The Brussels Post, 1897-11-5, Page 7MW
Nov, 5, 1997
talce place between Lori. Mount!itapil-
Reber - cargo Turtnell, aterew 1%ai, not
ht it tit
oil and a Ulan, (long I or a , to I I ME SUNDAY SCHOOL. 'U'laulluill y IfIrg(" for Josopling te]18 U,4
if ov(� wbi"11 I i
fill US IN NOR[[, I;oa1Xd. Irad Ivintg ED I TORS CLERGYRIEN9 PHYSM I A
The Pall Mail Uavatte (lanatrit.4 the 17 - "" NS
L�Laon of the Ujiltal Statoo,ond
t Ov
sally's 11se,
poI1,,,,,1:Ve.oLat1.1,,a 104 h wj`1111�1�1111 all."It"1111 Iii. cl.1111)1�1.1141111�111
THE VERY LATEST FRORI ocuntry amCI`,`itn1'g'o1F`1js �I! . 11,11191111 jdell(a� 11111i jcgsul�..' A'sis 38, 1.10. till([ I for he Lind taken Itmely
reducing country in the world, 001defl. 111exi. 10111, 8 11 1
The statement tlala�l UI
ALL THE WORLD OVER. V �vf;lurl;;Io slign was 4va [sial I I'Li.,
c. PlllkOTICAT, NOTE& ri-lipf
1�; the
husband of the at a at
loath is not true, as cIn 'bulhlexss
the bl'uto of Ilia Ire rse I. When they vat -aped, F I thil, PrOIN, s Men and Women in all Walks of Life Tell of the Remarkable
Interesting Items About Our Own Country, "ool svhk�il gave nama CO. the a I p. C
Great Britain, tile United states, end AX,,,,� *,,,In made him is regular al- Ll 4 lk,,��it or
�Lil Ivir X1 rugglis. w1bit [he destructive Hell. ILY14 Pollux %VVI -0 divinities Wbutil
" tIlry
All Parts of the Globe, Condensed and IL IS Un rough her solicitor. They Icnew. Tlwy awortained, There L4 ile.aiolea wilwi-bully V(�flcrlLo I Cures 'Whught by South American Heryloo Toui.
Assorted for Rissy, Reading. derstood that Lord Strathop. .1[, 1-, is a
and Sill EchrIn Dawes, of. the British I)PLIer 111. 1` for reading, "w -s were, �)Ienslng voilicid,41L.1, Qlat. a ratuout,
Indio„ Knew Navigation Cowl I 1PI'll] �IIE�411101 (PnO (Ir tile filleliL
ntny,have P -11131d." Until "we know." The ja�'and ,"'I
CA;�ADX. tuned the Board of DireeLors Of Clio aver )ill h ill Mly country— hear.;
711% niontrea,l) drug Clarks are agltat;- IT"Iter.0a Feet, ALlantle Companywith wins Called Atellt,a, h,'very Incident or Wei nuluo or "Sign," or hit. Paul. SIX DOSE3 WILL CONVINCE THE MOST INUIEDULCUS,
Ing for sthorter hours on Sunday, the Marquis of Lorne as chairman. the aarrative favorti Llie HN)PONILIOn ";yrRrU8e, the OlLiCZ City of Stoll
Hkilifax oltizeiliq Irave Subscribed 55; The gaaeralL illaposttion to increase that this l4bind Was Malta, which 11 V417 -1111y PIKOs Irma filaha. TarriA
thrra th"PS days'. �blpn of that day.,
000 for tile jVindsor, N. S., fire Sur- nalvUlL armament can Ila gauged by the on the direct, rWta from A,1k0xClj(lrla to lieLrig Without ally motor but the
re Vors fact that eighty-seven warships are be-
1101116, The opinion, now jivar,',y ex- Nvind, were at the merry of every
The Water of the ObtsWrl, river is very `Z , built In Great; Britain ttl?uo, of P�nded lireezi, that bla�v.
