HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-11-12, Page 8THE BRUSSELS POST
Giving .. Away,
We have made a, purobaee of an extra
number of the favorite game of Crook.
pude. Aire have not ouly eeeurod a better
finished board but the price is now
ONLY $/.00
for the best tiniehed one, and less for sucks
et• sold leer Pease". Now we purpose
giving away it choice of any of these
boards to the person who will melte the
largest number of words from the letters
contained in
Anyone ie at liberty to try. Competi-
tion closes Deo. 15th. The nnmee of the
wieners in the "Forty Kinds" contest
will appear in next issue of thie paper,
G. A. Deadman,
Druggist, Optician & Bookseller.
oOUTHen1 EXTEN0ION W. 0. d: 0.
Trains 1eare Bruesels Station, North
and South, as follows:
Gorse SinTn, Gorse Noll'rn.
Exp rens 7.10 a.m. (afail ............LOB pan
limed 9:al a.m. Express 10:01 p.m
Drat ntivS Pins.
A ehial'e among ye Lakin' notes,
Au' faith he'll preut it.
Ssr.tw' WI rrea.
Besssees is brightening up.
Tueseservlxo Day oomee on Tbnrscley,
25th inst.
Tnr•, first sleigh of tine Beason was out
Toesdny forenoon.
A wei.nmo party was in town on Web
nesday afternoon.
Linea quantities of grainare being
marketed at Brussels this Full.
Foraru Division Court will be held in
Brt; +eta 011 Wednesday, Deo. 8th.
Henan County Council will convene
oa Tuesday, Nov. 30th, at 8 o'clock p m.
A er1n'En of shade trees suffered by
the weigbt of snow lodged on the brat ;h -
Pnov. Emma is engaged to sing as a plane, ranging in number from 50 to 2, as
concert in Thorndale on the evening of the price is within reaob of all. After
Thauksgiving Day. all the store lights are installed there will
THE water tank at Walnnt street was be a very noticeable increase of light on
pumped out on Monday, so as to be re- Mein street.
plat,tered, to overcome it leakage tut . At the Epworth League on Monday
exists. evening the topic was "Missionary
J. C. Trcx purchased the 100 acre Heroes" and was taken by Miss Carrie
farm, helve lot 84, son. 13, Grey, at the llnngptnn, who also led the prayer and
mortgage sale recently held. The prim praise service. The following well rend -
A. New feuey porch Ilse been built ab T. Tun town well was cleaned out laat
0. Tuolt'e residence. Friday and a good sized rat removed
A cuexmt iu the G. T. R. time table from it.
will come into effect ou Nov. 1411). A SPECIAL freight train wag run freta
Tnos. MCLerolLto hes builtanaddition Palmerston to Kincardine, and baelt, on
to hie largo etabls, Turnberry street, Thursday of this week.
A maw shingle roof will be )pub on the Tills week G.A. Deadman shipped a
Grand Trunk station and freight house,
Trim will be a move round in some of
the buaiueee piques dna Veil in Brussels,
Reap the Goderiob, Clinton, Blyth,
Gorrie, Fordwiali and Mo11illap news on
the inside penes: of !Nix Post.
Tut passage of a Oow Bylaw is being
freely die:near ed and the majority say the
law should be passed and enforced.
YE Editor is living high thie week,
Venison, stayed by A, Onaatey, Irish
bullets and pumpkin pie. Pum 1 yam !
20e11 smart Alex. 10011 G. A, Dead•
man's sign on Hallowe'en. If they're
through with it he would like 10 returned.
S. B, Safate is now on the market eta,
slating R. Graham in the penileee of
grain and pork. Sem, is well known to
the public.
Ox the evening of Thanksgiving Day,
Nov, 2Jth, the lfpworth League purpooe
holding something unique in the slaps of
a social, about which further particulars
will be given next week,
Co31'L.tINT has been made about the
blocking of Turnberry street by the af-
ternoon train, to the anuoyemee and de-
tention of travellers. We hope the train.
omen will not overstep the limit granted
them by the Statute, vin., 10 minutes at
a time. There is no way to get ant or
into town from the North excepting on
Turnberry street, hence the necessity of
leaving the highway as free as possible.
