HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-11-19, Page 44 THE BRUSSELS POST Nor. 10, 1507 a�C°rk7RSr]f .:..''�It812*r91^,A®PJ�.P'1,S.r^.T46'u'`..11::4cvesffnmeu.e+...—'...:•��i�iYt:'S3i7�1TiaS}w&.iu:::vJ'y ✓e .'x..:: SStiWTa7d:41f%cane47[OriMed�lUa'FCei9�aiem+..enm,aak'79;1a`fe31M1wU'SIaYi'9'S New Advertisements, Crukiuole--Jas Fox, • Locals—I. t7, Rfelarda. Groceries—Jas Ballantyne. Groeeriee--llloKinnon & Co. Thanksgiving Day—G. T. R. House for sale—B. C. Sporting. Brussels Landry—A.E. Scott. Tendon for supplies—R. Christie. int 1:at ek 1:(5t, FRIDAIY, NOV. 19, 1897. IT looks a good deal as if Japan and Russia will have their little squabbles long enough bo pause an actual deolara. tion of war, and if so it will no doubt prove a terribly destructive one. With tho modern implements of warfare and the deadly explosives, men would be mowed down like grain before a good reaper. How much better if the millions of dollars invested in shot and shell were landed out to the needy or placed whore it would add to the exchequer of these Nations, and the Christian method of settling disputes, viz. arbitration, brought into play. Selfishness and greed are at the bottom of many of these National differeuoes, and the Golden Rale does not come into the calculation at all. A coon dual of chaffing has been done in the past over the "upholstering" of sausages, and many and varied have been the opinions as to the constituents of a full grown, everyday sausage, the list containing the oat, the dog, the hog and the cow, but judging by the evidence in the Luetgert murder trial in Chicago, where it is strongly hinted that the murderer, who was & sausage maker, had chopped up his bettor half, on the quiet, and manufactured her mortal remains into sausage to tickle -the palates of the Chioagone, gives a rather gruesome reality to the stories. It reminds us of our childhood days when "Donnery Beck's Machine" was new and ground out what to us was remarkably funny, one verse saying : • "Now something was the matter, That machine it would not go, So Donnery Beck he crawled inside To find it out, you know ; His wife she took the nightmare And went walldng in her sleep, She gave the crank a terrible yank, And Donnery Beek was •meat. Chorus.—"O ! Mr. Dounery Beak, how could you be so mean ; I tolyl you you'd be sorry you invented that machine ; When cats and mice and long tailed rats no more are to be seen, You grind them up ,to sausage meat in Donnery Beck's machine." Au i:,,ne in the Torcnto is t.,ss, of the 10th inst., adds a new danger hitherto nob on the program. It remarks that "in the throat and nose department of the general hospital, Mrs. McMann, of Oak street, had a needle token out of her throat. The lady had been eating sausage that must have contained the needle, whioh lodged at the base of the tongue, and was taken away after a painful and difficult operation had been performed." In spite of all the above warnings, we purpose going right on eating sausages, because we have faith in our butchers and believe Messrs. Blashill, Currie and Walker will not serve up any of their relativee, near or remote, nor are we likely to be treated to darning or knitting needles. POLJTIOAL. Charles Calder is the Conservative nominee in South Ontario. There are four applications for divorce bills to be dealt with by the Senate neat 888810n. It is rumored that Mr. Whitney will stand for a Western constituency, likely in Toronto. The banquet to Hon. Mr. Sifton at Vanoouver was the Iargeet affair of the kind in the history of the city. By the death of Mr. Bolevert, M. P. for Nioolet, another Beat in the House of Commons is rendered vacant. Mr. Bolevert was a Conservative. Jas. Fisher, M.P.P., Manitoba, who a000mpanied the Diana to Hudson's Bay, says the straits are open for navagation for three months and a half each year. Mr. Whitney spoke at Guelph on the 16th. A. Conservative convention was palled for the same date to nominate a candidate for South Wellington, but both the gentlemen, R. L. Torrance and henry Hortop, deolined to run. The bye-eleotione for the Commons in Quebec resulted in the return of Charles A. Ganvreau for Semieoouate, and Dr. Rose for Rimouski, both Liberals, by ao. elamation. In Drummond and Artha- gasks, L. Lavergne (Liberal) and A. Noel (Conservative) were nominated. Eleotion on Saturday, when the former 5005 re. turned by a big majority. The Ottawa correspondent of the To- ronto Mail and Empire eaye that the pre. sent understanding there is that Sir 011. ver Mowat will leave for Toronto to as- sume the Lieutenant -Governorship of Ontario on Nov, 28rd, and that Hon. David Mille will assume the Department of Justice about that time. 11 having been asserted that Wm, Lount, M. P., reeigned hie seat in Toron- to because he was promised a judgeship, Premier Laurier gave the statement a denial. Mr. Lent's reason for retiring from public life is that