaw for a
free public library.
Air. Pellybank, Oen, 11, Last Niesouli,
grew a 51 pound pumpkin.
There are now 120 bushels of wheat in
1110 new G. T. 1i. elevator ab Portland,
The German Methodists of the tenth
line of Carrick havo opened a now '1,000
There is taut at the 000011on of a new
050,000 opera house at Brantford by a
Wm, McConnell, Tileonburg, broke
his item while seeing how far be (mold
throw a stone,
The steamer Jubilee has been Dur-
eltased to run,betweeu Loatniugbon and
Pelee Island.
Win, Miller, a Napalms bunter, was
lost in the woods near Pleven, for four
days without food,
Local option wail sustained ill Picker-
ing by seventeen vmtee, with two favor-
able divisions to hear from,
Deputy Returning Officer Saunders
has been fined 0200 or three months in
j•.til for ballet -box stnl'fing in the Mac-
donald °leotion.
The inerease of homestead entries in
the Northwest for the first nine menthe
of l8:17 over 110.0 of 1806 is shown by
We returns of rue Dolmiihian lands agents
to be 352.
Now that the freight business in the
Nortb.west has slackened somewhat, the
0. P. R. are sending down additional
rolling stook to relieve the scarcity of
oars in Ontario.
Tbe Exeter hockey team has elected
the following odium :—Pres., N. D.
ITurdon ; vioe-pr's., Jos. Ssnlor ; oapt.,
R. 0, C. 1'remaine ; treasurer, II. E.
Paul ; secretary, B. Gidley.
The alien labor law is being enforced
at Port Iluron. During last week Im-
migrant Inspector E. S. Petit sent baok
to Canada seven men who bad gone over
to the United States to work.
Guarde Greer and 'CIughes, of the
Kingston penitentiary, have omen sits-
pendad for permitting convicts to esoape
from under their eharge. The self -liber-
ated men bare not been traded.
Bentley Valle, a farmer, near Rook-
lyn, Ont., the other day noticed a strang-
er Doming out of bis gate, loaded with
silverware, jewelry and mousy, taken
from his house. Gun in band he pur-
sued the thief, and forced him to dis-
Chatham Danner:—Capt. Albert Bon•
dere, of the steamer Simon J. Murphy,
bas disappeared and foul play is feared.
The captain left the steamer at Toledo
ou Friday afteruoon and since then be
has not been seen. He had eboab $4,000
in freight money in his pockets, and it is
thought; be was robbed and murdered.
Wentworth connty council road and
bridges committee passed the following
resolution by the chairman's cleating
vote : "That the city of Hamilton be
asked wlat proportion it would be will-
ing to pay in the event of the county
purchasing and freeing toll roads, or
would the city be willing to abolish
merltsb foes.
Wednesday morning a very unusual
procession of five teams passed up Main
street from the farm of Hugh Moore.
These teams were heavily laden with
clover seed amounting to 190 bus., the
product of Mr. Moore's farm this season.
The scarf, we understau-1, was sold to E.
Edmonds, Lynn Valley, for 93.90 per
bushel, realizing its Letnuate possessor
fur that orop annus 0711. who can beat
it ?—Port Dover Maple. Leaf.
J. W. Henna, of Windsor, sues the
township of Oolohester South for 910,-
000 on behalf of John Lerabee and Dun-
can Woodruff, of Harrow, on the ground
of false arrest. Constable Wm. L. 1•len•
son summoned the plaintiffs as witnesses
against a hotel•lseepsr, but they disre•
gerded the summons, as it was not ate
oonapanied by witness fees, their claim
beiog that the suit wee a °ivil one. Mag-
istrate Beeman, of Essex, issued a beach
warrant to compel the witnesses to attend.
They were arrested end compelled to
give evidence.
While coupling care about 8 o'clock on
Friday morning, David Dryden, a yard.
man in the employ of the Grand Trunk
Railway, Stratford. met with a fatal ao•
oident. An east -bound way freight was
being made up, and Dryden was in the
act of ooepliog a van on to aeoaoh, when
he was caught in the chest by the draw -
head, which slipped past and carried bis
about three ear lengths. He was taken
to a nearby alike, and medical assist-
ance summoned, but nothing could be
done to relieve the unfortunate men, who
died about 4 o'clock in the afternoon.
life leaves a wife and one child three
months old.
