HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-11-5, Page 66 THE BRUSSELS POST
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TntlxaERIM $r,, BADBOELS, Chir.
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. IY.
Editor and Proprietor.
Life at the Antipodes.
New South Wales is bhe oldest of the
Australian colonies, and the greatest
sheep region in the world. The squatter
kings are said to own as many as fifty
million sheep. Sydney, the capital, is
the largest city iu Australia, and is built
upon the most beautiful harbor in the
world, with the possible exception of Rio
Janeiro. The traveller passes from the
Pacific Ocean into the harbor through
"the beads," bold perpendicular rocks
,rising oo each side to a height of two
hundred feet. Many fine suburbs are
built on the bay's formed by the arms of
the harbor.
Victoria, the smallest, yet wealthiest
and most populous of the colonies, ad-
joins Now South Wales, and there is
great competition between them. The
former stands for Protection, and the
latter for Free Trade. Between Mel-
bourne, the capital of Viotoria, and
Sydney, there is great jealousy, and the
visitor does well to tread softly in mak-
ing comparisons. The first question in
Sydney ie, "What do you thick of our
harbor ?" while a Melbourne citizen
asks, ...What do you think et our broad
streets Y' The pride in both oases is
pardonable, for, while Sydney's harbor is
nnmetohed, the streets are narrow and
poorly laid one. The long, wide and
regularly laid out serene of Melbourne
show off the fine stores and immense
granite buildings to perfection. While
there is plenty of evidence of wealth to
be seen in the number of immense solid
stone buildings and the richly and
elegantly furnished stores, hotels and
homes, there are also mauy signs of want
and poverby. In the financial crash
which name a few years age, during
which thirteen banks in Sydney closed
their doors iu es many days, industries
\vete paralyzed, thousands thrown out of
employment, and people liviug in luxury
reduced to want. The whole oountry
felt the shook, and will take some years
to reamer from it. Melbourne loot
thoueande of her population, chiefly able-
bodied men, who have gone to Western
Australia, South Africa, and elsewhere,
to seek a living, and there are thousands
more in all the larger cities here out of
employment, and constantly appealing to
the Governments for aid. In order to
relieve the distress, unnecessary railways
are being built, and other public works
There are many things in the colonies
that strike a Canadian oddly. He has
to make change in pounds, shillings and
pence, and not speak of dollars and cents.
13e gets into e. railway "carriage,' and
his tioket is collected by a "guard." The
"carriages" aro built on the English plan,
with eros sections, and afford more
privacy than the long Canadian cars.
The street cars are called "trams," and
buggies are "traps," In scores of ways
the terms by which things are known
and the modes of expressing thought are
very different. If you hint that the
method is English, you will be promptly
informed that it is Australian. There is
a peculier inlleotiou in the speech that is
most noticeable in the use of vowels.
"A" is generally pronounced long, as in
"father." Of course, this is quite Eng.
Iieh, but in many words it is given the
sound of "ay." For instance, the peon•
liar twist entero into eaob words as
"change" and "baby." Withal, there is
a pleasant musical quality to the epeeoh
which makes the language attractive,
and is in many reepeote purer English
than we are accustomed to hear in Can -
Churches are never heated, and it gives
one a sensation of chill to see the breath
issuing from a score of mouths in the
choir while they are singing. The only
heating apparatus in the houses is an
open grate, in whish a fire is lighted oc-
casionally on doll days, There is no
trade in stnvee. except for cooking pure.
poses. The 01os0 iucouveuienee from
lack of hent is found in the oars, when it
is noeesaary to dress warmly in such
raw weather as we are experiencing just
now, and wrap the legs in a traveling
rug. Upon implication to the "guard" a
foot -warmer may be secured. This lib.
senoe of the necessity of 90011 heat as we
are accustomed to in the Northern hemis•
phere to a kindly provision of torture, for
coal is not found in abundance in many
places, and wood is scarce and dear, The
tempernturo seldom falls below 10 on a
Winter's day, anon a few Oakes of anew
falling through the air is onusing groat
excitement today, for it is the first some
people have ever seen.