I W ch thirty amour go to foreign Govern- . , tilllat, U-11 idflAnd or, similar name, Voyagers frequent-
bw, Qmd there are many cases of Ly- Mtieda, airf (the couat of I, ly had to %vattl for the Weather. it is
PhOu fever at Ottawa: Dia4inaLia, ; I It- 11, fMV0rLLo trafflilon In Sicily that Paul,
Tile bys-elluAllonst ill Tomisconata - 11; Is again assewted, thitt Lord Saila- t8fliled WILK based On EL miamppr0honsion "instant In season and. out of season,"
1, an(I Drummond and ATLba I "I bury wild shortly resign, and. that the or "Adrk'L," to Acts 27.27. 111his, IIjj(- took advauLti,ge ill this delay in go
ka aro fixed for November 13, line- stril for libe resign,
will be, Laken for L'hk,, jOU'raCy fPent CAUda, Lo alhoro tin(], preneh the Gospel,, and. that
b1Lw`.9N'0 the Duke or Devonshire and WAta corre Its was able, to-roundi the Church there
4jitas -0ature is summoned Mr. ArUllaT 53011four, anil that the la(',� PAY=& wlit'Ir the distu.noo before the, wind Changed,
meet for li;6
desliftilch Of business Lee will have all Mr, Qumlxrlaln's tit, 130Wcolat Critudo, and Malta; but, to IS. We fetched, a, Compass. "Pro -
-all tibb 23r(1 plrox, , I roulance. drift from Miebads wiloatt 00ce much, coctlod circuitously; worked to Nvind-
Rev. Calloh Raclooti bias authorized LIMITED STATES. l;Dnger- Thee menition or. Syravilae, Ithe %VuVd, availing ourselves of the mino-
tae S t
iric ts off Clio Archdiocese of Mont- Yellow favor has appeared at Mont- the coast."—Smitb. 11be6juni.
1ILMY for rain-. A IRUB town now, called JI'lleggio at
re. I - gkiltli, sed Putedli, ver. --s 12, 13, was th 0"LL'" of
wilal &OLinary. Ala. nearest, pulnits in Llj�, journey onward the very extremity of Ataly-46 south- )y
�13� Canadian Thanksgiving day
.c Woman Occupied twenty pulpits in is additional evideati-e that, bho pjace
O%nolds with the United States festivalwestern corner. ILL is warthyf of anto
and be held on November 25. Baltimore on Sunday. of cocape, Was Misha, Chat the eakis of this ancient town pre -
NOW Orleans has had laver 100 deaths kIdthe pr1aflPes of Castor &IIII Pollux
It is learned thab nearly one half from yellow fever since the outbreak. 2. IuArbarovo peopto, That is, u(s,"Citts goardlans deities, After,one, day-
oit the Canadian Than of ton million -h liviind, for want or
.Litillars will come from Canadian banks, A motrampnt to Robert Louis Steven- foreigners; Vaop:,o who spoke naltber spent -here the south am
,TILIQ� Dionalition Government will this s,,,, the novelist, was unveiled on Sun- Greek nor Latin. 71lie, ,Lft,1LvsL if which they had hoon!compielled first to
t, inter improve the Rideau canal-, Nvibli day 171, San Francisco. I Palik's day Were cf IllbeliatileLon race, and, " Larry." anti then to- "fetch a coin -
t, viem, of lessoning the liability of Ex -Tax Collector Win. Millard. C , I pass," or Lack, blow and witls every-
DDOds at Ottawa. Peoria, Ill., has booze arrested, Ilia cls- 0 .0% at ( 1 pass,"
according to thing in Choir favor, they soon reached
Mr. faleations amount to $20,000, otr�r Use Ot.the Word. ' ' 11heir Lga�id was PUtec;li, now called Pozzuoli, in the
- A. Pester, agent of the Dominion WILL, inillaw-factures wad It jolarLheast, angle of the, Bay of Naples,
,8ank at Guellb, Nvin [is transferred Three CUban patriots have been I. I-sy ad, ad- ,, ]',his Was Clio Port at Willett the, Egyp-
to Xq ___ e,.Mr. Stanton or 'Toronto St. Louis the lost fourteen days pro- urlrab'la arAfteoLaral. features. 'rile Lima grain was usuallyl unloaded," Jt&
Suloceeaing him.. curing and Shipping ammunition for U16dern' Minklasc, gha)v the Lrt,!Ls at the ruing include fragments of 4L great:
The amount of Property exemptfrom their compatriots. North) African Arabs, with whoult they heathen temple =(I a mole With Liven -
municipal taxation at Ottawa is set!- Mr. Justice, WLnsor, IL.D, librarian mingled aftlicb1 ia this middle Ages. No ty-five probes,
mated at over §15,000,000, 01 1 I-larvard, and president at the Am -
Jubilee stamps will Soo PrEcen. Library Association, died at Ati-le, kindness.. "No (-=men kind- tie 21 was tollready established in
n be at a pre iate ,
MLUM as the Postoffice Department, Cambridge, Mass., on Friday morning. naris." Till'a !preserilt rjalh, "Thel whiather it baid. Came Lbillier
;supply has been exhatisterl, During, a revival meeting in Rich- ralU Chat. 'had Bet, in;" -heavy can- lrom. lto`mf� Or 'from Ailexandria, or
from joTld3akm. Were desired—"In
Therais aproposition before Innad 'Va., the Rev. T, H, Leavitt pray- tionious rain, This VuJd. According !Led."
