HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-11-19, Page 8THE BRUSSELS POST fen metal aving Away.. We have made a purchase of en extra metroabee of the favorite game of Croak- eerie. We have not ouly aoaured a better Bea'abed boned but the price is now ONLY VI.0® for the best finished one, and less for suoh or sold het sensou. Now we purppnee giving away a choice of any of tlteee 'boards to the person who will make the 'lament number of words from the letters .contained in 'OOROOKONOLE." Anyone is at liberty to try, Competi• lion closes December 15tb. Conditions— Name of persons and pla0es and any word not found in tbe Standard Didion. aro aaclac d ; no letter to be need oftener in a word than is found in "Crookouole." O. A. Deadman, Druggist, Optician & Bookseller. BRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. eO0TEERN EXTENSION W. G. & R. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows: GOING Sorra. Caine NORTII. Names ..,.:. 7:10 a.m. I Mail 3:10 p,m llsxed ......... 0:45 eau. , Express 10:01 0.63 Prat 11CtUS �tC91t . A ohiel's amang ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. Fonnru Pleb:ion Court on IWednesday, Deo. eel. NRxT monthly Horse Fair in Brueeele ou Thuredey, Deo. 2nd, Don't forget. house innate AU13UAY, of Montreal, was in town last week and perch:heti a num.. nor of fine borsch. He will likely 0tte0 Brussels Horse Faire in future.. Amnon sale bide printed on short notice and a free notfoe given with every set of bills in Tun POST. We have authority to arraugedatee for auctioneers, •A cave in of the sewer Oppoeit0 M0• Oraoken's grocery 000urred last Salm. day. It was repaired this week. The old sewers ]tart, ahont marred their day, 20 years being their record, A Der Eon sen, --Owing to next Them day being Thanksgiving Day, TEE Posr wilt be published a day earlier than usual next week. Will correspondents and nd• vertisere kiuely make a note of this and govern themselves a000rdingly. Gnornoello*E.—Capt. G. Smith gave an interesting entertainment in the Salvation Army Barracks on Thursday eveni,, of last week with a Grnphophnne. The program consisted of songs, Band music, addresses and stump speeches, rendered in very roalietiolnanner. ON account of a number of complaints being made af children using the Bide- wailt from Robt. Burns' Northward for a toboggan elide, thereby endangering the lives of pedestrians by having the slippy side up, Constable Wright will see that the sport ie diaoontinued in that locality. ' R. GRAHAM Shipped 7 cars of wheat end 2 cars of oats thio week ; Bather & Van. stone, 4 oars of wheat, 2 cars of oats and a car of hay ; Enterprise Salt Works 5 cars of salt ; G. A. Deadman, another consignment of honey to the West. Geo. Best received :t our of stockers from Toronto and Wilton & Turnbull a oar of oottl, ITNNIN0.—A Brussels correspondent in the Wingham Advance says :—"There le quite a oompetition in the grain market here at present, four buyers. One of them said to be not all there, but enough to make things unpleasant all round and prices equalled that of Toronto for a day or so." S. B. Srnale took the slur to himself, be being the new man net the market, and threatens to make it hot for somebody. Of course the item does not say to which of the buyers reference is made, but it wasn't a wise shot whoever fired it, ae folks sometimes make a mis- take when they measure other people. EPwORrz LEAeus.—The following was the literary and musical program last Monday evening at the Epworth League : —Hymn and prayer ; address, "How and what to read," Rev. S. J, AIImB ; sola, "Let me kiss him for his mother," Miee Lizzie Sample ; eeeay on "Wm. Wilber- force," Mise E. E. Kerr ; "History of 8 pin," Miss 0. Norton ; "History of a pencil," Mise Janie Howe ; "History of a piece of ooal," Mies Eva Turnbull ; "History of a knife," W. J. McOraoken ; "Steam and its ma," Harry McCrea ; "Story of the pen," Miss Minnie Moore ; solo, "Nearer my God to Thee," Miee Ella Aiulay ; hymn and Beuediotion. President B. Gerry presided. DOES TINS HIT You ?