The Brussels Post, 1897-11-5, Page 88. 'Hes followine oomprisea the 40 Kinds of Dap WE KEEP ; Peen' t,oscattlad, rears' Szolnok", Bears' Shaving, Vaseline Toilet, Beelseee"Par, • Gest'e 'Vegetable, Cleaners nue:weed, Glenerinc to Cut:amber, " Moose, Taylors 30% " French, CArbolic, Calverts tiarb.idic 10 Dulvvrts tIeshalle 20% 'Vittoria Cerbelio, -Cate:eel. Vaseline Toilet, I( advisee ',Ler, Packers' Tar, 13tuatone' Tar, Nodical Lake, Loos Sulphur, Swiss Buttermilk, Brown Windsor 10e, Brown Wiedsor 2o, Deutaline Froth, Castile Bar, Castile Albert Coo, Pumice Stolle, Babys Own, Heliotrope, Taylor's, Jecgane, Feline Catbolio, Hagen's Soap, Alberts Soap, Paint 011 Bath, G. A. Deadman, Optioien & Bookseller. AND TRUNK RAILWAY. , SS:THERA HATENSION W. e. & B. Ttoaki ''dr,' Bruesels Station, North ...Ea Semi:as follows: Grose SOUTH. Gonie NORTH. ilxvsn'• 7:10 eau. Mall ------------0:08 13.131 ILISSZ 801 Rut. ! Express 10:01 p.m s'..kaat e•hiers amang ye takin' notes, ..An' faith he'll prent it. NOS-111PER. for Winter. 13.1,:s,:gLs market leads. Tasesessisma Day on Thursday, 25th -inst. $1.00 gels THE Pose until the close of 1892. Ete...ic School Board this (Friday) 'evening. POT! TSES are not nearly so plentiful as they were a year ago. A LITTLE skiff of snow fell on Fraley, calm Arst real hint of Winter. THE next monthly Horse Fair will be 'held in Brussels on Thursday, December st. gni: gilt lettered sign ha: been p'ao• as over the doorway at the Staus..ird Bank. THE Ronald Fire Engine Works and ..1orreent's factory close down at 5 p. et. •riering the short days, Taos. Comas is in oharge of A. Coils. ley's bicycle 'easiness during the latter's earneenes on a hunting tour in Muskoka. T/1.11EZ Italians from London discoursed sweet ronaie on two violins and a harp Mande!: of this week, on Turnbsrry atreet. .11E44/14. COCHRANE & TCHINSTON received ear load of stone for bases in connection sith monuments and tombstones turned out by them. CAPTAIN SHITH will 0011(111d 8. Graphone aet vice on Monday evening, Nov. 8th, 8.1 The Salvation Army barracks, beginning at8 o'clock. SEVERAL Brusselites will participate in <Le 5th of November entertainment at Walton, nuder the auspices of the L. 0. L. end Lady True Blues, on Friday 'evening. Ie a fellow had the big green frog in ft throet that is on exhibition in Fox's drug store window, how many boxes of 'Frog in your throat" would it take to remove it ? Bones THOMSON will ship a oar load of narkeye to the Old Country from Bras. eele about the oloae of November. It will 'take 1.60 or 1,800 birds. They are bled and shipped in their feathers. BRUSAELS Electrio Light Co. is busy :metalling the inoaudeseent system in the 'business plains and will soon have thia branch 01 the new plant in full oper- ation. It is expected that the light will be used in a lerge number of residences as wen, as the price is low. A. BY-I.AW relative to the construction ,sf new sewers on Turnberry street and the laying down of granolithio pavement by frontage tax, is beiug prepared and will be submitted to a vote of the rate- payers at the Municipal election. Furth. .ir particulars will be given later. Two boys were nabbed on the street Monday evening by Constable Wright whuia enraged in a Corbett•Fitesimmons sembat. The look up was headed for, het ou promises of better behaviour the Reeve granted them their liberty. 'Rowdyism will not be permitted by either bays or men. Tens Southampton Beacon says :—"3, W. Dore, our highly esteemed and popu. ear station agent, has resigned his posi• Won, as he thought nineteen hours a day Tether too long for one roan to work .alone. HP ham been replaced by J. Ho• gerth, of Kincardine, whom we hope is possessed of a good iron constitution, so setat be may be able to perform the .laborione duties of station muter of Southampton." Mr. Dore supplied ab 'Brussels station during a portion of M. elenclell's Tuts week Messrs, Clegg & Dames ehipoed n car of lambs and a oar of oat. ale from 13russels Masers. Beaker & Vanstone 