a ad that two women '%YhD tau hod (]Or. v To tarry -,vLtb) them seven W
rnment from the Rathbun Lumber Ing the service might die Immediately W Its most correct ahlronollogy . this days. The n4rraitilve tbrdughout len-
Company for Clio mauttracture, of wood a lift go to k1e2il. Wreck occuirred toward th1h miditte off dinates that singuttar privileges were
alcohol in Canada. I , given- by this celaLurioa )Ugus to Itis
The steamship Alameda, duo at San Noveiinbar. Chir6tian prisoners,
Mr. IV, El. 11. Panton, recently bank Francisco from Australia, 'Probably
Sas �2,000, 3. When Paul had gathered (L bull- gxeatext of alit t1hese privileges was ll
roller in the Dominion Bank branch at 000 worth of English sovereigns an Com- thils permissioli, LEsagie to the gates of
"" nee, will enter suit against the board for London, Paris and die of sticks. Of dry brusliwood.
�b.iff America' on Rome, to Opend -d Week at �Iovia�,g inter- ITOR COLWELL, OF PARD V
far $50.000 damages. banks. tators have noted how Paul, s eu- courlse 'with, the Christians Of Puten-A
Senator Forget, president of the Gab Rudolph the father of Mrs. orgy Of ]!city a:nd sent is shown even Arid go We welatt 'toward Rome, Star Hewspaper edit -ors are almost as
ItielletHeiLand Ontario Navigation James A, Garfield, the doctors and other medicines wom
Widow of the in this. There came a viper out of. 1119 from Puftollby lived. sceptical as the average physician on tried in vain.
=tv, states that the company's, now late President, died on IVednesday ov- 115. From thienice, From Rome. When `t'
3 wila be construnted In Toronto, Cuing at Lawnfield, the Garfield tome, Clio beat. "By reason of the beat. tilt subject of netv remedies for sick I was prostrated with a particu-
Ii reh heard otl ue. L The people. Nothing short of a series of tarty severe attack off I La
A is reported from RaWax that Sir Be Was 941 Years[ of age. gelt, tit Roused. from its winter torpor by the inIftrencei is thlit the 0hristlans, I.IiM ��Il Grippe,'"
'Ribbert '.['upper has dool.ded not to re- The jury In the case or. Luet sudden heat, It flung its deadly, fan teak noLi1flPtI. the Cbristiains of Rome, most remarkable and well atithenti- says Mr. Colwell, '-and could find act
sign his seat in. the Commons when he Chicago sausage manufacturer who was fangs imrhap;s t,,erthLh god.:,y Ilk-breivs also, sated cures will incline either an relief from the intense pains and ais.
removes to -British CoDumbia, charged with the murder of his Wife, into Ilia Land. -At present there are of the Iarrival• of this .distinguished
Mrs. Ritson, wife, of the commander bas disagreed, standing nine for con- no venomous serpents in Malta; pr O- F,,abIL'tarAl�, far as Appb For lm. Aboub I suffered day
-0( 1 the Royal Military College at Rings fty_ c T editor or a doctor to seriously consider tress of the malady.
_ vletion and three for acquittal. bably because at the density of the Pave.
. _ _ "' Ktii3 from Rume. Three the merits honestly claimed for s. and night. The doctors did not help
ton, injured it, it, runaway accident. a The, one handred and fifty-first an -ton. in. ALon't ItIAT three miles medicine,
month ago, is StUl dangerously it[, niversarLtr'y of Princeton University was from. R.... I Y -God and took me, and 1 tried a number 0 medi.
