HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-11-26, Page 4IMMO New Advertisements, Leant A. 1.o.... -.bee& -Jas Walker. - Local -•II. R. Brewer. Pink Pills --Dr. Williams. Money to lona.--A. liruiter. Crolcieele—G. A. leadnian. 11lurt;;ago -;ale--t'renym 1 Bette. New (1 ds M. leech ty .t Co, Frew store—Runnel .t T'itzpatriek. 'IVood v ant d -1•; tnte P, T Coleman. .'be 4111i1S5cls FRXD.1.1', NOV. 36, 1807 . "Pease Goa from Whom all blessings Clow, Praise 'Tim all matures hero below ; Praise Him above ye heavenly host, Praise Father, :lou and holy Ghost" 'I' V. 12TzTTc;w T. nm „reeeewet'l asei'.iateiza«l'd11..ea.e ihAWie64ise ie eete'tnG7., tteeeer a:me,f'Gkgiy1' Thursday evening of last weak the Horny frittuas of t`bathe Smith eon of S y J. Smith, of wilaghtttn were pained to erg lt L., .,, ` erect " it, chtutgo of rer;;efv l t-, ` ` ii in Owen mood but were pleased to hear ,,gazeureattommagationwasgawasEr' at the same time that be WAS honorably acquitted, the Judge doelering that he wont not of the court room exonerated from blame of any kind. Charlie bad jest been pro - motel i'tel to theimportant post of teller in. the Bank of Hamilton at Listowel. Mr, Smith spent 411'1' in \Vinglhana with hie parents and went to Listowel on 111011 - day morning, Lou Friday alter Waiting hours a man repro -tenting himself to be Philip Me. Tleary presented a ohegne for $SU on the Prank of He:milton to Jay, McKelvie and asked bin to rash it. The cheque was signed with R. Vanstoue's mane and ilic• l.eary's endorsement. Der. Dlclielvle cashed the cheque as the signature of Vaustone was ver; cleverly imitated. Later on in the evening Mr. Vaustone happened into D[olielvie's emit some re• mark being made ire asked to see the chorine and on looking at it prouonneed it a forgery. By this time, however, the man was gone Ilespatelies were sent to neighboring tempt and the police are looking for him. His real camels Boland South and his home is in Iugersoll. It is avid that ho bit several whew in town, although they aro keeping it quiet. IIe had a note signed by Wm. Boll, of Blyth, ale° a forgery, of whi„h li.' was trying to dispose. No eine to his whereabouts has yet been found. , Ste Oi.ivi t 1low.rr, the well known and veteran Cauadian statesman, after giving over Balt a century of public service to his country, has retired froen pnblio life— in so far ae the position of Lientenaut- Governor of Ontario includes retirement. We believe no English-speaking states- man has c' er held eoutiutmttely fur near- ly a quarter of a century the office of Premier of a Province. His high states as a jurist, which hat been vindicated by repeated decisions of the Privy Council of Great Britain, admirably qualified him for the office of Minister of Justice in the Dominion Government. But all other claims of Sir Oliver yield to that of his true Christian character. He has "worn the white flower of a blameless life through all this tract of years." Even his political opponents join in honoring his unblemished character. It is no light thing that the distinguished Premier of Ontario should, turn aside from the cares of State to prepare for an able essay in the intereots o1 young people on the "Evidences of Christianity," and that his pronounced sympathy leas over been given to every social and moral reform. We wish for Sir Oliver, in the exalted posi. tion of the Lieutenant -Governor of On• tario, years of °outinned usefulness gad happiness. Tens is Thanksgiving time and surely if any portion of the round world has oc- casion to give thanks, it is this glorious Dominion of ours. Canada has certainly been well boomed in this Jubilee year. Following the brilliant reception of Premier Laeri.'r and Canadian contingent in Loudon, the discovery of gold at Klon- dike and Wawa, and our splendid har- vests, are advertising our oonntry through- out the civilized world. The gold of its wavingwheatiields is, we judge, a toner wawa of prosperity then the nuggets of the Klondike or the anrifet'ons quartz of Roseland. In a mining lottery there are many blanks. In our farmiug industries here are prizes for all. We trust the vigorous immigration policy will attract to our shores a sturdy phalanx of found• ere of Empire. We hope there will be no retaliation, for retaliation's sake, on the, as we judge, nowise discrimination of the American Protective Tariff against Canada and other countries. Already the Attorney•General of the' United States has interpreted the clause which it was feared would give a ton per cent. discrimination against our railways and steamships, in a sense favorable to Cana- dian interests. Let ns rather cultivate a large.minded and liberal policy, that shall command the respect of our neighbors and the respect of the world. We heart• ily concur with the following words of the Chicago Western. British•Americau "We trust that ere loug wiser and more generous counsels will prevail, and the two countries be brought into more friendly relations that shall exclude all such iniquitous disoriminetion and un.