HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-10-15, Page 88
Iowa a ,g,i, .;i AIX Witeiew dis-
play, We do pot pretend to show 011 the
kinds of Soaps we keep in stook but euf.
fioieht to let you know that we have a
stook of them. Along with other Soaps
on display there is a Castile Soap wbidh
we propose to give away in exobange for
thi- arlvertieenw' t• ' cry man, womau
or child Who will out one tbie 'ad' and
bring it to our Drug and Book Store can
have a cake of title Soap for trial free of
charge. tee we sell it two cakes
For 5 Cents
it ie not a dear Soap and one whinh all
can afford to use. We have Castile Soap
in the bar, tun excellent Soap, the best I
think we have had, and cheap too. Don't
forget that we reit soaps.
G. A. Deadman,
, 1
Druggist, 0 ntioian & Bookseller.
0007110014 EXTENSION w. a. & B.
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows:
Gone SOOT!. GOING- Non'rs.
express 7:111 a.m. I Mail 0.01 p.m
l ised Oslo' a.m. 1 Express 10N1 p.m
c. G
£!tela =9rir5'
A. °bieI's amang ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll ppent it.
GET ready for Winter.
i3nmssees market leads,
AioNunrnight's rain did a "power" of
good to this part of the 0onutry.
A NOVELTY to this section was in town
on Tuesday -a real, black mac,
TRE SObool Board did not meet List
Friday evening, as there was no bosiuess
to attend to.
ASr•,ssne. WILxoo ce Tunxnm a, are
placing the two new furnaces in the
Queen's Rotel this week.
Sures fare tickets issued by the G. T.
R. to Hunters, good going Oct. 20 to
Nov. 1 to return Deo. 24.
llovtcr. Township and the Elam Town.
ship Fall Show prize lists may be 1 ead
on the inside pages of thio issue of Tun
AarENT'o factory of Seaforth hae been
helping J. & P. Amens to supply the de-
mand far smile barrel:. Several Tule
were hauled here for distribution.
IN the absence of T. Fletcher in New
Brunswick and Nova Sootia his Sint
Reginald was appointed his deputy in the
issuing of marriage licenses by the On-
tario Government,
Tim House of Refuge Committee will
meet at Ciiuton on Friday of this week,
at 10 a. m. Co. Councillors Al000ey and
Hislop are both members, the Iatter
being the Chairman.
Saw.rreen aloGueoon has finished int.
ting one of the giants of the forest into
20 inch wood. This "sapling" makes 25
cords of stove wood, but the best of it is
Tom says that he out this fast and easy
alone, with e. common one man saw.
But the trick is in the trimming of the
saw. Any person doubting this may go
and figure on the stomp in timbered land,
immediately Norbb•East of Brussels.
Awxr SITE GOES ADAne.-Daring the
hast week the outgoing freight has con-
tinued to hustle and consisted of 2 oars of
oats, a oar of wbeat and one of peas by
R. Graham ; a oar of cattle by Drover
Brown ; a car of way freight on Wednes.
day ; 3 oars of hay, 4 of oats, and one
each of peas and wheat by Beaker rt Van -
stone ; 2 oars of oats went to Bermuda ;
5 oars of gait from the Enterprise Works.
Tan 017 A000 Qo7IP4111IEe ACT.-Alten.
tionlie directed to the advertisement in
this issue notifying the public of the
provisions of the Ontario Companies
Act which reudors 11 incumbent upon
every extra -provincial oompauy doing
business in this Province to make to the
Provinoial Secretary on or before the 1st
of November, 1807, a statement showing
certain partioulars respooting the com-
pany, as set forbh in the advertisement.
With a view to securing uniformity in the
returns, the department of the Provin-
cial Secretary of Ontario at Toronto,
will, upon applioation, supply to any
company a copy of the form which has
been printed for the purpose of setting
forth the partioulars as required by the
Onrr.-Death has removed another old
settler from the Lumby neighborhood in
the person of John Glenn, who died on
Oot, 2nd, aged 87 years. The deceased
came 10001 the county of Fermanagh,
Ireland, with his wife, whose maiden
name was Jennie Stewart. They were
amongst the tint settlers in that neigh.
borhood. The deceased was a member
of the Methodist church and a genial,
warm hearted Irishman. Besides his
wife, who is also 87 years of age, he
leavee three eons and two daughters, one
of whom, Mrs. Horton, fs deceased.
