HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-10-29, Page 1nee
Vol. 28. No, 16.
Rev, r✓, G, Hanna, a. A.
W. H, KERR, Prop.
nee. Mr, Munro said, as Modoratbr, making the laws by which they wore Rev. Mr, Rigsby, of Blyth, is bolding The Reeve of Mnr (ngeon bas be- en ad• and publish n leaflet strewing the progre- ss
his clubios had been very pleasant, and governed, revival meeeinge at Jackeot,'s church. vised by Mr, Mabee, tue toweshia'a of the Presbyterian Home 'Mission work
lnduulod into the Mount Forest Pas., his relation with the Mounb Forest con- Miss Willard presented the prosidout's Jno. Kerr, of Wingham, took the ser. Solleitor, that Idingtoa & McCarthy, act- throughout the Dominion duriug the past
grsgabion most oordfml. Tisa supply on biennial address. vino in Sunabine Methodist church last ing on behalf of Alexander Stewart, of 30 years.
toroth. eaelt Sunday had been exceedingly satis- Mine Agnes E. Slack, the energsbio Sabbath and wag a good supply. Rev. Wellesley towaship, have served him
factory and the Supply Commibbeo had general secretary, read Iter oflteiml report. Oaten, the esteemed pasbor, is expected with a notice of action olaimiug damages
The Mouth Format Confederate of Oct, anted wisely in their work, The speaker Tho largest auxiliary is the United States to resume work nexb Sabbath. to the extent of $5,000 for the death of People We Know.
14th gives bile followiug interesting am tendered the Board of Managers his National W, C. T, U., in which 15,888 The Clinton Newieneeord, of last week, Goo. Stewart, o, son of the defendant, who
count of the induction of Rev, W, G. hearty thanks for the way thoyhad rsoog. new members were enrolled,. with Color- makes mention of s resident of Morris as was killed by falling from his milk wagon Mrs, Sarney is visiting at Toronto.
Fianna, B. A. formerly of title looaliby, ni4ed any little service shah he had been ac/o, Utah and Idaho showing to the follows :—Many years ago the writer near Carthage, on the morning of July 13. Gerry woe in the County Town on
into the pastorate of Knox oliurolt in able to rouser them during his term as outer States an example in woman ea. made the aagnaiutante of Robert Mo. 1211i. The ground for the aotlon fa that Tueeday.
Mud town Moderator. Ila referred to rho general £rage. Murray, a Goderioh township farmer, the road Wee in bad repair and dangerous112re, I3enry Juncos was visiting ecta-
d apculef erecting of the S,tnbeen Pres• regret ae Mr. Itanua s leaving Uxbridge In Australia the membership was He has been a faithful patron of the for traffic, The township will contest fives in Grey.
hyybery was held in the ]Presbyterian
and wished him suneces hero, 0,889 naive and 1,170 honorary mem. News-Rseord as far book as we San re- the claim• Jae. Glemmill, of Ripley, was visiting
church on Thursday afternoon lash for. Rev, W. Bevan, who had jurat arrived bars. IU the British Women's Temper- member and is one of our valued patrons Alex. McKelvey.
the purpose of inducting Rev. Mr, Ilan• on the evening brain from Hamilton, °hoe Association there are 237 now as- today and pays as he goes. Ile removed, 011 Ulilllf WIIME:-i- Mies R. Oode, of Trowbridge, is visit-
nah, B. A., late of Uxbridge, into the entered the church. Mr. Bevan was cal• soeiationa. however, bo the good township of Morris ing her Meter in town.
pasborats of the Moans Forest ohuroh. led upon and delivered a short address Reports of the work in the different and for sane years has resided near ' We are pleased to see F. C. Rogers able
There was a large mbbendauoo. The expressing regret at his leaving town, but oountrise and colonies wore very interest- Belgrave. We are pleased to note tbab Huron Presbytery will meet in Willis to be down street again.