TEE Clinton New Ere says :—"The
Barssst's PORT wants the Council to pass
a by-law prohibiting oow8 running at
large. What ( interfere with the poor
man's cow 7 do away with her preroga-
tive of breekiog into your garden and
cramping over the lawn 7 deny her the
right of smashing down the fence 7
N•e•v-e•r. Not even if Olinton has had
each a by-law in successful operation for
severalyeers. Brussels is only a sow
pasture anyhow." You don't want to get
too gay, son. One time a man did that
and his bill of fare was grass for some
Bnusseas inosndesoent electric light
plant will be ready to run in the course
of a few days. Tbey will start the dyna-
mos with from 350 to 400 lights, which
number will probably be doubled, if not
trebled, before many weeks elapse. Next
week R. Maiuprioe, one of the firm, will
move to Brussels from Wingham and
take up Isis residence in the comfortable
brick dwelling in 0onneetion with the
Electric Light Works and menage the
business here. The lights will probably
be used by every business man in the
was $1„100.
SEvsma, horses were sold at the Brus-
sels monthly Horse Pair on Thursday of
last week. The next Fair will be held on
December 2nd.
THE Pox hos a few copies of the
pamphlet ou Good Roads ou hand and Jennie Howe ; Baynard, Mies Carrie
will be pleased to give them to persons Hingston ; Judson, Alias L. Peebles ;
interested in this work, by calling at oar Martin, Miss B. Moore ; Livingstone,
office. Mise 0. Bunter ; Deomont, Mies H.
Ball ; Molay, Mies E. E. Kerr ; Dr.
Grant, Mise 0. Norton!. The President
made a short speech and gave an interest-
ing reading, The program next Monday
evening will be of a Literary character
and all are invited to attend and spend a
pleasant evening.
BLoon ON THE PACE or, Tun 14100N..—Tho
placid sea of journalism has been some-
what ruffled during the past week in con-
nection with the Herald office in this
place. It appears when C. E. Sarney
purchased the plant, about a year ago, lie
gave his predecessor, R. Woolsey, a ohet-
tel mortgage for $400 to secure balance
of unpaid purchase money for a year.
When the time was nearly up and the
money unpaid, Mr. W. came frotn To•
ronlo and was assured it would be all
right, so report says, but to make doubly
sere a gentleman was sent from Berlin to
menage the business temporarily for the
said Woolsey. On his arrival he was in.
formed that the key was in the hands of
He was associated with a number of If, Stretton, who ensured possession by
Orillia sportsmen. placing a chattel mortgage on the plant
Sorin JusilrEN1' ON Timm PART or FIVE for $400 RS soon as Woolsey's had ex-
pired, as these documents to retain their
validity must be renewed every year.
The Herald has been changing )lroprie•
tore every year slaps its 100050100, so
Laren and went away well pleased with : we're not surprised at seeing a new man
the bargains they gob. Smith di Mo. at the helm, but just who is vvheelman'
now we don't know. We, figuratively,
ebalte hands with Mr. Stretten, bowever,
as our editorial brother and hope he may
keep his craft off the rooks and aid TEE
Post in booming Bruesels and advancing
the interests of the surrounding country.
A. 0. U. W. A14ervseskBx.—Last Sab•
bath morning the members of Brussels
Lodge A. 0. U. W., No. 183, and visiting
brethren, numbering in all about 70, met
at their Lodge room at 10,80 and manta -
ed to Melville church, marshalled by
Bro. W. E. Armstrong, where au excel-
lent dieoonree was preached to them by
the pastor, Bro. Rev. Jno. Rose, B. A.
His text was taken from Mark, 011
chapter and 3rd verse —"10 nob this the
Carpenter 7” The subject was dealt
with under the heads (1) Christ and In-
dustrial Life" ; (2) Christ as a Laborer ;
(8) 01)rist as a Leader in Induetrial
Life. Mr. Ross pointed out in a very
striking manner the relation of Christ's
0oc050110n and the ooaopation of men at
the present day. He referred to the eon.
dition of Christ se a youth es dearaoter.
istio of many to -day. In all Hie toil Ile
wee altyeye working out the will • of His
Heavenly Father, and such ehonld be the
object of every true Workman. The
true principles of Chriet, not only as a
workman, but as a Master Workmen,
were refound to, The workmen of old
were Cbrisb's ohoeen Mende. We oan.
not afford to have more than one motive
in life, and that must be to do the will of
God in all things. It was impossible for
Christ to be an idler ; en should it be.
