HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-11-19, Page 3Nov. 19, 1897 TUE BRUSSELS POST 3 Town Directory. 11S>tvz;.i CITurtcii, '::bbath 13crvieen at 11 a m and 7;00 p.m, Sunday Sehool at 2:80 p m. Rev. John hoes, B A, pastor. ST. Joust's Cunne — abb o vi S ath S r nes at 11 a 01 dd and p m. u a o 7S n Spool Y at 2:30 p. m. Rev, Clem J. Ahoy, locum. bent, A1x:THODIST CrronnH,—Sabbath Services at 10:30 a 111 and 7:00 p m, Sunday Sohooi at 2:80 p m. Rot, S. J. ABM, paator. Rocas CATHOLIC CHouou,—Sabbath ti orvioo thlrri Sunday in every month, at 10:30 a m. Rev Joseph Kennedy, priest. SALVATION MINT.—Sorvioo at 7 and 11 a m and 3 and8 p m on Sunday and every evening in the week at 8 o'clock, at the barracks, ono risrd,ows' Lome every Thursday evening, in Graham's brook, Mescal° Loons Tuoaday at or before fell moon, in Garfield bloolc. 4 0 • W Lowen on the 8rd Friday evening of each month, in Blas. hill's bloolc. 0 0 P Lenon 2nd and last Tuesday evenings of eaoh month, in Blaehill'e block. I 0 1','2:0 end last Friday in Odd Fellows' Hall, L 0 L let Monday in every month in Orange II -111. SONS OF SCOTLAND, Set and 3rd Tues- days of each month, in Odd Fellows' Hall. K. 0. T. M. Levan, and and 4th Tues- days of each month, in Odd Fellow's Hall. Canadian order of Chosen Friends, let and 3rd Mondaye of each month in Blas. hill's Hall. A 0 F, 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month in 000 Fellow'sll Hall. Howl Cxerkn, and and 4th Friday oven. fags inBlaeniti's hall. Peso OFnocE.—Ofiioe hours from 8 a. m. to 6:30 p. m. MnorcnNloo' INCTITUIE,—Library fn Holmes' block, will be open from 0 to 8 o'clock p. m. Wednesdays and 3:30 to 5 and 6 to 8 Saturdays. Miss Minnie Mo - Naughton, Librarian. TowN Coovcm.—W. H. Xerr, Reeve ; Geo. Baeker, Geo, Thomson, R. Lea. therdale and 11. G. Wilson, Councillors ; F. S. Scott, Clerk ; Thomas Kelly, Treasurer ; R. Kingston, Assessor and J. T. Ross, Collector. Board meets the 1st Monday in each month. • Samoa Boann.—A. Koenig, (chair- man,) D, O. Ross, J. G. Skene, Was. Turnbull, A. Ooneley and Fl Van. stone. Seo.-Treas., 11,. K. Rosa. Meetings 2ud Fridev evening in eaoh month. PUBLIC SCHOOL TEAOTMEne,—J. H, Cam. eron, Principal, Leon Jaokson, Miss Downey and Mies Ritchie. Benno oe HEALTH,—Reeve Kerr, Olerk Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and Wm. Jewitt. Dr. MoNaughton, Medical Health Officer. A NOVEMBER PROGRAM, Ripe fruits, rich elreavee and golden corn, And fragrant hay from meadows shorn Are pressing into Plenty's horn Until It runneth over. But ohangeful winds, and leaden sky, And frightened leaves that round us fly, Are portents of a stranger night, They .name him grave November. Hie sober mien and garments gray Oast no grim shadows o'er our way ; With gladsome hearts we hail the day He bids us to remember. And while the menthe anointed stand, Bright Autumn clasping Winter's hand, Let every heart in every land O'erliow with glad Thanksgiving. A THANKSGIVING FABLE. Thanksgiving morn Had jest been born, While through the barnyard straying , A gobbler proud, With gobble loud, Was to kis yardmatee saying : "I am the peer Of a chanticleer— You can bank upon my word. That screeching thing Is no longer king, For I'm the 'only' bird." With con0oioae pride And stately stride His goblets strode along, With well poised head And measured bread, Gobbling a Turkish eong. Said the bantam cook To the Plymouth Rook : "Get on his goblets' hobble Excuse my mirth, But you'd think the earth Were his to hear him gobble," Said the Leghorn bold, As be scratched the" mold, "Well, I admire his gall, But o'orlook his ways, For the old saw says, Pride goeth before a fall." "There's Master Max With a glittering axe, Ho must be going to work. . Well, dash my spare 1 Creat cbeobnub burg 1 Heal guillotined the lurk 1 "What