Hie remains were followed to their last
resting place in MoTtggart's cemetery on
Monday by 0large number of friends and
neighbors. Deceased gentleman was the
father of Mrs, Samuel Crawford, of Brus.
TIMED WoonnofN,--This popular and
progressive Society -the Ancient Order
of United Workmen, the oldest and one
of the strongest fraternal societies in
America, is having quite a boom bare in
Brussels. Bro. Woodman, the organ.
int for this district, has been here for
about two weeks and has given an
impetus to the lodge, and no less
than 25 new members have been added
to the roll, This Society is now purely
Canadian, having severe 1 its 00nne0110n
with the United States, end with its
popular graded assessment system young
men by the hundred are Hooking to its
ranks. Ti pays promptly, without litiga,
tion, no less than $8,000.00 being paid in
and around Brussels this last few ysare,
The Lodge here purpose having a grand
reception social for the old and new
membere in the Lohge room on the
evening of ) ridey, 15th inst. Refresh.
mete will be served at 8:80, Bro. Wood-
man and Mende from a distance are
expected to be present and we hope every
member in the neighbothood will ale° be
en hand,
Ammon anis bills printed neatly and
expeditiously at 'TInn PoaT Publishing
THE infant daughter of la. 0. Dow
ford died on Sabbath evening last. 3
wan nearly a month old.
Doe. WAnwrctc took lab prize on hie
"Costumer" foal and also on a yearling
from the sane horse et Blyth Tall Fair,
l'rrnne Messrs. Clegg se llamas and
John Boddie will Ship a oar of lambs
much, and Messrs. Backer rt Vanstone will
forward a double deck ear 0f Hogs.
WE have added another; quire of paper
to the circulation of Toe Pus'r. 'We are
ainaiug at the 2,000 mark and by the
kindly mill and reoommeudation of our
friends we'll gob there.
Pnnecop.tr, Camenon says that in the
monthly Easy contest in the Primary
Masa of the Public school the atandiog
was en follows :--1st, SIay Deadman ;
2od, Hattie Downing ; 3rd, Atex. Mc-
Nnrac11.-•4. Hunter has resumed his
prentioe a8 auctioneer and is prepared to
attend auction sales wherever required
and tan give satisfactory results. Money
to lend at very low rates. Apply at Div-
ision Court Office, Brussels. '
Tun Atwood Bee in its Fall Fair notes
says :-B. R. Leake Jos. M o
oli of At-
d an W o rn s
woo d W. H, M C oken of Brussel
entered to the wants of the crowd in the
lips of soft drinks, fruit and Dandies,
and took in a pile of money.
LAST week the Fmerson Journal ap-
peared in an enlarged and greatly
Improved form. Messrs. Hartley it
Ballantyne, who are the proprietore, are
deserving of support. They have put in
a new press, type, dm., and are evidently
Cann op Tu:tence.-I wish to tender my
thanks to the Confederation Life Asso
ria Men and their Agent, W. El. Kerr,
Brussels, for the prompt payment of the
$1.000 on policy 37,701, held by my late
wife. Only one premium had been paid.
FRIDAY last the Collegiate Institute an-
nual games were held at Owen Sound.
Fred. Gilpin, of Brussels, who is attend-
ing school there, took lab place easily in
the open a mile bioycle race ; 1st in the
e mile for pupile ; and 2nd for hop, atop
and jump. Brussels always Domes to the
CAN'T DE BEAroN, Jas. Walker tools
1st prize for best top buggy at Blyth
Fair and did likewise at Seaforth, Wing,
ham and :Brussels this Fall. D. Ewan
took let for open buggy, at Blyth, 2nd
for covered, and 1st for ratter. Brussels
leads the County for stylish and dur-
able rigs.
Tn, town Band met the afternoon
train on Thursday of last week
and escorted the Hon. Mr. Davis and
companions to the Town Hall. Ilon.
Mr. Ross Dame to Wingham from Lond-
on, expecting to get a train to Brussels,
not being aware that by the beautiful ar-
rangement of the G. T. R. two days are
requit-ri to make the trip by that route.