with us. Chriet'e work was all done
thoroughly. The grand reward that
awaits all faithful workers is "Well done,
goad and faithful servant, Jio." After
the service the Workmen marched back
to their Mall, where a hearty vote of
thanks wee tendered to Rev. Mr. Ross
for his vett' suitable discourse, which
will not goon be forgotten by the mem.
bots of the A. 0, U. W. About 80
brethren were present from Walton and
Beigrave lodges,
Bred program was presented :—Mission-
ary reading, Mise Carrie Hingston ;
duets, "Send the Light," Miss
Norton and Miss E, E. Kerr ;
sketches of the lives of different Mission -
:tries followed, viz. Zinzendorf, Mies
Tcni:rrs All parties having contract-
ed with the for the sale of their turkeys
are to have the same delivered in Bras.
eels on Thursday and Friday, Nov. 18th
aid 10th. Boar. THoa130N.
ARorr four inches of snow .'ell last
Tuesday morning and the sample was of
a very solid character. There was not
enough of the beautiful to make sleighing
and as a consequence the streets and
roads are quite muddy.
Dr she rises—Tun Post subscription
list. We want to add 1,000 new name
this year. Every subsor'iber could secure
one beeirle their own with very little
trouble to themselves, and give THE PORT
a big "boost" for 1908. The bigger our
list the better paper we can turn out.
A. Ord: at arrived home Monday night
from Muskoka and Tuesday afternoon a
140 pound deer came, per express, to
Bruesels, as a proof of bis prowess with
the gun. Mr. Cousley says the supply of
huntsmen is neither few nor far between.
Bao'Hltas.—Last Thursday evening, af-
ter ten, five stalwart men, who live near
Blyth, drove over to Brussels and pur-
ohased five Overcoats from Smith fit Mo.
Laron can give many an inetanoe where
people from long distances buy their
clothing from them, as they carry the
largest assortment of clothing in the
County. They also carry a line stook of
Dry -goods, Boots & Shoes.
Bente Dowty THE PeIOE.—Over 200
townships in Ontario are using grading
reao1)iues, some of them three or four,
and it is surprising tbe improvement tbat
is being made on the roads in the town-
ships. A few years ago grading machines
oast 3800. The agitation for good roads
created a great demand. Tbie demand
secured competition, and a few days ago
Dulerin Co, Council purohased seven at
$150 0,111, Road rollers and rook
nrushers are as necessary as graders.
They ere mush too high in price, and it
is hoped a similar reduction will soon be
made in these indi'3pensible implements
so that the good work my proceed more
BROeseLs Orman FACTORY.—Friday of
last week Bruesels Cheese factory closed
down for the season, after a most 500oese-
fol run, It was intended to operate a
Creamery tbls Winter and thereby turn
out butter as well act cheese, but the neo•
eseary a,rrengement8 could not be made
in time, so the project stands in aheyanoe
for this year, with 111e intention of malt-
ing it one of the prime objeete of the
factory in 1808, The first 20 days' make
of September hoe been se d at 8!j, cents
per pound and the belen,'u is being held,
hoping for a rise in the market, Mr.
Harris has made a numbat of noticeable
improvemsnte in and about the factory
and will be in a much bettet position
than ever to turn out not only the quant.
ity, but even better quality, 1f that is
poeeibls. Butter making on the deity
pttecipal is hemming one of the neoes•
shies of almost every up-to.date own.
inanity and THE POST is pleased 60 notioe
the growing [Moron taken in this sub-
ject by the progreeefve farmer and his
family. It augers well for the time to
ton of honey to the different lead1ng
pointe in Manitoba and the West.
THE latest improved tensing machine
Thursday evening of this week, an the 8.
A, berm:eke. Some splendid seleotiolle
from famous Banda and Orehesttan,
Loyeas of good musical and literary
entertainments in l:run0ele p1opOse open.
lag rip a guarantee list for the sale of
seats for four first-class entertainments
to be given during the opining Winter by
the beat talent procurable.
Tin's S, A. Marine Band of braes and
stringed llletrllnlOnts, will hold a musical
festival in the S. A. barracks, Brussels,
on Monday evening, Nov. 1011), There
are twelve players in the Band. Don't
ail to enc lain, Parade a . p. m•
THE loss of the etealuer "Idaho," which
foundered off Long Point, in Lake Erie,
and all but two of the crew were lost, has
somewhat of a local intoreet from the
foot that Fred, Downing, of this town,
Bailed on it for a Beason. The "Idaho"
was the staunchest craft of that line.