Mdderator, Rev. Mr, ledmison, of Roth. welcomed Mr. Hanna hero, He trusted ing and instructive. They included those be is doing well and that occasionally church, Clinton, on Nov. Oth. Mies Mary Ilsabtie returned hone from
say, presided. The sermon was preach. Mt Hanna's labors would be successful from Cape Colony, Transvaal, Africa, he eau find time to personally call on old Rev. Canon Raoioot has authorized abs Clinton atter a pleasant visit.
ed by Rev. Mr. Tate, of Moorefield Ile and prosperous. New Zealand, India, Maxie°, Uruguay, friends. Last Saturday he rose early, priests of the Archdiocese of Montreal to Mies Ida Parker, of Atwood, was v isit-
took as his text Gelation Oth chapter Thos. Martin, chairman of the Supply China Island, Soatidinavia, besides the drove to Clinton and enured two and a pray for rain. ing her sister, Mrs. Thos. Curry,
and 2nd verse, "Bear ye one another's Oemmitboe, was glad to see such a large more importanb connbries. half tone of bran and shorts at Fair's The now program outlining the topics F. W. and Mre. Scott, of Blyth, were
burdens and so fulfil the law of Christ." atbondance ; especially well represented mill. He brought with him several for the coming six months in connection Melling A. E. Scott last Sunday.
Ile said there were certain burdens wore the other see congregations of the been. Good Tefnplars. mammoth pumpkins and presented ye with she Epworth League are out. It is Roland Woolsey, of Toronto, was in
whiolt we could not boar for one another Be was glad to see such a welcome ox• editor with one of them, so that we aro a good program, town on lrfonday on a bnefneae trip,
--for instance the burden of sin. God tended Mt. Hanna. sure to be well provided in the pie line Mrs. T. Kelly, Mrs. R. Johnston, Mre. Dalby Kendall left on Monday for
alone could bear this. Rut in ant rola- Jas. McMullen, 112. P. said he could The annual district meeting of the for several weeks to come. Mr, MaMur- (Dr,) MoNaugghton and G. 0. Rogers are Chatham to learn the watchmaking.
titone with our fellow men we nould outer- remember when )(non church was son. Good Template in District No. 24 was ray—who, by the way, is a good and away at Londnn this week attending the Mies Ida and Master Charlie Zillion
take for them that love whish Christ had fellated 40 years ago and the same kindly held in the Temperance hall in Lnokaow, faithful Tory—happened with a mishap Lay Workers' Convention. were visiting at Bln,vale for a couple of
fa us rad so make theft pathway feeling that now osiated among the off• The attendance of members, owing to the on the way home. He did not notice the Morning and evening service in the days.
thxou life pleasant. We could as formal religious denominations of the buoy season with the farmers, was not as loss of one of the tires from one of the Methodistr'church next Sabbath conduct• W. H. Kerr want to Hamilton on Wed-
beetle n bear one another's burdens bytown existed them The Methodist and large as on some former occasions, but wagon wheels and had a breakdown• ed by the pastor. Morning topic, "The neaday to attend the Provincial Sabbath
spealring hind words, and kind actionPresbyterian bodies both worshipped in delegates were present from Londesboro', After some delay he secured a wagon world wide field." Evening subject, School Convention.
and thus fulfil the law of our Heavenly the same church in those days. Mr. Consbance, Blyth, Auburn, Wesbfiedd, from 13. Churchill and arrived home "Duty—What of it 9" Mre. Israel and son, Mussell, of Sea -
Father. Mo1bta11en referred to the visit of the Mimes, Paramount and Lucknow, safely at 9 p, m,, returning Monday In Capt. Second, of Forest, and Lieut. forth, were the guests of Mre. Watson
Tho Moderator then gave an Dublin, of late Jan. Reid, merobant, Thos. Rogers, Grand Chief Templar of Ontario, George the meantime the wagon and wheel bad Harris, of Drayton, are now in charge of Ainley, King street.
the steps leading up to the pall of Mr-. now of Toronto, and himself bo Toronto, Spence, and his brother, Alderman F. S. been thoroughly repaired by John Brussels corps of the .Salvation Army. Editor Cornyn, of the Wingham Ad-
Hanna. The ltetta1 gnoetiane were next ho get a grant for the lob on which the Spence, of Toronto, was also in attend. Leslie, the old reliable and ramose wag- Capt. Moulton, who was here, has gone Vance, paid Tnz lost a friendly call ou
put to 112r. Hanna by the Moderator and present church escort. The first Presby- ante and took part in the meeting• Tho on maker of Clinton, and proceeded on to London. Monday afternoon. He was wheeling.