—Tam POST mail• ed notification of amounts due by sub• scribers and asking for a prompt settle. meat. Also stating that accounts long due would be handed over for collection after November. Many of those indebt- ed to as live in Manitoba and the North- west and as there have been good crops and fair prices we would like to share in the nuooess. This also applies to sub• scribers in Dakota, Miohigan and Ontario as well. It takes about $30.00 a week to. run our office so those indebted to us will kindly give us a hand. Our best thanks are due to those who are promptly re. spending and hope many others will give us an early opportunity of thanking them for the same reason. Supposing you were kept out of your money as long bee you have kept THE Posr out of what is due it how would you feel about it? THE AERIAL Tnuatc.—A. Hamilton die. patch says :—Before the City Council meeting last evening the members of the Fire and Water Oommittee got together and opened tenders for the construction of em aerial truck for the Fire Depart. went. Chairman Dixon and Ald. Wright, Griffith, Hannaford, Macleod and Hill were present. Four tenders were open• ed. The truth is to be built upon epeoi• fioatione prepared by the Chief Engineer, and it was surprising the great difference in the figures. The figures were : John Morton, Son & Co., Montreal, $4,100 ; M. Ritchie & 00., Hamilton, $3,240 ; Water - one Engine 0o., Brantford, $2,750 ; Ron- ald Engine Company, Brnsaels, $1,950. In the Ronald tender was the stipulation that the Engineer's specifications should be used as the basis of the truok. This did net suit the committee exactly. They want the new apparatus built ex• Retly according to specification, and not only "0e near bee possible," or with the specification Rn a 'basis," consequently aooeptaoae of a tender was deferred pending aorrespondonoe with the Ronald people. Demme or Una. Duxoag FenonsoN.—The Stratford Herald says :—The end news reaohed Stratford on Saturday evening of the death, at Grace Hospital, Detroit, of Mrs. Duncan Ferguson, wife of the well- known merohant of thio city. Mrs. Ferguson had been for the past nineteen months under severe illness, which she bore with great patience and fortitude, notwithstanding that the proepoote of recovery were for the most part against her. During the past Summer the im. proved considerably and had been spend- ing some time with her parents in Wood• stook, when the neoeesity of a surgical operation having developed she was taken to Debroit on Monday of last week, her husband and her another accompanying her. She wont to Detroit with sheer• fulness and hope, though realizing the dander. The operation was performed on Friday last, but she was unable to survive its effeots, and expired at about 0,80 Saturday evening. Mr. Pergneon took hie wife's remains back with him to Woodetook the next day, Sunday the 14th, being exactly nine years from the day they were married and she came with him from Woodetook to Stratford. Mrs. Ferguson's maiden name wee Mies 011ie Pott, her parents, Mr. Rod Mrs. Wm. Pott, reeidmg at 591 King.st., in Woodstock, and to whom she wee born thirtyfivo years ago. There will be a hoot of kind eympethizere with her be- reaved husband and relatives over the lose of the gentle presence that must have become more than usually endeared to them by reason of her long -endured affliction. Interment took plane in Wood. stook, the funeral leaving her parents' residence at 2 p. m. Tuesday. The oeremooy was oonduoted by Rev. W. T. MoMnllen, D. D., who also officiated at her wedding nine years ago. FLCRRIEe of snow. TEE Pasr gives the news. 3VnAr about oar Football team ? Fre coats are taking their innings. Write you ever at a Statiatioal social ? Nem Thursday will be Thanksgiving Day. Two POST circulation continues to boom. STRETIoN Bnos'. new stable is being veneered with brick this week. 'j.'RAr1R0GI'ING Day is a public holhlay aionsequently business will be suspended :for That day. A New call board with cloak, surround- ed by advertisements, has been placed in 413e Central Hotel. Guinan Cuomo disposed of another of Lie Jersey cows to Jno. Aikine, Gode,ieh, Ma doe animal was taken home in a wagon last Monday. LARGE quantities of live turkeys are 'being delivered at Brussels this week for Reber; Thomson. He will skip a car ,lead to the Old Country. Ax old subscriber favored THE POST 'will 513.00 to square np an old sub- scription, and another remitted $13.00, paying up to May 1899. "A friend in need is a friend indeed." We're thank. SEL On the evening of. Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, Nov. 25th, the Young People's Chapter of 8t. John's Guild will euter- taiD the congregation and friends iu the school room from 8 to 10 p. m. A good program is being prepared, W1Lr. Move.—A. E. Soott will remove Braasels Laundry from the Leckie block, ethers it is now located, to the Gerry shop, lately vacated by D. Frain, harness maker, where he may be found after Deo. Daring the Winter months the laundry work will only be turned out mice a week instead of twice. Sruon =Nrnxr meeting of Brussels A. 0.11. W. No. 188, will be held in their Han Friday evening of this week. The Grand Lodge of Ontario, since its separ- ation from the U. S. Workmen, up to October lot had added 4,300 members to its roll. Daring October tbe sum of $400 wee subscribed to help the sufferers in the Russell and Renfrew fire distriots. Bt0ELs Salt Works will shut down for a time after this week for two reasons. One is that some necessary repairs have to be made that will require a oessabion of work and the other reneon is that their supply of wood is about exhausted and cannot be renewed until better roads are eeoured. The Enterprise Salt Works can't be beaten In this Dominion and the pity h that they are not located at the G. T. 11. so that the long hauls in chipping would be obviated. 287 WORDS.—G, A. Deadman, druggist, offered prizes to the persona who would make np the largest number of words 'out of "Forty kinds," having reference to soaps. The following is the result :— let, Sara V. MoLauohlin, of Grey ; 2nd, Geo, Blake, S. S. No. 1, Grey ; 8rd, David Watt, Brussels. 267 words were manufactured by some of the contestants, showing the wonderful combinations possible in the utilization of the Englieb alphabet. To 100 SCHOOL OP PEDAGOGY.—As will 'be observed by the minutes of Brussels 'Scheel Board, Principal Cameron has asked leave of absence for two weeks, commencing on the 20th inst. He in- tends putting in this time at the School of Pedagogy at Toronto, in reviewing and writing for his professional 1st -alae¢ certificate. This work almost invariably consumes a full term, so if Mr. Cameron 'can Crowd it into two weeks, he will be a genine indeed. During hie absence from town Str. Beckett, of Kintail, will cffice• ate in the Principal's Department. We wish Itir. Cameron the success he deserves. Meuse BAND.—Monday evening the Salvation Army Marine Band made a 'visit to Brussels ani after a street parade gave a program ab the Barracks, before a large and interested audience, as follows : 'Opening exeroiees ; solo, Capt, Keeler ; selection by Band ; solo, Capt. Redburn ; nolo, Capt. Neff ; insert:meatat duett, •Oepte. Keeler and Itedb en ; eolo, En. 'sign Taylor ; solo, Mies Annie Pettitt ; 'nolo, by Sister Crocker; inetrumental, by Bend ; solo, Capt, Dean ; selection by 1:Wing Bend ; solo, Sister Soul ; duett, 'Capt. Pettitt and sister ; solo, Capt. 1 e0ler, Interspersed were short, spirited testimonies and exhortations, The Band play Well and look very neat in their witty sailor uniform, and both ladies awl gonte handle their respective iiiebru- artents like professionals. Several 000orea •wore etoorded the performore, the sales. '4io18s nen the stringed ittetrunrente being uttme rally geed. The Band travele from mime t0 plaOe in their own tarry -all. LARGE quantibiee of bailed clay are bo. ing shipped from Brussels this Fall, It ie peaked by Mears. Seeker & Van• stone's press, The price is low, owing to Ulm heavy Drop of graln,roots, &o. READ the Dietriot news on page 8 of tbie issue. Ori page 0 an amount of the evidenoo at the oeroner'e ingeeet in o00- nectiml with the Bayfield Tragedy may be found. We took it from the Clinton Era. SINGLE 0100 return tickets will be issued on the G. T. R. during Thanksgiving Holiday time. Tickets are good gong on Wednesday, 2.1111, anti to return on Mon- day, 29th, A large passenger traftio is expected, Tint Brussels-Wroroter stage is often. times very lata in its arrival from the Northowing o in to the foot that the nail train on the 0. P. R. is a mail•oxpress. freight out from tbe same pattern as the W. G. & B. LAe'r Monday morning Alex, M. Smith, 8th line of Morrie, brought 100 bushels af oats to Brussels market all ono load. Bruesele market takes no second place, either es to quantity of grain delivered or prices paid by our buyers. 