HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-10-29, Page 8S
We purpoee publishing .the names of
the three eueoeeeful onmpetitors in the
word oonteet from the lettere 000tained
fn IL 4 c,L r rte ht:pd:.," For par•
tioniere see Net ,sena of Tat POST.
600. to $s,.
Auother shipment of "The Presby.
tartan Book of Praise" combined with the
3ible is to hand. We Sieve no lees than
eight different kinds ranging iu price from
60e to 23 each. The latter is beautifully
hound and printed on very flue paper so
us to have large type in email book.
lo the BOA of Praise ooutaiuing the
"Solutions" we have a dozen differeut
Muds ken es. upwards.
G. A. Deadman,
DtaggItt, Optioiau to Bookseller.
Trains Imre Bruesels Station, North
and South, as follows:
Semen 7de Il m Mail 0.05 p.m
nszed:1.41 am, I Entrees ...-10:01 p.m
;Ilx ll
A chiel's mane ye ,akin' notes,
An' kith he'll prenb it.
HARMS are plentiful.
Burmese market leads.
Fax wheat is doing well.
Helots fair next Thursday. '
FLOWERS are begiunine, to bloom.
Tale maple leaf carpet is very heavy
this Fall.
BRUSSELS Council meeting on Monday
evening of next week.
TEE Maitland river is unusually low
for this season of the year.
Tan late train may be cartooned On the
W. G. & B. during the Winter.
FINE range of wedding invitatioos,
cards, tee., turned out by Tun POST.
119V. JNo. Ross, B. A., has had a new
upright piano placed in Melville Meuse.
TOWN TREASURE KELLY bas put 11 1,ew
shingle roof on his residence, Turuberry
Coovctuon LEATEE11naLE disposed of
one of his well bred Jersey cows, last
week, to Mr. Berry, of Lucltuow.
A PORTION of Elizabeth and Frdderiok
streete are being gravelled this week to
improve the road to the Salt Works.
N. R N. GERRY have the contract of
putting a furnace in the basement of Dr.
Aemetrong'e new briek residence at
a a Aman.—Remember air will be
added to all taxea not paid before Deem.
her 15th. Colleetor Ross is ready to ra-
oeive your share any time now and hand
you your receipt. The above rule will be
Tetomea WANTED.—Parties leaving tur-
keys to dispose of that will be fit for
marketing about the 20th of November
will do well to call on Robb. Thomson
at Ballantyne's grocery. Highest market
nlsh price for butter and eggs as usual.
Tee old boiler that was taken off the
town Fire Engine and replaced by a new
use, has been Bold to Brussels Electric
Light Oo, for the sum of 220.00. It will
be utilized by them as a reserve In case
of anything going wrong with their other
Horst FAVI.—The first monthly horse
Fair for this season will be held in Brus-
seta on Thursday of next week, Nov. 4th.
These Fairs will be continued each
month 011111 May. The leading Canadian
mud American buyers are expected to at.
tend, as in former years,
RuMEMT DENsow was out bunting on
Friday of last week, when hie hound's
plead was loaded up with porcupine quills,
received as a guarantee of good faith that
he bad made the acquaintance of Mr.
Porcupine. A veterinary removed the
quills. Mr. Denbow did not see the quill
driver which the dog encountered while
running in the bush.
House or RNI'oGE.—The House of
Refuge committee met at the House, in
Clinton, the members being all present.
Considerable discussion arose over the
piggery contract, and then 11 was resolv-
ed to present at next meeting of Council
plans and estimated cost of ueoessary
extensions to the main building. Some
minor improvements and alterations
were agreed bo, to be carried out under
the direction of Inapeobor Coats. The
committee examined the building and
grounds closely and it was noticed that
the 76 fruit trees planted out were all liv-
ing, and of the 137 sprnae but 4 had
laded away,
Teanm is no abatement in the shipping
done at the Grand Trunk from Brussels.
This week there have been forwarded 2
oars of wheat, 2 of peas and 2 of oats by
Rohe Graham ; 3 cars of lumber by J. do
P. Amens ; 2 oars of wheat, 2 of oats
and a oar of hogs by Backer & Vanstone ;
a 050 of lambs and a oar of hogs by Olegg
Dames ; 6 oars of salt by Brussels Salt
Worke ; and a oar of oheeee from Brus-
sele factory, The amount of incoming
freight is also something surprising, but
not as easy to get at in balk AS the out-
going car lots. There ehould bo an ad.
ditional employee at Brussels station, se
there is too much work for any one man
to attend to.