2 oars of wheat, a aim of oets sell a car of Liege ; R.:Graham 5 oars of -wheat and a oar of oats) Wm. Jewitt 6 -sacs of applesEnterprise Salt works 5 'niers of salt. 28 loaded cars in a week 'its not a bid record for one station. The tbove feet should in itself ouuse the G. T. R. to see to it that Brussels receives lair treatment in the line of passenger' send mail service as well as carrying of raight. WADDIAG4-2. quiet wo,1,1ing took place 'Saturday morning at the reeklenoe of E. 1, Blake, 477 York street, London, •arrother-inlaw Of the bride. The primal. Tale were Mise Jessie Hogarth, one of ;am most popular young ladies of Khmer. and daughter of Wne, llogarth, late 'a. T. R. agent of that town, and Witham Morris Williams, of Goderich, traveller -Ter the Bayliss Manufaeturing Company, dEentreaL The eeremony was performed 4rq ger, Robb. Johnston, B. D., of Lon. .1on. The happy oouple left on the noon 'Iain for Detroit and other Western *Skate. THE BRUSSELS POST NOV. 5, 1S97 1011211121=51116TateelarrelfileaDEAMIZAISIMEMOILIMANDWERSO Leer week W. G. Collins, of Scituate, established a Commit of Chosen Friends at Gorrie, with a membership of 22. Sneak thieving from store windows and the fronts of business pleoee is altogether too uommou in town and eomebody will Winter in GOderich jail for it yet, Foreman Watt and Engineer Mehl= are bank from the Fire Engine test at Ottawa,. The La Fromee, an Aniericau maeldoe, was the competitor of the Bon. Tito flallowe'ee jokes,. althongh not very nnmerons, were ins silly as ever and swat voullis had tt dose CRil in escaping A warn' baaluent in their pantaloone while engaged at their "pleasantry." ellreee," the well known trotting stallion, had a aucoessinl season on the turf, under the capable management of R. Roach, of Brussela, 1118 best time was made in a race on the mile track ab Windsor when he did the dietanee in 2,13 flat and was 4th in the race then, Flyers from the U: S. took the money. Tim miniml report for 33riumelsPttbUo Library was not away in time, bailee the y greet le not fortheeming tide year. There ie ample room for it revival in this public institution. Suet think of 52 weeks reading of the best works, in A family, for the small sum of $1.00, Are you a member ? Now le a good time to Ii the Church of England Sabbath sohool, last Sunday, the teacher was oon• vetoing with the Primary class on the journeying of Jesus, and asked how He got from place to place. There was a momentary silence, when a little fellow volunteered the luformation that He went by the 0. P. 11. On being told that there were no railways, the young phil- oeopher decidtd that the Saviour must have gone in a gig. A DISSOLUTION of partnership of buai• nese has taken place in the firm of 3. & 1'. Ainent. The farmer retires and the business will be carried on by Philip Ament. They have a large and well- established trade and have been in Brus- sels for the past 18 or 20 years. We have not learned what the retiring mem- ber purposes doing, or whether he will remove from Brussels or not, It is to be hoped he will continue to reside here, as he is a firstmlass citizen. We wish the business continued prosperity. TILE POULTRY ASSOCIATION.—The follow• ing are the managers of the Huron Poul. try and Pet Stook Assooiatiou, under whose auspices it is purposed to bold a Winter show in Goderioh :—Presideot, A.111013, Allan, Goderich ; 1st vice, A. J. Grigg, Clinton ; 2nd vice, J. G. Scott, Seaforth •, 8rd vice, Walter Taylor, Wing. bam. Directors — For Goderieh, W. Anstay, J. Fisher, 0. A. Wells ; for Clin- ton, Look Konaedy, Walter Coats, S. W. Ford ; for Mille% Wm. Wallace, Wm. Garter, Fairservice Broa. and G. W. Ir. win ; for Seeforth, J. A. Wilson, 0. 0. Wilson, H. Johnston, John Ward, T. F. Coleman ; for Luoknow, 3. C. Lyons; for Wroxeter, John Ilarnard. PINK AND Warro.