Old horses are turned into German
$nusages in Berlin.
Bombay is the second largest town in
the British empire.
There aro 8,000 Protestants to one
Roman Catholic) in Sweden,
In Bulgaria only 7I per cent. of the
population can read and write,
At the Queen'e dinner table there is a
separate servant for each person.
For three consecutive nights a Port.
land pusey whiled away the time looked
in a safe.
At Lennox, the fashionable Fall resort,
a l;irl ie not strictly swell unless she bas
It is amid that the managers of the
Bangor music festival will loos over 95,-
000 on this year's venture.
The sawing airalee in several Maine
towns assumed 1110 duty of patobing the
sidewalks when they need 15,
A lady in Kent, Coon., found a large
bunch of °lover in whiob were 20 four.
leaf and several Ove -lett! clovers,
Mortgages on real estate in San
Bernardine county, California, have been
reduced during the last Year 0464,000.
Great Britain has 180,000 miles of
roads which Dost 1;00,000,000 and 0,000
miles of sbreeto, which cash .610,000,000.
Tbe North 0f Ireland is justly filmed
for holiday resorts, for its beautiful
scenery, and many spots of historical in.
The Royel Geogrnplticel eociety of
England has now nearly 4,000 members
end a library of 70,000 books and
The saving banks of New York State
have 80,000 more depoeitors tend 92.000,.
000 more deposits than they bad a year
By a Onrione coincidence, the number
of lavas lost at sea during 1800 in British
010rehant ships wag returned 1,897.
Au lia:;l E I 7NE-
Torman .AtTt°ia'lq rl cq:,^
Real Estate & Loan
Money to Loan on Farm Secur-
ity at thin Lowest Rate
of interest.
Money Loaned on Notes and
good Notes Discounted. rale
Notes a Specialty,
Fire (f Life insul'anoe Written,.
Special Attention given to
Office aver Deadman's Drug Store,
British Columbia
Redl. Cedar Shingles
AND- —
North. Shore
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Plallillg I[ilis
Also Doors and Sash of all Pat
terns on hand or made to order
at Short Notice.
Estimates Furnished for all
kinds of Buildings. Workman-
ship and Material Guaranteed.
J. & P. AMENT,
Certain in its shears and never blisters.
I,;•r&". pi'OOI0 beloN',
Bos 62,Ow'mnn, liondareon Co., Ill., Feb,10,'02.
Dr,11..0. honors, bo.
Dear Sirs -Please sond mo One of your B'nrso
Bonus and ohlina. I have used a groat deal or your
KendN1's Spavin Curu with tend suecess • it 10 a
wonderful medicine. T °nue hada mato that had
an aeealt sear In and nvo bolOos oared bar. 1
kcopa Wttlo oYaurn traly, a 01L'0S. POWELL.
Dr.h. 7. 1000'050x. CQ.
Dere' Sirs -1 nave users auroral 1»ttles of your
•'Keudotl'e Spavin Cuao" with °nob s500005. I
think it the best Liniment I over used, Hate rn-
>na,rdone Curb, rue ltl°od Oeavin and htned
two Bone Soavlus. Nate recommended It to
00:0001 ce my friends who aro muck pleased with
'0011110515. 1ospootrn lly,
9.R, Star, P.O. nosaha,
D'or Sale by all D 01051s10, or address
At'. Z. J. ZC19ND40.Z- 0O.11IY.ANZ
EN0550505 FALLS, VT.
CAxr°0, Mo., ,1pr.9,'92,
I wish to inform the people of Brussels
and enrrounding district that I have pur-
chased the Pump Business of JAMES
BELL and will be found ready bo attend
to all wants in either new work or repairs
at moderate prices.
No better Pump in the market.
Order left at my shop or residence or
at P. SCOTT'S shop will be pxamptly
looked after.
f "orders taken for the Digging of
Wella and Cisterns.