Dorm's Mime:me Orment .—Last Sat.
ttrday afternoon Trr roar did itself the
pleasure of attending the Fall Millinery
Opening of Miss Mary Bose, wbo, in don.
jenotloe with Mlseee Bezel Johnston,
Luella and Gertie Boss ml Ida Gilliax,
made an elegant display „f doll's heed•
gear. There were hats, bonnets, toques,
tem, in all the latest shades and shapes,
all of which were duly admired by many
a youthful companion, and not a few
udmplimente were showered on the
"duck's of bonnets," i20., suet as the old.
er folic do. The millinery shote room,
which le somata nearly opposite the
`Gown Hall, wag teetotally decorated with
out -tains, maptel leaves, &e., and the sign
hung out at the window read „Doll`s
Fall Millinery Opening this afternoon,
All Welcome." A number of salte Were
made, the prides ranging train 5 cents to
15 dents,
BRUesees market leads. Try it.
. Aversoe sale bills printed while you
wait at Tula Hoer.
Scum, Teaeher'e agreements may be
had at TIM POST Publishing HOMO,
TIMES bridal parties in Melville t hurab
last Sabbath morning, mud fella say
"there's more to follow,"
WALTER RICHARDSON. of Brussels, has
started a tailor shop at Trowbridge, We
wieb him enooese in his new undertaking,
Sumo of out townspeople attended .the
nuptials of Mtr. Cade and Miss Pollard,
iu I1feRillop, on Wednesday of this weak,
rower of this week at 12 o'elook noon,
,Lot 34, Cep, 13, Grey, will be offered for
sale by public anobiou, at the Amerioan
Hotel, Bruesels.
CAPT, STnETTUN hoe put in a drain from
his new stable to the sower on Turuberry
street. It will convey the water that
earns from the roof of the building,
Curtlea0.---One of Tun Posr patrons, re.
siding in an outside town, writes us as
follows :--" Allow me to congratulate
your office on tbo splendid work you bees
done on our latter heads. They are line."
We aim to please,
A. ConaLEy has closed op his 13ioyote
Show Room, in the Leckie bloolc, until
next Spring, after a busy season. He's
now on the look mit for 1898 business in
the wheel lino, while attending to his
regular of6oe work,
TEE wedding Bake exhibited in Goo.
Thomeon'e window was a cause of maxi.
sty to nob a few, until it was revealed
that it was to be out up at a Mali:illop
wedding, Cade—Pollard. As worry kills
more people than work, the bakers should
protect the public by labelling each sake,
giving date of marriage, who the brides.
staid is to be, and other particulars that
the people should know.
BEADY IN A Few Dees.—The inoandes•
cent dynamos are planed in position at
the Eleatrio Light building, all the con•
notions made and everything ready to
attach the driviug belt. It le intended
to complete at once the outside wiring
and do the installing, so that the full
plant will be set in motion in a ehort
time. The dwelling in connection with
the building is about ready for occupa-
tion, barring the putty coat and painting.
It will be a cosy place.
A Prnic and White social will be given
in the schoolroom of the Methodist
church next Tuesday evening. In ad.
dition to refreshments there will be a
good musical and literary program pre-
sented. Were you ever at a .pink -and -
white social ? The following e the pro-
gram :—Chorus, choir ; reading, Miss
Mina Turnbull ; solo, "The Golden Bar,"
Miss Belle Smith ; recitation, Miss Ida
Mooney ; duett, "Snooping at the Door,"
Mies i81, Moore and J• Sarvis ; recitation,
W. E. Armstrnng ; violin Bolo, H. L.
Jackson • reading, G. F. Blair ; solo,
Miss Kae Wilson ; recitation, Mies Nora
Maunders ; draft, Mies Lizzie Sample
and Rev. Mr. All1u.
WEDDING BELLS.—A very pretty but
quiet wedding took plane on Wednesday,
Oot. 20th, in Kincardine. The oontraob-
ing parries were W. Freeman and Miss
Joanna McKay, both of Seaforth. The
ceremony was performed by Rev. 51r.
illerray, nt the residence of Bobt. Ross,
the bride's brother•in•law, in the presence
of a few friends. The bride was becom-
ingly attired in white Swiss muslin with
white silk trimmings and carried abogset
of flowers. After partaking of a eumptn-
nus repast, the happy couple lett for their
hone iu Seafortb, where they arrived on
the 5.80 train. They have taken np their
residence On East William street. Tun
POST, along with their numeroue other
friends, extend hearty congratulations.