did he may, Thanksgiving day Will be dead enough in a minute• To say the least A•glorious feed, And he'll be strictly in it." 31ORAL, Don't get too loud, Don't get too proud, Repreoe undue elation, Don't think by birth You're hair to earth, And guard against fellation. Don't grew vorbose O'er neighbor's woos, When you have what it laths, Misfortune's snare May catch you whote The gobbler got the axe. The Lord loveth a oheerlul givers but not 50 well as a tramp. " "'ktr II8M1W4xctcr for want c£ silegial materiel it would have Tho new elootrio light plant has been been running ovartfine, Tho new grist put in operation. mill was humming, the North American Chemical Oo, was turning out salt of the aar1,47A large(pot. .n n „uv 1,041,,,, at Ohrystal'e oller works were heard afar off, Al the harbor the elevator wan not in eight, hb bubthelumber millspouted g l steam merrily. Y p leer" 1^ldley lute neeeptnd n peal/inn in 11, 11.Oollina' law effete, Wm. Sloe takes the oaks Int odd vari' alien of fruit. Last week he bad a olueber Of fine, well duvet ope d stoo d. row6l thimble berries , vhi. n& veils grown in his garden, Wm Dearl'*f;,sesiliordsua, loot another valnable cow through milk favor. This is Cho tenth now ho has lost from the demo Cause since he Oommenned the milk business. Rev. Ernest Grist* 113, A„ non of Wil• thou Grigg, of this piece, for two years past the esteemed and highly suoocesful pastor of William Street Baptieb church in Chatham, who had spent ten yeare in Burmah as miselonary prior bo returning bo Canada, asked to be relieved and vont back to his old field. The Baptieb Mis• sionnr'y Society anooded bo hie regneat end lash week the devoted man, with his noble wile, left Chatham, an route for the distant Orient. 0bl.�ra'iy. Grand O1 anizor Woodman, of ,the A. 0. U. W., is in town at present. M, H. Uammoud, our G. T. R. agent, has imported a thorn' Isesd Jersey cow. While playing, little Nina Begley had the misfortune to fall and strike a atone, breaking her left shoulder blade. Mis Lottie Bentley lase been re•esgag• ed for U. S. S. No. 3, East Wawanosh and Morrie, at an increase of salary. Robert Walden, of Begot, Manitoba, a former resident of Blyth, was one of the enffereee by the recent prairie fires in Manitoba. Ile lost everything he had. John Potter hag prlt nk:teed the resi- dence on Dinsley street Nast, at present 000upied by Charles Roadhouse, from N. 11. Young. The pride pieid was 41,000. EL Gidley and dJHE. Ross attended the shooting match at Carlow and were very successful. The former shot 15 birds out of 16 and the latter 0 out of 10. These were the highest scores. The Y. P. S. C. E. of S6. Andrew's oheroh gave a crazy tea in the basement of the chnroh on Wednesday evening, Nov. 17th. A good ..program was •pre. seated and the admission fee was Oo and 16o. Premeds in aid of the Publio Li- brary reading room. boaiortla. Miss Grace Elder has tendere3 her resignation as teacher of the Public School here. Miss Aggie D, Bays, daughter of T. E. Hays, of this town, has been re engaged for next year as teacher in the school in S. S. No. 0, MoKillod, at 420 increase of salary. John Weir, assignee for the estate of Logan Rt Co., has sold the Daniel Wilson farm, on the Bauble line, Stunley, to W. G. Johnston, of the same line, for, 41,800. There are 110 acres, and air. Johnston has got a cheep place. Tho concert whit& will take place on Monday evening, Nov. 22nd, will certain- ly be the leading event in the concert line, when two each renowned artists as Harold Jarvis and Bessie Bonsai! are engaged to take part. Alf. Beattie, who has been absent from Seaforth about 6 years, and who is now located in St, Paul, is here at present on a visit to friends. He came mainly to see his grandfather., Boob. Oarmioiaael, who bag been in poor health for some time. The