The uppermost question just now is
that of federation, and delegates from
the different colonies are assembling at
Sydney to dismiss the commonwealth
belle passel by the various parliamento,
to see if, some common beats of union can
be estebiished. The constitution of the
Dominion and of the United States have
ligured largely in the diecassions, add in
New South Wieloe,ab any rate, the form,
et has been the model which has been
followed most closely. There the word
"Dominion" has been substituted lot the
word "commonwealth" in the bill. The
original drafte contained no recognition
of God, and the Christian peeple rose in
Much might and exerted enoh presence
through press, pulpit and platform, that
each Of the bills now declares in Its pre.
ambles that the proposed union is to be
brought about "in reliance upon the bleee-
ing of Almighty God," or worde to that
effect. Phu ptoaout email:tut of effete,
is that each colony has praotioally home
rule, There is a customs barrier between
eaoh of the colonies ; each has its own
means of securing revenue, including
different postage stamps, and each its
own gauge of railway, varying from S
feet 0 Welles to 5 feet 8 Welles. Imagine
the inennvenienee and demnralizetiOn to
trade if such n state of aftaire existed be-
tween the provinces in Canada today !
The oolonies of New Booth Walev, 1 ic-
torie, South Australia and Taetuadlia
have passed statutes agreed upon by tho
premiere, and have elected delegates to
the federal convention. Tho colony of
West Australia has passed a statute
which authorises its Parliamenb to oloat
and to send delegates to the convention
without the sanction of tt popular eleo.
tion ; the colony of Queensland nega'
tweed the federation enabling bill, but
such agitation has been carried on there
thab it is thought a postponement of
action for a year or two would bring
Queensland into line, The colony of
New Zeeland has never been asked by its
Goverumeut to consider the question,
bob will he represented at the convention
by ha premier. The present oonuection
with England is the appointment by the
Queen of a governor for each colony, and
the right of appeal to the Privy Oounoil.
England furnishes a standing army of
The new constitution will provide that
the powers, privileges and territory of
the various colonies are to remain intact.
They have prospered so amazingly under
separate oolonial parliaments that they
will not consent to anything less than the
very strongest eafeguarding of state
rights in any federal constitution. The
exclusive power of imposing the collective
customs and exolse duties, and military
and naval control is to be vested in the
Federal Parliament, wblah will consist of
a Senate and House of Representatives.
The execrative will consist of a governor.
general, appointed by the Queen, and the
supreme federal comb, which ie also to be
the high court of appeal of the colonies.
Trade intercourse between the federated
colonies is to be absolutely free.
The conditions of Australia are unlike
those of Candy., owing to the great di-
versity 01 the climate, oibuatioo, final
policies, and history of the oolonies pro-
posing to unite, It has sometimes been
said that inasmuch as there is no external
pressure compelling them to federate,
that the question is purely a sentimental
one. This is a greab mistake. There is
growing external pressure in theadvances
of France and Germany in the islands
lying to the North of Australia. Bub the
question is also an eoonomio one—a mat-
ter of profit and lose, which effects every
industry and every home.
M. D. MoTaggart has sold his 100 acre
farm on the London road to Levi Wilteey
for 00,200.
Mrs. Thos. Cooper has soil her frame
dwelling and e. lot on Albert street to
Mrs. Garvie, Goderioh township, for 0500.
We regret to learn that Veterinary
Tbotnliueou, who received an injury to
his eye some time ago, left for Toronto
where he will likely undergo an operation.
James McPherson, a former Clintonite
and brother of D. and F. McPherson and
Mrs. W. Coats, died suddenly ab Ogden
City, Utah, on Thursday, Oet. 220d. He
was in his forty,fifth year.
Annie:i .—The other day Mr. Chand-
ler, employed at the organ factory, bed
the misfortune to get one of his hands
severely out, and a couple of days later
Hugh Rourke nearly lost one of his
thumbs in a machine.
Geo. Smith, late of Wroxeter, who has
been an inmate of the House of Refuge
for some time, died on Wednesday morn•
ing of last week, of oonenmptiou and
heart trouble, at the age of 75 years ; hie
remains were taken to Wroxeter for in-
Monday of last week there was a very
interesting trap shooting contest on the
Gun Club grounds between two piolsed
sides of amateure. On the one side Dr.