Gomer Greeny
T. Diwson, Maaeger Stannard Bank, f tad•
feed, One,. 0050, Chssos K dney.Liver Pills Are •
grand ms,l gins ter rho Xidneys and Liver.
W. P C.tttttiss, erg McCa I St Toronto, re-
e-pre nting 'Uontrenl Rio( , ,t s, Marie's i ilia act
filo eagle for t),e sillier of hor,1-Ache, bilious attack
•nd cone tpel'on. li etcrywhcrc, or by mail of
raeipt "0 5615, M 15045000, SATES dt e0.
ee tweteee ate 00001101. 5710
The Bost One Cent Daily
in Western Ontario.
Cannot be exoellml 5s 11 bright, enter•
prieing and popular paper, Inas all the
latest wows from all parte of the world.
Supplied by all newielealere in Western
Ontario, 00 sent direct,
''esterii Advertiser
(Weekly Edition.)
On/4Y 750. A YEAR.
Iegnal t', nod l,: t"cr than many
tithed at 91.00 a year.
pub -
Agents wanted in every dietriot to can•
vans for thlepnblicatien.
Address all orders
Advertiser Printing Co., Limited,
Nov. 26, 1897
s., Dar'.:vii
60 Cts„
cis. and
$1,00 Bottle..
Ono neat it done.
Itis sold on a aoarnntoo by all drnrtdrte.
1t cum Iaoipient Ooasumytton and in the
best Dough and Oroup auto.
8niti by .1.514. OOES, ltrnsslst, Brussels.
1%i®NEft TO LOAN.
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or 'Village Pro-
perty at
6 & 6'- I-'er Cent., Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Cout'C Clerk, Brussels.
ISM,..: rr c.0_o'oo ,. .rraariolvzac,....linavere=xt.Yn,+.s,"w..ar..m.�,r�..v�.�.a.Rc�,,.n•., .*
After a business experience in Brussels of 20 years I desire to
return my hearty thanks to the Public for their liberal patronage
and at the same time to state that I am in a better position than
ever to sell good goods at low prices. Having two stores, one in
Brussels and the other in Seaibrth, and consequently buying in
large quantities enables me to purchase a great deal finer than I
could in the past.
You must not compare prices of ,ri years ago, or oven 1 year
ago, with what they are to -day, and I assure the Public that it will
well repay thein to call and soil goods and get figures, even if you
don't buy. I cannot give a list of prices here as I carry such
an endless variety of goods consisting of I'UUNITUILE of all styles
from the lowest priced to the best.
The largest stock of Pictures and -Picture Framing
goods ever shown in Brussels may be found at my Emporium and
they are solei at half the old price.
In Organs I have been selling thele at from $15 to
$20 lower than other dealers, but I can now sell thein cheaper than
ever. Buy the best—the Goderieh or the Bell—both of which I am
agent for.
yfor. o / mr
I prefer to 'say but little about this department, as
I have been with you doing business for many years, and those who
have called on me are best able to say whether I have given satis-
faction or not. I hold a Diploma for Embalming and make a point
to personally and promptly at�tteeenclpngy^ttoo this branch of the business.
'tom -J .. =J!` s1 I� +.r�s3zza .
At this season of the year there are often Lounges,
Sofas, Chairs, Vic., requiring attention. All work intrusted to us
will be neatly and cheaply done.
A specialty made of Ordered Work and Repairs.
Again thanking my many old customers for past favors. and
soliciting a continuance of the same,
I am, Yours Truly,
The undersigned having lately entered into partner-
ship and have remodeled their mill to the Hungarian Sys.
tem are enabled to manufacture Flour second to none.
We have also increased our Chopping Cap-
acity which will enable us to give farmers their
Chopping borne by waiting ca short this.
By strict attention to business and Pair dealing we
hope to merit a good share of the public patronage.
We are now manufacturing s special brand of Flour,
"The Ladies' Choice." Try it.
All orders delivered free in town.
Our Motto t “Small profits and quick returns."
Stewart dc Peebles.