wore satisfactorily answered. After tartan church was founded in Mount District Secretary's report showed tbab the return journey. We were right glad Next Sabbath Rev. John Roes, B, A., Walter J• Wake left on Satueday of
dra er bye
Roy. Mr. Edmison, the eel. Forest by Rove De. Irvine, then of eight lodges out of the sixteen in the die- to meet Mr. McMurray and trust he may will prsash the anniversary services in last week for Owen Sound. where he will
ress to bks new minister was delivered Hamilton. Since then there had been trial bad scut in their reports, but those often come to Clinton and have better commotion with hie pastorate in Melville spend a little time under the parental
by Rev. S. Young, of Clifford, in the nine ministers, Rev. Donald MoLeaa, received showed a membership of 383. look on the return journey. ,hutch. Tim reverend getrtlemaa Dame roof.
abeam of Rev. Mr. Auld, of Palmerston, Rev. John McMillan, who was minister District Chief Templar, J. D. Mnrdooh, UNrrzn IN WM/leaic.-0n Wedneeday to Brussels in the Fall of 1879. Co. Commissioner Ansley, of Wing.
who was ill and unable to be present. up to the time of the union of the two of Ashfield, presided at the meeting, and of last week the home of Aiex. Nichol Alex. Straohan has been chosen leader ham, was in town last Saturday attend
Mr. Young said the new pastor's first 11Tcgl3iokls, lift Ramsay
St. Andrews— resolutions were passed pledging the was the scene of one of theme happy of Melville church choir. Mr. Strachan in to some necessary repairs to the iron
duty was to preach the Word and an- y and now Mr. members of the Order to do all in their events when their daughter, Janet, was has served a good apprenticeship having bridge.
other duty was pulpit work. Not only Hanna. In St. Andrews church there power to help on the Pfsbisoite vote, united in the boiy bonds of matrimony to been precentor in Knox church for 15 M re. (Rev.) S. J. Allin attended the
should the Gospel be preached by biro, had been Revs. John Hayes, Mr. Murray, which if to be taken in the Dominion in Alex. E. McNeil, of Bruning. The bride years. He is a good singer and director. fennel of the late Mrs. Dareh, her
but it should be taught from house to Mx MoNsill and Mr, Fraser. Mr. Mo. the near future, The meeting, owing to was beautifully dressed in brown oorded In St. John'a church last Sabbath mother, in London, ou Thursday
house. The careless and indifferent Mullen concluded by hoping bhab the the low finances of the Dfatriob, decides silk trimmed with moire ribbon and morning Rev. W. G. Reilly, of Chats. of this week.
should be led by the faithful pastor to pleasant leated het wean ns eland ioh bad always not to put a paid organizer in the field, cream silk lane. The bridesmaid, Mise worth, a former incumbent, preaahed Mr. and Mre. Downing, and Misses
Christ, and he bad also a spatial duty P people would but that the work of organization, ebo., Janet MoNeil, was dressed in brown serge from the text "A peculiar people." Rev Lizzie and Hattie attended the wedding
oonbinue• should be done by bhe district officers and trimmed with Steam satin ribbon and Mr. Reilly also assisted Rev. tar. Abey in of Mies Pollard, of MoKillop, Wednesday
and Master enjoined, "Feed. My Lambs."
toward the young, for had not our Lord M O. Macgregor, chairman of the members. It was decided to enlarge the silk lane. The groom was supported by the evening service. of this week.
The qualidoations for these duties were Board of Managers, fu a neat speech district by taking a number of Bruce G. A. Pipe, of Brussels. The knot was The Bishop of Huron has been pleased Miss James, of Gerrie, and S. Colqu•
welcomed Mr, and Mre. Hanna.
exemplary life striving to live well and Rev. Mr. Hanna, on being called upon hearrty voodges. te of thanks was efore the stgiventltos the Br sead a ls ti After d Rthe ceremonyev. John was was per. brother of Ven Archf to appoint Rev. T. deacon Davis, anavis, of d were visitihenn and ng t T. Mo, of Mitcham
P visiting at T. Moore's, William
to preach well and keeping in mind the wits warmly received. He said it was Lucknow Iedge for its hospitality to formed the guests partook o£a sumptuous Rev. Alfred Brown, of Paris, to be canons street, this week.
high calling of the ministry of Christ.