'Inc only change on the W, G. & 13. in the new time table, tvhioh came into force last Sabbath, ie that the afternoon train is timed to arrive in Brueeele 5 minutes later than on the old card. The time table may always be found ae the top of the local oolumn of THE Posr. JAs. TientoutL, of Wilton & Turnbull, Brussels, bas purchased the Jno. Shaw residence, corner of John and King street, and 10 making a number of improvements internal and external, this week prepara• tory to moving into it. It is a very con• venient location for abusiness man. STATISTICAL Soam .-0n the evening of Thanksgiving Day the Epworth League purpose giving a Statistical social in the Methodist church sohool room. Statis- tics are often said to be dry but this social won't be. Fine musical program with literary selections interspersed. PET= V. BELniN.—Tho cane of Petah v. Belden came up at the Perth Assizes on Wednesday evening of last week. This action areae out of the assignment on benefit of creditors, of George F. Bol- den, a dentist in Seafortb, to the defend- ant, Jeremiah Belden, who was his father. The plaintiff, who is a grain merchant in Listowel, sues on behalf of himself and all the creditors of Geo. F. Belden for an account of the monies in the hands of the assignee and the exe- cutrix of his estate and for the penalty of $500 provided by statute for not paying the p'nceede of the assets of the bank - rept eeteleen a elm rtered bank. Judg- ment reserve4. J. P. Mabee for plaintiff, and J. T. Gamow, Q. 0„ of Godericb, and W. M. Sinclair, of Brussels, for defend. ant. Business Locals. S.T.'XDM.R.D B4N.E 01? CsIX,AD,4, if5TAZEIT+TSTE=X7 01872, HEAD OFFIOEr - TOR0e1TO ASSETS, (Seven Million Dollars) • 37,000,000 CAPITAL (Authorized) • . $2,000,000 Agencies in all principal points in Ontario, Quebec, ilfavirtoba, United States d7 England, thermiszts Bigavvem. A General Banking 13usinese Traneaoted, Farmers' Notes Drafts Issued and Oolleotione made on all pointe. SAViNOS BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on deposits of 81.00 and upwards from dab of deposit to date of withdrawal and compounded half yearly. re ,i DIAL ATTENTION eIVEN TO TEE COLLnaTION OP I'An1IEna' SALE NOTES. Every facility afforded Cnstomere living at a diebanoe. J. A. STEWAItT MANAGn% Disoountod. easooMMIReel, eesa:u=. Moonxc,n,—In Listowel, on the• 71h inst., Gilbert Lowry Moorhead, aged 12 years, 4 mouths and 25 days. FERO08ON,—Ab Grace Hospital, Detroit, Mich., on Nov. 13th, 011ie, beloved wife of Duncan Ferguson, merchant, Stratford, aged 85 yeare. A'S7-cTzoxa SAT,EB_ Tusener, Nov. 23rd.—Farm stook, im- plements, furniture, &o. South half lot 22, oon. 8, Morris. Sale at 1 O'olook sharp. Jas, Forrest, Prop., P'. S. Scott, Atm. Plural!, Nov. 20tb.—Farm attack, im- plement., furniture, &a. South half lot 27, eon. 9, Morris. Sale at 1 o'clock, ebarp. Alex, M. Smith, Prop„ In, S. Scott, Auo. 337RtTSS2E17.,S Str.fa.Rg}7TS, Fall Wheat............ Barley. Peas Oats Butter, tubs and rolls , Eggs per dozen Flour per barrel Potatoes (per bag) Hay per ton........,, Hideo trimmed Hides rough. Salt per bbl„ retail Sheep skins, each Lamb skins each Hoge, Live Dressed Hoge Apples (per bbl.) FRESH steak of Crockery at MaCraek- en's. ROBES and blankets close to coat. I. 0. Richards. A coon Cow for sale. Apply to Jas. Walker, Brussels. WE repair rubbers and shoes oheap and good. I. 0. Richards. Finer -ores house to rent or for sale, Apply to Jno. Wynn. A 4•year•old Driving Horse for stile. Apply to 13. GERRY, Brume's. Dons your robe need relining ? We do them eo they look like new. I. 0. Riehnrds. Hoehn clippers and scissors sharpened