He drove over from Wingham.
THURSDAY the telegraph office 212 quite
a stroke of business out of the ordinary,
viz, in forwarding the reports of the
Liberal Rally to the press at Toronto.
1460 words were eent to the lentil- Empire
and about 6,000 to the Globe. Reg.
Fletcher was assisted by A. 0ousley ep
Mattering the lightning. Mr. Mathews
was the Globe reporter and Lorne Hunter,
of Brussels, took the notes for the lliail-
Empire. 0,600 words are a good many
to flash over the wires.
FOURTu DIVI910N CounT.-The usual
sittings of the Fourth Division Court
was held intbs Town 131111, Brussels, on
Thursdays' of last week, before Judge
Doyle. Dooket was as follows :-
Attwood vs. Brewer -Action ou account;
verdict for plaintiff, with coats, Skene
vs. Porter -Verdict for plaintiff against
primary creditor, failed as against gat-
nishee. Cleaver vs. Martinson -Action
for rent and trespass ; verdict for plain-
tiff, with costs, Freehold Loan Co. vs.
Greenslade -Action for rent ; vordiot for
plaintiff, by consent. Taylor vs. Oakley
-Action to reoover bill of costa ; verdict
for primary debtor, dismissing action
with coats.
The wioked Editor of the Atwood Bee
says :-This PosT says four Brussels
young ladies have been caught climbing
up street lamps and blowing out the
lights. Editor Kern gently reminds them
that the said lamps know enough to go
oat when the proper time comes without
their assistance. We have heard of
turning down the parlor light to facili-
tate oonetebip, but to turn out the street
lamps is carrying the business too far,
even in Brussels. Whab won't Brussels
old maids do anyway to capture a man 7
Bye and bye ib won't be safe for a mar-
riageable young man to show himself on
the streets of that town after dark with-
out a revolver to protect him against the
caresses of designing spinsters.
234.-W. H. McCracken can turnup at
any of the Fairs. and beet the best of
thein, Letbnoe hope that supposing he
does cabbage the red tickets that his op-
ponents will neither pepper nor sttenept
to mange! him. Mae. ie no small pots.
toes ab the business and knowe Beane
when the bags ate open, as the following
list of prizes won will testify :-
Listowel 48
Ssaforbb 40
Wingham t.29
Brussels 47
, EG Gerrie 19
Atwood 28
Total 234
Blyth and Atwood Fairs Dame on the
some days, so the exhibit had to be di.
vided to attend the two places.
Last Monday evening was devoted by the
Epworth League to hearing a report of
blas Provincial Endeavor. Convention,
which met in St, Thomas lest week. W,
H. Kerr occupied an hour in presenting
the "echoes." A good program of masio
was preeooted, consisting of a duets,
"When I San Reed my Title Clear," by
Miss Lizzie' Sample and W. J. Wake;
solo, "Will the Gates of Heaven be
Open," by Miss Eva Turnbull;and a
trio, "Lend, Kindly Light," ty Mise
Cunningham, Mee, E. B. Creighton and
Miss Minnie Moore. The newly elected
President, 13, Gerry, onoupied the .bait
and outlined his expectations for the en.
suing term, bleb Monday evening Fir.
Gerry will give an addrsee on tie rodent
trip Westward, wbiob will be entitled
"Tbe Meat Fields of the West." A
proeper008 year ie before the Society if
the varlente Cornmittesa and the inelivid•
nal membership rally around the oils•
Service in the 11. 0. oberob next Sala
bath morning.
Next Sabbath Rev. It. Paul will preach
on the Belgrave aiaouit, ibis is four
Sabbaths in succession for lasso.
Next weals Tut P:n,T t;ili ictus, oCvar-
• al ooh;mns ton report ul the ?ravine -lid
Undeavor Oouvontion wbiob was held
last week at St. Thomas.
The Salvation Army °Moors are away
bo Toronto this weak. Captain Ssoorci
will be the now o0ioer at Brussels. She
i8 expected on Saturday,
Hamilton Centenary church lite called
Rev. G. F, Salton, of St. Thomas. The
rev, geetloman is well known to many in
Brussels, having reelded here for two
The Misses Hall, evangelists, are ex•
pected next Sabbath, the 17th, to assist
1 ibev. I. 13, Wallwin, in the oonduoting of
special evangelistic services in Luakuow
Methodist church.