Brno scored 13 out of 25, J. 13. Hoover
10, A. Porter 0, E. Oantolon 10—total 48.
For the loosing aide J. 13. Kennedy snored
15, 3. Miller 21, D. F. McPherson 0, Dr.
Agnew 2—total 47. It is intended to
have frequent contests during the fine
The old established jewelry business of
the late 3. Biddlecombe, for some time
oonduoted by the estate, has been pur-
chased by A. J. Grigg, who takes posses.
Bion this week. The late Mr. Biddle-
combo was one of the most respected
business mon of Clinton for nearly half
a century. Mr. Grigg is a practical man,
a native of Clinton, and served hie time
with the deceased unole. We have pleas -
ore in wishing the new owner seinen.
Wm. Mose was in Toronto last week on
Thee. Kies, of Reynold, was in town
last week visiting hiu brother, Harry.
R. 0, Sparlina, of Woodstock, paid his
parents, on the 5111 con., a visit last week.
Mise Maggie Harvey, of Waterdown, is
the guest of her cousin, Mrs. Geo. Bar.
Jas. MaLanghlin has moved into his
residence, corner of John and Wellington
The men folks are in favor of several
things those days, ono iu particular,—
pumpkin pies.
Rev, A. B. Varney, of Mount Picasso b,
the new pastor of the Gorrie parish,
peeaohed on Sunday leaf.
Sunday, Oct. 24111, was the 50111 anti•
vereary of rho adoption of the West•
minister oolfeseion of faith by the Pres-
byterian church.
A Young People's Day was observed in
tho Methodist 0hnra11 last Sabbath. The
services commenced with a Sunrise
Prayer Meeting, from 7 to 8 a. na. Evan.
geliatio services were hold at 10.80 a, m,
and 7 p. m. Sunday school at 2.80 p. m,
Mrs, Coylee, of Whitechurch, preached
at the morning and evening eereioee.
Mrs, Cuylerbae been a miesionary among
the Indians, oo the Pueifid comet, for a
number of plate,
The Methodist Sabbath school held its
annual business meeting on Tuesday
evening of hast ween. After the ofllcors'
reports were read, the following wore
(fleeted to offioiate for 189708: Supt., W.
111. Gregg ; Ant, Supt•, W. J. Greer ;
Soc., Geo. Dane ; Teen, L Sendoreon ;
Librarian, 0. Gilpin ; Organist, Miss L.
Greer, It was decided to hold a Christ-
mas tree and entertaleme11t e11 Xmas
Wednesday, Oet. 2711, Mee. R. Mc.
Grath rooeived a telegram, conveying the
dad news of the death of her moaner, Ales.
Jos. Ortman, of Carrick township, Mrs,
_1f dlraili Lau t,.., „yutuathy of lir fur,; :..'.,
here in her affliction, Deceased was 04
years of age, and leaves a husband and a
grown up family of five daughters and
one son : M. McGrath, of this village
1 !Mrs. Christopher Johann, of Bolmore ;
Mrs. inmpelt, of Baden ; Mrs. Winters,
of Griswold, Mau, ; Mrs. Fulmer, of
Morniugton township ; and Joseph, at
hunle. itr. crud 101,05. Urtmau 01111103 trots
Germany about 38 years ago, end resided
in Guelph for about 8 years, when they
moved to Carrick, where they have re.
sided over since.
G-octo rise t.
On the 25th of 000. boating was as en-
joyable as on any day h1 Juno or July.
Nineteen full oars of net were shipped
one week by the North America Chc=n10 ,1
Geo. Emerson le fixing up the shore
next Brophy's, on Wesb street, for a
music depot.
The close season for Lake trout and
White fish commenced on Monday and
Inste thirty days.
The choir of Se. Peter'e ars preparing
special mueio for their oburoh anniver
eery ou Nov. 11th.
Morris's planing mill on Cambria Road
is being extended by the addition of an
ongino house at the North and.