—A Pink and White social was held in the school room of the Meths -het ohuroh last Tuesday evening, and despite the rain and darkness a good- ly number attended and a very pleasant time was enjoyed. B. Gerry took the chair and the following interesting pro- gram was presented :—Violin and organ duett, H. L. and Mrs. Jecksou ; duett, "Where He leads I'll foliose," bliss Liz- zie Sample and Rev. S. Allin ; read. ing, "My Finanolal Career," Miss Mina Turnbull ; duett, "Knocking at the Door," Miss Minnie Moore and 3. Sarvie; recitation, "Deacon Oampbell's Thanks. giving Dream," Mies' Ida Mooney ; read- ing, Selection from the Canadian Set. kirks," Barrister Blair ; solo, "Down the Tide," Miss Lite Wilson ; recitation, "How little Katie knocked at the Door of ,Pleaven," Mise Nora Maunders ; quer- tette, "Be a Hero," Miss Lizzie Sample, Miss E. E. Kerr, Nev. S. J. Allis and W. H. Kerr ; recitation, W. E. Armstroug. Miss Norton performed the duties of ;accompanist with proficiency. At the conclusion of the program e. nice hill of fare was provided, small tables being plaoed at different positions in the room, Ice cream wee ale° dispensed to those who desired it. The room was very tastefully decorated with pink and white cotton and each of the young lady waiters were attired in white dresses, with pink sashes and pink and white head dresses. Financial proceeds amounted to nearly 017.00, which was good, considering the night. The ladies who presided over the arrangements are to be congratulated on their success. Dtt XALISALEISCH THE VICTI31.—Monday morning, about 3 o'clock, the residence of Dr, Kalbfleiseh, \Villiam street, was visited by a person or persons unknown and about $62.00, 013.00 of which was a cheque, stolen. Ingress was obtained through a window from the rear veran. dab, After passing through the drawing room and hall to the stairway, lighted by rnatchee, the intruder easily found the doctor's sleeping apartment, owing to the faot that a lamp burns there every night. The dootor's coat and vest were thrown over a chair and these garments were overhauled, but nothing taken, nob even his gold watch. Since the visit of the buralar to the home of TRE POST editor, Dr, lialbfleisoh has always hung his pantaloons in a closet off the bed. room. Sunday night be did this as mufti, hanging a gray pair over the black ones in the pockets of whioh was his cash. Both pairs of pants were taken and were afterwards found downstairs in the drawing room, rifled of their eon. tents, on Monday morning. Mrs. Kalb. fleisola heard tu noise about 2.46 and awoke the doctor. He thought 11 was imaginary, but owing to wakefulness on the part of his wife the Dr, arose about 4.30 and along with Sen. Stevenson, hie attendant, made a tour of inspection of the house, excepting the drawing room, and then returned to bed, reporting everything all setene. In the morning, at 7.30, he found out how unreal it was, as oto going to the oloeet he found his wearing apparel miesing. Thinking Dare. E. was playing a joke on him, he called her and a search was made and the miseing garments found AS above stated. A flower pot was upset by the window in the progress of the thief. To vieit a man's image at night ia a cheeky piece of businese, but to 'coolly pass through a room in which three persons were sleep, ing, where a lamp was burning at full pressure, and run the risk of being trap ped in the closet, stamps the sot as ono that very few thieves would care to take, It is supposed the noise Mrs. Kellsileiseh heard was the thief retiring. It was fortunate the visit was not made Settle. day morning, ee the M. D. bad $130 lo his pockets that night. Who will be the west victim ? Somebody will Make one trip too many for their own good. ::EFE-ar.yeta.e.4seeents.ememsesaays....R.Emszwegreeepase, People We Talk, About. Mies Jennie Howe Smulayed in Myth, 13, Gerry wee in Seetorth on Monday. Ulm Iklaggie Beattie is Visiting in Clinton. Goo. nobertod, of Seaforth, Sundayod in Breese's. Lawyer iihtol,i vele in Toronto this week on legal !sliminess, W. G. Oolline att,I family talk of re. =vim'"to Toronto in the near fatten, J. A. Stewart, of the Standard Bank, was in