difficult to express the gratitude of Mie, members of this district, and also bo the rtlpaitb. The time from then until about of the cathedral, in place of the late Revs. Thos. Curry and Miss Leo were away
Bev. Mr. Munro, of Harrishou, ad. Banns and himself for so royal a wet. District Chief Templar, John D. Mar• eight o'clock was spenb in social chat and Canons Newman and Chance, last week on a holidayvisit to Woodstock,
dressed the people. Ha spoke from come.tion cod will ed every eort that dooh. Next meetin, of the district will music after which dancing was the pro- At a meeting of bhe Trustee Board of They took the overlanroute and enjoy -
personal experience of the spirit of g y be held in Auburn, in January. gram, thio was kept up until the wee the Methodist ohuroh oh Tuesday even- ed it very much.
sympathy in tbeori onngrogation. Be bad had been int forward to make them In the evening a public meeting was small hours. The presents, which were ing last the following were added to fell D. J. Nioklin, general agent for the
never heard them say an unkind word of welcome bo Mouuh Forest. Ho referred held in the Town Hall, and the large as follows, were uumeeons and costly, vseanoiee :—T. Farrow, A. Coseley, Rev. Dominion Life Assurance Co., rose in
nay of their pastors. Be bespoke for the plesautly to lbs hearty greebinga of all building was well filled by an apprec• showing the esteem fn which the bride is
R. Paul, T. Maunders, W. J. Cardiff, H. town for a few days advanoing the in -
present pastor the same kind; Christian the clergy and to Very Rev. Dona O'Con- iative attdieuco. The shaft was ably oo• held :—Two oil paintings, Mr. and Mrs. L. Jackson, Eli Smith, Chas. Howlett, tercets of his Company.
treatment as had been extended to the nets Nearby hand -grasp and good wishes. oupied by the District Chief Templar and RI G. Wilson ; Chinelle table cloth, Mrs. J. Downing, W. F. Stewart, J. J. and R. A. Walker, of Toronto,
others. The people should be watahfttl, He trusted bbab he would not be found among those on the platform were Geo. (Rev.) Ross ; spread, Mr. and Mrs- L. In the 52 Methodist Sabbath sohools in were visiting their brother, James
prayerful, hear in sympathy, especially unworthy in his new relationship and Spence, Grand Cbief Templar ; Alder. McNeil ; parlor table, Mrs. (Dr.) Mo. Wingham District there •are 560 offoers Walker, this week. The former is a
when the pastor was dealing with the that he might at all times be faithful and man F. S. Spence, Toronto ; Rev. S. M. Naughton ; °hair, Mr. and Mrs. Bender• and teachers and 3,806 pupils. 1,211 of policeman in the Queen's city.
subject of sin. They should not only. • just.
had felbhaat the
le , St. Helen of bion. A. 1.nce.. McKay zona ;table cloth,
curtains. Mr. and Mrs. M tad- the latter j r ed teetotalers.mers of
the church and john Kendall, who has been ill with
extend every sympathy to their pastor, whic had guided those of Mount
Forest3. sister ; 902 are$ ,493 was typhoid fever at Toronto Hospital, ar
but they mould retro Beed how they hoar He req° unmistakably
the responsibility curtains, Mr. and Mrs. Miller ; ourtains, raieed for school purposes but only $98 rived borne last Saturday night. He will
—regularly, attentively and for personal g p nsibiIity laid IVYorr .• Mre. J. Kerney ; counterpane, Mre, A. Minions. spend a few weeks here reoraitin
upon him and trusted, by the help of Nichol ; double blankets, Mrs. Cannon ; p b•
profit, In aloaing, Mr. Munro advised God,to alma/ergo o his duties faithfully Township Commit was held last Mon• ar in Gale, a e a who o has spent nine Dr. d sgieb a of Milton, has been This
the people to cultivate an intimate. y dozen silver knives, Wilton r Turnbull ; years Corea se a the to den first as a pointed anis the of Halton Co. Thfe
ancommtanae with their pastor, and say and consiatentiy. day. silver batterdieh, Ed. Moss ;cruet, Jnmae the representative of the Students' Union, gentleman is the father-in-law of John
land things of bine whenever they could. During the evening the choir rendered The apple packers are busy on the Dangles ; silver butterdisb, Alex. Nichol ; then ander the American Board, has nom- MoGannell, stepson of Rev. Dr. Fergu-
At the close of the service Rev. Mr. several selections with touch acceptance, sixth this wesk. china watch safe, E. L. Jackson ; celery plated a dictionary of the (Doreen son, now malting in Bravais.