"The Chnrabet Claim on the 5, S. and
ite Obligations to it," was the topic W.
H. Kerr disowned at the Wingham Die.
trick S. S. Convention in Wiogbam
Methodist church, Wednesday evening,
Morning andeyeing services ai the
usual hours in the Methodist ohural next
Sunday by the pastor. Morning subjeob,
"Ono of Peter's questions"; evening,
'Four questions of the Old Testament."
Rev, Juo. Rose, B. A. prsaohod last
Sabbath morning from the text "Simon I
Simon, behold Satan bas desired to have
thea that he may silt thea as wheat,"
The two main divisions were (1) Christ's
foreknowledge of the impending danger.
(2) His •faithful warning, "A soul in
peril" wap the evening topic based on the
same text. Next Sabbath the reverend
gentleman will continue the oubjeot.
October 27, 28 and 20 have been the
date. fixed for the Huron Aagliottn Lay
Workers' convention Diocesan Reunion.
The gathering will celebrate the septen-
nial of the Huron Lay Workers. Ad-
dressee will be delivered by the Bishops
of Toronto and Niagara. Bishop Sulli-
van and Dean Carmiohael aro also ex-
pected. Rev. A. H. Baldwin, Toronto,
Miss Orme, the head of the Deaconess'
Home, Toronto ; S. H. Blake and Mrs.
Grnae E. Denison will read papers.
The Woman's Christian Temperance
Union iuteod to have e, field day in
Toronto ou the 2411, instant, It is Con.
vention Sunday, and it is proposed to fill
the pulpits of the city with representa-
tive delegates to the great convention, It
will be an innovation in some instances,
but for the most part the pulpits have
been opened to the women for at least
one of the servnesa. The addresses will
be along the line at the work of the
Union, and will be both inspiriting and
DEANERY AIasTtvc.-Tho annual dean.
cry meeting of the Huron Ruri-deoonal
chapter was held in St. Paul's church
school room, Clinton, on Monday, Oct.
4th, at 10 a. m., the Ileo. Rural Dean
Hodgins, of Seaforth, presiding. There
were present Revs. J. F. Parise, Clinton ;
H. E. Bray, Exeter ; W. Mills, Hensell ;
(T. L. Armstrong, Dungannon ; T. Hig.
ley, Blyth ; Wm. Stont, Clinton, and
Messrs, 1Reefo:dl, Holmstead, Johnston,
Clawson and Middleton, layman. After
bbe meeting was opened the Rural Dean
spoke of the many eoe0uraging features
of worst in the deanery, and regretted the
fast that some parishes yet seemed in-
different to the raising of their proper
quota for themiseioa fund. Four parish-
os-GOderieh, Ssnforth, Hensall and
Dungannon -raised the full amount ex-
pected of them, and he urged upon the
others to try and do so this year, in view
of the fact that the missionary olergy were
SI/Hering by reason of their deficiency.
Revs. Higley and Bray, and Messrs.
Holmstead and Renatord, with the
Rural Dean, were elected to form the
local missions committee for the year.
The annual missionary meetings were
left to the arrangement of the several
clergymen, as to time and the speakers to
be engaged. An interesting discussion,
led by John Raneford, was entered into
as to whether it would be advisable for
the church to aonoeutrate her people in
large centres, rather than to try to main-
tain a number of weak country missions,
which involves long drives and large ex-
pense to the mission fund, The Rural
Dean was requested to select a clergyman
and a layman to read prayers at next
meeting at Wingham. Meeting adjourn-
HARVEST HwrE.-Bev. Wm. McDonagh
of Stratford, ooaupied the pulpit of the
Methodist ohuroh last Sabbath, in oon-
neabion with the annual Harvest Home
services. His text in the morning was
Isaiah 56bb chapter, 100h and 11th verses,
the subject being "Tbe finality of God's
purpose in Nature and Grace," It was a
discourse that will long be remembered
by all who heard it. There was a
majesty, power, and withal a mellowness
about it that left impressions not easily
erased: The choir eaug a Thanksgiving
anthem, and the quartette, "Let a little
Sunshine in." tvaa •rendered by Misses
Bell Smith and ibliunie Moore and Rev.