The ladies of Norbheit Methodist
ohnreli will give their amoral supper on
Thanksgiving evening, Nov. 25.
Tho knitting factory employees ere
now working overtime, yet the managers
have had to refuse orders for their hose.
Enormous strings Of poroh were made
the past week, the fish being around the
piers and in the harbor in humane
The harbor and inshore along the lake,
North and South of this port, has been
crowded with herring fry the past few
There are still a large number of "Cot•
ton tails" in the nedare along the Grand
Trunk, although many leave been shot
this season.
Stewart MoMordie, a former student
of the Goderich Collegiate Institute, now
of Toronto University, took a prominent
part in 'Varsity games, winning a oham-
E. C. Bryeges, of the Dominion oar-
riagefsotory, has purchased the black•
emithing department in connection with
the esbablishment, and now controls the
whole business.
The patent ditch digger built for Mr.
Cawesy was given a trial, and both de.
signor see builder express tbsmselvas
satisfied with the work performed. The
machine is built somewhat after the plan
of Dredge No. 9, having an endless chain
on which are a number of knives and
iron buokebs. It is some 20 feet high
and mounted on trucks 80 feet long and
10 feet wide. It was run by a threshing
machine engine, and in Olay or sandy
Boil made excellent there and can go
through gravel at fair speed. The ma-
chine was designed by Mr. Cawoey and
the ironwork done at the Goderich Boiler
On Tuesday of last week Aleo Mclver
broke the record held by Dr. Robertson,
of Stratford, of 7 hours and 10 minutes
for the 91 miles to Stratford and back,
making tiro distance in 5 hours and 55
minutes, or 1 hour and 24 minutes bettor
than the doctor. He hod two stops, 10
minutes iu Stratford and 15 minutes in
14iitohell, so thab in the 5 hours and 30
minutes he was wheeling he made an
average of 17 miles per hour. On the
way down he had a light head wind, but
otherwise the conditions, were very favor-
able, the roads being iu good condition
and the weather not too warm. Ile rode
te Cleveland wheel geared to 72.
Miss Allis Celebes returned from visit-
ing friends in Hamilton.
0. Rogers has returned from Manitoba.
He looks better after his trip
D. D, Fennell ie erecting a now stable
on the lob occupied by Jas. Loree.
A. Strome intends moving into the
house lately vacated by W. Adair.
Thos. McLeughlin's house has been
improved lately by receiving a coat of
paint inside.
tire. S. T. Fennell is spending a few
days with relatives and friends in this
Itev. T. W. Gonne is oonduoting a
series of revival servioee at the Mayne ap-
D'fiss Janet E. Cook, who has been on
bhe eiok list lately, is not improving as
fast as her many friends desire.
Orlando Wade, our blacksmith, is emot-
ing a new houeo on the lot which be pur-
chased from Mr. Barnett.
The many friends of P. FIepiustall will
be pleased to boar that the old gentleman
is recovering from his late accident.
Rev. T. A. Wright, of St. Jude's
church, Brantford, le former pastor 01
this parish, occupied Trinity ohureh pul-
pit on Sunday, Oct, 24011. His old
pat'ishonere were pleased to see him.
Cn.sboLdietlrn Newts.
Brantford Council has placed the old
G. T. R. ehope at the disposal of the Fat
Stock Shaw.
Hiram Walker tC Sous have contributed
11500 towards the relief of the sufferers
by life at Windsor.
It is stated thab documents bave been
received at the Cardinal's Palace in Que.
boo approving of the settlement of 011e
school question made by the Lamle]:
George Anderson, trade commissioner
to Japan, was in Winnipeg last week on
his return journey. Ile reports, the pros-
pects of trade with Japan as vary en.
While out with the Guelph hunt Chub
on Friday, G. D. Pringle, the well known
jeweller, was thrown from iris horse and
had his leg broken. Ile woe removed to
his home in the ambulance,
Burglars operated elloansnfully about 4
o'olook Sunday morning of last week on
the private bank of A, O. McIntyre of
Dutton. The burglars gained an enbrenoe
to the bank by prying open the fronb door
with tools stolen from the ehope of D.