a oonetituenoy like Center Toronto --one of the largest in the Dominion—takes more time than he can spare from hie profeeeional duties, The date of the bye-eleobion for Centre Toronto has been fixed, and Wm. Roaf, the well-known barrister, has been ap- pointed returning officer, The nomina- tion has been fixed for Nov. 28rd, with the election the week following, if a poll is nanny, Geo. H. Bertram, of the Ber- tram Engine Works, and the weli•knewn ship building Arm, will be the Liberal oaadidate. Itis not yet known who will be the candidate for the Conservatives, of whether a candidate will be brought on at all. SPECIAL ANNOUNCE- MENT. LEND US A HAND. In view of bhe improved times, we hope to very materially inorease the already large oiroutabion of Trns POST. We would like behave a copy in every household in the county. Tins POST'S oonstibnenoy is the Enid, Riding of Huron. Every week it gives news from every municipality in the Riding, and le, consevenbly, as en• Wresting and useful to the people of one municipality as it is to those of another. In addition to this, it gives a sufficient summary of the news of the world to )seep its readers posted in what is going on not at hone only, but throughout the entire world. So that if a person can only take one paper, Tnu Pon is the paper to take, as it gives Na, the hone news, and much news from abroad in a oondeused and most attractive form. In order, therefore, to encourage a large increase in ite circulation, we make the following liberal offer. We will give Teta POST from NOW, until the First of Jan- uary, 1800, for the price of one year, One Dollar paid in advance. As we do not want aur friends to work for us for nothing, and as WO do want them to work for us, we makethisfurther liberal offer : Any present subscriber who will send us three new names on the above terms, accompanied by the money, will be given a copy of• Tms POST for one year free. Half an hour's work on the part of any one of our present subscribers will enable them to have Tan POST next year for nothing. New subscribers from outside the limits of the Riding will nob count in this offer. This offer should secure us at least a thousand new names before New Years. Sir Wilfrid Laurier,Sir Lords Davies and Prof. Marione are in Washington participating in the Behring Sea fisheries conference, and looking after Canada's in- terests. Hon. J. I. Tarte, Minister of Public Works, has given up all idea of going to Europe till after next seeeion. He does it with the express wish of the Premier and to facilitate arrangements for the early holding of Parliament. The House is about certain bo be in session in the month of January. Estimates in several departments are already well under way. It is reported from Ottawa that Senator T. R. Mnlnnee will be the Lieutenant - Governor of British Columbia, in euoees- sion to Hon. Edgar Dewdney, whose term has just expired. Senator Molunes, who is a well•known medical man, at one practiced in Dresden, Ont., in which lo- cality he has many friends. It is under- stood that Wm. Templeman, editor of the Victoria Times, and formerly of AI- monte, Ont., will be palled to the seat in the Senate vacated by Hon. Mr. McIn- nes. Ldcwtowe' 01. The ladies of Christ church will give a concert in the parish room on Tuesday evening, 28rd inet. G. S. Kidd and J. A. Hacking have re. turned from Muskoka, where they had sucoes fat apo:;, Mt. Kidd awut:ng two deer and Mr. Hooking one. A. St. George Hawkins has been dis- missed from the office of gas inspector for this town, and Jacob Heppler has been appointed in his place. John Grant and M. McGillivray, of thig town, have purchased a large bank- rupt stock of dry goods in St. (laborites and will matte their temporary residenoe there while running it off. Mre, Mosorip, of St. Marys, and Mrs. Dobson, of Winnipeg, addressed a meet- ing of the W. C. T. U. in Knox church on Tuesday evening of last week. Mrs. Dobson, who was a delegate to the World's W. 0. T. U. Convention in To- ronto, has been the guest of her sister, Mre. W. M. Bruce. The Winter meetings of the North Perth Farmers' Institute will be held at Listowel, Jan. 4th, Milverton, Jan, 6th, and will be addressed by D. Z. Gibson, B. S. 9.., Willow Grove, and W. C. Shear- er, Bright. Supplementary meetings will be held in Atwood, Feb. let, Mill. bank, Feb. 2nd, and Rostock Feb. 3rd. The S. B. Stone Oo. have about oom. pleted their contract for granolithic walks, but are being detained from fin- ishing the crossings on Wallace street by the unfavorable weather. As a number of the old crossings have been torn up traffic on the street is interfered with somewhat, vebioles having to go around by Dodd or Davidson streets for the time being. The Hockey Club held their annual meeting at the Queen's Hotel and re- organized for the coming season, by electing the following officers :—Patron, A. F. MaoLaren, M. P. ; hon. pree„ H. 13. Morphy ; let hon. vine pm, W. Olimie ; 2nd hon. vioe.pres., G. M. Yates ; pree., H. N. Orr ; let vice, P. Livingston ; kid vice, F. Wilson ; sec„ W. H. Climie ; treas., J. S. Meyers ; captain, G. A. Fraeer ; team Qom., .H. N. Orr, G. A. Fraser and P. Livingebon ; managing oom., pres., vice, secretary, treasurer, captain, and 1. Kidd, B. and F. Booking, At the first regular meeting of the Wo- men's Morning Music Club, held at the residence of Mre. Livingston, Main street, the following offioere were elected :—Pre- sident, Miss Climie ; Vioe.President, Misses Scott and Sutherland ; Secretary. Treasurer, Mrs. Rnbberford ; Assistant Seo'y.Treas., Mies Dixon ; Musioal Com- mittee, Mesdames Jenne, Saabs, Rutherford, Misses Olimie, Dixon, Both- well, Sutherland and Saotb ; Constitu- tional Committee, Misses Climie, Bolton, Bartbe, V. McDonald and Roy. The ob- ject of this Club is to cultivate a taste for good music, both vocal and instrumental, On Monday night of last weep the resi- dence of Mrs, J. Burton, corner of Dodd and Penelope streets, was burglarized. There was no one at borne at the time, Mrs. Burton being in Woodstock on a visit, and her son, Scott Burton, was ont of town travelling. The burglar was evi- dently aware of this, as he gained an entrance by removing the storm sash and breaking a light in one of the windows. Upon Soott's return next day he found that the bonne had been pretty thoroughly ransaoked and that considerable valuable property was missing. The stolen anti• oleo inolnded hie mother's fur nape and bis overcoat, also a lot of silver epicene, knives and forks, a carving set and ease and some jewelry, amounting altogether to 4160 or 8200 in valve. The thief wile arrested and got 6 months in the Central Prison. IBrussels Leading Clothiers. Loaders in Gents' Furnishings. 2 Y VER Know a man to keep a good thing to himself ? We haven't any regard for the man who doles. When we put our $5.00 Overcoat on sale we knew the snap would get all over the country without spending the money to advertise them, some sizes running low, . It will pay you to take a look at our $6.00, $7,00, $8.00 & $10.00 OVERCOATS They are snaps. He Who Asks Timidly COURTS DENIAL Therefore we are most positive in our statements. We want to sell you a Suit of Clothes—Not your neighbor, nor your second cousin, nor anybody but just YOU. We ask you to buy of us because we offer you a strictly one - price trade and the best ready-to-wear Clothing in Brus- sels. If we can't prove it to you don't buy. If you are thinking of getting a Fur Coat ar blur Co,p it will pay you to look through our selection which is the largest in town. Ross Se Halliday CLOTHIERS, BRUSSELS. 7 ru� �, e'� 3y 7 v1 . w,.,., ,, t(, i r ,., r' t f,ry The attention of the people of Brussels and the surround- ing country is called to the fact that during the Winter months Laundry work will be turned out A WEEK Instead of Twice as at present. All work must be in by TUESDAY ENENING and will be ready by Thursday ,Evening. The Best of Satisfaction always assured. Change of Location ON ]DECEMBER 1st 1 will move to the building immediately North of the Standard Bank, lately vacated by D. Frain, ground floor, where I will be pleased to wait on the public as in the past. A.t'. Scott, Brussels, Nov. 12. PROPRIETOR. SITH THEA N OH! SIVE —IN— SWT:') and VECIATlF�. Better and for less money "' .... than you would dream of. No Old Goods, No make believe Bargains, but Bar- gains in the fullest sense of the word. You'll find goods exactly as represented. There is no such thing as out- running the clothing selling of this store. We lead kt Stocks. We out -sell in Price. We have added to our regular stock, the heaviest in the history of the busi- ness. 1 Take off the old and put on the new, That neatly fitting, easy Shoe, When prices run as now they do, Who would deny himself the new ? We keep a complete line of the latest Styles, as well as all varieties of Foot Gear, Our immense trade enables us to offer it at rock bottom prices. Sole Agents in Brussels for the Celebrated Granby Rubbers. Deile AEY SAVED is MONEY GAINED/ HENCE BY DEALING WITH �'— Ilton Turnbull You are well served and gain money. A fine Best Makerange s off the Cook, Parlor and Coal Stoves That Cannot be Beaten. Large Assortment of Lamps and Lamp Goods, Lanterns, Cutlery and Cxraniteware. We make a specialty of putting in Coal and Wood Furnaces, and Warrant Satisfaction. Stove Coal for Sale and always on hand. Special attention to Jobbing and Repairs. Wilton & Turnbull, Brussels. VPe Save The BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS _,,e0To keep your feet dry and comfortable. Our Stock is Right. Prinz Lo' r And we will be pleased to see you and supply you with Dry Goods, G-roeeries, Hats, Caps, Overcoats, .Readyrnade Clothing and Clothtne Mae o Order. November Fashion Sheets to hand. Call and get one FREE. A. trachan