S. J. Allin and W. H. Kerr, At the
evening service the text was "They shall
walk with Me in white for they are
worthy.' A great deal of ground was
covered in the !Hour occupied by the
speaker who appears bo have lost none of
his old•time vigor in rebuking error or
defending the Truth, There were large
audienoee at both services. The church
was most seasonably and attractively
decorated with grain, roots, vegetables
flowers and autumn leaves, and reflected
credit On the young ladies who had it in
Outage. 1n addition to the anthems by
the choir two fine dustts, "My Faith
looks up to Thee," by Miss Lizzie Sample
and Walter J. Wake, of Fingal, and "I
need Thee," by Mrs. (Dr.) Rivers, of
Orediton, and Norman Hill, of Seaforth,
The offering totalled $80,00. Rev, Ivlr.
McDonagh is sturdy eon of Erin, who
even after 46 years of fruitful labor in
the Mute's vineyard, is in the enjoy.
Mont of good health and bolds up bbe
Gospel Banner Without any wavering.
He aslcecl the Conference for a year off
and while supposedly resting is doing
about as nook as if in active ministry.
Business Locals,
But bargains In furniture at Loather.
dale's Emporium.
A number of lite duoke for sale. Ap.
ply to Alex. Strube,
Frneemzetss house to rent or for sale,
Apply to Jno. Wynn.
ion Robes, Blankets and Wool ]:Rugs
come to us. I. C. Richards.
'97 DAYTON ilioy°ie for gala, cheap,
Jas. Ballantyne, 131%0801a.
ASSETS, (Seven Million Dollars)$7,000,000
Q4PITAL (Authorized) . • $2,000,000
elgeilotes in all prin0l3nal points its Ontario, Qttebea, Manitoba, United Stairs rG.LrnAland,
A General ,Banking Business Transacted, Fanners' Notes Discounted,
Drafts Issued and Collections made on all points,
Interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and upwards from dat of deposit to elate of
withdrawal and compounded half yearly,
Every facility afforded Customers living ata diebanoe,
3, A. STEWART Mennen.
...uaexemnmw mm,muemaxm_
Sim our nobby Trunks and Satchels.
Great value. I. 0, Biohnrda.
OuauNs - the best - sold at lowest
prides by R. Leatberdale, Brussels.
COMMUTABLE house to rent. Apply at
once 0 0 to W. M. f,' .
1\ Min.
Ginr, wanted for general housework.
Apply to Mfrs, Aflia, Methodist Parson•
Ctx men's Long Boots are the ones to
stand the wear. Try them. I. C. lliah-
Chen Harness cannot be surpassed for
din•abnlity and the prime ere right. I. 0.
D. Pavel,: he a number of second hand
buggies to sell at big bargains. Call at
his shop and make him an offer.
SEE the Bell and Godorich organs at
Leatherdale's before you buy. They
can't be beat for quality or price.
A rmeT-onnse operand line of work
manufactured at Jae, Wailcer'e shop. Ile
gives tip-top value to every customer.
Ir you want your boots and shoes re-
paired good and obeap bring them to Jim
Davie, at McCullough's old stood in the
Smalo block.
Knnr's Clover Root, the great Blood -
Purifier gives freshness and oloarnsss to
the complexion and cures eotastipation.
213 eta, 50 ole and $1.00. Sold by Innes
Fox, Druggist, Brussels,
Sronoxr's cure is sold on a guarantee.
Ib auras incipient consumption. It is
the best cough cure. Only one Dent a
dose. 25 cls., 50 ata, and $1.00. Sold by
James Fox, Druggist, Brussels.
Boum Orlrnnnn.-That eligible half
aero lot situate on the Soubbernlportion of
Turnberry street, Brussels, will be dia•
posed of below cost, Very easy terms.
Write for particulars to JoNN Hsoo coo vne,
174 Queen at, West, Toronto.
Cam= Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego,
Cal„ says :-"Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy
is the first medicine I have ever found
that would do me any good." Price 50
owns. Sold by Jas. Fox. druggist, Brus.