Seliara and T. Lilley. There were two
explosions, and now the safe is a nom•
plate wreak. The building ie also probty
badly wrecked. The safe contained over
61,800, bub it ie not known how much
money they secured, as a handful of bad-
ly disfigured bine wits afterwards found.
3Ie, IvloIntyre's diary was also taken,
Thera were four or five in rho gang. No
slue was pert,
Ezra Spring, it farmer from Melbourne,
was injured at the Toronto city weigh
scaie Saturday morning by the tongue
of his wagon entering his abdomen. Ila
may die.
5.1,500 cases of canned salmon, valued
at 11370,000, have moonily been shipped
from Vo130onyso to Liverpool. Canadian
salmon are now more in demand than
ever in grout Britain.
Il, Churchill Oooliburn, of Toronto,
son of G. 10. R. Cockburn, ax•M.P;P.,
has received the gold model of the Royal
Gauadian Littma00 Aseoofation for
bravery in Faving Robb. dud Jas. Herds
en Lake Reteeatt on Sept. 20011.
The chee,e factory ab Peramomne was
completely destroyed by fire Friday
night, together with about $1,000 worth
of cbesee. The stock was insured to
the amount of 82,000 in the London
Mutual, and the building for 01,000 in
the Waterloo.
John Larios, aged 10 years, the eldest
sou of Ed. Luekio, of Louisa street, St.
Catharines, while at play a little neer a
week ago managed to bruise one of his
feet. Nothing was thought of the 000nr.
renes until Thursday evening, whom luck -
jaw set in. Ile died on Saturday.
E. G. Porter, of Belleville, has binned a
writ against the Dominion Bank, Clar•
once Bogert, Inspector of the bank, De.
bootivee Dougherty and Willcee, nu behalf
of W. H. Polton. The writ asks Inc 550,-
000 damages for false imprisonment,
malicious prosecution, wrongful dismissal
and slander.
Thomas Sears has retired from the
firm of Jaffray & Sears, of the Galt Daily
Reporter, and will leave for Enghtnd on
Saturday to look after some personal
interests in that country. His share in
the Reporter has been purchased by
Robt. Jaffray, proprietor of the Mileage
Referee, who, together with the present
editor, Jae. B. Jaffray, will conebitnte
the firm.
The books of the Dominion Govern•
ment Inspector at Fort William allow
that up to the 19th inst. 5,505 oars of
wheat of this season's crop had been de-
livered et that point, representing ap-
proximately 4,250,000 bushels. Of this
amount 75 per cent. graded No, 1 hard,
and 23 per cent. No. 2 bard. The figures
show that praotioally the entire osop is
of the finest milling quality.
At the inetanee of Isaao Gilmrrt1v, erlan-
er of the Ontario Chambers, Church and
Front streets, Toronto, Bailiffs Joseph
Anderson and James Telfer went to a
room occupied by James Dobai!, a man
with a fixed desire to avoid paying rent.
When the bailiffs entered Doebell told a
oompanio0 named Alex. Shaw to shoot
the invaders, and Bailiff Anderson was
shot in the hand. Dobell and Shaw were
Tobias Smith has left at the Welland
Tribune office four enormous ears of corn
of the oommon Canadian variety, that
were grown on Ralph Beckett's *met,
Crowland. One of the ears lneassres 17
inches, and the four put together end to
end, measure jusb 5 feet. One of the
ears that was counted eves found to can•
tato 720 grains -12 rows of 00 gnat's
each. And this is nob a good corn year
Niece (showing the wedding presents to
Uncle Tom) • I wanted you to see them
all, dear mule Tom, so deet you won't
Bend a duplicate. Duplicate wadding
presents are very annoying, you know.
Uncle Tom -11'm. What's this ?
Niece—That's papa's check for £500 ;
isn't it lovely 7
Unole Tom—Very. I intended to send
you the same thing ; but rather then
annoy you with a duplicate present, I'll
send 7100.