Toronto on a businese trip lash week. ales, Carlisle and Percy, of Heneall, were vielting at Geo. llalliday's this week. Howell, of Preston, ie visiting Mrs. John lioott, Queen (street, and other relatives and Blonde. David Strati, of Beethwood, formerly a resident of Brussels, was renewing acquaiutannes in town thin week. Mrs. J, Landesboro' and Mrs. W. Mutes', of Seaforth, spent it few days in town waiting relatives and friends. Miss Florence Young, of Kinlough, and Miss Jane Phillips, of Lueknow, were visiting Miss Lottie Jones last Sabbath. • Mies Maggie Halliday, of Detroit, is visiting her parents in Brussels. Mims Susie Halliday has gone to London for a vieit. Jae. O'Leary will probably make his home in retreat. His brother resides there. Ines O'Leary is in London at present. SVm. Taylor, General Agent of the Confederation Life Assoolatiou, was in tows' this week pushing the claims ot hie Company, Mrs. W. A. lefeEtven and daughter, Gertddiue, arrived from Toronto on Sat. urday and will visit at Mrs. MoEwen's parents for a time. Mise Ada aleKay, only daughter of Mrs. Oapt. McKay, Goderioh, belongs to the gaff of trained nurses at the City hospital, Minneapolis. Councillor B. G. Wilson is temper. arily laid up, owing to a out itt his knee by the slipping of a chisel. He will soon be about all right, we bope. Miss Dora Smith, of Brussels, has been re.engaged as teacher for 1898 in her school adjoining Listowel al an advanoad salary. She is a tiptop teacher, C. W. Graves, formerly travelling pas- senger agent for the G. T. 16,, has been appointed Canadian passenger agent for the Wisconsin ()antral Railway, his dis- trict being from Detroit river East to ineluding the Lower Provinces. Ili- A1%, ,V Oliver, who WAS so danger. ouel y, ill 41 tVittttiptg, has recovered sufficiently to permit of her journeying to Toronto. We are sorry to beer that she is unable to use one .limb, owing to a trouble located in the knee, but hope a little time ani the best treatment will remove the difiloulty. Mr. Treleaven, of Dungannon, father to Grocer Treleaven, of Brussels, is dangerously ill. The old gentleman, who is 76 years of age, had the misfor- time to fall while climbing into the hay mow and struck his bead against the manger, it is supposed, inflicting several bad outs. We hope a change for the better will soon set in. Business Locals. Bra bargains in furniture at Leather. dale's Emporium. Finn -arms house to rent or for sale. Apply to Jno. Wynn, Oise handmade men's long boots can- not be beat. L 0. Richards. '07 DAYTON Bioyole for sale, cheap. Jas. Ballantyne, Brussels. DEA our single harness'Mettle silver, at 011.00, unsurpassed. I. 0. Richards. °noose — the best — sold at lowest prices by R. Leatherdale, Brussels. Teen boy wants a pair of long •boots. We have them at mist. I. 0.Richards. 003IPORTABLE house to rent. Apply at once to W. M. Sixonsm. Do you wear size 8 shoes ? If ao oome and get a pair at met. I. 0. Richards. Testi harness, halters, collars, robes, blankets, at reduoed prices for 80 days. I. O. Rioherds. D. EWAN line a number of seoond hand buggies to sell at big bargains. Gall at hie shop and make bins an offer. See the Bell and Goderioh organs at Leetherclale's before yon buy. They oan't be beat for quality or price. A PIRST•CLASS special line of work manufactured at Jas. Walker's shop. He gives tip•top value to every oustomer. We are handling any quantity of but. ter, eggs and dried apples. Cash or trade. Also all of poultry. G. E. King, Wingham. Settee's acre is sold on a guarantee. It 00080 incipient consumption. It is the best cough came. Only one mint a dose. 25 ole,, 50 Ms. and 01.00. Sold by James Fox, Druggist, Brussels. KARL'S Olover Root, the great Blood - Purifier gives freshness and clearness to the complexion and cures constipation. 25 ots, 60 ole and $1.00. Sold by James Fox, Druggist, Brained& Column= house, with stable, well, oietern, &o., for sale or to rent. Posses - 0100 given at once. For further partiou- lars as to price and terms apply to Geo. Ilowe, Brussels. 