Women's Christian Temperance Union have this week forwarded two large bales of clothing, bedding, eta., to the central relief committee, Ottawa, making in all five bales and two boxes sent for the relief of sufferers by recent fires in Prescott and Russell counties. About 10 years ago the municipality of Sea erbh loaned the Broadfoot t1, Box Furniture Co. the sum of 410,000 for the purpose of enlarging the old buildings, erecting new ones, and for the extension of their business. The conditions on which the money was loaned were, that no interest was to be charged, but that the principal should be paid back in 10 years, in equal annual instalments. The firm have snooeeded in faithfully keeping their agreement with the town, as last week they paid 48,000, the amount as agreed upon, During the 10 years this Company has paid 8390 per annum fn taxes on the factory buildings. Geode rich. Mrs. and Mies Attrill have left for Los Angelos, where they will spend the Winter. Miss Shephard, who recently obtained her B. A. degree, obtained it in modern languages. Although the gale interfsrred with the sport, several good strings of perch were made the poet week. Wm. Robertson returned home from Soda Creek, British Columbia, after an abeenoefrom the county for over ten years. Bailiff Stinson was in town and took Timothy Blake, who was committed for lunacy some six weeke since, to the Lon- don Asylum, F, S. Smeeth asks exemption on itn• provemente, if he ereob a brink building on the site of his planing' mill reoently burned. A. S. Obrysbal also asks tax exemption on improvements if be erect a l roge building for nn ongine.and machine shThe sewer ooutraobore are working at the last section on Victoria at., and when this is finished they will have the South Part of Nelson street, a section on South street and the Corner drains Left, the whole of which will be completed by the end of the present month. The members of the Horticultural So. ciety will meet in County Clerk Lane's ofiioe to commence their semi-monthly dienuseions. Last Winter at the Sooiety's meetings papers were rend on flowere,' vegetables and fruit, and the disoussions that followed the readings did much to improve our methods. Next season the Moak between South and Victoria Amelia on the South side pf Elgin avenue, will he one of the Most residential blanks in town. In addition to the rasidouoes of Reeve Thompson, Dr. Whitley, and Jas. Stewart, four hand- some two storey dwellings are being erected, the bnilders being Reeve Thomp- son, Wm. McLean, Nixon Sturdy, and Mrs, Harrison. A trip round the town proved that Godericb fa moving, the organ factory being under full steam, full handed, end having Orders on hand to last many Weeks. The vole works had ,beam up and though not full handed were pushing things vigorously. The knitting faotory was running full time and had it not beets Cattrati1E3. Geo. 13eswitheriok hat secured a eau. Minn in a, tnilnr shop in 1,1 bowel. MessNellie Rogers, in the employ of the Mines Perkins, dressmakers, reeeiv. ed word that her mother, in 1'Iollin, was and returned home to wait upon her. Hugh Davidson, manager of the Canned Salmon Factory, of Vancouver, B. O., and Wm. Nioklin, morohaot, be of Vauoonver, were the gusto of their old sahooi•mate, John J. Rutherford, in town. The Vicioita says :--The tolling of the bell early on Sabbath morning announc- ed the sad tidings that the Grim Reaper had been In our midst and on inquiry it was learned that at about seven o'clock the spirit of Mrs, T. H. McLaughlin had taken its flight to a brighter and better world. Deceived had been a sufferer for a considerable titno from Bright's disease, but she was not taken seriously ill until about a week before her demise. She leaves a family of six chi/droll—three boys and three girls, to mourn the lose of a true and faithful wife and a kind, Christian mother. 