Watson Ainley received the sad intelli•
genoe of the sudden demiee of Mrs. Ann
Stacey, formerly of Brussels, at the oft),
of Denver, Colorado, on Tuesday, Oot.
12th. Mrs. Stacey was a daughter of the
late 'William Ainley and was a sister of
William and Watson Ainley of this plane.
Her illness was of short duration, be-
ginning with a bilious attaok and follow.
ed by a feinting spell, which resulted in
death. The following notice was sent
Tim Pose by the pastor of the deceased
"Ann Ainley weeborn on Sept. 152h,
1886, at Port Hope, Canada, was mar•
rigid to Richard S. Stacey on April Gtb,
1860, and died on Oct. 12113, 1897, aged
61 years and 27 days. She was the
mother of ten children, eight of whom
are living, seven being residents of this
city and able to attend the funeral, They
are as follows :—Mrs. W. M. Lawson ;
Mrs. 0. H. Hess ; Mrs. Geo. Richard-
son ; Mre. G. W. Pell ; Misses Nellie,
Agues and Edith. The other daughter,
Mre. 0. M. Ross, who resides et Hoyt.
vine, Ohio, was unable to be present.
Sister Stacey was one of a family of ten
obildren. Six brothers nud one sister
survive her, only one of whom attended
the funeral—John Ainley, of Farnam,
Neb, Mrs. Staoey was left a widow 17
years ago, with eight girls. She came
from Brussels, Canada, seven years ago
last April and bae resided in this city
ever since, the last five years at 449
South Water Street, where she died. She
united with the Fifth Avenue Methodist
Episcopal aburah shortly after Doming to
this oily, and was a member of the
Methodist ohnroh from her childhood.
Her father's house was the home of
itinerant promisors in the early days of
Methodism, when they preached in
houses long before there Was any ohnroh
10 her native town. The father of de'
ceased was the founder of her early
home, (Aiuleyville,) which tools the
family name, but was afterwards celled
Brussels. Mrs, Stacey was sick bet a
few days, the and earwig very suddenly,
but it found her watching. She was a
true mother ; ber's was a life of toil and
care for her children, and when they
were happy she was pleased and joyful.
It was said by some of the family .that
she did too mach for them, but elm did
not think So, it wag her joy. What i8
more noble than a home mother, for
she was that ? She lived to see all her
obildren grow np to womanhood and re.
speoted by all who know then. The
funeral service was hold in the Fifth
Avenue M. E. 011000b and was attended
by a large gathering of friends, who sent
many beautiful floral offeringe, Two of
her former pastors took part in the servi•
nes, Dr. J. H. Merritt and hev. E. J.
Wilooe, also br. Warner, pastor of
Christ's M. B. (thumb, The sermon wee
preaabed by her pastor, Rev, R. Sander.
son, who took for his text realm 85 and
14 and Rev,16 and 18. Her remains
were laid to rest in a beautiful spot in
Riverside cemetery," The many old
Wanda of deceased can bear out all 'that
is said in reference to Mrs. Staney'e tel,.
gious life and her Weary sed love for
tier family. Much sympathy is expre58-
od for the bereaved.
Tun Warden's Committee met last
Friday In the Collet Rouge, C•odorielt,
They dealt with the mutation of sower
from jail and other business. A Ewen'.
bsr session Of alta Couuty Council may
be held.
Tua000n the decease of an aunt Mrs.
Jodeph'k ole , TIIu . Curry 3103 other
relatives fall heir to a nice sum of money.
The deeeteted lady wad a resideub of
Montreal and had no ollildreu, hence the
distribution to the next of kin.
A eME:ix thief sloopsd with a ropy of the
new Book 0f Praise from Jas. L'ox'8 drug
storo. It was worth 941.26. If the party
will return the bnuk to Mr, Fox he will
prosaut them with the mesio, so they
will be butter prepared to enjoy the praise
BUTTER FACTORY. —Lad Friday after-
noon a moebiug of the patrons of Brus-
sels cheese factory was held to 0011513er
the advisability of putting in a butter
staking plant in addition to the cheese
malting. After fully discussing the sub.
jest a committee was appointed to can-
v9a8 the locality 0s to the probable pat;
renege and to report at an early date,
Winter dairying is becoming not only a
popular but a profitable department of
the farm, and under Mr. Horde' nom•
potent management we have every reason
to believe the farmers of brie section
would be well pleased with the results.