Camdrou, of Havrieton, conducted Mr, their singing being effective and in good A good many of the farmers have dish, Mrs. S. Love ; oaks stand, Edward language, which will be of inestimable Fred. Gilpin hen been compelled to
Hanna to the door and there introduced taste, Excellent solos worn contributed erected ab the turnips. i3•ibhoi ; water pitcher and mustard dish, eerv[oe in missionary work, desist from study for a time, at the
him to the people as, they retired. by Me. Hood, Miss Jessie Scott, Mies L. W. Michie hen purchased a new land Mr. and Mrs. Kiroonnell ; glass tea set, The month of Oobober is d edioated in doctor's advice, and Dame home from
During the afternoon a call was pre- McNichol, Miss M. Halstead and J. S. roller, made at New Hamburg. Misses Spiers ; oleo)):, Mr. and Miss Mo- the Roman Catholic churolt to Mary, Owen Sound Collegiate last Monda
dented from Arthur and Gocdouvilla to
efforts were added much
the nee Michie has
County. s farmer Nair ; set of doiliS -, Miss Duncanson ; Queen of the Holy Rosary, and the Oena•.' grows too fast for his strength. y. Be
Rev. J. J. Patterson, a recent graduate P Y P Y• Chinelle table cloth, Jennie McNeil ; than Catholic bishops, in common with • Mrs. A.-0ouelay and Glynn have gone
asof KnoxCollege.
Mr. Edmison
rdmis in rad acting efor splendid mentaent npeech ee,sof an a w acefven ng tnnb their shelter oome nsSmak e Buttons, eobool china teapot and tray, Mr. and Mrs. those of the adjoining republie, have re.' to Washaga, Muskoka, where Mre. Blain,
t. g Y d Craig; paper rack, Mr. and Mrs, Orerar; calved a spacial letter from the pope nrg a sister to Mre. Cousley, resides. Mr.
Ferguson appeared on behalf of the and heathy good•feeling throughout will Mies Maggie Mooney was visiting at silver eager bowl and cream pitcher, ing them to exhort the faithful to greater Outstay will go Northward this week on
congregations interested. The call was not soon be forgotten. Bluevale last week far a few days. Walter Smith, Newark ; parlor lamp, fervor in praotieing this dovotfoo, a shooting exoursion for 10 or 15 days.
sustained and will be branemitbod to arr. What we may expect :—A change of Mr. and Mrs. Hunter ; clock, Mies A. "The inheritance of God's ebildren" Mies Sadie Mooney, who has been
Patterson. WORLD'S W. C. T. U. weather ; another wedding -; muddy Douglas ; individual cruet, Mrs, J. Doug. was Rev. 8. J. Allin's topic last Sabbath visiting relativee in town for the past
Those present at the induction care• ,—las las ; fruit dish, J. Douglas ; silver oake morning. In the evening his text was few weeks, returned to her home in De-
nali POST given the nese of Morris: stand, M. I. McNeil ; i dozen silver Matt. Sbh and 34th, "They besought Him trait on Tuesday. From there she pur.
Cameron and Munro, Harriston ; Miller, $1.00, in advance, gete it until the close knives, Mr. and Mrs. R, Nichol, that He would depart ostof their coasts." poses going to Chicago where she will re -
committee Edmison, nothing ; Morrison, committee mat at Toronto on Friday of 1898. The elevation of mankind is to be earnest- side until Spring.
morning of lash week. The world norm Wm. Forsyth has a horse that can 'Perth CountyD. Y
Cedarville ; Tato, Moorefield ld ; Croll, tart', Mies Slack, announced that the make the round trip to Brandon and re-' Y• comtnandafter.