11er remains were laid in their last earthly resting place ou Tuesday afternoon, and notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather, the funer- al was a large One. K:llixoo can. Mrs, W. Doherty was called to Wards - villa owing to the serious illness of her father, P. Depew. James Smith m L� has sold hisbeautiful autfful white Shetland pony to Wm. Moon, of Hallett, at a good figure. Joe, Allaneou has yet about two thousand head of cabbage and the same quantity of celery in the ground. Jeunie, the 13•year.old daughter of B. Churchill, had the misfortune to break her thigh bone one day last weolc. The Ladies Aid of Rabtenbury St. Methodist church purpose giving a Thanksgiving /supper and entertainment on the evening of the 23rd inst. Ensign Wakefield, of the Salvation Army, the present commander of the for. nes in this town, has hit upon a very happy plan to solve a "knotty" question, viz., the heating of the Salvation Army barracks. He invitee all those people in the town who have "knotty" sticks of wood, wbieh the owners cannot split and which ab the same time have the tendon• oy to make the spliters indulge in "naughty" words, to let him know or any of the Salvation Army workers and the Army patrol wagon will take the "knotty" wood in charge and have it "converted" lute ashes in the barrack's stove. PRns13rTerY.—Ab the regular meeting of the Presbytery of Huron, held in Willis church, Clinton, on the Otb Inst„ the fol. lowing business was transacted :—The auditors appointed to examine the treasurer's book's, reported a balance on hand of 410,27, Masers, Aobeson and D. D. Wilson were appointed to address the W. F. 11'1. S. on behalf of the Presbytery at the annual meeting of the Society at GoderInh next January. A committee was appointed to perfect arraugemeuts for the celebration, under the auspices of the Presbytery, of the 250th anniversary of the oompletion of the Weobminisber Catechism and Confession of Faith. The Remit from the General Assembly re. speoting the appointment of a Commit- tee on Estimates, Eastern sed Western Seotioes, voted dowu. Attention was called to the Augmentation Fund to the charges of Bayfield, Bethany, Leeburn and Goderioh Townabip, the matter was referred to the Home Mission Commit. tee for consideration, with instruction, after visiting the charges, to repor6 at next meeting of the Presbytery. A motion to rectum the number of regular meetings of the Presbytery from five to four was negatived. 110'1' DO18N. A circus performance is intents-ly in. teresting, A watch -dog attached to a cabin is likely to become wound up. She—You won't get much money when you marry me, George. Riches have wings and likewise a good many gaudy tail•feathere. Gol3 is so plentiful in Alaska they are finding quartz by the peck. The lever thinks his sweetheart the apple of his eye when he's be cider. Wisdom is unlike whiskers in that it doesn't always come with age. That wasn't snob a bad mistake of the boy who spelled it philanthropete, A man may be a good talker and still have an impediment in bis thoughts. Some folks are like a theatre flat ; all length and breadth, bub not thioknoss. WISDOM. Juggle with fate and you'll get the worst of it. "Contempt is the only way to triumph over calamity." A man never gets used to a woman's honest insiuoerity. Take the poet's eyes and ears—but the nose of the aoisntisb. The plain spoken man is likely to ruffle the feelings of others, Bury your troubles and plant blooming .evergreens on the grave. The poet's eye in a fine frenzy rolling seldom makes a ten strike, Some people cannot fool common morbnla and yet imagine they aro fooling the Lord. There le many a young man that is able to cut into a fortune who cannot carve one, When a man of opposite views readily agrees with you, yeti have either snosesd- ed in convincing or tiring him. It ie well enough to have faith in humanity, but it is mucic more import- ant that humanity should have faith in you. When some people get ou to the fact that they Webb intended for followers in- stoad of loaders they will be happier and the would will bo better. There be no work of genius which has nob been the delight of mankind ; no word of genius to whites the human heart and soul have not, sooner os later, re. sponded.