Mr. Tarts. ProPoses •next session to celebrated
on Friday, Among the 4. When the barbarians saw theven-edara`go. P11119 'butt a special disposi. Hundreds of testimonials of won- oines, but without relief. About this
auk Parliblinent for, u largo vote for spoalrers were ex -President Grover ODIOLLS Least hang CO. his hand. Paul lion to thimic God, as is shown in all derful recoveries wrought with the time I was advised to try the South
t was probably in chains; chains, how- ht'epjsULs. Tai, direlatter years there Great Son tit American Nervine Tonic American Nervine Tonic. Its effects
,�.ettbe Government telegraph Cleveland and the Governor-General of
s, In he North-West and British Cilaada. ever, did not prove guilt; for., Roman hia:11 been naluvih to depress him. The were received filoin men and women
Cal',umbla. A short time ago, in a fit of (Itsplea_ magistrates ward often unjust zz but chagrin a )its f.aElairg in-Jerusialem, the were instantaneous, Tho firstdosel
A bulletin will aODn be published by sure at; Ilia twin sons, George M. Pull- surely the gods were just! No doubt apparent, lack a rVmvNtbiy tint the� part all over the country before physicians took relieved me. I improved rapidly
t on QrJeruraUmi, C-litristians, the wearisome began to prescribe this great remedy and grow stronger every day. Your
he Xv:urifi. Revenue Department em- mail' imaile a will disfiallprl' them, this luan is a darer. The logle of c,
bodying the resnyts Of an analysis of little thinking at the time that death this conclusion in harmony With i1gtivilY in Caesarea, the torrIllLe. in- in chronic cases ef clyspepsis, in-
Permancy to 11 p�,,L�q a (iaf, VOYW8, L'be dreary win- Nervine Tonic cured me in a single
drinking waters from various parts of {vas so soon to give the the Prevailing sentiment of that age ter in -Alkifta—there was not, inutch digestion, nervous prostration, sick week."
Caundit. legal document. —a sentiment Which, in spite of our IjJeitsure tin The South American
The services of Mr. Thomas Gisborne, According to commercial advices Saviour's rebuke, is widespread e My Or th�-Ix event;s; but headache, and as a tonic for build-
greetilags ar these .
- from NOW York, the business situation t(i-day. Nrengemucts, sufferetit not to two parties of Romaill Christians, Ing up systems sapped of vitality Tonic, rebuilds the life forces by its
superintendent of Government Colo. ven, [he true Nervine
graph lines in the off
and Brl- is fairly satisfactory, though not Lane, come
as vorld as. to show him thatAbe faith to Which through protracted spells of sick- direct action on the nerves and the,
on the grourld or eco with good as was expeoLvd, 1- utalry lines, who requited hica liel hit a given his 'ife'sf energles had al- peas. tish Cokimbia, have been dispensed l3as, I've, CaU 0
economy. irregular- and there is n It killing. If now ready taken root i,n tb# imperiali city,
C�`malwas It
I ness is nerve centres, and it is this notable
The Minister of Agriculture has ap- in dtreaud. that has not Durin
pointed Mr. J 111111�1.liatil'121. bad Indeed been do- 03111SOKI, 1111 difficulties away frota be- g his experience of nearly a feature which distinguishes it from
- E. Star, a Nova Scotia ) speculative activity- Glared by Lbe heavenly powers the I,- fore h ' 11�, peerless SOW, quarter of a century as a newspaper every other remedy in existence. The
fruit- rower to go to`lngland to In- 'Warm weaCh!orblas interfered cc,nsid- landers would watch its exazaltion with 16- -rile COlItUrill. Julius. The cap- publisher in Paris, Ont., Editor Col- most eminent niedical authorities now
vastigato and report an the extent of orably with Clio movements of season- great interest. Lain at the guard. The Pretorian Pro- well, of The Paris Review, has pub.
the market offered there for Canadian ablagoods. CoLlon. goods are dull,wid
fruit. rain in Kansas, Oklaboma, and. Nebras- 5. Ila shook off the beast into t . tit, feet, 'vita it our chronology is correct, concedethit fully two-thirds ofall the
ka. has somewhat Improved the agricut tire, and felt tic) lmrrn. 'I'he story phi was Borrus Afframus, it nobleman, lished hundreds of columns of paid PIIYsiO&l ailments of humanity arise
Dairymen throughout - I * dicates a (ILAIngulshed general, Salleca,s medicine
t Canada have Lural prospects. Collections are re- IY. m that tlla� villaV had bitten advertisements, arid, no from exhaustion of the nerve forces.