10. BARGAIN OPPAIIED.—That eligible half more lot situate on the Southern portion of Turnberry ehreet, Brume's, will be dis- posed of below oost. Vary easy terms. Write for particulars to J atm Mucatztvas, 174 Queen et. West, Toronto. Miming Sweeney, 11. S. A., San Diego, Oal., says :,--"Shiloh'e Catarrh Remedy ie the first medicine I have ever found that would do me any good." Price 60 cents. Sold by Jas. Fox. druggist, .8rus. eels. Atiroun needing their saws pet in proper order had better bring them to Sawifiler McGregor before he leaves Bruasels, aa be is likely to take a situ- ation with the Saw and Saw Tool Mak- ers, T. McGregor, saw -filer, Brussels, De you want stockings, gooks or mitts? Mrs, Xirk has a large atock made from Listowel, Scotch and German yarns. All Sizes front dolls' upwarde. Farmers' yarn knit any thse. Ladiee' and ohild' men's mitts a specialty, made from Rook German yarn, the best yarn in the mar. kat, Listowel yarn in all 'Mildest, two and three ply, also mitt yarns always on hand, Opposite Queen's Hotel, Brussels. Etneresoil Austin, of Haliburton, who bee long einoe won for himself the repu- tation of being the most sueoseeful trap. per and hunter in the oonnty, get six bear traps in tho vioinity of Eagle Lake one day last weok, and when going his round the following day, found a large bear feet in mob trap. ,STdIXD4RD AVVIC Ce1X4D4, HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO ASSETS, • • (Seven Million Dollars) . $7,000,000 OAPITAL (Authorised) • . 82,000,000 Agencies itt all principal points in Ontario, Quebec, lion,Mbe, United States (0 Englana. Wartgams Havrare. A General Banking Business Transacted, Farmers' Notes Diseounted. Drafts limpid and Collections 'nada on all pinta. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on deposits of moo and upwards from tint of deposit to date of withdrawal mad compounded half yearly. &W10/. ATTENTION GIVEN TO MA 00EI,E0TION Or PAUSIEUS' WALE NOTES. Every Ittoility afforded Onstomere living at a distanoe, J. A. STEWART Merano, „ eurn,vs•raceacaire,n5a almeausuarm1=F01.0aganeisinarsen Brussels Council. The monthly mooting of the village Council was hold last Monday oveniug. Present, the Reeve and Cormoillore Thomson, Wolter and Leittherdale. Minutes of hest meeting read and ap. proved. Accounts worn Vresented as follows Jno. Wright, salary 030 00 airs. IIrtist, work at wheel 7 00 R. Denbow, gravel 75 31 0. E. Sarney, printing 4 25 Jno. Bloodroot, dump ground 5 00 Juo. Cousloy, work and tile 2 00 II. abinos, 100 0 inch tile 0 05 Moved by Geo. Tboinson, seconded by 13. Leatherdale that the above accounts be paid. Carried. The Reeve reported concerning the water tank near Revere House and Eire Engine boiler sale. A disoneSiOn ensued 0.8 to street work done or to be completed ; street lighting, do. It was deeded to have Bylaw relative to sewers and granolithio walk prepared for presentation to the electors at the next Munioipal election. Council then adjourned. ----- Superintendent Leonard, of the C. P. R.'says that the 800,000.bushel elevator at Owen Sound will not acoommodate the Grain ooming in. The members of the Essex county council have agreed to vote $200 to the sufferers by the reoent forest Bees in the counties of Prescott and Ruston. The Ottawa Citizen has beeu purchased by a oompany controlled by Mr. Sout- hern, of the Hamilton Spectator, who promises that it will be conducted as 'et firstmlass morning Conservative daily" in the oapital. Two boys near Edmonton got wrest- ling. Redmond threw Belthee twice. Belther get on 0 straw steak and dared Redmond to come np. Redmond got on the stack, when Beltbar drew a knife and stabbed him in the nook. Redmond diad 20 hours after. Mrs. Maria Hartley, widow of the late Caleb Hartley, of New Durham, and for whose murder she was tried and acquit- ted, wits married recently to Matthew Rhodes, a weillo.do farmer, of Earley— & widower with one daughter. An eastbound Canadian PROW° freight train broke in two at Guelph Sunetion, on the reale line on Tuesday morning. The rear hall of the train then ran into the front half and is couple of cars were smashed. The main line was blocked for a couple of hours, and passengers on the Oanadian Pacific express from Detroit and London were taken into Toronto on a Special. 