;f t(2)Itis our dui it t(n self this week to Wingham wheel bbsy puurd
Tact Normaitby ; McKellar, NarIbi Burmah W. C. T. U. secretary had writ- tarn in an afternoon. defence. y ;
(3) g
Luther, and Cedarville, Dobson, Ford- pose making their bome, on Bost Pis a
wish, ten a letter pointing out that they would John Bell, ebb line, has had a atone W. J• Hay, of Listowel, has taken a The sesei"na of the International member of the swiboh gang on the G. T.
be compelled to resign connection with wall built under his barn this Fall and trip to Britain Leprosy Confere:meat Berlin 1 d ' h Itwhose operations cover the North -
run union on account of difference of will now have a good stable for live t k St bf d
n 08e zl w
nazi an'rzox ANn WELCOME. the' e ba ra or City Conned granted $100 to the recording of their contusions unani• westerly seabion of bhie railway, Bs is a
view among the societies there in regard Mtn. Garness, of the let line of Morris, the Russell Co. fire sufferers, mously reached as follows ; The leprosy good worker and spent a good many
to the coming of Christ. There was a was out hunting on Tuesday afternoonPerth Fol Amine will open at Strut. baoillns is the true cause of the dieeags. yeare on Brussels seotion. We wish the
repeat for missionaries to Burmah, Cep of last week and oame across n wild eat ford on Monday, Nov. 8th, Jutibioe Rose Man is the only animal in which tbie family sucoese.
lon and Chili, Burmah offering to pay and shot it. will preside. babillns exists. ,Leprosy is Sontegioue, A Wroxeter correspondent speaks as
half the coat and Chili none. The mat- Jas. Wilkinson and wife have returned Lizzie, daughter of Robb, lteysn, of but not hereditary. The isolation of follows. of a former Iirosselite :—S, M,
ter was referred to a subcommittee. bo their home in Escanaba, Mioh., abet Logan, has gone to Philadeipbia to at- Valente is desirable, and under circum- Romany, who has oonduobed a oilstone
It was suggested that Mrs. Col. S, an enjoyable visit with relatives. They tend the school of Oratory. entices thole as exisb in Norway should tailoring businese in town for the past
Witt, of New Zealand, whose husband visited at Grand Rapide and Chicago on It is expeoted that the opening of the be compulsory. year, has pulled up stakes and gone to
was killed by natives there, and who be their way home. new English church, Mitchell, will take The West eiuisber Confession was the Galt, where he bas secured a good alto -
devoting berself to mission work, should Jho. Forrest, who has seen Weetern place about the middle of November. ebbjeeb of Rev, Mr. Roes'sco
diurses last ation. While in town Mr, Ramsay made
bo aided by the society who mining life for the past 8 yours, ie enjoy The handsome new house for Rev, Sabbath morning in Melville cliuroh. many warm friends, who will, at all
Word was received from the Bulgaria ing a holiday vieit with relatives and father Downey, which is being built in Ufa is the 250th anniversary. In the tlmes, be pleased to bear of his moons.
W.'0. T. U. secretary, resigning from friende. He has many intereeting stories Loan, is fast nearing oomplebion. morning the topic wee dealt with under e
the union, and ib was aunounoed that to recount of brevet and adventure in the The egg export Mistimes is prospering. two beads, (1) Its history ; (9) Ira con- Quebec Legislature meets Nov. 23.
farther commotion with Siam ryas un- eemrob for gold.
certain. 3, D. Moore, of St. Mary's, sent forward bents. Al the evening service "The in- Dr. Fiaet has been gazetted senator.
J, D. E. Henry bag been re-engaged as to Montreal for shipment to Liverpool, fluence of the Weebminister Confeseion" Horse thieves, visited several forme in
A resolution tuns passed declaring that teacher of 8, S. No, 4, Morris, for the en. 24,000 dozen eggs. was considered, The new Book of Praise the vicinity of Brampton.
as W. 0 rs U g had
enbe received
eived from ase ening
year at hasn adv noe good inhie salary,
sen ed d w e and chain bane been pre. was ueead for the first time and made a Thomas Duley was killed at Ca mp
Stanley by the young y favorable impression. Palmer while felling trees.
convention, another lady be selected to school and the coming year should show people of Glendal'o school, Blanchard, of At the United Brethren bonfereuoe, yams leeid, 11x. P. P„ is the Conserv,-
011 the position of president iu that boon- to better advantage. which be hoe been teacher, on leis (saving Just held ab Berlin, the following minis- five nominee in Addington.
ing nu loaoe is
of to
be strongpfeelll- auCouncillor
uo11 to Cardiff
is bank from to attend the Toronto Medical College. tare were appointed to their new oharg es; Sir Loais Davies has purchased. Sir
enjoyablep During Miss Dungmore, of S. S. No, 4, Downie, From Berlin, H. 13. Cooper ; Halides, D. John Carling's, house in Ottawa.