S0Pt11)0 is still ou the boom at the G.
T. R. Here is the list this week
Clegg &Dames, a oar of cattle ; 11.
Graham, 6 ears of wheat, 8 oars of oats
and 1 oar of peas ; Busker h Vanstone, 7
care of wheat, 3 oars of oats, a Oar of peas
and a oar of live hogs ; 5 cam of salt by
the Enterprise Works ; and 2 cars of
apples to Liverpool by Wm. Smith In-
coming freight was a ear of smithy coal
for Gerry Bros. ; a oar of stove coal for
Wilton ca Turnbull ; car of shingles for
P. Anent ; oar of shingles for the G. T.
R.. and s large quantity of way freight.
Do You BnnoNG 7—Oddfellowship is to-
day the largeet fraternal benefit society
in existence. Its great success proves
this assertion, There are on its member-
ship roll at present 831,806 brothers and
171,678 sisters—total 1,008,570. During
its period 1,002,562 of its members have
been relieved in time of siokneeo, Just
think, there are paid out $7 every minute,
$420 every hour, $10,300 every day, $308,
000 each month, $8,500,000 each year.
This does nob include the maintenance of
tbe 26 orphan homes now in successful
operstiou ; those homes have 2,836 pieces
of teal estate, worth $16,521,724, in ad-
dition to this it has invested in homes
$840,505.35. These homes own 3,800
acres of land. Oddfellowe iu Manitoba
are quietly working to raise a fund to
erect s ls•tm4 monument to the order in
that Proviute to shelter aged Odd Yealows, the widows and orphan children.
During the existence of this Order it has
tenderly laid 185,000 of its members to
their last resting plass and long home,
Femmes' Inetrroro.—The Farmers' In-
stitute meetings for the coming season
have been arranged and the dates for
holding the respective institute meetings
published. The following are the places
and dates fixed for the holding of meet-
ings in the County of Huron and South
Perth ; East Huron,—Gorrie, January
1811 ; Brussels, Jnnoary 22nd ; Blueve.le,
February 26th ; Ethel, February 28th ;
Leodbury, March 1st ; Constance, Maroh
2nd. West Huron,—Dunganon, January
20t11 and 21st ; Ilolmesville, March 8rd •,
Auburn, March 411 ; Wingham, Maroh
5th. South Huron,—Exeter, January
20th ; Brumfield, January 21st ; Oredi•
ton, February 21st ; Zurich, February
22nd ; Hamada February 28rd. South
Perth,—Mitchell, January 22nd ; Staffs,
February 18th ; Kirkton, February 10.
The delegates sent by the department are
as follows : For South Huron and South
Perth,—D. E. Gibson, B. S. A., Willow
Grove ; W. 0. Shearer, Bright ; T. H.
Maeoo, Staffordville ; John Robertson,
Ingersoll ; H. Glendenning, Manilla.
For Best and West Huron, -0. A.
Zavitz, B. S. A., Agricultural College ;
Roberti Thompson, St. Catharines ;
Mayor James Sheppard, Queenston ;
Joseph E. Gould, Uxbridge.
MARRY BICrranDsoN SHAT.—The follow•
bug refers to a horse buyer well known to
a number in Brussels and locality on no.
count of his visits hero on horse buying
expeditions :—Harry Richardson, 87
years old, the buyer for Kelett Bros.,
cattle merchants, of London, England,
was shot down in the office of the Orand-
ell House at East Buffalo at 12.30 o'clock
Saturday afternoon, by Timothy Morley,
a porter and bell boy employed in the
hotel. The men quarrelled behind the
railing in the hotel office, Morley claim•
ing that Richardson had uot paid him for
shining hie oboes the day before. Rich-
ardson will die. Morley was turned
over to the police of the William street
station. Shortly after 12.0010011 on Sat-
urday Richardson entered the hotel odioe
and went inside the railing to look for
his mail. He was met by Morley who
asked him !something, concerning pay for
shining shoes. The exact conversation
was not overheard. Suddenly Morley
pulled a revolver and shot Richardson
through tbe breast, Richardson dropped
to the floor and was pinked up by per0on8
in the office and carried to a room in the
hotel, while others looked to the detention
of Morley. .8. pbyeiaian was called and
said that the ball come in contact with
the beast, act Riohardson was spitting
blood. He cannot live. But little is
known of Richardson, except that he was
always gentlemanly, and was well liked
by the cattle dealers of East Buffalo.
f h them P d t 7 30
Nov. 12, 1897
::.._mrmalint ataira vrsar '>p '.romTaatas iplesi.