Of course it would take a little while to
arrange matters eo as to have oowe milk-
ing during the Winter as well as the
Summer, but where a fair trial has been
made the results have been of a most
satisfactory abaraater. Canadian butter
finds ready sale on the Old Country
DEATII OS 6lns. Detre , Tho London
Advertieer, of Wednesday, Oat. 27th
says ;--The death occurred fn bhis oily
yesterday afternoon of Sarah, widow of
the late James Ford Darob, of this city,
at the age of 60 years. Deceased was
born in Devonshire, England, in 1881,
and cams to Canada in 1848, when she
WAS uvited in marriage to Jae, F. Darob,
of tbls city. Mre. Daroh had been ailing
far some time, and although of late death
was expected daily, she seemed to hold
out till'tbe last hoar, when she bid all a
farewell, and passed away in peace. De-
ceased was at one time a member of the
llortou Street Bible Obristian church,
and of late ye0re a regular attendant of
the Dundee Street Genteel ohnroh. She
was always reedy and willing to give a
helping band to rhumb worst. Mrs,
Daroh leaves two daughters—Mre.
Hubert 6.ehplant, of this city, and stirs.
(Rev.) fi. J. Allis, of Brussels, and one
son, ,t,L'r,• d., of Bette, Montana. The
surviving members of the family have
the heartfelt sympathy of all their
friends in their sad bereavement. Her
remains will be interred at Woodland
Cemetery on Thursday afternoon.
las ttIAGIC CITY.—Naraisss M. Cantina,
the young Frenchman who is building
that "magic city" on the lake shore,
about ten miles South of the village of
Bayfield, went up to the Northern penin.
sula last week to buy half a million lath
and the same quantity of shingles. He
was in Detroit recently and bought one
hundred porcelain baths for the mam-
moth hotel he is greeting in 811. Joesph,
as the embryo city is called. There is
an air of mystery abort this plane that
has aroused much curiosity. No one
seems to know just what the man means.
It is said that all his workmen are sworn
to 55oreay and notisee warning outsiders
against trespassing onl his property keep
the curious "uitiaudere" frons knowing
anything about it. Already he has a
small store and a three story factory
where notions are manufactured, and the
building of a pier is going on at the same
time, besides the hotel, 250 feet by 150
feet. It was rumored that tbo manufac-
ture of aluminum was to be the chief
industry of the new city, but no one but
himself seems to know for a certainty.
At all events Mr. Cantina seems to have
"gashius" of money and to be spending
it with prodigal hands. He was born in
the vicinity of St. Joaeph and is only 27
years pld. Be made some money 1102
long ago by the sale of a patent right to
a cement which he invented.
Business Locals,
Bre bargains in furniture at Leather.
dale's Emporium.
FIRST OLAes house to rent or for sale.
Apply to Jim. Wynn.
Otte handmade men's long boots can-
not be beat. I. C. Richards.
'07 DAYTON Bioyole for sale, ebeap.
Jas. Ballantyne, Brussels.
el0t See our single hareeee, nicklo silver, at
211.00, unsurpassed. L 0.Itiobarde.
O5GANs — the best — sold at lowest
prince by R. Loatbsrdaie, Brussels.
Youn boy wants a pair of long boots.
We have them at cost. I. C. Richards.
Ool09O5TA9LE house bo rent, Apply at
On00 to W, M. Bantam.
Toto, harness, halter, collars, robes,
blanket, at reduced prices for 80 days.
I. 0. Richards.
Lynes' pocket book last containing
some silver. The finder will oblige by
leaving it at TEE POST.
D. Ew,or has a number of second hand
buggies bo sell at big bargain. Call at
bis shop and make him an offer.
Bon the Bell and Goderioh organs at
Leatherdale's before you buy. Tbey
can't 10 beat for quality or price.
A Irntex.oLAeo special line of tverk
mannfaotured at Jas. Walker's shop. He
gives tip•hop value to every onstomer.
S-smon'e etre is sold on a guarantee.