330MS7 - BDIRITAGII.—In London West, on Oct. let, the wife of Dlr. John B. Heritage, formerly of Grey, of a son. Dueatow.—In Elma, on Oct. 26111, the wife of alr. Peter Duoklow of a son. DONCIEWAY.—In Atwood, on Orni. 20th, the wife of Mr. Louis Longeway of a son. firroweseits.—In Elam, on Oct. 21st, the wife of Mr. Alex. Struthers of a daughter. Sooxx.—In 13russels, on Oot. 20th, the Wise of Mr. ,Ino. Scott, of a daughter. Lowne.--In Brussels, on Oct. 25th, the wife of Mr. Edward Lowry of a son, MoCanse—In Chatham, on Tueeday,Nov. 2nd, the wife of 111r. A. I. MoClall, druggist, of 8 son, BOVGLAS.—Ia Grey, on Nov. 1st, the wife of Mr. James P. Douglas of a son. asec.A.mmexasmo, Wearnies—Hoesnan.—At 477 Yorkstreet, London, the residence of E. J. Blake, the bride's brother-in-law, on Sister.' day, Oct. 130th, by Rev. .Robert Johnston, B. D., Mr. William Mor- ris Williams, of Goderich, to Mies Jeesie, daughter of Me. Win. Hogarth, of Kincardine. WHITE—DIGSBY*—On Oot. 28th, at the Methodist parsonage, Blyth, by the father of 6he bride, assisted by Rev. B. Clement, of Clinton, alias Alice Maud, eldest daughtee of Rev. W. Rigsby, to Mr. 3. F. White, of Lon- don. SAIITH—EtEARN.—D1 COTIUGH Oity, Midi., at the residenoe of the bride'll father, On Oot. 201h, by Rev. Mr, Salker, Mn, John H. Smith, photo. artieb, formerly of Brussels, to Miss Ellie, only daughter of Mr. William Hearn. =mem% Dickson.—In Seaforth, on October 25th, Helen R. Dickson, aged 84 years. BOWLAND.—D) Elma, on Oot, 81st, jam W. Rowland, aged 54 yams. Winsham, on October 24th, Thomas Preston, aged 88 years and 10 months. GARDINER.—On Nov'. 1st, 1807, at the family meidenae, 541 Dundee Area, London, John H. Gardiner, M. D,, it his 47t1t year. TCP1MolO' rUIDAV, Nov. 5th.-1l'ertn stook, imple- ments, household ferniture, &o. Lot 19, 0011, 8, Grey. Sole unreserVed, ab 1 p. m. Was. Lindsay, Prop', F. 0. Soca, Atm. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. AXONE! TO LOAN AT 5 PER 1V.-1, east. 3.16 800810, Brussels, PRIVATE FTJNDB TO LOAN.— at mortgage, foam aeon • ty. Apidly at TUB POW Publlehinglionsearues°15. AHUNTED, BRUSSELS, • Licensed Auctioneer for Huron. Sales of all kinds a specialty. Molloy to lona 011 mortgage at lowest/ ratan, DISSOLUTION. Notice Is hereby given that tits partner- ship oxistingbetw Gen J. & P. Anient, as saw - millers, manntaeturers, the., has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. The business will be conducted by Philip Ain mit, 80110 has authority to collect all ontstauding acoounts by the late tidrul115. 80111 also pay any debts du o Witness, 00.0). 0LA/0. Signed Brussels , Oct 28, 1807. 1.7700, AMKNT. P 17 ' 3 REAL ESTATE. 171ARMS FOR SALE.—THE DAMMED has several good Farms f or sato and to rent, easy terms, in Townships of Morris and Gray. F S. SO OTT , Brussels fpARM TO RENT, RUING North Part Loh 90, Con. 3, Morris, 0013- taining 113 acres— known as the Fralielt homestead—for a term of 5 years. For fur. Mier portioulars apply to 10-3 S. SCOTT, Brussels, G001) FARM FOR SALE near Bi Imola. Great bargain, Lot 7, Con. 0, Grey township. Good buildings and orchard, well watered, suitable for mixed or dairy farming. Possession given next Maroh, with privilege of doing Fall plowing. Apply to W. H. ERBIL, PosT Pablishing House,Brusacts,ox to THOMAS HERITAGE, London West. i,rA'NITOBA LAND FOP. SALE. -11.. —100 nem of good farm land at Springfield, 8 miles from Wiimipog, is °Jar- ed for sale at a low price. The property is North 'Oast 3 Sec.10, Two. 11, Range Bast. Then is a house 0)1 110 premises and some breaking donel'or full particulars as to price, title. &c., write or apply to G. T. BLAIR or W. H. KERR, 20-11 Brussels, Ont. T'ABIiI FOR SALE OR TO ItE140,--3115 'undersigned offers his eligible 08 acre •fartu for sale or to neat, being South part of Lot 5, Conoos• siou 12, Gray. A11 under cultivation, well watered and well fenced, There is a good stone house, bank barn, o tabard, ivetip, ,to,, on the premien. Also a splendid •tone quarry iron] whieli a good revenue is roans - ed. Only 21 miles from Brussels. Terms reasonable. For further particulars as to price, ao..apnly to JOHN MITOHBLL,Piirottiseetisory.. 