• worthy rivalry as have led to the present nncomfortebie tension between the ttvo countries." 0 Walt on. Mrs, M. Morrison is recovering nicely after a severe' :moll of sicknese. We ate pteaeed to announce that Roble Frailer, who has been dangerously ill with inflammation of the liver for the past five weeks, has taken a change for the better. Ilis many friends hope to hear of his speedy convalescence, du interesting time is anticipated at the eext reeuiar meeting of the Debating Society, Friday evening, Deo. era, when the all important subjeot, "Whether the Franchise should be exteuded to woman or not," will be discussed. L, Smith and othere will champion the cause of the ladies while Jae, 14ioFadzean and his sup - potters will endeavor to prove that women mast be kept out of politics, SII\LAS' SCHOOL CONVENTION,-- The seventh meeting of the Walton Union Sunday School Association will be held in Duff's church, Walton, on Thursday, Deo. 911. The following is the program : First session, commencing at 1. o'clock p. m.—Devotional exercises ; "What are we here for 1" Wm, Pollard ; "Relation between Teaoher and Scholar in and out of School," G. Barrows ; address to children, Rev. Sir. Tiffin or Rev. Mr, Ma- Oateheon ; "How to euoomrage the Steady of the Bible in the Home," D. knight ; "Review of Paul's Life and Works, as Recorded in the Acts," J. Smillie. Sec- ond session, commencing at 7 p. m,— Opening exercises ; address by President elect, J, Moore ; eclareee of welcome, Rev. Mr, Forrest ; "Christian Endeavor and Proportionate Ohristianity,' or "What we Are," Miss E. Berry ; "Our Pledge," or "What we Ought to be," W. Smith ; address, Rev. Mr. Abey ; ad- d = lire Mr. Mtwersve. Stu!et,tn mesio will be repp'.ied by a union choir. Accommodation for strangers will be provided by the friends. VPincrIsain. The Advance has removed its office two doors North in the same building. The companions of Royal Scarlet Chap. ter met at D. Rush's restaurant on Mon• day evening and enjoyed a social time. Oysters and other good thing were dis- posed of, Some person or persons forced an entrance into the house of R. J. Mc- Kenzie, Edward street, during the ab- sence of the family, who were visiting in the country. Nothing was stolen and the reason of the raid is a mystery. The cantata Esther was given in the Tewin Hall Thursday evening of last week by G. W. Cline's company of choris- ters. it is not exaggeration to say that it wile the finest rendition that this can• tate has ever had in Wingham. The per- formance was given again Thursday night, An extract from the Carberry NOwa.— A rnrnor was circulated last week con- necting the name of 0, II. Irwin, now lay. ing in Carberry, Man., with arrest on charge of the robbery of $80e, The re- port was a false one, probably springing from the fact that bo had been talking to the victim a short time before it occurred. George was not arrested, not even as a witness. PErisonAta.--Iira. Dean and Mrs. Har- riston of Toronto, are visiting their mother. Mrs. Thee. Moore: --Miss Lena Bowie returned to her home in Battle Creek, Mich., after a visit of some months with her grandfather, James Loutit.— John Law, of Sarnia, returned home on Monday after a few Jaye' visit with R. Kinsman and wife,—Mies Bettie Orr re. turned to Wroxeter on Monday after visiting hot sister, Mrs. S. Borden, for a few days. --W. J. Fleuty moved hie house. hold effects to Blyth this wook.--H. Kerr and wife returned on 'Tuesday froth at• tendance at the funeral of litre, Kerr'e father, gamee Cluff, of Goderich town• chip, Thoroughly Grateful. MR. STEPHEN BELISLE GLADLY TELLS HOW HE WAS CURED, S 1'1;11 ttr new line of Axes at 05c and 00c sell at sight, nice Tooth Saws at $2.75 guaranteed. 1ot11es Wringers for $13,00, G oz. bottle of Sewing Machine Oil for 10c. Gallons American Coal Oil, and the latest improved, 5 gallon can for $2.50. DEPARTMENT ---„N4-TI-I E`'4' 1iJces1 Sty1 —IN— S U T T,Rt and. VE13 ATS Consists of Granite, Diamond and Nickle Wares. Nickle Plated Copper Tea Kettles and Copper Boilers at prices that please. Pure Lead Lamp Glasses at the price of common ones. OM .N R p `' u M a S 000DS S a Consisting of special lines of Silverware and Lamp Goods at prices that will surpriso. Wedding Presents and Silver Tea Sets a specialty. Be sure to see our Hanging Lamps. A $20100 Silver Tea Set for $17J10 by being one of six or more to give tis your order for a set. A sam- ple of the set may be seen in our store. It consists of 5 pieces quadruple silver of handsome design made by Simpson, hall, Millar & Co., of 11Iontreal, with their: name stamped on every piece. r ----Cash for Hides, Furs and Sheep Skins. Atter Other Iters iedies Failed to Help Ulm Dr. 