and repaired by Saw Filer McGregor, of Brussels, Queen et. East. Jusr received a large lot of oatmeal to exchange to farmers for oats at Bather & Vanebone's floor and feed store. Tug season of the year is on for new ()otters and Jae. Walker is ready for it with some of the best and latest sbylee. Oun hand made long boots are the one8 to keep out the water and stand the wear. L 0. Richards. WILY pay agents big prices for organs when you can buy a 6•octave piano case, oak or walnut from R. Leatberdale for 305.00, D. Ew,AN sold 7 2nd -baud buggies in one day. Mr. Ewan not only runs a retail business, hat goes right into it wholesale. WE are handling any quantity of but- ter, eggs and dried apples. Cash or trade. Also all kiude of poultry. G. E. King, Wingham. 10.10 SIMLON'S cure is sold on a guarantee. It cures incipient consumption. It is the beet cough cure. Only one Cent a dose. 25 ote., 50 ole. and 31,00. Sold by James Fox, Druggist, Brussels. Kaines Clover Root, the great Blood - Purifier gives freshness and olearness to the complexion and (lures conetipation. 25 ate, 50 ote and 31.00. Sold by James For, Druggist, Brussels. If you are thinking of buying an organ it will pay you to oell on R. Leatherdale before you bay. He Dan save you 25 per cent. Agent for the Bell and Godericb. Always a big stook on hand. Cloarrowammit house, with stable, well, cistern, &a., for sale or to rent. Posses. Bion given at once. For further partial. late as to price and berme apply to Geo. Howe, Brussels. 16. BARGAIN Orminnn,—That eligible half aero lot situate on the Southern portiou of Turnberry street, Brussels, will be die - posed of below ooet. Very easy terms, Write for partioulars to JonN HAnoRnev3o, 174 Queen et. West, Toronto. CAPTAIN Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego, Cal., says :"Sliiloh's Catarrh Remedy is the first medicine I have ever found that would dome any good." Priori 50 cents. Sold by Jae. Fox. druggist, Brus- sels. ANYONE needing their enwe put in proper order had better bring them to Saw'fller McGregor before he leaves Brussels, 08 he is likely to tele a situ- anon with the Saw and Saw Tool Mak• ere, but will do saw filing and sate gum• ming in Brussels for this season. T. McGregor, saw•filer, Brussels, Queen at. End, Tin first eater of the season was tak- en from O. Ewan's show room last week by Jae. Perrie, of Grey. It took First Prize at Brussels and Blyth Shows and is a credit to the manufaoturer. He ale) ordered a buggy to be built for the coining Spring. Mr. Perris appreoiatee a good article and knows where to go to get it. ancamemo A7 LRN.—In Listowel, on the 0113 inst., the wife of Mr. john E. Allen of a daughter, BAnnu.—In Listowel, on the let inet„ the wife of Mr. ,robe 1. Baker of a daughter. 80 22 40 22 14 13 4 00 60 4 00 64 5 1 00 40 25 3 60 5 00 1 00 81 25 42 23 15 14 4 50 60 5 00 00 60 40 3 75 5 25 1 50 ET o CTB FOR SALE,—GOOD house and lob in Btneiels for sale. For particulars apply to NV. H. EER1t, Brus- sels, or R. 0. BPABLING, WSugham. DISSOLUTION. Notice is hereby given that the partner - shin existing between .1, d P.Amont,as saw - millers manufacturers. do., has this lay been dissolved by methyl consent. The business will be conducted by Philip Ament, Who has authority to cohost all outstanding a000uute and 110 w111 also pay any debts du o by the late firm. Witness:JNO AISENT, G.1'. 804711, Signed{ PHILIPAMENT. B r u es ale , O o t. 20, 1807. 17.8 REAL ESTATE. 1 ARMS FOR SALE.—THE UN• D3nsravnn has several good Farms for sale and to rent, easy terms, in Townohips of Morrie and Grey. F S. BOOTT.Brussele DAIRY MAnnwETs —Ingersoll, Nov. 16.— Offerings today 1,572 boxes; 8c bid for October, and 7a for November ; no sales ; market tante. Now York.—Butter steady ; western creamery, 14c to 23a ; do. factory, 100 to 130 ; Elgins, 280 ; imitation creamery, 120 to 170; state dairy, 1'3o to 20a ; do. creamery, 14c to 28. Cheese quiet ; large white, Sept. 840 ; do. small, 94o ; largo Oot., 8c ; small do., 860 ; light skims, Go to 7o ; part skims, 53o to 83c ; full skims, 94o to 4c. TORONTO, Nov. 16—The :lour market is quiet, with straight rollers quoted at $4 to 34.10, middle freights. Bran 37.50 west. Wheat quiet, with sales of red at Slc west and at 63o f. 0. b. vessel, Lake Ontario ; No. 1 Manitoba barley steady, with sales of No. 3 at 26o east, and feed ab 24c west. Oats sold at 234o north and west for white and at 22?a for mixed. peas sold at 42o north and west ; rye, 44o middle freights • corn 26e west. Bnok- wheat sold at 80;3 east. TORONTO, Nov. 1G.