—Lowell. The only liberty that a man, worthy of the name, ought to ask for, is to have all reetriobions, inward and outward, re- moved that prevent his doing what he ought.—F. W. Robertoon. l'ivaay Iran adeenie that 110 late preoi:.sl the trials and temptations which are th hardest of all other's for him .to bear but they .r0 so dimply beeauun they at Colt rs41.4.4 ... There le this diffureueo between hap pin ss andvisd rn that he who think himself the 11R]lr 1 Sgt mUlr Y teal( it a0 but lealio i t Ira thinise. himself the wisest, generally the greeted fool. Tui LIST 0i'' TliL DARLING Ft 'VILA Y0 White Star Line. n I !LOYAL 31,111: STEAMS/11PS. Between Now York ata Liverpool, via Qualm/town, every Wednesday. Tho news will be received with some surprise, not to a ev ihvappniutinont, that the only surviving brother of the furlong Grate Darlene it now a pauper in receipt of parochial relief. George A. Darling, the last of the family, le an old mot, and, though 01305 fairly prosperous, has through the failure of the poor fishermen of Seahoaeee, North Sunderland, evhere he lives, fallen into such poverty as to necessitate hie reneiving from the parish rates. The old men adds to hie seanty living by selling "rhe True History of Grace Darling's Life" and "'.Elio Journal of Grace Darling's b'atber," The house in which the herolne was born and the house iu evbiolr the died are still standing and occupied in the charming village of Bambueg, in the unique parish church of which—St. Aedan's—Grace was baptized. fibs lies buried along with all the Darling connect. tion in the stili ohureh yard of Barn. burgh, and tor the third time since her interment in 1842, the canopy memorial above her ashes has just been restored. After having a few years the effigy of the heroine—a recumbent figure with an oar on her arm, leohing towards the islands which she made illnetrous—began to de. nay, and was removed to the interior of the church, where ib still lies, weather. beaten and rain -worn. Very • curb ulottaly, the roof of the transept in which this original effigy is preserved has just given away, and 1e declared un. safe. The outside monument some fifteen years or so ago was restored, and anew effigy placed beneath the stone. aroaded oanopy, but in the great storm of fearysare ago the oanopy was blown down, and the second effigy defaced. After lying in rains for some two years a sew canopy has just been erected and the reoumbent figure of Grace Darling re- paired. The coast is a wild one ; but there has been something strangly fatal in the fortunes of the bombs of cue whose praises once rang through Europe. Far worse, however, than any rained monu• ment is the cold neglect of the heroine's lash surviving relative. "Surely," says the correspondent who wrote these particulars, "e (metbing should be don) to heighten the eventide of the one so closely associated with the great Eng. lisp herolne,"—Wsstmisiter Gazette. A very sad house was that of Mr. Eg- Iin's, at Dresden, on Friday of last week. Mr. Eglin dropped dead while milking the cow in the pasture. He had never known a day's siokness, 90 this calamity wbioh has fallen on his family is the more painful because unexpeotod. De• ceased was 78 years old. Hw 11, G. Richardson Is prepared to do all kinds of work in his ';,3)e. Good Workmanship and Goon! Fits Guaranteed. LATEST STYLES, Suits made for $4 and upwards. I"Sllop over McBowan's Store. MoLEOD',S System Renovator —AND OTHER— TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyepepein, Sleeplessness, Palpita- tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur. algia, Lose of Memory, Bronohitie, Con- eumptiou, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregalarities and General De. bility. LABORATORY, OOOERICN, ONT. J. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. said by Sea, Box, Druggist, itrnssels. YHE MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY FOR MAN OR BEAST. Certain In Hu °Crests nod only blisters, Rood proofs below: KENDALL'SSPM1NDUDE. Box 're,,0nrimt(0. HOadar0mi Oo„ 114„I'ob,94, '03, kNNi. l)M1 SINS -1 tensa ond too Oho of your horse Aoo03 3)d oblin0,lhave5.5dagrontdoal cryo,, Neaten, t17avin Caro with qI1cad01,00'55 ibisa 30000,,lt5pOi�'1n1rt11dJ110ep Uo1.t10Sr30�rad1il0 141 Resp a bottlo on hnud all 01151505, 00100trllly, OM'A&. ?WNW. KE DI LL'S SPANIN DARES C.IETON, 31o., Apr.9,'33. Dr. n T 10011301, 00. A4m r, •, 1 110'5 nlot10000ra1 bMtlos 01 Sour ]t a Intl s 9po1hl im•o” Rttl, rm,eb ebeoese, I I1dn1. it 1110 beat,ISOsont 1000(11,0;1. is kilted lsorodona Onrfp dna Have Anavin aria 10,0,5 0000 Hn„b epn lir , Have Initol 3)t n si•:ertlnf 0t monde 55H0d 10 to andkeop it. yI10, 1311 f,IUv 10uolt (t, Dos W, 5,10, 1030, P. 0, Dox 969, For Salo by nll Beugglsta, or matrons Dr. it, d: J bJ1VDter,Z roma t'.d.,y ; ream:meets fa1Le 00. Aa the domes of this line carry only e strictly 1in11ted uenlbor in the FlasT and 01300143) PAWN aeeommodatlone, intending paeaongors are remiudad that an early ap- plication for bertha In nenea9ary at this tea+ sol. Por p1Cns,Tatra, ob0.,applyt0 W. H. Kerr, Agent, Brussels, MOM Maker, a well Inas! of YOU ! nttnal ra0n00Es THE A5Ove na550.00 IN rOV500E500. P1005I ours, ell Nervous Ahoaaoa 0loopl000. 0001( Fslaog 310a10 17, Nlghny Erutaslonn Sporma. torrno,F,, Imp01osC , em., anu005 by pan 01,5,15' giver ly but en,ely rexteles Lto oop 35Movraoon J oliF or 00550 1750 P 0Oex a,d you war grow 014055 553 happy S5egStn. Seat by man to p1agis wmppor 50d 00mrroll• sonled from ob,orv,61eo ItaoUO 1{rn10'1 13.00.1 (0,101 I'rleo, ggr. a paoiage 50, rvr118. eesdmonoy is elthoesrd1w or ter. od 101100, Addrmm- all , tee m T, fort 7035 Drs¢¢glstl W50ner0C , OUT, Ag001 for Cho Do• minlona Canada. 'vud0afi ' d Tiii§�S NE W utcfler Slujp E The undersigned has open- ed up a Butcher Shop in the 0f111E RCM BRUSSE SI where he will keep constant. ly on hand a supply of the Best Meats Procurable, sold at reasonable prices, A share of' public patronage solicited. S. WALZER. Meat delivered to all parts of the town. > CASH PAID Fon Mons. TF1\AL HOLLER �2IL BRUSSELS. S The undersigned having lately entered into partner- ship and have remodeled their mill to the Hungarian Sys tem are enabled to manufacture Flour second to none. We have also increased our Chopping Cap- acity which will enable us to Sive farmers their Chopping home by waiting Co short time. By strict attention to business and fair dealing we hope to merit a good share of the public patronage. We are now manufacturing' a special brand of Flour, "The Ladies' Choice." Try it. All orders delivered free in town.-04100.--- Our own.-✓Our Motto : "Small profits and quick. returns." TERMS CASH. Stewart & Peebles. POST Beokstore! Just come to hand a new stock of the well known Hyatt Patent Wire Bound Slates; The Jumbo Scribbler ; Biggest lc. Scribbler in the Market, And all other School necessaries such as Books, Pens, Inks, Rulers, Pencils, School Bags, &c. FINE RANGE OF ROCKING HORSES, Tho vory thing for small children at very lore Prices. Good stock of Note and Foolscap Papers, Writ- ing Pads, Blank Books and Envelopes, 13 Bargains in Photo. Albums,