workers generally against the lady hold-
ing the poeftionof president. his stay in the Prairie Province he spied baa aceepbed a position art teacher in the 0. Defoe ,•Gaineboro, 8. H, Baokue ; J. L. Haycock, M. P. P. was again
oat quite an area of the goodly land and India Industrial Sobool, Regina, and in. Listowel, J. F. DUrkee ; Niagara, C. H. nominated by the Patrons of Frontenac,
visited at Soorie, Brandon, Minnedoea, tends to enter upon her mission work Elliott ; Novae, G. W. Houseman ; Port 11 is estimated that Prince Edward
Tho biennial oonvontion of the World's Winnipeg and other points. there at the beginning of the Hew Year. Elgin, W. A. Robina ; Sheffield, J. Count will
W. 0, T. U. was formally opened, on Wm, Petiole, of this township, had his Jacob Wilhelm, V. S., of Shakespeare, "$bowers ; Shelburne J. Genoh • Vienna, Y roil haus 130,OOD barrels of
I? , a, apples Ht export this year.
Saturday morning of last, week, in the brobhen•ih-law, Andrew Smith, up before .the alleged North Eaetkope firebug, rose B. P'. Buten ; Waterloo, 3, Mater; Zion, The Hutton school b iso- n
pavilion, horbioultural gardens, Toronto, Reeve Wilford and Wm. Campbell, J. i'., brought before the Pollee Magistrate at R. Jamieson ; Markdals, W. II, Defoe. don 8 of Caon house, o bonoeo
and when bhe gatheringwas ballad to charged with assault. Defendant plead- Stratford and was finally committed for Bisbo E. B. Ke hart ie resident of 9 doe, has been proved for
D P p p f the two weeks on succour of the prevalence
order by Miss Prances Willard, the ed gsilty andwas. fined 95 and dears, trial ab the next Criminal Assizes. Bede oonferenae. of diphtheria.
building was rooked to overflowing. Time amounting to 910.70. He was also has not yet been formally oommitted. PnasnvTnnzeN IIoun MissroNs.— The Western roholeeele r000reare in Mont -
platform was Oiled with exeoutive mud hound over to keep the peace for one While James Leonard, of Elena, was hall•yearly meeting of the Home Minkel real attending a meetin with the re$ners
other official workers, among thorn being year. returning home from Stratford on the Committee of the Presbyterian church g
Miss Willard, Miss Agues Slack, of Eng. On Wednesday evening of last week train be had four of hie rib° fractured b took lace at Toronto on October 21 pries for r sugar, of -arranging', uniform
land ; ears, Kirk, Australia • Mrs. Bark- the nun men of the 4th line y P g b• ,rias ovarei
er, Chicago ; Mrs, Barnes of NoloFork mole on o able eat rheih b gave a being Bbs as id e t o some i 04 Ii n of the ClaimsSu tor mission work done during the .- v0.e ibl• Sovereign, of ick etvl had all
g , 1 y e me» d.6 the der. The accident otcuiied at Milverton past Summer months in the several Pratt- adventure with n gold brisk ewindlnr, hut,
and Miss Johanngdottir, tiro Iceland home of Jno. Proctor. .Thine were aboab etabion, be being on the platform of the byterios from Quebec to Victoria, B. 0., oontrar to the usual order
• p 1 00 present and the evening was conch at the time, and is eu .posed to were pawed, autouitting in all to $28,600, ahead wl b ,1 a was d60
representative. The repore of the ox°ou- 60 or p a d tan the swindler got away,,
rive was read by Miss Agnes Slack, norm spent in dancing, social obat and son, have been caused by the jotting when M esionnrias were appointed tette iffer- b
PP d idge °ter, were
burne Mre, anger, d
tmry. The notice to am'ena the cinali$• Geo. David and Alex. Stewart supph°d. the train atopped.� ant fields to the. number of 120. The..Bridgewatar; werebnrned to dea;tk and
eabione to membership by adding the the violin music). A One supper wait The tenders for the new Stratford Y. spacial ease el Onsnlman, that has auf- the mother was probably Welly 'iu'u
words,' "without distillation Of rune and served. N. C. A: buildingresulted as 'follows :— fared ea much through recant Brea, was
g in a fire which nt of the Dominion
n k
color," was received with tumultuous am . On a oortiifn lot on a oektain bonen. Mason work, E. A, Oawsey ; carpenter brought before the tlbmmfbtes, and special A. Pe ler agent f '
piausn, Other amendments were intro• stop a oertain redden had a horse die work, John L. Yonns ; panning, Peplen g o the Dbtnmiott Bank
1{ P 6' W. bbspaining a next VMS if the
s. atg oeylolbbe s been bank
ab od to ee,
(heed, such as "nomination of Won be raoen4ly. Instead of Said
the animal inland ; galvanized iron work, $. J. filo pressing otraamstanone of rho naso•
mamba from the executive mud be rati• deoenb burial if is said he lefb it lying Syleieter ; and painting, Wfn,. Gasebu. Special rants were made to nett'fiel agency bf the same bph m Naam ne,
Hod by the oouvoution ab largo," and "the near the house and chained te hound to Work 'will' he started immediately, and Parry Sound. 4. petition regardingd1lae The new agent ab Guelph is A2r. stamen,
p late of rho eiess, wheel o teacher.