begun to take advUntago of the Dairy ported as "weak" in several cit-
- ",I. Read Mark 10, 18, and Luke friend, and Nero's tutor. The oldest doubts printed many 9, gracefully. The South American Nervine Tonic
Act passed at the last session or the recLions. There is an advamco i' 10. 19. But, [is Professor itAncholy manuscripts, however, omit the ds warded puff for his patrons as a acting direct ti the nerve centres
Dominion Parliament, which provides bides, window glass, and lard, Pros- says, LLl lIftVe Cdeapnfi, biting ill Such 'L between "Rome" arid "Paul.,, Suffer- matter of business, but in only a anti nerve tissues instantaneously
for the registration at cheese factories Vects are gonerally encouraging. s- class was almost, as much it intraota as act to dwell by himself. This, like Cher
and creamerles, to have, boea bILLeu and not suffered kindly Incidents seems to indicate an Single Instance, and that one warrant- supplies then, with the true ouris
from the bita. I unusual indulgence to this very Un- ad by his own personal experience, meat required, and that in why its
Tbvinar Lapterre and his wife, of a. They luoaeil. Conti,austi to look. I a 11
Sheribrooace, QUIC., found 9110ty of tin Yellow fever has broken out in Jam- . usual prisoner, It, was a favor till
to cause Lilt Aeath at the form- alcLl, With unusual virulence. 11 he"It 11; should 11,11110 swollen. [lave at]. by Roman law only to prisoners has he given a testimonial over his invigorating effects upon the whole
betchole Inflamed. Or fallen down act atispouted or serious offeases. nor$ own signature, 1io other remedy system are always fait immediately,
er's lift3o daughter by means or ill. (TA Hung Chang, the Chinese states- dead. So virulent and fatal were Pro- a,
CrO-11melat, ware sentenced on Bat- Livia, is about to retire from public tile' fangs or the. viper '41101vil to Ila. bably Festus had. sent a favorable or offered the Dahlia has proved For nil nervous diseases, for general
port of Paul; cortaLuly Julma are,- act
ux�d,Ly to rive years each in the peni- life owing to ill,less. They ohamged. their minds. Which would Oil U, 1y1ArValbDUs revelation to the debility arising ising froin enfeebled vital -
The Russell County fire fund The Abym.1illans are devastating lillily-linpr-essp(l. People aro very apt, speak well of laiiii; then, too, his Own, most sceptical as the South Amerioa itY, Illad for
now, SQUILtIllaaf� and cutaluniffing horrible to (to, Ilklid bilat Ile, was, a gait. T O(Paduilt in contributing to the safety 11 stomach troubles of every
amo nts to nearly *22000. Itis said stopped not' half Nvi�y� ti, star Ill?, Yervitio Tonic, It has never failed variety no,other ibly
thatuaboat $110,000 Will ' atrocities, upon this Prisoners, tial- of his escort tund his follair-psis- :11 or romedy call page'
the Central CommitLes be required it TIIOII,�eace orxilinisslorters have adopt- a.ILILO, proved Its victim am. assassin, nnerB Would make, it -favorable , its purpose, and it has cured when take its jol�ce.
is to be enabl- ed eight articles of the permanent tree- POtvel` to ignore it proved, him Lt. god,
ed to carry out its plan, Or giving the ad linpression Oil the 1 authorities
sufferers money or lumber with tY 09 peace between Greece and Tor- - r 's 14' 11-19' at Rome. LA. soldier. Revised Nrer- Sold by Deadman & McColl
key, Co`m�ft o Act
-h which 7, 112B sarno quarters. The same slop, the soldier; the one to whom be
to rebuild. neighborhood. Possessions, The estate,. was bound with . LL chain. See Acts'41,
Mr. W. IV. Ogilvie, W The German Government, 11 is The chief mail, The Protogi, " the first 27; Brill. 6, 20,, Col. 4. 38. These
Ito returned to guards- FOR TWWTY-SBVEN YEARS.