—Business at the western cattle yards to -clay was slow and few sales reported. The rain prevented buyers from making an inspection of the ofieriugs. Receipts were 40 oars. Oat• tle.—Thorn was practically nothing doing and prices were nominal at Sic to 53o for the best stook. There were several bunches of good butchers' cattle sold, and the market is steady at from 2lo to 83c per pound. Good feeding balls sold readily at '24o to 2io per panned, and export bulls at 3o to 84c. In the market for stockers there was a little activity and the best animals brought from 2110 to 34o per pound. The receipts of sheep and lambs were represented by about 700 head, and sold at $2.75 bo 33.50 per head, for lambs, and 33.50 to $4.50 per head for sheep. There were only a few calves offered, and prices rule from 32 to 310 per head. Good milah cows Bell well. The range in prima is from 325 to 345 per head. There was the usual run of hogs, with prices unchanged. The best selections bring 40 per lb. EAST BUn'PALo, N. Y., Nov. 16.—Offer- lugs aboob 20 cars, all of which were bald over from yesterday ; the market ruled dull and slow and prices were barely steady ; good to primo stockers sold at 33.50 to 33.80, but common to fair .lots closed 20o to 25o lower than these prices ; feeders, common to choice brought 36.40 to $4. Hogs -80 Oars on sale ; market slow aud prices lower ; the bulk of the sales were at 33.45 to $5,50 ; roughe Sold at 33 to 33.15 ; stags, $2.75 to 33 ; pigs, 33 lo 38.50. Sheep and lambs.—Tho receipts worn 214 loads of fresh arrivale, inolnding 104 cars of Canada¢. The market opened with a fairly steady do - mind with very little change in Valves ; the market ruled generally full easy to lower for the 23 cars of Canada lambs that were on offer late Monday, aud about all wore sold ; prime lots of ewes and webers sold at 36.70 to $5.75, others $5.40 to 35.65 ; lambs, yearlings, choice to primo, 34.75 to 35 ; fair to good, 34.40 to $4,65 ; culls to common, yearlings, 38.50 to $4.25 ; native lambs, choice to extra, $5.75 to $5.85 ; fair to good, 35,50 to 35,70 ; oulls to common, 34.76 to 05.- 40 ; native clipped sheep, choice to select- ed wothors, $4.66 to 34,75 ; good to choice mixed sheep, 34.25 to 34.60 ; common to fair, 33.80 to 34.15 ; culla to common sheep, $2.75 to 35.25. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN, ONLY TO LOAN AT 5 nn,M omit, F.B. SOOTT Brussels, nRIVATD FUNDS TO LOAN,— Pint mortgao, farm security. Apply at THE POST. Publishing Ronne, Brussels, FARM TO RENT, BEING North Part Lot 80, Oon. 8, Morris, con- taining 113 mores— known as the Froliok homestead—for a term of 6 genera, Per fur- ther particulars apply to 10-0 F. S. SCOTT, Brussels. Huron County Council. The Council of the corporation of the County of 'Buren will meet in the Commit Room In the Town 61 Goderkeli on Tuesday, ?tovenebel' Both, Inst„ at8 0 ¢lookp m. W. LAND, Clerk. :Dated at Otherieb, Noy. 8,'07. GOOD FARM FOR SALE near Brussels. Great bargain, Lot 7, Oen. 0, Grey township, Good buildings and orchard, well watered, imitable for mixed or dairy farming. Po0eeeslon given next Mareh, with privilege of doing pall plowing. Apply to W. H. ICERR Poem Publishing House,Brussels,or to THOMAS HERITAGE, London West. ANITOBA LAND FOR SALE. —100 acres of good farm hind at Springfield, 8 miles from Winnipeg, ie offer- ed for sale at below pries. The property is North East i Sea, 10, Twp. 11, Range 4, East. There is a house On the premises and some breaking done. For full particulars as to price, title, .to., write or apply to G, F. BLAIR or NV, H.EEltR, 2041 Brussels, Ont. FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT,—Tile 'undersigned oliere his eligible 04 Imre ,farm for sale or to rent, being South part