Anyone needing their saws put in
proper order had better bring them to
Saw•filer McGregor before be leaves
Brussels, as he is 111,513' to take a situ-
ation with the Saw and Saw Tool Mak-
ere. T. McGregor, saw -filer, Brussels.
Wr.'oaate tee-.
Geo. Muir has returned from the West
where he has been laboring all Summer.
The Bslmore saw mill proprietor
shipped a our of lumber from here last
Ino. Gibson, of Maitland brae, bas ex-
cavations made fur a new house close to
the village.
Alex. Gibson, with commeudobie enter -
prize, has bad a silo built and filled with
corn recently.
Brent Hazlewood has returned to Trin-
ity Medio,I College, Toronto, for another
term. He was very successful in his
last examination.
0. W. Andrews, agent for the 0. P. R.
at this station, was lately offered a like
"sit" ab the Arthur station hub not wish-
ing to sever oonneetion with this locality
declined with thanks.
WAnn.-In Grey, on Oct 4th, the wife of
Mr. Henry Ward of a daughter.
CowAN,-In Elmo, on Oat let, the wife
of Mr. John Cowan of a daughter.
11a:AR22.1 . 37/,
$ioITH-TurraazL.-In Homer street
Methodist church, Vancouver B. 0.,
'by Rev. Dr, Eby, Rev. E. Victor
Smith, of the Oregon Conference, to
Miss Emma Louise, daughter of Mr.
W. J. Trytball, of Vancouver.
FOnuax-ALExaNDEn.-In Elms, on Oot.
Gtb, at Elie borne of the bride's father,
by the Rev. Mr. Cameron, B. A.,
Miss Eliza A., daughter of Mr. Thos.
Alexander, of Britton, to Mr. Arthur
Forman, of Elmo.
Bianor-PATTnnsoN.-In Grey, on Wed.
nesday, Oat, 18t11, at the residence of
Dsputy)Roeve Turnbull, cousin of the
bride, by Rev. Ino. Ross, B, A„ Mr.
Abraham Geo. Bishop, to Mise
Margaret Patterson, daughter of Mr.
James Patterson, both of Grey.
P,tYNE-WILToN.--Ab the residence of Mr,
Wm. Wilton, Brussels, cu Sept. 20th,
by Rev. In,,. Ross, B. A., Mr. Walter
Payne, of Seaforth, to Miss Ellen
Wilton, of Brussels.
Ponies, -In MoKillop, on Oat. 10th,
John Forbes, aged 00 years, 7 menthe
and 10 days,
HONE. -In Elma, on Oat. 0th, 1897,. Wm,
Hone, aged 70 years, 4 months and
5 days.
r atreve 7'm'xore• S.Li.2.:175.
FR/DAY, Oot. 20. -Farm stook, Seo. N
Lot 25, Con. 11, Grey. Sale °eminences
at 1 o'clock. Angus Campbell, Prop.,
1'. S, Scott, Ante
321R.27•Ss3}7Y,G 1o:.[i.XL=337TS,
Fall Wheat
Butter, tube and rolls
Eggs per dozen .
Flour per barrel
Potatoes (per bus)
Hay per too.,.,
$ides trimmed
Elides rough....,
Salt per bbl„ retail
Sheep skins, each
Lambskins moll
flogs, Live...... ,
Apples (per bag) ,,,.,.
66 67
20 24
40 44
20 21
13 14
121 18
4 00 4 50
50 110
6 00 6 00
1 00 00
15 25
25 40
4 75 5 00
18 85 60
F,R, soca
i r
B uae57s,
at THLIPOmortgage,
1 ublishitn nlion e°,iBrussels.
the cost1300 of service of my flue
Gsbt o1, ;Jersey $tillfenowR,lfor grades.
Gat the boat, G. A. UnADaIAN.
Sale With # n0re lot. Good stable,
well cellar, &rg
a, Will be sold at a baain.
AApiy to W.13. HE1110,
11-tf PoeT Pnbllohing House,
Isas of the uudoreigued, Lot 30, Con. 4,
atot74s.e or about July let, 4 yearlings -2
heifers and 2 steers. They are nearly all red
in color -1 steer has a white strip on back
and 1 heifer has a few white spots. Any in.
formation loading to their recovery will be
thankfully received. WAL9'141t YUILL,
13• if B re esols P.O.