It seems that a lawyer is something of
a carpenter. He am file a bill, split a
hair, chop login, dovetail en argument,
make an entry, get up s oaee, get up an
indictment, empanel a jury, put them in
a box, bore a court, chisel a client, and
snoh things. Some of them can rip out
an cath, and all of them can glue unto a
I wieb to inform the people of Brussels
and surrounding district that I have pur•
chased the Pump Bushnell of JAMES
BELL and will be found ready to attend
bo all wants in either new work or repairs
at moderate prices.
No better Pump in the market.
Order left at my shop or residence or
at P. SCOTT'S shop will be promptly
looked after.
r 'Ordere taken for the Digging of
Wells and Cisterns.
Miner reo .,
d'Qy0 aliks—E9S
100140Y -LIVER
T. nnweo0, h onager Standard Bank, Brad.
ford Ont,, soya, CI axe's Kidnrvl.iver Pills are a
grand medicine for the Kidneys Rod Liver.
W. 6. Csar"sa, rug McCaul St., Toronto, re.
presenting Written' Star, cam Chase's Pias act
like magic ter the relief of )ws4 r rbc, bilious attack
and enai'ipaeon 0i'• everywhere, or by mail on
rr<api 53 03ke. t0 tiniti,Xs01f, 05703 R 00.
.s ,d/" lIll 6T- 10501116, 087
London e' .votws "
The Best One Cent Daily
in Western Ontario.
Cannot; bo excelled 0,0 et bright, enter.
priebug and popular paper. Ilan all the
latesb news front all parte of the world.
Supplied by all newsrlealera in Waol•ern
Ontario, or sent direct.
Western Advertiser
Ol'eetoto Jidil Ion,)
Equal bo and better than many pub.
Belied ab 61.00 a year.
Agents wanted in every disbriet to cam
vase for this publication.
Address all orders
Advertiser Printing Co., Limited,
Nov, 5. 1897
An Agt•enablo Laxative and 10011,•013 TON10,
geld by Druggists or sent by lISail, 36o., 600.,
aud'81.00par paolrag0. Semlrics free.
K0 o Tho 7svorlto TIOTII POWI
forthe'1'oothand Breath, e,
Sold by .3.efi. VOX, Drttsnlot, Brussels,
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
6 (Fr 6k Per Cent., Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk, Brussels.
U E `—w
After a business experience in Brussels of 20 years I desire to
return my hearty thanks to the Public for their liberal patronage
and at the same time to state that I am in a hotter position than
ever to sell good goods at low prices. Having two stores, one ire
Brussels and the other in Seaforth, and consequontly buying in
large quantities enables mo to purchase a great deal finer than I
could in the past.
You must not compare prices of 5 years ago, or even 1 year
ago, with what they are to -day, and I assure the Public that it will
well repay them to call and see goods and get figures, even if you
don't buy. I cannot give u list olf prices here as I carry sued
an endless variety of goods consisting of FURNITURE of all styles
from the lowest priced to the bust.
The largest stock of Pictures and Picture Framing ,
goods ever .shown in Brussels may be found at my Emporium and
they are sold at half the oIcl price.
mn 41:k AL an
In Organs I have been selling them at from $15 to
$20 lower than other dealers, but I can now sell them cheaper than
ever. Buy the best—the Gocierich or the Bell—both of which I am
agent for.
I prefer to say but little about this department, as
I have been with you doing business for many years, and those who
have called on me are best able to say whether I have given satis-
faction or not. I hold a Diploma for Embalming and make to point
to personally and promptly attend to this •branell of the business.
Ur EX AP E.ST El lt
At this season of the year there are often Lounges,
Sofas, Chairs, &c., requiring attention. All work intrusted to us
will be neatly and cheaply done.
lA specialty made of Ordered Work and Repairs.
Again thanking my many old customers for past favors and
soliciting a continuance of the same,
I am, Yours Truly,
Esiab•lished 1871.
am' ��
W' err
/.. a9 .i!Ar 1I1 ";sou' •, earl °te'11;s' 110 _.:.
ort o a
o�r7 oa
O O o r
0 0
0 0
GA 0
ThoPolicy Contract issued by this Association is perfection itself,
It leaves nothing further to be desired. Bates and full infer:
oration furnished on application,
177‘'fie EB11aGTd, Agee, 1iBrusse1sa