Montreal recently, expressesunderstood, has decided to re-armLbe man," This is on Unusual phrase bat, 'lien ware periodically THE STRIKING ENGINEERS.
himself as LutLrp. Infantry With new six -milli changed. and
greatly impressed With What he saw me- inscriptions have been found in Vtiitm, Paul Was kept so long in custody tbat
in the North-West. He, says the far- tre, rifles. In. both Latin and G-rodk, which use Ile UIPIA Jlftv(i hoola Chained in turn,
more in Manitoba and he Territories The Japoutse, in Seoul, the capital Lb Its the official title, of the chief RD- to a large number of Clio members of NTERVENTION OF THE BRITISH
OIL Corea, arsusugmonoy quite free- Man 11algiStrate, of Alaltll ' "bile OE )U N N 0 S4
have this season had the greatest goodJ1�Ut1_RU3_ t -B rppreSel Met- Clio famous Protorjo:r� guard 'A holy
ly tu. order t or an iLtItLve of the Roman pre- BOARD OF TRADE.
fortune ill -a magnificent wheat crop, &Laa spirit. ion made on these mon. Would
Lal of SlellY," ur else as im honorary 1.211i�alalaly reach to Clio inmost of the
A cablegram has been received by tate gWeiii try olist vhtts Most. been, All 141clifft-al Letter to (Ito RAS
the D Clillaa, has a gold excitement, too, magIstrate. Received is. Paul and concentric imperial circles, From Phil tors and BAKINO'k
Dominion Government, saying I 1,o 13, -vve learn! that Fan -a' 0 Is 44 ftit"s
-that an Lord Lansdownemson have
PTLD06 metal liciin Is two, 11 11 kS1
ve on _q reported to h., Companions; they 'vera pro
a medal will be issued fo' instructions discovered in the Chang bably better [:rested than some of distindtly aware 4f Clio great Influence 111or Finuncial A1141.
r all who par- Mountains. Chair follows broause tljey;wer'� vener- God.'s Mysterious Providence had thus ull. despatch from London says:
tI61 —The P" W 9E)
�(rtcd -in the repulse ofthe Fenian One mitil was kliled. and a number ated as religious teachers. ILodged Us secured him, Rind regarded Lt• as
rat onCanadaIu'66, wounded In a riot on the ion at thres days. PrIll winiter quit at Executive Committee of the AmaIg
_Vters for �Oalce a great responsibility and &great a- THE COOICS BEST FRIEND
'Vest expedition of '70, Clio funeral of a. Ineding' occasion
I., the whole party could be prepaTed.'Tra- Privilege. mated. Society of Engineers is about t LARr.F-ST SALE IN CANADA.
The liberality of Canada's subscript- Fla"estaft On Monday. dition, Lelia us that' Publius afterward sand to the leading newspapers and
,tions to the India famine fund was The cruiser Kostramis, belonging to became Bishop of Walts., labour organizations in the United.
Officially acknowledged on Pride the Russlanvolunteertlect; 8. Sick Of 11, fOVsT, Literally, "fav- FATAL BOILER EXPLOSIO2T.
. T, Is aground ers," tricalling -%vllat we, �Nvouldi now gall States Bstatement, giving the details be held forthwith to discuss andsettle
when r. Courtney, Deputy minister off the EWLI. root, according to reports of the strike of engineers uoiv in the hourat at labor
of Finance received o, letter from the from Sawkim, Egypt. an intermittent fever, Bloody flux. tifte Haiti Iflen SPI-1011sty fa� Fourth � the constitution at the eon -
IDysentery. Luke's protesshinal inter- gross, and declaring that the
with the
Of Bengal, WhO saysthab The British steivuler0lan Gordon has I ' Plecol — Vosir wilrey Insulting wreak- sum pro -
Jones ;hall be arranged bytta chain
gives peculiar vividiressi to his do- 4-4. *100,000 is req man or abhor selected representatives
he exception Of the TraltedKing- been Wrecked off Umlazi, between it) one of disease. Prayed� Vocal, squired weekly topay the
-dom, the largest contribution has Natal and Delagoe, Bar. The Crew and grayer Was of value in,s oh, cases as A despa.Lch from Detroit sans:—The men all strike and meet other expenses. a- both Parties.