of Lot 5, Conces- sion 12, Grey. All under cultivation, well watered and well fenced. There is a good atony house, bank burn, erohard, wells, da„ on the promisee. Also a eplendia stone quarry from which a good revenue is realiz- ed. Only 21 miles from Brussels. Terme reasonable. For further particulars as to prioe, ,00., apply to JOHN MITCHELL, Proprietor, 35-tf Brussels P. 0. Nov' 19, 1897 CROKIET FARM FOR SALE. -150 ACRES Consisting of the South 6 and South 1 of the North i of Lot 86, Oon 2, East Wawa - :lash. This is an excellent stook farm,being well supplied with good spring water. Itis situated about 3 miles from the thriving Vil- lage of Blyth. A largo part of It is under grass. Buildings and fences are in a fair state of repair. Bast' terms of payment will bo given, For all information apply to 11-tf G.F. BLAIR, Barrister, Brussels, C PLENDID FARM FOR SALE. 1.7 That exultant farm, Lot 10, Con. 0, Townehipof Grey, 100 acres, must be sold at once in order to Diose estate of deceased own- er. The lot is nearly all cleared, with good buildings, ample water supply, largo or- chard, 14 miles from Cranbroolt, is under goodcultivationcultivation and is a very desirable pro- CHI0LL,18russele1P10.; to MITOPIOOHARD LL, on the premises' or A, HUNTER, Brussels Dated Sept, let1,1000, Boar for Service. The undersigned will keep for service on Lot 11, Con. 5, Grey, a thoro' bred Berkshire boar, with pedigree. Terms, 01.00, to be paid at time of service with privilege of re- turning if neoeasary. 10.40 JOS. SHAW, Proprietor. Ancient Order of'United Workmen; —FOR - 75c. For the above pr100 we will eell yon ono of our best C6'u 1110 4oarUs These Bo c e a on hely new ethic, having rueeilo1 them ouiy a alien time ago mud are of the beet quality. We Dan Bell them at t iia remarkably low figure on amount of having bought a largo stook of them and at a muoh reduced prioe and we purpose giving 000 oustouwire the benefit of it. Our stools of other evening games is very oomplobe—a list of which will be given next week. This old and prosperous Fraternal Aseo a ation numbering 050,000 members are pro senting to the public their popular aud econ- omical rates to worthy men at the very low rate of about $8,00 per $1,000 per annum. The "Workman" Promptly l'ay Death 411afnts and expect a large increase to its members now that those American Line Companies don't seem satisfactory to Can- adians, ROHT. ARMSTRONG, MW, ; W, H. EIDER Recorder ; 3. A, OREIGHTON,Finauofer, NOTICE 1 REMEMBER THE PRICE, 75 Cents AND THE PLAOE Poz'e Drag Stoke. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. Public notice is hereby given that an ap- plication will be made at the next session of the Legislature for the Proviuoe of Ontario on behalf of the Corporation of the Town- ship of Grey, for an Ad cendrming, or am- ending and confirming a oertatn By-law passed by the Municipal Colwell of the said Township of Grey, numbered 53cand entitled A Bylaw to provide a proper outlet for, and otherwise for the improvement and ex- tenefou of Government Drain Number 2, in the said Township,and for borrowing on the credit of the Muniipality, the 85111 of Six- teen Thoueaud,two hundred and ten Dollars Mut thirty-three cents, for completing the aamo" whfoh said 13y -law affects lands in the Township of MoIuillop, in the County of Huron, and In the'I'ownabip of Elmo, in the bounty of Perth, and also confirming a aor- tainBylaw of the said Township of WARM - lop providing its share of the said sum, and imposing the necessary assessment thereof, and to also authorize and require the Mun- lelpnl °Mulcts of the said 'Pownsbip-ofEnna to pane a Byelaw to raise 186 proportion of the acid sum unci to impose the necessary 00000002005 therefor aeeordiug io the report of Janos 4.13011, 0. PI., tilt forth In tbo said By-law No. 50, of the ;mid'1'ownehip of Grey, and also, to Validate and oondrm the mai,[ Itoport and assessment 0e made by the sold James A, Bell, 0. E., end all work done and money expended la pertormanee of the works therein indicated, or, in the alto'na. Gm to authorise and permit the said The Township of Grey to pies a now By-law un. der the provfsione