Dissolution of Partnership.
1103501 is hereby given that the parbuor-
ehip exieting between Andrew and Antony
Sample, as initiators, doaoratora, le., has
been dissolved, by mutual consent. The
latter will sontinus the business, and will
pay the a000nnnte of the late Arm and collect
what is due them.
Brussels, Oot. let, 1807. TONY SAMPLE,
1. m:1%/ NEn has several. good Farina for
sale and to rant, oast' berms, in Townebips
of 1500rri5 and Gray. F 8, SOOTT,Brussals
rent, situated duo mild Sonth of
Brussels, being Lot 80 'Con. 7, Morris. On
the promises s a good frame houee and barn
a never failing well and first-class orchard.
301010 WYNAi Bruss Is, or Wc1)1.337.13011088,
Doctog,apher, litbahell, 9-11
near Brussels. Great bargain, Lob 7,
Con. a, Grey township. Good buildings and
orchard, well watered, suitable for mixed or
dairy farming. Possession given. next
Apply with ria. 00101013 °P se, Fall
House,B ruesels,or to THOMAS 18E1tITAGL,
Loudon West.
-150 acres of good farm land at
Springfield, 8 miles from Winnipeg, is offer-
ed for sale at alow price. The property is
North. East:} Seo, 10, Twp. 11, Range 4, East.
'Marais a house on the promisee and 001130
breaking done. For full partioulars as to
price, title, &c., write or apply to
20-10 Brussels, Ont,
A xEnsmurn offers his eligible 04 aorn
Sarna for tele, being South part of Lot s,
Con. 12, Grey. All under cultivation, wall
watered and well fenced, There is a good
stone house, bank barn, oronard, wells, lc,,.
on rho premises. Also a splendid stone
quarry from whinh a good revenue le realiz-
ed. Only 22a tulles from Mussels, Perms
reasonable, For further partioulars as to
price, 15„ apply to
10H13 a1ITOHELL, Proprietor,
36.tt Brussels P, 0.
Consisting of the South t and South t
of the North t of lint lie, Con 2, East Wawa -
nosh. This is an exoellont stock farm, being
well supplied with good spring water, It is
situated about 8 mites from the thriving Vil-
lage of Blyth, 6 largo part of itis under
grass. Buildings and leuo00 are in a fair
state of repair. nosy terms of payment will
be given. For all information apply to
11-tf 0.F, BLAIN, Barrister, Brussels.
IK That excellent farm, Lot 15, Con. 0,
Township of Grey,100 cores, must lie sold ab
once hl order to close sabots of deceased Own.
or. The lob is nearly all cleared, with good
buildings, ample water supply, large or-
chard, 15 rniles from Oranbroolr 'is nyder
good Cultivation and is a -very meanie pro-
perty indeed. Apply to MCRARD 011iT-
01IELL, Brussels P. O.; 1011N OOLTOFEI'L,
on the promikse , or A, 1UNT015, Brnsseb,
Dated Sept, 10010, 1898.
Extra-Provinoial Companies.
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that un.
der the provi0ious of Section 101 of the On-
tario Companies' Aot, every company, not
incorporated by or under the authority of an
Aot of the Legislature of Ontario, whioh now
, or ling: bo the Drat day of November, A, D,
1507, denies on business in Ontario, Myrtle -
stem Leon ITS rart70000 001 meow, far the
carrying on of whim a company might be
incorporated under the said Aot, shall on or
before the Ant day of November, A.11.1807,
make out and transmit to the Provincial
Secretary a Oakmont, under oath, showing
(n) 'The 0orporate name of the company 11
oonipenyn�wae special
iiobo porated,and
the AMA amending suet enmial or gen.
oral Ant ;,
(6) Is heresitutheted head Mace of the company
(d) The amount of the authorized capital
stock ;
(a) The amount of stools subsoribed or is-
sued and the amount paid up thereon ;
(1) The nature of saab kind of beeinross
wbiob the 0ompany is empowered to
entry on and as kind or kinds is or
are amiTub
d(' 0u lu Ontario.