The Times, in, an editorial on the
come from Canada. Passengers were save an evidence that, Was the re- holler tit the Detroit 'Cabinet Comp. This amount, the statement say can engineering dispute, says -111t would
GREAT BRITAIN. Recent -despatches report a. devast- suit at faith to God's I)ONV8316 end not anylii factory ILL Rancock avenut, and only be raised by subscriptions, and be a very paytig business for German,
Lord Salisbury emphatically denies a,tiagoyclone, in the Philipphislal"dis C�I! magical charms. �Laid, his. hands on Riopelle street, in the north-eastern the committee and or Amorlotial, tirtismns to Su
that he has any intention of resign' whioll, in addition to the destruction hire and heated him. This, is a stioulud, 0 appeals to the liberal -
Ing of much property, killed four hundred fulfillment Of the promise' of Xa.rk 10. part d the ORY oxillodiad at 7.30 on Lty of the American friends of labour struggle which will
his portfolio. oaripare, James 5, 14, 15. Friday morning with fatal and dimstr- to assist the engineers; to defeat the foreign coajjpet�
persons. 15. 0,,cat engineering business from
Sir Edwin Arnold, author of "The 9. Others also. All bile rest;" all 0, a Britain to,
Light of Asia," married a Japanese into
commission appointed to enquire who Nvere diseasei g effects. At tenet two men were employers' attempt to crush their or- itors."
nto the disaster of i durbilgAbe ap&9w 114 members of the Employers, Fader -
lady in London on Saturday, piano,
in MOSCOW, in the Hodynsky tb",C, Injou'LlIS' stay, 0itime tund, were fatally injured,, one at whom has since ge4i.7atiOn. ation in Glc�ggov, say that there is
I L , try , norlis to the, may, 1896, rorairb heated. 'Kept toming mrid getting t1leil, and tell man were more or less
extent 0 that on that, occasion fourteen hund- healod,,, Bight Jacobson: Commants, on A now and most important element ]130
E re Ives Ware lost. seriously. hurt, Board
C)eqL that, the mediation of the
tih ad a =do yearly red and twenty -Hina I bile singular f1rov has been introduced into the greaten- Putt of
Tra.ds in the on �inoijrin& the
by o
by the w caul 3 record of an blatorit"a Dead—Lamente Tunney, lormilan in bl the lines ealigges oil by the
In connection with taeAn Italian magazine article, which Cord a long series of guatering dispute by the official In- anti:,
Increase Of is supposed to, voice the views of lead- t Is and, picturesque facts and) finishing-roora; died ill Elarper hospital, latt,or of the. board will be
Ithe strength of the BrLCIsh army, the I Is d not ono concerning their inor- tervantlon of the Board at Trade. accepted,
Colonies will be asked to in statesman, advocates tae with- Dying—Moxas Peltier, engineer,skull
forces. augment their drairaa of Italy from Dxelbund, and off or the. ultwoaxled, evangelical fraotaired; unconscious. at I-larpor hos- The Right Ron, C. T. Ritabiz Pre-
!i!he Queeft' has eonforr the forming of an alliance With Groat bars t accainpamiled them, I � or sident of the l3oaxil, Proposes, in an NOT EXAGGERATED.
ad the Right honors. A.En.nifestotiolls Vital.
lRoff. Sir Nathaniel Lindley, Lord Jus- brovex ca., ifil the anoLerib World a, re-' Seriously injured—William H. Book- Identical letter addressed to the mss -
of Appeal since IS It is Understood. that, the stin"niall 11 long Loachor Was tars anti the men, 0, conference based Tile Vogill supply In lisp
81, as Master of SuratobagiVen! one , Talton 01.qtpiot Its
tile Rolls. It
will protest against, fil- a be gl,7. at, Cuts in head, mask, scalded badly; upon the following suggestive arrange- Not link r Suille.1sul.