,ST4ND.gl,',.D RINE OF Ct4N4V , gie Woi,'t be
M u'S,,a.MxamsxiE9 11.0?2,
ASSISTS, (Boron Million Dollen) • 97,000,000
CAPITAL (Authorized) $8,000,000
agencies in aiiprincfpai points in Ontario. outcross, ilfanlaebd, United States rO,Eltpiand.
A General Banking laminate Transaoted, Farmers' Nobos Dieoounted.
Drafts Intend and Collections made un all points,
Interest allowed on deposits of $1,00 and upwards from dat of deposit to date of
withdrawal and compounded half yearly,
Every facility afforded Customers living eta dietanoe.
Business Locals.
HOME clippers and scissors sharpened
and repaired by Saw Filer McGregor, of
Brussels, Queen et. East.
\Via are handling any quantity of but-
ter, ogee and dried apples. Cash or
trade. Also all kinds of poultry. G. E.
King, Wingbam. . 16.64
SHILon'a OUr0 is Bold on a guarantee.
It cures incipient consumption. It is
the best cough neve. Only one cent a
dose. 25 ons„ 50 ots. 0110 $1.00. Sold by
James Fox, Druggist, Brussels.
KAn1's Clover Boob, the great Blood -
Purifier gives freshness and clearness to
the complexion and cures constipation.
25 qts, 50 pts and $1.00. Sold by James
Fox, Druggist, Brussels.
If you are tbiulting of buying an organ
it will pay you to call on R. Leatherdale
before you bny. He can eave you 25 per
Dent. Agent for the Bell and Goderiolr.
Always a big stock on baud.
001001100111E bOoee, with stable, well,
cistern, am., for sale or to rent. Posses,
Edon given at once. For further particu-
lars us to price and terms apply to Geo.
Howe, Brussels. 10.
, Beneaox OPPEREo.—That eligible 11a16
acre lot situate on the Southern portion of
Turnberry street, Brussels, will be die.
posed of below cost. Very easy terms.
Write for particulars to Jona HanonnwwEs,
174 Queen et. West, Toronto.
CAPTAIN Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego,
Cal., says :—"Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy
is the first medicine I have ever found
that would do mo any good." Price 50
dente. Sold by Jas. Fox. droggist,'Brtis,
ANYONE needing their eaves pub in
proper order had better bring them to
Saw -filer McGregor before he loaves
Brussels, as be is likely to take it situ-
ation with the Saw and Saw Tool Mak-
ers, but will do saw filing and saw gum.
ming in Bruesels for this season. T.
McGregor, saw -filer, Brussels, Queen
st. East.
THE first cutter of the season was tak-
en from D. Ewan'e show room last week
by Jas. Perrin, of Grey. It took First
Prize at Brussels and Blyth. Shows and
is a credit to the manufacturer. He
also ordered a boggy to be built for the
coming Spring. Mr. Perste appreciates
a good article and knows where to go to
get it.
Do you want stockings, soaks or mitts?
Mrs. Kirk bas a large stook made from
Listowel, Sootub and German yarns.
All sizes from dolls' upwards. Farmers'
yarn knit any size. Ladies' and child-
ren's mitts a specialty, made from Rook
German yarn, the beet yarn in the mar.
ket. Listowel yarn' in all shades, two
and three ply, also mitt yarns always ou
hand. Opposite Queen's Hotel, Brussels.
neon stook of Crockery at McOraok-
A 0000 pow for ettlo. Apply to Jab,
Walker, Brussels.
371ns1•CLAe9 house to rent or for sale.
Apply to Jno. Wynn.
Ona handmade men's long boots can.
not be beat, I. C. Richards.
A. 4•year.old Driving Horse for sale.
Apply to B. GERRY, Bruesels.
SEH our single haraees, niokle silver, at
$11.00, unsurpassed. I. 0. Ricbards.
Youn boy wants a pair of long boots.