It mires incipient consumption. It is
the bust cough cure. Only one cont a
dose. 25 ate„ 50 ots. and 21.00, Sold by
James Fox, Druggist, Brussels,
BLAon woollen shawl lost, between the
Orange Hall and Brussels station. Find.
85 will confer a great favor by leaving at
Tint POST,
KARL'S. Clover Root, the great Blood -
Purifier gives freshness and olearnoss to
the complexion and oures constipation.
26 ors, 00 ole and $11,04. Sold by ,Tampa
Fox, Druggist, Brussels.
BARGAIN OinrsIIED.—That eligible half
acre lot situate on the Southern portion of
Turuberry street, Brsssele, will be die.
posed of below Cost. Very easy terms.
Write for partlaulars to Johg HAn0nEAvss,
174 Queen st. West, Toronto.
CAPTAIN Sweeney, 17. O. 0,., San Diego,
Cal., says :—"Sltiloh's Catarrh Remedy
is the firer: meclioine I have ever found
that would do me any good." Price 50
aunts. Sold by Jas. Fox. druggist, Brus.
ANYONE needing their ewe put in
',tepee order had better bring them to
Saw'Aler MoGregor before he leaves
ierneeele, as he i5 likely to take a eiku-
ation with the Saw and Saw Tool relIk.
ars. T. McGregor, eaw•filer, Bent/sole.
OCT, 29, 1897
O:7B'S',aa.=T-ase-x 'Z'7 eat72..
ASSETS, (Seven Million Dollare) • 27,000,000
CAPITAL (Authorked) • . • . • 82,000,000
4pertoies in all principal pointe in Ontario, Quebec, 21fae itehrt, 7'alited states ,,5211glaiui.
0101106,11146 DeldIfalt.
A General Banking Business Transaoted. Farmers' Notes Disoonuted.
Drafts Issued and Colleotions made on all points.
Interest allowed 011 deposits of 21.00 and upwards from dat of deposit to date of
withdrawal and oomponnded half yearly,
Simmer. ATTENTION 05010N we ems COLLECTION Or' FA11troRe' ,VALE NOTES.
Every facility afforded Customers living at a dietanoe.
J. A. STEWART Menem.
Do you wear size 3 ehnee ? If nu conte
10113 get a pair at cost. I. 0. Richards.
WE are handling any quantity of but-
ter, eggs and dried apples. Cash or
trade. Also all kinds of poultry. G. E.
Ring, Wiughnm. 16.tf
COtrron'rAlndt house, with stable, well,
cistern, tee., for sale or to rent. Posses•
Bion given ab once. JTor further partiou•
tare se to price and terms apply to Geo,
Howe, Brussels. 10.
ELLIOoT.—Iu McKillop, on the 10th inst.,
the wife of Mr. Wm. Elliott of a son.
OAntroELL.—In MoIiillop, on the 17th
inst., the wife of Mr. Robert Camp.
bell Of a daughter.
Pane. In Wingbarn, on Oot. 1501, the
wife of Rev. D. Perris of a daughter,
Donsoo.—At Fairfa.:, Manitoba, on Sept.
28th, the wife of Mr. D. Dobson of a
HAnRosoN.—In Gray, on 002. 23rd, the
wife of Mr. Marshal Harrison of a
cwt. Butchers' sheep quint, at 92.75 to
28.25 eaoll. Lambs in fair demand for
export bo Buffalo, at $3.75 to 23.90 per
owt. Calves, oboioe voals, ab 22 to 28
eaob, Mitch oowe and springers steady,
at $95 to 245 each. Hogs depressed, and
choice brought '1 o to ego per Ib. ; others
can't. F. R. SCOTT, Brussels.
First mortgage, farm seeu'i y, Apply
at TRI0 POST Publishing House, Bruseels.
1-�• Lioausod Auetioteer tor Huron.
Sales of all kinds a specialty. Money -to lend
00 mortgage at lowest rates.
sTAR,azz os,,
Finamat.N—McBer.—In Kinuardiue, on
Wednesday, Oot. 20th, by Rev. Mr.
Murray, of Kincardine, Mr. William
Freeman to Miss Joanna MoKay,
both of Seafortb.
0AmE—POMAiD: At the residence of the
bride's parents, McKillop, on Oct.
27th, by llev. A. C. Tiffin, Mr.
Samuel Cade, of Hallett, to Mise
Dolly, only daughter of Mr. William
Pollard, of McKillop.