Tbare wasi a, auddan, ijoelaux itaid Lim� Ilmater1mg oxPeditlDne from the Unit- on !Lvvlbh emphasis; either roverente as 1AILIburlCrans, ribabroken, body bruls- mats A despatch frOan Washington Baysi—
duo A-axIng this X,ftob I oil States, and will hold that Gorova- ft, mess6a or of GOLD or contempt as eel, rally be injured internally; John First, the federated omployers,whilo Captain Rooper, commander of the a3,e-
Yeek, and most Intent responsible for a breach of !n- [I, dis'viavowing
ot title large, resubeinjeog are now open Iont, protander. Wlien 'We Nonin Cabinet-maker, legs anti hiowing all intention of interfering hr Set', patrol fleet, who has arrived
gitimate action of trades in, N ashingLon to attend the goal, can-
tor. the winter season. onal Jaw, darin iAed. "When, tim Wore Sal ting bronst cut, bad. scalp Wound; lieralan ialf,
Tbe Madrid Imparniall pro6sting sail.' The, ebrontill'i unions, will admit no right of Inter- ferenre, says that the reports can -
Lieut. IVirigton OU'urobill, son, too gists ("'LO this ill Xroinberg, packer, badly bruised
LadY Rlandotoh Murchill, is acting no
against fill ring parties folt, Cuba F6hr11-nrY Or 0arlY in March. ft'lley 0 all ferone6 in the management of their coraiing tta: scarefty at food in the
front Lilo States, a it is Utyv0d by grati.tatle Choy maker, an
War oorresplandent tOr th�o London 1. p . it la,op(I all with such thingq Ila were vev body, may die, Carl May, cabinet- business, The trades unions, on their Klondykic region are not, in bis Judg-
wl�, Telegralift in India, , to for aln to all ,1; to such k cl Barney Trembley, band Part, while maintaining the right Of niont, exalferated. In the jtjelghl;imir-
']I ion. ! o Government vOrfle1w, IN -11:11 1010 sawyer ware also lairC, clonihination, will disavow any Iratan- flood Ot 41"'On City ilare are, he
The 1. 1 - applillod Us to o 0
Britbill engineers clainatobave, 'am a a Twei(l,
Ilot with no "'at things travellor. These girts
won the light for an Dight hour day, r towards ash . Tile, Cause of the oxpion.ton is not. cL tion of interfering with the Ula,ra,6,6• Raid, about 5,000 mize, whosto suit0l'y
,ton, ware timely, for Van) and his coni, 'Y
and. tlinrotoro decline to allow that panialls litiAl 10.4t. lilt i h0i V� goods Ill thn, Both the front and rear went of the business 09 the employers. Of provisions far the coming -ivinter is
point to 1,6 arbitrated upon. I& patrol of dervish hoi,sonjan on wreak, allils at the four-storoy building ,Ypra Second, the daratind fora 0,houra 11,09111111tOr Haan wourrd. barely suffice,
Saturday atteaked ti; VILlage near blown. out outilrely, nail the brick Nvalla Wookinade Ilythe men's 101.11trominit- tax, holt Ile lowabor. Groat sufferl,
Archbish M,chra, I of RupprVa, .11. I -After thre(� inall.t.11a. D-ttod train will bo the Inevitable result; or
-be, shilylvrodk, tire in rtjfns� No fire -resulted from th, ton Upon the Facterated R
T, Tuanded t�l Barber, killing eleven �Laan captur- I. Ttiployars of
and, who q Tainboth Can- Ing Al allit! of Aloxandria, scarcity or food, AlliQuingh gorne og
ferenve, is seriously Ill in Lliagis, mMY woman anti ohfldron',aDil rain ships vvero famil explosion. The concussion started the 4,111141011, Without A, Previous re the Moro vigorouis, among the milmorat
adi, Carrying off tattlis, Aw dolateltmont; fall to 1,ho Whole north-ollatern portion of the ci fo�7 Conference with !.Ila eimployets, is might, attempt to get tmair ov the
leftift porle.'Miaone, au
many windows wore broken. 1, Withdrawn.
and his recovery is very doubtful. of Anglo-ILgiptiart OavalrV Overtook whioll hail to tilto Yukon, the ollsodow ware be
t just Ilcon. wrookittl was (1a,maged building Is a brick bitrUctare Third, A, Conroronee botween, tile re- thought, Chat t6 number oll'
16 is anuouncod, that the marriage aii,11. 'vataad 1 6 raiders wjLb, gycat OAOU911 U) accommodate two Inindred Ito test square, four storeys high, The prasoutiltivos of Clio or 42
has ))can arranged and is shortly, to , loss, � , _, i , I _ .. , 1. 1. 1 Petiorated TAm-
anti soventy-six People, counting both floors Wilio Practically uulnjured, vloYers and Engivacring unlimssball
them. Nvdal0l. I)eriah' from huniger tinit