'R'lluams' Pinar fills Mode Ulm Healthy lean. Frena the Itloutreal Eerald. Down on William street the bulk of the butter and cheese trade is done and it is there that the Montreal oold storage and freezing company's mammoth build- ing is located. in the Summer time, when extensive shipments are being made, the big block is a veritable bee- hive. Several well-known exporting firms have their warehouses in this build- ing and one of them is Win. T. Ware R Go, Their head warehouse man is Mr. Stephen Belisle, who, as his name indi. cates, is a Freneh•Canadian and in the prime of life, If ever there was a grate. fol man on the face of the earth to -day that man is Stephen Belisle. After suf- fering indescribable agonies for several months, he is now the picture of health and feels that it is his duty to tell ell the world how he was restored to health and happiness. Mr. Belisle explained his troubles, now fortunately a thing of the past' to a reporter of the Herald recently, "My work called me to all parts of the warehouse," said he, "and sometimes I went into the freezing room without my coat or hat on aid then back to the other parts of the warehouse to the wartier at• mosphero. About a year ago I became very ill with a complication of diseases. I was suffering with mdigesfion, bilious- ness and the resulting nervous disorclere ouch as sick headache and loss of appe- tite. I began doctoring, but I eeomed to grow worseevery clay. I slept very little, and as time went on I was not able to do 1 any work, and even the exertion of mov- ing about would tire me out. I had a very poor appetite and what food I ate did not agree with me. I also Buffeted from a severe pain in the hack and side. During that time I had tried many medi- cines but they gave me no relief. I had become so weak and my system was so run down that life was a burden to inc. I was advised to try Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, which I did with extremely bene- ficial results. I commenced taking the pine about Christmas time and now I am feeling so good that I thought it my duty to write the prom:iatora of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and lot them known how ex. t'omoly grateful I am for the euro their medicine has effected in me. I had taken only six boxes when my condition of health was a paradise to what it had been for some months proving, Mr, Belittle is a quiet unassuming man and evidently not given to over enthusiasm, but there was no mietalting his earnestness when recounting his experiences to the importer. IIe will always be a firm believer in Dr. Williams' Pinlc Pitle. Dr. 'Williams' fink Pille cure by going to the root of the disease. They renew aid build up tho blood, and strengthen the =vas, thus driving disease from the system. Avoid imitations by insisting that every box you purahaee is snolosecl in a wrappot hosting the 'full trade mark, Dr. Williams' Pink Bills for Pale People, &. 00. o Better and for less money than you would dream of. No Old Goods. No make believe Bargains, but Bar- gains in the fullest sense of the word. 'You'll find goods exactly as represented. There is no such thing as out- running the clothing selling of this store. We lead in Stocks. We out -sell in Price. We have added to our regular stook, the heaviest in the history of the busi- ness. THE A NEW. 1 Take off the old and put on the new, That neatly fitting, easy Shoe, When prices run as now they do, Who would deny himself the new ? We keep a complete line of the latest Styles, as well as all varieties of Foot Gear, Our immense trade enables us to offer it at rock bottom prices. Sole Agents in Brussels for the Celebrated Granby Rubbers. T- tiz.11i .n. cp ISEV GA The attention of the people of Brussels and the surround- ing country is called to the fact that during the Winter months Laundry work will be turned out .-ONCE A WEEK Instead of' Twice as at present. All work must be in by UESDAY ENE ING and will be ready by Thursday Evening. The Best of Satisfaction always assured., ON DECEMBER 18t I will move to the building immediately North of the Standard Bank, lately vacated by D. Frain, ground floor, where I will be pleased to wait on the public as in the past. Brussels, Nov. 3.2. Cott PROPRIETOR. `'i'efl EY SA ED HENCE BY DEALING WITH° TM g '{ ia. % irf�... ' . You are well served and gain money. hest Makeseoft the Coo i1 Parlor and Coal Stoves That Cannot be Beaten. Large Assortment of Lamps and Lamp Goods, Lanterns, Cutlery and Graniteware. We make a specialty of knitting in Ooal and Wood Furnaces, and Warrant Satisfaction. Stove Coal for Sale and always on hand. Special attention to Jobbing and Repairs. Tilton & Turnbull, Brussels. BOOTS, Q'STTOES AND RUBBERS BBERS To keep your feet dry and comfortable. Our Stook is Right. Pvion Low. And we will be pleased to see you and supply you with Dry Goods, Groceries, Eats, Caps, Overcoats,, .Readyinade Clothing and Clothin % JJlctde to Order. November fashion Sheets to hand. Call and get one FREE. frac