0. 30.30 -FARM 32013 SALE. -150 ACRES .11_Consisting of the South 4 and South a of the North 4001,0106,008 2; Bast Wawa - nosh. This is au excellent stock farm,being well supplied with good spring water, 11 is situated about 3 miles from the thriving Vil- lage of Blyth. A. large part of it is under grass. Buildings and fences 01.0 luIt, fair state of rep Mr. Easy tonna 01 004/1110111 be given. Tor all information apply to 11-10 00.3. BLAIR, Barrister, Brussels, QPLENDID FARM FOR SALE. That excellent farm, 101 10, Con. 9, Township of Grey, 100 acres, mush be Bola ab once in order to close estate of deceased own- er. The lot is nearly all cleared, with good buildings, ample water supply, largo or- chard, miles from Cranbrook, is under good cultivation and is a very desirable pro- perty indeed. Apply to RE:WARD MIT- CHELL, Brussels P. 0.; JOHN MITCHELL on the prounses ,• or A. ILUNTBR, Brussels. Dated Sept nth, 1890. Boar for Service. The undersigned will keep for service on 101 11, Con. 5, Grey, a thoro' bred Berkshire boar, with pedigree. Terms, 81.00, to be Paid at time of servioe WWI privilege of re- turning if necessary. 104. JOS. SHAW, Proprietor, Ancient Qrder of United Workmon. This old and prosperous Fraternal Assoc ation numbering 850,000 members aro pro sentiug to the pu blio their popular and aeon- omioarrates to worthy men, at the very low rate of about 08,00 per $1,000 per 11.1.111IIIII, The Workman" Promptly Pay Booth Chants and expect a largo inareaso to its members now that those American Line Companies don't seetu satisfactory to Can- adians, ROBT. ARMSTRONG, 111.W. ; W. H. 1019101 Recorder ; 3.2.. ORDIGHTON, Financier. NOT/OE! "Public nonce is hereby given that an ap- plleittion will ini wade 00 the next 000 51810 of the Legislature for the Presque° of Onkel° on behalf of the Corporation of the Town - allof Grey, for au .101 °worming, or am, ug and conibming a aortal n By-law 00 50001 by the Municipal Connell of the said Township of Grey, nulaibered 51, and entitled "A By-law to provide a proper outlet for, and othorwiee for the improvement and ex- tension of Government Drain Number 2, in the Eitthl TOW111311/1), and for borrowing ou tho credit of the Munialpoll by, the stint of Six- teen Thoitsantl, two hundred and ton Dollars and thirty-three coats, for oompleting the name" whioh Bahl 13y-laW alreato lands In the Townehip of MoKillop, In the County of Huron, and in tho Township of Elm a, in the comity of Pertl and also confirming a eel tainBy•iaw of the said Township of Mobil. lop providing its share 00 1110 said stun, mud imposing the necessary aSsossmont thereof, and to also authorize anti require the Mun- icipal 0 008011 011 ha said Township of Mutt to pass a By.law to Valle Its proportion of 1100 said sum and to inmost) the necessary est/leen/out therefor, a000rdiug to the report of James A. Boll, 0. 10„ sot forth in tho 00,10 By-law 00, 101, of the said Township of Grey, and also, to validate and eoultrin 1110 901, Report and assessment as made by tho said .011,180 81 .13011, 0,10,,and all 10003 done and money expended to performanee of the works Mervin talented, or, iu tho Altana- -Wye, to authorize and permit the said The aMisinahM of Grey to pass 0 now Dy -law der the proyiSiong 01 '•The Drainage Act, 180e," based upon the,said Report and as- HaSsment, and without 4 now or further ex. evaluation or report by an Engineer, and to provide for the r000tipmant to the Said The Township 01 Gray, of the months already ex- pended In performance Of the works intend- ed and direotedrn and by the ,seld Itsport of the Said Joules A. Bell, 0, 10. Dated the 1St day Of November, 1807, 41.3 WILLIAM 82E13013, Perna* Olork,TOwtfltlip f Grey, In) Won't bo Satistle UNTIL HE GETS IT. WHAT ? WHY A BOTTLE OF FOX'S Drool -El 8yrup of White Pine & Tar For Coughs, Colds, &e, Fox's Drug Store. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCM. -T-4 L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, Solicitor and 0011V OpIlICOT . Collo°. Mons made. Oillea—Vaustoue's limes, Brus- sels. IvAT • sl'01.11oPtoirN, OCionveyauCer ,Notury Pub- lic, Sm. Oilloe—Vanstoue's Block, 1 door north of Control Hotel, Private Funds to Loan. Nir G. CAMERON, A. • (Formerly of Cameron, Holt Cameron ,) Barrister and S anon or, Goderieh Out, Oillee—Hamilton St, Opposite Col borne Hotel, F. BLAIR, BABRISTER, . solicitor, &c. Cate of Carrow & Proudfoot's Ofilee G oderioh.) °Moe oyer G111100 & Smith's Rauh, Brussels. Money to Loam'17 MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. M'NAUGHTON, 03.13., 0. M., Trinity 17niver0ity, Follow Trin- ity Medical Oolloge, Member Untlege of Phy- sicians and Surgeons, Out. Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians and Lieentiato of Midwifery, Etituburgh. 1-...Tolophone No.14, Itosidonoo, Mill St., Brubsols, DR. F. H. KALDFLEISCH, PHYSICIAN, Mal= ACCOUCHAIIII, SUCCESSOR TO DR. W. GRAHAM. BRUSSELS, - ONTARIO. est Olass Honor Graduate of the Universi- ties of Trinity (Toronto), Queen's (Kingston), and of Trinity Medical 0 allege ; Fellow of Trinity Medical Collage and member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Outer. io. Post Graduate Course in Detroit and Ohicago, 1890. Special attention paid to dis- eases of Byo, Bar, Nose and Throat, and dis- eases of Women, r..-.Coustiltatiou il1 Eng- lish and G union. Telephone at residence. VETERINARY. D. 'WARWICK, el • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, Is prepared to treat all diseases of domesticated animals in a com- petent manner, Particular attention paid to veterinary dentistry. Oalls promptly at. tended to. Office and Infirmary—Four doors north of bridge Turnberry st., Brussels. BUSINESS CARDS. XT H. MoORACKEN, • Insurer of Marriage Licenses. Oilloo at kis Grocery, Turnberry street. Brussels. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM. INSURANCE, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH• T. FLETCHER Issue, of Marriage LI08/78081 OEPIOE AT JEWELRY STORE. Witness Required. T. FLETCHER, Brussels A LEX. HUNTER, 21, Clerk of the Fourth Division Cour Co. Enron. Conveyanoor, Notary Public Land, Loan and Insurance Agent, Funds invested and to loan. Collections Made 011ioe Iti Grithitm'e Block, Brussels, ROS. A. HAWKINS, Will give lessons to unpile either on piano or organ, at his Musia Boom, opposite the post.ollicie, Brussels. Vocal lassoes also given. Ten years experience in teaching. TeOtus moslovate. AUCTIONEERS. (Z.,1 EORGE KIRKBY, Lioonseci Auctioneer. Sales oonduot ea on reasonable terms, Pomo and form stoelotoepaalolty, Orders left at Tau POSte P111/118hingEouso,Brussole,or mitt° Walton la 0,, will receive prompt attention, .4S. SCOTT AB AN AUCTION. • EAR, will soil for bettor pram's, to bettor mon, in eas Selo menage ohargee than may alum Auotlonoor In 11111,8E31mo or he semi% Merge anything, Dates and meters mei 'altvoys bo arranged at this office or by poesonalappliciathen, flAPT. J.. STRETTON, I,$) Who has bad 25 yottes Galleki01100 as an e.uotioeoor, but wlao had to cunt owhig 10 111 health, hag again taken out Boons° and is prepared to 0000581 solos at reasonable torres, Satiainotton giutriGateed. Dates may be arranged at Toto EMIT Pnblishing Haulm, JAS. riTitEIVO , linot 011001`. fr 11.1 to 11 12 re PI 00 G: wl th 18, rn or of to Its oa to 11 et ro 11 en DI P' 11( bo re to in 12 hc fu to th or 111 re fo ol ti 01 ti sl 1.1 10 is b 11 so le 81 01 fc f-1( 13 10 11 to 111 101 091 01 lc 01 at 111 85 01 at 70 03 11 IS 58 131 ri It al Ili bi 811 si 50 11 in