Wo have them at poet. I. 0.Ricbarcle.
Do you wear size B shoes 7 If eu Oome
and get a pair at nest. I. 0, Richards.
Team harness, halters, collars, robes,
blankets, at reduced prions for 80 days.,
I, C, Riobard8.
Toe season of the year is on for now
cutters and Jas. Walker IS ready far it
With germ of the best and latest styles.
WHY pay agents big prime for organs
when you Can buy a (.08tave piano .cage,
oak or walnut frons R. Leatherdale for
D. E WAN gold 1 2sd•hand buggies in
one day, Mr. Ewan not only rens a
retell heehaw, but goes right into it
At the meeting of the direotors of the
Elma Cheese 00., tenders were opened
for a oheosernslter for the year 1898.
The tender of W. D. Angus, of the New-
bridge factory, was aaoeptod, Mr. Angus
is an Elma boy, and enjoys the reputa-
tion of being a good oheesemaker. We
hear the price was 580. per owt., which
is 30. in advance of the price paid to the
present maker.
GonnY.—In Brussels, on Nov. Ot1), the
wife of Mr. N. B. Gerry, of a dough•
McNAuonT.—In Grey, on the 4111 inet.,
the wife of Mr. Raymond MoNaugbt,
of a son.
HALL.—In Grey, on the 5th inst., the
wife of Mr. Wm. Hall, of a son.
Sn11TE.—In Grey, ou Nov. 8rd, the wife of
Mr. William Smith, of a daughter.
Minn.—In Elma, on Nov. 8rd, the wife of
Mr. Edward Midd, of a daughter.
GRAY.—In Wingbam, on Nov. 4th, the
wife of Mr. Jos. Gray of a sou.
Rmnttocn.—In Morris, on Nov. 4th, the
wife of Dlr. Russell Richmond of a
• S.QARZ-2 SbD.
CoNniE—MASON.-At the Methodist Par.
nonage, Bruesels, on the 27t11 Oct.,
by Rev. S. J. Min, Mr. John Condie
to Mrs. Janet Mason, both of . Toes -
AoTELL—B2Yn0E9,—On the loth inst., by
Rev. S. 3. Allis, at the Methodist
Parsonage; Brussels, Mr. Robert E.
Astell, to Miss Ellen Al. Brydgse,
both of the township of Morris.
STORES—ScoTT.—At the residence of the
bride's father, on Wednesday, Nov.
10th, by Rev. 5no. Ross, B. A., Mr.
Burwell Copland Stokes, of Grey, to
Miss Isabella Scott, oldest daughter
of Mr. Donald Scott, of Morrie.
JOHNsxoN.—Io Clinton, on Saturday, 0c6.
80th, George Johnston, lately of
Goderioh township, aged 46 years,
GUNNER.—Ill Listowel, on Nov. 8rd, Dr,
14', A. Gunner, aged 74 years.
ED,' 10E0. BARKER, Brussels.
Cant. F. S. 80055, Bruges 0,
Incensed Auctioneer for Huron.
Since of all kinds a special by. Money to lend
On mortgage at lowest rates.
Fir tmortgage, farmPApply
THE POST Publishing Roam, Brussole.
Huron County Council.
• The Couvail of the corporation of the
County of Huron will moot in the Connell
Koons in the Town of Oodori811 ou fueodny,
Navent bei' 80ti!i, hist„ at 8 0 oloolt p.m, .
LAND, Clerk.
Dated at Goderieh, Noy, 8, 'ea
Notioe is hereby given that the partner-
ship existing between a.& P. Amen6, es saw -
millers, manufacturers. Re., bas this clay
been dissolved by mutn0l consent. The
business will be conducted by Philip Ameut,
who !las authority to collect all outstanding
accounts nod he will also pay any debts due
by the late firm.
R cuss els, Oct. 28, 3897. 17.8
0Bnerexl:n has oeverol good Farina for
sale and to rent, easy terms in Townships
of Morris and Grey, F S. Sb OTT, Brussels
North Part Lob 80, Oou, 9, Morris, con-
taining 110 acres— known as the Fraliok
Ilomostoa1—fo1• a term of 5 years. Far fur.