BroNINo—Teennes.—At the residence of
the bride's father, Wallace street,
Listowel, by Rev. Wm. Cooper, B..
A., Mr. William 2. Bigning, of telltale -
ell, to Miss Gertrude, second daught-
er of Mr. Joeepb E. Terhune, Police
Ereeen—Holm item.—At the reaidenoe
of the groom's parents, Turuberry,
on Oat. 20th, by Rev. Jas. Hamilton,
of Wingbam, Mr. Samuel Elliott,
son of Mr. 11111 Elliott, to Miss Annie
Maud Hardaker, of Hillsburg.
STACEY.—At Denver, Colorado, on Oct.
120h, Mrs. Ann Stacey, (formerly of
Brnseele)'aged 61 yearn and 27 days.
GOLLEY.—In Wingbarn, on Oct. 21st,
Verde Adella Mildred, infant Baugh.
ter of Mr. and• Mrs. Joseph Golley,
aged 9 months aid 28 days.
DAvrnaoo.—In Wingham, 031 Oct. 16th,
Frances Mildred, daughter of Frank
Davidson, aged 11 months and 10
NIooa.—In East Wawanosb, on Oct. 18th,
Walter E. Nicol, egad 66 years, 8,
months and 15 days.
D,inon.—In London, on the 26th inst., at
the residence of her sou -in-law,
Ilubert AshplamIt, Sarah, reliot of the
late lames Devitt and mother of Mrs.
(Rev.) S. J. AIIin, in her 66th year.
A7mmmoT0• s -A -m e_
FRIDAY, Nov. 5th,—Farm stook, Maple.
mens, houeeboid furniture, tato, Lot 19,
oon. 8, Grey. Sale unreserved, at 1 p.
m, Jas. Lindsay, Prop., F. S. Soott,
Fall Wheat 80 80
Barley...—. .. 22 24
Peas 40 42
Oats 20 21
Butter, tube and rolls .., 18 14
Eggs per dozen 12e 18
Flour per barrel 4 00 4 50
Potatoes (per bag) 50 50
Hay per ton. 5 00 5 00
Hides trimmed 5i.
Hides rough -. 5
Salt per bbl., retail 1 00 00
Sheep akin, each 40 60
Lamb skins each 25 40
Hoge, Live4 4 00 4 10
Wool 18 19
Applee (per bbl.) 75 1 50
Dune M.1nioETs,—Ingersoll, Oct. 26,—
Offerings to -day, 3,725 boxes of cheese ;
no sales ; 82a bid f salesmen bolding for
00 ; no life in the market. Now York,
Oct. 26. --Batter steady ' treat= oream-
ery,14o to 28310 ; do. faoIoey, 90 to 180 ;
tnibatiou creamery, 12o to 17o ; state
dairy, 12o to'20o ; do, aroamery, 40 to
28}0. Cheese dull ; large white, 90 ;
email white, 9}o ; largo colored, ,8110 to
Seo ; small colored, O310 ; part skims, 63o
to 70 ; full &dans, 83o to 40.
BU r r.r,o, N. Y., Oat. 20.—Spring
wheat held higher ; No. 1 hard, spot,
90 0 ; 'No. 1 northern, spot, old, $1.088 ;
new, 95,1e. ; No. 2 northern, spot, new,
022o ; No. 8, northern, do„ 001o. Winter
wheat uuaettlod ; No. 2 red, on traok,
97o ; No. 1 white, 96o ; No. 8 extra red,
94c, Corn, firm ; No. 2 yellow, f 2010 ;
No, 3 yellow, 29F0 ; No, 2 oorn, 28(o ;
No, 8 awn, 28eo. Oats fairly native and
steady ; No. 2 white, 083o ; No. 3 white,
284e; No. 4 white, 2220; No. 2 mixed,
223o; No. 8 mixed, 2110. Barley steady.
Rye quiet ; No, 2 in store, 50o asked.
Flair firm ; fair demand.