of Tho Drainage Aot, 1804," based upon Mao said Report and as- easement, aud without anew or further ex. amination or report by an Engineer, and to provide for the reemipmont to the said The '!township of Grey, of the monies already ex- pended in porformauoo of the works !Mend. od and directed in and by the ;amid Report of the said Joules A. Bell, O. le. Dated the. 1st day Of NOVomber',1807, 17.6 WILLIAM 80'014018, Township Olork,Towuohip of Groy, M. SINCLAIR, • Solicitor Uonvayaneer,No Lary Pub- lio, &e. Office—`'austoue's Block, 1 door north of Central Hotel, Private Funds to Loan. G. CAMERON, • (Formerly of Cameron, Holt Oameron,) Barrieter and Soiioitor, Goderieh Ont. Office—Hamilton 131„ Opposite 001 borne hotel. G•F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, • Solicitor, do. (late of Gnl'rOW fit Proudfoot's Office , Godericb,) Office over Gillies de Smith's Bonk, Bruesele, Money to Loan. 47 MEDICAL CARDS, J. A. M'NAUGHTON, M.D., C. kl., Trinity University, Follow Trin- ity Medical College, Member College of Phy- sicians and Burgeons, Out. Licentiate of the Royal Collage of Pb}•eiolane and Licentiate of Midwifery, Edinburgh. am-relophoue No.14. Residence, Mill St., Breese's. DR. F. H. KALRFLEISCH, P0100101AN, SURGEON AND .I000IIC1EU1, SUCCESSOR TO DR. W. GRAHAM, BRUSSELS, - ONTARIO. lit Claes Honor Graduate of the Universi- ties of Trinity (Toronto), Queen's (Kingston), and of Trinity Medical 0 ulloge; Fellow of Trinity Medical College anti member of the College of Physicians and Surgooue of Ontar- io. Post Graduate Course in Detroit and Chicago, 1806. Speoial attention paid to dis- eases of Eye, Bar, Nose and Throat, and dis- eases of Women. ea. -Consultation in Eng- lish and German. Telephone at residence. VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK, 0 • Honor Graduate of tire Ontario Veterinary College, ds prepared to treat all diseases of domestioated aulmale in a oom- potent manner, Particular attention paid to veterinary dentistry. Calle promptly at- tended to. Office and Iutirmary—Bear doors north of bridge Turnberry st., Brussels. BUSINESS CARDS. RN. BARRETT, • Tonsorial Artist' Shop—Next door south of A. M. Mo1ay d Oo'e hardware store. Ladle s'aud ohlldreue hair cutting a speolalty ROBERT CUNNINGHAM• INSURANCE, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. T. FLETCHER Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Omen AT JEwEretr STORE. IW*No Witness Required. T. FLETCHER, Brussels ALEX. HUNT]SR, Clerk of the Fourth Division Cour Co. Huron. Oon 531000er, Notary Public Land, Loon and insurance Agent. Funds invested and to loan, Colleotione made office In Graham's Block,l3rueoele THOS, A. HAWKINS, W111 give lessons bo pupils oibher on piano or omen, at hie Muolo Room, opposite the post -office, Brussels. Vocal lessons also given. Ten years experience in teaching. Terme moderate. Tenders for Supplies, 1898. The undersigned will 'reooiv0 tenders for supplies up to noon on MONDAY, NOV. 29, 8897, for the supply of btttohore' meat, but- tery dairy and memory. giving prloo of oaob, nous, oatmeal, 00 totem), cordwood, oto., for the following institutions during the year 1808, viz. :— At the Asylunm for the Inoane In Toronto, endow, Eingeton,Hamiltou M1m100,Brook- vilie and Orillia; the Central Prison and Mercer Reformatory, Toronto ; the Reform- atory for Hoye, Poaotangulehono ; the Nati- Mittens for the Deaf and Dumb, Belleville, and the Blind at Brantford. Two ou8leiout amebae will be required for the clue fulfllment ofoaoli oontt'eet, Speoillektiono and forams of tender Dan on• ly be had by making{( application ; to the Bur- sars of the respootivo institutions, N. B. --Tenders are not required for the supply of moat to the Aoylum in Toronto, London, Eingeton Hatelltou and Mlmio4, 000 to the O entre] Prison and Mercer floferma- toe Toronto. The loweet or any tender not nocoosarily aeeepted, Newspapers inserting tkie advertisement without authority tram the Dopartulout will not bo paid for it. (Siguod). It. Gramm], T .F.1unnno3nnAltf, SAXES Nox0N, Inepootors of Prisons and Pub. lie Charities, Patilameht bttil(11 tgo, (oron- 10, Nov.10.31367, 10'2 li