11)0r particulars apply to
10.3 10. S. SCOTT, Brussels.
near Brussels. Groat bargain, Lot 7,
Con. 0, Grey township, Good buildings mud
orchard, well watered, suitable for mixed or
daily- farvtlug. Possession given next
March, with privilege of doing Fall plowing,
Apply to W. H. KERR, Poste Publishing
li0uso,ltruesels,or to THOMAS IIEIIIT'AGGE,
London West.
—180 nol'00 of good farm laud at
Springfield, 8 milds from Winnipeg, is offer-
ed for sale at a low price. The property is
North East i Sea. 10, Twp.11, Range 4, East.
Thereto a hoose on the promises and same
breaking done. For full particulars as to
prise, title, 30., writs or apply to
G. F.13LAIR or W. H.10CRR,
20-tf Brussels, Ont.
nENT. The 'undersigned offers his
eligible 04 acre ;farm for sale or to
rout, being South part of Lot 0, Concoct•
eiou 19 Grey. All under cultivation, well
watered and well fenced. -There is a goo cl
stone house, bank barn, orabard, wells, 10.,
ou the promises. Also a splendid st0110
quarry il'Om which a good revenue is roans
ed. Only 23 miles from Brussels. Terms
reasonable. For further particulars an to
prion, &a., apply to
35-tf Brussels P. 0.
X1--11 Consisting of the South 1 and South 1
of the North t of Lot 80, Oen 2, Easb Wawa -
nosh. This is an excellent stook farm,bein5
well supplied with good spring water, Itis
situated about 3 miles from 111e thriving Vil-
lage of, Blyth. A largo part of it le under
groes. Buildings and fonees aro in a fair
state of repair. 17asyy terms of payment will
be given. Por all information apply to
1140 G. P. BLAI11, Barrister, Brussels,
R That excellent farm, I,ob 16, Oen. 9,
Township of Grey,1,00 acres, must he sold et
once in order to close estate of deceased own-
er. The lot is nearly all °leered, with good
buildings, ample water supply, largo or-
chard, 1l miles from Oranbrook is under
good cultivation and is a very desirable pro-
perty indeed. Apply to 1tICHARD tI
OHELL, Brussels P. 0. ; JOHN MITCHELL,
on the premises ' or A. HUNTER, Brussels,
Dated Sept. 13111, 1890.
Boar for Service.
The undersigned will keep for service on
Lot 11, Con. O, Grey, a Moro' bled Berkshire
boar, with pedigree. Terms, 01.00, to Iib
paid at time of service with privilege of re-
turning if nooeasary
10.40 JOS, SHAW, Proprietor.
Ancient Or of Vnitod workmont
This old and pr00pemus Fraternal Asso
anion numbering 800,000 members Ore pre
smiting to thepublia their popular and soon•
omical rates to worthy mon, at the very law
rate of about 38,00 per 81,000 per annum.
cWorllmen" Promptly Pay llc,,1h
claims and 000006 o IOfgO 111m'eaee 00 ibe
members 0050 that those American Lino
Companies don't seem satisfactory to Own -
Recorder ; J. A. OR1IGHTON,Filmuoie'.
11 9f OT/Oil' e .
Public nobles is hereby given that an ap-
plication will be made at the nest see Mon of
the Legislature for the Province of Ontario
0n behalf of the Oo"poration of the Towo-
ehip of Grey, for au Act confirming, or am-
oerdinq and confirming 0. certain By -lain
Passed by the Muutoipal Couuoil of 'the said
Township of Gley, numbered Mang entitled
d By-law to provide a proper outlet foe,
and otherwise for the improvement and ox.
tension of Government Drain Number 2, in
the said'Sownshiv,and for borrowing on the
credit of tiro Muniolpality, the mens of Six-
teen Thousand, two hundred and ten Dollars
and thirty -throe oent0, for completing the
same" Which said By-law Meseta haute in the
ip of lbIa1illop, in the County of
Huron, and in the 'Township of Bim it, lea the
0ounty of Perth, and also confirming a oor-
taln By -lave of the said Township of 11/101Li1-
lop providing its share of tbo said sum, and
imposing the n0000me* assessi10i1t thereof,
and to also mahatma and, require tbe Mun-
icipal O ounall of the said. Township of Elena
10 Ease a B y -law to raise its proportion of
the said Men and to inllio08 the necessary
assessment therefor, according to the report
of James A. Bell, 0. fl„ set forth in the said
By-laW No, 63, of the said TOW/10111p of Greyy
and also, to Validate and conferul the sairl
11ope't and 16e00eoulent as made by the said
James A.Bell, 0.19„ and all work done and
money expended in perforinauoe of the
verb tbeooiu indicated, or, l0 the altorne-
trim, to authorize and permit the said The
ToWnOhlp of Grey to peep a new By -low un-
der the provisions of .The Drainage Aot,
180i," based upon the raid Report and as-
sesement, emu without a 00w or further ex.