(1) 51 the oompauy makes default in com-
plylinga ivitli the provielons of the said sec-
tion it.sball incur a penalty of twenty dollars
1001 day for every day duringg wbiob sue ace
cult continues, and every director, mant05010
secretary, agent, traveller or Selesmau of
snob companywbo with notice of Koh dm
faint transacts within Ontario any ;business
whatever for each company, shall for oaob
day Mien wbiob he so trausaots Ruth bust.
was meet a penalty of twenty dollars.
Forma for the purpose o1 enabling Dona.
ponies to (muply Witt' the above provtbi0ns,
may be obtnilterl upon applieatiou to the
undeee(gned, . Ll. S. DAVIS,
PeoVindlal 8adretary,
18 8 Toronto,
Soaii YJ
Shaving Soap is no longer a luxury -
Ws a necessity. The man who shaves
himself appreciates this, Bet we're after
the man who thinks any Soap is good
enough to use. Green's Soap leaves the
face smooth and free Irons irritation.
It is a Iso an excellent Toilet Soap.
Try it.
,taste"" -^SOLA AT
k°OZ'$ Drug Store.
_L. gin Solicitor and Conveyancer. dollop.
Lions made. Olnoe-Vanston5 sBlock, Brae -
eels. 21-3m
• Solicibor, Conveyancer.NotaryPub•
Tic, rho. 011boe-'Vauston e's . Block, l door
north of Central Hotel, Private Funds to
ivr • C.OAMERON,
(Formerly of Cameron, 11011,
Cameron,) Barrister and Solicitor, Goderioh
Ont. OAlce-13omilton St„ Opposite Col
borne Hotel.
• Solicitor, &e, (late of Gamow &
Proudfoot'e 011155, Goderich.) Wilco oyer
Giliio5 & Smith's Baak,Brussels.
Money to Loan. 47
M.D., 0, M., Trinity University, Fallow Trin-
ityMetlioal College, Member College of Phy-
sicians and Surgeons, One. Licentiate of the
Royal college 01 Phystataus and Lieentlate
of Itlidwiferyy, Edinburgh. t3•Telepbono
No .11. Beaiclonee, Mill St., Brussels.
1st Class Honor Graduate of the Universi-
ties of Trinity (Toronto), Queen's (Titoogston),
and of Trinity Medical College; Fellow of
Trinity Medical College andmember of the
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontar-
io. &oat Graduate Course in Detroit and
Chicago, 1800• Speotal attention paid to dis-
eases of nye, Ear, Nose and Throat, and die -
eases of Women, a 'Oausultatisn in Eng -
Bah and German. 'Telephone at residence.
tJ • Honor Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary 0oilege, is prepared to treat all
dieoasoo of domesticated animals in a com-
petent manner, Particular attention paid
to vsterinary dentistry. Calle promptly at-
tended to, Olbloe and Infirmary -Four doors
north abridge '1 urnberry et„ Brussels.
r . Issuror onr.,,iagoL ioousos. mob
at his Grocery, lurnborry street, Brussels,
125Gef of Marriage Licenses,
f 'No Witness Required.
T. PLETCHER, Brussels
alerts of the Fourth Division Cour
do, Boron, Conveyancer, Notary Public
Land Loan and Insurance Agent, Funds
invaded and bo loan, collections made
011loe in Graham's Blank, Brussels,
Will give lessons to pupils either on
plane or organ, at his Music Boom, opposite
the pest•oifoo, Brussels. Wealleesone else
given. Ten years experience in teaobing.
'Penne moderate,
Lt000ssd Austieuoon Bales deduct
otton reasonable tame. Parma and farm
stocks, 5poolalty, Orders loft at Tun PosT
Publishing33ouse,Bruseels,orSentto Walton
P. 0„ will receive prompt attention,
• EBB, will sell for better preen, to
bettor men fn ass time and less oilnrges
than any oth05 Aoobfoneer in Mast Ilaron
or be won't charge anytuieg, Dates and
orders erm'alwaye be arranged at this oilfoe
or by por0onal application,
Who has had ea years experience) as an
Auctioneer, bub Who had to quit owing to ill
health, he's again token out lloono end ie
prepared to conduct salon at ronsonable
terms, Salisfeatisn euarariteed, Defoe may
be arrange at7tnn Pose. Publishing House.
1841 • Auctioneer.