world's oouveutions to lmst not leas titan ono of the load horse's ldga nud told tt to rho coutraate call Por rho building to ba np,ointmdnt of a miseionnr to rile Fitt•
Y ll, S, , trleae, s , raRasdt Now
throe days;" Miss .Willard said that bye high as long as rho old nag lasted, ready for 000upatfoU by tea, 26th. It is lauders at Fort William and Port Arthur, D rh
during this convention, among other The Board of health Imo evidently some understood that the entire building will was ooneldered, and it was agreed to a am, treed a sooWhn, and as Ir o e the
Inaba, 10 be disbaasod, tvonld be the missionnry work to perform to MMMorrte be erected toady for ooaupation at a coat, make a sinitel grant of $ 4 per Sabath in. groundrog shot Niue, lei, rs foot Prone the
$ p Onion fell, brealttng his arm
Mention en to women having a land in yet; of ander $2,600. the meentirne. It was lbgrood to prepare and awaiting amenselen of Elle brain,
The reception and welcome to Mr. and
Mrs. Hanna and family was a very grafi.
fying success, the proceeds of the evening
amounbing to $76.. The basement of
the okneeh was tastefully decorated with
loaves, evergreens and flowers, while that
expressive word "Welcome" oconpied a
promiusut position. This handiwork of
the ladies in the lino of ornatnenbation
came in for a large share of praise, Up.
stairs: in front' 18 the altar were banked
flowers and plants—rare exotics, some of
them, exuding sweet perfume. A. tempt•
ing telt was served from 6 to 8 dclook,
when anadjournmenb was made usstairs,
Dr. 0, A. Jones made an efficient
obairman, After prayer by Rev, Mr,
Mauro, Dr, Willianison was called upon.
Ire extender/ a hearby greeting bo the new
motor of bhe Presbyberiatt ohuroh and on
behalf of the Methodists of Mount Forest
wslaotned hint to the town. The Dr.
saint many kind things of the pleasanb'
relations existing between the diffsreut
religions: donomiaabions of the town and
iu closing welcomed Mr. Hanna as a fel.
low laborer in the Master's Vineyard.
Rev. Mr. Leutie, of the Baptist ohuroh
extended a kindly welcome on behalf of
Mat denomination and was glad the
Presbyterians had exorcised such good
judgment iu the choice of a pastor. Mr.
Eanna'e excellent rspababion had pre -
seeded bine.
Rev. John Merriam, of Cedarville, do•
livered a stirring address: He wished
the dongregatiote God•epeed mud urged
upon all to minim the Goa -given power
of mayor on behalf of thole new minis-
ter in ardor that hie work might be
abundantly blessed. Mr, Morrison said
be could well remember the formation of
the Presbyterian ohuroh hero 40 yaare
Rev. II, McKellar, spoke of Mount
Forest ns being the central plan of this
disbriob from which much light and in-
iluonce radiated. He referred in grace.
fol terms to 1'11r. Hanna and amid lois
faithful beipmate, Mrs. Hanna, aliould
not be overloehea. A. kindly reference
was mads to Mr, Ramsay, bbs former
meteor, and the congregation wishoe ovary
success under their now minister,