amination or report by an 11031neor, dud 60
110001de for the r000upm0at tb the Malts Tho
Township of Grey, of the enehioa.already mx-
poudod iu perfermanoe of the works intend,
ed and dirooted in and by the ;raid Report of
the said dames A, 11011, 0. E,
Dated the 10t day of Novombor,1807.
17.0 WILLIAM SpEN010,
1'ownshlp Olurk,'POWnehip of Grey.
Compound Syrup of
White Pine 86 Tar
For Coughs, Colds, &e.
�" AT
roz'o rug' Store.
.5. L • Solicitor and Co000yaucer. 001180 -
tions made. Of tee—Vaustono's Bleak, Drug.
eels. 21.8m
'y • Solicitor Oouveyaneer ,NotwryPub-
lfo, &e. Otuae—�Vaasbcnc'e Block, 1 door
north of Central Hotel, Private Funds to
1V=L • (Formerly of Cameron, Holt
Oameron, Barrister and Solicitor, Goderich
Out. 011co—lilamilton St., Opposite Dol
borne Hotel.
• Solicitor, 30. (late of Oo1Tow &
Proldfoot'O 011100, Ooderiob.) OSHce over
Gill les & Smith's Bank,10r08001s.
Money to Loan. 47
M. D,. C. M., Trinity University, Follow Trin-
ity Modica' College, Member College of 1lty-
oletaua and Surgeons, Out, Licentiate oft e
Royal College of Physicians and Licentiate
of Midwifery, Pldiuburgb. r Tolop1ioua
No.14, Residence, Mill 01„ Brussels.
lst Ohms Honor Graduate of the Universi-
ties of Trinity (Toronto), Queen's (Kingston),
and of Trinity Medical Ooilego; Fellow of
Trinity Modioal College and member of the
College of Myer:Anne and Surgeons of Ontar-
io. lost Graduate Course in Dotroit and
Ohiaago, 1898. Speolal attention VR11110 SIS.
eases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, and die-
oasesof Women. tra•Ooneultation in Eng -
1i01) and German. Telephone at residence.
eJ • Honor Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary College. is prepared to treat all
diseases of domesticated animals in a com-
petent manner, Particular attention paid
to veterinary dentistry. Calle prompts at-
tended to. Oiflee and Infirmary—Four doors
north of bridge 9'urnberry st., Brussels.
• IaeurerofMarriageldeenees. Office
at his Grocery, Turuberry street, Brueeele,
Issue! of Marriage Licenses,
f'No Witness Required.
T. FLETCHER, Brussole
Clerk of the Fourth Division Oonr
Co. Huron. Ool voyaueet, Notary Public
Land, Loau and Iusuranee Agent. Funds
invested and' to loan. Oolleetibne made
05000 in Grabam's,Blook,Brussels.
1 Will give lessons to pupils either on
llauo or orggan, ab his Music 0)
1100, Opposite
the post•oitoe, Brussels, Vooal!ossoue also
Tvon. Ten years experience in teaobing.
erms moderate.
LtOeusedAuotioneer, Sales conduct
orlon reasonable tering. Farms and farm
Omska spootalty, Orders loft at Tim PoeT
PublishingHonse,Brnasete,or seutto Walton
P. 0., will reeeiVe prompt attention.
• EBB, will sell for better mines, to
better Men in ass bifem and loss obnrgea
than any other Auetioneor in East Huron
or he Won't charge anything, Dates and
orders Moe 'alwayebe arranged at this 015ee
or by pereoual application.
201)5 baa had 2G years oxperienoo as au
Auotlellocr,`btit wire had10quit outing to 111
health, bag again taken .out Heenan .and le
prepared 10 conduct sales at reasonable
terele, Setlefaation auarentsel, Datssmay
1)n (arranged at Tin Pest Publishing Ho885.
3A8. 5'7RETT0N�
18•tf 4,uotto*ebg .