Tonon°, Oct. 26,—Tho Toronto tattle
markett�pp•day was dull. Receipts, 88
cars including 074 sheep and iambs, 1,,
100 hogs and 80 calves, Buying for
Montreal was slow. Export cattle quiet,
with solos of beet at 8310 ; seine sold at
3}n, Butchers' cattle) little firmer on
light offerings ; best prime lambed, hew.,
ever, was 8720 per lh, ; some good cattle
8014 at 8o to die. Bulls firmer ; not
many being offered. Prices ruled from
2310 to 23o. Stockers and feeders stonily
some 510310 rs sold at 28o, and Modem
gold n620. Sheep and lambs—Export
sheep 21u11, but steady, at 23 to 28,80 per
0931510x11» hassevoralgoad Farmeior
sale asdbe rant, easy forms in Townsbipe
of Morris and relay. F 5. Sd10'1'T,Bt•ussels
sale with aoneiderable Vowing alone
oleo 8 acres of Fall wheat anti 8 acres of rya
sown. Possession nae bo gives, at Thos. For
pelts and caber pnrtionlara. ap1piy to
1e""-3 T. MOOR1E, Bruesels,
North Part Lot 00, Con. 3,Morrls, con-
taining 110 acres— known as the Fraliak
bomoetead—for a term of 5 years, For fur -
tier partloulars apply to
15-0 F. S, SCOTT, Brussels.
near Brussels. Groat bargain, Lot 7
Coss. 0, Grey township. Good buildings and
orchard, well watered, suitable for mixed or
dairy fanning, Possession given next
March, with privilege of doing Pall plowing.
Apply to W. H, KERB, Pow Publisitingr,
Roo se,Bruseela,or to THOMAS HERITAGE,
Loudon. West.
--100 a0008 of good farm land at
Springfield, Smiles from Winnipeg, is offer-
ed for sale at a low price. The property is
North East i Seo,10, Twp. 11, Range 4, East,
There is a house on the premien and some
breaking done. For fall particulars as to
price, title, &o., write or apply to
G. F. BLAIR or W. H, IiE1RR,
20.12 Brussels, Ont.
.11101008,—The ltmdersignod offers bis
eligible 01 *tore il9rin for sale or to
rent, being South part 0f Lob 5, condos-
cion 12, Grey. All under cultivation, moll
watered and well fenced. There la a good
stone house, hank barn, orehnrd, wells, &s„
on the promisee. Also a eplenditt stone
quarry from which a good revenue is realiz-
ed. Only 21 miles from Brussels. Terms
reasonable. For further particulars as to
price, &o„apply to
30HIi a1IT0B10LL, Proprietor,
Brussels Brussels P. 0.
Ooueleting of the South k and South i
of the North 1 of Lot 00, Con 2, hast Wawa -
nosh. This la an exeellonb stook farat,being
well snpplled.with good spring water. Itis
situated about 8 milds fro,u the thriving Vil-
lage of Blyth. A large part of itis under
grana. Buildings 911d foe0O8 aro iu a fair
state of repair. Easy terms of payment will
be given. For all information apply to
11-tf G. P. 13LAIR, Barrister, Brussels.
That excellent farm, Lot 15, Con. 9,
Township of Grey,100 aeras, mast be sold ab
once in order toeless Mate of deceased own-
er. The lot is nearly ell cleared, with good
baildinge, ample water supply, largo or.
chard, 13 miles from Cranbrook, is under
yycultivation and is a very desirable pro.
0RF)LL,' Brusselse.Apply, to OHNx4IPOlri1ulLL,
on the promises • or A. HONT1010, Brussels.
Dated Sept. 12th,1801,
Boar for Service.
The undersigned will keep for service on
Lot 11, Con. G, Grey, as thorn' bred Berkshire
boar, with pedigree, Terms, 01.00, to he
paid at time of service with privilege of vi-
burnum if nacossary.
10.1• 505. SHAW, Proprietor.
Ancient Drdor of Nailed Workmonl
This old and prosperous Prater') al inn
alien lumbering 000,500 members ars pre
son ting to thepublio their polnllar and aeon
omioal rates to worthy men at the very low
rate of about $8,00 per $1,000 per annum,
Tho Workmen” Promptly Pay Reath
Clairue and Mack a large Marottao to its
members now that those A03arioan Lino
Oompanies don't Beam satisfactory to Can-
11011T. ARMSTRONG M. W, ; W, H. HERR
Recorder; J. A. ORIIIGHTON,Plnaveior,
Auction Sale
VALUABLE 13101111N,
Valor andby virtue of the:power of gale
contained in a certain redone -Ire of wort.
gage wltioh will be :producedat the lino of
sale there will bo offered for sale by Public,
Aaotion,atthe A9010RI0A1Z H00380; in the
TOWN alt 1311158510LS, 011 It1'lilay, the
xlyenty.ufnilt nay or °etcher, ,,l/.38117,
at twelve o'clock uo0n, the followlug vale,
able farm property, uamoly:-•That certain
parcel entrust of land and prensisee situate.
iu the Township of Grey, in the .County of
Enron, being oonlpo004 of Lob number
Thirty-four in the Thirteen th Oouo08sion of
the Township of Grey, ooutaiuing one hun-
dred 9aree more or loss. On tato said prop•
arty aro a frame bottle nod101)301 stable,
TEntte.—Ton 1308 gent, of the puroha5o
money to bo paid at the date of sale and the
bit/forte on easy tering which will he an.
non11o0d at the 811Otton,
For furtberpartlo,0ars apply to MoMVlt-
RICH COAThWOII'pR, 1101060006 & COM-
PANY, 'Vendor's Solicitors, a Mtliude Stroot,
Toronto. 11.2
Ile 'W'on't he
Sztti # ed
�r f is
Compound Syrup of
White Pine & Tar
For Coughs, Colds, &c.
Fox's Drug Store.
• Senator and Conveyancer. Oollea-
bf60on10, a made. Ot0Oe—Vanetoue's Biook, Bras-
' AT IL SINCLAIR, 01.803
Y V • Solicitor, Conveyancer,Notary
lio, ha, Ohlee—Vaustono'e 131ook, 1 door
north of Central Hotel, Private Funds to
(Formerly of Cameron, Holt
Cameron,) Barrister and Solicitor,Godortch
Out, Otnoe—Hamilton St„ Opposite Col
borne Hotel.
Prondfoot's Moe, God ()rich.) fO/Gllao over
Gillies & Smith's Bank, Brussels.
Money to Loan. 17
M. D., O. ;u„ Trinity Liniyorsity, Fellow Trin-
ity /deltoid College, Member College of Phy-
etaiaue and Surgeons, Ont. Licentiate of the
Royal College of Physicians and. Lioontiate
of Midwifery, Edinburgh. sa.Tolophone
No,14. Residence, MOS t., BrueeoIs,
1st Olase Honor Graduate of the Vniversi-
tios of Trinity (Toronto), Querm's (Kilogstou)
and of Trinity Medical Oullage; follow od
Trinity Mediae] College and member of the
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontar-
io. Poet Graduate Course in Detroit and
Chicago,1800. Special attention paid to die -
eases of Eye, Dar, Note and Throat, mud die-
eaeesof Women.t00'Oousultatlon in Eng-
lish and Garman. Telephone at residence.
5J • Honor Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all
dieeages of domesticated animals In it com-
ttooveberluary dent sbryyt. Particular
promptly ata
tended to. Of0oe and Inhrmary—Four doors
north of bridge 'l'urnberry 81„ Breaeeis,
Iseurerolrilig iagablooiees, Giltoe
at hie Grooery,'i!uruborry abroot, Brussels.
Issue, of Marriage Licenses,
aSeNo Witness Required.
T. FimailtIR, Brussels
Olerkof the Fourth Divloion 0o1r
CO. Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public
Land Loan and Insurance Agent, Panda
invas'ed and to loan. Oolloottone made
Odioe in Graliam'sBlook, Brussels.
r'pI3o5, A. HAWIIINS,
_L Will give lessons topnpile either on
piano or organ, at his Music Room, opposite
the poet -Wile, Brussels, Vocal lessou5 also
given. Ton years expellsseu in teaching,
Terme moderate.
Nea /demised Auctioneer, Sales conduct
ad on reasonable terms. Farms and farm
stool a 0poolelby. Orders left at Trim Poem
P isbingiloase,Bruesela,orsouttoWalton
P. O., twill receive prompt attention,
Stan, Will 50l1 for better trines to
better' won, in ass bimo and loss °barges
than any other Auctioneer in utast .Huron
or he won't obarge aOytbiDLr Dates and
ordore eau 'always be arranged at this crake
Or BY personal applioation,
Vhoas had ,
h 2f years091%010100to an
he albb, hes but who had to tail owing to. its
prprepay hue again taken out at re cod is
terms, fd to conchae rant d. reasonable
harms, ged Tam t080Jt bpi Bates may
he arranged at T10pp PORT Publishing House.
39.11, Auationoor
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